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06x11 - Trust

Posted: 10/29/20 08:03
by bunniefuu
I told you to walk it back.

Tell Trudy's friend it was me who got in the altercation, not

Sarge, listen. I thought about it.

I thought about it long and hard, and I just--I did what I thought was best for you and for everyone else.

It's not your job to protect me, to protect us.

Why is that?

Why are you the only one that gets to live by a code?

I don't understand. Boss, this is who I am.

I'm always gonna do whatever I can to protect you all.

It's how I'm built, like Al was, like you were, and I just don't understand why you don't get that.

Because you're no Al, and you're not me.

You're a kid, got your whole life in front of you.

Well, I can handle whatever comes my way--

We had one chance to make this right, you hear me?

One and you blew it.

Sarge, listen to me-- This is my unit, my unit.

I take the heat, I take the b*ll*ts.

Is that clear?

Is that clear?

It's clear.

I'm sorry.

Is Antonio coming back, Sergeant?

It's up to Antonio.

Bernie. Hey.

Are you wearing a bulletproof vest?

I live around the corner. I had to come and risk it.


Some cops actually like me, Hank.

Yeah, name one. You.

Don't confuse "respect" with "like."

Kim, this is Bernie Hoffman, plays for the other team.

I'm aware of your work.

I thought most defense attorneys were against Kelton.

Hmm, I prefer mayors who empower police, not pull their pants down.

Oh, I gotta run.

Nice to meet you, Kim. Nice to meet you.

Let's grab dinner sometime, Hank.

Ann would love to see you.

Tell her I said "hey."

Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention.

Thank you.

It is a true honor to introduce this man that I have worked with for 27 years.

He has protected this city where he was born and raised.

He is a true Chicagoan.

He is the man that needs to be Chicago's mayor now.

The Superintendent of Police, Brian Kelton.

Thank you, Kate.

Thank you. Thank you all.

Thank you all very much.

Before I begin, I want to acknowledge the rank and file.

Let's--let's show 'em how we feel.

Thank you, I...

I may have just seen Sergeant Hank Voight cr*ck a smile.

That's real police, best of the best.

Now, my opponents talk about unifying Chicago.

That's a noble word, unity.

But unity to my opponents means working with gangs, creating programs to--to help gangs, and that's just not what Chicago needs right now, nor is it anywhere on my agenda.

Coddling criminals will do nothing to help the law abiding citizens of Chicago.

To be clear, I don't wanna work with gangs...

I'm gonna crush 'em.

Thank you. Thank you.

All right.

I'll wait to hear from you.

Thank you.

Anything from COPA?

Still investigating.

Thanks, man.

Appreciate it.

Now what do you say we get out of these monkey suits, grab a drink and talk about, I don't know, anything else?

Think I'm gonna go home. Okay.

Units in 18 and units on the citywide, reports of sh*ts fired coming from the inside a residence at 224 East Scott.

Oh, that's right around the corner.

Hey, Sarge, sh*ts fired a few blocks out.

You first guy on the scene? Yes, sir.

All right, come in the back. All right.

Come on, let's go.


Where's cover? I got you.

Boss, it's Bernie Hoffman.

He's gone.

Drop your w*apon! Drop your w*apon now!

Hold--stand down, stand down.

Ann, Ann, Ann.

Relax, it's me, Hank Voight.

Put your g*n down.

It's okay, put the g*n down, it's Hank.

Hank? It's okay.

I'm here to help. Look, it's okay.

It's okay. Hank.

Oh, my God.

They sh*t Bernie.

It's okay. Oh, my God.

It's okay, I got you.

I'm so sorry.

What do you got?

Well, wife's jewelry box was rifled through, a few drawers were tossed.

No sign of Hoffman's cell phone, I looked high and low.

And the techs swabbed Mrs. Hoffman for GSR, she's clean.

They also did a quick test on the thirty-aught-six, it has not been fired.

And the shell casings are from a 9-millimeter.

You know, there's no sign of forced entry, so either the offender pulled off some kind of ruse, or Mr. Hoffman knew the attacker, was having a meeting in here, things went south.

Well, I'd say real south, his jaw is broken.


