05x01 - I Came to Sleigh

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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05x01 - I Came to Sleigh

Post by bunniefuu »

All right.

Mwah! Good-bye.

I'm gonna take first watch.

No, I'll go. What... no...

I could use some fresh air, unless, uh, Patterson would like to spend some more time in the great outdoors.

We should all get matching tattoos after this.


Okay, I'm in.

It's a very bad idea.

Maybe the worst?

I'm tired of waiting for the right time.

I'm all in if you are.

Oh, I see.

Now that we're all on the run and you're all out of options, you're trying to lock me down.

That's right.

You really think you're the best I can do?

A hundred percent.

Do that again.

What do you want?

Nash and his agents know you've been helping the team and they have some questions for you.

Well, you can tell the Director of National Intelligence that I'm not talking.

Take him to "the boat."

Um, Director Weitz? I found the team.


Can I trust you?

Yes, of course.

What is this?

I got into Rich's cell phone.

He's been communicating with encrypted burner phones.

This one pinged the Wi-Fi at the Perlan Museum right when Patterson stopped the blackout.

That's good. Good work.

So... so what should we do?

We've been greenlit. Greenlit? For what?

Drone strike.

We're the FBI. We can't be k*lling FBI agents.

Well, they're not FBI agents. Not anymore.

I can't stand for this.

Location's locked.

Listen to me, it's me. Madeline knows where you are.

She's ordered a drone strike.

You need to get out of there right now.


It's a signal.

I want them found, all of them.


I find this unbelievable and unacceptable.

There's too many questions. Is the signal from the team or to the team? Why now?

Your former team has been in hiding for two months.

If they're sticking their heads up now, it's because they think it's safe, that the heat's died down.

They're planning something.

Is it possible they're in New York?

Highly unlikely.

They are Most-Wanted fugitives.

For them to sneak back into the country, it would take a miracle.

They've done it before.

They escaped that shack in Iceland.

Not all of them.

We made sure of that, at least.

And the ones who did manage to escape our recovery team, they are on the run with no resources and no allies.

I think it is high time that we stop spending our resources on this futile manhunt.

Oh, no, no, I appreciate your position, Matthew, but as the new Director of Federal Law Enforcement, I insist we stay vigilant.

Those rogues agents have to be found.

You double your resources.

I am on an operating budget. I can't just double my...

Then I will fire you and hire an FBI Director who can.

Afreen... I want you to dig into the tattoo.

I'm on it.

"Director of Federal Law Enforcement."

That is a fancy new title.

The president thought so.

So, you're... you're in charge of vetting the open VP slot.

Come a long way since Civilian Oversight Committee.

Well, I didn't do it alone.

Why am I here? You've cleaned house, and if you're just gonna second guess me and thr*aten to fire me in front of my subordinates, why not get rid of me, too? What is the point?

Chin up, Matthew.

You're more valuable than you give yourself credit for.



I was... I was afraid I wouldn't see you again.

Guess we're all here.


Wait, why are we here? We agreed to split up.

We said no contact unless it's a...

It was an emergency.

Someone sent us a message.


I don't know. An old friend, a new one.

Uh, maybe Madeline trying to draw us out.

It's too hard to tell without solving the puzzle in the image.

What, so you haven't solved it yet?

You're losing your touch, Patterson.

Okay, easy. I don't have my lab.

The Times Square blackbird is slightly different than the one on Jane's neck.

I couldn't see exactly how different without...

My neck. Okay. Yeah.

So, hence the rendezvous.


Okay, I'm seeing 18, 19...

20? 21 differences between the two birds. Okay...

If we mark those differences and isolate them using trapezoids, let's see what we get.

Hey, this is not a bad hideout, right?

Did you know that there's over 800 of these Cold w*r bunkers here in Prague, and this one isn't mapped anywhere.

It... it's been completely forgotten down here, which explains why the power is still...

Oh, oh!

