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03x09 - It Happened One Fight

Posted: 12/25/20 11:05
by bunniefuu

So, how is Peru? [Amazing!]

(LOUD CONSTRUCTION NOISES) [Yesterday, I climbed Machu Picchu,]

[and I tried a traditional dish called cuy chactado.]

Oh, I've heard of that.

Isn't that guinea pig? (ELECTRIC SAW NOISE)

[Sorry, I missed that.] Never mind.

[What's going on over there?] Oh, the roof caved in.

There's guys working up there right now.

Atchoo! [Are you OK?]

[Are you sick?] No.

It's nothing, it's just dust. [Well, 'cause you know,]

[there's cold medicine in the cabinet next to the fridge.]

Zoe, I'm fine, OK? Just have fun, and I'll talk to you in a couple of days.


[I need a favour.] What?

[OK, let me start by saying I am]

[so, so, so,]

[so sorry about this.] Zoe, spit it out.

[So my cousin Donnie, he's a great martial arts master,]

[and I kind of promised him]

[that we would go see his Wing Chun demonstration today.]

Uh, "we" as in who?

[As in you and Shade, since I'm in Peru.]

Zoe! [I know!]

[I'll make it up to you, I swear. He's just]

[so desperate to meet you guys. He's a huge hockey fan.]

OK, where is this happening? [Chinatown.]

[He's performing at the Seventh Night Festival,]

[which is kind of like a Chinese Valentine's Day.]

[And his girlfriend Tracy will meet you at her tea shop.]

[You're gonna love her.]


I didn't know Zoe had a cousin.

Apparently, they're pretty close.

Zoe actually lived with Donnie's family for three years after her parents d*ed.


You... did know that Zoe's parents d*ed when she was a teenager? Yeah, sure.

Oh, wow! Boss of the year right here.

I just wish she would have given us some more notice.

Why? It's not like we can hang around the agency.

Oh, don't remind me.

How long is that gonna go on by the way?

The contractor said they should be done sometime today.

Perfect! Then, there's nothing for us to do, except relax and enjoy the festivities.

Speaking of which, where is this tea shop?

Oh, it's right up there. Just pull over.




Thank you!

The Chinese Valentine's Day, huh?

Better than a lame box of drugstore chocolates.

I thought women loved those.

Atchoo! Coming down with something?

No. It's just dust from construction, it's nothing. Hmm, whatever you say.

♪♪ Let me guess. Shade and Angie? Hi, I'm Tracy.

Zoe's told me all about you. Only good things I hope.

Yep. Just give me a minute to lock up, and I will take you to Donnie's. (ANGIE SNEEZING)

You got a cold? Oh no, I'm fine.

She's in denial. It's the tiniest tickle in my throat. I got just the thing.

What's that? It's organic herbs, some ginger, eye of newt.

I'm just kidding. Wow, it's a beautiful shop you have here. Thanks!

My grandma taught me everything I know.

I never thought it would turn into my career though.

Actually, it was Donnie who convinced me to follow my heart.

Hmm... Smells intriguing.

Yeah, best to sh**t it quick.

Pretend it's tequila. That I can do.


That would be the cayenne pepper talking.

A little chaser? Thanks.

Mmm! That's actually really good.

I made it myself. Crafted it in honour of the Seventh Night Festival. It's for lovers.

Well, should we get going? Donnie's about to go on.

Yeah. Yeah.



Oh, there he is. Donnie!


Sorry to interrupt. I wanted you to meet Shade and Angie. So happy you could make it.

Hear you're a great fighter. And teacher.

He's literally the best. And you're not biased at all.

(MAN): Donnie! Hmm! I've got to go prepare.

I am honoured that you came today.

I'm a big fan of yours.

Enjoy the show. (SHADE): Thanks.

(TRADITIONAL CHINESE MUSIC) Thank you for joining us at Chi Sao Studio.

