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03x02 - The Headband

Posted: 05/31/20 07:12
by bunniefuu
katara: water earth fire air.

long ago the four nations lived together in harmony.

then everything changed when the fire nation att*cked.

only the avatar, master of all four elements could stop them.

but when the world needed him most he vanished.

and i discovered the new avatar an airbender named aang.

and although his airbending skills were great he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone.

but i believe aang can save the world.

[AVATAR] ozai: i am proud of you, prince zuko.

i am proud because when your loyalty was tested by your treacherous uncle you did the right thing and captured the traitor.

zuko: why did you tell father that i was the one who k*lled the avatar? please, zuko what ulterior motive could i have unless somehow the avatar was actually alive? all that glory would suddenly turn to shame.

[♪] who's there? [wind howling] aang: i think i see a cave below.

sokka: shh keep quiet.

[bird squawks] [appa grunts] great job with the cloud camo, but next time let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut.

toph: yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in.

hey, we're in enemy territory.

those are enemy birds.

[squawk] [chuckling] [crashes] sokka: well, this is it.

this is how we'll be living until the invasion begins.

hiding in cave after cave after cave after cave sokka, we don't need to become cave people.

what we need is some new clothes.

yeah, blending in is better than hiding out.

if we get fire nation disguises we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave.

plus, they have real food out there.

does anyone wanna sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers? [crunching] looks like we got outvoted, sport.

let's get some new clothes.

aang: i don't know about this.

these clothes belong to somebody.

i call the silk robe.

but if it's essential to our survival then i call the suit.

ta-dah normal kid.

hmm i should probably wear shoes but then i won't be able to see as well.

sorry shoes finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender.

how do i look? uh, your mom's necklace.

oh oh, yeah.

i guess it's pretty obviously water tribe, isn't it? [momo purrs] i used to visit my friend kuzon here 100 years ago.

so everyone just follow my lead and stay cool.

or as they say in the fire nation "stay flamin'".

greetings, my good hotman.

oh, hi i guess? aang: oh, we're going to a meat place? sokka: come on, aang, everyone here eats meat even the meat.

[growls] you guys go ahead.

i'll just get some lettuce out of the garbage.

aang: hotman, hotman.



it's over, we caught you.

who me? it couldn't be more obvious that you don't belong here.

next time you play hooky you might want to take off your school uniform.

[nervous chuckle] ah! oh teacher: is this a new mind ready for molding? that's right.

let the molding begin.

teacher: wait a minute.

[gasps]: you're not from the fire nation.

clearly you're from the colonies.

yeah, the colonies, of course.

the fire nation colonies in the earth kingdom.

your etiquette is terrible.

in the homeland, we bow to our elders like so.

sorry ma'am.

and we don't wear head coverings indoors.

um, i have a scar.

it's really embarrassing.

very well.

what is your name? or should we just call you mannerless colony slob? [chuckles] just "slob" is fine.

or, uh kuzon.

[bell tolls] [students talking] [momo purrs] we made it through the day, momo and it was pretty fun.

[purrs] don't let the headmaster catch you with that monkey.

what monkey? don't worry, i'm not a tattletale.

my name's on ji.

i like your headband, by the way.

on ji, you don't have to baby-sit the new kid.


you must be one of those popular kids i've been hearing about.

that's right.

now listen, friend i know you're from the colonies so i'll say this slowly.

on ji is my girlfriend.

don't forget it.

it was nice meeting you.

i don't believe it.

he didn't b*at you up.

not even a little.

i guess i'm just lucky.

we were on our way to play hide and explode.

you wanna come? i'd love to.

katara: where have you been? we've been worried sick.

i got invited to play with some kids after school.

sokka: after what? i enrolled in a fire nation school and i'm going back tomorrow.

enrolled in what? you again? stop where you are.

guard: prince zuko? [sword clanks] ah! i'm going in for a visit.

you're gonna stand guard here and no one is going to know about this.

[door creaks open] uncle it's me.

aang, i'm trying to be mature and not immediately sh**t down your idea.

but it sounds really terrible.

yeah, we got our outfits.

what do you need to go to school for? every minute i'm in that classroom i'm learning new things about the fire nation.

i already have a picture of fire lord, ozai.

and here's one that i made out of noodles.

impressive, i admit.

but i still think it's too dangerous.

i guess we'll never find out about the secret river, then.

it goes right to the fire lord's palace.

we were supposed to learn about it in class tomorrow hmm i am a fan of secret rivers.

fine, let's stay a few more days.

flamey-o, hotman.

flamey-o? [shrugs] um-um.

zuko: you brought this on yourself, you know.

we could have returned together.

you could have been a hero.

you had no right to judge me, uncle.

i did what i had to do in ba sing se and you're a fool for not joining me.

you're not gonna say anything? oh! [yells] you're a crazy old man.

you're crazy, and if you weren't in jail you'd be sleeping in a gutter.

teacher: good morning, class.

recite the fire nation oath.

students: my life, i give to my country.

with my hands, i fight for fire lord aang: fire lord forefathers students: with my mind, i seek ways to better my country and with my feet aang: firebenders fire lord.

wha, bah, blah, blah.

[students chuckling] since it's obviously hilarious to mock our national oath we'll begin with a pop quiz on our great march of civilization.

[students groan] teacher: question one.

what year did fire lord sozin battle the air nation army? kuzon? aang: is that a trick question? the air nomads didn't have a formal m*llitary.

sozin defeated them by ambush.

teacher: well, i don't know how you could possibly know more than our national history book unless you were there a hundred years ago.

i'll just write down my best guess.

