04x23 - We Are The Flash

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Flash". Aired: October 2014 to current.*

Moderators: wolflover4219, Max2023

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"The Flash" revolves around Barry Allen, who is a CSI scientist and also a superhero with incredible speed. His mission is to find out the truth about his mother's strange death and correct the injustice of his dad being falsely convicted of her m*rder.
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04x23 - We Are The Flash

Post by bunniefuu »

This season on "The Flash" DeVoe and his wife are super villains.

He created 12 meta-humans just so he could steal their powers.

This was your team member, Ralph Dibny.

A rookie hero.

I'll save you!

My husband is dead.

I'm leaving you, Clifford.

This is an intelligence booster.

Your mind is being rebooted.

The more I try to use my brains, the sooner I'm going to lose it.

DeVoe plans to position each of his five satellites around the globe.

Satellites working together for a single purpose?

DeVoe wants to remove the intelligence of everyone on earth.

Let there be light.



Hey, it's Barry.

Leave a message.

Allen, Captain Singh.

Got some good news about you getting your job back.

You can thank your wife, too.

Apparently the Mayor read all those posts Iris wrote about DeVoe, and she's decided [SCREECHING STATIC, ELECTRICITY CRACKLES]








- Cisco, we need power!

- Working on it.

Nothing is working.

Not even cell phones.

That's what I was worried about.

It's happening isn't it?

I don't know.

I mean, our plan didn't work.

DeVoe replaced the satellite I destroyed with the S. T. A. R. Labs satellite to set off The Enlightenment.

Bar, it's going nuts out there.

There is no power anywhere.

Our car just stopped working.

Thank God we were close by.

I mean, the hospital is another three miles away.

- The hospital?


- Joe?

- The sky turned purple, and she started having contractions - Cisco, hurry!

- If we're not able to get her to the hospital can you use No, Barry can't run her.

It is not safe for Cecile or the baby.

Then what are we gonna do?

I have everything here I'd need to deliver a baby.

- Huh?

- What?

- Thank God.

- Great.

Uh, let's go see how dilated you are.

- Okay.

- Breathe, baby, breathe.


You're gonna want to see this.

DeVoe must to predicted Harry would build his own thinking cap and power it with the dark matter from this tube.

Dark matter that he could then siphon off from S. T. A. R. Labs to use to infect the world.

Harry was his guinea pig.

He knew if he could reboot Harry's brain, he could reboot everyone's.

What about Gideon, could she hack into the satellites?

No, purple haze took her out too.


- What do we do?

I don't know.

It's okay, Barry.

I think I do.


Look, I love "Inception" as much as the next guy, but sending Barry into DeVoe's mind?

His mind is the only one fast enough to survive the linking process without any harm.

Yeah, but how would this help us to stop him?

If we can find the good left in Clifford and help it retake control of his mind, that good could overpower the bad.

You think there actually is good left inside him?

I know that this is hard to imagine, but there was a time when Clifford was nothing but good, when he truly wanted to help the world.

It's the dark matter he infused in his brain that changed him.

So yes, I do believe that there is some good in him.

Someway we just need to find it.

This is crazy.

I mean, why don't we just call someone we trust?

Kara, Oliver, Wally You could bring a legion of your friends, but they would pose no challenge.

Clifford created the bus metas and the combination of the abilities to ensure that he could defeat anyone whose assistance you might enlist.

How long until our minds are wiped?

Once the permeation grid hits 100%.


How would we get me inside his mind?

We need to find a way to transfer your consciousness into his.

No, you know what happens every time I try to vibe him.

I can't do it.

I do.

But I don't think it's your power we need, Mr. Ramon.

I believe it's hers.

This will amplify Ms.

Horton's telepathic ability to link The Flash's consciousness to Clifford's, wherever he may be.

It could also provide a one-way link so that he doesn't realize that someone is inside his mind.

So it's kind like a one-way brain radio.

I suppose so, yes.

Hey, hear that, Harry?

That cerebral inhibitor of yours is going to be put to good use.

I'm sorry about your friend.

His mind could Sorry won't make him better.

Will it?

- Everything ready?

- Think so.

Mr. Allen, the chair.

Ms. Horton, the gurney.

You want to put him in that thing?

It is the only way to establish a transcranial link between Ms.

Horton and Mr.


Joe, I'll be all right.

I'll be here the whole time.

We know.


Mr. Allen, put the cap on your head.

Once Cecile has locked on to DeVoe's brain waves, we'll transfer your consciousness to his amygdala.

That's the part of the brain that connects emotional significance to memories.

