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03x13 - Wilderness + Training + Survival

Posted: 01/10/21 10:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on MacGyver...

My name is Ethan. Let's get you home.


Ethan Reigns is my husband.

S-Company knows there's an undercover CIA agent in the ranks.

They will k*ll you when they find out it's you.

Nod if you understand.

Daddy! I met Deena, and then our daughter was born, and then all of a sudden the role that I was playing in order to survive long enough to get back to you, it just became my life.



That's got to be Mac, right?

Come on, let's go.

Don't stop. Keep going.

Okay. You all right?

You okay?

That was a g*nsh*t.

Come on.

Bozer, you want to hand me one of those waters back there?

Oh, yeah.

Uh, can't. It's empty.

You forgot to pack the drinks? No. Filled it up right before we left.

Did someone rob us at that last rest stop?

Nobody robbed us, Bozer. I unpacked the cooler.

Why? Because packed coolers are for camping trips, and this is wilderness survival.

We'll be roughing it. And "roughing it" means no water?

"Roughing it" means no water, no food, no cell phone, certainly, no tent.

Just the three of us in the great outdoors.

Whatever we need, we will make it or we will find it.

So I guess we won't be enjoying s'mores by the fire later.

Not unless you find yourself a marshmallow tree.

Matty tasked me with teaching you guys primitive survival skills, because sooner or later every agent finds themselves in a situation where they're gonna need them.

Training never stops for those of us in our line of business, and immersive training is the best training.

It's not the best training if it, you know... kills us.

Uh, Mac, where are we?

'Cause this looks like the kind of place where serial K*llers get their start.

Yeah, well, it's where we're gonna drop the Jeep off...

Assuming the owner's okay with it.

What owner?

Looks like no one's been here in years.

Hello? Anyone home?

Oh, God.

He's got a banjo. I've seen this movie.

I know how it ends. I die first.

We need to go now. He can hear you.

You folks ain't from around here.

That's exactly how the movie starts.

No, we're from L.A.

Me and my friends here, we were, um, gonna go backpacking in Walker Gorge.

You sure you want to give him all this information, Mac?

Eh, it'll be fine. And we were wondering if we could just leave the Jeep here.

I'd be more than willing to pay you for your troubles, if that's okay. Not a good idea for you three to go off in those woods.

Uh, maybe we should just get back on the road, Mac, find another spot. Yeah, he's giving me, uh, "k*ll us in our sleep" kind of vibes.

How you doing, Freddy?

How are you?

Nice to see you. Good to see you.

Well, these are my friends... Bozer, Riley.

This is Freddy. He owns the place.

You'll have to forgive me.

Ever since Mac started bringing people here, we've been having some fun at their expense.

No hard feelings.

Hey, I'm just glad we're not gonna get m*rder*d and eaten.

Putting two more newbies through the grinder, I take it.

That's the plan.Uh-huh. Well, it's been quiet ever since last week's rain.

You have the whole place to yourself.

And don't worry about that Jeep.

She'll be fine right there.

All right. Well, I'll give you these.

All right.

Keys, cell phones, wallets.

Goodbye, modern civilization.

I don't care what Mac says.

He's creepy. All right.

Besides what you're wearing and the rain gear, you each get three things: A backpack, a canteen and a Kn*fe.

There a reason these backpacks are so big?

I mean, we're not taking much.Yeah.

The extra space is for the stuff you're gonna pick up along the way that you'll need, like firewood and food.

Trust me, you'll be glad you brought them along.

All right, Freddy. Couple days?

Don't be so sure.

Not everyone who walks in those woods walks out.

He's way too good at that.

The sun is your compass.

Right now, it is to our backs, which means we're headed which direction, Riley?

West. Very good.

We are 30 miles from the nearest ranger station, 70 from the closest thing to civilization, so keeping your bearings out here is imperative, unless you want to become a permanent resident.

Would that be so bad?

Haven't been away from a computer screen this long since prison.

It's really refreshing, honestly.

Tell that to my stomach.

That's not two bears you're hearing fighting.

It's hunger pains.

Well, I think I hear a stream nearby.