Well, we know what kind of people Bernie rep.

Start with his clients.

I got a neighbor that saw a gray Honda idling outside at the time of the sh**ting.

Two African American males inside, didn't get a good look, but said they seemed suspicious.

Well, they could have just been looking for a parking spot.

Well, what about PODs or sh*t cams?

Nothing so far. All right, keep digging.



We got word it was Bernie Hoffman.

Afraid so. What else you know?

It's all preliminary now, nothing solid.

Chance Hoffman knew the offender, maybe a client.

Either of you talk to him tonight?

Yeah, I damn sure talked to him.

I thanked him for coming to the fundraiser.

How'd he seem to you? Good.

We talked Blackhawks and...

And then that was it. It's the last time I saw him.

It's unbelievable.

We had a roomful of officers one block from here, including me.

And some animal had the audacity to...

I want no stone left unturned, Sergeant.

Do you get me?

I get you. Good, keep me in the loop.

Sir. Ma'am.

So, Bernie Hoffman had multiple cases in pretrial, including seven homicides.

All seven of those defendants are in jail.

Yeah, he's also got 23 violent offenders awaiting their day in court, and they're all out on bail.

All right, did you talk to his firm?

Yeah, one client stood out, Andre Griffin.

He's a major player in the Southside Hustlers.

He calls for half of Englewood.

Hoffman repped Griffin on three major drug offenses, two agg assaults...Griffin walked each time.

Griffin visited Hoffman's work office.

Apparently behind closed doors things got pretty hot.

Furniture was thrown, it was a big fight.

Hoffman told the partners that Griffin was just upset about a bill, and he cooled off.

All right, you talk to Griffin?

Yeah, he's on his way in right now.

So, Englewood makes sense.

Uh, we haven't gotten into Hoffman's phone, but techs got into the cloud.

And he got a text message an hour before he was k*lled.

It says, "It's a deal. On my way."

And the text originated from a burner in Englewood.

Maybe Griffin's was the deal that went south.

Where were you last night?

I was home last night.


Were you alone?

Wait, what's this about?

Your lawyer.

Damn. Mm-hmm.

I don't know nothing about that.

Besides, why would I hurt him?

I liked the guy.

He saved my ass plenty of times.


When's the last time you talked to Bernie?

Yo, this is crazy.

One thing Bernie taught me, you get brought in, you call a lawyer.

Well, we're just having a conversation, Andre.


I got something from property crimes.

Mrs. Hoffman's stolen jewelry just popped up at a pawn shop, black male dropped it off.

The caught him on security camera.

Where's the pawn shop? Englewood.

Check it out.

Hey. You look familiar.

Welcome back, man.

Thanks. Glad you're back.

Let's go. Okay.

Hey. Late on my first day back.

It's not a great look, right?

Don't worry about it.

I had to drop my daughter off.

She's seeing a therapist.

Good for her.

It's a hell of a thing.

How you feeling?



Hey, um...

I had a lot of time in there, and I did some thinking.


There's no way I can let Adam go through with this COPA thing.

Antonio, we're way past that.

I know.

Look, you say anything now, we all pay the price.

Hang tight, let the process play out, understood?

Hey, man.

Adam Ruzek, Chicago PD.

Basir, pawn shop guy.

Is this the jewelry, Basir?

Yup, take it before I change my mind.

Why, what's it worth?

50 thou, give or take. The kid had no clue.

How much did you pay?

500, am I gonna get that back?

Well, uh, not anytime soon, sorry.

Yeah, it's a match for Ann Hoffman's.


All right, I hear you got this genius on security camera too, yeah?

Yep, right over here.

Uh, does that look like Griffin to you?

No. Maybe his, like, nerdy younger brother.

Who the hell are you?

Let's see if anything pops on facial rec.

Busy night, DeVante.

You got two priors, and you're still at it.

Persistent. What'd you do, clear a grand?

I was just holding that for someone.

Well, you hold away, 'cause we don't care.

'Cause we got surveillance of you in a pawn shop selling this man's stolen jewelry...

Ten hours after that.

I-I found those jewels in a dumpster.

DeVante, stop lying.

You're staring down life for m*rder.

