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01x08 - Mash-Up

Posted: 02/16/20 06:45
by bunniefuu
EPISODE 8 : « Mash-Up »


A student walks with a gelled beverage. All pupils's away on its passage from fear to receive it in the face.

Mercedes : My weave!

Rachel, fear, deep breath but it does not take him in, his face. On the contrary, Finn who receives it. Finn, at first surprised and then angry and threw himself on his pupil.

Finn : (Screaming) What the hell, Karofsky?

Karofsky : Oh, I've wanted to do that ever since fifth grade... when you made fun of me for getting pubes. Now that you've joined Lullaby Lee's and insperminated the queen of the Chastity Ball... and dropped below us hockey dudes on the food chain? It's open season.

Finn pushes while Quinn, furious, addresses him.

Quinn : Screw you, Karofsky! You and your Neanderthal puck-heads are nothing!

Finn throwing him against the lockers.

Finn : You're gonna pay for this, dude!

Karofsky pushing it.

Karofsky : No, I'm not. You two don't have the juice anymore. Welcome to the new world order. (laughing)

Karofsky goes under the eyes off of Quinn and Finn.


Ringtone - Will lunching quietly when Emma and Ken approaches his table and sit.

Will : Hey, guys.

Ken : We need to talk.

Will : Okay.

Ken : As you know, even though she refuses to wear the ring and won't tell anyone... including her mother... about the engagement, Emma and I are, in fact, getting married.

Emma : Yes. Ken convinced me we need to at least be in the same room when the marriage is certified.

Ken : What can I say? I'm a traditionalist. We're going to Hawaii and getting married on the beach.

Will : And you want me to come?

Emma : No, no, no, no. I picked Hawaii, because it's far away from everybody we know.

Will : Oh!....

Emma : Uh, the thing is... is that after a very brief, private ceremony... Ken has decided he would like to have a first dance.

Ken : The problem is, we can't decide on the song.

Emma : Yes. I would like to have "I Could've Danced All Night."

Will : Oh, from « My Fair Lady. » Great choice. Such a romantic song.

Emma, happy, smiles in front of Ken annoyed.

Emma : Yes.

Ken : Yeah, if you're making a mixed tape for the boring parade. I want the "Thong Song."

Will and Emma are disappointed.

Ken : ....I need something I can shake my moneymaker to.

Will : Um...

Emma : Uh, I was remembering, um, that you did those, uh... mash-up things with the Glee kids, right?

Will : Uh-huh.

Emma : So I thought maybe you could find a way to use both of our songs.

Will : Um!...

Emma : Um, and I... well, we... both need... want... need dance lessons.

Ken : Yeah, l...l... I mean, I might need a bit of polishing... but it's the Emster here you really have to work with. Had a monster case of athlete's foot a couple years back. Had to get all my toenails removed. So if she steps on my feet during the dance, I might pass out.

Will, who was preparing to eat her cookie, based on disgust.

Emma : We would, uh, be very happy to pay you for your time, Will.

Ken : Hein?

Will : No. No, I want to give you these lessons as a wedding gift.

Ken, happy smiles.

Will : Sound good? Hmm!

Emma : Great.

All three were smiling to each other.


Quinn wiping Finn's hair under the envious eyes of Rachel in the distance.

Quinn : This is a disaster. Our reputation as McKinley High's "it" couple is in serious jeopardy... if we don't find some way to be cool again, Finn.

For his part, Kurt is for Mercedes.

Kurt : The Slushee w*r has commenced.

Mercedes : And if Finn and Quinn got nailed, none of us are safe.

Will, joyful, enters the classroom.

Will : Okay, guys. We're a little behind for sectionals... thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour. But you guys seem to really enjoy doing mash-ups, right?

All members will sit down but not responding.

Will : And I'm gonna keep you guys fired up. Plus, there's an important lesson to be learned with mash-ups. Sometimes things are so different, they don't feel like they go together. But the big difference between them is what makes them great. Like... chocolate and bacon.

Finn : Or Glee Club and football.

Will : Exactly. But you've proven that it isa great combination. So... (Smiling and distributing sheet music)here is... my personal favorite song. here is... my personal favorite song. And your homework for the week is to find an unexpected mash-up to go with it.

