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03x05 - Gestalt

Posted: 01/22/21 11:46
by bunniefuu
I have to say, you're not
what I thought you'd be.

RACHEL: August slept with Quinn.

She asked me not to say anything to you.

I am so sorry, Serena.
You deserve the truth.

You know what? From here on out,
I'm only dealing with Rachel.

It worked like a charm.
She loathes me and loves you.

Whoa, whoa! Who bets on women?

[CHUCKLES] You're kidding.
It's the only reason I'm here.

If we met in the real world...

I'd get your number.

And I'd, um, ask you out.

I'm hard on you because
I'm trying to help you.

You're trying to cut to
the front of the line with Gary.

And I promise you, that
is not going to end well.

If you want to earn
real power and respect,

be your own woman.

Not somebody else's bitch.

Okay, here's the deal.
I'm pitching a show with Quinn

called "Passport to Dance," and
you're gonna be the star of it.

If I say yes, you'll bring me more?


- I'm Rachel Goldberg.
- Oh, my God.

You ever even think about
what you did to me?

Every time I look in the mirror.

Your father came that night,
and he b*at the crap out of me.

What are you talking about?

My father never even knew
about what happened.

- Of course he did.
- It's not.

Because if my father knew, he
would've said something to me.

[VOICE BREAKING] If my father knew...






Oh, my God. Rachel.

Where are you? Are you... Are you safe?

- I haven't heard from you in months.

All right, look, Mom, I'm just calling.
Is, um... Is... Is Dad there?

'Cause I've been trying
to call his cellphone,

and it's just been going
straight to voicemail, so...

Oh. He keeps losing it.

Probably not even charged.

Okay, so, what?
The only way to get ahold

of my father now is to go through you?

- Is that a problem?
- Where is he?

He's, um... He's lying down.

He's not feeling well.

That's right... because
he never feels well, does he?

What is that supposed to mean?

You know you keep him drugged up, Mom.

Can you just tell him I called?

Well, I can't give him a message
if I don't know what it is.

Okay, well, the message is
"Your daughter called."


And action.

You know, when I first walked
into this mansion,

I thought to myself, "Man,
this is perfect."

And then it hit me like a...
Boom! Like a light bulb

going off in my head.

We need a ceremony.

What we need is for a girl to get cut.

- Cut!
- That was amazing.

Okay, so, I'm gonna tweet that
out from your account.

- Oh.
- I'm gonna put a clip

on Instagram so that everyone at
the fund-raiser sees how much

- you deserve an Emmy.
- We... [CHUCKLING] Oh!

What are you do... What are you doing?

Oh, what... [LAUGHS]

Uh, yeah, you know what?

See, uh... I... It's just that,
uh, I... Technically speaking...

Yeah... you know, I-I-I
need my little blue buddies

in order to get things going down there.

- It's nothing personal.
- Yeah.

I understand.

[LAUGHS] You're amazing.

Hey, uh, Simon, Simon, here.
Uh, walk with me, okay?

- What's up?
- I am taking you off of Rachel.

You're working with the guys now.

What? No, Quinn, Quinn,

we've been making real progress, okay?

It's crucial we continue
our sessions here.

Mhn. Nope.

I deal in facts, and fact...
she's way worse

since she started talking to you.

Well, there's always bumps in the road.

- That's part of it, right?
- Your job was to stabilize her.

Yeah, and we're moving
in that direction.

Okay, she crawled into
my lap last night.

And we don't touch each other.

So, as far as I'm concerned, you failed.


QUINN: Okay, people!

So, uh, Jay and I are headed
to L.A. to pitch a show today.

That means I am leaving
"Everlasting" up to you.

- Rachel, you'll be running point.
- Oh, um, no.

Actually, I kind of wanted to talk
to you about taking a personal day.

Uh, this is not the day.

You know, I'd totally be up for
running point if Rachel isn't.

- Oh, great.
- No. No way, okay?

Not after the dumb-assery that
you pulled with the reporter.

You are grounded. House duty.

Rachel will be fine.

Besides, she knows how important
this pitch is for me.

Don't you, Rachel?


Hey, uh, Quinn. I need to talk to you.