Gonna teach us how to fish, Mac?

No, fishing is day three.

Day one is foraging.

Foraging what? Nothing out here to eat.

Ha. There's plenty. You just got to know what's edible and where to look.

Cattails. They're the fast food of the wilderness.

One for you.

Thank you. One for you. All right.

Tastes like...

...used Q-tips.

If this was my secret ingredient on Iron Chef, I'd forfeit.

Well, sorry, guys, but you're gonna have to get used to them, because we each have to consume 240 per day... match the energy we're exerting.

So that's ten very important calories you just wasted.

I'm sorry, did you say 240?

Surviving in the woods ain't easy.

That's why nobody comes out... here.

Actually, looks like someone did. Guess Fred was wrong.

There are people out here.

Hmm. People who brought a lot of equipment but have no idea what they're doing.

Can you tell me what mistakes they made?


According to the wilderness manual, they didn't ring their fire with stones to keep it from spreading, one.

They left cigarette butts, which is not only a fire hazard but... violates the Leave No Trace rule.

Not to mention, extremely rude.Yes.

And they camped in a valley, which is a big no-no because of flash floods.

Very good, Riley. Only missed one thing.

Cotton fibers.

Why is that bad? Well, out here, cotton kills.

It gets wet, and it stays wet, making you vulnerable to hypothermia every time it rains.

That's why we're head-to-toe nylon and wool.

Whoever did this, asking for trouble.

Are you sure about this, Matty?

I mean, it's never too late to change your mind, you know.

I'll be fine. You sure?

Come on.



Yeah, we're good. We're good.

Let's go. Come on.

Matty. What are you doing here?

We need to talk.

You could've called.




Matty, is everything okay?

No. That's why we're here.

I don't understand.

We followed protocol. We didn't leave a trail.

My family is just settling into a normal life.

How did this happen?

All I can tell you is S-Company learned your location.

It's no longer safe here.

You trust the intel?

We have a new asset on the inside.

I trust what she gives us. Listen, Ethan, you made S-Company look like fools for eight years.

They're looking to make an example out of you and your family.

This is not up for debate.

Okay? We're going.

When do we leave?

It won't catch.

Kindling's too damp.

Yep. I once spent two full days trying to start a fire.

I'm not kidding.

48 hours straight, two sunsets.

But it was all soaked.

I was convinced I was gonna freeze to death.

Was this during your Phoenix wilderness training?

Uh, no, this was a camping trip with my grandfather.

He used to take me out here a lot after my mom d*ed.

He always used to say, all you need to survive the wilderness is what's up here and what's out there.

Well, you think you can whip us up a dehumidifier for this kindling with what's out there?

No need.

I survived that camping trip, obviously, because I realized that I was surrounded by a plant called.

Chamaenerion angustifolium.


More commonly known as fireweed.

It's the perfect tinder for damp wood.

Just don't put too much on at once.

Want to give it a second try?

All right.

Oh, nice.

All right. Fireweed. Now we just keep adding bigger sticks until the fire is roaring.

Let's see.

Boze, put that down. What?

Whoa. Whoa. Why?

Put it down not in the fire.

Don't tell me it's endangered. No, but you were about to be.

That's poison oak.

Yeah, you don't want to inhale the burning oils of a poison oak leaf ever.

Do bad things to your lungs.

12-year-old Angus almost learned that one the hard way, too.

Sorry, man. Just tired. It's been a long day.

I think we can all say that. But you've done great.

So I figured I'd reward us with a little gourmet treat for dinner. Yeah.

That's what I'm talking about.

Turn up! Yeah.Starving.

Yeah, yeah. Get some food.

About to get a snack. Yeah.Cattails.

Man, what in the hell?

Oh, man.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Here you go.

Hey, d-d-don't.

You were snoring.

Did you have to wake me, though?

I was having the best dream.

I was eating a tasty T-bone steak with a side of... Cattails?

Ugh. Hell no.

Seriously, Mac. Do we have to keep eating these?

Where's Mac? I don't know.

His boots and backpack were already gone when I woke up.

He left without telling us?

