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01x05 - The Spirit of Competition

Posted: 09/13/20 17:28
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring baIance to the world.

Love is in the air!

Since Avatar Korra has arrived in Republic City, she's onIy had eyes for one fellow, Mako.

The feeIing seemed mutuaI until a fateful accident intervened.

Now, Mako's affections have fallen right into the arms of the beautiful Asami.

WiII Iove prove to be Korra's most formidabIe foe yet?

lt's been great having you at so many back-to-back practices, Korra.

Feels good to be back, although Tarrlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence.

Hey, you joined the Fire Ferrets before you joined his task force.

Okay, come on, team huddle time!

lt's our first match of the tournament tonight.

l know the three of us haven't been a team for very long, but even so, the Fire Ferrets have never been this good.

-Are we ready?

-We're ready!

Not quite.

You'll need these!

-Hey, Asami.

-Good morning, sweetie.

-These new uniforms look great!

-You look great, champ!

Well, teammates, l'll see you before the match tonight, Asami and l have a lunch date.

Okay, we'll check you guys later, you know, we'll see you when we see you.

So, Korra...

There they go, here we are, all alone in the gym.

Just you and me.

Two alone people, together.


l gotta head back to the Air Temple to train with Tenzin.

See you!

Work with me here, Pabu!

You want to look spick and span in your new uniform, don't you?

So what do you think of Korra, in a girlfriend sort of way?

She's great!

But l think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami.

l was talking about a girlfriend for me!

Leave some ladies for the rest of us!

l know, that's what l thought you meant.


-l don't know, Bo.

lt doesn't seem like a good idea for you to date Korra.

You just said she was great two seconds ago.

Yeah, Korra is a great athlete and Avatar and stuff, but...

l don't know if she is really "girlfriend material." -She's more like a pal.

-Bro, you're nuts!

Korra and l are perfect for each other!

She's strong, l'm strong.

She's fun, l'm fun.

She's beautiful, l'm gorgeous!

Okay, l don't care what you think, l'm gonna ask Korra out.

Look, it just isn't smart to date a teammate, especially during the tournament.

Keep your head out of the clouds and your priorities straight.


-Yeah, yeah, l know!

You know what l'm talking about, Pabu.

Talking about real love...

So how's it going with the tall, dreamy Firebender boy?

You've been spending a lot of time together lately.

Yeah, tell us all about the magical romance.


Listen to you two, l'm not interested in Mako or any romantic stuff.

Besides, he's all into that prissy, beautiful, elegant, rich girl.

But let's just pretend for a second l am interested in him, what would l do?

l just read a historical saga, where the heroine fell in love with the enemy general's son, who's supposed to marry the princess.

-You should do what she did.

-Tell me!

She rode a dragon into battle and burned down the entire country, then she jumped into a volcano.

lt was so romantic.

No, no, no!

The best way to win a boy's heart is to brew a love potion of rainbows and sunsets that makes true lovers sprout wings and fly into a magical castle in the sky, where they get married and eat clouds with spoons, and use stars as ice cubes in their moonlight punch.

For ever and ever and ever!

The volcano is starting to make more sense to me now.

Hey, Pema.

How long were you standing there?

Long enough.

But trust me, l know what you're going through.

Years ago, l was in the exact same situation with Tenzin.

Daddy was in love with someone else before you?

-That's right.

-So what did you do?

Well, for the longest time, l did nothing.

l was so shy and scared of rejection...

But watching my soul mate spend his life with the wrong woman became too painful.

So l hung my chin out there and l confessed my love to Tenzin.

And the rest is history.

FoIks, after a year of waiting, the Pro-bending championship tournament is finaIIy here.

Tonight is the first set of matches in our singIe eIimination 16 team bracket.

And l gotta tell you, these are the most tenacious and talented bending trios this arena has ever seen.

Introducing our first team, the Future lndustries Fire Ferrets!

And their opponents, the Red Sands Rabbiroos.

What an expIosive opening voIIey!

Both teams quickIy recover and unIeash a barrage of bending.

l am astonished with the IeveI of improvement dispIayed here by the Fire Ferrets.

No wonder the Avatar has been absent from the papers IateIy.

She's obviously had her nose to the grindstone in the gym.

The Ferrets advance into Rabbiroo territory, and they're hoIding nothing back.

Nice sprawI there by Mako, BoIin strikes, UIa dodges and all three Rabbiroos are down!

The Fire Ferrets easiIy take round one.

Round two!

The Rabbiroos are Iooking for payback, and they go straight after BoIin.

Korra comes to his defense, and she water-whacks Umi back into zone two!

The Ferrets are on fire tonight, and they win round two.

Round three!

With the Rabbiroos down two rounds, they'II need a knockout to win, and with the way the Fire Ferrets are pIaying, I don't see that happening.

