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05x17 - Deus Lex Machina

Posted: 05/04/20 12:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl...

With Obsidian Platinum, you will never have to choose between your life and your dream.

Ever since Luthor Corp partnered with us, the board has a new member.

He could lock in subscribers.

It's built to trap you.

You don't think our users deserve a warning that the lenses might be problematic?

I need a full diagnostic write-up on the fail-safe error code.

Yes, Miss Rojas.

We'll always find you, Eve.

Leviathan is everywhere.

The sh**t has been identified as Lex Luthor.

Officers responding.

He's been disarmed, but he's still on the premises.

I knew it was him.

That lady on the ground was gonna sh**t us.

One by one.

And that's when Mr. Luthor showed up.

He wrestled the g*n from her.

It just went off.

You saved them, Mr. Luthor.

Thank you.

Wait a minute.

These people will all think Lex saved them.

Wasn't Lex the one who put 'em in here?

Apparently not.

Listen to this.

Amy Sapphire was right.

Technology is the greatest evil mankind has ever faced.

I will continue her work by k*lling people until the world wakes up from its apathy.

She was an acolyte of Amy Sapphire's.

She'd been kidnapping Obsidian Platinum users for weeks.

Took full responsibility.

Thank you so much.

I was sure Lex was behind this.

Yeah. We all were.

I don't understand.

Lex... a real hero?

How could this be true?

It's so much more fun making Superman k*ll Superman.

You've got to get Luthor out of your head, Kal.

Who are you?





Are you all right, sir?

That depends.

Am I dead?

Heavens no, sir.

But I dare say you're a bit hungover.


I saved the world.

It's all in a day's work for you, isn't it, Mr. Luthor?

Why else would they be awarding you the Nobel Peace Prize?


I didn't just save the world...

I made a new world.

Any chance you've seen my darling sister around?

So, the Monitor kept his word.

The pre-Nobel celebration went so late...

Ms. Luthor decided to spend the night.

Don't worry, Lena, this will just extend your beauty sleep for a few hours while I handle some family business.

Sweet dreams.

Make sure she ends up in her own home.

Sugar, dear?

You're rather calm for a woman who just learned the entire multi-verse has been obliterated.

You do understand I'm not the son you raised?


Would your Lillian have been frightened by world destruction?

If so, you've upgraded.

No sugar. That's my boy.

The past is the past.

Best to focus on the future.

In this world, the Luthors are revered.

How do we maintain our status?

Well, of course, the first order of business is finding the Fortress of Solitude and destroying the Kryptonians... Why?

Supergirl is your greatest ally.

Was, I'm afraid.

Supergirl will remember the previous world as vividly as I do.

Soon it will be w*r.

We need to be prepared.

You, me, and Lena.

The Lena who k*lled you? That Lena?

Well, you said she'll remember your previous world, too.

What's your point?

That you have an inferiority complex over a pair of hokey heroes in blue tights.

If Supergirl sneezes too hard, it would split this planet in half.

And yet, it was her friendship with your sister that spun you out.

Friendship and loyalty to Supergirl was what prompted Lena to k*ll me.

Your obsession with Kryptonians led to your demise once.

Let's not create a repeat performance, hmm?

On this planet, the Luthors are cool-headed.

We plan, we implement, and we rise... together.

Show your sister you believe in her.

Support her efforts.

She'll gravitate toward you and away from the Kryptonian.

The question is... can you give up your pet vendetta and stay focused?

Are you really querying my strength of will, Mother?

I'm a Luthor.


Now go make Lena your ally.

All right, so you'll be my friend now?

The world is ours now, Lena.

You don't need a robot.

And you don't need friends.

You need a partner. Imagine what we could accomplish together?

Why not give it a go?

You think this is your world now?

You were a puppet on a string for Leviathan before.

What makes this time any different?

What the hell is Leviathan?

You see, that's the thing about narcissists.

You're so focused on yourself, you can never see that you're the mark.

Your little fan-girl was working for Leviathan the entire time she was working you.

Ms. Tessmacher.

And what exactly does Leviathan want?

No one knows.

They're behind seismic catastrophes, earthquakes, floods, plagues.

They're alien, ancient, and all-powerful.

And if it wasn't for your hubris, you would've seen that they were playing you.

All right, Lena.

