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03x02 - When You Call My Name

Posted: 07/28/20 05:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Wynonna Earp"...

They call it the Cult of Bulshar.

Bulshar's been in the ground for 130 years

he couldn't have spearheaded
a k*lling cult.

Mama, how are you connected
to Bulshar?

You're gonna get your little sister k*lled.

I can end the curse!


When Dolls shot me and I died,
that's where I went.


My daughters are off limits,
do you hear me?

It's about Mama. A prison pass?

Wynonna, look out!

No! Wynonna!

Let me go, you bastard!

Wynonna! Wynonna!


God, I hate hangovers.


Waverly, I'm here!

I'm not dead!

- So cold...
- Hey, hey...

Wynonna Earp, don't you dare take a nap.

You are stuck on the side of a cliff!


What are you doing up there?
Oh, I'm just sunbathing.

I just love to get a bronze on.

Hey! Hey! Don't you dare fall asleep!

You ca...

You can't be here!
Oh, really? Why not?

You're in prison.

I just saw you. Big walls. Bars.

Nice red jumpsuit.

Yuck. I mean shit, I just do not
have the complexion for red.

And speaking of dressing for the occasion

might I just say that is a fine frock.
It's very practical.

You always thought you were funny.

Well, you sure didn't get your sass
from Ward "talk-to-the-fist" Earp.

I'm going into shock.

You're not real.


Baby girl, are you OK?
Do not waste your energy yelling.

Remember what I taught you.

Last time we went camping,
it was just the two of us.

What are the rules
in a survival situation?

It's not about being brave,
it's not even about being strong.

It's about being smart.
Mm, about staying smart.

Right, not losing your head
even though you're up the creek, darlin'.

And your paddle boat is en fuego.

Rule number 1.

Don't panic.

Rule number 2:
Assess the situation calmly.

The situation is a shit sandwich.

What is that? 15, 20 feet?

I could climb that.

I could totally climb it.

Shit. Hurts worse than when I pushed a
baby from my hooha on top of an eightball.

So will Waverly being dead.

Other one tried fake sleeping, too.

It's smaller than the last one.

You've kidnapped someone before?

The car accident...
What accident?

No accident.
That was a perfect trap.

What do you want from me?
The forest is changing.

The trees have pulled out their roots.
They're on the move.

I'm getting lost in my own woods.
My... woods.

All the animals are gone.


My traps have been empty for months.

I had to widen my hunting grounds.

It's OK, though.

I think I like its kind better.

The other one, where is she?

Maybe she could help us?

Oh, I'm still here!

Parts of me, anyway.

Let it go, girl.

Magic g*n's not gonna
help you scale a cliff.

It's kinda my thing, I can't just leave it.
You're gonna have to.

It's climb or die time.

I think that was the original slogan
for Stairmaster.

I don't think I can do this.

Hey. Hey, remember when you were nine?

You came home
and you wanted me to write a note

so you could skip gym class.

Same day I walked in to find you staring
at the oven with a shotgun in your hand.

You were afraid of climbing the rope.

I told you you had to set an example
for the other girls.

Gibsons are strong,
we're not afraid of falling.

I'm not a Gibson.
Ha! Yes you are.

It's not the fall that's gonna k*ll you.

It's the fear, Wynonna.

Pointy rocks at the bottom
might help fear out, though.

Hope I still have that coupon
for a deep tissue massage.


is wondering where you are.

She won't be the only one.

Soon the woods will be swarming
with a search party. They'll find you.

Oh yeah!

This? Definitely not a good look.
I don't like people... in my woods.

I don't like being treated
like a meat ornament.

Let me go and I...

I'll make sure no one bothers you,
I promise.

- Mhm, mhm.
- OK? Just please.

Just give me the phone.

Hi, Nicole. I can't really talk right now.

No, everything's fine.

I'm just a little tied up at the moment.

OK, goodbye, Nicole.

Son-of-a-bitch motherless goose!

What kind of sadist
does this for fun?



Shit! Shit!

You can't go running
through the woods like a lunatic!

Some jack hole got my little sister!

And whatever it is,
it has hours of headstart.

Ever seen me when I'm pissed?
I'm a frickin' snow cheetah.

You are injured
and you don't even know these woods.

I can't leave Waverly.

I know that's a foreign concept to you,
but I don't leave her behind, ever!

You don't even know if Waverly is
even alive. She's alive! She's alive!

And she's gonna stay that way!

This is about your survival.

If you pass out and freeze to death...

Take inventory.

Oh, good God,
you really are your father's daughter.

Whiskey from Dad,
crazy from Mum.

The Wynonna Earp story,
on sale now.

Though I am a whiz with a tyre iron.

I know you're afraid to say it out loud,
so I'm gonna say it for you...

What if it's him?
What if it's Bulshar?