Kurt : « Bust a move »..

Santana : Yeah, this song is old school.

Will : All right. Um, Artie.

Artie : Yeah?

Will : Try to follow along on the bass.

Artie : Yes. Yes.

Artie moving to the instruments.

Will : Finn, take us through it.

Finn : Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Schuester. I got corn syrup in my eye.

Will : Okay. Uh, Puck. How about it?

Puck : I don't really groove on Young MC.

Rachel : I am shocked at the lack of leading-man ambition in this room right now.

Will : It's okay, Rachel. I guess I'm gonna have to show these guys how it's done. (off his shirt.) Bust it!

Will and the Cast - Song : Bust a Move

Will performing the song in its own way under the eyes of students playful.



Ringtone - Emma, sitting face Quinn and Finn discussing their problem.

Emma : So, how can I, uh... how can I help you kids? Is it, uh, too many friends on MySpace, or...

Quinn : I can't believe we're saying this... but we need some advice on how to be cool.

Finn : Yeah, you must have picked up some ideas... about what cool people do from watching them over the years. Not that you were never cool yourself.

Emma : (Embarrassed) Yeah... Eh... Well... Um... But, um, you're two of... the most popular kids in school.

Quinn : (Furious) We were... until we joined Glee Club. That's why he got a Slushee facial. I'm sure of it.

Emma: Okay. I see. Um, don't really have any... pamphlets on how to be popular. Uh, okay, right. Well, let's talk about this. Why is it so important for you to be cool? Huh? Don't you like being in Glee? It's fun.

Quinn : Status is like currency. When your bank account is full... you can get away with doing just about anything. But right now, we're like toxic assets. (Suddenly, Will, in the distance, and welcomes Emma dance for fun.) When my mom applied to college... she put being popular as her main extracurricular activity. And she got into Arizona State.

Emma : Sunglasses are so sexy. (FixingWill.)

Quinn and Finn are surprised.

Emma : ...Sunglasses. Yeah, sunglasses are, um, really, really cool. I'm always seeing celebrities wear them... in magazines, even at night. Doesn't need to be day. Very popular. Gives you a sense of mystery. You know... rappers.

Finn : (Smiling) Totally. You can't see their eyes, so they have all the power. I could be looking at your boobs, and you'd have no idea.

Quinn is outraged.

Quinn : Oh!...

Quinn gave him a nudge.

Emma : It... Em... (Presenting a button on her blouse, uncomfortable) No. Um, no. Kids, look. The most important thing is that you be yourselves. Okay? And if people don't like you for that, then I'm sorry, but who needs 'em.

Quinn and Finn are disappointed.


Ringtone - Will move the tables to allow room for a dance rehearsal. While Emma, meanwhile, came dressed as bride.

Emma : Hi.

Will is stunned face at the entrance.

Will : Hi. Hmm.

Emma smiling while Will approaching it.

Emma : This is my Cousin Betty's. We were obsessed with Princess Di's dress when we were little girls... so, um, when she got married she insisted on having... this, uh... this long train.

Will : Is there a reason you... have it on now?

Emma : Yes, yes.

Will : Okay.

Emma : Yeah.

They both laughed.

Emma : Um, she didn't wear it to her dance rehearsals... and the night of the wedding her husband kept stepping on the train. It was really bad. Their fight was epic.

Will : Oh! ... (Relieved)

Emma : The priest cried. They were divorced three months later. Actually, maybe I shouldn't wear it.

Will : No, no, no, no, no! It's all good. It's all good. We'll, uh... We'll see how you move in it. Right?

Emma : Okay.

Will give away for trolling and prepare the song.

Will : Okay. Um, so first, uh, let's do Ken's selection... and then, uh, we'll work in your song for the big finish.

Emma : Okay.

Will : All right? Hey, Emma... I'm really excited about this.

Emma : Fantastic. It's... so, so exciting.

Will starting the song.

Will - Song : Thong Song

Will dancing before Emma. Both very happy to dance, suddenly, Will slips and falls on the train causing Emma.

Emma : Oh!..