You've had your fun letting me know I let my eye off the ball.

I'll admit this Leviathan is... irritating.

What are you gonna do?

Exterminate them.

Hello, National City!

Well, by now you might've heard that my splashy show at ToyCon caused, well...

Hi, boys.

Just stopping by to examine the ship for the DEO.

That's your cue to leave and wait outside.

Search for Leviathan.


Of course.

Show me all of her associates.


I underestimated you, Eve.

Give me everything you have on this woman on this Earth.


It is really loud out there.

Lex Luthor?

What are you doing here?

I'm here to help you, Ms. Tessmacher.

You know my name?

I know a lot more than your name.

I know that you're brilliant.

I know that Leviathan recruited you to work for them as a spy and an assassin.

But you turned them down, so they m*rder*d your father to change your mind.

I know that they've forced you to do their bidding by vowing to k*ll your beloved mother if you dare defy them.

And I know that you hate it, because you're a good person.

Am I?

You are, Eve, believe me.

I wouldn't be rescuing someone I didn't think was worthy of my time.

Nobody can fight Leviathan.

You're going to have to trust me. Do you think you can do that?

Better decide quick, Ms. Tessmacher.

Stay with them, and continue to bloody those pretty little hands... or work with me to destroy the people who stole your life.

I don't want to k*ll anymore.

Good choice.

So, what do you want from me?

Be my partner.

Keep working at Leviathan, and be my eyes and ears.

In return, I promise I'll protect you.

And that you won't have to do any of this awful, dirty work anymore.

I'll do it for you.

Obsidian North is proud to introduce, Platinum, a virtual reality experience that will look, feel, and taste more vivid than real life.

Give yourself the gift of Platinum.


Ms. Tessmacher... what is it?

I couldn't get Gamemnae to take me onto Leviathan's ship.

I'm scared. Ah. Forgive me, Eve.

I should've eased your mind days ago. Please.

Now, this is a live feed.

I'm sure you recognize the sweet little house you grew up in.

There's your mother baking in the kitchen.

But I suspect what you don't recognize is that sedan, or those other two.

Those cars belong to ex-Mossad agents that I've hired to guard your mother around the clock.

How can I thank you, Mr. Luthor?

Lex, please.

And you can thank me after we've found the cold-blooded k*ller who took your father's life.

We're a team, Eve.

I do have some good news.

I convinced Gamemnae I would be most useful at Obsidian... on the Platinum project.

Well done! You are brilliant.

Well, we do have one small problem.

The Luthor tech that your sister convinced Andrea Rojas to put into the Platinum infrastructure, it helped solve the bio-link when people were getting toxic shock eating virtual food.

I like to refer to that as the lobster problem.

Or rather, middle America's desire to be gluttons without calories.

Well, it caused a glitch.


Your fail-safe failed.

I assure you, this glitch will be fixed long before the launch of Obsidian Platinum.

Don't worry, I found a way to patch the glitch.

That's not a glitch.

That's my plan.

My colleague is retrieving a code that digitizes the human psyche, enabling us to make someone immortal by uploading their consciousness into a computer.

I believe we can reverse the same code and use it against Leviathan.

Then Leviathan is immortal no more.

But I need an invitation to get onto their ship.

Which means I need Gamemnae, or Gemma, if you prefer, to trust me.

And trust begins with that glitch.

But if there's a glitch and people are getting stuck, nobody's gonna buy the lenses.

Correct. Leviathan will need to fix it.

But they won't be able to because you won't let them.

And when Leviathan can't fix it, they'll have to cover it up, and that's where I come in.

I will help Gemma with the cover-up.

Once she trusts you, she'll give you an invitation to the ship.

An engraved one.

So, you need to go back to Obsidian and make sure that glitch does not get fixed, or traced back to me or Lena.


What are you gonna do?

Start exerting pressure.

Give me another one.

Hell, you know what, just give me the bottle.

My wife is cheating on me.

Tell me about it, man.

Maybe I can help.


My new apartment, it's a dream!

When you said that you were getting me a new place, I thought you meant a small studio somewhere.

You're very precious to me, Eve.

No one's ever treated me this way before.

It's time you realize how wonderful you are.

But we still have a mission. How is Obsidian?

I've been monitoring all of the beta users.

And Richard Bates still hasn't made a move on his wife's virtual lover.

