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01x04 - The High Tower

Posted: 12/17/20 20:47
by bunniefuu
[engines whooshing]

[Kaz] Yes, I finally fixed the engine.

Get ready to be impressed.

You ready to be impressed, Tam?

I'm completely ready.

I am always ready.

-[beeping] -[chitters]

-Well, then. -[engine starts]

Here... we... go.

[soft pops, engine powers down]

Um, is this the impressive part?

-[beeping] -Come on, engine, work!

[announcer] And the main event is about to begin!

The race is about to start?

Hold on, I almost have it working.

I almost have-- get going, will you, engine?

-[engine sputters] -Come on, engine!

Kaz, you do realize the engine is not sentient.

It cannot respond back to you.

Thanks, Neeku.

Will you work already? Whoa.

[soft expl*si*n]

[Tamara] Well, this has been tons of fun, Kaz, but I've got a race to watch. Come on, Neeku.

Forget it.

I'll figure out what's wrong after the race.

I don't think so.

You better finish this up by the end of the day, Kaz.


But-- but, Yeager!

Get back to work!

"Get back to work." [mocking] "Get back to work."

Ugh! Fine!


Of course! Great idea, BB- 8.

[engines whooshing]

Yeager never said I can't work on the engine outside, right?


[engines whoosh]

Whoa, check out Torra.

She's almost catching up to Hype. Ugh, wish I was up there.

[pops, sputters]

[alarmed beeping]

The engine!



-[snaps] -Ah!

Oh, no, please, no, please, no, please, no, please, no.

[heroic fanfare]

You just had to watch the race, didn't you?

I'm really sorry, Yeager. It was an accident.

Kaz, I know your head is in racing and spying and all that, but remember, to everyone else here, you're just a mechanic.

But I'm not a mechanic.

Yeah, and if you're not careful, everyone else will know that too.

Look, if you get caught, that will be the end for Tam, Neeku, all of us.

This isn't a game.

I know that, Yeager.

Do you? Because you sure aren't acting like it.

I took this mission to help the Resistance.

I didn't take it to work in a garage.

Sorry me wanting to help the galaxy is inconveniencing you.

Aunt Z, you ever say something and immediately regret it?

All the time.

Like the first time I said, "Hello, Kaz," I immediately regretted it.

Maybe living with Yeager isn't my best option.

Well, there are a lot of accommodations here, Kaz.

You'll find your place.

Hey, you can live with me. [chuckles]

Yeah, I don't think so.

Hey there.

Me and my friends were just talking about you.

You flew in that sky race against Torra, right?

You've got some skill. What's your name?

Kazuda Xiono. Friends call me Kaz.

Jace Rucklin. I'm a racer too.

Well, trying to be anyway. I just need a faster ship.

So wanna meet my team?

Kaz, meet Linn Gaava and Gorak Wiles.

Hardest-working crew this side of the Western Reaches.

[chuckles] Hardest-working? Best job of my career.

Rucklin practically has to force us to take days off.

You get days off?

Of course we do. We're not droids.

Yeah, well, uh, Yeager, he doesn't really give many breaks.

Yeager is a strange one.

He could be the top racer here if he wanted to be.

Only saw him race once, but he blew the competition away.

Yeah, I hear it's 'cause he uses a fuel boost.

Did he ever show you his racer?

I've been dying to see it.

What, you mean the Fireball?

Nah, that flying deathtrap?

His other racer. His real racer.

I thought Yeager was just a mechanic. I didn't know he was a racer.

Let's get outta here, do something fun. You with us, Kaz?

Why not?

You're a pretty good pilot. You gave Torra a run for her money, and you didn't die.

You wanna race or are you gonna chum out and back down?

Sure. What are we racing?

Oh, you'll see.

Come on, this is a little shortcut we use.

Follow me.


Nice bikes.

Think you can handle it?

I'm thinking yes.

[bikes power up]

[engines rev]

[engines whoosh]


All right, first one to reach that Sky Ring is the winner.

[engines rev]

Be waiting for you there, Kaz.

Sorry, can't let you pass.

But hey, there's nothing wrong with second place.

And... now!

Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!

[soft pop] Oh, no.


Rucklin, something's wrong with my bike.

[engine whooshing]

I can't stop it!

Ha, yeah, right. No excuses.

No, I'm serious.

If I hit the water at this speed, I'm done.

Hold on, I got you.

[engine crackling, sputtering]

-[electricity crackling] -Whoa!

[sputtering, crackling]

-You okay? -Oh, man, Rucklin.

-You saved my life. -No problem.

That's what friends do.

That was a close call. Are you okay, Kaz?

Yeah, thanks to Rucklin. I guess I owe someone a bike.

Eh, the bike's not important.

I'm just glad you're okay.

Uh-oh. Here comes your boss.


You know how long I've been looking for you?

Since when do I give two-hour breaks?

I've just been with friends. Rucklin here just--

Are you working for them or me?

They paying you all this lost time I'm not paying you?

Um, no, sir.

They're not.

Sorry, guys. I'll see you later.

Thanks again, Rucklin.

Good job on the bike, Wiles.

Now we've got the kid right where we want him.

This is unacceptable. When were you gonna fix that engine?

Next month? Maybe next year?

So I took a long break. So what? I didn't think it'd be a problem.

-Oh, now he's in trouble. -[chitters]

I told Poe I would take you in. Don't make me regret that decision.

Hold on, Yeager.

-I want to talk about-- -[chitters]

Oh, now you're on my case too, Bucket, really?

You know what? Forget this. I wonder what Rucklin's doing.

Those young people are not all they seem to be, Kaz.

They're lazy, always laughing, pulling pranks on others, not focusing on their work, having all kinds of fun.

They're the worst.

