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02x09 - The Guide

Posted: 09/14/20 09:20
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

Korra has regained her memory!

By connecting with the original Avatar, Korra learned that to stop Unalaq she must close the spirit portal before harmonic convergence, which is only weeks away!

Meanwhile, Varrick has made Bolin into a mover star and saved Asami's company.

Mako is the only one who suspects that Varrick is up to no good, but can he prove it?

- Gotcha!

Furry-Foot, come back.

- Jinora, there you are.

Come on, everyone's waiting.

Were you playing with someone?

- Oh, just some imaginary friends.

- Stop telling lies.

- It's true!

I once b*at an Earthbender in a rock-throwing contest!

I have the trophy to prove it.

- All right, who's ready for an exciting tour of the Eastern Air Temple?

We've got a lot to see today including ancient statues, ancient gardens, and the meditation hall used by ancient Airbenders.


Yay- Old things.

- Korra?


Yay, Korra.

- Korra's back.

- What are you doing here?

- And how did you know where to find us?

- Tenzin's itinerary.

We went over it like a hundred times before we left Republic City.

- See?

This is why schedules are important.

- It's so great to see you all again.

- It's great to see you too, but why aren't you training at the South Pole?

- Wait, you don't know about the civil w*r?

- What?


We've been out of touch with the outside world since we started our vacation.

- Tenzin's idea.

What happened?

- So much.

I don't know where to start.

- Just tell us everything!

- Everything?


I opened a spirit portal at the South Pole, but then Unalaq turned out to be a bad guy and wanted to take control of the South, so I sort of started a civil w*r, but when I went to find some help, I was att*cked by my cousins and then by a giant, dark spirit, and then I forgot who I was, and then I met the first Avatar, and then I realized I shouldn't have opened the portal in the first place, and now I need to close it again!

- I knew this would happen.

So Avatar Wan imprisoned this dark spirit Vaatu in the spirit world?

- Yes, and now I think my uncle is trying to free him.

- I knew Unalaq was hungry for power, but never realized how far he would go to get it.

- This is all my fault.

- No, don't blame yourself.

This is Unalaq's doing.

Now, we must focus on setting things right before he can do any more damage.

- Thank you.

- So you need to close the southern portal, but if Unalaq's army controls the South, how are we going to get to it?

- I thought about that.

My best chance to close the portal is from the inside.

I have to enter the spirit world.

- A journey to the spirit world.

All my years of spiritual training have prepared me for this moment.

I will help you.

Today, we enter the spirit world.

- Father, what are we doing here?

- You're here to straighten out the mess you caused when you failed to capture the Avatar.

- I told you, it wasn't our fault.

- You're right.

It was my fault for trusting you.

Harmonic convergence is almost upon us.

This is my opportunity to change the world.

- We'll make it up to you, Father.

- Good, because I'll need your help to open the northern portal.

- I thought only the Avatar could do it.

- I believe there is another way.

This way.

There it is: the northern portal.

- Cut!

Okay, that's lunch, everyone.

- Hello?


Nuktuk's still up here, all alone.


Hey, what are you doing here?

- Varrick invited me to watch some of the filming.

Are you filming right now?

- Right now?


We're, uh...

we're at lunch.

- Asami, there you are.

ls Bolin around?

- Up here.

- Good.

I've got something to tell you both.


I got to stop doing my own stunts.

- I found out who's been stealing from Future Industries: Varrick.

- What?


- He att*cked his own ship?

- Yes!

It was a ploy.

He wants Republic City to go to w*r, and he wants control of the businesses that stand to profit the most from it.

He already had all the shipping.

All he needed was Future Industries.

- Varrick helped save Future Industries.

He's my business partner now, not an evil mastermind.

Mako, you seem stressed.

- I am stressed!

- See, this is why I had to move out.

- You guys aren't living together anymore?

- Nope.

It was time for this eagle-hawk to spread his wings and fly.

- Sounds like you've had a pretty busy week.

Maybe you just need to relax.

- Wait a minute.

Are you two-- you're dating again!


- Dating?


- That's crazy!

- Korra just left a week ago!

- Guys, listen to me.

Varrick is up to no good, and I have proof.

The detonators he uses in his movers are exactly like the one I found at the Cultural Center att*ck.

And those explosions were exactly like the ones the captain reported when Asami's shipment was h*jacked.

Don't you see?

- Anyone could have gotten their hands on one of those detonators.