Not yet. Because his friend, the bartender, who turned out to be an amazing hacker, I might add, won't let him complete his virtual t*rture chamber until the time is right.

And I still need to create trust with Leviathan.

Amy Sapphire.

She blames Obsidian's VR for the death of her husband.

She threatened Andrea Rojas' life.

You're going to warn Gemma to gain Leviathan's trust?

The opposite.

We're gonna help Amy Sapphire att*ck Andrea Rojas and blow up Obsidian.

But if anyone att*cks Obsidian, Leviathan is gonna want me to terminate them.

Gemma won't ask you to assassinate anybody because I will intervene before she gets the chance.

I will offer up Supergirl to protect Andrea and Obsidian.

Just make sure that Amy Sapphire gets these gauntlets.

It'll make her a worthy adversary for Supergirl.

And after Supergirl succeeds in saving Andrea, I will have proven myself to Gemma.

And then, I will suggest that I roll out Obsidian Platinum worldwide.

Lex, you're brilliant.

But beyond that, you are so kind.

And I think I'm... I know, Eve.

I feel the same.

But we have to stay focused on our goals, free you from them and avenge your father.

There'll be time for us later.

Now, I have to show you something.

Oh, they're so cute!



Something like that.

Aw, he likes you.

He's happy.

That one isn't.

Oh, gosh! That didn't work right.

Actually, it worked perfectly.


Amy, no!

This can't be right.

Do you need to get that, dear?

Not important.

Ms. Tessmacher, why have you brought me to the world's saddest urgent care center?

People have begun getting stuck in the VR, just like you anticipated.

Uh, Gemma asked me to look into the glitch.

I told her that there was nothing we could do without shutting down the entire system, which can't be shut down thanks to Luthor PowerCore.

She asked Margot to start cleaning things up.

Who or what is a Margot?

Leviathan middle-management... and a mean old hag to boot.

It's time to set Richard loose.

This is a back door that will allow Richard Bates to hack into Platinum to get revenge.

That'll put welcome eyes on Obsidian's problems as this place starts to fill up with bodies.

Make sure he gets it.

Oh, and I have something else for you.


Uh-uh... Perfume, poison... Potayto, potahto.

What you're holding is the deadliest substance on Earth.

You told me I wouldn't have to k*ll for Leviathan ever again.

And I always keep my promises.

Every single one.

That's why I tracked down the man who m*rder*d your father... just like I said I would.

Who is he?

A Leviathan enforcer.

He's in the Peruvian Andes working undercover with an NGO.

I suspect because he has a target there.

I should put a b*llet in his head.

It's the least he deserves.

But we can't go to w*r with Leviathan.

It has to look like an accident.

You can handle that, right?


Then be quick.

I don't expect that he will stay in one place for very long.

And nor will I.

It's time for me to embark on my world tour, hawking Obsidian lenses.

The beginning of the end... of Leviathan.

"Our lives are connected by 1,000 invisible threads."

Those immortal words by Herman Melville are realized today with Obsidian technology.

This is my house!

And this is my g*n.

But with Obsidian Platinum, you hold the thread.

You are the architect of your world!

They found Dad. Jeremiah?

He's dead.

And not only your world, but the world.

There is nothing you cannot manipulate to your own ends.

Nothing you cannot control!

So are you blowing off steam playing hero, or working something out?

Obsidian offers something special, something unique, something rare, and that, my friends, is control!

Complete and total control!

One hundred countries, worldwide saturation.

It took 40 years for the cell phone to reach as many users as our lenses have reached in one month.

All thanks to our passionate ambassador, Lex Luthor.


I heard about Jeremiah.

I came to offer up sympathies.

"Offer up my sympathies."

God, I sound like an android. No.

No, you said it like someone who's afraid to confront the woman who called you a villain.

My mother d*ed when I was very young.

And I'm...

I know that pales in comparison to the losses that you've suffered, but I know it doesn't get any easier.

I'm sorry.

Thank you for saying that. That means a lot coming from you.


This helped me a lot with memories of my mother and other family difficulties.

Well, if it helped with Luthor family difficulties, I'm sure it'll help me a lot.

Thank you.


You missed a perfectly fine en passant capture opportunity.

You're distracted. What's wrong?

She apologized to her.

Be clear with your pronouns, dear.