Now you tell us what happened, you got a sh*t at seeing daylight again.

You got the wrong black man.

Okay, who's the right one?

'Cause we got witnesses that say they saw you and another guy outside that man's house right before that happened.

I never went inside.

Hmm. Hmm, so you were there?

No, I didn't say that. Y'all trying to trip me up.

Okay, let's talk about your cousin, Andre Griffin.

What about him?

Hoffman was Andre's lawyer.

Is that the dead dude's name?

Was Andre with you?

Is he the other man our witness saw?

DeVante, you gotta come clean.

Sarge, I got something.

It's important.

So, this is from a CTA bus cam last night.

The route goes right past Hoffman's house.

This was taken at 9:42.

That's Brian Kelton.

He said he last saw Bernie at the fundraiser.

So, he lied right to our faces.


Under my administration you're going to see more police on the street, more arrests of violent g*ng members, more homicides solved, and your neighborhoods are going to be safe again.

And I understand I have a long road ahead before I can gain your trust.

We can do better.

But under my leadership, police reform is working.

And to keep Chicago pointed in the right direction...

I need your help at the ballot box.

You wanna help us? Stop murdering our children. all: Yeah.

Yeah. That's right.

Yeah. Yeah.

Sergeant, how are you?


You got a minute? 100%, walk with me.

Got an update on the Hoffman case?

Well, not exactly.

We're having a little trouble with our timeline, though.

You know, from the cell phone we know Hoffman got home around 8:35.

From the fundraiser, yeah. Uh-huh.

As far as we know he was alone there till the offender showed up around ten.

I was in there, Hank.


I stopped by for a few minutes.

Uh-huh. I was gone by 9:30.

If I saw or knew anything relevant, I'd have mentioned it to you.

That's a hell of an omission.

Look, I'm not looking to bury anyone, I'm just working the case.

Well, we know that Hoffman was sh*t with a 9-millimeter, so...I'll need to see your service w*apon.

It'll be processed anonymously.

I don't wanna see a good policeman's name get raked through the mud.

I'll make sure somebody gets it to you.

Bernie...was working on a personal matter for me.

It's none of my business.

Let's keep it that way.

We're ready to go, sir. Good.

Sergeant. Superintendent.

Thanks for the update.

How'd it go with Kelton?

Admits he was there, let's see what his g*n says.

Sarge, I talked to Cook County jail.

I got some potential DeVante leverage.

Patrol pinched his aunt last night on some drug charges.

She basically violated her parole.

DeVante's close with her?

She's been taking care of him since he was a shorty, seen a situation like this before.

She'll feel like he owes her one.

Work it. Got it.

How much you love your auntie, DeVante?


Love ain't the right word.

I'd be dead without her.

Well, she's looking at six years.


You cooperate with us, she can be cooking dinner tonight at the crib.

So, we do know that you were at Bernie Hoffman's house last night with another man.

Was that man your cousin, Andre Griffin?

Hey, listen, I know.

Nobody wants to snitch on family.

But you gotta step up.


I think you know you do, because who do you owe it to, the woman who raised you or the punk who put you in that seat right there?

Were you with Andre Griffin last night?

Okay, what did you see?

I was outside in the car the whole time, but Griff told me what went down.

He went there to pick up something from that white guy.

Okay, what was he picking up, money, dr*gs?

I don't know.

All I know is Griff caught the guy recording them with his phone.

And the dude said he couldn't trust no one, got crazy.

Griff sh*t him and tried to make it look like a burglary.

That's good, DeVante.

Yeah, it's real good.

But we need more than your word.

What do I gotta do?

Yo, something's wrong. Griffin's never late.

If DeVante gets too squirrelly, Kevin, you pull him right out of there.

Copy that.

What's wrong?

Haven't taken a long-eye in years.

I get it, but Voight wants you to go slow.

It makes sense.

Is that the second time that blue sedan hit the block?

I'm not sure.


Anytime you wanna talk about, you know, what went down...I'm here for you.

Thanks, Kim.

Yeah, yeah.

Yo, this ain't working, man.

Sarge, this kid's losing it, man.

It's your call, Kev.