Where the good memories are, we will find the good part of Clifford.


Here we go, Ms.







Is everything okay?

You've gotta be kidding me.

- Guys, I'm in.

- Paint the picture.

What do you see?

What's around you?

For starters, The Thinker.

I'm in the 405 bus, in the middle of the street.

I just came out of that same portal from before.

This is where it all began.

It is the nexus of Clifford's brain.

Once you find him, get him through it, and he can regain control of his mind.

Okay, what does he need to look for?

Our house.

All right.

Barry, what do you see?


A little vague for the viewers at home.

What do you mean "nothing"?

I mean it's empty.

It is completely empty.

- All right, well, where should I go - [STATIC CRACKLES]


Barry, can you hear me?

- Ahhhh!

- Babe, breathe.

Cecile's powers are connected to her pregnancy.

Her contractions must be putting a strain - on her transcranial link.

- No, no, no.

We need to do something about that.

We can't stop her from having a baby, Marlize.

We have to, Mrs.

West-Allen, or this will never work.

She is the only way to get Barry in and out of Clifford's mind.

Everyone chill, it's not like Cecile is going to lose her powers if she has this baby.

Cecile is going to lose her powers if she has this baby?

Won't that leave Barry stranded in DeVoe's mind?

I'm afraid so.

Information you may have wanted to share, like, way before now.

Joe, do you still have that inhaler I gave you?

Yeah, it's in our hospital bag.

Okay, most inhalers contain the drug terbutaline, which can be used to slow down contractions.

I found Thomas.

He's been this way all the time.

What the hell is all about?

I I don't know I'm going to get the inhaler.

- Cisco, cover me.

- Yeah.


Guys, we need to tell Barry where to go next.

And fast.

Harry figured out where Marlize was.

Maybe he can Harry?

What are you doing?



You are not frying away what's left of you.








Where DeVoe first fell in love with Marlize.

Tell Barry to go there.

You'll find him there.



And one more thing.


Stars, so little.

We shouldn't be here.

I won't lose anyone else today.

I won't.

Harry had an idea.

Go to Oxford.


The hamlet of Boars Hill.

The place where we fell in love.

All right, I'm on my way.

I'm here.

There is a blanket, some wine There's a song playing on a car radio.

Our first dance.

And DeVoe?

He's not here.

All right guys, well where to next?




What are you doing here?


Is that really you?

I thought I lost you.

I'm so sorry, man.


I missed you too, Barry.

Barry, did you just say, Ralph?

Yes, guys.

Yeah, it's Ralph.

He's he's alive.


Wait, how are you even here?

How are you here?

Did DeVoe did he get you?

No, no, he didn't.

He Cecile is using her telepathy to get my consciousness inside DeVoe's mind.

That's trippy.


We need to find the good part of him so we can stop the bad from starting the Enlightenment.

Have you seen him?

A good DeVoe?


Just the evil, floating chair variety.

He visits me all the time.

He knows you're here?

Why would he need to In this place I do as I please, Mr. Allen.

I must say, the fact that you thought I wouldn't have calculated you and your team making this feeble attempt is somewhat insulting.

There will be not defeating the big bad this year, Mr.


See, you are in my mind now.

And there's no escape.

Run, Mr.

Allen, run.




He's he's coming for us.

He's coming for us.

I heard his thoughts.

He's coming.

He's coming here.

- We need to leave.

- And go where?

Okay, what do we doing?

I'm getting you out of here.

We still need to find the good DeVoe, though.


He's gonna be someplace that means something to him.

Before he became who he is now.


You mean like when he was a simple history professor?

Stars are raining.

Got to go!

Come on.


We are gathered here today to worship in song.

I suggest "Kumbaya.

" Ah.

- A force field.

- Ah.

Force field, sucker.

I should never have let you build this chair without my oversight.

It was my first miscalculation.

You've made many miscalculations.


Have you ever pondered why I never pursued The Flash?

Never needed his speed or his mind?


His connection to the Speed Force.

Access to all of time Past, present, future.

True knowledge.

And now that you have placed him inside my mind, I'll have it all.

You'll have to find us first.

DeVoe's lair?

Are you crazy?

Can he find us in this pocket dimension?

I've bought us some time.

Time rhyme fly side.

Cecile, we need you to try and link up with Barry again.

I'll try.

Professor DeVoe?


Barry, can you hear me?


Yeah, Iris, I hear you.

What's wrong?

Good DeVoe, we found him.


He's dead.

I don't suppose you have another plan, do you?

No, man.

I mean, I this was it.