Maybe he went for an early-morning hike.

Wait. Didn't he say day two was tracking?

Maybe this is a test and we're supposed to find him.

"Immersive training is the best training."

Exactly. So, what's the first step? Mmm.

Pick up his trail, I guess. All right.

I got some bootprints over here.

Let's see.

These aren't Mac's. Look at the sole. It's a different shoe.

And it wasn't here when we made camp.


These are Mac's footprints.

So someone else was here?

This is the same brand we saw at that campsite yesterday.

And it's got dew all over it, which means whoever dropped it must have been here last night.

So that smoker was watching us while we were sleeping, and now Mac suddenly vanished?

I'm getting a really bad feeling.

Keep moving.

Fellas. Meet our new guide.

You might want to ration that.

It's hard to come by clean water out here.

Where's your food?

I catch and find it on my own.

How long's it been since you guys ran out?

Too long. Enough chitchat.

Get off your asses and pack the gear. We're moving out.


Only gonna say this once, Ranger Rick.


All my friends run faster than you.

So, are you gonna tell me what this is all about?

Where do you need to go so badly you're willing to kidnap a guide?

"X" marks the spot.

What's at the "X"? Not your concern. Just get me there.

Okay, but I don't really know how to tell you this. This is on the other side of some of the roughest terrain out here.

A trek like this should only be attempted by a well-trained crew, not a bunch of first-timers.

I didn't ask your opinion.

Just get us there, all right?

Getting angry doesn't change the fact that you have no food, no water.

You're inexperienced, and you're not prepared for this hike.

I mean, it's about to rain and...

Maybe I'm not making myself clear.

Act as if your life depends on getting us to that "X."

Because it does.

All right, Jack. Time to share.

What have you been staring at since we left Ethan's house?

All right, somebody sent me this photo earlier, but I didn't want to bother you with it, given the circumstances.

You have no idea who sent this to you?


And they won't return my texts.

I can't figure out who that is.

Send it to our lab. Have it analyzed. Yeah, all right.

Hey, will you do me a favor and go grab us some snacks?



How are Deena and Mara doing?

Confused. Scared. Angry.

About as good as can be expected.

So, how did S-Company find us? You know I can't tell you that.

You're serious?

You remember that I had a higher clearance than you, right?

Now you don't.

Ethan, you're out.

So, as awkward and complicated as this is, I need to treat you like any other civilian going into witness protection. Except I'm not like any other civilian, Matty.

Because if I were, then the director of a top secret intel agency would not be personally handling my relocation assignment.

You're right.

Our situation is unique.

But the fact that we were married doesn't mean that I can just throw out U.S. government...

Deena... You were married?

No jalapeño beef jerky.

You know, they got every flavor under the sun, and no jalapeño.

That is definitely going on my Yelp... review.

We should probably hit the road.

You know, we should really stop and build a fire to dry those clothes out before you all become hypothermic.

Just keep moving.

What's the holdup? Well, we need a new route, 'cause this one's too dangerous.

Looks fine to me.Right.

But what you can't see is the invisible layer of moisture left over by the rain on the rocks is now frozen into an invisible sheet of ice.

So, crossing these boulders is a risk we can easily avoid by going another way.

Will that take longer?

Well, yeah, a little bit. Then no, we're not going out of our way to avoid a few slippery rocks.

Okay, there's a way to make this safer, but I'm gonna need my Kn*fe and all the zippers from the tents.

All right. You sure?

What's he gonna do with this toy?

All right, these should give your boots extra traction.

But it's still dangerous, so take small steps.

But really, you should follow my exact footing.

After you.

Hey, I told you to follow me.

Hurts? Yeah.

We gotta stop for the night. No chance.

Look, you don't have a choice.

He sprained his ankle. It's bad.

I've got to control the swelling or it's gonna get worse, and that means elevating it for a few hours.

I'll go look for something to make a splint, stabilize his leg.

And then I'll make a crutch so you can walk.

But from here on out, it's gonna be slow going.

Go with him.

Gio, I'm sorry, man.

Take it easy, Cid.


