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01x06 - The Maddie Code

Posted: 09/30/20 18:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Imposters"...


She's in Seattle. Seattle?

He's an assignment, sweetie pie.


Patrick Campbell could be one of our biggest scores.

The numbers aren't good. They are amazing.

Not in a million years, Max.

Oh, yes, you most definitely will.

The payoff is huge.

What's the payoff?

We get to live.

If you ever go to the police or try to find me, everyone in the world will know what's inside that folder.

I bet whatever's in your folder is way worse than what's in mine.

I have literally no idea what you're talking about.

Yeah, me neither.

Ready to go?

We were never going to run.

You need to stop saying "we."

Rules of the game, Sal.

You broke 'em. Maxie.

This is your ex-wife.

Your shape-shifting, money-stealing, professional con artist ex-wife, and mine, and his.

Guys, we need a Maddie code.

No alone time.

No contacting her on our own.

All: No sex.

I'm gonna throw you one kick-ass birthday party.

I hate birthday parties, always have.

Until you met me.


Hi, Ava. What are you...


Alice. How did you...

Hey, Ce.

What the f...?

[light jazz music]

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

Excuse me. Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

Going to the bathroom. Is that okay?

May I please use the restroom?

You're not really in a position to take that tone...

But yes. Come right back.

And no funny business.

♪ ♪ Jesus Christ.

Okay, we're okay. It's okay.

Oh, my God, she looks so different, but I can see Alice in there.

I see Cece.

I see something, but I don't think it's Ava.


Does anybody else feel like puking?


[toilet flushing]



[indistinct chatter]

[clears throat]

[clears throat]

Well, here I am.

Now what?

[light jazz music]

Fine, I'll start. You found me, congratulations.

That's right. We did.

Yeah, and we're not leaving until we get what we came for.

What'd you come for?

Don't you wanna know how we found you?

Why don't you just tell me what you want?

You stole our money. Yeah, that's right.

You can't just take people's money.

You didn't just steal our money.

You took... our dignity.

Wrong. No one can take that from you unless you give it to them.

Anything else?

Yeah, you at least owe us some answers.

I don't have any answers.

Well, you haven't heard the questions yet.

Let me guess.

How could I do this to you? Right?

Or better yet, "Why me?" Yeah, exactly, why us?

Because it's my job.

It's what I do.

And because you let me.


Um... [chuckles]

Okay, we're willing to cut you a deal.

A deal. Mm-hmm.

There's no deal to be made because there is no money.

Uh, what about everything you stole from us?

It's gone.

It's gone? Yep.

What, it's just gone?

That's right. Okay, bullshit.

We're entitled to the truth.

You want the truth? Yeah.

And we're not leaving until we get it.


Here's your truth.

You are in way, way over your heads, okay?

If I screw up this job that I'm doing right now, if you screw it up for me, then he is going to k*ll me.

He's going to k*ll me in a very slow, painful way.

Who are you talking about?

What, you think I do what I do all by myself?

All right, so, here's what's gonna happen.

I'm going to get up, and I'm gonna walk out that door, and then each of you are going to turn around and go back to your lives because if you don't, then I'm quite literally a dead person.

And then all of you are not far behind.

There's your truth.

What just happened?

Ava... get out, let me out! What are you...

Maddie, wait!

Oh, God. Okay, he'll get her.

He'll bring her.

Maddie! I don't feel so good.

[sighs] Oh, God.

Thank you.

[tense music]

Are they ready for us? Uh, I think so.

We just head right over here. Okay.

♪ ♪ How many weeks in Seattle, and you've already got an admirer.

Nicely done.


What's the matter? Wrong guy?

No, no, if anything, he's too right.

It's me.

Well, either call that gentleman and tell him you'd like to thank him in the flesh or give me his number.

Jesus Christ.

How soon can we get out of this g*dd*mn bank?

Whoa. Whoa, hold on.

Look, Max.

This morning at the diner...

I just... I can't... I can't work here anymore, okay?

