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03x21 - Crash Course

Posted: 09/03/20 07:26
by bunniefuu
Theme song playing...

♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ A princess bravely rules the land ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ With her family by her side ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Loyal friends are always there ♪

♪ Loyal friends always there ♪

♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪

♪ Magic shines from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ Aval-o-o-o-o-o-r ♪ *ELENA OF AVALOR*

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 21 Title: "Crash Course."

All right, come on, guys.

Keep pushing. Don't let up.

Bend your knees, Miguel.

Come on, Rico, keep your elbow up.

Any chance we could take a break, sir?

Not yet, Rico.

Captain Nuñez, ahem, a word?

Of course, Your Highness.

Okay, team, let's run through drill 17.

You've been at this since sunrise.

Aren't you worried that you might be working them just a little too hard?

We need to be prepared.

The last time we had Ash in our sights, we lost her.

That's not going to happen again.

You have my word.

Huh? Aah!

Rico! Levoltario.

Whoa! Ah!

Oh, whoa. Whoa.


Lieutenant, you okay?

Yeah. That was close.

Ha-ha! Check out that robe.

Who is he? Thank you, thank you.



He's amazing. Wow!

Thank you for saving our guard.

All in a day's work for the Great Bronzino.

Whew! Sorry. I took the stairs.

Bronzino, Elena. Elena, Bronzino.

Ah, ah, ah. The Great Bronzino.

The flowers came out of nowhere!

Whoa, you have to teach me that one.

Well, thank you, Your Greatness.

What brings you to Avalor?

I'm visiting for the weekend, from the Kingdom of Hectoria.

I invited him so we could swap spells, trade magic tips.

A meeting of the magical minds, if you will.

Princess Elena!

The Grand Council is convening soon to discuss strategy.

Excuse me. I've got to go. Avalor has a, "dark sorceress who's trying to take over our kingdom problem" again.

Ugh! Those are the absolute worst.

Am I right?

Good thing I rescued this guy.

You're going to need all the help you can get.

Hey, Great Bronzino, can you make me fly too?


Whoa, whoa! Look at me!

I'm flying! Yeah!

Whoa, I wish I knew magic.

We need to talk.

About what...? Oh!

There you are, Princess.

I was hoping to catch you before the Grand Council meeting.

It's imperative we discuss who will replace Esteban as royal chancellor.

And you have a recommendation?

As a matter of fact, I do.


I'm sorry, this meeting is for Council members only.

Relax, I'm just clearing out my stuff.

Oh, well, by all means.

Out with the old, in with the new.

As I was saying...

Elena! Elena!

Gabe has a terrible idea.

Elena will be the judge of that.

Look, my guards are always outmatched by magical villains, because we aren't magical.

So, why not quickly teach my guards magic?

That way, we can use swords and tamboritas.

Except that I can't "quickly" train anyone.

There are no shortcuts to magic.

Of course not, but... what if you just trained the best guards, and only taught them a few spells?

I suppose that could work.

But only if you let me train the guards my way.

You can't teach magic overnight.

Excellent. Now that that's settled, off you go, Yeah, let's get those tamboritas.

Oh, I forgot.

We can't.

Why not?

When the Kupi-Kupi got loose in the palace, he destroyed all my spare tamboritas.

Can't you just make some new ones?

It's not that simple.

I mean, a malvago can make a wand out of practically anything.

But for the rest of us...

A tamborita gets its power from a tiny spark of magic inside the drum, called a chispa.

And where can we get a chispa?

They're only found in La Cuna de Fuego, a magically hidden valley near Mesa Roja.

It looks like it takes about a day to get there.

Well, I can go collect more chispas while you begin the training.

Oh, that'd be great.

I'll go too. I can read the map for you.

And the Maruvian.

No no, there's no need.

I grew up near Mesa Roja, so I am the perfect chancellor.

I mean, guide.

You can both go.

And we have a class to get to.

Okay, squad, listen up.

I chose the four of you because you are the best of the best.

And when this training is complete, you will be unbeatable.

Royal Wizard, they're all yours.

Who's ready to make some magic?

I am! Bring it!

Just as a soldier needs a strong sword, a wizard needs the right tools.


A book?



But where's our tamboritas?

Oh, no, no, no.

You're not ready for tamboritas.

Please open your magic manuals to page one.

Watch me, and follow the diagram.

We flap and clap.

Come on, just like me.

Flap and clap.

We flap and clap. We flap and clap.

We flap and clap.


Couldn't we be learning the words to a levitation spell or a freezing spell?

Anything but this chicken dance.

It's way too soon for spells.

First, you have to master the basics.

But this is... You agreed to do this my way.


Fine. Flap and clap. Flap and clap.

I think I got it. Not even close.

But let's move on to one of the most exciting things any new wizard learns: the Maruvian alphabet!