Will : Good God!(Laughing)

Emma : Are you okay?

Will : I'm okay. Are you?

Both binding. Suddenly, they feel embarrassed.

Emma : It's the darn "Thong Song."

Will : ...I don't think it's the song. I think you need a new dress.

In the distance, observes Ken furious. While Will help Emma to recover.

Will : Come on. I'll pick you up. Right. Upsy-daisy.

Emma : Oh, I'm stuck.


Players practicing. Then all uniting against the captain.

Finn : All right. Let's try, uh, reverse chair on two.

Azimio : Let's not.

Finn : Hey, Azimio, I'm the quarterback. I call the plays.

Azimio : Some of the guys was talkin' , and we're starting to question your leadership ability.

Slushificateur : Yeah, like maybe you're having trouble making good choices... as in, for instance, choosing to join h*m* expl*si*n.

Finn : Do I need to remind you that Glee Club helped us win our first game of the season?

Azimio : What have you done for me lately?

Slushificateur : Yeah, we're taking a bunch of heat, because you like kissing dudes all of a sudden. You're not being a team player, man.

Azimio : Can't believe you was man enough to knock up Quinn Fabray. You sure a real man didn't sneak in there and do it for you?

Finn : That's it!

Finn jumping Azimio neck while the coach's whistle.

Players : Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!

Ken : (Screaming) Okay, break it up!

Ken intervenes as players always exclaim.

Ken : Get up! Man, get off me!

Players : Oh!...

Ken : Hey, calm down, everybody! On the sidelines and take a knee! (Screaming) Now!

All players stand in line.

Ken : What if you had broken Finn's arm, huh? We'd be worse off and more pathetic than we already are. Where's Puckerman?

Finn : Uh, he said he had to miss practice today. He's working on something for Glee Club.

Azimio : Is he workin' on his coming-out-of-the-closet speech or somethin' ?

Finn flanked him a slap in the eyes of Ken excited.

Azimio : Hey, man! Don't push me, man!

Ken : (Screaming) Okay, enough! Football is w*r. And no one single man can win that w*r, not even if they strap nukes on him. I want you to start acting like a team again! When we won that one game, it wasn't because we were dancing. It's because we were of singular purpose. I want you to start hanging more, spend more time together. Which is why, starting next week... I'm adding extra practice on Thursdays at 3:30.

Finn : But, Coach, that's when Glee rehearses.

Ken : (Yelling and approaching Finn) You know what? I have had it up to here with Schuester and Glee. Here's the story, Quarterback. (Bending) And you tell Puckerman this when you see him. That practice is mandatory. No exceptions. So you're going to have to choose what's more important to you... football or Glee Club.

Finn is completely stunned.


Rachel - Song : What a girl want

Rachel repeating before the glass accompanied by Puck.

Thought Puck : « I know this looks weird. But wait until you see what happens next.»

Puck : My ears are starting to hurt. Can we take a break?

Rachel turned and fixed and approaches him.

Rachel : Okay.

Puck : You wanna make out?

Rachel : Sure.

Thought Puck : « I know. It's whack. »

Puck and Rachel kissing passionately on the bed.

Thought Puck : « But I also remember what my history teacher told us last semester: Only Nixon can go to China. I have no idea what she meant, »

[Flash Back]


Puck and his family settled in front of the TV.

Thought Puck : « but it reminded me of when my family ordered Chinese food... and sat down together for our traditional... Simchas Torah screening of Schindler's List. That's really when all of this started. It wasn't the most normal tradition...but we did it for my mom. She said it made her feel connected to her Jewish roots.»

Suddenly, on TV, there is a loud noise and the little sister of Puck goes screaming.

Thought Puck : « As she was giving me my sweet-and-sour pork... she said something that really hit home.»

Miss Puckerman : You're no better than them, Noah. Why can't you date a Jewish girl?


Puck sleeping and dreaming.

Thought Puck : «That night, I had the strangest dream. I knew it was a dream, because there's no way Rachel could've climbed up the wall... outside my window with no shoes on. »

Puck sat down and saw Rachel in her dream, dressed in a nightgown, advancing toward him with a look enticing. Suddenly, he wakes up.

