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08x07 - Vendetta: Part 7

Posted: 12/27/20 09:58
by bunniefuu
You can walk away from this.

No can do. You went after my family.

Yeah, and you went after mine.

We shall not rest until each and every single one of them is dead.

What did they promise you?

I did everything to help you. I don't think so.

Everyone, get back! Help me, please.

The team is inbound. Hold on, Mac, hold on.

Here he is!

Hey, you need to stay with us, bro.

Don't you leave me.

He's gone.

As you know, there has been a reluctance to sanction any m*llitary intervention against insurgent groups in Bosnia.

Parliament, Congress, the Bundestag... nobody has wanted to be drawn into another w*r in the region.

Post-Munich, however, attitudes have changed.

Operation Black Mountain, a series of coordinated strikes on insurgent outposts.

This is the one that concerns us.

It's reportedly one of Zayef Hajdari's main training camps.

Colonel Coltrane.

This is our Alpha One for this operation.

Riad Sharif.

He's a low-level moneyman in Zayef's organization.

He's to be captured and extracted.

What about Zayef... sir?

When do we get a sh*t at him?

m*llitary intelligence has earmarked Sharif as the link that will lead us to Zayef.

I understand that for some of you, this is personal.

I promise you, Zayef Hajdari will not get away with what he's done.

20 years of the mujahideen and Saudis backing insurgents in the region, the heart of terror in Europe.

But you don't need the speech.

You've all seen Munich.

We hit hard and we hit fast.

Kit up. Move out.

Yes, sir.

Rendezvous with Bravo One as soon as we approach.

Bravo One?

Sergeant Wyatt.

Sorry, it's just...

Yes, I know. McAllister's call sign.

We move on.

Yes, sir.

Good luck.

Bravo One. Sitrep.

I have a current count of 30 Tangos.

They're armed.

There's a possible ops room over to the east.

I have no eyes on Alpha.



Bravo One.

Bravo One, do you copy?

It's nothing.

Shield team inbound, five klicks.

Prep for arrival. Copy that.

Bravo One, distract now.



Move out. Go.

Rendezvous with Bravo One.

You okay? Never better.

I had eyes on a suspected ops room.

It's on the far east side of the compound.


Moving! Go!

Take us down! I'll take left!

Contact left and right. Watch your flanks.

Got it!

Just like old times.

Moving! Stay on my shoulder.


They're over right.

Move up.


Move! Go!


Ops room right there. 50 yards.

Okay. Cover.

Got a runner. Eh?

Could be Zayef.


Damn it. Get out there!


Taking heavy fire here!

Don't move!

Don't you f*cking move.


Don't move.

Second room clear.

Hold your fire.

We're not here for you.

Riad Sharif, where is he?

He left. This morning.

He has a cabin to the north.

Here's a map.

Mark it on the map.

Th... this place.

Zayef, where is he?

I don't know Zayef. Where is he?

I don't know!

James, I suggest we take a step back.

It's okay.

He knows it's not worth it.

Close the lighter.

I promise I don't know.

Okay. I believe you.

This what you want?


Know what?

I'll even give you a chance.

Bravo, where the f*ck are you?

I'm out the back. Southeast side of the compound.

Wyatt, come in.

Wyatt, come in!

Close the lighter.

Move, move, move!


Oh, f*ck. You son of a bitch.



I'm fine. Vest took it.

f*cking arsehole!

Well, yeah, I'm okay.

Thank you for your concern.

You left me exposed.


I told you I was moving.

Tell me I'm bullshit one more time.

Go on, I f*cking dare you!

I apologize for any miscommunication, Lance Corporal.

So you wanna talk about it?

Like, really talk about it?

Got any leads on this Sharif guy?

Got a location.

Get that to Chetri. Hit it while it's hot.

No matches for Sharif amongst the captives.

One of my team does have a possible lead on a location, though.

Here, let me have a look at that.

It's nothing.

I've had worse in Glasgow on a Saturday night.

You've been commanding a desk for 20 years.

Now all of a sudden, here you are, active on a mission, dust on your boots.

Come on, James.

Tell me what's really going on here.

You know what it's like. You've been deskbound.