You have a hammock emergency?


Okay, fine. In my office.

- Okay, what the hell

were you thinking talking to me
in front of my staff?

Look, I'm sorry, but we've got
a problem here.

Serena knows.

She was ice cold to me
at the last ceremony.

That's so boring and so sad.

Quinn, this is serious.

You created the situation,
so you need to fix it.

Wow. I didn't notice those brass balls

when we were getting nasty,
and yet... there they are.

Look, normally it wouldn't
come to this, but...

if I have to go down the
sexual harassment route, I will.

- Excuse me?
- I'm just saying,

if I get outed in any way,
then I out you.

Got it.

- I will shut it down.
- Good.

DR. SIMON: Did you talk to Quinn?

About what?

She wants us to stop working together.

- She's putting me on the guys.
- Yeah, okay.

- Well, that makes sense.
- No, it doesn't.

There's, like, cameras
pointed at them at all times.

- I'm not worried about the guys.
- Thank you.

- I'm worried about you.
- Oh, no, listen,

you don't have to be. I'm fine.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You're the one who came to me
with a pretty heavy admission.

Yes, I know. And you have been
super helpful about it.

I really appreciate it. I am...

Look, I'm just handling it myself.

What does that even mean?

QUINN: Rachel! In my office. Now.


I have to.

- Hey, look, I'm good.

I know you took Simon off me, but...

No. Your "date" just got
more complicated.

Take this. We have to destroy August.

He thinks he can thr*aten me?

Look, we do not negotiate
with t*rrorists.

Okay, Quinn, what happened?

I need you to take him down
before he takes me down.

Make sure that no one believes a
word that comes out of his mouth.

Today, our suitress will forge
into the wilderness.

And at the end of the trail,
Serena will select

the one man that she trusts the most

for our very first
overnight date of the season

in our famous Date Cabin.

There will be challenges,
of course... of navigation,

I can't even stand to look
at August's face right now.

I want to cut him, but I need an excuse.

Don't even worry about it, all right?

I got you covered.

To help guide you through
the wild is Ranger Pam.

- Hi, guys.
- Hi, Pam.

Your first challenge is
to get Serena safely across

this raging river.

Ranger Pam? I mean, those were
supposed to be my lines, Rachel.

On your marks! Get set!


- Ah!
- August, what are you doing?

That's one way.

Quinn King and Jay Carter to see Gary.

He's expecting us.

Sure, have a seat.

- Come on.
- So, what are you thinking?

You want to run it through
one more time, or...

No. Just keep your mouth shut
and follow my lead.

It's gonna be fine.

Stomped right into it.


- Now, I wanted a chance to talk to you.
- I don't think so.

- Serena, I'm really trying.
- Yeah? Well, don't.

- Come on, Owen!
- Hey, yeah!

- You got this!
- Come on, you can do it!


[LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

- Wow.
- Thank you.

Come on, guys.

- He'll see you now.
- Oh.


Weren't we here first?

You told them we were here, correct?

Of course.

Do you need some help? Let me help you.


- Well done.
- Good on you, man.

- Very impressive.
- Ah.

All right, now it's the
race to the Date Cabin.

Due East!

Now we're running. Great.

He's cute.

Would you two like another water?

I am about to piss myself as it is.

Is there a problem?

I'm sure they'll be right with you.

Hey, Owen the boy scout's in the lead.

[CHUCKLES] Congratulations, Owen.

I stopped to pick some wildflowers.

Oh. That's for you.

- Thank you, gorgeous.
- Well done.

You okay, Jasper?

- Fine. Just a coup...

Serena, have you made your
decision for the overnight?

I have.

Um, you all showed very
impressive survival skills

today, especially you, Owen.

Now, the person that I would trust
most through the night is...

- Jasper.
- What?

- Really?
- Yeah. I'm a sucker for an underdog.

- Great.
- Well, Jasper won the date,

so the rest of you gentlemen
will be here roasting wienies

and drinking beer and having a bonfire!

[CHUCKLES] Hey, you look like
the brawn of the group.

Could you come and help me split
some wood for the fire?

Uh, yeah, no worries.

- Country house?
- Yes. It's gorgeous.