Thought Puck : « When I woke up, I knew it was more than a dream. It was a message from God. Rachel was a hot Jew, and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.»


Ringtone - Puck walking with a gelled beverage. Suddenly he stops in front of Rachel, frightened. He did not spill, she is surprised.

Puck : I picked it up for you when I was buying dip. It's grape. I know that's your favorite, because the last time I tossed a grape one in your face... you licked your lips before you cleaned yourself off.

Rachel, stunned, takes the glass.

Puck : Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to work together on some mash-up ideas.

[Back to reality]

Puck and Rachel still full cuddles in her room.

Thought Puck : « Things happened pretty fast from that point. Getting her to make out with me was easier than I thought. Guess she's kind of desperate.»

Rachel, as they kiss, imagine it's Finn.

Finn/Puck : You okay, baby?

Rachel gets up quickly.

Rachel : I can't do this.

Puck : Why? We're a couple of good-lookin' Jews. It's natural.

Rachel : I...I can't give myself to someone who isn't... brave enough to sing a solo. If you don't have the guts to do that, then how are you gonna be bold enough to deal... with the ups and downs of loving an admittedly high-maintenance girl like me?

Puck : Are you questioning my badassness? Have you seen my g*ns? (Pointing to his muscles)

Rachel : Noah, I'm sorry, but... Your arms are lovely, but... I just don't see us working out.

Puck is stunned.


Will enters the room while students are distracted and happy.

Will : So... any ideas for the mash-up?

All students calm down and remain silent.

Cast : Hum! Hum!....

Will : Anybody?

Cast : No.

Will : Oh, come on, guys! It's like you're daring me to start dancing.

Cast : Oh! No.

Puck : I've been working on something.

Will : Oh, yeah?

Puck : It's my personal tribute to a musical Jewish icon.(Fixing Rachel)

Will : Uh, fantastic. Let's hear it.

Will settling in the stands with other members.

Puck - Song : Sweet Caroline

Puck, with his guitar, singing a solo in front of others and to Rachel, who is surprised and happy.
In the end, all members applaud.

Cast : Puckerman! ...Yeah!


Ringtone - Finn and Quinn strolling with sunglasses, happy.

Finn : Huh! You know, I really think this is working. I think we look super cool.

Quinn : I'm proud of you, Finn. I'm proud of us.

Finn : ..Yeah. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be popular. It just means you want people to like you. I think that's healthy.

Quinn : I totally agree.

Finn : Being popular just means you can have it all.

Several football players bar the road with a glass of jelly drink. Finn is not worried.

Finn : Oh, hey, guys.

Azimio : You thirsty?

Finn : Sure. Thanks.

All players swing their glasses in their face. Finn is furious.

Finn : (Screaming) You can't do this!

Azimio : Oh, you think that's bad? Just imagine what's gonna happen if you don't show up to practice on Thursday... and quit that little Glee Club for good! Bros before hi-hos, dude. Don't forget that.

All players go leaving Quinn and Finn shocked.


Sue on television for her show.

Sue (TV) : «I hear people say, "That's not how I define marriage." Well, to them I say, "Love knows no bounds." Why can't people marry dogs? I'm certainly not advocating intimacy with your pets. I, for one, think intimacy has no place in a marriage. Walked in on my parents once, and it was like seeing two walruses wrestling. So "woof" on Prop 15, Ohio. And that's how Sue sees it. Oh, Rod. »

Rod (TV) : «Boffo, Sue. And we'll be right back after this. »

The newspaper takes a break. Rod gets up and joins Sue.

Sue : You still smell like scotch, Rod.

Rod : You know, Sue, there's a lot of pressure being a local celebrity. Most women find me intimidating. The teeth, the hair... It's a lot to take in, and I know it. I need a gal with a little backbone. And I think you just might be that gal.

Sue is surprised and flattered.

Sue : Don't you have a wife, Rod?

Rod looks sad.

Rod : She drowned. So now I've got the condo all to myself. Maybe we could go out sometime, have a little fondue.

Sue : (Surpised) Sure. Okay. Bread, cheese... Oh, fantastic.

