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Underworld: Blood Wars (2016)

Posted: 11/15/20 12:56
by bunniefuu
I was an elite soldier in the vampire army.

A Death Dealer.

And I was good at it.

But I was betrayed.

Viktor, our leader and the most powerful vampire...

...was not the saviour he had led me to believe.

Suddenly, allies turned enemies.

The vampire Elders I had once protected wanted me dead.

Then I found Michael Corvin.

Neither vampire nor Lycan, Michael became a hybrid.

We retaliated, k*lled the Elders.

But then everything changed.

I was captured, not knowing that I was carrying Michael's child.

Eve, our daughter, the first pure-blood hybrid...

...whose blood could end the w*r...

...became highly sought after by both vampires and Lycans alike.

My only choice was to hide her from the world and from myself... not even I could lead them to her.

I was an elite soldier in the vampire army.

My only choice was to hide her from the world... not even I could lead them to her.

I have lived beyond my time.

Another new moon in a thousand years of new moons...

...and I do not care to see it.

I have nothing.

My coven... daughter...

- love, all gone. Cut her off!

And soon, perhaps... very existence.

Selene's coming! - I am hunted... vampires and Lycans.

Now I am an outcast, a pariah.

Put her down! Remember, he wants her alive.


Come on, now. Fire!

You are an extremely difficult person to keep track of.

I don't need you.

But thank you.

Any word with Michael?

Stop tracking me! I'm not tracking you.

I'm looking for Eve.

Well, I'm the very last person who could help you find my daughter.

Selene, listen to me. The Lycans are moving again.

No, this is different.

They're organised. They have a new leader.

His name is Marius. I'm finished with this w*r.

Well, it's not finished with you. They could have k*lled you...

...but clearly their mission was to capture you.

Your daughter's blood, it's a prize.

And if they find her, if they use it...

...Marius's power will be limitless. Well, then I hope she remains lost.

I need you to deliver a message.

Grunt if you understand. Unh, unh!

Tell your Marius...

...if he thinks he can extract information from me... locate my daughter, he can't.

I don't know where she is, and I don't want to know.

Marius will find you.

Do you understand your message?

What is it?

Have you seen this before?


...but we need to get it out.

Let's go.

Bravo one, over. Car approaching.

- Access cleared. Close the gates.

Commencing perimeter sweep.

Privilege to welcome you home at last, sir.

Semira awaits you in her private chambers.


Where is Cassius?

The entire council will greet you, of course, sir...

...but Semira requests just a few moments.

And your name is?

Varga, sir.

I shall try to remember it.

...and act accordingly because of this tragic...

Leave us.

Darling Thomas. It has been... long? Decades.


I gather you have a seat on the council.

I could not be more proud.

It's a shame that your return is not under more festive circumstances.

It is said that the Western Coven was utterly destroyed.

Yes, it was.

It's a blessing you escaped with your life.

Mm. Well, many did not.

There has been too much death among our people.

These urns are all that remain of our Budapest Coven.

Well, you have my condolences.

We are losing the w*r, Thomas.

If we stay as we are, our species will be extinct within five years.

Does Cassius share your view?

The Lycans have regrouped, replenished...

...and are resolved to exterminate us.

Oh, surely, you're safe here. The Eastern Coven is a fortress.

We are no longer the coven you remember.

We have fewer Death Dealers than ever before.

You seem to be surrounded by new cadets.

Raw recruits, neither combat-ready nor numerous enough... repel a large-scale Lycan att*ck.

There has never been a large-scale Lycan att*ck.

At least not a coordinated one.

There has never been a Marius.

Pains me to admit it, but for the first time in my life...

...I genuinely fear for our future.

So, what is your plan?

Semira, you always have a plan.

This little mise-en-scene you're performing has a purpose.

I am not a mind reader.

Kindly do an old vampire the courtesy...

...of telling him why he's been invited here.


Come on. We need to keep moving.

There are safe houses far closer than this.

I told you, they destroyed them.

It's different now. Come on.

But you signed her death warrant.

Of course. I despise her.

She k*lled Viktor. I was his regent.

Until he met Selene.

So you want her to hunt Marius?

I want her to train our new recruits... we have 100 Death Dealers hunting Marius.

