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09x01 - Party Crashers

Posted: 10/20/20 16:34
by Phnxgirl
♪ I stalked you for so long ♪

♪ You watched me just as strong ♪

♪ It feels right bein' wrong ♪

♪ Never thought I'd get you, no ♪

♪ But here you are, my mind's blown ♪

♪ My mind's blown... ♪

♪ NCIS: LA 9x01 ♪ Party Crashers
Original Air Date on October 1, 2017

What are you doing here?

Just came to see what the catch of the day was.

You're glad to see me, I can tell.

Of course I am.

Hetty send you?

No. No, I came all on my own.

Work that slow?

On the contrary.

Very busy.

Very exciting stuff going on

that you're gonna be really upset that you're missing.

This is nice.


It's heaven.


How long are you gonna stay?


one or two days past forever.

Well, you told me you were taking time off

to be with your kids.

Kamran has been posting for several weeks now

about her freshman experience at Stockdale,

and I happen to know for a fact

that classes began at Annapolis over a month ago.


by the looks of it,

the only thing around here is, uh...

you and...

terrified sea life.

I'm happy, G.

No, you're not.

I mean, you think you are.

I get that-- but you're not.

Look, I get it. Thi...

This is awesome.

It is peaceful,

it is relaxing, it is quiet.

It's beautiful.

It's just not you.

You left a big hole behind.

Find a replacement.

It's not that easy.

I didn't say it was easy.

But you can't find someone if you don't start looking.

I don't want to have to train anybody.

Geez, it took me long enough with you.

It's good to know you still have your sense of humor.

What, do you want more money, huh?

You want your own office?

What is it gonna take to bring you back?

A miracle.

So... unless you have one

hiding up your sleeve...

save your breath, drink your beer...

enjoy the view.

Go inside and rinse off, make us some breakfast.

Hope you're hungry.

When was the last time you talked to your mom?

I don't know. Why?


You haven't told her yet, have you?

Trust me, you do not want me to tell her...

Oh, God. ...because once I tell her,

she's gonna be all over this.

Deeks, you are putting me in an awful position, okay?

She deserves to know. You have to tell her, come on.

I will.

- When? - Right after the honeymoon.

- Deeks! - Relax, all right?

If you told your mom, then she definitely told my mom.

Then why hasn't she said anything?

Oh. Maybe it's because she's angry

that she heard it from my mom and not us.

No, 'cause if she was angry, we'd definitely hear about it

over and over and over again.

Oh, my gosh, what if she doesn't approve?

Are you out of your mind?

She likes you more than she likes me.

That's not tr... Well, okay, maybe.

But if you called her, she wouldn't.

You want me to call her? Yeah, I do.

- You really want me to call her? - That's what I'm saying.

- Fine. Fine, I'll call her. - Good.

It's not good.

Let's be perfectly clear about this.

This is gonna be very, very bad.

But that's fine.

That's fine. I'm calling her.


This is Bert. Leave a message.

Voice mail.

Mama, hey. It's Marty.

Listen, I was just calling to, uh...

to check in on you,

and, uh...

Not important.

Just call me back whenever you can.

Not a rush. Could be today or tomorrow

or... next month.

Okay. I love you, Mama.



Great. Good.

Wonderful. This is love.

Horrible person!

Oh, my God!

Ooh! Aah!

I give! I give!


How'd you know it was me?

Seriously, Beale? Avocado season's over.

There's no reason to be passing out flyers.

That's probably why Deeks got such a good deal on the rental.

Why'd I listen to him anyway?

For the future, a simple hat,

a pair of sunglasses,

might be a tad less conspicuous.

That's the genius of it, though.

Nobody expects a giant vegetable.

Well, technically, an avocado is a fruit with a single nut, so...

...have fun with that.

That's a coincidence.


My phone is in my pocket.

Can... Yeah, I got you covered.

Emergency alert.

"All hands on deck.

This is not a drill." Let's go.