Everything comes down a phone line, and you feel so bloody helpless.

I didn't mind it so much.

It curbed some of my worst instincts.

I can't change what happened in Munich, but I can change whatever's coming next.

You're a bloody liability. Go home.

Get me something on Sharif.

Something for the analysts to comb over.

Do that, and you'll get your sh*t at Zayef.

I'm not here for revenge.

Apologies, boss.

A certain dickhead blew up all the decent vehicles.

This dickhead's driving.

Get in. Let's go.

There's a corresponding structure to the one marked on Bravo One's map.

Highlighting it on your GPSs now.

All right, take a left here.

Think I saw movement.

The hell is that?


Right. Let's keep going. Huh.


Smell that? Checking perimeter.

Yeah, that's gasoline.

I'm guessing he's rigged.

They were cleaning up the compound.

Petrol, burning paper trails, evidence, that sort of thing.

Yeah, sure. Could be that too.

Visual ID matches Sharif.

Checking the body.

Death is recent.

Looking for wires.


Got something here.

What have you got?

Could just be winning lottery numbers.

Contact for us!

Come on, move! Exfil to vehicle.

Incoming vehicle.


Contact, rear.

f*ck, he's moving to the left!

Hold on!

Come on.

Hostiles still incoming!


sh*t, they're gonna ram us!

Target down!

f*ck, Wyatt, that's a cliff!

Hold on!

Oh, Jesus.

All right.

Nobody move.

Copy that.

I am gonna try and back us up.

Real slow.

Yep. Really slow.


Come on, come on, come on.


Stop! Stop!

Okay, okay! I've stopped!

It's okay. I've stopped.

New plan.

Very, very gently, everyone, shift some body weight towards the rear of the van.


Let's just try and move this center of gravity.

Here we go.


Can we please just stop moving and let's think this f*cking thing through.

What the f*ck are you laughing at?

Mac used to hate when I drive.

He always said I was...

"A f*cking terrible driver."

You're not a terrible driver.

A terrible driver would've taken us all the way over the edge.

Bloody hell, boss.

Shh. Easy, easy.

It's a compliment.


Stop making me laugh.

Sergeant McAllister was very opinionated.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, he certainly was.

Okay, then. New plan.

Coordinated exit strategy.


Give me your hand.

Come on, short stuff.

Easy, easy.

On three, we all move.

One, two...


Move! Go, go, go!

Go, go!

Anyone mind if I drive?

Zero, I'm about to send you some numbers.

See what you make of them.

Copy that.

Well? What have we got?

They're phone numbers for now-defunct burner phones.

Some of them are from Bosnia, a few from Munich.

Sharif guy had 'em written down for a reason.

What's his record like?

Exactly like you'd expect.

What does that mean?

It's almost too generic, as if he wasn't supposed to stand out.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.


You could also be right, Spacebar.

These final three numbers are linked to Albania.

That could be back from when Zayef and his brother were working with the Demachis, right?

What if it's more recent?

Hold on.

Facial recognition's been running on CCTV feeds from around the Schwarzer Tempel estate.

Obviously, they cut off when Imperiya is deployed and before Sergeant McAllister arrives.

It's okay. Go on.

Um... so currently, the search parameters are based on the terror database, but we could expand them to include organized crime as well.

It's worth a sh*t, isn't it?

Well, that's definitely paranoid.

But also right.

Loric Demachi.

f*ck off.

How long was that before the cameras went down?

43 minutes.

So the son of the mafia boss that Mac k*lled just happened to be in the area?

I agree.

That's too much of a coincidence.

Zayef, the Demachis, we have our lead.

Loric Demachi is our new Alpha.

I like the old house better.

Arianna, the Four Uncles have come to a decision regarding your family's future.

Your family will be absorbed into the others.

Your assets will be divided equally amongst the Uncles and their kin.

Of course, you will be financially compensated.

You're ending my family?

Think of it as evolution.

Survival of the fittest.

The elders of the pack eaten by the young.

Maybe he should watch his back.

Maybe you should watch your f*cking tone.

Your father was ashamed of you.

You are nothing compared to the Four Uncles.


It's Three Uncles now.


What do you think we've been doing all this time since my husband's death?