Heh, heh. I doubt she will agree. Her only concern is for her daughter.

Eve, the hybrid.

Unfortunately, the poor girl is half Lycan.

It's a vampire's instinct to condescend to Lycans...

...but they're not afraid to evolve.

Meanwhile, we stagnate from 1500 years...

...of this damned "species purity" nonsense.

Huh. And the irony is that Selene... probably the purest of us all. So the rumour's true?

Her blood has elements of the Corvinus strain?

She is special.

She brought my son back from the dead.

Her blood restarted his heart. Impossible.

I witnessed it myself. She saved my son's life.

Viktor and Amelia.

Side by side for eternity.

You were very fond of Amelia, if I remember.

I need you to be my ally on this. She won't risk coming here...

...unless she gets an invitation from the whole council.

And I could never solicit such a request.

Cassius is protective of the old ways.

He barely tolerates my seat on the council as it is.

But these are desperate times, Thomas.

And that is why you must convince the council to invite her.


They arrive tonight.

Dawn alert. Sixty seconds to sunrise.

Marius, the pack leaders have arrived...

...and I told them to wait for you in the w*r room.

Fighting like dogs, no doubt.

I'll handle it. Thank you. All right.

Go on, then. Right, right.

Come around, come around.

No! Listen to me.

We're gonna wedge them in. That's what we do.

From this side and that side, we just wedge them in...

...and squeeze them out. Wedge them in?

Is that your plan? It's not gonna lead to anything.

He's getting angry. Shut up!


Are you a sl*ve? No.

Then don't behave like one.

Look at this map.

What do you see?

Do you see Lycans fighting over scraps?

I'll tell you what I see.


Nordgau. Thuringia.

The Lycan victories.

I see vampires dead.

I see entire regions annihilated.

But we will get no further if we fight amongst ourselves.

We must not rest...

...until we have destroyed their final sanctuary.

Together, we are strong.

And when we have the blood of the hybrid girl...

...we will be invincible.


You have returned alone.

We were taken by surprise. Where is Selene?

She spared me. Why?

To deliver a message.

She wants you to know that her daughter is gone forever...

...that you can never find her...

...because even Selene doesn't know where she's been hidden.

Do you believe her?

Do you believe her?

I put a tracer in her companion.


...that means you're not completely incompetent.

Try and stay still.

What is it? It's some sort of b*llet.

It's burrowing through you faster than you can heal.

It's self-propelled.

That's what I was trying to tell you. These Lycans are sophisticated.

I don't know if I can remove it in time.

Well, the least you can do is attempt to sound reassuring.

I'm going to attempt not to k*ll you.

That will have to do.

To whom do you want us to offer safe haven and amnesty?

To Selene the Death Dealer. The same Selene who m*rder*d Viktor?

I need no reminder, Cassius, of what she has done.

Shame on you, sir.

I will not hear her name spoken again.

Cassius, I share your outrage.

Whatever has possessed you?

If we don't act decisively...

...the w*r will be at your gate within a fortnight.

And that is precisely where it will remain.

No Lycan pack would dare to att*ck our coven.

Our defences would rip them apart.

An ordinary Lycan pack, perhaps...

...but Marius has gathered a force far more powerful than any...

Unsubstantiated hyperbole.

You need Selene.

Her prowess, her leadership, her intimate knowledge of Lycans.

And her combat skills are second to none.

He's right, she is the most lethal Death Dealer we've ever had.

But she k*lled one of her own.

Not only the most powerful and respected of the Elders...

...her protector, who loved her like his own daughter.

She cannot be trusted.

She has been judged.

Perhaps she can also be redeemed.

It pains me to say it, but Thomas is right.

No warrior has proved herself more in battle.

She would be invaluable in our fight against Marius...

...perhaps even the pivotal element to secure our victory.

If she can be found...

...and sets foot within this precious coven...

...I will hold you, Semira, personally responsible...

...for controlling her. Of course.

Intruder. Intruder. Intruder.

Intruder. Intruder.

Who sent you?

Drop it.

How'd you find us?

There are only a handful of safe houses left.

The Lycans made it rather easy.

The council of the Eastern Coven sent me to bring you in.

For trial? No.

For your safety, and ours. You cannot expect me to believe that.

Every single one of them signed my death warrant.