Holy moly, guacamole.

Special Agent Callen. Nice to finally meet you.

Special Agent Harley Hidoko.

Executive assistant to the EAD-PAC.

Did you send this alert?

No. I did.

Executive Assistant Director Mosley.

I've been assigned by NCIS headquarters

to replace Owen Granger.

And to find a new operations manager for this unit.

Where's Hetty?

Probably halfway to Fiji by now.

And why do you say that?

Well, because she always said

she wanted to sail into the sunset when she retired.

Surely she told you.

That's why you sent this emergency message?


I sent that message because

we've received Intel that North Korea

is launching a m*ssile at Los Angeles.


Think this thr*at from North Korea's legit?

I doubt it.

I'm more concerned about Hetty.

She always leaves a contingency plan with Nell.

Not this time. I swear.

This is the first I'm hearing of this.


Oh, don't look at me-- I haven't seen her for days.

But you know Hetty.

Maybe Michelle's death was hard on Sam and Hetty.

Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here

is a time-sensitive situation.

Defense Intelligence Agent Thomas Park

was supposed to be stationed in South Korea, but last night

he fell to his death outside a Sunset nightclub.

The initial police report is on your desks.

We're still waiting on the coroner's results.

How do I get this to the big screen?

Yeah. It can be tricky.


So, uh, Mosley,


Is that, uh... is that Irish?




Not Irish.

Um, your operating system is 4.8.

4.8? Oh,

we will definitely need

to update that for you.

So what was he doing

- in Los Angeles? - We're not sure.

Agent Park was a bit of a wild card.

His supervisors didn't even know he was here.

He boarded a flight to L.A. yesterday

with no checked luggage.

He was a part of an intelligence task force

assigned to North Korea's aerospace

and m*ssile program.

Minutes before his death,

he sent this text.

- That could mean anything. - Well, even if it did,

I mean, North Korea doesn't have the technology

to hit us with an ICBM.

DIA Agent Park lost his life to get us this information.

I think we need to take this as a legitimate thr*at.

We have copies of Agent Park's open cases.

Hopefully, they can help us determine which one was in play.

This is a priority assignment,

so I'd like Agent Callen and Agent Blye

working this.

Oh, you know, that's a good... idea.

What we usually do, just for the record, is that I work...

Uh, I'm sorry, Detective.

I know you've played an important role

with this team in the past,

but this falls under national security.

- Oh. - You'd be most helpful now

if you returned to LAPD

and kept us updated on their end of the investigation.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yeah, no, of course.

I just don't really... understand what...

you just... Good talk. Okay.

Hi. Hi. Cheers.

Well, well.

The prodigal son has returned.

What did you finally do to piss off Thumbelina?

Wasn't Hetty; she's retired.

We got a new sheriff in town.

Well, I'm surprised you lasted this long.

Thanks for that vote of confidence.

You got a desk for me?

Oh, you bet I do.

Hetty, please call me back and tell me what's going on.

Maybe this is a play.

For what?

Well, you never know with Hetty.

You all right?

Yeah, just, you know, I mean, I don't like

that Deeks has been sent back to LAPD,

but what am I gonna do about it?

What do you got, Eric?

Every law enforcement agency has been put on high alert

with this North Korean thr*at,

but there's a gag order not to share it with the public

or the media.

They probably don't want people panicking.

And none of the agencies have been able to confirm

this is a viable thr*at.


First case with Mosley is a wild goose chase.

Hey, did you find Hetty?

Um, not yet, but I did check with Washington.

Callen, her retirement is legit.

It went into effect last week.

Doesn't mean anything.

It could still be one of Hetty's elaborate ploys.

Maybe she's gunning for assistant director gig

and this is her way of applying leverage.

Might be why she's not talking to us.

I don't think so.

Hetty has unloaded three of her properties

in the last two months: the beach house,

the downtown loft and the condo in the Argyle

have all been sold.

What about her place in Hancock Park?

Not yet,

but it is listed.