And now, a man who needs no introduction:

Donnie Chow. (APPLAUSE)

That's Irving, Donnie's boss.

He's been training Donnie since he was 6.

Thanks. Haha!


What's wrong? I don't know.


Donnie! Everybody, stay back!

(TRACY): Is he breathing?

Barely. Call 9-1-1.

(WOMAN): Teetsa Jeung?

What is that?! It wasn't there 2 minutes ago.

We need an ambulance, Chi Sao Studio!

What are they saying? Teetsa Jeung.

What does that mean? Iron Palm.

Someone just tried to k*ll my boyfriend.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowing the lines when you're making a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you, watching you ♪


(WOMAN ON INTERCOM): Dr. Bisson, oncology.

The contusion on his chest suggests he suffered a serious blow. There was no one near him when he collapsed. We saw the whole thing.

Sometimes, when a fighter is struck, it's not evident until there's an increase in blood flow.

Especially with internal bleeding.

But that doesn't explain his collapse.

What would? Heart att*ck, aneurysm, even heatstroke. I've ordered a full blood panel and tox screen. I'm gonna send Donnie down for some X-rays and an ECG. We should know more soon.


I don't know if any doctor can help.

Why would you say that? Some people believe that the damage caused by Teetsa Jeung can't be undone.

What exactly is Teetsa Jeung?

It translates to "Iron Palm."

It's an advanced martial arts technique.

It involves harnessing the body's kinetic energy into a single blow. Supposedly, it can stop a person's heart, even hours later.

Sorry, this is nothing to do with you.

No, we're gonna help you figure this out.

Zoe is family, that means Donnie is too.

Iron Palm or not, it seems that someone assaulted Donnie this morning. Do you happen to know where he was before the demonstration?

Did he meet up with anyone out of the ordinary?

Um, I don't know. He didn't come to the tea shop like he does every morning. I usually make him an extra-large tea, and then he goes to the studio.

Maybe I can check his schedule.

That's weird, his password isn't working.

Maybe he changed it.

Things have been kind of tense lately.

We had a big fight last week, but I never thought that he would shut me out.

We have some friends at the police station; we can try to get it unlocked if you like.

Yeah. Donnie's boss...

Irving. He might know more.

We'll go talk to him. We'll be in touch.


You don't actually believe any of this Iron Palm stuff, do you?

I don't know. There's a lot we don't understand about Eastern traditions. I used acupuncture all through my hockey career. Acupuncture is a long way from a magic death punch. I don't know, haven't seen you sneeze for a while.

Shocking what dust-free air will do.

Or a sh*t of "magic" tea.


Wow! So you wasn't kidding when you said her cousin was good.

I got your message.

I knew from an early age that Donnie was one in a million, best I'd ever seen.

Donnie and I trained together all over the world.

That was Shaolin balance training in Southern China.

I was about to take him on a massive competition tour.

Fifty cities.

I'm sorry.


Thank you for your help this morning.

I'm still in shock.

Donnie's like a son to me. Is that him as a kid?

We went to Bangkok together.

We're trying to piece together where Donnie was before the demonstration, who he was with.

He was here early in the morning, then he left.

Said he had to take care of something.

Any idea what that was?

He didn't tell me. A star like Donnie, he's bound to have some enemies, right?

Oh, not really. Everybody loves him.

There is someone, isn't there? ♪♪

Tony Wong.

He runs a Wing Chun studio not far from here.

I can't believe he'd do something like this.

What's his issue with Donnie?

Tony came from mainland China a few years ago, spent a fortune on his studio, but people still flock to train here.

Not to mention, Donnie b*at him in a sparring match several months ago.

They were supposed to have a rematch this afternoon.


The martial artist doesn't need brute strength to defeat their enemy. True power comes from the mind.


If I were to leave him in this state, within a few hours his heart could stop.

But then again, a good assistant is hard to find.


Oh, come on.

Thank you for coming to our demonstration.