Rod : I'll call you.

Rod smiling, goes in front of Sue bewildered and happy.


Will helping Sue showing her walking in a fast pace. After the song, both giggling like kids.

Will : Sue... Whoo!

Will typing in Sue's hand.

Will : ...That was amazing. Oh! You know, I have to admit...(Will bringing water to Sue.) At first when you suggestif that I teach you a few steps... I was hesitant. You know, 'cause how horrible you were to me and the Glee kids... when Figgins made you co director.

Sue : Well, live and let learn, my friend.

Will : That is ultimately what I got to. It's nice not being at each other's throats.

Sue : You know, you're right. I...Oh, gosh. I don't know how else to say this, but I'm in love.

Will : Really?

Sue : After one date, Sue Sylvester is in love.

[Flash Back]


Sue and Rod playing swallow the battle by launching looks languid.

Rod : E9

Sue : You sunk my battleship, Rod, and you sunk it hard.

Rod : You know, Sue, I like to swing.

Sue : I could be good with that.

[Back to reality]

Sue smiling face that Will is himself surprised.

Sue : Rod has invited me to the Second Annual Allen County Sickle-cell Anemia Dance-a-thon. (They both sat down.) And with your tutelage, Will... we can take home that blue ribbon like two prize heifers in love.

They both laughed.

Will : I was wondering why you asked for dance lessons.

Sue : Oh, well, Erma just raved about you.

Will : Sue, I'm... I'm actually touched. I mean, you seem so happy and... nice. And you've been so cool with Quinn Fabray and her, you know, situation.

Sue : Mmm, yeah, well, she's just a confused kid... and the least I can offer her is my compassion. But, you, mister...

Will : Aw...

Sue : ...The Sue Sylvester who has been obsessed... with sabotaging your every move is now just a distant memory.

Will : (putting his arm on the shoulder.) That's great, Sue.

Sue : Now all I feel for you is sympathy. Whether it be for your sham of a marriage... or the fact that Coach Tanaka's finally laying down the law (Rising) with regard to Glee Club.

Will : Wait. What?

Sue : Yeah. Tanaka-san's making the kids choose. Come on. Let's be honest. What kid's gonna choose Glee Club over football? It'd be ridiculous.

Sue goes away leaving Will collapsed.


Will popup in front of Ken, furious.

Will : Hey, Ken, you wanna tell me what the hell's goin' on? You know I had a standing Glee rehearsal on Thursday. We sat down and worked out a Schedule when some of your guys joined the club.

Ken : Circumstances have changed. I have a serious morale issue with my team. It's my responsibility to fix it. Sorry if me doing my job interferes with your club.

Will : Ken, we've known each other for years. Your commitment to football is about as long as your pants. You know, let's get into what this is really about. You're upset that I don't like your song for your wedding mash-up. And you're right. It's not my place to have an opinion.

Ken, sorry, getting closer to him.

Ken : Why don't you just cut the crap, Will? You're not that naive. This is not about a song. It's about my fiancée. You and I, the whole world, know that I'm just a consolation prize to you. How do you think that makes me feel?

Will : Emma's totally into you.

Ken : Emma is settling for me. And I love her so much, I don't care. But it doesn't mean I appreciate you comin' in with your Gene Kelly charm... and gettin' high off of her fawning over you.

Will : (Uncomfortable) I...I have never intentionally encouraged Emma.....

Both silent about the situation.

Will : ....(Sighing) But I haven't discouraged her either. You don't have to worry about it anymore though. So, are we cool? And I'll have my guys on Thursday again? 3:30?

Ken : So you keep your rehearsal. I'll keep my practice. We'll let the kids decide who's first choice... and who's a consolation prize.

Ken goes away leaving Will disoriented.


Puck and Rachel together, talking.

Rachel : ..making Tommy Tune the first to win Tony gold in four categories.

Puck bored to death.

Puck : Totally interesting. You know, you never told me what you thought of my mash-up solo.

Rachel : You're still missing the elusive high "B." That's a brass ring for a baritenor. I had to work on it for weeks with Finn before he got it. You're a great performer, Noah. I just wanna say how proud I am to have you on my arm in front of the whole high school.