Ah, it's trinary code.

Each marker has a letter value, and if we string them together it gives us a web address that brings us to...

...a locked FTP site.

Okay. Okay, okay, um, um, um...

The password could be embedded in a... a second layer of the puzzle, so... or, no.

Ohh. The trinary code does double duty.

Okay, so how long is this gonna take?


Here we go.

May I? Yeah.

This is a memo to the CIA about a "shik-oo-law-oon taw-kee-byeon-teh."

"A mouthy Turkish pervert." This is about Rich.

That sounds bad.

The CIA is holding him at a blacksite.

And that's not the bad part.

Hey, fellas.

Is it t*rture time again?

There's no windows in here, is there?

Can't really tell what time of day it is or what month it is or... No, no, no, no, no!

What the hell was that?



I thought you were gonna sh**t me in the head.

Oh, you're not getting away that easy.

You don't want to talk, you're being traded.


To who?

A playoff contender, at least?


You think North Korea's got a shot this year?

North Korea? No, I don't think...

We don't... It...

They don't like me in North Korea.

Let's go.

Oh, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait!

You know what? Just sh**t me in the head.

Huh, I thought about it, it's fine.

Look, just come sh**t me in the head!

No, it's... Just sh**t me in the head, please!

According to this, Rich is being transferred tonight.

If the North Koreans get their hands on him...

He's dead. Yeah, or worse, alive.

Yeah, we still don't know who sent the signal or if we can trust it... it could be a trap.

Doesn't matter.

If there's a chance this is real, we need to bust Rich out.

It's not a question if we're doing this, it's how.

Now, this memo doesn't say where the blacksite is, so... how the hell are we gonna find him?

Well, it won't be easy.

I mean, we can't hack into the CIA without the gear.

We can't reach out to Keaton or Weitz, they're being watched.

But, if we can figure out where Rich is being taken in North Korea, we could intercept...

I know where Rich is.

What are you talking about?

He's being held at a blacksite called "the boat."

It's a prison ship hiding in plain sight in a military graveyard in France.

So why didn't you tell us that?

They think Rich knows where we are.

Us being alive, us being out in the world, it's what's keeping them from k*lling him.

If we go rushing into a blacksite without an airtight plan, we're all dead.

I-I was trying to figure it out.

Yes, but you have never been held in a blacksite.

You should have told us. What's done is done.

Now that we know where Rich is, we just have to figure out a way to save him.

You can avoid another round of this, you know.

You can avoid whatever North Korea has in store for you.

Just... tell me where your friends are.

I told you, I don't know.

Suit yourself.

No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait.

I mean, wouldn't I have told you by now?

Seriously, I mean, I can confess to other things if you want.

I've lived a long, impressively diabolical life.

Guess it all started in the third grade when I cheated on my history exam.

And then in the fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and glued it to my face to play Moses in the Hebrew school play.

I know what you're doing. I'm just confessing!

No, you're filibustering. CIA protocol dictates that as long as you're talking you might say something useful.

CIA protocol says that I can't question or transfer you until you stop talking.

I don't know anything about that, but I do know that in the fifth grade, I pushed my sister Edie down the stairs and blamed it on the dog, and then my mother sent me to summer camp, which I wasn't crazy about...

I've seen "The Goonies."

Pictured you as more of a "Great Muppet Caper" kind of a guy, but, uh, hey, good to know.

Do you have any other fun facts you'd like to share? Yeah.

I never cared for CIA protocol.


What's the update? Nothing yet.

Just plugging away. Uh-huh, uh-huh.

But what's the real update?

I'm assuming you're the one behind that whole incident in Times Square?

We agreed not to talk about this here, it's not safe.

Look, I know we've been on radio silence since the drone strike, but you asked me if you could trust me once, and you still can.

Times Square wasn't me.

I was hoping maybe it was you.

No, it wasn't me.