Take out your quills, everyone.

You too, Captain.

Mateo said Mesa Roja is straight over...

Straight over the pass and left into the canyons, I know.

Just follow me.

Or we could follow the map Mateo gave us.

You don't need a map when you know this land as well as I do.

This way.

Okay, now repeat after me:

"Primo Pepe peeled a plátano para Papá."

Good try, but it's important to really enunciate.

Once again.

"Primo Pepe peeled a plátano para Papá."


The one and only.

That was amazing.

Oh, there's another one you got to show me.

Anyway, we were in the middle of enunciating...

Guards, let's take a water break.

Brilliant idea. But I'm not done...

I'll have mine with a squeeze of lemon, my good wizard.

Well, I guess a break might be good.

I'll be right back.

So how are the magic lessons coming?

They're not. That's the problem.

Well, what has he taught you so far?

Canaza? Llevaluq?

Impress me.

Flap. Clap. Flap. Clap.

Flap. Clap.

That's it.

He taught you a playground dance?

That's what I said.

He won't even give us tamboritas.

Well, I can fix that.

I just happen to have these souvenir tamboritas Customized with your very own picture of the Great Bronzino.

You get a tamborita, and you get a tamborita, you get a tamborita. This is so cool.

Everyone gets a tamborita!

Oh! Yes!


Can you teach us a little magic, huh?

These are just souvenirs.

You'll have to wait for Mateo to give you the real thing.

But he's not teaching us anything.

You're the Great Bronzino. Teach us something great.

Why not?

Everyone should know a little magic.

♪ You can fly in the sky Like an eagle ♪

♪ Loop-de-looping Wherever you please ♪

♪ Go soaring like a bird Just say the magic word ♪

♪ And life will be Easy as a breeze ♪

♪ When you're faced With a fearsome opponent ♪

♪ You can hide In the top of a tree ♪

♪ Stop lions in their tracks ♪

♪ Grow muscles to the max ♪

♪ And still make it home In time for tea ♪

♪ You can tidy up your room ♪

♪ Or clean a spot Off your cape ♪

♪ When you're facing danger It will help you escape ♪

♪ If your money's running low There's no need to moan ♪

♪ Just open up your wallet And take out a loan ♪

♪ When you master magic All your troubles go away ♪

♪ It elevates you Lets you rise above the fray ♪

♪ If it helps you cut a corner Then tell me, what's the harm? ♪

♪ Magic makes life easier ♪

♪ And it works like a charm ♪

♪ You'll never Lack for friends ♪

♪ When you're the toast Of the town ♪

♪ So revel in the glory All the fame and renown ♪

♪ You'll have the kind of life You only dreamed of before ♪

♪ With magic you're the hero Everyone will adore ♪

♪ When you master magic All your troubles go away ♪

♪ It elevates you ♪

♪ Lets you rise above the fray ♪

♪ If it helps you cut a corner Then tell me, what's the harm? ♪

♪ Magic makes life easier ♪

♪ It works like a charm ♪

♪ It works like a charm ♪

♪ Magic works like a charm ♪

♪ ...charm ♪ Now, who wants to learn some real magic from a real wizard?

All right! Yeah!

Let's do this.


Be right back.

It's so important for a leader to surround herself with the best people, wouldn't you agree?

Is this your way of asking me to consider you for chancellor?

You must admit I really am the only qualified candidate.

I got the book back.

I have experience, know-how, and a track record of success.

Hello? Guys?

And you can count on me to never, ever lead you astray.

Hey! What is it?

We just passed Mesa Roja.

Oh! Thanks for catching that, Naomi.

That's why I'm here.


Ah, there they are.

Go, Rico! Go, Rico!

Go, Rico! Go, Rico!

Oh, no!

Put him down.

Bronzino, I'm so sorry they pressured you into doing this.

Here. Thanks, compadre.

Okay, who's next?

Wait, hang on.

They're not ready to use tamboritas.


No harm in having a little fun.

Right, guys?

Sure beats doing tongue twisters.

I'll have you know those tongue twisters...

Mateo, can I talk to you?

What's going on?

I thought we agreed to do this my way.

We did.

But now Bronzino's teaching us actual magic.

Stuff we can use as guards.

If you're not careful, that stuff could get somebody hurt.

Look, I know you mean the best, but his way is just faster.

But my way is the right way.

Look, we don't have time for your way.

If Ash and Esteban att*ck Avalor, my guards need to be ready.

I'm really sorry, Mateo, but I have to ask Bronzino to take over the training.


Great Bronzino.

Would you be our new magic instructor?

Bronzino! Bronzino! Bronzino!

Bronzino! Bronzino! Ugh!

Mateo said the hidden valley is concealed behind an enchanted arch.

Unfortunately, it's not marked here.