I thought after Heller was, you know, gone that they'd let me go.

I mean, couldn't I just quit?

No, no, no, you gotta keep on like nothing's changed.

You want some advice? What?

You wanna quit being a secretary?

Make yourself a wife ASAP.

I mean, it looks like you're on your way, right?

Just doing my job.

Good, that's good to hear.

[toaster rattles]

Toaster pastry?

I don't buy it, guys.

I mean, who would want to k*ll her?

Besides us?

Maybe it's like she said. She's accountable to someone.

I mean, what we need to know is does she have a new mark.

I mean, is she already married?

Was she wearing a ring?

Oh, I didn't even notice.

Oh, me neither.

Shit, guys, this isn't amateur hour, okay?

We gotta get it together.

By doing what, exactly? She's a liar.

We have zero information.

She just played us and left again.

I mean, how is it possible she doesn't have any of our money?

I need that money, all right?

If I don't get that money, I'm screwed.

Okay, okay, you're right.

We don't know what we're dealing with here.

And we can't know what to do until we find out, so let's get to work.

♪ Like a runaway train ♪

♪ I just have to ride ♪ You having a tough day?

♪ A nagging twitch that I must abide by ♪ Sorry, everything at the bank. My boss and...

It's just so sudden, so strange.

No, don't apologize.

You don't need to be any certain way with me.

Just be you.

♪ Taking over my brain ♪ You are just so sweet. You know that?

♪ ♪ Yeah, you got it!

Just want me to wait or just go?

So fake, aw.

Ugh, fake, fake-ity fake, fake.

Yeah, man, that's so fake.

Looks pretty real to me.

I'm not believing it.

Poor schmuck. He's totally doomed, and he doesn't even know it.

I don't think he's struggled much.

He's gonna be fine.

Have a heart, dude. Heart-schmart.

We want our money back? There you go.

This guy's a juicy target.

Well, gotta hand it to her, at least she's gone back to my type.

I mean, he's good-looking, well-built, charismatic.

Look at that smile.

Well, maybe you should date him.

Uh, hold up, it looks like we got a bogey at 3:00.

"Bogey," isn't that golf? No, I mean in a "Top g*n" way.

Who do you think this is?

I don't know.

Sister, maybe? r*cist.

It was the way they're saying hi!

Guys, shh!


Man, she's meeting his family already.

It's not that I don't like birthday parties.

It's just that I don't like being the center of attention.

Oh, you think the party is about you?

Oh, no, no, no, no, he just wants to show off what a great boyfriend he is.

Hey, hey!

Well, I mean, yeah, but still. [laughs]

Doughnut, is that a doughnut?

I love those kind of doughnuts, man.

Dude, how do we not have any snacks, man?

Dude. All good stakeouts have snacks. We've been here like five minutes. Oh, target's on the move.

They're getting up. Uh-oh.

Okay. What do we do?

Uh, don't know.

Uh-oh, looks like they're splitting up, guys.

What's the plan? Okay, three of them, three of us. I say we split up too.

I call Alice!

♪ ♪

[overlapping chatter]

♪ ♪

[phone beeps]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪ _

♪ ♪ _

[phone dings]

♪ ♪

Can I help you find something?

Yeah, you know, I don't... I don't know a whole lot about flowers, but I'm trying to convince my new sort-of-girlfriend that I do by buying a lot of flowers for her birthday.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪ _

Hey. Oh, my God, how are you?

Hi. I'm good. And you? It's good to see you.

Yeah, good, I'm just... Yeah, what's up?

It's Patrick's girlfriend's birthday.

[phone beeping] _

[phone beeping] _

♪ ♪


I'm on it. Thank you.

♪ ♪ Are you Patrick?


Man, I thought it was you.

Wow, this is the craziest coincidence.

This is not gonna be a repeat of the diner.

Remember, she has more to lose than we do.

We came here for our money, and we're gonna get our money.

And we're all gonna abide by the Maddie code?