If you want more information on Bong Sao Academy, please take a pamphlet.

Thank you so much. Hi there. Thank you for coming.

Wow! That was amazing! Hazel, what did I tell you?

This guy's like a modern-day Bruce Lee.

I'm glad you liked it. There's a pass in there for a complimentary lesson. Come check us out.

Oh, I'd love to learn that "power of the mind" thing. That was so cool!

That was just a demonstration, it's not something I teach.

Only the best Sifu can master it.

And who is the best? You or Donnie Chow?

Says here you were supposed to fight him this afternoon?

No, Hazel, remember?

We heard that Donnie's in the hospital now.

Wait. Say, someone wouldn't have done that to him on purpose, would they?

Are you implying I did something to Donnie?

Well, it'd be good for business.

You could eliminate the competition and give away fewer freebies.

If I would take out Donnie, I'd do it publicly.

There's no honour in doing it behind the scenes.

Unless you're worried you were gonna lose.

Who are you two? Just a couple of interested patrons. Say, where were you this morning? I was giving a speech at the festival's opening reception.

As for your business, I'd advise you to take it elsewhere.

Excuse me.

Well, now I feel like a jerk.

More than usual? Ha ha.

Live tweets from this morning's reception, Tony was definitely there. So now what?

Irving's studio has security cameras, doesn't it?

You think whoever did this to Donnie was at the demonstration?

It's worth a sh*t. I'll text Irving.


Where's the 4 quart soup tureen?

Hello to you too.

Look, quit fooling around, OK? I'm in a hurry.

Left side of the sink, top cabinet?

No, it's not. I just checked there.

Ah, there it is.

What's going on? It's the 9th Annual Spring Lakes Soup Spectacular. (CHUCKLING)

They have an amateur division and this year I am entering my famous Fort Huron Gumbo.

Well, good luck. [Thanks.]

Son of a bitch! Is that Angie? What's wrong?

Ugh! The workers at the agency ran into a snag. It's gonna be another day or two.

She should stay here. ♪♪ Yeah, sure, Dad, I guess.

What's he saying?

He's saying you should just stay at my place.

Oh no, I couldn't. Why not?

Jules is staying at Becca's, and I'm leaving for Spring Lake in about an hour. [Yeah, OK, Dad, I got this.]

Just bring us back a blue ribbon.

Yeah, golden ladle, but I get your drift. Thanks a lot. Take care.

You know what?

My dad's right, you should just stay at my place.

Are you sure? Yeah. I got a guest room I never use. It's got pillows and everything.


Oh, look. What is it?

It's a text from Tracy. She went through Donnie's backpack, and she found this. It's from a bakery in Chinatown.

Does she know what it says? She said it's a list of dates. No other information.




Excuse me. Um, do you recognize this?

Um, could you wait here a second?

♪♪ I have a bad feeling.

We're just gonna ask some questions.

Show me the photo.

Who are you? How did you get this?

Why don't you tell us what it is first.

We should go now.

Not until we get some answers.

No, I think we should go now.

Something tells me that's not an option anymore.

♪♪ So, Philip and I were just walking around enjoying the Seventh Night Festival when he remembered this place.

I have such fond memories of your pineapple buns from our first date. When was that?

How many years has it been, Philip?

Oh, it's been so long. Five?

We moved last summer. Our previous location was, let's just say, too public. (ORDER IN CANTONESE)

We're friends with Donnie Chow.

Well, technically his cousin Zoe, but we're acting on his behalf.

Acting how? We're trying to figure out what caused his accident this morning.

Yes. I'm sorry to hear about that.

His girlfriend Tracy found this order slip in his bag.

We're guessing he wasn't here to pick up egg tarts. Did he owe you money?

We all owe something.

I'm writing you a bad review on Yelp.

I'll be sure to pass it along. Yeah, you do that.

OK, so how is Donnie involved with the Godmother of Chinatown?