Hmph! So much for your map.

I suggest we search on foot.

Hm, this way looks promising.

Oh, wait one second.

This hardly seems like the time to stop and admire the scenery.

The grass is blowing away from the wall.

As if the wind were coming from the wall.

Or behind it.

Coyo nawah kalikwah.

You found it.

La Cuna de Fuego.

I see the chispas. Wait here.

Doña, it says there's a special way to harvest a chispa.

Ah! Here. Lean on me.


I found the chispas.

You weren't supposed to take them all.

Why not?



W-W-W-What happened?

You can only harvest one branch of the chispas at a time.

You take the whole thing...

You get a face full of lightning.

Okay. Dazzle me!



This is awesome.

Now show us magic we could use against an evil malvago.

How about a pushing spell?

Now, that's what I'm talking about.

Okay, push away.

Hit it firmly and say, "Velatzi."


No, no, no, you said it wrong.

Rico, bring the castle back.

There has to be a spell in here that can help.

Wait, I saw Mateo do this.


Well, that didn't help. I'll fix it.



Okay, no. Vicarsi!


Is that...


Bronzino, you turned the palace and everyone in it into gingerbread.

No, I didn't. He did.

Well, fix it. Now!

I don't know how.

I didn't read that chapter.

I didn't even know there was a gingerbread spell.

What? I thought you were a "master wizard."

You know, the Great Bronzino?


Okay, okay, okay.

There is one spell.



Where'd he go?

I'm pretty sure that's a vanishing act.

I can't believe he just ran away.

What are we going to do?

Why didn't you tell me there were special instructions before I went up there?

I tried.

But you charged up the hill anyway.

What is going on with you?

I thought if I got the chispas, I could earn your trust and convince you to make me the new chancellor.

Doña Paloma, it takes time to build that kind of trust.

There's no shortcut.

I... I know.

I'm sorry I ruined the mission.

Well, don't give up just yet.

It says there is a way to restore the chispas.

But it means we'll have to go back into the storm.

I'll do whatever you need.

Okay, come on out. Hurry.

Seal it.

Thanks, I'm not used to using my left arm.

Then I'll help you.

Seal it.

Toktlee choktlee hekuppah!


Naomi, maybe you should try it this time.

Ugh! We have to find Bronzino.



How are you not gingerbread?

I was out in the garden, but that's not the question.

The question is, why is everything else gingerbread?

It was Bronzino.

His spell went haywire, and then he disappeared... kind of. Huh!

I thought he was the guy who knew how to do cool stuff.

Why would you pick him over me?

I thought I was your friend.

You are my friend.

It's just...

I have a lot to prove, you know?

Ash and Esteban escaped on my watch.

So I thought if my guards learned magic...


...we could finally b*at them, and I could prove that making me captain was the right choice.

But I should have trusted you.

Because you were right about not taking shortcuts.

And also, because you are my friend.

I'm sorry.

Stop eating the palace, Rico.

Sorry, Captain.

I accept your apology.

So can you fix it?


But only with the combined power of a group spell.

And to do that, we'd need real tamboritas, not toys.

Would these help?

Yes! Just in time.

Mateo, why does the palace look like gingerbread?

It's a long story. But don't worry, we can fix it.

Everyone pick up your tamboritas!

Choctli quatic!

All right! What are the magic words?

You're not ready for the magic words.

Wait, what? We don't have time for this.

One good rain and the palace will turn to mush.

Company, ten-hut!

Royal Wizard Mateo is in charge, so we will take our time and do exactly as he says.

That's an order.

Thank you, Captain.

Okay, first things first.

Raise your arms... and we flap and clap.

Flap and clap.

Not this again. Flap and clap.

Rico. But this time, since you're holding tamboritas, you'll be hitting the drum when you clap.


It was a practice drill.

Exactly. Now try it.

Flap and clap.

Flap and clap.


Now repeat the spell after me.

But make sure you enunciate.

If you don't say the words exactly right, the spell won't work.


Mitzomo ticarsi.

Mitzomo ticarsi.

Mitzomo ticarsi.

Okay, I think everyone's got it.

Aim at the palace.

In three, two, one...

Mitzomo ticarsi!


Yes! No way!

Whoo-hoo! We're wizards!

Well cast, Gabe.

Thanks, Mateo.

You know, Avalor's lucky to have you as its Royal Wizard.

Thanks for noticing.

Would you consider coming back to teach us a few more spells?

I mean, if Ash turns anyone to gingerbread, we're all set, but we could really use a good teacher.

We'll resume training immediately.

All right!

Whoa! Mateo!

Mateo! Mateo!

But first, you're going to tell us that long story about the gingerbread palace.

Yes, something doesn't smell right.

And it's not the gingerbread.

Mateo! Mateo! Mateo! Mateo!