- Absolutely For sure.

- Let's do this. So now we're musketeers?

Come on, guys, don't leave me hanging.

- Always forward. Never back.


Yo, handsome.

Yes, beautiful?

Do you mind?

Oh, I don't mind at all. Okay.

[zipper buzzes]

Hey, wrong direction.

Well, I mean, we have time, don't we?


I suppose so.

[doorbell rings]

Oh, my goodness.

Who's here so early?

[sighs] Caterers, probably.

Always messing up my plans.

Hold that thought.

Hey! Hello!

Good to meet you. Yeah, nice to meet you.

This is my girlfriend. Happy to meet you too.

Hey, come on down. I got a little surprise for you.



What did I say?

We talked about this. I know.

I told you, no surprises.

You're gonna really like this one, though.

Surprise! [laughs]

Oh, my God!

I cannot believe my baby sister is turning 30.

What happened?

[laughing] I don't know.

I mean, I didn't even know you had a brother, and then this guy shows up at the flower stand, and he's calling out my name. It was incredible.

That is incredible.

Wow, how did you, um... Well, you told me all about your new mystery man, sent me all those cute photos.

So when I saw him, I had to say something.

I mean, have you ever fallen for a guy so fast?

Ezra, you're embarrassing me. What?

No, don't stop, though, 'cause I'm loving it.

[clears throat] Oh, God, I'm so sorry.

This is my girlfriend, Jules.

Jules, meet my sister, Saffron. She's 30 today.

So I hear. Wow.

It's so lovely to meet you finally.

Nice to meet you too.

[strained] Okay. Stop it.

Wow, so many people that love you in one room.

This is gonna be a fantastic party.

Yeah, did anyone offer anyone a drink?

I was just headed there.

Come on, follow me, guys.

[both whispering harshly]

What can I get you guys?

Birthday girl first.

Oh, birthday girl? Wow, happy birthday.

What's your poison?

Something strong.

One for me too. And me.

All right, how about a cocktail I invented?

Clean, classy, disappears without a trace.

Call it the "Alice."


That sounds wonderful.

Four Alices. All right.

[phone ringing]

Yeah, it's just so pretty. [indistinct chatter]

Come on, Max, answer your phone.

You've reached my cell. Leave a message.


[woman singing in foreign language]

[soft jazz music]

Yeah, it's only been two weeks.

Really? Yeah.

That's hilarious I did not know that, wow.

So you live right here in Seattle?

Well, Bellevue.

Suburbs, you know, they get a bad rap, but, uh, what can I say? I like being able to park.

Yeah, I understand that.

[phone buzzing] Oh, excuse me.

Oh, no problem.

Having fun?

Yeah. [chuckles]

I sure didn't expect all of this.

[laughs] But you know Patrick.

He loves bringing people together.


You know, Patrick never mentioned that you had a brother.

Mm, yeah, well, I think family is the most important thing, don't you? Oh, I do.

You really get to know someone when you finally meet their family. And big brothers are the best.

Ahh. You have any other siblings...

No, no, just the one. Excuse me.

So finally, finally, I'm like, yes, okay, fine, you can cut my hair, and she cuts an enormous bald spot in the back of my head.

And then I'm like, okay, I'm gonna do the same thing to your dolls, and I was the one that got in trouble because Saffron, I don't know, man, she always knew how to manipulate our mom and dad.

It's like she has this whole shape-shifting thing going on.


Is my brother being a pain in the ass again?

No, no, he's a funny guy.

You know, it's nice to hear some things about your childhood.

She tells me so little, I was starting to think she was raised in a cult.

Well, a cult would've been a lot more interesting than Pottsville.

Pottsville? Where's that?

Pottsville, Pennsylvania, hometown.

Wait, I... I thought Cincinnati?

It's Cincinnati.

Right, we're originally from Cincinnati...

Right. But our uncle got sick, and we moved to Pottsville.

Uncle Sam. And let me tell you, Pottsville had never seen anything like Saffron.