Times change. Vampires do not.

This is from your father.

Is it authentic?

It's his seal, his handwriting.

The council has offered you clemency and granted us both safe haven.

Why? Marius.

It is the council's humble request...

...that you train us to defeat him and his army.

Move. Come on.

The signal's coming from this way.

Look, I understand you're reluctant...

...but as guests of the council, we will be protected by law.

My father wouldn't lie, and he holds no grudge.

He had no love for Viktor, either.

Intruder. Intruder.

Lycans. - Intruder.

We must leave. You should accept the council's offer.

For Eve. Eve does not want my help.

I know you want to protect her. And if we destroy Marius...

...we destroy the greatest thr*at to her safety.



We just missed them.

I do not wish to hear the word "just" again.

Either we have her or we have nothing.

Do you understand?

Do you understand? Yeah.

Tango Charlie approaching.

All clear.

Perimeter secure.

Welcome. Am I?

Our coven's resources and weaponry are yours... transform these raw recruits into Death Dealers worthy of your name.

Varga will be your right-hand man.

He knows all our strengths and weaknesses.

He is also our most prolific Lycan k*ller, with over 40 confirmed kills.

It's an honour. David, welcome.

Thank you. To mark the safe arrival of our guests...

...I've arranged a little soiree in the Winter Garden.

There's really no need. Thank you.

Nonsense. There's always a need to indulge in pleasure.

In times of w*r...

...this coven needs moments to celebrate.

The arrival of Thomas, David and Selene... reason aplenty to rejoice.

To us all.

It's good of you to offer us sanctuary, Semira. Thank you.

It will be entirely my pleasure.

Tell me, is it true that her blood brought you back to life?

Yes, it is.

I owe her everything.

But, if you'll excuse me, my father requests my counsel.

Thomas was always such a bore.

Well, Semira's certainly taken an interest in you.

Well, the interest is certainly not mutual.

We need her protection.

On the contrary, I think I need protection from her.

The Battle of the Peste.

We thought it would be the one to end the w*r...

...the final conflict...

...but here we are still.

I hope you see my bid for clemency for Selene for what it is.

Clemency is the least you can offer her...

...after bartering her daughter to the Lycans.

I lost so much during this w*r.

Believe me, I am haunted still by all those I failed.

Well, then you must help me protect her.

She has lost even more than we can imagine.

And she's important to me.

Marius is out there...

...reeking of canine insolence, plotting our downfall.

We do not need Selene to destroy him.

I am more than capable.

No, Varga, you are merely adequate.

It's fortunate that we're not forced to rely on your skills for our survival.

That, my sweet...

...yet unimaginative bedfellow... my area of expertise.

I think you should... Don't think, Varga.

You'll hurt yourself.

There are other ways to prove your devotion.

Piece by delicate piece...

...the puzzle will fall into place.

Oh, yeah...


Don't aim where the Lycan is. Anticipate.

And remember, a Lycan is never more vulnerable...

...than when he's in wolf form.

What? That makes no sense.

In wolf form, they cannot use weapons...

...and their thinking becomes much more primitive...

...driven only by bloodlust.

How many have you k*lled? I don't keep track.

I'm increasing Lycan speed by 20 percent.

Please continue.

My pack's probed the Eastern Coven's perimeter for weaknesses...

...and there are none.

And any direct as*ault would trigger the lockdown...

...which makes the coven impregnable.

Even if we could break inside without losing 90 percent of our force...

...they have fallback positions... This.

...that can be... Is this ready?


When we have the hybrid's blood...

...we launch against the Eastern.

Find Selene, and we find her daughter.

My own invention.

One of the first things a Death Dealer must learn... how to fight in a confined space.

Of course, the one thing...

...this training session lacks is unpredictability.

Perhaps you'll indulge me and give my students...

Uh, I should say your students. --a lesson in combat's unpredictability.

It would not only honour us, but it would be invaluable to their training.

I don't... Please.

That's enough.

Gather round. We are going to school you... the true nature of the Lycan warrior.

For the sake of this lesson, our esteemed guest Selene...

...will play the role of Death Dealer bravely defending our fortress...

...and I will take the role of Lycan villain... to destroy it.

Ladies first.


Come on.

Come on.