No idea. Let's go see Maz.

(INDISTINCT CHATTER) Maz isn't here.

He's on a training course. Another one?

What's with his sudden interest in self-improvement?

Last time Maz went on a training course, it was to impress a Brazilian model with his knowledge of Portuguese.

OK. OK, you didn't hear it from me, but I think he's applying to join a secret task force.

"Task force"? For what? I don't know. He's being very hush-hush about it. In the meantime, I'm holding down the fort. Alright. We need some help.

Can you get us some information on this bakery in Chinatown?

What kind of information?

We think the woman who owns it operates it as a front for something.

OK, I'm logging in, but I haven't agreed to help you.


Uh... yeah, we know the place. It's owned by a woman named Li Chen.

Is she a loan shark? (TAPPING ON KEYBOARD)

No, more of a "fixer." She helps rich kids from overseas get into university here.

So why the muscle? We got tossed out of there by a couple of g*ons. I don't know.

She's had a couple of claims against her, but nothing substantiated.

All right. Well then, we need a favour.

Can you get this phone unlocked?

Belongs to Zoe's cousin, Donnie. He was att*cked.

att*cked? We think he may have met up with his attacker earlier today.

I don't know. I'd have to take this to Forensics, and those guys are very grouchy...

Danica, Donnie's life could be in danger.

Please. Right.

Of course, yeah. I'll take it to Forensics.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


It's getting late. Can you drop me off?

Aren't you forgetting something?

The agency is still toast.

I wasn't kidding when I said you could stay with me.

We'll grab your bag on the way.

Are you sure that won't be too weird?

It'll only get weird if you want to watch 90s rom-coms and have a good cry. (ANGIE LAUGHING)


Alright, ready to go.

Clean robe, fresh towels, en suite's in here, the hairdryer, mouthwash, dental floss.

Anything else you need? Oh, a mint on the pillow.

Uh, yeah, pillows, mints.

Out of mints, but I got lots of pillows.

OK, make yourself at home. I'll see you downstairs.



♪ I was a single man ♪ You're... cooking.

That's usually what people do in a kitchen.

I used to own a restaurant, remember?

Yeah, but I would have totally paid for takeout.

Hahaha! And rob me of the joy of telling you what to do?

Here, spiralize this zucchini.

You've got it! What does that mean?

Uh, it means we're making pasta from zucchini. Here.

Oh! Is that a thing? It sure is.

Turn that.

Cool! It's even better with wine.

Well, what isn't? Yeah, copy that.


Why would Li Chen lend money to Donnie and then try to k*ll him? Doesn't make any sense.

Why else would he be there? I don't know.

Maybe he needed something "fixed"?

It's a good thing we don't actually live together.

Yeah. We'd never stop working.

Yeah. (DING!)

Oh! That's Irving.

He just sent the link to the security footage from this morning.

Alright. Laptop's in the living room, let's go.

Nobody touches him before he gets to the stage.


- Oh, my God! Everybody, stay back!

Wait, did you see that? (TAPPING KEY TWICE)

Watch. There!

Black hoodie?

Donnie goes down. The crowd is shocked, can't turn away.

Everybody except him. And whoever he is, he's scared.

And he's getting the hell out of there as fast as he can.

Almost as if he knew what was coming.


Morning. Oh, good morning!

Coffee's hot. Ohhh...

You put cinnamon on the grounds, how'd you know? Psychic.

But only for beverage preferences.

Also, I'm a PI and I pay attention.

Hahaha! You're in a good mood this morning.

That mattress was incredible, it was like a seven-hour hug.

Two words: memory foam. Honestly, I could sleep in your bed every night.

I could sleep in that bed. The one in my guest...

(DING!) Your... The... Oh, thank God!

It's Tracy, and... I...

I sent her a screen grab of our mysterious hooded figure.

And? She doesn't recognize him.

She says we should take it to Irving.

Let's go.


Alright, OK. Mm-hmm.