When's... when's the last time you visited?

Ezra. No, no, no, it's fine.

You know, things are a bit tough back there, you know.

Our dad, his, uh... his memory's going down, you know, and, uh...

But this one, she's still the apple of his eye, huh?

Anyway, sorry, not tonight.

Patrick, where are... where are you from?

Uh, Chicago, originally, then...

Thank you. Thanks.

You're welcome.

How come he's getting all the play with her and I'm stuck here like a dishrag?

They're not alone.

Technically not a code violation.

Well, I still don't like it. Hey, how was your little chat?

One-on-ones are not cool, remember?

And that wasn't a one-on-one, and your breath smells like a Tijuana strip club.

Are you slut shaming me?

No. [scoffs]

Here she comes.

Hi. Hi.

Can I have another Alice? Of course, coming right up.

Thank you.

Come here, my friends.

Hey, I have a question. Mm-hmm?

What the f... do you think you're doing here?

Not leaving until we get our money.

I already told you. There's no money.

Well, then I guess you better get it.


Well, that dude Patrick is clearly loaded.

How long till you steal all his money?

You can pay us then.

Not exactly how it works. Oh.

Okay, how about this?

You think you three bozos can keep your shit together for about 30 minutes?

We're not having trouble keeping our shit together.

Precisely, exactly, boom.

Okay, I'm cutting you off.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I'm cutting you off.

So what happens in 30 minutes?

Max gets here and tells you all about your money.

Good, look forward to that.

One Alice, made with love. Thank you.

Stop it.

[both sigh]

So who the hell is Max?

No idea.

[percussive music]

♪ ♪ Oh, yeah.

♪ ♪

[phone ringing]

Hey, birthday girl.

You know, I'm not even sure I know when your real birthday is.

Max, I've been calling you all day.

How fast can you get here?

Is the party that much fun?

We have a real situation.

It's Ezra Bloomer, Richard Evans, and Jules Langmore.

Son of a bitch.

How... how did they... I don't know.

I don't know. Just get here.

[indistinct chatter]

[woman singing indistinctly]

♪ ♪ Legion of Boom. '85 Bears.

Game-defining D. Oh, absolutely game-defining.

Played a little ball back in high school.

I'm certainly glad I didn't have to face any of those super smart secondaries.

Right, well, who would?

I played too.

Both: Quarterback.

Aw, really? Hell yeah, man.

Well, here you go.

Perfect. Yeah, cheers, bro.

Game time. Thank you.

New boy crush?

He seems like a good guy.

Oh, "He seems like a good guy."

Blah, bloo, blee, bloops.

Okay, drink some water.


Drink it, okay?

Can I please have everyone's attention?

Old friends, new friends, family.

I wanna thank everyone for being here tonight to help me celebrate the life of this spectacular woman standing over here.

Come here, babe.

When I first met Saffron, she disagreed with every word I said.


And I thought, "Now this is a woman that isn't gonna" take any of my shit."


I like that.

We do too.


You know, I have a saying... Oh, he has his own saying.

When love is the answer, doesn't matter what the question is.

It's kind of cool, but does that qualify as a saying?

No, it does not. Shh.

The last few years have presented me with some questions, big ones.

And guess what the answer is.

Gee, guys, do you think it's love?

Shh. It's definitely love.

Love is always the answer. Pfft.

Thank you, Saffron, for your kind heart, your adventurous spirit, the way you challenge me, all of it.

To Saffron.

All: To Saffron.


Can I puke now or later?

Aw, it was a pretty good speech, though, overall.

Poor sap, he has no idea what's coming.

Oh, I almost forgot. What's that, a poem?

Folks, happy birthday, babe.

When words aren't enough.

["1812 Overture" plays]

[people exclaiming]

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

Oh, wow.

[rousing orchestral music]


♪ ♪

[people gasping and exclaiming]

[people gasping and laughing]

[fireworks banging and crackling]

[gasps] Ooh.