Tonight's lesson:

Do not trust your opponent to fight with honour.

They are Lycan. They have none.


Don't move.


Leeches into vampire cells, usually fatal.

But for one with her strength, there will only be pain...

...followed by paralysis.

I'll k*ll you.

UV b*ll*ts.

Did you honestly think I would forgive you for k*lling Viktor?

Varga, you have orders.


I don't need you to train Death Dealers.

I have Varga for that.

All that I need to rule this coven...

...and end the march of the Lycans is your blood.

What about the bodies?

Sound the alarm.

Have the council find them.

Conclusive evidence of the atrocity committed by Selene.

There's been a breach.

We need to find Selene.

Cordoned off. Semira's orders. Step aside.



There's more than one way to move around this coven.

Amelia created these passageways centuries ago.

Where does this lead?

To the private chambers, including Semira's.

What the hell have they done to her?

Machina sanguinem exhauri.


Semira wants Selene's most precious asset.

This is gonna k*ll her. Eventually, yes...

...but it will be agonisingly slow.


This is designed to open the arteries as wide as possible.

If we're not very careful, we will do her more harm than good.


Is this hers?


Selene uses only this particular w*apon.

A known traitor within our walls.

This is precisely what I foresaw...

...and what you assured me you would prevent.

Their blood is upon your hands.

Sir, I did everything... Do not speak to me.

There can be no mercy.

I want her hunted to the ends of the Earth.

It shall be done.

And I want her captured alive.

Is that understood?


We're running out of time. All right, take her.

You must go north, far north.

Var Dohr.


Father and son united in treason.

Carry on with Selene.

I'll deal with them.


Come on.

Go! Now!


Dawn alert. Sixty seconds to sunrise.

Go ahead. The sun will burn you to ashes out there...

...or you can die with some grace in here.

They can walk in the sun.

You need to feed. You've lost too much blood.

That child... Because he helped that child of yours.

My son is dead. Dead.


Take her now.

You must go north. Var Dohr.

Go! Now!

Thank you.

I'm very sorry that you lost your father.

He put up a valiant fight.

It's strange to lose someone you feel like you never really knew.

I feel the same about my mother, but...

I have almost no memory of her.

And I of Eve.

I didn't want her.

I didn't know her.

And now I've lost her.

Why do you insist on saying that you've lost her?

She made me promise I would never look for her...

...that I would never consider myself having a daughter.

And she was right.

Nothing good has come to anyone I love.

You're family, and you're all I have left.

Well, then, you really are in trouble.

You need to rest.

Selene's clearly in league with the Lycans.

Thomas and David were complicit in this treachery.

They walked in the sun. This alone is evidence of Lycan collusion.

Selene must be wiped from the pages of our proud history.


We shall avenge our fallen. See to it that you do.

How much nightshade did you use? I thought it best to err on the side...

Varga, what have we said about you thinking?

The poison will dissipate.

I need this blood untainted, and I need it now.

It cannot be rushed.

It must run its course.

It's definitely the car. But no sign of where they went.

Spread out across the city.

Search everywhere.

The train at platform four terminates at this station.


I will be more powerful...

...than Cassius...

...than any vampire in this coven.

What news of the search? Selene and David are heading north.

Of course they are. Your Grace?

They will run to the only remaining coven... afford them safe haven: Var Dohr, the Nordic fortress.

But Var Dohr is only a legend.

I would not give it such an elevated status.

It is a frigid, dreary outpost full of pathetic, peace-loving cowards.

You speak of it as if you have actually been there.

Where do you think I was when Viktor wasted years with Selene?

Prepare yourself.

The journey's long, and I need you to take it alone.

I must be certain the traitor's there...

...before I risk sending a full squad of Death Dealers so far from this coven.

You need to be more careful.

You need to be more gentle.

Have you found Selene? Yes.

She is headed for the Nordic Coven.

I risk everything for this.

For you, for us. I know, my love.

Semira grows more insane for power with each day.

She must be stopped.

And every day, I fear more what she will do if we are discovered.

I cannot att*ck the Eastern Coven without the blood of the hybrid.

It's too strong, even for my horde.


She is the key to the futures of Lycans and vampires alike.

You shall have her.

Var Dohr is just beyond that ridge.

Where is everyone?


We come seeking sanctuary...