Remember what you said, Mama

it's the fear that kills you.

Sometimes it's a demon.

Time to go.

So I called Waverly

barely got a word in
before she hung up on me.

Don't take it personal, um...

Wynonna had some pretty big news to drop.

The woman kept her pregnancy
on the down low for months

what other new secrets could she have?
Secrets suck!

- I hate 'em.
- Thank you, Jeremy.

You have anything useful to contribute?
Well, yeah.

After running a simulation,
I'd say there's about an 81.52% chance

that all the victims died
within seconds of one another.

Not simultaneously.

OK, I'm gonna need you
to unpack that for me.

So we're dealing with a demon
that can move extremely fast?

Yeppers. Like light speed, beam me
up, Scottie, Death Eater kinda fast.

Did... Did they suffer?

Barely woulda seen it coming.

Some consolation, I guess.
Or it was poop your pants scary as hell.

He was entombed in the ground for decades.

The vampires said they were here
to pay fealty to Bulshar.

Looks like this demon has been
offering his own sacrifices

for the past seven years,
probably for the same reason.

But it's been less than seven years
since the last attack.

Bulshar's risen. Time to party.

- Yep.
- The thing is...

there's no way of knowing
if these massacres will stop.

Haught... Try Waverly again.

We need everyone up to speed, OK?
Oh, yes! Up to speed. In the know.

Nobody in the dark
about anything of importance.

You know what? I'm just gonna go
to the homestead in person.

Maybe you should pick up
a peace offering or something.

Something with sprinkles?
Yeah, on it.

Hey, hey! How are the night sweats?
Stop assessing me.

Look, I'm like a really smart shark.

I can't turn off this super brain
for a second.

Well maybe you should. Try it.
Get a life or something, OK?

Cos the only way to do
what we're doing without going crazy

is to have people we fight for.

Look, I'm fighting for you.

Well... Where are you going?
To get Holliday.

We have a demon
that apparates or disapparates

we're gonna need
all wands on deck, right?

- You got my reference!
- Yeah.

Boss of the year.

Yeah, I'm feeling fine.
Just worry about the demon and his boss.

- OK?
- OK.

- Why do you keep doing that?
- What?

Looking behind you.

You were doing that in prison like
you're afraid somebody's following you.

What? Well...

Like it's odd to be on edge in prison?

Or in the middle of some creepy woods
when a monster's dragged your sister away?

It was my birthday.
Sorry, what was?

The last time you took me camping
was the weekend of my birthday, and...

I wanted to go see the Pixies.
Ha! Hanson.

You wanted to see Hanson.

You thought taking me into the woods

with a pack of dehydrated chili
was a much better idea.

Yes, and then I forgot the bowls so we
had to eat the damn thing with our hands.

I was so pissed.

Should've put down the damn Gameboy
if I'd known.

Yeah, if you'd known I'd be gone
a couple days later...

I might've actually listened.

Hey, you did listen.

You taught yourself everything.

You listened to the lessons
and got yourself off that cliff.

You did alone.

Why me, though? Why...

You never brought Willa or Waverly,
it was always just you and me...

Willa was Ward's right from the get-go,
and Waverly...

She was everyone else's, but you...

Ooh, you...

You came into this world
wailing and kicking just like I was

so I wanted to make sure
you could survive by yourself.

But you know what?
Being an heir, it has made you soft.

What's that supposed to mean?
It means...

You're leaning on your team
of outlaws and misfits.

They're my people
and I trust them.

Yeah, well where the hell are they?
It's been hours.

- I don't know.
- Yeah.

The moment that you rely on someone...

to protect you, be there for you...

you're dead.

I know it's all on me, Mama.

You remember how it was
all on me when you had your episodes?

People thought I was the crazy one.

A bad seed from the time
I was eight years old.

Waverly needed her mother.

I needed my mother.

And Alice doesn't?

Don't you dare.

We are the same, Wynonna.

And that is what scares you.

How similar we are.
You left, you abandoned us.

You abandoned me.



That new demon's a nasty piece of work.

We're regrouping at BBD in an hour.

You were late to the party last night.

- Wanna talk about it?
- Nope.


So it's not baby Alice?

No. She is safe.

That is all I can ask for.

No, I am angry
because the fight has been fixed.

- What fight?
- The fight.

Between the living and the dying.

When the Iron Witch made her wish,
and made Wynonna pop, disappear...

you and me, we were enemies.

You k*lled me.

And I died.
Remind me who shot first.


I went to hell.

The same place Wynonna sends her demons.

That is my reward... for all this?

You know, listen, you got time.
Time for what?

To replace my bad deeds with good ones?
No, that is the rub, Dolls.

That is what they do not tell you
about turning the hero.

It turns you into a k*ller, too.

So you face it, Xavier.

We are murderers, you and I.