- Yeah.

Let it go, Mako.

Let it go.

- No!

I'm not going to let it go!

- Varrick's been looking for you.

- You're lucky.

This temple is the most spiritual of all the Air Temples.

Why, this very garden is where my father met Guru Pathik.

- Wow!

Spirit world, here we come.

- Are you in the spirit world?

- I would be if Meelo could ring his bell at the appropriate intervals.

- Aww, did I do it wrong?

- Let's try something else.

- I thought your bell ringing was just fine.

- Thanks!

Kya, this is too much smoke.

You set it up wrong.

This isn't going to work.

- I'm sorry.

I did what you told me.

- Well, the moment's ruined.

- We could have tried a little longer.

- Come back, Furry-Foot!

- Hey, Jinora, what are you chasing?

- Nothing.

- Focus, Korra.


- I am focusing.

- No talking.

Feel the energy of the universe.

- Okay, I feel it.

- Korra, really!

I'm trying to concentrate here!

I don't think this location is going to work either.

- What's going on with you?

First, you're blaming Meelo, then Kya, and now me.

- Well, nothing is feeling right to me.

- I don't want to rush your feelings, but we're kind of in a hurry.

How did you first get into the spirit world?

Let's try that.

- Well...

actually, I've never been into the spirit world.

- You've never been into the spirit world?

- But you used to spend days in the temple meditating.

- Trying get in.

It never happened.

It's my greatest shortcoming as an Airbender, spiritual leader, and son of Aang.

Welcome to the "I Disappoint Dad" Club.

- If you've never been to the spirit world, how were you planning to get Korra into it?

- I've spent years studying the techniques and theories of ancient spiritual leaders.

Now that the Avatar needs me, it must be my time.

- Tenzin, harmonic convergence is almost here.

If Vaatu escapes from the spirit world-- - You have to trust me.

I can help you.

- There might be another way.

Jinora, is there something you want to tell Korra?

- Jinora?

She is too young and untrained to have any knowledge about spiritual matters.

- Actually, I think I do know where Korra needs to go to get into the spirit world.

- And how would you know that?

- My spirit friends showed me.

It's okay.

You can show yourselves.

- How did you do that?

- Jinora.

- Bunnies!

- Actually, they're dragonfly-bunny spirits.

- I knew it.

Looks like she does know something about spiritual matters.

- So cute.

- Bunnies!

Come back!

- How long have you been able to do this?

- I don't know.

I guess I've always kind of had a connection with spirits.

I think this one likes me.

- Are they here to help?

- I think they want you to go down there.

- I don't know.

The spiritual energy is historically strongest near the temple.

- No offense, but I'm guessing the spirits have actually been to the spirit world, so I'm gonna follow them.

- If we need to go to the Tenzin world, we'll call you.

- Father, haven't the spirits had 10,000 years to open this portal?

- if they could not succeed, what makes you think we will?

- By entering the spirit world through the portal, we bring with us something the spirits never had: our bending.

Join me!

Together we can open this portal.

- Desna!

- Leave him.

Keep bending!

- He needs a healer at once!

- This is more important!

- I'm taking him back.

- I hear you've got some ideas.

You wanna tell me about them?

- Go ahead.

t*rture me all you want.

I'm not gonna talk.

- t*rture?

The only thing I want to t*rture is this pesky foot fungus.





The burning means it's working.

I heard you've been investigating the recent att*cks on my ships, and I think you know that I know that you know, you know?

- Know what?

- That the world is a dangerous place, and that's exactly why I want to offer you a job on my security force.

- I have a job.

- We need you.

Me, Asami, Bolin.

We're all on the same team here.

We want you to join us.

You wouldn't want anything to happen to Asami, would you?

I mean, I heard you and her were kind of an item again.

Or what about your brother?

- What are you saying?

- I'm saying I want your help to protect them.

Without you, who knows what could happen.

- Thanks for your concern, but the answer is no.

- Oh, you are just so cute.

I'm going to name you Bum-Ju.

It's short for "Bumi, Junior." Don't you think he looks like me?

- The resemblance is uncanny.

- I think Dad's mad at me.

- Your father's not mad.

His pride's just a little bruised since he isn't able to see spirits like you.

- You have a natural gift.

That's pretty lucky.

- You're the lucky one.

You actually got to meet the first Avatar.

I know about a lot of Avatars, but I don't know anything about him.