Now Now the world belongs to the Thinker.

Allen, listen to me.

I'm stuck here, but you're not.

You should go.

Be with your family for whatever time is left.



Okay, first of all, it's our family, and I'm not leaving you behind.

There's gotta be another way.

Allen, you said the only way to save the world is by finding the good that's left in DeVoe.

It's right here.

With a hole in its chest.


It's not the only good left in him.

Why the brakes?

Are we there?


So that's the Hellmouth?

That's the nexus of DeVoe's mind.

Marlize said we can take control of him if the good in DeVoe passes through it.

Allen, we know that's not possible anymore.

Why do you think he's keeping you alive?

I couldn't figure it out, but think about it.

If you get out, you take back control of this body, because it's yours.

That's why he won't let you leave.

Once you get out, DeVoe will cease to exist.

All you have to do is make it through that portal, and you'll regain control.

Remember who you are, Ralph.

A hero.

Let's go get control.

Or how about I k*ll you?

A second time if necessary.



What was that?

My husband.

He's getting close.


Please tell me someone else felt that.


I had to force an emergency shift to another pocket dimension.

It can be unnerving.

Nerving, serving, swerving, curving.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's okay.

- Ahh!

- What's wrong?

No more labor suppression.

How you feeling, Cecile?

Like like I don't know if I can do this.

You shouldn't have to.

You should be able to have our baby just like any other parent, in a hospital, in a regular bed, not with all this.

Hey, look what you've done to our friend, my son, my daughter, the love of my life, everybody in this damn city.

- Dad - How could you ever think that this would be better for humanity?

Dad, what did you say to me when Barry came out of the Speed Force?

You said, "Strength without faith means nothing.

" We need to have faith that we can get through this together.

How long until he finds us?

Minutes, maybe less.



Crap in a hat.

I can't hit him.

They can read our minds.

Then we do this Dibny-style.

- What?

- We don't think.

Just fill your mind with something else.

Something you love.


Shrimp buffet!

It's you and me, Iris.

Shrimp platter!

Shrimp cocktail!

Um, beignets de crevettes.

Once again, Mr.

Allen, your best will not be good enough.

What's the plan, Rookie?

I'm running out of shrimp entrees.

Well, you're only gonna need one.

They're coming every five minutes.

- The stars are raining - [GROANING]

Cecile, please just focus on not having a baby.

Stars are raining, draining, painting.

He sounds just like Barry when he came out of the Speed Force.

Yeah, I know.

No, I mean, he's saying the exact same words.




You should mind where you point your w*apon, Detective West.

Stay away from my girls.




Hey, attack of the clones, come and get me.


Hang on!


That was awesome.

Come on.

Now it ends.




How did you beat me?

I didn't.

We did.

Their emotional attachment to Mr.

Dibny have made them stronger than you would ever be, Clifford.

But then, you wouldn't understand.


This is not my will!

Not anymore.

It's mine.



Numbers are still rising.

Clifford's meta-abilities are no longer controlling each satellite.

If I can just override their last command.

Come on.





There's no more dark energy anywhere in the city.

We did it.


Oh, my stretchy so-and-so.

Uh, guys my water just broke.

Let's get her to the Med Lab.


- Okay.

- Baby's coming.

- Oh, boy, baby's coming.

- Careful.


Come on, Harry.


Please, tell me you've done this before.

A few times.

In med school.

Med - Med school?

- Yeah.



Med school.


Joe, just relax.

We got this.


Yeah, just breath out.

Just breath out.


Power's back on everywhere.

Now the world can finally get back to normal.

Standing, tossing, turning, falling, falling What happened to him?

He is enlightened.


Another use of Mr.

Deacon's powers.

Technological reincarnation.


He's taking over.

I told you that The Enlightenment will come for you, Marlize, and it will.

Remember, I thought of everything.

Even this moment.

Good-bye, my love.



We're back online.

Not just that.

Satellite's in a decaying orbit.


Wait, so Marlize deactivating him triggered a literal dead man's switch?

It's falling fast.

Clifford must've increased its mass by a thousand-fold.

Barry, the impact of something that heavy and that fast How much time do we have?

Three minutes if we are lucky.

Okay, how do we stop something it is going to send us back into the stone age?


I'll spread the word to evacuate downtown.

Ralph, Cisco, you guys clear the impact zone.

Barry, you've gotta destroy that satellite.


Okay, now it's time for you to push.

On three.

One, two, three.


- You're doing great.


Go that way!

Ma'am, not this way.

Take cover.


- Whoa, what is he doing?

