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04x06 - Right + Wrong + Both + Neither

Posted: 04/19/20 15:16
by bunniefuu
Is your name Matilda Webber?

Oh, you've really lost your mind this time, Taylor.

Is your code name "Titan", head of Codex?

Are you seriously asking me if I'm the leader of a global t*rror1st organization?

Is this you?

Russ, why don't we just go back to the w*r room and talk this out together?

Well, she hasn't answered the question, has she?

It's Matty. You know what, Mac?

I think you should leave.

I'd like to talk to Taylor alone.

Turn off the comms.

Yes, ma'am.

You want the truth? Yes.

What does this mean? I don't know.

But please tell me you found a lead with that photo.

I'm operating under the assumption it's a deepfake.

But I can't get any original footage because the soccer stadium servers were wiped clean.

What about the DARPA guys who ran the facial analytics software?

I've been running forensics on them since they sent them over.

It checks out. You know what? Well, what about...

Nobody talk to me right now.


Now, you listen to me, you manipulative, insignificant psyops fool.

I'm not gonna let your sick paranoia tear this team apart.

Codex has its hooks in everywhere.

I imagine its ideology is quite persuasive.

There's nothing more dangerous than people who do the wrong things for the right reasons.

Did being a w*r profiteer all those years mess you up?

Or were you already messed up, which is why you became a w*r profiteer?

Maybe we should hear this. Why? You think she's lying?

If Matty is the head of Codex, don't we have the right to know?

Press that button, you're doubting her loyalty, and there's no going back. Well, I think we're already there.

Hang on a second.

What are these keystrokes?

I might be exhausted, but this doesn't look like English, right?

I think those are Estonian.

That's it.

Are you Titan?

Are you the head of Codex?


The Phoenix server log.

Someone accessed our files using an Estonian language keyboard.

Meaning? We were hacked.

That photo you sent to DARPA for analysis, that was fake.

It was a plant. This? It's fake.

Someone got to our footage before we did.

Matty's clean.

Matty, we're sorry... Don't.

Codex tried to get us to turn on each other.

I'd say it worked.


Can't sleep?

No. Not really. I got a lot on my mind.

You mean other than the Matty situation.

You and Desi had a rather intimate snog on the Jumbotron in front of a stadium crowd.

It's fair game to ask. Are you rekindled?

We agreed to have a conversation about us and where we stood and keep finding excuses not to have that conversation.

So, you're avoiding it. Avoiding what?

These peanuts are great. Zero trans fat.

Oh, that message is more than eight hours old.

Remind me to upgrade the comms when we get back, would you?

Russ. Russ.

I know it's been forever, but I don't have a lot of time and I'm in trouble.

Everything that happened, please just forgive and forget.

Get here as fast as you can. I need your help.

Is there any more?

Um, no.


Where are you going?

I'm diverting this plane.

We'll stabilize for medevac. How long you been doing chest compressions? Is he gonna make it?

Two hours, and I'm getting one hell of a leg cramp.

Is he gonna make it?

As soon as we're in there, I'm handing him off to you.

Copy that.

That's my man in there. You're wearing a g*n.

I just want to know, is he gonna make it?

No g*ns in my clinic.

Surrender it or leave.

He's my responsibility. He has family.

He lost a lot of blood.

The b*llet tore through his abdomen.

I am so sick of g*ns, I could scream!

Scream at Red Order, not me.

I'm the one who's protecting this place.

Correction. Your company is being paid to protect the pumping station.

Don't pretend like you're a hero.

Spearhead? Rebels?

You men are all the same. Take that back.

Take off your g*n. Oh, sure.

So I'll just go outside and sing "Kumbaya" to the rebels, shall I?

They'll lay down their weapons, leave town, and we all live happily ever after! Simple!

Is that what you think of me?

Simple? No.

I think you are frustrating and naive and unfortunately the best person I've ever met.

Well, you're selfish and rude...