Both were smiling to each other. Suddenly, a student threw a drink on gelled Puck.

Puck : Oh!...

Rachel is devastated for him.

Puck : ..Super!


Rachel's face cleanser Puck.

Puck : You're pretty good at this.

Rachel : I've had a lot of practice. You're actually a lot luckier than me and Quinn. Your head is shaved.

Puck : I'm really sorry I ever did this to you.

Rachel sitting on the knees.

Rachel : It's okay.

Puck : No, it isn't. No one deserves this feeling. You know what the worst part is? It's not the burning in your eyes... or the way the Slushee drips all the way into your underpants. It's the humiliation. I feel like I could burst into tears at any moment. Rachel... I'm sorry, but today when the clock chimes 3:30...

Rachel : You're choosing football over Glee, which means we probably can't be together anymore.

Puck : Yes. Damn, I feel like such a bad Jew.

Rachel kiss on the forehead and went away.


Will fate waiting for Emma with her new dress.

Will : Are you ready yet? We've only got an hour for lunch, Emma.

Emma : It's not like trying on a pair of jeans, Will.

Will : Well, it doesn't have to be perfect. We just have to see if you can dance in it.

Emma showing him the results, ile st completely dazzled by her beauty.

Emma : Fits okay?

Will : Yeah. Fits great.

Emma : Terrific.

Emma ranging admire in the mirror followed by Will.

Will : Yeah, terrific. Uh, so, should we see if you can dance in it?

Emma approves.

Will : Okay.

Will prepare the music.

Will : This is the instrumental version of your wedding song. You can sing along if you want to. It'll help your footwork.

Emma - Song : I could have danced all night

Will inviting Emma to dance. Both dancing in perfect harmony on this song.

Will : Yeah, you can dance in it.

Will rising sharply.

Will : So, I gotta get goin' . Um...

Emma : Hum!

Will : Got the big showdown today at 3:30. and, uh... I wanna make sure I'm there to support the kids, no matter what happens.(Clearing his throat.)

Emma : Wait, what showdown? I thought... I thought you and Sue had that last week.

Will : Eh... Between me and your fiancé. Uh, Ken's told all the football players in Glee... that they have to choose between the club and the team. And unless all the guys choose Glee... it looks like we won't have enough members for sectionals.

Emma : Then Glee is over.

Will : I know. Well, wish me luck.

Will goes.


All students gathered in front of the clock waiting for football players. Will joins them.

Will : Hey, guys.

Suddenly, 15:30 ringing and nobody does. Everyone is disappointed.

Will : ....I guess they're not coming. I'm really sorry, guys.

Mercedes : I can't believe this. I thought they were our friends. How can they just abandon us?

Suddenly, Matt and Mike enter the room, students are pleased with Santana and Brittany who rush into their arms.

Cast : Oh!...

Santana : Hi. I'm glad you made it.

Mike : Hi.

Will : You scared me.

Suddenly, Puck's turn as the happy eyes of Rachel, who rushed toward him.

Rachel : Good to see you, huh? Are you... sure about this, Noah? I mean, choosing us over the team means you might get a Slushee in your face every day.

Puck : (Smiling ) Bing it.

Will : Where's Finn?

Rachel rushes into his arms.


Finn, meanwhile, joined the football team who salutes.

Players : Hey, fella....You made the right decision.

Finn : Hey, man...What's up, dude?

Players : Okay, let's huddle up.

Ken, upset, whistles the team because he did one day.


Finn walking around with gelled water crossing students Glee Club, he cons passes by, he stops before Kurt and Rachel.

Kurt : Do it.

Finn : I really don't want to, honestly. I know how picky you are about what products you use on your face.

Kurt : But you've been getting so much pressure from the gorillas on the football team.

The other members of the Glee join.

Kurt : ...I guess they didn't appreciate me resigning from the team and choosing Glee.

Finn : Probably would have went over better if you didn't announce it in the showers.

Mercedes : You are not gonna Slushee on my man Kurt.

Finn turns to her.

Rachel : Why wouldn't he? He's made his choice.

Finn fixing saddened.