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

[slow R&B music]


♪ ♪ Hey, brother.

[speaks indistinctly]

Hey, you know, money talks...

Wanna dance?

Where's this Max guy you promised?

He's on his way.

Really? Mm-hmm.


Oh, come on, might be our last chance for...

A brother/sister dance?

♪ ♪ All right.

♪ ♪

♪ Forget about right or wrong ♪

♪ Don't worry about tomorrow ♪

[leaves rustling] What?

♪ Stay with me tonight ♪ Shit.

So... Mm-hmm.

Tell me, my brother... Sister of mine?

How did you know about Pottsville?

Well, it turns out I'm a pretty resourceful guy.

Mm, maybe.

Guess I just didn't expect you to go that far to find me.

Maybe you underestimated me. [chuckles]


♪ Overtime ♪

♪ I'm putting in overtime ♪ You seem different, Ezra. Yeah?

I still see you in there.

You see... Ava?

I see Maddie.

♪ 'Cause we will be up here late ♪ I see you too.

Really? Yep.

Always could, see you, be with you, so easily.

♪ I'm ready to go, oh ♪ Ooh-ho-ho, wow. I remember that look.

What look?

The, uh, "this is something special, you're the only one who gets me" look.

Mm. How do you do that?

You just throw your heart around like it's nothing.

I don't know. Maybe it's different this time.

Maybe he's not just a mark.

♪ Overtime ♪ If that's what you need to tell yourself, then... great.

You guys do look alike. Mm-hmm.

I mean, coloring and all. It's crazy.

There's some crucial differences.

There are. I hope so.

All right, she's all yours, man.

Enjoy yourself.

♪ Baby ♪ Don't start.

Okay, definite code violations.

One-on-one, touching, out of control.

That wasn't a one-on-one... Shh.

[smooth electronic music]

You got anything with Amarula? How about Amarula?

I'll take some Amarula.

Glass of Amarula. Mm-hmm.

Pretty awesome. Yeah?

Yeah. What are you drinking?

Ah, stupid soda water now.

I like yours better. Bartender kind of cut me off.

Had to do it. [laughs]

♪ ♪ Uh-oh, Dad left the liquor cabinet open.

Ohh. Stupid Dad!

[both laughing]

Cheers. It's a party.

Just don't drive home. To never going home again.

Oh, I didn't say get that crazy, but whatever's good.

♪ ♪ I like your perfume. I'm not wearing perfume.

Okay, then I just like the way you smell.


♪ ♪ Excuse me, ma'am. More champagne?


I saw you dancing with Ezra out there.

I need a one-on-one too, okay?

One-on-one what?

Meet me upstairs in the study in five minutes.

Richard. Or I'm gonna go big.


Do it.

What? You can't be serious.

I'm serious, okay? I need closure really, really, really, really badly, and this is the only way I can do it.

If I do this, do you promise to get the hell out of Seattle?

Yes, yes, yes, okay? Fine, five minutes.



[Creaks open]

[light piano and percussive music]

♪ ♪ Hello, Richard.

♪ ♪ Alice.

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ahh ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ ♪ How've you been?

I'm fine, thank you.

Look, we need to talk.

It's not gonna be easy, but I need you to hear this.

Should I take a seat? Just... let me...

I was gonna say that. Oh, I'm sorry.

Go ahead.

♪ Ah-ah-ahh ♪ Uh, have a seat.

♪ ♪ Thank you. Yeah.

♪ ♪ So I'm breaking up with you.

I understand.

Can you maybe be a little bit upset?

I just dumped you.

Oh, right, I'm sorry.

Do it again. [sighs]


I'm breaking up with you.

Richie, don't, please.

We're so good together. I know.

What about all our plans? No, I know.

We were very good together, but I'm on a journey now that...

I'm on a journey which...

I mean, I'm on a journey which...

I'm journeying, and it's a solo mission, at least for now, and you can't come with me.

Maybe if... Just... just don't, please.