I'm going to say something to you that I've never said to another woman in my life.

You can take my g*n.


We got your back, but we're still a little light on the details.

You all saw the message. What else do you need to know?

Who is this woman? She's a friend.

We haven't seen each other for a while.

Until last night, when I got the message.

Where the hell are we?

Just outside Revaca.

It's one of the smallest and poorest towns in Moldova.

There's no local law enforcement, which is why the Russian-backed separatist rebels used to come in and terrorize the locals in their ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

Used to?

My company had a contract to secure the oil pumping station from the rebels.

We did our job and left.

And it's been quiet ever since.

Quiet was an understatement.

Well, I know the clinic's around here somewhere. Stay frosty.

I just hope we're not too late.

That factory is the only place with any signs of life.

You smell that ammonia?

They must be making textiles, but normally a factory would filter out the odor.

Should never be that potent.

It was never Paris, but Emilia was committed to making this a better place, bringing in a full-time clinic, more jobs.

Sorry to say, but it looks like she failed.

It's very unlike her.

Those are untreated chemical burns.

There it is.



Who are you? Russ Taylor.

Emilia messaged me last night. Where is she?

Did you say Taylor?

You have three seconds before you become a stain on that wall.

Easy now.

Two... one...

Emilia was kidnapped.


Kidnapped by who?

I don't know.

Who the hell are you?

I'm her husband.

Um, I'm sorry, um...

Emilia and I...

I know who you are.

You do?

You're the man who destroyed this town.

Russ, the Red Order is stepping up their att*cks.

One day, it's going to be you.

Oh, my God. Oh, it's not mine.

Not mine.

Come on! Get him on a gurney.

What happened?

Spearhead limey bastard sh*t me.

Yeah, you sh*t first. I didn't miss.

He's Red Order.

They sh*t at the pumping station. Did your boys take down any civilians with your target practice?

I need that one alive.

Yeah, well, it's kind of what we do here.


The bleeding's stopped.

Pumping him full of antibiotics.

He's gonna make it.

You're not half bad at this.

I'm getting too much practice.


Why are you crying?

Shut up.

I'm relieving stress.

Did you have to sh**t him?

Why would you ask me that?

I want to understand.

I think it's better you don't.

Tell me you're going to stop them.

What did the kidnappers look like?

I wasn't at home.

I have no idea.

Has there been a ransom demand?

If it's money they're after, I can arrange it.

Course you can.

Isn't that your solution to every problem?

Yes. Do you want to know why?

Because despite what cynics say, money does in fact solve most problems, especially kidnappings.

I don't want your kind of help. So you're willing to let the kidnappers hold on to your wife because, what?

You don't like the way I do business.

Your business is blood money.

And after what you've done to Revaca, you're the last man to help anybody.

This town wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.

Do you have any idea of how many people d*ed because of you?

That's enough.

I don't know why Emilia called you, but you need to leave.


Russ, stop.

What was that about?

What did he mean, people d*ed because of you?

That's none of your concern right now.

Uh, I'd say it is.

What are you getting us into, man?

May I remind you that I own the Phoenix?

I bought it.

Therefore, if I say we are going to rescue a kidnapped woman, we are going to rescue a kidnapped woman.

That's it. End of story.

Your boss has spoken.

Yeah, well, that's not exactly how we work.

Not how you work? Not how you work?

My God, what kind of codependent sandbox did Matty raise you all in?!

The real world isn't a fantasy land of mutual respect and trust.

The real world is a place where people are complicated and disappointing.

And some of us have actually made mistakes in life.

Something weird definitely happened five years ago when he was here.

Can you look up his old PMC? Way ahead of you.

Already have.

His contracts are classified, but I did some digging, and I got access to Spearhead's files.

Thanks. "Spearhead Operations was hired by the Ukrainian oil company to fight off the Red Order", and then...

And then after three months of heavy fighting, the rebels just up and went; they disappeared.