Rachel : ...He doesn't care about us losers anymore.

Finn : No, that's not true. It's just that if I don't do it... the guys on the team are gonna kick the crap out of me.

Kurt : Well, we can't have that, can we?

Kurt getting the cup from the hands of Finn.

Finn : What are you doin' ?

Kurt : It's called taking one for the team.

Kurt threw the cup at the figure, Rachel recedes.

Kurt : Now get out of here. And take some time to think whether or not... any of your friends on the football team would have done that for you.

Finn, shocked, goes.

Kurt : (Furious) Someone get me to a day-spa stat!

Rachel and the others in leading the girls' bathroom to wash.


Sue, happy, costume, from joining Rod. Suddenly, she discovers middle of making love with Andrea on the set.

Andrea : Ooh, hey, hey, hey.

Both, embarrassed, separate.

Rod : Oh. Sue.

Sue : Rod...Andrea.

Rod : Uh, you aren't scheduled to tape another "Sue's Corner" until... tomorrow night.

Sue : I came by special to show you my zoot suit. I had it made for our dance competition.

Rod : But, uh, only the men wear those.

Sue : Further embarrassed.

Andrea : You're taking her?

Rod : Not now, Andrea.

Andrea : He took me last year. We came in third.

Rod : You didn't think that... we were... exclusive, did you?

Sue : It's the only way I do it, Rod.

Rod : I can't be caged in, Sue. That's why I got my tiger tattoo. Heck, even my wife understood that.

Sue leaves, upset and unhappy.

Rod : Are we still on for Saturday night?

Sue : No.

Sue away furious.


Players practicing on the field.

Players : Hut!

While Puck is watching from the stands. Suddenly, Rachel joined him.

Rachel : You miss it?

Puck : Hell, no. Set, hut!

Rachel sat down next to him.

Rachel : I hope you didn't choose Glee over football because of me.

Puck : Why?

Rachel : Because I don't think this relationship is gonna work out.

Puck : Zzz ...(Sighing) It's cool. I was gonna break up with you anyway.

Rachel : No, you weren't.

Puck : Yes, I was. You won't even let me touch your boobs. It's Finn, right?

Rachel Finn laying off.

Puck : ....He's never gonna leave Quinn. Not with that baby in her belly.

Rachel : You like her, don't you? I can see you staring at her when I'm staring at Finn. Is that why you joined Glee? To be closer to her?

Puck : Like I said, they're never breaking up. God, what's the matter with me? I'm a stud, and I can't even hold on to a chick like you? No offense. Why don't girls like me?

Rachel : (Annoyed) Because you're kind of a jerk. No offense. I just think you want it too much... which is something I can relate to.... (Fixing Finn) I want everything too much. Our relationship was built on a fantasy. Like every other one in my life. I think I just agreed to us being together because I thought it would make Finn jealous. (stroked him the shoulder) I just hope we can still be friends.

Puck : We weren't friends before.

Puck, enraged, leaves.
While on the other hand, is interrupted by Will Finn.

Will : Hey, Finn, wanna have a catch?

Finn : Sure.

Will : Go long.

Both playing and talking.

Finn : I'm not comin' back.

Will : These are the moments, Finn. They're the crossroads. They're the ones you look back at when you get old and think "what if?"

Finn : I don't buy that. I don't think any one decision makes your life... unless you accidentally invent some kind of zombie virus or somethin' .

Will : No. You're right. Life's a series of choices. Big combination of moments... little ones that add up to big ones... that create who you are. You're lettin' other people make those choices for you, Finn. You're letting them decide who you're gonna be.... (approaching him) People you're not even gonna know in three years. People whose names you're gonna forget... when you run into them in the hardware store.

Finn : You don't understand the kind of pressure I'm under.

Will : Yes, I do. Because of all the students I've ever had, you remind me the most of me. Come back to Glee, Finn. It's where you belong.

Will giving it the ball and giving him a pat. Then he goes away leaving Finn perplexed.


Ken sat ness through these whistles when Finn arises.

Finn : Hey, Coach. Can I talk to you about somethin' ?

Ken : You got an itch down there or somethin' ?