What about her boat?



Did she sell it?

I can try to find out.

Can you track it?

Well, either she turned her transponder off

or she's out of range.

Now, I can try to extend the search

with the help of the Navy, but that might take

some time, so we're gonna have to...

I got to go.

What was that?


Oh, uh, that-that was nothing.

Looked like a marina.

Oh, that.

Oh, marina. Yes, um,

we have been trying to get a slip in Marina Del Rey

for what, like, three years now, um...

Three years., sometimes we just tap their security

to see if they have anything available.


You two have a boat?

Yes. No.

Well, we... Well...

- we ha... - we ha... technically, had...

- Past tense-- had a boat. - ...a boat.

But it... But then it sunk.

To the bottom. So...

Davy Jones' Locker.


Okay, well,

let's just keep this our little secret.

But whatever you do, don't let Mosley catch you

using our resources

for personal use.

That's a fireable offense in her books.

Wow, okay. Okay.

So, uh, no World of Warcraft on the big screen?


He's a kidder.

She doesn't like kidders, either.

Good to know.


He must've climbed over the glass and out onto that ledge.

It's the only way he could've landed where he did.

Probably high as a kite.

Unless it was su1c1de.

Anybody see him? Not till he hit the limo.

What if he came out up there?

No public access to that floor.

This is always locked.


Well, we've got blood.

And we've got scuff marks.

Looks like he was dragged backwards


he was bleeding. Grabbed anything he could

before they threw him out the window.

Did you and your staff see him

with anybody or see him have an altercation with anyone?


Can we see your security footage from that night?

We already showed the cops.

Did they see the footage from this area?

You recognize either of them?

I've never seen that guy before, but this one's

in here a lot.

So, his name is Michael Lee.

He is a graduate student

who entered the country from Vancouver six months ago

on a Canadian passport.

Yeah, talk to Canadian authorities.

It might be bogus.

It's a lot easier to enter the country posing as a Canadian.

According to school records here,

he's working towards his PhD in physics,

but there's nothing out of the ordinary.

I mean, no apparent connections to North Korea

or our dead DIA Agent Tommy Park.

What about the other guy who was with him?

No, we're still running facial rec on him.

Do we have an address on Michael Lee?

Yup, it's already on your phone.

Look, keep looking into Michael Lee.

See if there's anything that can tie him to the cases

that Agent Park was working on.

Yup, you got it.

"Peaceful resolution"?

Who am I, Gandhi?

I didn't make up the three-strike rule.

If it was up to me, I'd have an electric chair in my station.

Wow. Yeah.

Yeah, you could quote me on that.

Don't quote...

You know what I hate about lawyers, Deeks?




How are you settling in to your new desk?

Yeah, about that, I thought we were, uh,

I thought we were friends.


Friends are just people who haven't figured out

what they want from you yet.

So, what do you want?

And don't say a different desk,

'cause that's the best I could do on short notice.

Have you heard anything about a possible m*ssile strike

on Los Angeles?

Oh. You've been hanging out

with the secret squirrels too long, Deeks.

No way a m*ssile is getting

this far unless it's strapped to a dolphin.

And what if you're wrong?

Maybe I don't have to pay alimony anymore.

Wow. You just said that out loud.

Okay, uh, I'm gonna go to the crime scene

and then check on my mom.

You forget the lunch she packed you?

No, I just haven't heard back from her

in a couple of days.

I'm gonna check in on her.


Yeah, I'm gonna make sure she's okay.

No, I-I mean,

why are you telling me this?

Uh, you're a grown man, Deeks.

I mean, what do I care if you go see your mother.

I mean, do-do you need me to write you a note or something?

I, uh, I'm used to working on a team

and therefore, I thought I was being considerate

in case anyone here needed me.


Does anybody need

Detective Deeks right now?!


No. Hmm, yeah.

Ah, we're good.

Hey, uh, you're an ass.

Thank you.