Spearhead got a bonus, Taylor moved on, that's it.

That's all there is.

Russ probably wrote this report.

If you want to find Emilia, we need better intel.

Victor's the closest thing that we have to an eyewitness, and he's not exactly talking right now.

Well, the State Department keeps, uh, files on kidnappings and ransom activities; maybe there's a lead there.

All right, I'm in the embassy files now.

Not seeing anything about kidnappings, though.

But they did flag a high volume of semitrailer trucks exiting Revaca twice a week.

Why is that suspicious?

Because they crossed the border into Ukraine using back roads, bypassing mandatory checkpoints.


Well, if Emilia did come across some illegal operation, she'd definitely take a stand against it.

Well, that could be what got her kidnapped.

Where are the trucks coming from?

The factory.

It's very likely Emilia's there, too.

Sure is a lot of guards for a textile factory.

Yeah, I don't think they're making

"I heart Revaca" T-shirts in there.

They're Red Order. The same rebels you ran out of town five years ago?

So you checked up on me.

That's good. It's what I would have done, too.

You don't seem surprised that they're here.

Oh, I had my suspicions.

All right, we should check round the back.


We're doing this for Emilia, and then you and I are gonna have a conversation.

Oh, goody.

One bolted steel door and two sealed lead glass windows.

Explains why there's no guards around.

Looks like a storeroom.

Russ, you have a lighter?

Yep. Coming at you.

Think we're gonna go straight through that window.

A plunger would be better, but glass jars will do.

The fire inside the jars uses up oxygen and creates the negative pressure, also known as suction.

And this chemical foam will act as an adhesive, so that when we break the glass...

Quiet as a mouse.

That smell is ANFO... ammonium nitrate fuel oil.

It's simple but dangerously volatile.

That explains the burns.

They don't know how to handle the chemicals.

This is an IED factory.

Looks like Emilia's husband decided to join the party.

Bastard's working for them.

Emilia must have found out.

Check out the boss.




That's Anton.

You know that guy?

Russ Taylor.

Back to sh**t me again?

I just want to talk.

You have 30 seconds.

I was hired to protect the pumping station.

You see?

And I suspect that for the right price, a practical man such as yourself will leave it alone.

You go your way, a little richer...

... and I go mine.

How does that sound to you?

Like we speak the same language.

I made him.

This is all my fault.

You were in there?

Did you see what you've done?

Says a willing participant in their sl*ve labor.

No. It's all right.

You think I want this?

It's been hell since they came back.

I'm trying to keep everyone alive!

Well, you're doing a bang-up job.

They took my wife. My Emilia.

Your Emilia.



Well, if we're gonna get her back, then... maybe we should start helping each other, yeah?

Emilia discovered they were transporting the bombs into Ukraine.

She wanted to alert the U.N.

Well, that makes sense. The U.N. has the authority to shut the whole thing down.

So why'd they kidnap her, instead of... you know.

She's leverage. To make sure I keep the factory running.

Anton's holding her in a compound just outside of town.

Well, that's where we're going.

Oh, great. So it's the four of us against an armed militia.

Yeah. Must be a Tuesday.

I'll give you whatever you want.

This has gone on too long.

This is our home.

We got Victor's description of the compound.

And since Anton will remember me as the man who laced his palm with silver, that should get us through the front door.

Sounds like a hell of a deal.

All right, let's just get this out in the open, shall we?

You can judge me however you like.

It was a complicated situation, and I did it for the right reasons.

We get in, we get Emilia...

And proof of Anton's weapons sales.

And then we get the hell out.

Russ Taylor, Spearhead Operations.

Be a lamb, tell Anton I'm here, would you?


Looks like Scarface and a pirate had a baby.

Russ Taylor.

If I remember correctly, you're a terrible guest.

You like to sh**t people.

Well, I don't like to.

This is a far cry from the, uh, tent in the woods.