Hi! I, uh...

I'm Officer Danica Powers.

Actually, I'm... Sorry, I'm a trainee detective, Danica Powers. I'm not an officer, as you can probably tell from my plain clothes, but, uh...

So, this is Forensics, huh?

Cool! I guess, yeah, obviously because it says Forensics, so... And you guys have these nice forensic... Please don't.

OK, sorry. I was actually thinking about going into forensics myself because I love blood.

Not in a weird way, just in a... just in a totally normal way.

Anyway, I have a bit of a favour to ask, and I'm a bit new here, so I don't know how this goes.

But, uh...

I have these friends, and they need this phone unlocked.

They are detectives, but they're more sort of, um...

They're more private.

But that's fair, they're private detectives.

Well, one of them, her dad, actually was a cop, but he is now dead. Um, sorry.

Uh! Anyway, I need this phone unlocked for them, and if you were to do this favour for me, I would be so grateful, and I would owe you a favour. Obviously.

If we do this, will you please stop talking?

Yes. Yes, I will.

OK, yeah.

Cool! I'm not supposed to do that in a police station.

Oh, actually, I have a question about passwords.

♪♪ Oh, hey, Irving.

Could you take a look at something for us?

Did you see something in the footage?

Maybe. Do you know this person?

No. Did they hurt Donnie? We're not sure yet.

I don't know who it is, but I can tell you they practice Wing Chun.

How do you know? It's the brown sash.

It denotes a skill level, just like belts in karate.

Could it be one of your students? No. I'd recognize the posture.

What about one of Tony's? (DOOR OPENING)

It's possible. Excuse me, my morning class is arriving.

Alright, it makes sense.

Tony establishes an alibi for himself and then sends one of his minions to do his dirty work.

Let's go see if the student became the master.

Side kick! Ready? One!

Yah! Two! Hands up!

Three! Yah!

Four! Yah!

Five! Yah!

Six! Yah!

Seven! Yah!

Partner drills.

You two again? I had told you to stay away.

My name's Angie Everett. This is my partner Matt Shade.

Private investigators? ♪♪ You still think I att*cked Donnie?

We're actually looking for a student of yours.

Ring a bell? Don't think so.

Wanna take another look at that?

You need to leave this alone.

Is everything OK here, Sifu?

I'm just looking for my complimentary lesson.

It's been revoked. You know, maybe you should leave.

Come on, Shade. I've got animal crackers in the car.




I wonder who he's talking to.

We definitely got him spooked.

Let's sit on him for a bit, see if our little bird flies the coop.

Hey, can I stay again tonight? The agency's still a w*r zone.

Yeah, sure. Are you gonna make dinner?

Hell no! I start and end with coffee.

And now spiralized zucchini. (ANGIE LAUGHING)

Gotta hand it to you, last night's dinner was pretty impressive. I'm a pretty impressive guy.

Yeah, so says my business partner.

He's obviously a smart man. Haha!

Check it out. Yeah. Go time.


(ANGIE): He stopped. Do you think he saw us?

Looks like he's waiting for someone.

(ANGIE): Check it out.


Alright, buy me ten seconds.

What a coincidence!

All of us meeting in the same street.

This has nothing to do with you. (CANTONESE WORD)


Hey, hey, hey! (GRUNTING)

Hold still! Hey!

Ugh! Let her go!



May Chen... Li Chen's granddaughter.

This isn't her fault.

Teetsa Jeung takes years of training.

I saw it on the Internet, it was just a lucky sh*t.

Why were you fighting with Donnie?

We weren't fighting, it was sparring.

Wait, you're a student at the school?!

But Irving said... May is a special student.

Donnie was teaching her privately.


So, you made a deal with Donnie?

It's not what you think.

Donnie's a good kid, he helps out in the community.

He came to me asking for a favour.

In exchange for lessons? What kind of favour?

That's Donnie's business.

And how do you factor into this?