- It's good to have you back, too, Deeks. - Yeah.

Oh, and tell your mom I said,

"What's up?"

That's not gonna happen. Oh, no?

Not gonna happen. Tell her!

No, I'm not saying anything to her.

Now we find out what kind of boss Mosley is gonna be.


Go for Mosley.

Yeah, one of the guys that threw Agent Park off the building

was, uh, identified as a graduate student.

We're at his house. The door is locked.

There's no one home.

Cell phone is going straight to voice mail.

We need to know what got Agent Park k*lled.

Mm-hmm. Well, as you well know,

we will need a warrant to search the house.

Agent Callen, these are exigent circumstances.

You let me worry about the legal ramifications

while you find out who k*lled Agent Park.


Oh, and Agent Callen,

I hope I passed your test.


If it wasn't for Deeks, I'd almost start to like this woman.

Michael Lee?

Federal agents, can we come in and talk to you?



This guy is neat.

Yeah, I'll say.

Probably has a housekeeper.

Or he's OCD.

Got a crosscut shredder.

Looks like he's flushing whatever he's shredding.

Must hate his homework.

Even his garbage can is neat.

Energy drinks, takeout.

And a cell phone.


two cell...

...three cell phones.

All different makes, all different models.

Bought at different stores.

Seems inefficient to me.

That seems like spycraft.



Yeah, stay down. Don't sh**t.

Stay down. Don't sh**t. Bertie. Bertie!

Don't sh**t.

Marty, what the hell are you doing?

- No! Mom, he was in the kitchen. - That's... that's Guy.

Put your g*n down, you're scaring him.

I'm sorry. Put your g*n do...

Was that really necessary?

Wait a minute, is he...

Were you guys just... Is thi...

No. No, oh...

Martin. Mom!

You get back here right now.

What's the matter with you?

What's the matter with me?

What's the matter with you? I've called you every day

for, like, the past five days. - No, you haven't.

No, I haven't, but I called you five times today.

I was busy. Yeah.

That's obvious, that you were...

you were busy-- oh...

Okay, you know what, Mom, I was just...

I was worried about you, okay? I was worried about you.

Well, then, you should have called me

several weeks ago.

And then you could have told me

about your engagement.

So Kensi's mom called you?

Of course she called me. She was ecstatic.

I, on the other hand, was surprised

and embarrassed since I didn't know a damn thing about it.

Listen, Mom, I'm sorry, I just didn't...

Eh, save it.

You don't want me to get involved, I get it.

- No, that's not what it is. - Yeah, that is what it is.

But you know what? I don't care.

- Don't say that, 'cause you do care. - No.

I've got a wedding of my own to plan.


It's high time you finally had a new father.

Oh, my God, Mom!

Oh, relax, Martin, I'm just kidding you.

Don't get your knickers in a twist, we're just friends.

Okay, that's fine.

With benefits. Stop talking.

If you know what I mean. Mom!

The sex. Mom!

I'm going. I gotta go to work.

Well, don't you want to meet Guy?

No, no, I don't.

Well, I think it's the least you could do

since you almost sh*t him.

Okay, "Guy" isn't even a real name.

It's French.

Is it?

Well, you're the one who told me

I should get a trainer.

He's your trainer?

Oh, yeah.

Oh... Oh...

I don't feel good. I love you.

I don't love...

I love you, honey.

I love you!

Have a nice afternoon. Mom, let's, uh...

I know I will. What?!

It's a big safe.

What do you think's in there?

I don't know, but you can color me curious.

Think you can open it?




- Yeah, it was worth a sh*t. - Mm.

Got uniforms.


Federal agents! Don't move.

We got runners.

Get down!


Hey. You okay? What happened?

Yeah, hey, uh, sh**t

with the two guys who threw Agent Park off the roof.

One of them got away, but not before

he put several b*ll*ts into his buddy.

So "unfriended" the hard way. Mm.

How was your day?

Uh, not much better.

Saw my mom. And?