Please, seriously.

You know, sometimes I can't eat or sleep.

You took up so much room inside me, and then you just ripped it all out and left this big, painful nothing.

[melancholy music]

And I don't want it anymore, and so I'm...

I'm breaking up with you, and, uh, we're done.

You understand?

We're done.



♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪ Maddie, Alice, wait.

♪ Don't see a struggle, only talk about the trainin' ♪ Alice, Alice, hold on, hold on. Shh, shh, shh, Saffron.

You mean Saffron. Okay, whatever, I'm sorry.

Look, are you okay? Are you okay?

You seemed like you... Should we get back together?

What? No, no, you said you wanted closure, I gave you closure.

I didn't say closure and tears.

Okay, this... this...

[rap music playing]

How can you just... How?

It's my job. I told you.

Well, it's a shit job, okay? Ugh.

Boo to your job.

♪ ♪ Oh! Hey. [laughter]

There you go. I like that one.

[laughter and indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Can't stop, won't stop ♪ ♪ Can't stop, won't stop ♪

♪ Caught up in the moment ♪ Yeah, oh, people, people!

Hi, everyone, hi, are you having a good time?


Me too!

I'm Jules. I'm Saffron's girlfriend.

Oh, no, wait, I'm Saffron's brother's girlfriend, and I got a lot of feelings on this big night, so listen up!


[whispering] Birthday.


When are we really born?

Is it when we first come out of the birth canal, or is it when we first become aware of ourselves?

Maybe we're born again over and over and over and over with each person that we meet.

Our birthday girl, 30 years, or 30 days.

Maybe we should all just face the facts, that Saffron Keyes is really just... Saffron Keyes is really

30 years old today. I love you, sis.

Come on, raise a glass, everybody, eh?

Come on. [cheers and applause]

Cheers. Come on.

[cheers and applause]

Hey, hey, come here, come here, come on, come on.

[upbeat dance music]

♪ ♪ Hey, come on, come on.

♪ ♪ Will you cut it out, God damn it?

People need to know who she really is.

Shh! No, don't you shush me!

She was my wife too, okay? I have things to say too.

Okay, okay, come on, come on.

All we had to do is keep our shit together for 30 minutes, Jesus!

No, I'm fine. Unbelievable.

What the hell?

You actually did the wig thing? Are you insane?

We came here to do a job, get the money, and run, remember? Is that what you were doing when you were dancing cheek to cheek with her?

Exactly, no one-on-ones, remember?

She asked me.


Mr. Ellis. Pops?

Señor Cisneros?

My name is Max.

I knew you weren't dead.

You're a bright kid. Wait, so you were working with her the whole time? Yeah.

So does this mean that you don't really think my art

"marries the playful subversivism of Duchamp with the sublime sensuality of Kahlo"?

How drunk is she?

Not... not enough.

Sit down, everyone. Now.

Do you know why you're here?

We're not here for any trouble, okay?

We just want our money. Wrong.

You came here to chase a phantom.

People do crazy things for love. I get it.

If they didn't, well, I wouldn't be in business.

But know this: there's no Ava; there's no Cece; there's no Alice; and there's no money, not now, not ever.

Says you.

I'm sorry?

"A," you're a con artist, so what you say doesn't exactly hold water. "B," we can blow the lid off this whole thing in five seconds flat...

Yeah. If you don't guarantee us a piece of the action. True that.

"A piece of the action." Mm-hmm.

At what price, hmm?

Are you willing to destroy your mother and bring down Bloom Boot & Heel in one fell swoop when I reveal to Mumsy that your father has a sweet little side dish named Chanterelle and that the entire family business is built upon a stolen patent?

Whoa, seriously?

And are you going to be able to live with yourself when your hometown finds out that you threw that interception on purpose to beat the spread? And for what, 10 grand?

That's pretty weak.

That money went to my mom.

Nobody cares, son. I knew it.

I knew you guys had your own secrets.