May came to me 'cause she was convinced that this was her fault. She knew I was an expert.

But I'm telling you, there's no way she could have hit him hard enough to do this.

So how did it happen? Truthfully, I don't know.

So May's handprint had nothing to do with why he collapsed.

And we're back in square one.

We're still missing something. Where else did Donnie go that morning? Nowhere.

There wasn't any time.

The doctor said that he had internal bleeding.

I mean, if not from trauma, then from what?

The PT tests on Donnie's blood show an abnormality in clotting.

What kind of abnormality? Well, normally, it takes blood 10 to 14 seconds to clot; in Donnie's case, it took 16 implying he's deficient in blood-clotting proteins.

Is he on blood thinners? Not that I know of.

Donnie was really careful about everything he put in his body.

We screened for all the common blood-thinning dr*gs, there was nothing there.

I've ordered some more tests.

Hopefully, we'll get to the bottom of this soon.

Thin blood would explain the bruising, but not why he ended up like this.

If my grandma was here, she'd make Donnie her special soup.

She said it cured everything. My grandma had the same thing.

Except her special soup was whiskey.

Mhm. Po po used willow bark.

She'd buy it in big batches from a Chinese herbalist.

Tasted disgusting, but always worked on my headaches.

It makes sense. Aspirin used to be made from willow bark. (CELL PHONE DINGING)

That's it. Willow bark?

No, a herbalist.

It's Danica. The police unlocked Donnie's phone.

I'll catch up with you later. Alright.


So, it turns out the folks in Forensics are actually super nice. You just have to get them talking.

So we started talking about passwords because I've been using my birthday for the past five years.

But apparently, that's really bad, so I think I'm gonna switch to my mom's birthday, which...

I probably shouldn't have told you that.

Already forgotten. So, the phone?

Oh, yes!

Aaah... OK.

Alright. It's here.

Did you find anything? It's none of my business, but you may want to check the text messages that Donnie gets from a Michelle.

Really, they do a lot of meeting up.

Ah. Good to know.


I gotta change my password.

(MAN): The nettle leaf and quercetin will stop your cells from releasing any histamines.


Can I help you? Oh, yes.

I'm looking for something that would act as a blood-thinning agent.

Do you have a history of cholesterol or high blood pressure?

Sure, let's go with that. I'll need something more to go on before I prescribe something.

There was an incident at the Seventh Night Festival yesterday.

A wing chun martial artist collapsed during a demonstration.

Yes, I heard about that.

The doctors can't figure out what's wrong with him, and I was just wondering...

If I knew of anything that they might not be checking for?


In traditional Chinese medicine, the wrong mix of ingredients can be very dangerous.

For example, high doses of fish oil mixed with gingko biloba could cause internal bleeding.

So maybe somebody slipped Donnie a dangerous mix of herbs? Or...

He hasn't been in contact with any poisonous snakes, has he? Interesting question.

I'm gonna go with probably not. It's a long sh*t, but some things you mentioned could point to a haemotoxin.

You mean snake venom? Yeah.

Excuse me.

(SHADE): Snake venom? It's a little obscure, don't you think?

I think that's the point. It wouldn't show up in any tox screens and would fool the doctors into thinking Donnie was on blood thinners.


Well, haemotoxins cause blood clots, which means fewer platelets in the bloodstream.

Which would throw off his test results.

Exactly. Question is where would Donnie come into contact with snake venom?


It's not exactly something you put in your morning coffee.

Unless it is. Didn't Tracy say that Donnie comes by for his tea every morning?

You think Tracy's behind this? What's her motive?

Check out Donnie's text messages. Apparently, he'd been meeting in secret with a woman named Michelle.

"Hope I'll still get to see you.

Been trying to call. Are you on your way?"

Well, who is this woman?

I don't know, but those messages go back three weeks.

No wonder Donnie changed his password.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

We need to pay an after-hours visit to our client's shop.