Is it even a him, or is it a her?

- It's a him, Avatar Wan.

He was amazing.

I saw how he became the first Avatar by fusing with Raava, the spirit of light.

- The Avatar is part spirit?

Of course!

Just like the statue!

- What statue?

- When we were at the Southern Air Temple, I was drawn to this old carving.

I couldn't figure out what it was until now.

It was the first Avatar.

- When did this happen?

- It was on the solstice.

- That's the day I opened the southern portal.

- Whoa.

- We're here!

- Are you sure these spirits are leading us to the right place?

- Of course!

I trust Bum-Ju with my life.

- Look.

There are carvings on them.

- This is an ancient Airbender meditation circle.

- There's a lot of spiritual energy in this place, but it feels really strange.

- We'll have to perform a spiritual cleansing ceremony.

- What are you talking about?

- Dad taught it to me.

This site has been neglected for many years.

A cleansing ceremony will help strengthen its connection to the spirit world.

- Good job, you cleansed the area of the only spirits that want to help us, and you scared away Bum-Ju.

- It's working.

- Ah!


Evil bats!

- Not bats.

Dark spirits!

- What are we supposed to do?

- Amazing.

- Your spiritual training has come a long way.

- Unalaq may be a horrible person, but his spirit powers are no joke.

- He taught you how to transform dark spirits.

I can't even get you into the spirit world.

- Everything Unalaq taught me was to help himself.

Everything you've done was meant to help me.

I am so sorry for turning my back on you as my mentor.

I need you now more than ever.

- I won't let you down.

The ancient Airbenders must have built this site.

If we meditate here, we'll be able to enter the spirit world.

- Why don't you go first?

- After all these years, my father's dream for me will finally come true.

- Hi.

- Did you come by to tell me how paranoid I am?

- No.

I just wanted to come by to make sure you're okay.

You seemed so agitated earlier.

- I'm fine.

- Maybe you need a night off.

Why don't we go get some dinner?

- No, thanks.

I'm a little busy.

- Too busy for Kwong's Cuisine?


We had our first date there.

- Maybe I do need to get my mind off things.

- Police!

Hey, Mako.

Hope we didn't interrupt you two lovebirds.

- What's going on?

- We busted some Triple Threats who said you hired them for a job.

- All right.

It's true.

We were trying to figure out who stole Asami's stuff, so we hired them for a sting operation.

I'm sorry for going behind your back.

- According to the Triple Threats, you did more than that.

They said you helped them steal a warehouse full of Future Industries property.

- That's crazy!

- You're gonna believe a bunch of criminals?

- I have to follow up on a lead.

- Well, looky what I found: cash“.

And these.

- What are you doing with expl*sives, Mako?

- I don't know where those came from.

- You're under arrest.

- None of that is mine.

- Should've known you'd hook up with your old pals.

Once a Triple thr*at, always a Triple thr*at.

- This has to be a mistake.

- Sorry to break the news to you, sweetie, but your boyfriend's just a crooked cop.

That sting operation was just a way to lure you away from your warehouse.

He was using you the whole time.

- That's not true, Asami.

I would never do anything to hurt you.

It's Varrick.

This is all Varrick.

He set me up!

- Yeah, it's Varrick's fault.



- You in the spirit world yet?

- No, I am not, and stop bugging me.

- It's okay, Tenzin.

Maybe you weren't meant to guide Korra into the spirit world.

- No!

Just give me some time.

- Stop being so stubborn.

It's not your destiny.

I think Jinora was meant to guide the Avatar.

- Jinora will not enter the spirit world!

She's not ready for the dangers of the other side, but I am.

I've spent years training, studying, and mastering everything there is to know about the spirit world.

- Tenzin, we're running out of time.

- If everyone could just be quiet and let me focus.

- Aunt Kya is right.

I can guide Korra into the spirit world.

I'll be all right.

- Perhaps I will never have the connection with spirits like I always wanted...

like my father wanted me to have.

- It's okay, Daddy.

- I'm proud of you.


Close the portal.

We'll wait here and keep your bodies safe till you return.

- We'll be all right.

The spirit world.

- The Avatar is dead, and we cannot open the northern portal.

I have failed you, Vaatu.

- You have not failed me...


The Avatar still lives.

- How do you know?

- Even though my connection to Raava was severed, I can still feel her presence.

- I'll find her.

- The Avatar will find you.

She has just entered the spirit world.