I'ma pull him.

Yo, Griff's a busy man.

I told you he wouldn't have time.

DeVante, just go home, okay?

If he contacts you, you contact me immediately.

You understand that?

Is my aunt still gonna be okay?

DeVante, just go home, okay?

Kevin, you hit?

I'm good, I'm good. You got him?

Go, I got the kid.

Oh, God, it hurts, it hurts.

Did you see who did it?

Who did it, man? No. No!

Police! Stop!

Kevin! 10-1, 10-1, officer down.

Repeat, officer down, 5650 South Loomis.

It's okay, it's okay.

You stay with me, Kevin.

Stay with me.

You stay with me.

Come on. Come on!

Hey, thanks. Yeah.

Any word? Nothing.

I knew something wasn't right about that car.

I should have called it out to Voight.

I don't know how the hell I missed it.

Hey, I missed it too, Antonio.

You gotta let it go.

No, this is on me. I had one job to do.

Hey, hey. You look at me, look at me.

All right, this is not on you.

I need you to keep it together, okay?



Doctor, thank you. Thanks a lot.

Okay, I got good news.

Kevin is gonna be fine.

It was a tricky surgery.

They took a b*llet out of his shoulder, but it wasn't life threatening.

The best thing we can do for Kevin is get back out there and drag this prick in.

So, I wanna know where we're at.

The, uh, PODs are a negative for the blue sedan, but a witness thinks they saw an African American driving.

Shell casings recovered from the drive-by are a match to the g*n that k*lled Hoffman, 9-millimeter.

Well, that's enough to snatch his ass up.

Oh, Sarge, we've been looking.

Griffin's in the wind.

All right, so let's find him, hunt him down.

Squeeze his crew till it hurts.

Whatever it takes.

Headache, headache.

Chicago PD, let me see your hands.

Hands in the air now. Get up.

On your feet! Get up against the wall.

Turn around. Police! Freeze.

Hey! Stop! Police!


Don't move, I'll light you up.

Get those hands where I can see 'em.

Get out, get out.

Slow down, man. Shut up.

I'm doing what you say. Shut up.

Here you go. Who am I looking at, Kim?

Reggie Watt. Reggie's on parole for distro.

Is that why you ran, Reggie? Huh?

You holding product?

You give me Andre Griffin, I never saw this bag.

Last I heard he's held up in the stash house, 5858 South Racine. Okay.

Put your hands behind your back.

Hey, that was a hell of a jump.

You all right, Superman?

Definitely gonna feel it tomorrow.

Listen, you got that baggie of pills?

I'll do the paper.

I can handle it.

You sure that's a good idea?

Yeah, I can handle it.

Wait, hold--hold on.

What, you don't trust me?

Right now with what happened, no.

Do I love you, Antonio?

Do I want you to b*at this thing for good?

Yeah, this is how I do it.

Thanks. Let's go get this guy.

Chicago PD!



Guys, you gotta get in here.

I found Griffin's bankroll.

That's not the headline, though.

What's a gangbanger like Griffin doing with

"Kelton for Mayor" signs?

All right, thanks.

Hey, guys, techs ran the envelope we found at Griffin's stash house.

Hey, Sarge.

It had 40 grand cash inside, and there was prints on the outside of the envelope and on the cash.

We got a hit.


I was hoping he was better than this.

Yeah, well, he's not.

That son of a bitch been lying to our faces from the second Bernie Hoffman got sh*t.

So, the 40 G's is a payout from Kelton to Griffin for votes.

Yeah, it makes sense.

I find a legal pad at Griffin's place with names and neighborhoods, places to disrupt, pastors to bribe.

All in the service of helping Kelton win.

Chicago politics never disappoints.

Okay, what happened that night?

All right, so, the hotel is about a block away from Hoffman's house.

Kelton leaves the hotel around 9:30, gets to Hoffman's...9:35, he delivers the cash.

The sometime after 10:00, Griffin gets there, collects the money.

Hoffman's the bagman. Yeah.

And Hoffman records the meeting, 'cause he wants to protect himself.

He doesn't trust Kelton.

Griffin realizes the meeting's being recorded, things go south, goodbye Bernie.