So, I intend to poison my lover, where do you hide it?

Assuming she hasn't gotten rid of it already.

You may be on to something, she is a smart girl.


Not smart enough to cover her tracks.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Nothing says "I love you" like an untraceable haemotoxin.

♪♪ We had it tested.

It's snake venom.

We found it in a teapot in your shop.

I don't know where it came from, it's not mine!

I don't even keep toxic cleaning products in my shop, let alone snake venom! You already admitted to having a big fight with Donnie; what was it about?

Michelle? Who's Michelle?

The woman Donnie's been trading texts with, who he's been secretly seeing.

I don't know anything about that.

Maybe you were suspicious of all the secrets, wanted to end the relationship permanently? What?! I... No, I need Donnie now more than ever! And why is that?

Because of this.

You're pregnant? Does Donnie know?

I didn't know how to tell him.

♪♪ He worked so hard at the studio his entire life, but it doesn't pay the bills.

Is that what the fight was about?

I broached the idea of him asking for a raise.

I mean, I love Irving, but he's been paying Donnie the same salary for eight years. I think he's holding Donnie back, but Donnie's too nice to say anything about it.

So you don't know who this is?

♪♪ I swear.

But I know Donnie, and there's no way he's having an affair.

So if our mystery woman isn't Donnie's girlfriend, then who is she? Let's find out.



Michelle? Hi! Who are you?

We're "Donnie."

I don't understand.

We know about the texts you sent him, the secret meet-ups.

Are you his lawyers? I thought he was doing this alone. Doing what?

If he doesn't transfer the money by midnight, the deal is dead. Whoa, whoa, slow down.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you're not having an affair with Donnie. An affair?!

God, no! I'm Donnie's realtor.

"Michelle Choi. Don't be coy, go with Choi." It's clever.

Uh-huh. Was he buying or selling?

I found him the perfect property.

And I thought he was over the moon. 10 000 square feet, room for multiple classes. Hey, Donnie's buying his own martial arts studio? Yes.

He had the down payment and a guarantor in place for financing.

I thought it was a done deal.

We're private investigators.

Donnie's been in an accident.

Oh, my God! This guarantor, was it Irving Guzman?

No, it was a woman.

An older woman.

Li something. I can look it up.

So Li Chen was helping Donnie buy a martial arts studio.

Maybe Donnie decided to take Tracy's advice and strike out on his own. But what about Irving?

They were just about to go on a world tour together.

Fifty cities. Unless...

Unless what? Li Chen confirmed that her and Donnie had a special deal.

He was giving lessons to May in exchange for her acting as his guarantor.

So those aren't repayment dates; those are lesson dates.

Kind of hard to be competing in Berlin when you're coaching in Toronto.

If Donnie really was leaving to open his own studio, Irving's studio would be in a lot of trouble.

I think someone just sh*t to the top of our suspect list.


How did you get in here?

We used Donnie's key. Hope that's all right.

(ANGIE): We just wanted to share the good news.

We found out what happened to him.

♪♪ That's great.

(ANGIE): Cheers.

We know how important Donnie is to you.

He's your golden ticket.

Without him, you'd never survive.

Especially after putting yourself so deep in debt with a massive, multi-city world tour.

Not to mention your expansion plans.

Spending investors' money to finance five new studios in Canada, ten in the U.S... What did you think they'd say when they found out Donnie was pulling out?

Where did you get these?

Li Chen has a lot of pull in this community.

(SHADE): You found out Donnie was opening his own studio.

And Tracy convinced him that he'd be better off without you. (IRVING SCOFFING)

I have no idea what you're talking about.

We found this in Tracy's tea shop.

Only, we don't know what it is.

If you found it in Tracy's shop, why aren't you questioning her?

We did. She didn't know what it was either.

So, we put some of it in your tea.

See, we realized Tracy didn't make Donnie's tea that morning. You did.

How are you feeling?