Yeah, yeah, that sounds terrible. Uh, hey, Neeku, could you, uh-- could you grab me a tool from that big case?

I can't remember what it's called though.

[whirring, beeping]

Which tool is it, Kaz?

Is it this one? How about this one? Just tell me when I find the right one.

Is it this one? Is it this one?

Is it this one? Okay, not this one.

Is it this one?

[engines whooshing]


Kaz, there you are. Did Yeager give you a hard time?

Eh, you know, he tried.

That's what we like to hear.

Hey, you wanna see what we've been working on?

Started modding Rucklin's new racer.

We're stripping out all unnecessary systems to reduce the ship's weight.

And when we're done, this baby will be primed for speed.

We could really use some Corellian hyperfuel though.

We'd be unstoppable with some of that hot sauce.

This ship is fast but it's not even close to Yeager's.

Man, I would love to check out that ship, see it up close.

What do you say, Kaz? You wanna sneak me a peek?


Sneak into Yeager's private hangar?

I've never been back there. That seems risky.

If we get caught, I--

We'll wait here until he takes his break.

Me and Wiles, we'll be on the lookout.


Well, I do owe you for saving my life. We're just gonna look, right?

Well, what harm is there in that?

[Bucket chittering]

Keep a lookout, BB-8. And don't argue.

[metallic clatter]




All right, the hangar's gotta be back here.

Yeager's won so many racing awards.

Wow, he was in the Rebellion, too?

I didn't know Yeager was at the battle at Jakku.


Yeager had a family.

I kinda feel bad about sneaking in here.

How's that door coming?

Um, yeah, I'm on it.


Ugh, great. It's locked up tight.

Guess we won't get to check out Yeager's racer after all.

Sorry, Rucklin.

Let's get outta here.

[Jarek] Let me double-check. You sure you looked everywhere?

-[chittering] -It's fine.

If that macrofuser's not here, we can just order a new one.

I'm not too worried about it.


Hey, boss.

You know where Kaz is?

Nah, haven't seen him.

You know he still hasn't fixed that engine?

Where is he?

Give the kid a break. I gave you one.

[door whooshes]

Ooh, that was close.

Well, maybe we'll see his racer some other time.



What's the big deal, BB-8?

We didn't even get in to see the racer. There's no harm done.

Come on, let's catch up to Rucklin.

And here it is in all its glory.

Corellian hyperfuel! Score!

[laughs] Nice job, boss man.

You guy's hungry? 'Cause I could go for some Aunt Z's.

Sorry, Kaz. Uh, I got a race starting soon.

-Maybe later. -You're competing?

That's great.

Well, um, good luck with the race.

Come on, BB-8.

[door whooshes]


[frantic chittering]

[frantic chittering]

Whoa, slow down, Bucket.

Did someone over clock your motivator?


What do you mean the hyperfuel is gone? Are you sure?


This is bad. Very, very, very, very bad.

We have to find that hot sauce.

Hot sauce? What hot sauce?

Hyper fuel, highly unstable. It causes terminal blowouts.

Yeager had a batch that he was safekeeping, but Bucket says someone stole it.


Rucklin. Oh, no.

He said there's a race starting soon.

If anyone tries to use it without knowing how, more than a couple of drops could turn a ship into a giant b*mb.

A b*mb?

Okay, hey, sorry, guys. I gotta go.

Ah, be back in a few.


Careful. Not too much, Jace.

This is my ticket to the big time.

With this hyperfuel, I'll have the fastest ship in this race.

-Get out of the way! -[angry chattering]

Move, move, move, move!

Yoo-hoo! Have you thought about my offer?


Prep all systems for flight.

Hurry, BB-8. We have to stop them before they get a chance to use the fuel.

[announcer] And the race is about to start in 30 seconds.



[sighs] We're never gonna make it.

I know another way.


Kaz, what are you doing?

Sorry, Yeager, no time to talk. My friend is gonna blow himself up.

What? Kaz?


Hurry, BB! We don't have much time.


[engine whooshing]

You hear that? Sounds like it's ready to blow.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's fire it up.

Ready to launch.




[announcer] Ten, nine...

-Kaz, what are you doing? -Eight...

-Shut it down! Now! -Seven.

Six, five, four, three...

[Rucklin] Have you lost your mind? Get off my ship.

Two, one.



[engine whooshes]


[both screaming]


[both screaming]

Where's the parachute?

It was too heavy for racing.

You took it out?

[both screaming]




Hold on!


I got you.

Thanks, Yeager.

Yeah, don't forget BB-8.


Thanks, BB-8.

Yeager, hold on. I can explain everything.

If-if you just stop and let me--


Do you realize what you did?

Yeah, I was trying to save you from yourself.

That was my racer.

I poured my life into that ship, all of my savings.

Built every piece of it. Now it's gone thanks to you.

Thanks to me?

You stole the hyperfuel and you blame me?

You can't prove I stole anything.

It all would have been fine if you didn't interfere.

Just wait. This isn't over, Kaz.

The last thing we need right now is to attract attention.

Yeager, I, uh--

I understand if you want to fire me.

Get back to work.

Yeah, I completely accept that.

Wait. You're not kicking me out?

You may not be the greatest mechanic and you're a questionable spy at best, but you're a good person, Kaz.

I get that.

And that kid was lucky enough to have you as a friend.

So I'm good at... being a person?

Yeah. Now get better at being a mechanic.

You can start by cleaning those engine parts.

-Sure thing, boss. -They're outside.

-[sighs] -[beeping]

[engines whooshing]

Oh, salutations, Kaz. You came out to watch the race?

No, Yeager told me to clean outside.

Where I can watch the race.

Maybe he likes you after all.


[engines whoosh]


[Kazuda] No! Oh, no, please, no, please, no, please, no--

[heroic fanfare]

[theme music playing]