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03x10 - The Family Treasure

Posted: 09/03/20 07:17
by bunniefuu
- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family By her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends Are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines From deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 010 Episode Title: "The Family Treasure"

"The Family Treasure."

Thanks for the empanadas!

Thanks for the carriage bolts!


Oh! There you are.

I got the goodies for our picnic.

Mmm. Empanadas de papa. My favorite.

Oh, doohickeys.

My favorite.

They're for the picnic, too.

Really? How?

You'll see.

Give it back!

Is that Antonio Agama?

Give it back! It's mine! It's mine!

Hey! What's going on?

Ow! Ow!

Uh, excuse me?

Hey, hey, hey!

Say uncle! You say uncle!

You! You! You! You!

Please stop fighting!

Knock it off!


Princess Elena?

And Princess Isabel!


What's going on?

This is my brother, Pablo.

Show some respect!

Guys, stop acting like kids!

As a kid, I take offense at that.


Is this a treasure map?

Yes. My treasure map.

Which my brother is trying to steal from me.

You stole mine first.

I was holding it for safekeeping.

Everyone knows he can't be trusted.

You think you're better than me?

I know I am.

Are not! Am, too! Ha!

How about I hold these until we can sort things out?

Good. Then let's head back to the palace and see if we can settle this... like adults.

Now, what's this all about?

My mother gave us... Ah, ah, ah!

She was my mother, too.

She was embarrassed to call you her son.

Then why did she give me this map?

Obviously, you tricked her into it.

I would never!

Hermanos, please.

Just tell us about the maps.

Actually, it's only one map.

It's been torn into two pieces.

Let me guess: you two were fighting and ripped it in half.

No. My dear mother did that.

Our dear mother.

Mamá always said there was great treasure in our family.

Before she passed away... Rest her soul.

She drew this treasure map and left one half to her favorite son...

And the other half to him.

Which must have been a mistake.

I am the world-famous explorer.

Maps are my specialty!

I don't think it's a mistake.

The map is set up so that you can't solve it without both pieces.

And you have to pick up things along the way that you'll need to reach the treasure.

That is why you must order him to hand over the other side of the map.

Why don't you two just set aside your differences and work together?

That's funny! Hilarious!

At least they agree on something.

Look, it's obvious why your mother gave half the map to each of you: she wanted you to help one another find the treasure.

Our mother was not that foolish.

Are you calling my mother foolish?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, boys.

How about this: we'll help both of you find the treasure, and we'll hold onto the maps to make sure everyone gets along. OK?

I can live with that. If you say so.

This is gonna be way more fun than a picnic.

And I've got the perfect way to go treasure hunting.

So this is why you were collecting all those spare parts.

Yep. I call it the SuperCoach.

Um, how do you get in?

That's incredible!

Hop on.

You know, if you ever want to part ways with it, I could find you a buyer... for a small fee of course.

Don't believe a word he says. He's always scheming.

Am not! Are, too!

Am not! Hiyah!

Follow the road that leads past the Suncliff.

Our first target is 320 degrees northwest.

I just wanted to check the map.

You better hold onto this.

I've got just the place for it.

I call it the mini-vault.

Double-reinforced sides. Concealed locks.

Ay! Aah!

And booby traps.

Wow, Isa, the only thing missing from this coach is a tea service.

Got that, too.

Ooh! Don't mind if I do.


Dibs on the treasure! Double dibs!

Hey, isn't this our old coconut grove?

We used to come up here when we were just boys.

We'd practice tightrope walking between these two trees.

We pretended to be famous daredevils.

The Brothers Agama!

Aw, you two did get along once.

I guess... until he pushed me off.

I was trying to keep you from falling!

Ha! Maybe Mamá believed your story, but I know better.

Hey, look at this!

The dirt is loose.

Maybe something's buried here.

The treasure! The treasure!

I know this pot. You should.

I made it for you when we were kids.

Ah, that's right.

To hold my coin collection.

Yeah... the coins you won from me by cheating at marbles!

You lost them fair and square.

Here we go again.

Why would Mamá bring us here to relive such a terrible memory?

Maybe she left you something inside the pot.

What is it? Gold? Silver?

Our old rope?

Hey, just like you used to play with when you were kids!

The Brothers Agama, yay...

Why don't we see where the other half of the map takes us?

Right, let's go.

Why don't you get out of my way? You get out of my way!

You! You! You! You!

There it is!

Why would she put it over there?

To torment us from beyond the grave?

To make you work together.

Yeah, right. Never gonna happen.

Besides, how do you even get over there? It looks impossible.

Your mamá did it.

We can use the SuperCoach crossbow.

We'll launch your tightrope over that branch and swing across the ravine to get the box.

Fine. You push. I'll swing.

And let you get the treasure first?

I don't think so.

Then you swing and let Antonio push.

And let him get to the treasure first?

I don't think so.

Ugh! You two are hopeless!

Come on, Isa, let's show 'em how it's done.

Well, here it is.

Hmm, I know this box.

You should. I made it for you when we were kids.

Carved it myself.

Just like Antonio made that clay pot for you.

It's like your mamá left these here so you'd remember special moments from your childhood.


Yes, I remember... how he used this box to hide family heirlooms from me!

You mean... to keep you from stealing them!

Let go! Mine!

Enough already!

Sit. Stay.

You guys are brothers.

This is not how familia should treat each other!

He started it! He started it!

You don't see me and Isabel acting that way.

It's easy for you.

Yeah. You're not annoying like him.

Oh, she can be annoying. Right.

Wait, what?