While you sit there telling us how the world is going to be, we have been changing it for ourselves.

You should've paid your men more.

My men are loyal.

Arjan has been my bodyguard for many years.



You don't have money to sustain it, huh?

Oh, but we will.

Arianna, please.

You can't wipe us all out.

Of course not.

We need one of you alive.


Just not you.



Hello, Daniel. How are you?

I'm in a bathrobe with my own people holding me at gunpoint, but I'm still alive, which means you want something.

You know what I want.

Come on.

Do you think you are the first person to try this?

I'm the first person to get this far.

We are not New York or London, Arianna.

Our families are small, and this w*r of yours will be very short and very ugly.

Which is why I'm giving you the chance to cooperate.

At first, I'll retreat, regroup, and then wipe you and your spawn off the face of the planet.

So thank you for your offer, but no.




His name is Daniel Kalmedi.

Arms dealer.

Reportedly has one of the largest stockpiles of g*ns in the Balkans.

My contacts in the Albanian police say that he's the only family head connected to Arianna that was spared.

Where is he now? He's on the run.

So maybe the weapons are Arianna's goal.

In fact, maybe, she's securing 'em for Zayef.

So why don't we skip the bullshit and just go straight for her?

Well, the Demachis went to ground after Edon's death, so we don't have a current location for her.

We may have one for Kalmedi, though.

These are all of his known aliases, and this one here just got flagged requesting clearance for a private jet to leave Tepelene Airfield in Albania.

I don't know.

A lot of ifs and a lot of big buts.

Well, the link is solid.

So come on, let's get a plan of extraction in order.

But you're not sure.

I think it has potential, and I think the team need this.

The team. Of course.

Look, I made it clear to Sergeant McAllister that should anything go wrong back in Munich, then it would be his fault.

Because he let Mahir go at the gas station.

Something like that, yes.

You get to know your soldiers.

What buttons to press, push, pull.

I was hard on him, made him take responsibility for it... and as good as drove him to his death.

Alexander, this is what happened last time.

This is how you fell apart.

You lost some men, personalized the guilt.

Because it is f*cking personal.

I'm their commanding officer, for f*ck's sake.

Then act like one, because the Americans have shared some breaking intel.

Whispers from jihadist cells in Europe talk of Zayef promising to arm and unite them.

And if this arms cache of Kalmedi's factors into that, then...

We've been worried about lone-wolf att*cks, knives and trucks, but if these arms slip through the Balkan routes, we'll have terror cells with m*llitary-grade weapons in every single city in Europe.

Munich will seem like nothing compared to what happens next.

So pull your team together.

Make Sergeant McAllister's death count for something.


You've been doing that a lot lately.

A little nudge here, a nudge there.

It's not necessary.

Well, maybe there's a bloody flag on a coffin, and I'm thinking of the poor boy inside.



All right. 20.

Prep to move out. We have our target.

It must be nice.

All those groups around Europe, bowing before you, one by one.

The great Zayef.

You've come a long way.

You remember when we were children?

Hiding in the crawlspace under the house... as the soldiers' boots walked past.

I kept you alive.

I'm in hell, brother.

I'm in hell, and you put me here.

Do we have your attention?

Yes. Of course.

You were saying there is a delay.

Kalmedi is being difficult.

Do we need him?

We need the container codes for the arms cache.

But you have another way.

I do, but it's noisier.

I don't mind noise.

That's not a good thing.

I don't think your boy here trusts me.

Maybe because your brother tried to k*ll his father.

I'm not my brother, and he's not his father.

I need these weapons, and you need the millions Mahir kindly left me.

There are Western soldiers in the Balkans.

This may be our last time to get the things we want.

And I want the other British soldiers.

The ones who were part of my husband's death.

How the hell are they doing this?

They're promoting the top lieutenants of each family into positions of power.

The greater control, the greater profits.

Think of this as a very hostile takeover.


What's New York saying?

Ah, New York's not interested.

They see this as a local dispute.

A dispute? Yeah.

Jesus Christ.

Well, uh, you could give the Demachis access to your arms supplies.

I mean, you would still have the casinos, the bookmakers...


I'm telling you this as your lawyer.

It is the only option you've got.