[orchestra plays] [plays wrong notes] music teacher: kuzon? [stops playing] i know, i'm a terrible tsungi hornist.

no, child.

that hullabaloo going on with your feet.

is that a nervous disorder? i was just dancing.

you do dances here in the homeland, right? not really, no.

dancing is not conducive to a proper learning environment.

young people must have rigid discipline and order.

aang: but what about expressing yourself? i know sometimes we're so moved by our love for our nation that we can't control our own bodies.

if you must you may march in place quietly next time the urge hits you.

[music resumes] [all talking/whispering] oh, hi, kuzon.

i really liked that crazy dance you were doing.

thanks, on ji.

i could show it to you again if you'd like.

ah! what'd you say, colo trash? you're gonna show her something? just some dance movements.

nobody sho my on ji anything especially movement.

[grunts] [grunts] [audible struggling] ah! ha! yah! ah.

[grunts] [sniffles] picking fights on your second day? we need to have a conference to discuss your punishment.

bring your parents to my office after school.

parents, but don't be late.

thank you for coming mr.

and mrs fire wang fire.

this is my wife, sapphire.

sapphire fire, nice to meet you.


and mrs.

fire your son has been enrolled here for two days and he's already causing problems.

he's argued with his history teacher disrupted music class and roughed up my star pupil.

my goodness.

that doesn't sound like our kuzon.

that's what any mother would say, ma'am.

nonetheless, you're forewarned.

if he acts up one more time i'll have him sent to reform school by which i mean the coal mines.

are we clear? don't you worry, mr.

headmaster i'll straighten this boy out something fierce.

young man, as son as we get home, you're gonna get the punishment of a lifetime.

that's what i like to hear.

mai: orange is such an awful color.

[snickers] you're so beautiful when you hate the world.

i don't hate you.

i don't hate you, too.

[azula clears throat] zuko, could i have a word with you? can't you see we're busy? oh, mai, ty lee needs your help untangling her braid.

sounds pretty serious.

so i hear you've been to visit your uncle fatso in the prison tower.

that guard told you.

no, you did just now.

ok, you caught me.

what is it that you want, azula.

actually, nothing.

believe it or not, i'm looking out for you.

if people find out you've been to see uncle they'll think you're plotting with him.

just be careful dum-dum.

[birds squawk] that settles it.

no more school for you, young man.

aang: i'm not ready to leave.

i'm having fun for once just being a normal kid.

you don't know what it's like, sokka.

you get to be normal all the time.

ha, ha.

listenguys, those kids at school are the future of the fire nation.

if we wanna change this place for the better we need to show them a little taste of freedom.

what could you possibly do for a country of depraved little fire monsters? i'm gonna throw them a secret dance party.

go to your room.

i can't believe we're having a dance party.

it seems so silly.

don't think of it as a dance party but as a cultural event celebrating the art of fancy footwork.

they're coming.

everyone stop bending.

aang: sorry, buddy.

you should probably wait out back.

[growls] aang: i know, you've got fancier feet than anybody and six of 'em.

[music plays] aang: ladies and gentlemen.

the flamey-os! yeah, this ought to get everybody moving.

now what do we do? this is when you start dancing.

i don't think my parents want me dancing in a cave.

yeah, what if someone finds out? oh, boy.

listen, guys dancing isn't something you think about.

it's a form of self-expression that no one can ever take away from you.

maybe it was different in the colonies, kuzon, but we don't do that here.

sure you do.

you have for generations.

it just so happens that i know several classic fire nation dances.

a hundred years o this was known as "the phoenix flight.

" students: ooh wow.

and this was the "camelephant strut".

[giggling] [cheering and applause] who knew twinkle toes could dance? [cheering continues] i brought you some komodo-chicken.

i know you don't care for it but i figure it beats prison food.

i admit it.

i have everything i always wanted but it's not at all how i thought it would be.

the truth is i need your advice.

i think the avatar is still alive.

i know he's out there.

i'm losing my mind.

please, uncle, i'm so confused, i need your help.

forget it.

i'll solve this myself.

waste away in here for all i care.

[door creaks shut] [dance music continues] [cheering and applause] and this is how they do it in the ballrooms of ba sing se.

wow, they look pretty good together.

eh, if that's what you like.

aang: yeah, that's it.

that's the sound of happy feet.

all right, go with that.

everybody, freestyle.

i don't know, aang.

these shoes aren't really right for dancing and i'm not sure that i know how to take my hand.


aang, everyone's watching.

don't worry about them.

it's just you and me right now.

[students gasp] student: wow.

[music ends] [cheering and applause] [faint cheering] it is a dancing party.

you did the right thing by telling me, hide.

anytime, headmaster, sir.

this is incredible.

it's like my inhibitions just disappear.

ok, they're back again.

headmaster: he's the one we want.

the boy with the headband.


guard: got ya.

looking for me? that's not the one.

he's here somewhere.

don't let him leave the cave.

yes? hi there.

how we doing? looking for someone? who are you looking for? do you need something? over here.

stop that.

stop that.

we're safe, sokka.

you can take off the moustache, now.

oh, no, i can't.

it's permanently glued to my skin.

way to go, dancy pants.

i think you really did help those kids.

you taught them to be free.

i don't know.

it was just a dance party, that's all.

well, that was some dance party, aang.


flamey-o, sir flamey-o.

[birds cawing] [gate opens] you're sure you weren't followed? zuko: i've heard about you.

they say you're good at what you do and even better at keeping secrets.

the avatar's alive.

i want you to find him and end him.