Lena apologized to Kara. To Supergirl.

For the death of Jeremiah.

I thought you put that behind you. I did!

The assassination of Jeremiah Danvers was the perfect chess move, but for the fact that it maddeningly drove Lena back to Supergirl!

And the worst part is that I didn't even see it as a possibility.

So, yes, Mother, I missed the en passant.

I'm missing a lot of things, I'm slipping.

The only thing you're slipping off of is the wagon.

So Lena showed the alien a little humanity?

What's wrong with that? It pushes the limit.

First, it's an apology.

Then, it's coffee before work.

Next thing you know, they're playing Pictionary. That cannot happen!

I know what to do.

I'll set up Supergirl.

You already have a plan in place with Leviathan.

I did, but this is better.

Why use a nuke to create a catastrophe to draw Leviathan out, when I can use a Sun-Eater to turn Lena against Kara Danvers in one stroke?

I asked you if you had the strength of will, and you said, "Yes, Mother!"

This is a display of weakness.

Not weakness, Mother.



Ms. Tessmacher, it's time to activate William Dey.

Make sure your contact gives him the name on the medical bracelet he found.

And then, I need you to move the bodies.

Don't you think that it's weird that we're sitting here eating dumplings like everything is normal, and yet, Jeremiah is gone?

No. The only permanent thing about life is that things change.

The cycle of life goes on.

And you... still need to eat.

Yeah, you know what, this book the Lena gave me actually has strikingly similar advice.

"Things are constantly in flux, arising and passing with each moment."

We have no control, so eat the dumplings.


Well, I still can't believe the fact that she gave you that after everything that happened.

Well, maybe she's coming around.

Seeing the light about Lex.

No. No light about him.

That man is... The devil incarnate.

Yes. Yeah. Mmm-hmm.

I hope you weren't talking about me.

No. No, no, no. Lex Luthor.

And are these baked goods? Yes.

Scones, sticky toffee pudding, and banoffee pie, all my mother's favorite recipes for comfort food.

I... I hope it helps.

Oh, my God!

You made all of this?

Well, I didn't want to show up empty-handed coming here, asking for help... with a story on Lex Luthor and Obsidian.

You got a lead?

Wait, you, you both have been working on this?

Before your father's funeral, Kelly and I were onto this idea that Lex had done something to Obsidian to cause people to get stuck in VR and disappear.

The missing people were wearing Obsidian lenses.

And a friend of mine from the NSA found a cluster of users all at the same address, a warehouse.

But when I checked, it was empty.

Only weird thing was a hospital ID bracelet on the ground.

So, I checked it for fingerprints.

I found one and sent it to my buddy at the NSA.

Now, he just called me back with results when I was baking.

The bracelet belonged to a Richard Bates.

The same person who hacked Obsidian's fail-safe.

And who I b*at up in VR.

One and the same.

And get this...

The hospital has no record of a Richard Bates ever being admitted.

Wait a minute. Kelly, you said there was a list of users that are still stuck in VR, right?

Can you show me that? Yeah.

Here. This is the current list of users.

Bonnie. I met this girl in VR.

Why would anyone want to keep her there?

Human testing. Organ harvesting.

And if people are getting hurt in Obsidian, we need to find out about it and expose them.

If we find the proof, I'll run the story.

It'll be around the globe in minutes.

The world will know if Obsidian is endangering them.

They're on your tail.

It doesn't matter.

Our cloaking technology will cover all our bases from the human eye.

They won't stop until they uncover the truth.

And what is that exactly?

That you and your Leviathan associates are ancient beings who manage humanity's excesses.

Don't get me wrong, Gemma, or Gamemnae, or would you prefer, uh, Goddess of Technology?

I approve.

Pompei was spectacular, the Black Plague, intriguing, and your current move, creating an addiction to Obsidian Platinum, genius.

The only problem is your plan is now at risk.

No, it's not.

I'll pull up the timeline for our VR global event.

It'll be a happening beyond humanity's wildest dreams.

A virtual gathering of everyone around the world.

No one will want to miss it.

And once the masses are in VR, I'll k*ll them all with a flick of my wrist.

That would be great, if you weren't about to be exposed.

Obsidian will be shut down, all the lenses returned before you sell the first ticket.

You don't have the luxury of time.