Destined for the dark.

We're not the same.

Cos I don't need a threat of damnation

to fight for the right side.

We're gonna be alright.

Hey! Hey!

Hey! I got lost in the woods hunting.

Damn trails are all messed up.
Me and my son got separated.

- Is he still out there?
- Yeah.

Christ, I'd still be wandering
if I hadn't seen the flash of blue

from an old wreck down there.

What wreck?

A blue and white pick-up just sitting there.
I followed the tracks back up to the road.

Show me. Now.

Help! Can anybody hear me?

Hello? Where are you?

Help! Please!

Somebody help me!

Hang on! I'm almost there!

Are you OK?

Pretty birds deserve a pretty cage.

Be thankful it just bought
Waverly Earp some time.

Will the heir be looking for it?
I hope so.

I'd like to see
what it's throat looks like

split wide open. Hmm?

Whoa, hey, Doc!

I thought you'd be on your way
to BBD by now.

You have been spending
an awful lot of time in my basement.

Yeah, I thought I could take
those tiny umbrellas you have.

It's my turn to host craft night.

Jeremy, one of the things
that I greatly admire about you...

Like my moustache?

Is that you are a truly awful liar.

Craft night is Thursdays.

There is something wrong
with Dolls' dr*gs.

Yeah, yeah, he...

He's been having side effects.
What kind of side effects?

Not to be too big for my britches
but that's between Dolls and me.

I've seen what happens when he devolves.
It could put all of us at risk.

- Why do you do that?
- Do what?

Immediately assume the worst
about a person.

I don't know, Jeremy, maybe it's because
I've experienced some shit lately.

So you lost your "immortality".

Whoop-dee-frickin'- doo.

Look, you are extremely virile
and handsome for your age.

You've many years
to look forward to.


It's from Officer Haught.

I think Wynonna and Waverly
are in trouble.

A hunter found the wrecked truck
and no sign of them

at the edge of Pine Barrens.

Hey, wait! Hold up! Hold up!

Take this earpiece.
Better reception than cells

and I can track your location.

Listen, you call Dolls
and you tell him we need him.

Aye, aye, Captain.
Don't tell him I said that.

Gotta say, Mama, now's about the time

I wish you weren't just
a figment of my imagination.

Yep. Talkin' to the pine cones.

What is it? What?

Why aren't you talking?

Is this some kind of crazy
Little Mermaid shit?


What is it?


Underwire support?

Jingling C-cup? Breast?

Breast alligator?

Boob! Booby! Booby munch! Booby!
Booby trap!

OK, where?


I don't have it!

Can you guide me?

Why did I wear nylons?

Three cheers for kegels!

OK, faster! Guide faster!

Get me on the stairs!

Did it know fear has a scent?

Best smell in the world.

That reminds me.

My trapline needs checking.

Waverly... She'll be cold.

This was no accident.

One of our girls
was dragged into the woods.

The other, she is moving
under her own steam.

That thing, that demon
who k*lled all the people in the bar.

Jeremy said it moves extremely fast
so the victims were dead

before they even knew
what was happening.

Heyo, can you hear me?

For the devil, Jeremy,
you don't need to yell.

My bad.

So I tried pinging Waverly
and Wynonna's phones

no dice.

In fact, there's not even a source.

But satellite photos
show two outbuildings.

One to the west of you
and one to the north.

Wynonna's headed north.
We'll follow her lead.

Yeah, but what if whoever took Waverly
went the other way?

You trust Wynonna's instincts?

I helped her k*ll the revenant
she had sex with!

Let me rephrase.
Do you trust her instincts about Waverly?

Yeah, OK.

I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'm sorry.

It's OK, it's OK. I'm so sorry.


she was messed up.

When she left, you were tiny.

You were so little.

I know, you're a big girl now.

A grown woman with the figure
of a tiny Amazon, I get it.

This is a big ol' bag of hurt
we're opening, and I...

needed to be sure I wanted to go there
before bringing you into it.

OK, I can't fight him in here.

But I... But I can get a jump on him.

I can get a jump on him out there.

It's OK, I swear
on my favourite boy band

I'm gonna k*ll him
and I'm gonna "mmm bop" right back. OK?

Yeah, the booby traps. I know!

I was just testing you.

What's going on?
Haught's not back with the Earps?


I was gonna call you.


How long have they been MIA?

- OK, alright.
- Hey. No, no.

You are already so far out of line.

I knew you'd say hell with my warnings
and go blazing in after them.

You do not get to make those decisions.

You do not get to hesitate
because of what might happen.

OK, fine, don't think about yourself

but we haven't warned the others,
maybe think about them.

You sneaky dickstick. Hello!

Hey! I'm Wynonna Earp.


Real cosy cabin of horrors
you got there, revenant.

Property Brothers know about you?
Nobody knows about me.