And I can't talk about it. I have permanent scarring.

- What? - Well, we could have used you today, Deeks.

Well, talk to your boss about that.

I intend to.

Let's hope they got the extended warranty.

- Yeah. - Let's hope that the Wonder Twins can

can get something off of this. Great.

Thanks for that.


This is Sam, leave a message.

I hope you're having a good day at the beach.

I thought you might want to know what I came back to.

First off, Hetty's gone.

She has retired, officially.

She sold her properties,

the boat is gone.

Someone named "Mosley" has taken over for Granger.

Sent Deeks back to LAPD.

Oh, and we have plausible Intel

that the DPRK is launching an ICBM at Los Angeles today.

So, unless you're busy tormenting a squid

or something like that, why don't you just

swing on by and maybe lend a hand,

just for old times' sake?

Okay, bye-bye.

sh**t adjacent to a college campus.

Not exactly what I wanted

on my first day here, Agent Callen.

You think I did?

Our biggest lead is dead.

OSP is supposed to be

an elite unit, not a bunch of cowboys.

And why is Deeks back? Because we need him.

If we'd had him today,

we might have been able to prevent what happened.

Are you telling me you can't do your job

without Detective Deeks?

I'm telling you to let me run my team

the way I see fit.

You want to make this unit stronger, great.

But all you've done so far is weaken it.

You want me to respect your decisions?


Then you better start respecting mine as well.

Fair enough.

Detective Deeks stays.

Until I find a more suitable


Whom we both agree on.

This is not a democracy, Agent Callen.

What is it, a dictatorship?

Careful, Agent Callen.

Let's not get off on the wrong foot.

What? No band,

no parade, no cake?

Ooh. Yes! Yes!

Yes! Oh.


You look great. How are you? I'm good.

I'm good, I'm good. You look good.

Thank you, thank you. What's up, Deeks?

Living the dream. So good to see you.

Yeah. Where's G?

Oh, I'm just sorting through applicants on my,

uh, e-partner site.

Oh, so I can leave?

I mean, if you're here, you might as well

stay for the day, right?

Welcome back, partner.


So, what's this nonsense I'm hearing about North Korea?


Hey. Hi. What's up?

Hey, are we glad to see you.

Okay. Still awkward, I see.

- What's the word? - Okay.

So, the computer you recovered

had extensive security protocols

that even Eric probably wouldn't have been able

to cr*ck in several days, if ever.

I mean, I don't know about "ever."

Okay, nonetheless,

the protocols were corrupted by damage,

which allowed Eric access in.

Unfortunately, everything else was also corrupted.

Now, we did find some references to North Korea

from an address that we traced back to Iran.

But, uh, couldn't find much else.

Iran has been helping the hermit kingdom

with their m*ssile program.

Some sources believe they've been assisting

North Korea with their nuclear capabilities.

Now, we've also found what appear to be

fragments of m*ssile schematics,

as well as photographs of Long Beach and San Pedro.

Both make sense as possible targets.

What kind of warhead is that?

It's not a m*ssile.

It's a conventional b*mb. A big one.

Assistant Director Mosley

is on the horn with SECNAV,

and it's not good.

In fact, it's very, very bad.

Please, let us...

Oh, just... There you go.

Satellite photos confirm North Korea is

prepping an ICBM for launch.


so if they do launch, how long would it take to get here?

If it could,

it would take about 25 minutes to reach us.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

We have no way of knowing their ability

to reach U.S. soil, or the payload.

The White House has put all of our

THAAD systems on high alert,

along with carrier strike group 11.

Special Agent Hanna.

EAD-PAC Mosley.

Does your presence mean that you're coming back to work?

Well, under the circumstances,

it doesn't seem like I have much of a choice.

What is the official word from North Korea?


Pyongyang threatened

a "super-mighty preemptive strike" against the U.S.

last April.

That all tracks, but

how does Iran play into this?

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Why build a b*mb when you've got a working m*ssile?