These Ferrets are working together Iike a weII-oiIed bending machine.

Bolin bashes Adi back into zone two, and the Ferrets get the green Iight to advance.

The Rabbiroos are just fighting to stay on their feet at this point.

Down goes Adi, and UIa and Umi!

AII three rounds go to the Future lndustries Fire Ferrets, who win their opening match of the tournament!


-That's what l'm talking about!

-Thank you, thank you very much!

-Wow, we were really connecting -out there in that ring!


You know, l feel like the two of us have been connecting really well -out of the ring, too.


So, l was thinking we should spend some time together.

We've been spending lots of time together.

l mean, outside of the gym.

And not while searching for kidnapped family members or fighting Chi-blockers.

l don't know.

-Asami and l...

-Look, l really like you, and l think we were meant for each other.

Korra, l'm really sorry, but...

l just don't feel the same way about you.

Forget l ever said anything.

Congratulations, guys!

You were so amazing out there.

So, Korra, l was thinking...

You and me, we could go get some dinner together...

Sort of a date situation.

That's really sweet, but l don't think so.

-l don't feel very date-worthy.

-Are you kidding me?

You're the smartest, funniest, toughest, buffest, talentedest, incrediblest girl in the world!

You really feel that way about me?

l felt that way since the moment l saw you.

Trust me, l know we're gonna have so much fun together.

You know what?

l could use some fun.

-Okay, sure.


Who's the luckiest guy in the world?

Right here, Bolin!

-So how'd you like it?

-lt's delicious!

And totally authentic.

l didn't realize how much l missed Water Tribe grub.

That's great, 'cause this is my favorite joint.


You love Water Tribe food, l love Water Tribe food, just another reason we are so great together.

They are good noodles!

Hey, who's that creepy guy over there that keeps glaring at us?

That's Tahno and the Wolf-bats.

Reigning champs, three years running.

Don't make eye contact.

Here he comes.

Now don't mess with this guy, he's a nasty dude.

Well, well, well, if it isn't the Fire Ferrets.

Pro-bending's saddest excuse for a team.

Tell me, how did a couple of amateurs like you luck your way into the tournament?

Especially you, Avatar.

You know, if you'd like to learn how a real pro bends, l could give you some private lessons.

You wanna go toe-to-toe with me, pretty boy?

Go for it.

l'll give you the first shot.

Korra, don't.

He's just trying to bait you.

lf you hit him, we're out of the tournament.

l've never seen someone razz Tahno like that.

You are one of a kind, Korra.

-What kind of game are you playing?


-We've got a quarterfinal match.

-No, l mean with Bolin.

You've got him all in a tizzy and l know you're only using him to get back at me.

l am not, we're just having fun together.

-What do you care, anyway?

-l'm looking out for my little brother.

-l don't wanna see his heart get broken.

-Wait a second.

You're not worried about him.

You're jealous!

-You do have feelings for me.



Don't be ridiculous.

Admit it, you like me.


l'm with Asami!

Yeah, but when you're with her, you're thinking about me, aren't you?

-Get over yourself!

-l'm just being honest!

-You're crazy!

-You're a liar!

Hey, Mako...

Eight teams have been eliminated and eight advance into the quarterfinals, which get under way tonight.

The rookies are about to take on the former and longest reigning champs, the Boar-Q-pines.

Youth clashes against experience in a battle for the ages, or rather, of the ages.

Korra dodges and sIams right into her teammate!

Down goes Mako, and BoIin and Korra!

Round one goes to the Boar-Q-pines!

You were supposed to defend while l att*cked!

l had an opening, so l took it!

What is up with you two?

All right, whatever, just pull it together, guys.

The Ferrets Iooking to mount some offense here in round two.

BoIin Iets fly a flurry of att*cks.

He's a one man bending battaIion.

The Ferrets having a tough time finding their rhythm tonight, but thanks to Bolin, they narrowIy notch round two.

Not sure what's eating them, but this is not the same team who took out the Rabbiroos.

Round three is a tie!

We go to a tie-breaker to decide the match.

The Fire Ferrets win the coin toss!

-Which element do you choose?

-l got this.

l know you usually handle these, but frankly, your head's not in the game.

l'm gonna take this one.

We choose earth.

Looks like the Earthbenders will collide in the tie-breaker faceoff.

BoIin goes in for the grappIe.

Chang reverses.

BoIin strikes from midair, knocking Chang to the edge of the circle.

Another strike from Bolin, and Chang's in the drink!

The Future lndustries Fire Ferrets win their quarterfinaI match!

That was a close one, folks.

Youth trumps experience tonight.

We need to talk.

Look, sometimes you can be so infuriating.


Save your breath.

You've already made it clear how you feel about me.

No, l haven't.

What l'm trying to say is, as much as you drive me crazy, l also think you're pretty amazing.