It's been in the family since,
like, the s, I think.

- Mm.
- Jeremy, Jeremy.

All right, guys, beers
and wienies this-a-way.

[SINGSONG VOICE] Beers and wienies.

- PAM: Come on, August.

- Come here.
- What the hell is going on?

Serena! I have no idea, all right?

- She just jumped me.

That seems to keep happening to you.

No, you've got to believe me, I
don't even think she's a real Ranger.

- I swear.
- I have no reason to believe

a word that comes out of
your mouth, August.

- I am so sorry, Serena.

- This is just appalling.
- Don't worry about it.

Let's go.

Oh my God, did Rachel just set
that whole thing up?


Probably got that "Ranger" off of
Craigslist on the drive over here.

That's the show.


Hey. You're Charlie right?

Yeah. Hi.

Hi. I'd... I'd stay away from
that if I were you.

I'm sorry. I'm not trying
to cause a problem.

I'm not jealous or anything.

I'm just, uh, trying
to help a sister out.


That was great, really, really great.

[SIGHS] I am so sorry.

- No problem.
- Gary had a thing which went long,

and it's just not gonna happen today.

You're joking, right?

No. But here's the good news...

his associate Lenny will
absolutely hear your pitch

- if you would like.
- Uh, well...

[LAUGHS] I would not.

Get your stuff.

I have made this network
hundreds of millions of dollars.

And Gary can't respect me enough
to show up for a pitch?

Um... look, I don't know.

- I'm just...
- No. You tell Gary

that until he has time for me,

"Everlasting" is officially shut down.

- Quinn, I-I...
- No.

Because, and write this
down, word for word...

There is some sh*t
I will not eat. Period.

Come on, Jay.

[SIGHS] Jesus.

- Unbelievable.

They're really going for it.


What are you saying? I-I
get terrible service here.

I said to shut it down!

I'm saying cut the cameras!

- Bring the cast home.

Quinn, we're in the middle of the date.

I mean, she's like literally
in there making out with Jasper,

and you have got to see what
I've got on August.

- I do not care. Do it! Pull the plug!
- Hold on.

All right, that's a wrap, guys.

MAN: Cut! Cut! Cut!

[BOTH LAUGH] We're pulling the plug.


- Go home.
- sh*t. I missed the call.

I'm serious. Go home.

Madison, what the hell
is going on over there?

- We're shut down.
- That is the last straw with Quinn.

You hear me? Heads are gonna roll!

Stop working!

I want you to make a list of
all the people loyal to Quinn

so I can fire them first!

Well, what's going
to happen to the show?

That stupid show could make itself.

You know, it's actually a little
more complicated than it seems.

Please focus, all right?
I need you to help me

- with the transition here.
- Oh, my God.

Are you promoting me to showrunner?

God, no. I'm gonna get one of the
from the competition shows.

Right. I mean, I guess that
makes the most sense since

I'm gonna be so busy
with "Hashtag Adulting" soon.

With what?

- My pilot.
- Oh. Yeah. Yeah.

Honey, that is definitely still
in the mix, okay?

But listen to me. Buckle your
seatbelt because this is w*r.



So, uh, we are shut down due
to some technical difficulties.

You guys will just be confined
to your rooms

- until we come get you.
- I am just like, "Mnh-mnh."

Guys, let's just say good night.


- Good night.
- Good night.

So, you, uh... you set up August

so I'd have a legitimate
reason to cut him?

- No comment.
- Mm.

Well, if you were to have done
that, thank you.



Rachel. Rachel, hey, stop!

- What?
- We are having this out right now.

What do you want to have out,
huh, your... your sex addiction?

'Cause, you know,
there's places you can go

- for things like that.
- Oh, my God! Cut the crap.

- Rachel... that woman was a setup.
- What?

Now, I spoke to Quinn this
morning, and I warned her.

You guys were supposed to protect me.

Okay, look, dude, I cannot
protect you from yourself.

You started this whole thing
the second you couldn't control

your urges and you put
your d*ck inside of Quinn.

- My urges?
- And you want to know something?

- Here's a life lesson for you, okay?
- Oh, what is it?

Here it is...
No one protects anyone, okay?