...not to fight.

Then you've come to the right place.

My name is Lena.

Follow me.

What was that?

Some kind of trick.

You must be Selene.

Does the great Death Dealer truly come in peace?

I do. And what about this one?

This is David, son of Thomas.

Who I haven't seen for many, many years.

You must excuse the attention.

Our coven doesn't receive many guests, by design.

We do as we wish...

...not as others would have us do. And what of the Lycans?

We are too far removed for them to take notice...

...and even if they did, our climate is quite an obstacle to warm-bloods.

This coven wouldn't exist...

...without your mother's grace. You knew my mother?

All vampires do, my boy.

No. My mother was low-born. She d*ed giving birth to me.

A falsehood, you will find, designed to keep your true lineage safe.

Is she still alive? No.

And her death was a terrible blow to our kind.

The mourning ceremony we held lasted for an entire month.

Such an honour is usually reserved for a high-born...

...a Grand Elder. Yes.

Amelia. Yes.

How could a Grand Elder have been my mother...

...and I not been told?

I have something for you.

Your father's greatest work, infused with silver.

The Lycans will cower from the very sight of it.

It's beautiful. Thomas knew that one day... would be beset by enemies on both sides...

...and he was right.

David, this means that you are the rightful heir of the Eastern Coven.

Your mother and father spent many months...

...within the safety of these walls.

Viktor grew suspicious.

Then your father spirited you away...

...before Semira arrived with her troops.

And what of my mother? She returned to the Eastern Coven.

The light in her eyes...

Don't try and fabricate some kind of martyrdom for her.

I prefer a more honest appraisal of her decision.

She abandoned her only son for the sake of her precious council.

Take it. David.


Amelia asked me to give him this.

What do you need?

Nothing. I just need to be left alone.

Yes, I know the feeling.

Why didn't my father tell me about my mother?

I did not know your father well...

...but I know that his greatest fear was to lose you.

It seems it's the curse of every parent to disappoint their child.

At least you fought for your child. Yes, and lost.

You have pure-blood heritage, David. Your mother was an Elder.

Your parents kept you safe for a reason.

They protected you so that one day you could lead.

Your mother left you a gift.

That's very kind of you, but I have no use for jewellery.

The ring is not the gift.

It contains the gift: a mother's love.

A single drop of her blood.

Maybe it'll help you decide.

You're just in time.

Come. What is this?

Valissa, the in-between place. Is she dead?


She is...


She took a poison.

It allows her to visit the Sacred World.

When she returns, she will see this world with new eyes.

I don't understand what this is.

We have long known there is more than just this world.

When my father first brought me down here...

...I felt as you do now...

...but I have since been to the Sacred World many times.

My eyes see beyond the surface of so many things.

I see much about you. Such as?

I can see you've loved a Lycan...

...k*lled a vampire Elder and given birth...


I see you have lost your daughter...

...and how much pain this gives you deep inside...

...where you will always hide it.

She's a special child.

Many battles will be fought...

...and lost over her.

What else do you see? Darkness.

One that touches us all.

If you want to keep her safe, you will need to go further...

...than even a warrior of your renown has ever ventured before.

I have seen so much w*r... much k*lling.

I cannot bear more.

The peace you will feel here is real.

It seeps into your skin and comforts your soul.

Tell me about the Sacred World.

The water is the path.


I name our son David.


One day, you will understand.

I'm so sorry.

Lycans! Sound the alarm!

Close the doors!


Just as I spoke of peace, w*r has followed you here.

Protect your own.

I must find David.

We have to get you away. No. We led the Lycans here.

We can't let these people die.


This way, men.

Go around that side.

There she is.

You parasite.

Just do it.


At last.

Aah! On your right!

I expected more from you.

Tell me where your daughter is.

I don't know.

Selene, all I want is her blood.

Only she can end this w*r.

I give you my word she will not be k*lled.

What are you?

Tell him where she is and all this butchery will be over forever.

I don't know.


They've gone.


I freed you. - Look at the eyes.

Who I am? Do you not know who I am?

- My daughter. I don't want you.

Don't look for me.

She's telling the truth.

She doesn't know.

My time is done.

They are retreating.

I'm running out of time.

We must strike against the Eastern Coven now.

You know what you must do.