-So, you do like me?



l like Asami, too.

l don't know, things are complicated.

l've been feeling really confused...

Bolin, this isn't what you think.


Look what you did!

-You're blaming me?

-You kissed me!

-You kissed me back!

Well played, Korra.

Morning, Narook.

My brother here?


Come on, wake up.

Taking you home, bro.

Don't call me that.

You're not my brother!

You're a brother betrayer!

The only one l can trust anymore is Pabu.

Pabu loves me.

You're a mess, and we've got the biggest match of our lives tonight.

-Let's go.


l'm not going anywhere with you!

You traitor!

Guess l'll have to do this the hard way.


l told you dating a teammate was a bad idea.

You're a bad idea!

Put me down!

You can't find two teams more evenIy matched in age, size and strength than the Fire Ferrets and the Buzzard Wasps.

Believe me, l've looked!

This shouId be a puIse-pounding semifinal, folks!

The Buzzard Wasps open with a flawIessIy ex*cuted combo!

AII three Ferrets take an early visit to zone two!

And Mako's knocked aII the way back into zone three!

The Fire Ferrets have been struggIing to stay aIive since the opening beII.

AII three pIayers are totaIIy out of sync tonight.

That has got to sting!

And Bolin loses his noodles.


Which reminds me, this match is brought to you by our sponsor, Flamey-O lnstant Noodles.

Noodliest noodles in the United Republic!

The Buzzard Wasps fly deeper into Ferret territory.

And Mako pIunges into the pooI!

Can the Fire Ferrets hold on?

The Wasps have the Ferrets backed up to the edge now.

And the Ferrets are baiIed out by the beII!

They had better puII themseIves together, foIks, for round two, otherwise they can kiss the finaIs good-bye!


Watch it!

The Wasps take advantage of Mako's unforced error, and BoIin's in the pooI!

And a bIatant hoId by the Avatar!

Unnecessary roughness!

Move back one zone!

l'll unnecessarily rough you up!

And the Avatar is sIapped with the yeIIow fan!

The Ferrets are their own worst enemy right now.

It's just sad to watch.

With the Buzzard Wasps Ieading two rounds to zilch, the Ferrets' onIy hope of winning is with a knockout.

Well, l guess there's always next year.

Come on, we still have a chance, even if it is a slim one.

The way we're playing, we don't even deserve to be in the finals.

Look, if we don't pull together and work as a team, -we'll never forgive ourselves.

-Let's just get this over with.

The sooner, the better.

Bolin's knocked into zone two, foIIowed quickIy by his brother.

And BoIin takes a zinger to the shoulder.

Looks like it's a clean hit.


Mako's in the drink and out of the match.

And BoIin keeps pIaying with one good arm!

I got to hand it to him, this kid's got grit.

But how Iong can he keep it up?

ApparentIy, not very Iong.

The Ferrets' dream of making it to the finaIs now rests in the Avatar's hands.

But with three on one, l don't like her odds.

Are you okay?

How's your shoulder?

lt's messed up pretty bad.

But l think l'll be all right.

Are we gonna be all right?

Of course we are.

We're brothers.

We'll get through this mess.

-l'm sorry.

-Me, too.



What an unbelievable effort here by Korra.

She's dodging every element the Wasps throw at her.

The Avatar finaIIy gains some ground, but with onIy 10 seconds remaining, it might be too IittIe, too Iate.

It's the big kabosh!

What a knockout!


-We did it!


It didn't seem possibIe, foIks, but the Fire Ferrets are headed to the finals!

-Shoulder, shoulder!


That was pretty much the coolest thing l've ever seen.

Thanks for not giving up on us.

We never would have made it this far without you.

l owe you.

Big time.

You're welcome.


l know things are confusing right now.

-But l hope we can still be friends.


You boys smell something in here?

Wait, l know what that is.

Yeah, that's the scent of losers.

l hope we see you in the finals.

Then we'll see who the losers really are.


l'm peeing in my pants over here.

And now, the defending champs, the White Falls Wolf-bats!

Great job!

What a comeback, Korra!

-l've never seen a hat trick like that.


But if it hadn't been for you and your father, we wouldn't have had the chance to play.

So, thank you.

lf everyone's done with the little thank you party, l need some medical attention over here!

Let me help!

Haven't you hurt me enough, woman?

Relax, l'm a healer.

l learned from Katara, the best there is.

No, no, no, no...

That's the stuff.

Bolin, l'm sorry l hurt your feelings.

l didn't mean to let things get so out of hand.

l'll be all right.

-But we had fun together, didn't we?

-l had a great time, honestly!

You are one of a kind, Bolin.

Please, go on.

l enjoy praise.

Your winners!

The Wolf-bats!


How is it over already?

With a brutal round one knockout, the defending champs secure their spot in the finaIs.

I hope the Ferrets know a good doctor, because they're gonna need one!