So just deal with it.

What's up, doc?


Just, uh... checking in on you, man.

- You know?
- Making sure you're doing okay.

I don't really do shrinks, so...

You need a battery? Lens?

Look, uh, I know last
season was pretty heavy.

And Rachel said some things.

What did she tell you?

It's privileged.

You know Rachel says a lot of things,

- not very many of them true.
- I think she's trying to correct that.

Right, the... the whole
Essential Honesty thing?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I'm sure that, uh, she thinks
she's telling the truth.

I wouldn't believe a word
out of her damn mouth.

Eh, I don't know. She and I have
a pretty good relationship.

She trusts me.

So I'm just trying to get
some insight from someone

who knows her, so I can be of more help.

- [LAUGHING] Oh, my God.
- What?

She got to you, too.

What does that mean?

It's the 'Rachel Vortex.'

Many a man has been sucked in
by that tiny, dark force.

So I've heard.

Look, I am literally just doing my job.

Yup. So was I.

- You shut the show down?
- I called his bluff.

- Ohh...
- I reminded him of the stakes.

Whatever. He'll fold. He's gonna
call me any minute to apologize.

Quinn, look, it's : . It's,
like, way past end of business.

- What if he doesn't call?
- Gary doesn't joke around, okay?

He destroys people for fun.

I've never seen him bluff, not once.


Good. Fine.

Let him fire me.

He thinks he can make
"Everlasting" without me?

- Let him try.
- Uh-huh. And what about your empire?

I will find another one.

Well, in that case,
if we really are shut down,

do you mind if I take the night off?

Where the hell are you gonna go?

I dunno. Maybe I could get,
like, a massage or something.

You know, everyone keeps telling me
to take better care of myself so...


That's fine.

But leave your phone on.

Will do.





Hi, baby.


How'd your pitch go?

It literally could not have gone worse.

Oh, boo.

I know what you need.

Come. Feast.



- You're home.
- Yeah. I am.




- What the hell are you doing here?

[LAUGHS] There are...

[WHISPERING] There are
cameras everywhere.

Yes, there are, but the
show is shut down.

Do you think they'd ever
turn off the security cameras?

- No.
- There are ways around it, though.

- Are there?
- Yes.

You could, uh, meet me
in my room in five minutes.

- Should I?
- Yeah.


QUINN: What are you doing?


I was... I just...
I had to check something.

You're a snake, Madison.

And I think it's about time
you gave me some venom.

I don't know what that means.

It means that I am pretty sure that

in all the d*ck sucking you've done,

you've uncovered some state secrets

that could help save my ass and yours.

My ass is just fine.


Right. So, you think that Gary

is going to protect you
through all of this?

Then you're even dumber than you look,

because Gary is going to take
whatever information

you're about to give him
and clean house,

your bony ass included.








So, what do you got, snake?

I did steal the password to his e-mail.



Oh. My God. Rachel.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hey. Dad, um...
- Hi.

I've been trying to reach you.
'Cause I need to talk to you.


Sure. Come on in.

What's going on?

This is the mother lode.

- It's bad, right?
- It's so, so bad.

You do understand that if we do this,

your pilot is dead.

Gary is never picking it up.

I'm more than one pilot.

I'm betting on you.
I want you to bet on me.


Then make the call.



Hey, Gary. Yeah, she's here.

No. She doesn't suspect a thing.

Great. I'll see you in an hour.

- Okay.


I'm the one that should be pissed.

I k*lled every stupid challenge today,

and Serena still ended up
with that Wall Street douchebag

who's just here to collect on a bet.

Bet? What are you talking about?

Jasper's here on a bet.

If he's the first one to sleep
with Serena, he gets $ , .

You're kidding me. Well, who else knows?

Uh, handful of the guys, some producers.

Dad, we really do need
to talk about this.

No, you know what? I'm just
gonna make you a sandwich.

If you knew this whole time,
why didn't you say something?

Hmm? Why didn't you do something?

I did.


I hated the work your mother was doing.

And I hated the fact she
was doing it in our home.



You know, the day it happened,

you were home from school,
sick, and, uh,

I told your mother she had to cancel.