Water is the path.


Praise the day...

...when it ends.

Praise the ice...

...when it holds.

Praise the sword...

...when it kills.

Praise the life...

...that has lived.

It's time.


Such a seductively simple thing.

Either you have it all or you have nothing.

How fascinating.


The water is the path.

You should stay here, David.

This can be your home.

Marius is heading east.

There's nothing stopping him now.

And my people are beset with enemies on all sides.

How can I stay here and live...

...while they die? They need a leader.

Gate secure. Perimeter check.

Miss me?

- East gate is clear. - West gate clear.

Commencing perimeter sweep.

Access granted.

What news do you bring?

A m*ssacre.

The Lycans att*cked the fortress of Var Dohr.

Lycans in the north.

The Nordic Coven was taken completely by surprise.

Dozens of vampires have been k*lled. Was Selene amongst them?

Dead. k*lled by Marius himself.

Wherever Selene goes, trouble surely follows.

What of David? I do not know.

I only wished I had arrived sooner. I might have helped in some way.

Well, you've helped in so many ways.

You've done exactly as I hoped and planned, if not more.

You see, information is power.

And I collect it with a passion.

Thank you for leading Marius to the Nordic Coven.

Your Lycan lover...

...must be delighted with his momentary success.

You thought I didn't know.

Foolish girl.

Dawn alert. Sixty seconds to sunrise.

The Lycan scourge destroyed an entire coven.

To hide behind these walls increases their advantage.

We cannot take the w*r to Marius.

Should we cower in the safety of these walls...

...while he picks us off one by one? Curb your insidious comments, Semira.

This coven has held for 15 centuries.

It will hold for 15 more. I hoped you would show strength...

...though I was willing to settle for competence.

I was wrong.

What is the meaning of this?

If this council is too weak to take action... is my duty to do so.

You are relieved of your duties as council members effective immediately.

The traitor returns.

Oh, you are a fool to show your face here.

I will make you pay for what you've done, Semira.

Marius and his army are heading this way as we speak.

I come to save my people. Your people? Heh.

k*ll him. k*ll him.

You aspire to be the protector of your bloodline...

...yet you k*ll your own kind in pursuit of power.

It ends now.

I am David, son of the great Elder Amelia.

And I am the rightful heir to this coven.

Amelia had no son.

Well, she had the foresight... know that my claim would be challenged.

For the council.


His claim is true.

David is the last of the purebloods.

Irrelevant. You are outnumbered and outgunned.

Varga, your orders still remain. k*ll him.

I said, "k*ll him." No.

You swore to serve me.

I swore to protect the leader of this house.

Breach detected.

- Security system engaged. Lycans. They're here.

Lock her away until she can be judged by the council.

Security system engaged. Breach detected. Security system...

She gets her damn w*r after all. Varga, you can still be forgiven.

Gag her as well.

Come on, move that truck. Move it.

Watch your angles!

Let's go!

Hold your positions.

On the staircase! Behind you!

Fall back! Retreat!

Behind the balustrades!

Take them out!

Come on! Move, move, move!

Move it!


Aim at the ready!



Hide from the light!



sh**t, sh**t, sh**t!


I saw you dead.

I'm here.

I brought backup.

There are too many of them.

I've already k*lled you.


Marius. Please.

I wish your father was alive to see this.

His ridiculous dream of you ruling this coven...

...will be the very thing that kills you.


Oh, it worked.

I'm one of you.

No! No! No!

You k*lled Michael.

This is the last of him.

You're family, and you're all I have left.

Do you not know who I am?

Your leader is dead.

Take your wounded. Leave.


We fought our greatest battle in our darkest hour.

After centuries of w*r between vampire and Lycan...

...this may at last be a time of peace.

We must once again tend to our wounded...

...honour our fallen.

Our final two covens must find strength and unity... heal and rise from the ashes.

My journey has now come full circle.

Once an outcast, I am now one of three chosen Elders.

From hunted to the highest honour.

I have lived a thousand years.

I may live a thousand more...

...or I may die tomorrow.

But I no longer fear death...

...for I have known it once already.

I am reborn...

...and my eyes have been opened to the Sacred World...

...and to the promise of what is yet to be.

There is no beginning.

There is no end.

There is only becoming.