You've done very well.

I'm an excellent businessman.

You're my inspiration. Hmm.

You have something I want.

From what I heard, you left Spearhead and shut the company down.

I had to shed my skin to get under the U.S. government radar, but right now...

... I need a favor.

A supply of IEDs from a source who knows how to keep a secret.

I don't owe you any favors.

I'd say you owe me everything.

But that doesn't mean you can't charge a fair price for your product.

You won't find the price fair, but you'll pay it.

I'll get you the Swiss bank account numbers.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

My, uh, my colleague here is bleeding all over your beautiful home.

What happened to you?

We were under fire crossing the border. I got hit.

She needs a doctor.

They said in Revaca that the, uh, clinic doctor's here with you.

Is that right? And?

Well, she can continue to bleed all over your floor, or, for 5,000 euros, you can... you can let her see a doctor.

Take them.

Then you leave.

Who are you?

You're here.

Someone's in a good mood.

I do have some good news for you.

Spearhead's job here is done, and I'm leaving.

How is that good news?

Well, it is if you come with me.

But my work isn't done.

But they can send someone else.

I thought you wanted this. I thought you... thought you were tired of the soldiers and the b*llet wounds.

I don't understand. What happened to the Red Order?

I took care of it. What did you do?

I put an end to the fighting.

I got them to leave.

With a little cash incentive.

You paid them off?

Russ, these men are violent t*rrorists.

That's not a solution.

It is the right solution for right now.

Look, we can leave this horrible place.

We can go and live the lives we deserve, the life that you deserve.

How does Bali sound...

... for the honeymoon?

Russ, get up.

I did this for you.

Get up.

That's not who I am.

And not who I thought you were, either.

Thank you for coming.

There's bad news.

I'm not the only hostage Anton has.

There are five others.

I came for you. After we get you to safety and deal with Anton, then we can... No.

I don't go unless they do.

This is not a negotiation.

If you take me, Anton will k*ll the other hostages.

Do you want more people to die?

Desi's all patched up.

And Riley hacked into Anton's records.

We have all the evidence we need for the U.N.

I'm not leaving without the others.

New plan.

Are you quite sure about this plan?

Because, spoiler alert, I'm not.

All right, first things first. Emilia said that she and the other hostages are being kept in a barracks tent behind this wall.

You left out the part about how we're getting to said barracks tent.

I was getting to that. Okay, one point.

After we rescue the hostages, Anton's men will no doubt be in pursuit.

Not sure if you've noticed, but, uh, Moldova's best car rental is powered by hamsters and prayer.

I did notice, Russ, and I'm on it.

Desi, will you cr*ck open one of the lights, get me the bulb?

Riley, pop out the radio dial.

Isn't this part usually accompanied by some sort of "Macsplaining"?

Just wait for it.

All right, this is an arc lighter.

Don't turn it on now, but use it to fry the onboard computers of Anton's SUV.

That should buy us some time before they start chasing us.

Um, the wall. Are we going under?

We're going in Kool-Aid style.

Oh, yeah.

Riley, hook this up to the car battery.

All right, the subwoofer acts as an oscillator, which should...

... make that happen.

Emilia. Okay, come on.

Come on. Let's go. Move. Move, move, move. Come on.

Come on. Go. Go, go, go, quick.

Come on, go. Let's go.

We can't all fit in there.

Everybody, get in!

Let's go. Come on.

Get in, get in. Everybody, in!

Go, go, go.


Here, come on.

Let's go! Let's go!


She is losing a lot of blood.

Just keep pressure on it.

Oh, I'm sorry. Does that hurt?

No, Russ, it's awesome.

I did miss you.

I missed you, too.


How far to the choke point?

About three miles.

We need to get her to a clinic.

Yeah, but this isn't gonna work if we don't stick to the plan together.

Stick to the plan. Let's end this.

All right.

We'll stick to the plan.