Okay, that was a g*nsh*t, and it's definitely coming from that way.

Come on, we gotta move. Wait, wait, wait.

What are we gonna do when we catch up with these guys?

They have g*ns. I guess we gotta improvise. Come on.

What did you do?

You said he was gonna slow us down.

Well, my friends will have heard that sh*t.

If you want to keep them out of this, I suggest you pick up the pace.

Get moving.


Texas. Yee-haw. Way to go, Texas.


Everybody, we got a Kan...

Jack, please stop.

You're the only one playing.

Just trying to lighten the mood in here.

It's like a hearst.


Yeah, that's what I said. Hearst.

This part of Nebraska we're going to is really beautiful.

It's full of rolling hills and tranquil streams.

You're gonna love it.

Mara will, too.

We're gonna have a beautiful life there.

How much farther?

Two miles, as the crow flies, but it's gonna be a one-way trip if we don't stop to collect water.

When we get there.

And if our muscles cramp from dehydration before we get there, you gonna sh**t everybody?

Look, you can send your people down here to this stream to collect the water.

But don't drink it yet. It's not potable.

And you're gonna make it drinkable? How?

I just need my Kn*fe, a pine tree branch, and... of these sleeping bag stuff sacks.

All right. You heard him.

Fill up every bottle we got.

Get to it.

Access to clean drinking water is vital in wilderness survival.

Without it, your body will break down rapidly.

So when dirty water is the only thing on the menu, you have to turn to Mother Nature for some help.

Are you sure it's safe?


The xylem in the pine branches pulls out any harmful bacteria.

Trees don't like drinking dirty water any more than people do.

How long have you known Gio?

A few years.

Longer than that guy he just sh*t back there?


Gio and Cid go way back.

Why do you ask?

If Gio was willing to sh**t that guy he's known for years over possibly slowing him down a little, what do you think he's gonna be doing to you when he finds out he doesn't need you anymore?

You are too cute.

Hey, Giovanni.

Your human GPS is trying to get me to turn on you.


Did it work?

Ask me to pull the trigger, and I'll happily prove my loyalty.

Tempting, but not now.

We still need him.

Can't say I blame you for trying, kid.

Punishment, however, will have to wait for later.

If your water's finally done, let's get moving.

Come on. Pack up.

Hey, I got more blood over here.

Man, I really thought that was gonna be Mac down there.

Yeah, me, too.

But if they did that to one of their own...

It's only a matter of time before the next body we find is Mac.

Bozer, look. He's still got a radio on him.

If we can get it, I think I can contact a park ranger.

Love the plan, Riley.

There's just a teeny-tiny, 50-foot problem.

Mac taught us to weave rope for building our shelter.

What if... what if we just build a really long rope?

Strong enough to climb down?

No, no. Rope's not for climbing.

It's for fishing.

Now, that is a hook.

Easy. Easy.

Slow, slow, slow. I got it.

What's wrong?

This is a consumer radio.

It doesn't tune to the frequency the National Park Service uses.

Isn't there, like, a... an emergency channel or something?

Yeah. Of course.

But there's no guarantee anyone's gonna hear it.

We could sit here all day calling for help.

So we did all that for nothing?


Actually, no.

I might be able to tune it to the authorized federal government band.

Do that. I'm gonna try.


Yeah, we are, uh... we're here.

Spread out. Find it!

Gio, there's nothing here!

You led us to the wrong place. I did not.

Look, the geographical location... this is ex...

Yeah, yeah, either you screwed up, or you're playing games. I didn't, and I'm not.

I don't believe you.

Wait. Wait.

Is what you're looking for nailed to the ground?

What kind of question is that?

'Cause if it wasn't, it's possible that a flash flood took it away.


See the dried mud on the rocks right there.

It's a waterline, and it's a recent one.

If you tell me the size and the weight of what you're looking for, I may be able to determine where the flood took it.

I'm looking for $18 million.

All right.

How'd it get out here?

I pushed it out a plane.

All right.

All right, well, what was the denomination of bills?

How does that possibly matter?

You want to find it or not? The cash was in hundreds.