What do you propose?

Create fear.

It's instantaneous, and I have a specific idea of how to do it.

I just need your stealthiest operative.

Director Dox, long time no see.

I come bearing gifts, a pysanka.

Gifted to me by a Ukrainian holy man on my world tour.

It brings love and wealth, and of course fertility.

Does it also bring the end of Leviathan?

You were meant to have gotten the location of their ship... so we can implant the mortality code.

I can't push them.

This delay doesn't have anything to do with you using Obsidian Platinum for your own ends, does it?

Alex Danvers called me.

She wants me to help her track Obsidian users she believes are being lured into some type of coma.

By you.

While it is utterly predictable that Alex Danvers would call you, it's not me behind your missing users, it's Leviathan.

Scout's honor.

I found out from Gemma Cooper.

Then help me find them.

You have the Q-wave cube from Winn's ship.

I can use it to track the lenses, find the missing people.

Ah, well, I gave the cube to Lena.

And if you involved her, Leviathan would k*ll her.

And as much as I'd like to help you, I can't.

Leviathan would find out, and then I'd be their enemy.

And as you know, the long-term success of our plan relies on me being the opposite.

But, by all means, you should help them.

I know how important your friends are to you.


Lex, how shall I help them?

There's nothing at the DEO that could track Q-waves.

Why don't you ask Supergirl?

I'm sure there's something at that fortress of hers that could help.

Hey, any luck with the warehouse?

It was empty.

I was able to pick up Richard Bates' psychic signal, along with dozens of other people in that warehouse.

But when I tried to connect, there was some kind of interference.

It's because Obsidian is adding Platinum users by the minute.

The lenses interface with the brain by using Q-waves... which operate on a similar frequency as Malefic's Martian brain.

Just as I can't connect with Mal, I can't find those missing people.

You can connect with them... by using Myriad.

Lena wanted to use Myriad to disperse her Q-wave mind control, but if you turn it on in reverse, it will compress the Q-waves in the atmosphere... making it possible for you to track the psychic signatures.

And it wouldn't be dangerous?

In your hands, no.

Then I'll go.

But I don't like it.

The brain anatomy of Patient 054 remains normal post-Non Nocere.

The trial continues to exhibit positive results of Q-wave adoption.


You've always been so meticulous about your data collection.

What is that?

I use a Q-wave broadcast to remotely access patients' brain activity.

It's being interrupted by an overlapping signal.

How could someone suppress Q-waves?

I recognize the signature of this interruption, it's Myriad.

Yesterday, I thought I had an honest conversation with Supergirl, and today I find out that she's using Myriad to interrupt my experiments?

The very device she told me was too dangerous for anyone to use.

You saw Supergirl yesterday?

I could always just go to the Fortress, if you told me where it was, and turn off Myriad before she interferes again.

No, you'll set off the El Protocol.

This is a new world.

One where Luthors and Kryptonians work together.

The fortress security won't be programmed to att*ck us.

If she's using Myriad, I wanna see it for myself.

Besides, you at the fortress sounds apocalyptic.

Well... then let this ride be on me.

You are using Myriad.

Lena, what are you doing here?

Question is, what are you doing here, Supergirl?

I thought it was forbidden to use Myriad, but forbidden for anyone but you.

There are people missing, dozens of them stuck in Obsidian's VR.

I have to find them.

There are other ways to find people than Myriad.

I can think of four off the top of my head, but you, you do what you want.

What I'm doing is finding people your brother disappeared.

Do you have any proof that it was Lex?

No, I didn't think so.

You just return to your default position of blaming a Luthor.

You did tell me you'd treat me like a villain...

If you acted like one, yeah, I did say that.

And right now, you're trespassing, and I don't have time for this.

You need to go.

I'll leave when you stop using Myriad.

That's not gonna happen.

To think that I was sincere with you yesterday...

Then I guess you're used to being two-faced.


Why is this taking so long?

It takes several minutes for Myriad to suppress the Q-waves long enough for J'onn to see clearly.

What is that?

A Sun-Eater.

That's impossible.

The only one in the system... is the baby from the Fortress of Solitude.


Supergirl, are you there?

The Sun-Eater must've absorbed her power.

Okay, well, we need to save her. Like now.

We can use a Lexosuit from the DEO.