But when she gets on my nerves, I just take a step back and try to remember the good things about her.

Exactly. Just like I try to give her some space when she gets annoying.

♪ We siblings share a bond ♪

♪ That connects us deep within ♪

♪ The kind of love that carries us ♪

♪ Through trouble thick and thin ♪

♪ The trick is to forgive each other ♪

♪ Bear it with a grin ♪

♪ When things they do just bother you ♪

♪ And get under your skin ♪ For example...

♪ In the morning without warning ♪

♪ She will wake me with a shout ♪

♪ If I tell her not to yell ♪

♪ Then she will fold her arms and pout ♪

♪ When she starts to ramble on about some fact I never knew ♪

♪ I back away and give her room ♪

♪ 'Cause that's what sisters do! ♪ It's the same with Elena.

♪ She is always trying to help when I can do it on my own ♪

♪ And then she sings a song about it till I want to groan ♪

♪ She nods at my equations though she doesn't have a clue ♪

♪ But I just let her have her say ♪

♪ 'Cause that's what sisters do ♪

♪ That's what sisters do ♪ ♪ That's what sisters do ♪

♪ That's my sister, she's OK ♪

♪ Even when she's in the way ♪

♪ 'Cause I know that I can count on her ♪

♪ At any time of day ♪

♪ That's my sister, she's the best ♪

♪ Even when she is a pest ♪

♪ With a sibling by your side ♪

♪ Your life is so blessed ♪

♪ Since we lost our parents ♪

♪ We keep each other close ♪

♪ 'Cause Mamá, she always told us ♪

♪ That our love means the most ♪

♪ Means the most ♪ ♪ Means the most ♪

♪ That's my sister, she's OK ♪

♪ Even when she's in the way ♪

♪ 'Cause I know that I can count on her ♪

♪ At any time of day ♪

♪ That's my sister, she's the best ♪

♪ Even when she is a pest ♪

♪ With a sibling by your side ♪

♪ Your life is so blessed ♪

♪ With a sister by your side ♪

♪ Your life is... ♪

♪ Your life is so blessed ♪

Mamá used to tell us, "You are the luckiest boys alive..."

".. because you have each other." ".. because you have each other."

So you really do love each other.

We did. Once.

What happened between us?

You were always causing trouble.

It's the only way I could get Mamá's attention.

I wasn't like you. The golden boy.

You could do no wrong.

But she spent all her time with you.

Because you didn't need it. She trusted you.

Do you know what I would've given to have all her attention?

Do you know what I would've given to have her trust me?

It sounds like your mamá loved you both, but she showed it in different ways.

She gave each of you what you needed.

Should we see what she gave you this time?

Whatever's inside, we split fair and square.


Princesa, maybe you should do this.


Hey, this is my old cat's eye.

And my sunburst.

Mamá gave us these for Navidad.

There's something else.

Another map.

The treasure.

What're we waiting for?

Tell you what: you keep the marbles, and I'll hang onto this.

Wow, it hasn't changed a bit.

You guys have been here before?

When we were kids, we used to climb up here all the time.

We called it...

Agama Rock!

This was our kingdom.

We ruled the land.

As far as the eye could see.

The Agama family crest!

The treasure! The treasure!

Ay, Mamá.

I can't believe she remembered.

We used to store our camping gear in this.

When it was time to go home, we'd hide the chest and leave it for the next time.

Let's see what's inside.

Huh? This never had a lock on it before.

Put some muscle into it.

Still no go!

Or we could just use physics.

I've got a pry bar in the SuperCoach that might work.

Hey, Elena, could you give me a hand? It's kind of heavy.

Guys, can you give us a hand?

You should go help them. I'll guard the chest.

Nah. You go. I'll watch the chest.

What? Don't you trust me?

Just as much as you trust me.

Look at us! We're doing it again.

It's like they said: we have to learn to work together.

I never thought I'd say this about you... but you're right.

Wait here. I'll go help them out.

Where's Antonio?

And where's the chest?

I can't believe I trusted him.

I promise we'll sort it all out.

Just let me handle this, OK?


Let go! You don't deserve this!

I used to think you were better than me.

But you double-crossed me!

Aah! No!

Ha ha! It's mine! Adios!

He's headed for a waterfall!

Antonio, turn around!


Why did you have to do that? I told you I would handle it.

That's my treasure, too.

Well, you're about to lose your treasure and your brother.

Happy now?

He brought this on himself.

I hope you didn't mean that.

We have to save him.

Uh, Isa, you wouldn't happen to have a water rescue thingy on board, would you?

Maybe. Really?

We better hurry. That current's really strong.

Let me see.

I'll go.

He's my brother.

Now hand me that tightrope.

Pablo. Are you sure about this?

Give me your hand.

What are they waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

I'm waiting for you to let go of the chest so you can take my hand.

If I let go, how do I know you won't take the chest and leave me here?

When I fell off that tightrope back when we were kids, why did you try to save me?

Uh, I, uh... because... because you are my brother.

Mamá was right.

We have each other, or we have nothing.


Just like old times, huh?

On three. One, two...

Ha ha!

Ladies and gentlemen, The Brothers Agama!

Yeah! Whoo!

That's the first time I've seen you act like true brothers.

I'm proud of you.

I don't believe it.

The treasure!

Huh. I've picked my share of locks, but I've never seen a key like that.

Everything your mamá left you turned out to be something you needed for this treasure hunt.

Do you still have those marbles from the wooden box?

Put them in here.

Go ahead.

Oh ho!




What is it?

Let's see, let's see!

Turns out the family treasure...

...was us.

Theme music plays >>>