So that means it was about 400 pounds.

What was it in? Wooden crate.

The kind banks use to ship money to each other when they're balancing the ledgers.

Okay, so you guys stole this crate, you loaded it onto a plane, and then you pushed it out mid-flight.

I'm guessing that the cops were onto you?

Something like that.

It was too hot to land with the cash, so we pushed it out and marked the location on the map, and the rest you know.

Now, where is my money?

Getting pretty sick of asking you.

Okay, look, I can... I can use the erosion rate of the soil to determine the speed of the flash flood's water.

Then I can solve for direction and distance traveled by the crate, as long as I can figure out the missing variable here.

And that is?

It's the, uh, angle of the slope of the ground we're standing on right now.

This ground's completely flat.

To the naked eye it is.

Can I borrow your scope?

Give it to him.

Take it just beyond that rock.

Okay. The greatest angle of the slope is 18 degrees northeast.

And we are looking at... crate, let's say 430 pounds, made of porous wood, filled with cash.

So if I can calculate the flood time and water speed using the erosion rate, then that means the crate would've floated about right there.

You better be right.


Is making my ears bleed part of the process?

Nope. That's just a fun bonus.

I'm turning the copper wire to bypass all commercial frequencies so we can reach the restricted government channels.

Help. Help.

We need help. Does anybody copy?

Maybe we're out of range?

I'm trying to reach Washington Park Service.

Does anybody copy? We need help.

Uh, this is the park ranger. Who is this?

This is Riley Davis.

My friends and I were hiking in Walker Gorge when armed men kidnapped one of us.

We need immediate assistance.

Uh, copy that. Do you know your location?

Uh, we're on a cliff?

Where the kidnappers k*lled one of their own.

I see a mountain range to the south.

The gorge is maybe 20 miles east.

Copy. I think I know where you're at.

We're contacting law enforcement now.

Uh, stay where you are, keep your radio on...

Help is on the way.

And you said swinging by the ranger station was gonna be a waste of time.


Backtrack, find his buddies.

Keep them company.

Wait for my signal.

Think that's enough smoke to draw the rangers?

I guess the answer is yes.

You guys call an emergency?

We did, but... we were expecting a park ranger.

Sadly, they're not gonna make it.

Now toss me a radio and shut up.

Gio, Emma.

It's Emma. You found his friends?

Yeah, sure did. We're getting acquainted now.


We're almost to the money. Keep them alive.

We'll tell you if that needs to change.

Pretty cold out here, huh? What part of "shut up" was confusing?

Just saying, sun's going down, temperature, too.

If your cotton clothes are as damp as they look...

But hey, I'm sure a guy like you knows how to deal with hypothermia.

And if I don't?

We need to build up this fire.

If we use some branches and leaves from that bush over there, it'll keep us all warm until our current situation gets resolved.

Fine, but stay where I can see you.

All right.

Good job, Bozer.

You officially know what poison oak looks like.

Now, where's our friend?

This ravine acts as a natural drainage basin for anything displaced by the flood.

So your crate should be here.

There. There!

It's all here.

Yeah, well, we can celebrate when we get the money back to the car. It'll be tough.

We only have three backpacks, and we're a man down.

On the bright side, 18 million split four ways is much better.

Okay. I did what you asked. I got you to your money.

Now call your man and tell him to let my friends go.

If I said I was gonna k*ll your friends if you didn't think of a way to get all this money back by yourself, what would you say? I'd say that wasn't part of the deal.

Yeah, well, I'm making it the deal. Answer me.

Can you build something to make moving my money a one-man job?

Sure? Yeah.

Why? All right.

Do it, then.

We'll move it all as soon as you're ready.

All clear.

Welcome home.


This is, uh... this is all the stuff they brought.

And Ethan is doing another sweep of the neighborhood just to... just to be safe.

How you holding up?

It's her I'm worried about.

Yeah, well, rough day.

I want to talk to her, put her mind at ease, but...

I have no idea what to say.

Sure, you do.

You only think you don't know what to say 'cause you're so... involved.

Imagine if the roles were reversed and I was unsure how to handle this.