Let's just hope Victor held up his end of the deal.


You're hurt.

What can we do? Just help them.

Emilia... We don't have much time.

Please don't argue.

Just help them.

Did you bring what I asked?

There are two dozen IEDs in the back of the truck.

We managed to overpower a couple of factory guards and grab their r*fles.


Anton's rebels are on the move. We got maybe eight minutes.

It won't be easy.

It's going to be very dangerous.

But if we work together and if we work fast, we can do this. We can win.


It's all in the delivery, darling.

All right, let's get started.

Sealed off and heated gunpowder boils water, creating steam, which builds pressure inside the bottle until impact, when boom, you've got a nonlethal knockout grenade.

They're here.

All right.

Everybody, brace yourselves.

Gunpowder and fire is a dangerous combination.

Oh. That's-that's not good.

Uh, Russ, now's a good time for another motivational speech.

How about "We're outnumbered, outgunned and moments away from a slaughter"?

That one needs work.

Taylor, I know you're out there.


We just kicked a hornet's nest of angry rebels and we're just hanging around, waiting to get stung.

I think you mean sh*t. I think I mean metaphor.

Russ, I need you to buy more time.

How much firepower do we have if we came to a straight sh**t-out?

I'd give us 45 seconds, tops, before we go home in boxes.



Let's have a chat, shall we?

Your vehicles are trapped.

We have the elevated position.

You'll last, what? 45 seconds, tops.

You're underestimating me! Again!

So, we can wipe each other out, but what's the point, huh?

Mac, hurry up before he gets himself k*lled.

It's a homemade grenade launcher.

It's not like I can take it back to Best Buy.

Help me understand, Taylor.

Help me understand your weakness for this nothing town.

We both know Revaca is a toilet full of peasants.

I gave them a purpose.


They make my bombs, they get to eat.

You've truly earned the "World's Greatest Boss" title.

We both know their true value.

And thanks to you, I got them for a good price: nothing.

But now you've lost your hostages.

And you let those peasants ambush you.

Come on, old chum.

Let's both leave this party while we're still having fun, eh?

I'm not leaving.

You're not leaving.

So let's just get this over with.

I hope you kissed your doctor friend goodbye.

Do it.

Just do it!

But you know the truth, don't you?

Take me down, and there'll be ten more like me.

So... what do you want to do about it?

Uh, your favorite.

If I remember.


Anton and his men left town.

The factory's abandoned.

How did you do it?

I made it clear that we had evidence of his w*r crimes, and, um, the U.N. doesn't take those things lightly.

You've changed, Russ.

I'm proud of you.

Well, um, wheels up in ten.

I just, uh, wanted to come by and, uh, say goodbye.

Thank you.

For everything.



We would have k*lled each other, you know.

But what a way to go.

You made another deal with Anton.

It wasn't the U.N.

You paid him off.


If you took him out, it would leave a power vacuum that begs to be filled, and then we would be back in two years, fighting a whole new group of insurgents.

Paying Anton off buys Revaca some safety for a decade, more or less.

And then when we do come back... it's the devil you know.

The U.N. wouldn't have been any help.

An investigation would've taken a year.

And even then, there's no guarantee.

So, I did...

What you had to do.

I get it now.

And I kind of wish I didn't.

This job used to be way less complicated.

We go on missions, we save lives, we come home.

But lately... it's different.

I don't even know how to describe it.

It's like there's a shadow cast over everything.

This thing with Codex, with Matty...

... the people that we deal with...

... the darkness that we see.

The world isn't black-and-white.

Sometimes the only thing you can do is...

The wrong thing.

For the right reason.

Hey. They're on the plane.

I'm gonna head out.

Good night.

Voice encoding enabled.

Hi, it's me.

It's been a while.

I know that you're dealing with a lot right now, but we need to talk.

I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or if I'm seeing ghosts, but...

I think she's back.

You need to come see me as soon as possible.