So that means either the team is sending out a message, or someone is sending out a flare.

We need to solve that ASAP.

Oh, wait, no. Maybe Madeline is testing us.

Oh, she is twisting my brain into a pretzel.

I solved it. What?

I'm just pretending that I can't so that I can buy the team some time.

That's terrific!

Wait, time for what?

A jailbreak.


I love you.

I love you, too.

I know that splitting up... was the best move to stay safe.

I went crazy on my own.

You know, I even... went to Venice... just to feel close to you.

Where were you when Patterson texted you?

Kurt, we're gonna need to focus on saving Rich soon.

And we probably only have about 15 minutes before Patterson finds a new lead, so... if talking about where we've been for two really long months is really how you want to spend that time, well then I guess...

No. No. ...we should...

Hey! I've... Oh. I am so sorry.

I did not mean to, uh...

Uh, I found something.

In record time.

This is good.

What do you got? And it better be amazing.

An archived newspaper article, two public records released under the Freedom of Information Act, and a semi-redacted detainee list.

Cross-reference that with mentions of "the boat" on the dark web and we got this.

Yan Ahktar. He was detained on "the boat" in 2016.

Wait, so is he related to... Yes.

Yan Ahktar is the younger brother of Sho Ahktar.

We reached out to Sho on the dark web.

He's meeting you two this afternoon.

Here? No. That's crazy.

You and Weller are gonna go meet him at his place in Berlin, just the two of you, low profile.

So, we've been in hiding for two months, and we're gonna pop our heads out for Sho Ahktar?

No, you're gonna pop your heads out for Rich.

Since when can we trust Sho?

Since never.

But we need intel on "the boat," and he hinted that he had something useful.

Yeah. We gotta at least try.

I don't like it.

I don't like it either, but it's the only play we've got.

Sho, you have guests!

Sit, sit, sit!

My, my, how the tables have...



Here I am living large in old-money Charlottenburg, controlling Russian interests in Berlin, and there you are, begging for my help!


Ahh. So opulent!

I'm doing very well.

Mmm. To be honest, a big part of why I took this meeting was for gloating purposes. Mmm.

But... I'm not seeing the broken desperation I was hoping for.

Sorry to disappoint.

What is this fire in your eye?

We're on a clock.

Are you gonna help us or not?


Jane, Jane, Jane!

We have a complicated history, don't we?

Full of false identities, fake artwork, cocaine-fueled knife fights and cruel double crosses.

Burning down our office.

Oh, let's not get into who burned down whose office, because, despite all that, I like you just as much as the first night we met.

Your green Gatsby dress glistening in the Manhattan moonlight as you kicked my ass all over that rooftop.

Happy to do it again. Me too.

But alas, as you mentioned, we're short on time.

And as much as I still dislike "b*tch" Dotcom, I dislike the CIA even more.

So, yes... I'll help.

Great. So, can we talk business now?

Oh, sorry, I get a little swept up when I do meth, and I think it's just so fun and weird that we're on the same side now!

Because if you had told me a year ago that you'd be helping me carry out my revenge on the CIA...

Your what?


See, I spent a year obtaining blueprints to "the boat" to break out my brother.

But the CIA k*lled Yan before I could try.

We're sorry to hear that, Sho.

I'm told it was their lead torturer, a man with chemical burns all over his body, Agent Rafael Pierce.

But the blueprints are yours, on one condition.

You must k*ll the man with the burn scars.

That wasn't part of the deal... Done.


Didn't even blink.

Wow, I expected more pushback, but okay, done!

Must be desperate after all.

We'll see about that.


...just to make sure everything's on the up and up...

...Daisy Buchanan stays with me.

Obviously, this is not a request.

Either "Agent Burn Scars" dies, or she does!

If anything happens to her...

It's gonna be okay.

Jane can handle Sho Ahktar.

I know that.

It's the Russian mobsters I'm worried about.

Then let's focus.