Finn : What? No. Uh... I'm the quarterback, right? The leader.

Ken : Sure.

Finn : Well, all this stuff about having to choose between Glee and football... is making it hard for me to lead. Leaders are supposed to see things that other guys don't. Right? Like they can imagine a future where things are better. Like Thomas Jefferson or that kid from the Terminator movies.(Sitting down face to Ken) I see a future where it's cool to be in Glee Club. Where you can play football and sing and dance and no one gets down on you for it. Where the more different you are the better. I guess what I'm tryin' to say is... I don't wanna have to choose between them anymore. It's not cool.

Ken getting up and going to the table.

Ken : Hey, about that Thursday practice. It's, uh, canceled indefinitely. I got... stuff I gotta do that time. Laundry, things like that.

Finn : (Rising and smiling) Oh. Sweet.

Ken : Finn.

Finn turning.

Ken : Tell Puckerman and the other guys too, will you?

Finn : Sure. Thanks, Coach.

Finn went away.


Will drinking the lavatory when Sue was furious, the docks.

Sue : Schuester!

Will : Yeah.

Sue : I'll need to see that set list for sectionals after all. I want it on my desk warm from the laminator at 5:00 p.m. And if it is one minute late, I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night I will steal a way into your home... and punch you in the face.

Sue goes away leaving Will in surprise.

Will : Hey, Sue.

Sue return.

Sue : What?

Will : Didn't work out with Rod?

Sue : No, it did not.

Will is disappointed. For his part, Sue crosses Quinn and stops.

Sue : Q. take off those sunglasses. I wanna look in your eyes when I give you this piece of business.

Quinn removing them.

Sue : .. You're off the Cheerios. I can't have a pregnant girl on my squad. You're a disgrace.

Sue goes left Quinn devastated and in tears.


Will striking and entering his office.

Will : Hey.

Emma : Hey.

Will approaching his office.

Will : I wanted to talk to you about your wedding mash-up. I've been workin' really hard on it and... I just can't get those two songs to go together.

Emma : Yeah. That's because they don't. We both know that.

Will : Zzz..(Sighing)

Emma : They're both good songs though.

Will : Great ones.

Will away went.

Emma : Will, um, I just wanted to say, uh... Thank you... for the dance lessons.

Will goes leaving Emma disoriented.


Finn providing water gelled with each member of the Glee Club.

Finn : So, what do you think about my welcome back gift to the club, huh, guys?

Will : Thanks for the Slushees, Finn.

Rachel : They're delicious.

Kurt : And loaded with empty calories. You know why they call them Slushees? Because your butt looks like one if you have too many of them.

Finn : I'd like to propose a toast. To Mr. Schue. You were right about Glee Club and football bein' a k*ller combination.

All toast.

Artie : Mr. Schue, I am sorry to report... that we've all been remiss about completing our assignment this week.

Mercedes : Yeah, none of us could find a good groove for "Bust a Move."

All laughing.

Artie : And I personally feel like a failure.

Will : Well, that's okay, guys. Because I feel like the lesson landed. And that's what's important. And we are glad to have you back, Finn.

Will saluting while Quinn is head of a funeral.

Will : You okay, Quinn?

Quinn : Do I look okay? I'm devastated. Now that I'm off the Cheerios, I'll start every day with a Slushee facial.

Will : That's okay if that happens, Quinn, because there are 11 of your friends right here... who are gonna be more than happy to help clean you off.

Cast : Yeah. Whoo!

Mercedes : That's right, girl.

Suddenly, Will has a headache.

Will : Mmm, brain freeze. I can't imagine gettin' hit in the kisser with one of these.

All the cast looks mischievously.

Artie : You've never been hit by a Slushee before, Mr. Schue?

Will : Um...All right, guys.

Cast : Um!

Will : We're a team.

Cast : Um!

Will : Bring it on. Gimme your best sh*t.

Rachel : Um! Um !

Will the victim is ready.

Rachel : One, two, three.

All the cast sends their glasses in Fig. It is covered with water gelled.

Will : Oh. All right. From the top.

Cast : Yeah...Yeah!...

All the cast, happy, salute as he smiled at them ..


Write by Elena172