Just give them the container codes, Daniel.

Oh, great.

They got to you too.

It's all business.

I thought we were friends, Marianna.

It's Maria.


Those people out there, they're meant to take me alive, hmm?

Initially, yes, but that wasn't my point.

I'm not sure I'm requiring your legal services anymore, Maria.

Who the f*ck are you? Down, down!


Fall back to the extraction point.


Move out!


Our vehicle's two minutes away.

Cooperate, and we'll get you medical care.

Couldn't you have parked closer?

Couldn't you have been sh*t later?

Where is your arms cache?

These Demachi fucks are trying to sh**t me, and I won't tell them, so what makes you think I'll talk to you?


You're badly wounded. You won't last.

You've got about 15 minutes until exsanguination.


Did you f*ck a dictionary on the way to work this morning?

It's the technical term for bleeding to death.

You are too late.

This was the easy way, and as I didn't cooperate, they'll do it the hard way.

And what exactly is that?

They want my cache codes... by any means necessary.

No, no, no. I can't.

I'm f*cking dying, here.

Boss, this assh*le's going nowhere.

I'll bring the vehicle around.

All right, I've got your six.

You'll die without our help.

Okay, okay.

The g*ns are kept in shipping containers, but you need the codes to locate them.

Which you are going to give to my soldier here if you wanna live.

So what do you need the g*ns for?

It will be 25 years since the massacres in my village, so maybe I just want the West to understand how that feels, you know?

Every major city, same day, same hour.

Firearms in their familiar streets.

Bodies of their loved ones just lying in the roads.

Or maybe I just like g*ns, you know?

You see anything? Nah.

Nah. Got a clear run.


Incoming hostiles, northeast corner.

Two Tangos. Three more.

Oh, f*ck. Call it a shitload.

All right, I say we got about 20 seconds to hit them before they hit us.

Moving. Moving.


Lance Corporal, we're moving out.




Codes, now.

What do you got?

Ten more incoming.


I know.

Know what?

About your father.

Before my brother d*ed, he told me many things, like how the people he was working for gave him money, information, anything that could help.

Like the fact that you betrayed your father for the British.

That's a f*cking lie.

Don't hide from... I mean it!

Not another word.

We both k*lled the ones we loved... your father, my brother... and it's... it's a gift.

Once you lose the things you love...

As they're ripped from your life, there's nothing they can take from you anymore, and you become invincible.

You become the destroyer of all around you.

I can't see it as a gift.

Are we good?

We got the container codes.

Yeah, we're good.

This is all for nothing.

You'll be too late.

Boss, we're clear. Heading your way.

Copy that. Well done.

Codes check out.

Perbindesh Container Port in Durres.

Verifying the information now.

Come on.

Help me up.

Help me.

We had a deal.

You sold g*ns and arms all over Europe.

France, Slovenia, Germany.

Now, I'm not saying that your g*ns k*lled my sergeant, because that would make it a very small world...

But I'm not discounting it.

So what?

Are you going to k*ll me?


We said we'd help you.

So here's help.

One g*n, one b*llet.

Hey, listen.

Arianna could send more men.

This is m*rder.

You're still alive.

We'll have the arms shipped to your people in Marseilles.

Upon payment, we'll release them to you.


I don't want them out of my sight.

Mr. Hajdari, it's almost as if you don't trust me.

I pay you half now, 6 million, and the rest on receipt.

Unless you have something you want taken care of.

Another Uncle?

Or a family member?

The money's all we want.

Who taught you to handle a g*n like that, huh?


You are a terrible liar.

No, Daniel.

I'm a wonderful liar.

The soldiers will come for you.

I know.

I'm counting on it.

Wyatt, Novin, recce the port.

Find out what level of security there is.

We'll need to access the database in the shipping office to locate the containers that match Kalmedi's codes.

Those containers are huge.

There's gonna be a shitload of g*ns.

Yeah, which is why we need to secure them.

Or we use 'em as bait.

We keep tracking those shipments, they lead us all the way to Zayef.

What, and then lose them and inadvertently help one of the world's most prominent t*rrorists arm hundreds of cells across Europe?

I don't remember asking you a question.

There's a chain of command here.

Yes, there is.