See exactly what Sho's given us.

We get Rich back, we get Jane back.

Yeah, you're forgetting the part where Jane promised Sho that we would m*rder a guy.

I'm not forgetting that part.

Oh, so we're doing it?


Of course not, all right?

Jane wouldn't agree to just k*ll someone.

We might disagree with the CIA's tactics...

We're not murderers.

Sho's gonna want proof that the guy is dead.

How are we gonna do that?

I'm working on that.

Agent Raylan will be taking over the lab.

He just unlocked the first piece of the puzzle.

Uh, so did I.

And I went a step further.

How convenient. Why didn't you say something sooner?

Oh, I don't like to jump the g*n.

And I wanted to make sure I had something real before I got anyone's hopes up, which I do now.

Are you sure? Because, you know, if you need more time you can have it.

This FTP site is password protected, but I ran back channel diagnostics with the host server... it was accessed one time... by this IP address at these coordinates.

Is it our rogue agents?

I believe so. Could be their safe house.

Could be a Starbucks.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

What's that, drone attack?

Send agents from our nearest outpost to investigate, Matthew.

Good work, Afreen. I knew you could do it.

Come with me. Yes, ma'am.

But does this mean that I can stay in the lab?

Solve the password.

You are a traitor!

How could you do that to me, and the team, and to me?

I trusted you. I don't know how you look in the mirror at the end of the day.

You are a terrible person.

I lied. I gave her fake coordinates.

Very convincing! It's... Yep.

Good... K-Keep... Keep up the... Carry on.

This blacksite is a labyrinth.

Endless doors, hallways, all of them have electronic security locks.

Yeah. And there's no cameras, at least.

The CIA doesn't want anything recorded.

And if we do this the right way, we're in and out, no one knows that we're there.

Sho's blueprints are actually engineering plans, so they have all the details of the HVAC, electrical, and security systems.

Patterson, you'll access the electrical systems remotely and you will overload the HVAC fans.

Okay, so that kills the main power, then the security system reboots.

That gives us 20 seconds to board this ship and deactivate the alarms, if they go off.

Okay, how many CIA officers between us and Rich?

I don't know.

Now, in Jane's blacksite, there were three full-time guards In Shepherd's, there were 15.

Okay, so somewhere between three and... and... and 15?

Yeah, or more.

And they've all got live rounds, sh**ting to k*ll.

While the three of us have rubber b*ll*ts and Tasers.

This is a stealth op.

We're in and out in 90 seconds flat.

No trace, no g*nf*re... no alarms.



How the hell did you get in here? It's a long story, Rich.

Now, you got any idea how to get the hell out of here?

Come on, Rich! I can't... I can't... I can't go.

Rich, come on. No. No!

Stop fighting me, Rich. Stop fighting me!

You're not listening to me!

I don't know what your problem is, you got Stockholm syndrome or something, but we gotta go! I don't have Stockholm syndrome, I have a tracker in my neck!

We gotta get it out before I go.

Oh, sorry.

Hey... Hold still.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down! I'm just gonna cut it out, Rich.

What part of "in my neck" did you not understand?

Fine! Plan B. I'll disable the tracker the same way I short-circuited the homing beacon that Shepherd swallowed.

I think I was in jail back then, so I don't really know exactly what you did there, but just do whatever you gotta...

Aagh! Aghh...

There we go. Okay.



All right, good to go! Blow it!


Keep up. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

What... Don't! Hey!

Drop your g*n! Sorry, what?

We both know that he's not gonna sh**t.

We don't both know that! Hey!

'Cause his bosses did a deal to get one of their own back.

And to get them back, they need you alive.

Nobody said alive. This is Rich Dotcom.

The North Koreans want to silence this Turkish pervert themselves.

Sorry, what is your plan here?

Do you want to deny the Supreme Leader his vengeance 'cause you got trigger-happy?

Hey! Are we really gonna do this?