What would you tell me to do?

I would say, "Tell her the truth about your past so she's not guessing."


You got this.

Mommy, I need purple.

It's not here, sweetie.

But I need it now!

You know what, Mara?

You can make your own purple. Look.

All you need is red...

...and blue.

See? Purple. You want to try? Mm.

Thank you.

Giving up everything you've ever known.

Having to start over again twice.

I can't imagine how hard this has been for you.

But what I can imagine is that you would like to start your new life without any questions, which is why I think you should know the truth.

Ethan and I were married, and we loved each other very much, but that was a lifetime ago, before you and he ever met.

Now you and Mara are his life.

And as soon as we're sure that you're safe here, you'll never see me again.

All I want is to give Mara a good life.

And you will.

For you.

This is for me?

It's beautiful.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Yeah, no, I feel the same way.

Good in here?

Yeah, we're good.

How much longer is your sled thing gonna take?

Not much longer. Just one more thing.

My money!

That's got to be Mac, right?

Yeah. Come on. Let's go.

Don't stop. Keep going.

Mac! Mac! Mac!

Mac! Mac.

He's been sh*t. He's still alive.


Mac! Hey. Hey.

You guys are okay?

It's not us we're worried about. Okay?

You got a b*llet in your leg.

You need to tell us how to take it out.

You don't.

You just stop the bleeding and dress the wound.

What do we dress the wound with?

Yarrow. Yarrow?

It's a white flower. Grows in clusters.

Should be all around here.

All right, buddy, you're gonna have to put pressure on it.

Too much?

Oh, no, not enough.

Yep, that's it. More like it.


All right, now, pack the wound and wrap it tight.

You ready? Yeah.

Okay. Yep.

Tighter. We're gonna have to do it tighter.

We gotta tie it. You see any vines?

I've got something better.

Here. This is stronger.

Yeah, that'll work.

Sorry, Mac. That's okay. That'll do.

Okay. Now the hard part.

Get me to a hospital.

Take his legs. We gotta carry him.

It's too far we'll never make it out of the woods in time.

So what are we gonna do?

Looks like Mac was building a sled.

We can finish it and use it to drag him out.

Everything you need's in there: New names, new Social Security numbers, new marriage certificate.

The works.

Hope it helps.

Take care of yourself, Ethan.

Thanks, Jack.

I really appreciate it.

Yeah. You're welcome.

Thanks, Matty.

For saving my family in Cypress, for moving us here, for... for everything.

Sorry you had to relive this.

The truth is I chose to do this myself because I thought watching you move into your new home with your new family would crush me.

And the pain would bring me the closure I need.


So, did it?

Not how I expected.

Because now that I'm here, I'm not feeling any pain, just a strong desire for you and your family to be happy.

Well, that means the world to me.

I don't think I could have done any of this if I hadn't heard you say that.

You know, after this, there can be no more contact with your former life.

Including you.

Especially me.

This is goodbye, Ethan.

Bye, Matty.

Sometimes... life doesn't work out the way we think it will, huh, Matty?

No, it sure doesn't.

Ethan and I had some wonderful years together.

But this is where he's supposed to be.

And I'm where I'm supposed to be.

Sitting with my lame ass in an SUV that smells like beef jerky in rural Nebraska?

Huh? Is that where you're supposed to be?

You've always had a very special way with words, Jack.

Oh, thank you.

What do you say we get out of here, boss lady?

Sounds like a plan.

Yeah, let's go.

Are those the lab results?


They didn't I.D. who sent the photo, but they sure figured out who was in it.

Tiberius Kovacs? Tiberius Kovacs.

The one and only. Weren't you on the team that took him out ten years ago?

I pulled the trigger.

Why is someone sending you a decade-old photo of a dead t*rror1st?

I don't know.

But I got a bad feeling about it.

Fred! Fred!

We need your cell phone right now.

It's gonna be okay.


Matty, it's Bozer.

Listen, Mac needs a medevac ASAP.

What happened?

We're at a gas station 20 miles from Walker Gorge.

My friends... saved me.

Riley, Bozer... passed.