I didn't ask for a discussion. I asked for a recce.

Checking left.

Checking right.

Very smooth, by the way.

"There's a chain of command."

I have workers and general security.

I have no visible threats.

And I wasn't being an assh*le.

I wasn't saying you were.

Although if you have to qualify it...

There are offices at the back.

They're exposed, but nothing we can't handle.

Boss is wrong, by the way.

We should be using these shipments to draw Zayef out.

'Cause until we get him, there's a part of me that's stuck in those f*cking towers.

And I just go over it all, again and again.

What if we'd driven faster?

What if we'd got up those stairs quicker?

What if... Stop it!

f*cking stop.

I was the one that let him go off alone, and to hear you talk sh*t like this... you are Bravo One now!

We have zero threats in sight.

Do you confirm?

Lance Corporal, do you confirm?


Let's go.


Kalmedi's phone.

There's a message.

It says for you to call.



Alexander Coltrane.

My name is Arianna Demachi.

I wanted to explain myself.

That's not necessary.

You're English.

My husband did not like the English.

Very sorry to hear that, but that's his loss.

I never wanted to marry Edon.

It was business.

So to find it turning into something true was wonderful.

Are you familiar with our customs?

The Hakmarrja.

What, the blood feud vendetta thing?


And it's not a choice.

It is an obligation to the dead.

With the passing of your sergeant, I'm sure you understand.

I just wanted you to know exactly why you deserve all that is coming to you.

We need to get out of here now.

Back up, come on.

Go, go, go!


Go, go!

Oh, God.

Get down! Down!

Down, Chetri, quick!

Not good!

f*ck, it's a k*ll box!

You want a w*r?

I will give you a w*r. We will take you down.

We've just been handed a k*ll order on Zayef.

We're not gonna follow it. We take Zayef alive.

The CIA set me up as an excuse for m*llitary action.

You told me Zayef Hijari was dead.

Was that you lying to me? Or your people lying to you?

We're on the black list.

They can do anything they want to us.

m*llitary intelligence has earmarked Sharif as the link that will lead us to Zayef.

Rendezvous with Bravo One as soon as we approach.

Bravo One?

It's a punch in the gut.

There's only a three or four day difference between Munich when Mac dies and then, you know, they're moving straight on to the next mission.

Sorry, it's just...

Yes, I know, McAllister's call sign.

We move on.

Bravo One, sitrep.

Yeah, we first see Wyatt as a sn*per doing recon on these guys.

And you can see from the first time we see him that there's a rage burning in those eyes.

Well, I hope you can see that anyway.

Bravo One, distract now. Copy.

I think the thing with this section is they've never really had to deal with grief like this before losing one of their own.

Hold on!

So, it's very much a family who are in denial about death and kind of push on and deal with it in their own ways.

Ways which usually involve, sort of g*nf*re, explosions and v*olence.

Which is why when they finally end up hanging over the edge of a cliff...'s the one time they can sort of take a breath and discuss what's happened.

That was really cool.

I remember the actual cliff being like, 20 meters high.

John Strickland, the director at the time, didn't dissuade us from going to the humorous place for some, you know, eccentric body language as we're dangling off the edge of this thing.

I am gonna try and back us up.

So, I think at one point Coltrane had like, his leg up on the roof and Novin was like, with her face on the windscreen.

I think the director, John Strickland, was like, "Ah, maybe not that steep."

Real slow. Yeah, really slow.

Secretly, I've discovered Novin has a fear of heights.

It's really what cracks me up about this job because sometimes it's so big that people say, "Ah, that's CGI."

There was nothing green-screened about that.

And also, talking about Mac in the most inopportune moment.

What the f*ck are you laughing at?

Mac used to hate when I'd drive.

He always said I was a f*cking terrible driver.

You're not a terrible driver.

A terrible driver would've taken us all the way over the edge.

Bloody hell.

And again, I love Jack's writing of going, "This is the moment where you're gonna choose to talk about it," which is the most precarious moment you can find.

It's where you've got a van stuck, teetering on the edge of a cliff.

"Well, let's talk about our lost buddy."

And then, bang! The side mirror gets sh*t out.

And we're back on mission and we're off.