If we recalibrate the suit's internal radiation to 1,000 watts per meter, it will act like a mini-sunlight chamber.

We'll get it and bring it to the fortress.

M'gann? J'onn... your brother felt the Q-waves on Mars and sent me.

My ship is armed with hydrogen weapons we can use to stop the Sun-Eater.

Han Solo never looked so good.

That was a Star Wars reference. I know it. I know. Yeah.

Let's go save the sun.

Oh, heaven to Betsy.

The hydrogen expl*sive should reduce it to a size that we can contain.

If I can detonate one inside it and saturate it like water with a fire.

I have faith in you, J'onn J'onzz.


Anyone see a Sun-Eater around here?


We think we can shrink it by detonating this expl*sive in its core.

Lucky this suit has its own expl*sives.

Missiles hot!

Right on schedule.

Ms. Tessmacher!

That thing is much cuter when it's smaller.

Yeah, and not destroying the solar system.

Have you figured out what the Morae wanted or who she works for?

She says she works for someone called Leviathan.

J'onn, what is it?

Myriad... the psychic trail.

I know where those missing people are.

Lex, a real hero? How can this be true?

If you weren't so obsessed with trying to persecute me, you might see that on this Earth, I've always been the hero.

All these people say so.

But I guess we're all heroes today, since I'm assuming you and your friends dealt with the big blackout.

You're not gonna try and pin that on me, are you?

No, that was... Leviathan.

The same Leviathan that I told you would be a problem months ago?

Perhaps if you listened to me and tried to work with me, we could stop these dangerous organizations before they try to blot out the sun.

So, do you know what they want, or where their base is?

Not yet.

But we will. We're going to stop them.

You m*rder*d Margot!

One of my own, one of Leviathan's most trusted agents.

Margot's death was unfortunate.

But she had to die, given the breadth of our...

You don't tell me anything.

I am a god.

You are a nothing.

Do you understand?

Explain yourself.

As I said earlier... the Supers were close to finding your comatose souls.

So, I had to find them first.

I moved them, and then pinned their existence on someone else.

So, I connected Margot to Amy Sapphire and divorced her from you and Leviathan.

Because of what I did, no one is suspecting Obsidian anymore.

Maybe you were right to k*ll Margot, but you made a mistake with the disaster.

And now the Kryptonian has one of my assassins in her custody!

I underestimated Supergirl and her team.

The chaos of the disaster was working until she intervened.

But now I know You were right about the global VR celebration.

We should implement it immediately.

Gather everyone into VR at once... with this sparkling distraction.

But first... we must k*ll Supergirl.

She will always foil the plan.

And a warning... no mere mortal can k*ll her.

Many have tried and failed.

I will not fail.

Do I smell Beef Wellington?

Victory and role-playing makes me hungry.

"Amy Sapphire was right.

Technology is the greatest evil mankind has ever faced."

Okay, stop there.

Please don't ever image-induce into her ever again.

I might lose my appetite.

I'm so glad we finally have a night to spend some time alone as a couple.

A couple?

I've been trying to tell you how I feel... and it's not just because you helped me escape Leviathan, it's because of who you are.

How could I not love you?


Ms. Tessmacher... you sad, silly woman... of course you love me.

What's funny is, you thought I could love you back.

I don't understand.

We're a team.

We're meant to be together. We're destined...

Oh, we're destined.

On another world, in another life, we knew each other very well.

And in that life, you said you loved me, too.

You distracted me, you made me weaker.

But that's not happening this time, honey.

I feel nothing for you.

I saved you because you were useful.

I needed a spy inside Leviathan.

Oh, and as for your mother... she's still in danger, but from me.

Those cars I showed you, the men in them are just waiting to pull the trigger if you ever betray me.

But I'd think twice about that.

That man you k*lled in the Andes didn't m*rder your father.

I never bothered to find out who knocked off your old man.

No, the man you m*rder*d is Supergirl's father.

Oh, that's good.

I have video of you k*lling him, by the way.

Defy me, and I'll pass it on.

Believe me, you do not want to be on the wrong side of those laser eyes.

You are worse than Leviathan.

Not worse.



Hate to say I told you so, but it all went according to plan.

Lena's back on my side, Leviathan is set to k*ll our enemies, and I'm set to wipe out Leviathan.


I did it my way.

Ah, screw it.