- He's building up speed.

He's gonna use a sonic punch to destroy it.

Given the satellite's mass and its escalating descent, what prevents it from destroying him?

You're doing great.

Now, I need one big push, okay?

One, two, three.


Here she comes.











Oh, my gosh.


Oh, my God.



This will restore your friend's mind.

Thank you.

I have a lot to make amends for.

You know, Marlize, there are still a lot of metas out there.

I mean, we We could use your help.

You have all the support you need.

There are those, however, that do need my help.

Before I joined my late husband's crusade, I used technology to better the lives of those who had nothing.

Back then my mechanical creations healed the world, not harmed it.

I'll just pick up where I left off.

Well, good luck.

Thank you.


- Good luck.

- Bye.

She risked everything to try and save him.

She really loved him.

Part of her always will.


What is it?

The last satellite, it wasn't just me who took it down.

There was someone else.


Who was it?

Another speedster.

Hang on, Harry.

We're almost there.


Now put this on.






Hey, hey, hey!


- Is he okay?

- His vitals are stable.

The program completed.

It should have worked.

Hey, Harry.




Don't worry.

You have been and will always be my friend.


BOTH: k*ll them.


Oh, my God.

"Star Wars.

" I can't believe it.

Oh, I can't believe it.

It's not every day you translate symbols into binary programming polynomials.

I I don't know what that means.


Yes, you do.

Actually, I don't.

I don't know what that means.

I think some short circuit's been fried up here, but it's fine.

What are you talking about?

I mean, I just don't understand the The pol the thing you said.

It's okay though.


What's the matter?

Marlize said this would work.

It did work.

Ramon, you did it.

I'm back, I'm here.

I mean, maybe I'm a little more average than I used to be up there, but I'm here.

Harry, there's nothing average about you.

You have seven PhDs.

Well, not anymore.


- I was supposed to fix this.

- What's the matter?

- And you did, Ramon.

- I didn't Ramon, you did.

You did.

You brought me back.

You brought back what matters.

So what if I'm Look, my whole life, I've been defined by one thing My IQ and somehow you've given me, uh, a balance between my head and Thank you for the balance, Ramon.

Now I'm going to take that balance to my Earth.

- Huh?

- Wait, Harry.

Harry, we just We just got you back.

No, I know, Iris.

I have to go see my daughter.

I mean, I might not have the intelligence to garner seven PhDs, but I can see one thing clearly.

Family matters.

Well, we're family too.

Heck yeah, you are.

Each and every one of you.

I'll miss you.

- Okay.

- Well I don't know.

- We should probably hug.

- I was like Yeah.


I'll miss you.

- Love you guys.

- Love you too.

I love you too.

There could be a million Harrys in this multiverse, but you are one of a kind.

I love you too.

It's the end of an era.




- There she is.



Oh, man.



Joe, she's beautiful.

Just like her mother.

I think this calls for a toast.


I said, this calls for a toast.

- Sorry, I was - I got it, I got it.

- Wally!

- You didn't think I'd miss my new baby sister's first party, right?


All right, to the newest member of Team Flash.

Jenna Marie West.

Welcome to the family.

ALL: Cheers.

Nice party.

It's so good to see everyone.

You know, I heard that the Legends have quite some parties too.



So, tell me, did you find what you were looking for?

Yeah, I did.

And a lot more.

I think fighting a time-demon helped.


But, Dad, look, I left Team Flash cause I felt like I was always gonna be in Barry's shadow.

But as a Legend, I I learned how to be comfortable just being me.


I'm so proud of you, son.

Thank you.

- Let's see your sister.

- Yes.

- Hi, handsome.

- Hi.

Oh, you know Harry was right.

This is really all that matters.


We're next, you know?

Wait, you want to have What do you mean?

You want to have a baby now?

What do you mean?

Right now?

- Barry.

- What?

- Relax.

- I'm fine.

Are you?

I just meant someday.

- Yeah.

- Not anytime in the near future.

- Right.

- Oh my God.

Let me just get you a refill so you can relax.

That's nice.



- Hi.

- Hey.

- We need to talk.

- What?

Wow, this house is bitchin'.


I think I've seen you before.

Didn't you spill coffee all over Harry and me?

Yeah, did she pay for yours?

Because she paid for ours.

Weren't you the server at their wedding?

Wait, yeah, you were.

And where did you get this jacket?

Uh From her.

Um No, mine mine is one of a kind.

So was this, uh, when you let me borrow it.


Who are you?

I'm your daughter, Nora.

From the future.

And I think I made a big, big, mistake.

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