All right, we know the who and the why.

Now we gotta prove it.

Sarge, the way things are headed...

We follow the evidence wherever it leads.

This turns back on Kelton, he ordered it, even if he just covered it up, so be it.

We arrest his ass.

Anyone got a problem with that?

All right, good.

Let's get back out there.


Ho--you're out of bed already.

Yeah, well, come on in .

Wow, I was hoping for a little more drama.

A hand hold or something.

Oh, I'm sorry, Trudy.

You know, you can't keep a good brother down.


I was--I was really worried.

So, don't do that again.


I'm not planning on it.

What you got there?

Trying to remember the tags.


I had it, I lost it.

Kept repeating it over and over.

Crazy, 'cause...

It might be my last breath on God's green earth, and all I can do is try to remember a license plate.

This job, boy...

Did you see the driver?


But I saw the plates, it's, uh, Indiana customs.


D-G...I don't know, something.

L-16 maybe?

But hey, it's a start.

How's DeVante?

Kevin, he d*ed on the table.

We any closer to Griffin?

No, but, you know, maybe your partial will help get us there.


We're in business. What's up?

Atwater was one letter off.

I got a blue Taurus sedan reported stolen, Gary, Indiana, two weeks ago.

You got a VIN? Yeah, give me one sec.

I'll call the techs.

Superintendent, how can I help you?

I'm just checking in with the Sergeant.

Don't let me get in your way.


Sergeant, I apologize I didn't make it over to the hospital, but I understand Officer Atwater is feeling better.

Yes, he is. Progress on the sh**t?

Chasing leads. Can you excuse me a minute?

Yeah, 100%.

This is Voight.

What's up?

Techs got into the navigation system.

The sh**t's car is parked in a small apartment complex, address 232 South Watson.

Anyone we know live there?

Tenants name is Deisha Wallace, two priors, a mom to a one-year-old girl.

Father's Andre Griffin.

All right, hopefully Griffin's with her.

Get over there with Adam, confirm the car, move in.


What can I do for you, Brian?

Just checking up on the Bernie Hoffman case.

I, uh...

I wanna make sure you have all the resources you need to nail the prick who did this.

Appreciate the offer, we're good.

That mean you have a lead?

Means we're working the case.

I asked you a direct question, and I damn sure expect a direct response.


I'm sorry, it's just a funny word choice.

Why's that?

Well, 'cause nothing about this case or your involvement in it has been direct.

Do you have a lead suspect, Sergeant?

Like I told you, sir, we're working the case.

You're playing a dangerous game here.

So are you.

Why do I get the feeling I'm investigating the end of my career?

Yeah, well, we stick to the truth, we should be all right.

Like the truth matters these days.

Why does Kelton need Griffin's vote anyway?

He's just some drug-slinging punk.

But he's a punk that can help deliver half the South Side vote.

Yeah, I know, but, still.

Politicians and gangs have been in bed together in this city since Al Capone. It's Chicago.

There it is. Yeah.

New tags, huh?

b*llet holes.

All right, we're 100% on the car.

We're gonna sit right back here.

Jay, do your thing.

Yeah, copy that.

Hi there, ma'am. I'm Jay, building maintenance.

You don't look familiar.

I've worked for the building for, like, two years.

Come on.

What you want?

Uh, we got reports of a gas leak, uh, from this floor.

So, we're just going around, we're checking the units.

It's only gonna take, like, five minutes.

And it's freezing outside, so we don't wanna evacuate you guys.

You know, we're just--we're looking out for you.

Which other units?

Uh, it was 212, Ms. Diaz.

All right. Hurry up.

It's a cute kid.

Come on, baby, it's okay.

Aw. Baby hungry.

What the hell are you doing? Sunrise.

You son of a bitch. You ain't no maintenance man.

Drop it. Your child is here, I don't wanna hurt you.

Drop it. Jay, you good?

I'll be better when she puts this Kn*fe down.

We're not gonna ask you again.


Look, I swear I ain't seen Griff in days.

I don't know where he is.

Stop lying, Deisha it's not helping.

We got the car you stole at the scene of this homicide.

We recovered a b*llet from the officer who pursued.