Yes, we have to. I'm sorry, do what?

What is happening?

Jane's being held hostage.

We promised we'd k*ll him to get her back.

Okay, well, I don't mind if I do the honors... No, no, no!

Rich, zero body count.

Okay, understood. Okay.

Let's just make a little exception this time.

No! Please?

Rich, look at me.

We're not k*lling anybody.

But we do need proof of death.

If you're not gonna k*ll me, how do you plan on getting that?

Well, I got some good news... and I got some bad news.

What's this?

It's proof of death.

Oh! My God, this is sick.

I did not see this coming.

It's going on my wall, for sure.

Good. Let's go, Jane. Ah, not so fast.

I have to scan his prints, make sure it's him.

It is him. Here, look at that.

See? That's yours.

Yeah, great.

But, you see, it's almost like you don't want me to scan his prints.

My Russian colleagues have this great saying.

"Trust, but verify."

So, who did it? How'd he die?

I did it. I broke his neck.

I couldn't exactly carry him out of a blacksite, or across the border, could I?

I brought you the next best thing.

Well, his head would have been the next best thing, but this is cool too, I guess, unless of course you're lying and it's not...

Oh... look at that.

It's him! Totally verified.

You're free to go. This was fun.

See ya around, Sho.

Now that you're operating in the black, you want another job?

No, thanks. Sorry, what?

I can't hear you all the way up there on your high horse!

See, I started off with a moral code too, you know?

This life catches up to you sooner or later.

Only question is... when.

How could you let them escape?

You had them!

What happened at the blacksite?

The CIA has disavowed any knowledge of a breach, but Madeline does not look happy.

Makes me think that the team got away... with Rich.

So what happens now?

Now, we interfere with the investigation.

We make sure nothing leads back to the team.

We're doing it, Afreen.

We are the resistance.

The team is the offense, we're the defense.

I haven't felt this hopeful in months.

Madeline doesn't have the control she thinks she has.

We are gonna win this thing.

Where do you want us? Everywhere.

Sorry, who is this?

Someone I can trust.

She's gonna find your friends.


I'm so glad you're all right.

You too.

Where's Reade?

Is he workin' on another part of the rescue?

Or is, uh... is he stuck in another country?

I mean, he's coming, right?

He's not coming.

Easy! Relax.

Oh, is this how it's gonna be from now on?

The two of you just sneaking off to do it all the time?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I was brushing my teeth.

Well, now that I'm awake, I'm gonna go and find my wife.

Hello? Listen to me, it's me.

Madeline knows where you are. She's ordered a drone strike.

Get underground now!



Hey... What... Hey! Hey!

Are you okay?

I think I've broken some ribs, but I'm okay.

Is... is anyone else...

I can see Patterson.

I think she's unconscious. I'm gonna dig her out!

Okay. I'm coming to help.

Don't! Jane, don't.

If it shifts again, I won't have any room.

I need all the room I can get.

Where's Zapata?

She... she's pinned underneath me.

She can't breathe underneath the weight.

You okay?

We gotta get out of here. Okay.

We gotta get 'em out! Hold on.

Okay... stay cool...

I'm gonna dig her out.

No! Ahh!

I'm gonna lift up so... so Tasha can get out.

You can't lift it. It's too much weight.

Kurt, there's no time. I...

Reade! I can lift it, I just can't hold...

I just can't hold it.

No! Kurt, listen.

Listen, I'm gonna lift up.

Soon as I can, you're gonna pull Tasha clear, okay?


We're gonna save you, okay?

Okay, I got you, all right?

You ready?

Let go of me. Let go of me!

Let go! Reade!

Hey, Tasha.

Hi... hang on.

I can't move. I...

I'm gonna get you out of here.

You gotta go.

Go before it all caves in.

I'm not leaving.

You gotta. You gotta go.

You gotta... Kurt!

I-I know.

Tasha, we gotta go.

Come on.