This land is my land.
Please don't start singing.

I'll eat you first.

What's with demons
and eating people? Huh?

Mama Olive. The widows. Bulshar...


Big fan, are we?

He's buried. Gone.

Gone. Never to find me again.

Hate to break it to you,
but he is risen.

Ow! Ow!

Ah! Oh shit!

Please, get me out!

Tricks, they're not just for kids.

Please, get me out!

Wynonna? Eek! I got my voice back!

What happened?
Oh, he basically dead.

Nicole! Nice boots!

Oh, Doc. Those are great jeans,
are those new?

Where's Waverly? Waverly's good.

She's good.

I k*lled the bad guy, as you do, and...

I'm just, you know,
doing some thinking and...

having some me time.
You about done?

Yeah, please. Good.


Are you... Listen, I don't wanna ask
if you're alright, but...

Are you alright?

Nothing a hot bath
in a bottle of whiskey won't cure.

Don't you mean "and" a bottle of whiskey?

Ask me in five minutes.


I get my voice back
and suddenly you've lost yours?

I really meant what I said.

About being sorry.

How long have you known
where she is?

Uh... A while.
How long, Wynonna?

A long time.

They moved her to the new facility
before I went to Greece.

But I only went to see her again
after Bulshar rose.

She knows things about him.

You kept me from my mother for years?

She asked me not to tell you where she was.


- Dolls?
- Yeah?

Uh... Can you take me to your truck?

I can't be here right now.

Alright, come on.

It's alright.

How could she keep
that kind of secret from me?

It's hard to tell people the truth
if you know it'll devastate them.

It's hard.

Anything I should know?
I screwed up.

Ah well, sounds like
standard Earp operating procedure.

We can get through that.

I should be the one doing this,
going to get Peacemaker.

Yeah, or me.

Oh, did one of you guys
have a harness in your car

for impromptu weekend excursions?

I have nine years of climbing experience.
You are the heir, and you...

can't even look over the edge.

Heights, they give me the wheezies.

I will be down and back
before you can say "redheads do it better".

Dolls, what's wrong?

I'm good, I'm just running on fumes.

- Yeah.
- Dolls, what's wrong?



- Dolls?
- Waverly...

Wynonna's gonna need you...

more than ever.

OK, now you're really freaking me out.
Dolls, what's happening?

Hey, guys!
Something's happening with the rope!

Haught! Haught!

You're a dead man!


Come on!

OK, Earp. You're good. Watch your legs.
No, don't!

Doc! Jesus, we're having a day!

You cannot k*ll me
with mortal weapons.

You're gonna feel
real stupid in a second!

Hello. Check, check, Doc?

Can anyone hear me?



Everything was fine,
but then there were screams...

Dolls has gone to help them,
but my stupid, stupidest leg is...

Waverly, OK listen to me.

Whatever Black Badge did to Dolls,
it's made him unstable.


Here we go.

Unstable? Unstable how?

I'm running out of rope!

Shit! Dolls!

Wynonna, you gotta let go!
Not happening!

If you don't,
we're both going over this cliff!

Be smart, Wynonna!

The earth thirsts for blood.


Someone must die here today.

I'm slipping!

- Do it!
- No!

Will it be one...

Or two... Or maybe three?


My arm, I can't!

Here, here.

Brought your lapdog
to a dragon fight, assh*le!


What? I don't...

He was on his feet...

Bulshar was here, I was gonna
sh**t the bastard. What happened?

He just fell over. He collapsed.

And he's not breathing.
What do you mean, he's not breathing?

I've got no pulse.

Dispatch, this is Officer Nicole Haught,

This is Dispatch.

I need paramedics off of Highway 12.

I have an agent down.
I repeat, agent down.

Copy that.


Damn it, Dolls, do not give up on us now.

He needs his dr*gs.

No, he doesn't need his dr*gs.

Xavier, goddammit! You wake up!
You wake up now!

Waverly, why isn't he waking up?

Because he's gone, Wynonna.

He's gone.

Nedley and the coroner
will be here soon.

I'm not leaving him.


Wynonna, it's freezing.
You're injured, OK, we have to...

He hates the woods.
I'm not leaving him here alone, Waverly.



No one's leaving him.

That demon...

We could...

We couldn't stop him.
We couldn't...

fight him. We were about to die
and then...


takes him on, and...

flame throws him like it's nothing.

He saved us.

He saved me.

So how is this OK?

I don't know.
How is he lying here?

I don't know.

I'm just so sorry.


Maybe this is a mistake.

Maybe he'll wake up.

I mean, he's...

he's part dragon, he can...

Wynonna, honey...

It's not fair.

I can't do this without him.

He's at peace now.

There's no more pain.

No more dr*gs.

No more demons.

You have to let him go now, Wynonna.