So it seems we're all con artists in our own way, aren't we?

And poor Jules... Do not go there.

Please don't forget that we have this information.

Leave town today, or we'll use it.

And my last and most important point: if anything interferes with Maddie doing this job, the people who sent her here to do this job, well, simply put, they will k*ll her, they will k*ll me, and, as far as you three bumblers go...

Hey, man, don't thr*aten us. I'm telling you...

Oh! Whoa!

[snap] [screaming]

And, oh, yeah, there's that.

Don't let me see any of you ever again.


[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[phone buzzing]

Josh, what is it?

Why have you been calling for the last three hours?

Jesus, Ezra, why haven't you been answering your phone?

Dad had a heart attack.


I-Is he okay?

We don't... We don't know, man.

You just... You need to come home.

Mom is... It's rough here, man.

Just get home now.

[melancholy music]

What's going on, man?

♪ ♪ What?

♪ ♪


You have the post-party blues?

Mm, no.

Just, you know, a year older.

I don't think I'm any wiser.

Mm, I think you're a lot wiser than you know.

Thank you.

Really, thank you

for the party, the fireworks, everything.

You're amazing.

And I'm not even done yet.

I mean, you didn't think I was gonna really let your birthday pass without giving you an actual gift, did you?

Patrick. Hold on. Give me one second.

We... ugh. One second.

I would like you to open this, please, madam.

Oh, my God, you have done enough.

[gentle piano music]

♪ ♪ Worth way more than anything I have to put in it.

Oh, then we gotta do something about that.

And you should probably leave some room for a little vacation shopping when you pack.

When I pack?

Yeah, I thought this weekend, I'd take you for a little getaway, unless, of course, you don't wanna go. [chuckles]

Wait, wait, don't you even wanna know where we're going?

No, no, no, anywhere that's away with you is exactly where I wanna be.

[solemn instrumental music]

♪ ♪ How long you gonna go for?

I'll know more when I get there, uh...

♪ ♪

[murmurs indistinctly]

Hey, I'm so sorry about your dad.

But you know this isn't over.

Oh, maybe, or maybe we just have to accept that we're not getting what we came here to get.

We don't even know what we came here to get, so there's no reason to think we can't still get it, right?

You know, what's scary is that I'm starting to understand your logic.

I think you miss me already.

Yeah, yeah, uh, in your dreams.

[both chuckle]

♪ ♪

Take care of yourself, all right?

Yeah, okay. Talk to you soon.

♪ ♪

Let me just say again, I really, really, really think it's a stupid idea.

You need the electrolytes. Drink up.

No, just... will you just listen to me for a second?

Max said that Cece was in actual trouble, like v*olence, death.

[sighs] He's a con artist.

He was lying.

What if he wasn't?

Look, she chose this life, all right?

Patrick didn't.

He's a good guy. He's fine.

Whatever, it doesn't... Let me ask you something.

What if somebody could've come to you after you met Cece but before she totally screwed up your life and could've done something, could've stopped it, huh?

Just, what if someone tries to hurt her?

Or us?

I mean, I really think you should call Ezra before you...

I don't need Ezra's permission, okay?

I'm going.

You can stay here, or you can come with me.

Ugh, you can't leave. All right, watch me.

We're a team or whatever. All right?

Always forward, never back. That doesn't even apply in this case if you... Wait, Richie!

[door rattles closed] You'll ruin everything.

♪ ♪

Oh, shit.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Ah, shit, come on.

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪ Patrick!

♪ ♪ God damn it.


[grunts] Patrick!

Oh, ahh.

♪ ♪ No, come on.


♪ ♪ Excuse me.


♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter] Next.

♪ Get ready ♪

♪ ♪ Okay, just put it in there.

Thank you. You can go through.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪ Thanks.

[indistinct chatter]

Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, man, I'm just looking for...

♪ ♪ What's up, superstar?

Thank you. Good morning.

♪ ♪ That's right, late.


♪ Get ready ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Get ready ♪