Timing is everything.

Okay, guys, we are headed

towards an all-out nuclear w*r.

If you have information, please, now's the time.

What if it's a bait and switch?

Look, this m*ssile launch

was planned months ago.

Yeah, they've launched about 60 of them.

Most of them end up in the ocean,

just like this one probably will.

But what if North Korea launches a test m*ssile,

then, 22 minutes later, a huge expl*si*n

rolls through the Port of Los Angeles?

North Korea would be framed.

So you'd think that they sh*t an ICBM...

And then we would discover the truth

through satellite images and forensics.

But not before we retaliated.

No one wins if we go to w*r with North Korea.

Unless you live on the other side of the world.


We'd have to pull out almost all of our troops

in the Middle East if we went to w*r with North Korea.

Iran, !sis, Al-Qaeda--

they would all be unchecked.

Okay, so how do we find the b*mb?

Well, it'd be mobile. In a truck or a van or...

The EMT uniforms at Lee's house.

Ambulance would be a perfect vehicle

for delivery-- it could go anywhere.

We're on it. Let's go.

Where are we?

Kaleidoscope found an ambulance on Ocean Boulevard

with the same logo as the EMT uniforms.

Callen and Sam will be there any minute.

We've also identified the second suspect.

He entered the country from South Korea

on a German passport as Herbert Dieter.

But Agent Park's case files suggest that he's

Hebod Darvish, a b*mb maker for Hamas.

We are closing in on this, sir.

So are we. The USS Nebraska has been

given a green light to take out the m*ssile site.

Are we on open comms?

Yes. Yes, we are.

This situation has just gone critical

The USS Nebraska is weapons hot.

What's your status?

We have the ambulance in sight.

Just waiting to move in.

You are running out of time.

There's too many soft targets here.

If he sees us coming and decides to detonate early,

there'll be mass casualties.

He knows what Kensi and I look like.

Deeks, I think you're gonna have to take one for the team here.

Why do I think this is gonna hurt?

Ah, man.

Are you okay?

Somebody help him! Hey!

Can you help me out? This guy's really hurt.

Turn off the engine.


Agent Callen,

Agent Hanna, what's going on?

We've neutralized the target

and secured the b*mb.

Sir, call off the strike.

There is no thr*at.

It's a hoax.

There is no m*ssile.


Sir, do you hear me?

Next time, try not to cut it so close.

Yes, sir.

Think we got a problem.

Define problem, Agent Callen.

Well, the b*mb is not nuclear,

but it has been activated.

Sam's trying to disarm it.

How much time do we have?


Not enough.




Eric, we need a clear path out of here.

CHP, LAPD, whatever you can do to get us

a clear path.

Yeah, yeah. Where you gonna go?

That's a good question.

Sam, what's our blast radius?

If this thing blows up, they're gonna find pieces

of you and me in Inglewood.

What the hell, G?

Sam, can you defuse it or not?

Not if you keep driving like that.

Look, you want to drive, be my guest.

I would, except the only thing worse than your driving

is your b*mb disposal skills.


Okay, that was not intentional, I swear.

If this b*mb doesn't k*ll you, I'm going to.

He didn't mean that.

They're really good friends.

Most of the time.

Okay, Callen, CHP is going to

try their best to coordinate

with LAPD and the sheriff's department

to create a clear route to the Long Beach Airport.

The Long Beach Airport will then divert all of their air traffic

and give you a clear runway

where fire and foam rescue squads will meet you.

How much time we got back there, butterfingers?

If I can bypass the timer, we've got all day.

And if you can't?

We're not gonna make the airport.

Nice work, guys,

but looks like we're gonna have to go with plan B.

Okay, what is plan B?

"B" stands for "We better come up with something fast."

They're actually

very good at this.

Where the hell are they going?

That's a good question.

Son of a bitch! What's wrong?

What's wrong is I should've stayed at the beach.

And miss all this fun? Come on.

I can't defuse it, G.