She said if I wasn't paying the bills,

then it wasn't my place
to make that call.

Okay. So she cut off your balls.


I went to the guy's house, Rach.

I kicked the crap out of him.
Then I was ready to k*ll him.

And I was also ready to call the police.

- Why didn't you do that?
- Because your mother...

She just kept saying it would be
the best for you

not to have your name
dragged through the courts,

- not to have the world know about..
- 'Cause she's a sociopath, Dad.

Serena, I need you to know that I
think you are just... incredible.

I have, from the first night.

God, it's funny. Usually
with guys like you,

I wouldn't trust a word
that came out of your mouth.

But for some reason, I trust you.


I didn't know what to do.
And I-I felt helpless.

You felt helpless? I mean, really?

I knew you were in pain.

- She said she was handling it.
- No, Dad.

She was medicating the sh*t out of me!


I knew I had failed
as a father, as a man.

[TEARFULLY] I found myself on the
top of a bridge, looking down.

And I thought, "What's the point?"

If I can't protect my own
daughter, I honestly thought

you'd be better off without me.

And then your mother...

Well, she got to me just
in time, Rach, honestly.

And she put on lithium.
And... it calmed me down.

- Dad, it numbed you out.
- No, Rach, I needed it.

Believe it or not, your mom saved me.

No, Dad, she just got you
to stop feeling and talking.

To me, you know, to, like, anybody.

The woman is a monster.

I'm, like, so sorry.

You have nothing to be sorry about.

No, I do. I lied. I told
the guy that I was .

Oh, stop! There is no excuse
for what he did to you!


Dad, we have to get you out of here.

We have to.

I mean, the problem is her.
The problem is not you.

There is nothing wrong with you.

Come on.







We're just, um... We're just gonna...

- Oh, no.
- Don't worry, Dad.

Don't even worry about it.
I got it. Just keep...

Just put the stuff in the truck, okay?

Come on. You got this?


What the hell's going on?

I'm just getting my father
away from his jailer.

And if you follow us,
I'm gonna go to the police.

- Asa, you can't do this.
- I'm gonna tell them everything.

Asa, you know this.
You are an unethical psycho.

Dad, get in the car.

- Please.
- She's my child.

No, no, please don't go. No. Stop it!

- Please. Asa!
- Stay away!

- Asa, please don't go!
- Stop!

- Stop! You stop!
- You stop it!

Okay? This all stops, today.

- No, Asa, please.
- This all ends today.

Please don't go. Please.

Asa, please.





Uh, can we get everybody
gathered into the great room,

please, everybody, crew included?

- Have a seat, guys.
- Come on, everybody.

This is gonna be very exciting.

I warned you, Quinn.

You know, I'm glad everyone's
here because this is it.

You are fired.


- Ooh.
- Yeah, now let me tell you

- what's gonna happen.
- Actually, let me tell you

what's gonna happen.

You're gonna pick up "Passport
to Dance" straight to series.

And you're gonna give us
a primo prime-time slot.

You know, I'm thinking Sundays at : .

What in the hell are you talking about?

I am talking about you being fired...

front page of Variety,
forensic accounting,

kicked out of Hollywood
forever kind of fired.


What the hell do you two idiots
know about forensic accounting?

I know that you've been hiding
"Everlasting's" international profits...

stealing $ million from me and Chet...

to cover your own ass on losses
on your other pathetic shows.

These are wild accusations
without any proof.

I could have you sued for slander.

Well, then you probably shouldn't
have put it all in an e-mail, Gary.

That's a legal document.

That's impossible.
I have a secure server.

[CHUCKLES] Everybody does it.

You know, it's like a studio
system secret handshake.

But not any more, Gary.

So, you are going to get
the hell off my back

for the rest of the season.
Carte Blanche.

Then we can start
with "Passport to Dance,"

but I'd like to have four shows
in active development

by the end of the year.

And as far as ever implying
that I am a dried-up hag

aging my way out of the industry...

you might want to drop that narrative

and admit that I own your ass now.

What am I supposed to say to that?

You're supposed to say,

"Thank you for the opportunity, Quinn."

I'm serious, Gary.


Thank you for the opportunity, Quinn.


You're welcome.