You're facing m*rder.

I didn't k*ll no one.

I don't know anything about this.

Deisha, we checked your car for g*nsh*t residue, it's all over the interior.

Y'all insane. Is this what you do to folks?

You say stuff till people start believing it?

You understand that if you don't cooperate, you are never gonna see your kid again?

You get that, right?

Look at me, Deisha. Andre is going down.

That's a fact.

You wanna join him, that's up to you.

Now who was driving your car yesterday?

Come on.


He dropped me off at work.

But where'd Andre say he was going?

He didn't say.

Come on, Deisha, we need more than that, let's go.

What am I supposed to say?

We had coffee, I walked him outside, I kissed him goodbye, he got in the car.

Last thing I remember was some big, fancy black SUV pulled up next to him, and he started talking to some lady who got out of the backseat.

All right, what this lady look like?

White lady, blonde hair.

How old?

Looked like my mom's age.

She had glasses, looked like some kind of college professor or something.

Is that her?

Yeah. That's the one.

Sarge, we got the Deputy Superintendent of Police tipping off our target.

I don't know how to proceed. Bury it.


Keep it out of your paper.

It's too hot.

Listen, I'm gonna take the lead on this, only me.

I'll deal with Brennan.


The Glock we recovered at Deisha's, it's a match for all of our vics, Hoffman, DeVante, Kev.

I've also got a CI who puts Griffin hiding at a flophouse on Monroe.

We got this prick.

All right, start typing a warrant.

I'll get a judge.

We move in hot, fully loaded.

I don't care if he comes out in a bag.

You ready? Yeah.

Here we go.

Got eyes on Griffin.

All right, standby, he's pulling up.

He's on the phone.

Wait till he gets out, Antonio.

Take him.

Chicago PD.

Put your hands against the car.

Put your hands on the car now.

You got me?


Why are you smiling, Andre?

You think you've won.

It's amusing.

They can't protect you anymore.

You don't know nothing, fool.

Let me ask you something.

That funny too?

Where were you when they sh*t your cousin?

Answer that.

I'm done talking. My lawyer's on the way.

I hope he's a good one.


What can I do for you, Kate?

I need you to release Andre Griffin.

Excuse me?

I talked to State's attorney's office.

The evidence is weak.

There's no fingerprints on the g*n, there were no witnesses.

The defense is gonna tear this case to pieces.

Case is strong, so...

If there's nothing else...

We have an agreement, Hank.

We made it after I helped Olinsky.

Don't bring Al into this.

I told you...

I told you there would be a time when I ask you to solve cases in a hurry or a hurry.

This is one of those.

I know it was you who tipped off Griffin.

Excuse me?

His girlfriend saw you talking to him a couple hours before he k*lled his cousin.

And tried to k*ll my man, Atwater.

I am three generations police, don't question my loyalty.

You're not loyal to the job. You're loyal to Kelton.

I am. He's a good man, and he's a good cop.

He is responsible for my career, I am not going to let him down.

How long has he been in bed with the gangs?

With Griffin?

He had absolutely no idea that Griffin was involved.

Until Bernie got sh*t. Nobody wants this, Hank.


When Atwater was in surgery...

I mean, you stood right next to me, looked me in the eye.

You told me you'd do whatever you can to help.

The whole time you knew it was Griffin who did the sh**ting?

All I did was tell him that he was up for the m*rder, that the police were looking at him, that's it.

I didn't know that he was gonna sh**t Atwater.

You crossed a line.

You wanna lecture me about crossing a line, Hank?

This is our line of business.

Sometimes we do things we're not proud of.

You know that better than anyone.

What does that mean?

You look the other way.

You release Andre Griffin.

Get the hell out of my office.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thanks for coming.

Hey, I heard about Griffin. I thought you might be here.

Get out of my way. Calm down, let it go.

You gotta let it go, all right?

It might as well have been them that sh*t Kevin.

Kevin's gonna be all right. That's not the point.

I know, you think I like this?

Calling them out in public makes you look bad.

These two are more dangerous than ten Griffins.

So, we gotta be smart, and we gotta be patient.

We're playing the long game here.

This is Chicago.