Come on, it's easy. Red wire, green wire.

You pick one. You got a 50-50 chance.

This is why you're driving.

I can't do this in time.

Then hang on!

What do you mean, hang on?

Hang on to what?

All I got is a b*mb back here!

I'll pay for that.

G! What the hell was that?

G! What's the plan here?


Gentlemen, what's going on? G!

Sorry, buddy, this is gonna hurt!

You okay?

No, I'm not okay.

They don't have seatbelts back here.

You know what this reminds me of?

Could you please stop talking so we could conserve

the little air we have left?

It's that submarine. Although, this is a little smaller

and we're not getting sh*t at.

Give me a sitrep, Agent Callen.

Agent Hanna?

Why aren't they answering?

Get some eyes

on their last location, Mr. Beale. I'm trying.

I knew this was a mistake.

No, it's okay.

Once it fills up with water,

the pressure will equalize, we'll be able to open the doors.

Thanks for that, Mr. Wizard.

Oh, no.

I don't see them.

There. Oh...

You good?


They're okay.

They drove the ambulance into the harbor.

They drove the ambulance into the harbor?

That's hardcore.

Are you kidding me?

Come on, you got to admit that was fun.

You would have missed all this.

Not even close.

You guys okay?

Of course. No.

He's sour because

I got to drive and he had to... disconnect the b*mb.

I didn't disconnect the b*mb.




- All right! - Nice.

It's okay. We're-we're okay.

A little wet.

Pretty exciting first day, huh, Assistant Director Mosley?

Yes, very exciting.

Beale, call SeaWorld.

We're gonna need SeaWorld on the scene.

Excuse me.

She doesn't really like excitement.

What does she like?

I'm still trying to figure that out.


You wanted to see me?

I give credit where credit is due, Agent Callen.

You and your team prevented what could have been

a disastrous tragedy.

Well, like I said, we have a...

certain way of operating around here that seems to work for us.

I'm just not sure that it works for this agency.

When I said that your team

could be better, I meant it.

My definition of a perfect mission

is one where you achieve all of your objectives

without any casualties,

civilian or otherwise.

There is no such thing as a perfect mission.

Well, I disagree.

And even if there isn't,

that's no excuse for not trying.

Your unit has a reputation for using lethal force

far above and well beyond

any other unit in this agency.

Well, maybe our criminals here on the West Coast

are just little more dangerous.

Or maybe it's time you and your team

start to take responsibility for your actions.

Gone are the days where you

sh**t first and ask questions later.

That it?

Yeah, that's it.

Have a good night, Agent Callen.

You, too.

What was that about?

Oh, she just wanted to congratulate us

on a job well done.

So what does that mean for me?

You're back.

For good?

Working on that.

What about you?

This for good?

If something happened to this team

and I wasn't there to do everything I could?

I don't think I could live with that.

Even if it was just Deeks.


All right.

That's it.

Band's back together.

Let's celebrate.

Let's do it.

Ah, I think I'm gonna take a rain check.


And just like that, Dad ruins the party.

I just want to try and figure out

what actually happened to Hetty.

Hate to say it, G, but I speak from experience;

maybe she didn't say where she was going

because she doesn't want to be found.

You're late.

I was delayed at the border.

I am surprised they let you in.

The club or the country?


I honestly

did not think you'd make it through customs.

I didn't go through customs.

You got any other photos?

That's it.

He's clearly American.

Or Canadian,

or Australian, or Swedish.


Well, he say he, uh...

worked for the CIA.

Crashed, uh,

in a helicopter in 1976.

That's when you went down.


Yes, but I was the only survivor.

You sure about that?

You know the story of Tho San?

Some say he was an American soldier

who went native during the w*r.

Got a taste for k*lling.

Spent the rest of his life in the jungle

hunting people.

On both sides.

I haven't come all this way to hunt the bogeyman.

Even if that man is an American operative

who went MIA for... decades?

I don't believe in ghosts.