She's such a ball-buster.

Has she always been this bad
or has she gotten worse?

Much, much worse.

Oh, we should really get going
if we want to make

that French Laundry reservation.

- The French Laundry reservation.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Why don't you go ahead
and I'll meet you there?

- I gotta do some stuff. Some show-biz stuff.
- Oh. Show-biz stuff.

Okay. All right. Bye, babe.



- What you just did with Gary.

I am so hard for you right now.

I'm, like, rock hard.

- Feel this.
- No. Okay. Come on, Chet. That's disgusting.

No pills.

I haven't been this hard for years.

Good for you, okay?

But that is Crystal's job now, not mine.

- I need you right now, Quinn.
- What? No. What?

No, no, no, no.
Chet, get off of me, all right?

Go home and screw your blow-up doll.


I miss you, Quinnie.

I miss you a lot.

I know.

But you chose easy.




- ASA: You want me to take that?
- RACHEL: No, no. I can carry it.

We're just gonna head over...

Hey, what are you doing in there?

Oh. I was just looking for you.

I was worried. I hadn't seen you
since the shutdown.

Hi, I'm Dr. Simon.

Uh, this is my father, Asa Goldberg.

- Pleased to meet you, sir.
- Nice to meet you, too.

Okay, uh, Pop, why don't you head on in?

- In here?
- Yeah.


- What's the plan here, Rachel?
- Uh, well, it's late.

So we're gonna camp out till
I figure out my next move.

Okay. We're camping out.


- What?
- What is this? What are you doing?

DAN: Jay, Rachel, we need you
on set right now.

Okay, okay.

Can you, um...

Can you just, like, stay here
for a little while?

Just for a little bit.
Just, like, keep an eye on him.

- I'll be back as soon as I can.
- An "eye on him?"

Rachel, what am I walking into here?


I mean, look, you said
you wanted to help me.

So, this is the help I need.

Hey, Pop, I'll be right back.



Asa. How you doing?

Cherry blossoms are manly.

I want more. Thank you.

Quinn. What's happening?

We sold our show. Straight to series.

- What? How?
- Sundays at : .

- Are you serious?!
- Congratulations, partner.

And we are back in business, people!

I need Serena ready and on set in .

Hey. Hey. [CHEERING]

Whoa. August, what are you doing here?

- Serena, please, just hear me out...
- Get out of my room!

Listen, just please just give me
one minute, please.

Look, I know I screwed up colossally...

but you need to know the
thing with the ranger...

that was set up, okay?

Oh, yeah? Was Quinn a setup, too?

Uh... Quinn cornered me, okay?

And I understand
I'm getting cut tonight.

That's okay, but I really...
I just wanted to say goodbye.

And I wanted to make sure that you have

all the information you need
to make decisions

that are actually gonna make you happy.

What does that mean?

Jasper's here on a bet.

He gets $ , if he's
the first one to sleep with you.

No. You're f... No.


Good evening.

Gentlemen, what a harrowing day
in the wilderness,

when one of our own was caught
betraying our suitress.

Graham, just please... just stop.

- What?
- I have an announcement to make.


This isn't gonna be a normal ceremony.


From this moment forward, the only
rules are the rules that I make.

I told you that I was serious

about finding someone to spend
the rest of my life with.

But it seems like many of you

are treating this like
a sick and cruel game.

I don't know who's lying
or who's telling the truth,

so I've decided that I'm not
cutting any of you tonight.

What? Wha... Ugh.

- This girl is a pain in my ass.
- I'm too overwhelmed

and pissed off and I am going to bed.

So that's how you saved your ass, huh?

She had the right to know.

Yeah. And you had to be
the hero to tell her, huh?

Serena! Stop!

What the hell do you think you're doing?

I told you... going to bed.

No, you have to cut someone, okay?

There are contracts
and schedules and budgets

all based on this elimination structure.

Oh, yeah? Well, unless you want
to put your hand up my ass

- and puppet my mouth, it's not happening.
- Don't tempt me.

Ah, Serena. Wait.
I really need to speak to you.

Oh, what, about the bet?

Yeah, I know all about it.

By the way, you lost.

I slept with the jockey night one.