I put... everything into Donnie's career.

This tour was gonna change everything.

Chi Sao would have been the biggest studio in North America.

♪♪ But that was your dream, not his. (DOOR OPENING)

Irving Guzman, you're under arrest.


You guys didn't really poison the tea, did you?

OK, yeah, let's go.


Aaah... There he is, hopping around.

Tracy was telling me in excruciating detail about how the two of you saved my life.

Oh, she is exaggerating. So how are you feeling?

Physically, like crap.

Mentally, even worse now that I know who's behind it.

You could never have suspected Irving would try to hurt you.

No, but I should have realized that he was taking advantage of me a long time ago.

And now I have nothing.

Actually, we spoke with Michelle Choi.

She convinced the seller to extend the deadline on the studio space. Are you serious?

It's still yours if you want it.

Your own studio! Well, it's ours.

If you'll still have me.

Listen, Tracy, I wanna talk about our fight.

It's OK. No.

It was... It's my fault.

I was the one keeping secrets from you, I just wanted it to be a surprise.

You weren't the only one keeping a secret.

What do you mean? ♪♪

♪ How long is this ♪ I think your studio already has its first student. ♪ Gonna last ♪

(LAUGHING): Oh, my God! ♪ How long ♪

♪ Is this gonna last ♪

♪ How long is this ♪

♪ Gonna last ♪

[Oh, my God! Thank you so much.]

[I'm sorry it turned into such a huge deal!]

That's alright. We were happy to help.

Besides, it all worked out in the end and you're gonna be an auntie.

[I know. Tracy told me. Isn't that fantastic?]

(SHADE): Congratulations, Zoe.

How's the trip going by the way? [I'm having the best time]

[And the food? I can't get enough of that cuy chactado.]

Wow! You're brave!


They tried to get me to eat that when I was down there, and I said, "No way, I'm not eating guinea..."




♪♪ I figured, if she says no to me in my boxer shorts, then it's not meant to be.

And what did Becca say?

She said, "No." (ANGIE LAUGHING)

♪ Bits of you brushing off ♪ Made me fly her to Paris and re-propose under the Eiffel Tower.

OK. Well, that probably should have been your first sign it wasn't gonna work out. Should have been.

Oh, my God!

Truth is I was so in love with her at that time, I was the definition of a fool in love.

Oh, I don't know. Everyone puts so much emphasis on the perfect engagement, but I don't know if it exists.

Ken proposed to me twice, and both times were absolutely perfect.

It's just him I didn't want. So what do you want, Ms. Everett? Hmmm...

Sounds crazy, but I just want someone unpredictable, you know.

Someone who calls me on my crap, someone who... someone who drives me nuts, but in the end, always has my back.

Wow, that does sound crazy.

Oh, shut up. (BOTH CHUCKLING)

Seriously, that sounds very mature.


And you need to know whoever you do end up with, he's one lucky guy.

Damn, Shade. I didn't expect you to say that.

♪ There ain't no better man ♪

♪ We'll go on our ways ♪


Yes! Hahaha!


Congratulations, Dad!

Yeah. Uh, bravo, compliments to the chef.

Haha! I kicked butt. Hahaha!

Hey, I got enough in the car for three more small bowls of this prize-winning gumbo. Why don't you go get that and I'll get some bowls out of the kitchen.

Alright. Oh! Uh, that's, uh... that's the contractor and the agency's all good, so I'm gonna go. You're welcome to stay here.

Oh no, it's fine. I've got a lot of work to catch up on.

Prize-winning gumbo... you heard, right?

Yes, and I will take a giant rain cheque on that.

Thank you, Don. Shade, I'll see you tomorrow or... whatever.

Yeah. Alrighty then.

(DOOR CLOSING) I guess it's just us guys.

What were you two up to? Uh, nothing. Just work stuff.

♪ There ain't no better man ♪ Uh-huh. ♪ Uh-huh ♪