Come on! Tasha!

To the end, right?


This is it, babe.

I'm not leaving you.

Y-You're not.

You've got me.


And I... I've got you.

I got... I got you.

Tasha! Tasha!

It's time.

Tasha, come on!

Patterson! Come on!

I can't believe Reade's actually gone.

He didn't need to die.

It's on us.

Yeah, we never should've run that last op in Iceland.

If we had cut and run like I wanted, right?


Doesn't matter now.

That's not what Reade wanted.

He didn't want to cut and run.

He wanted to fix this.

Get our jobs back, clear our names.


That's what you wanted, Kurt.

And I just want to be done!

We got Rich back, we survived.

We can walk away.

No more tattoos, no rescues, no taking down Madeline or clearing our names... we can be done!

With all of it!

We can't stop now.

Of course we can.

We have someone sending us tattoos.

I know that.

I'm saying we can stop... but we won't.

Even when we want to.

And that is the worst part.


I just keep wondering what else it's gonna cost us.

Who are they?

These people you brought in, who are they?

An inter-departmental task force.

Don't give me that. I ran their IDs.

They came back empty, like, way too empty.

Who are they, Madeline?

It seemed to me that people here had a certain affinity for the rogue agents.

You know, they remember the way things were and they seem somehow unmotivated to bring their former colleagues to justice, so I outsourced the manhunt to people who are motivated.

What does that mean, you "outsour..."

What, are you telling me you hired mercenaries?

No. Of course not.

You hired mercenaries.

This paper requires your signature.

You should really think about calling them

"private contractors," however.

You know, it plays better.

Listen, you can't... I can!

I can. It's what the CIA does, and now it's what we do.

Well, I am not your puppet, Madeline.

And I am not your shield.

Oh, stop clutching your pearls, Matthew.

It's not the first time you've been pressured to act.

You thought you could use a drone to solve your problems.

What do you want?

And it won't be the last.


Who do you think they are?

Our mystery friend? I don't know.

But we need to figure it out, and we need to find them.

I've missed you.

Me too.

So, I guess your, uh, early Sandstorm days are about to pay off.

I think you might just be able to take down a corrupt FBI after all.

Yeah. Who saw that coming?



It's, uh...

...not exactly SIOC, is it?

This is gonna take a little bit of getting used to.

Well, you'll get there.

I don't want to.

Being this far off the grid, operating in the black... it's not me.

As much as I like calling the sh*ts...

This one... it's all you.

You're gonna get us through this.

You will get us all home.

We may not have everything that we used to have, but we do have everything we need.

Oh, hey. I was going to grab another one of Weller's shirts.

This one has kind of run its course already.

I didn't realize anyone was in here.

Yes, you did.

Yes, I did.

I just wanted to thank you for coming to get me.

From the sounds of things, you didn't exactly want to.

Which I totally get. I mean... there's no way I would have done that for you.

So, we're good?

Yeah, well, as long as we're being honest...

I should mention I knew where you were for almost a month.

A month?

Okay, that's a little harder to hear.

It was kind of a tough month for me.

I don't know if you... yeah.

But, again, I probably would have done the same thing, I think.


Did you... want to talk about anything else?


I don't want to talk about him.


I'm so angry, Rich.

I hurt all the time.

He was right there in front of me.

I-I didn't...

I couldn't believe what was happening.

And I didn't say good-bye, or thank you... or anything.

And now it's too late.

It's not too late.

Tasha, if you have things you want to tell him, you can tell him now.

This is for Reade... for being in our lives and for saving mine.

I won't run. I won't quit.

I'll keep fighting.

We all will.

This won't be the last time we think about you.

Or talk about you.

Or say your name.

I love you.

I got you.


How was your first day?

Enlightening. Hmm.

I'll find your fugitives.

My people are the best at what they do.

Just don't forget what you promised us.

Here's your prototype.

Greg, move your head.
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