- Ohh.



Did you just hear his balls drop?

I did. I heard a little "clink, clink."

It is... Ah!

- Oh!


To Jay Bartholomew Carter,
who, as of today,

has his very own television show.

That's right! Applause, applause.

- All right.

I am so glad that you don't have a life

because you are going to be sleeping
at work for the next two years.

Cheers. Whoo-hoo! Yes!

- [CHUCKLING] Cheers!
- Cheers.

Mm. You know what?

We haven't been dancing in forever.

So what do you say that we take
this party to the club?

I got to get going home,
Quinn. I'm sorry.

- I've got someone cooking me dinner.
- What?

Yeah, and I-I have all of
this paperwork that I, like...

I love you guys. Congratulations.
Super happy for you.

- Mazel tov to everybody!
- And thank you.

[SMOOCHES] Thank you.


I'd be down to go to the cluuuub.

[CHUCKLES] I just changed my mind.

But thank you for today, Madison.

You picked the right team.

- You're welcome.

Ah, no. Too soon.


But, you know, I'm sorry.
I'm just curious, though.

If you were going to go to
a club, where would you go?

I don't know, maybe Vixen?

- Okay, cool.
- RACHEL: Hey, guys.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How's it going?
- Good. Thanks.

Your friend, Dr. Simon
here, is very inquisitive.


Can I, uh, speak with you
outside for a moment?


- Rachel.
- Hmm?

You cannot be serious about
weaning your dad off of lithium

- here on his own in a grip truck.
- Okay, listen.

Trust me, he should have never
been on those meds

in the first place.
I can promise you that

his depression is situational.
It is not chemical.

And that could all be true,
but withdrawing from lithium...

no joke. We're talking
tremors, flu symptoms, mania.

I understand. That's exactly
why I have him here...

So I can keep an eye on him.

- And besides, there's a medic / .

- Rachel...
- No, listen, I've done this for myself.

All he really needs is some good
sleep and some B vitamins...

Vitamims? Rachel, this is lithium!

I cannot recommend or endorse this...

Okay, well, you don't have to.

Look, I have to do this.

Everything that has happened
to him is my fault...

- No, it's not...
- So I need to be the one to fix it.

This is what my dad wants.




- WOMAN: Quinn King?!


- Is that Fiona?

[LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

What the hell? You look great.

All right, I got it, dude.
I got it. Come here. I can't.

It's so... What the hell
are you doing here?

Why are you in the Bay?

I'm selling a V.R. company
I was running.

That sounds fancy.

What the hell have you been
doing with your life?

I never see you out.
You're not on social media.

That's because I'm running the show.

I don't know I guess I just... I
just thought you'd be, you know,

in a big corner office
in Beverly Hills by now.

Surprised you're still in the trenches.

You know, actually,
I made $ million today.



Well, why aren't you out spending it?

[CHUCKLES] I don't know.

- I don't know.
- Here.

- To $ million.

To $ million.

Okay, babe, I'll be right home.

- Hey, Jay.
- Hey dude. I gotta go.

Xavier has a very late dinner
waiting for me.

Yeah, the so-called boyfriend,
love whatever.

- Uh-huh.
- But I need more cocaine.

- What?
- Mm-hmm.

That eight ball was supposed
to last you a week!

[GIGGLES, SNORTS] It didn't.

You are k*lling me here, okay?

You're about to be a star, okay?

We have got to get you clean and sober

and ready to carry a show...
a huge show.

Oh, my God, I cannot do this.

- All right, come here.
- What are you doing?

- What are you doing?
- Relax. Come here.

I need more magic poof poof.
You understand?

Alexi, dude, I've got Xavier
and this isn't...

Listen to me.

You give me something,
I give you something.


Oh, dude...



And now, we are really camping.

Hey, I really... I really like
your cabin, by the way.

Well, it's a falling down crap shack,

but I'm hoping to buy it soon.

I was driving through Oregon.
I turned this bend and I just...

I don't know... I just, like,
knew I had to be there.

It's super cheap 'cause there's
no electricity or anything,

but, I mean, there is a well...

Yeah, I can help with electricity.


I used to be very handy, you know.

[LAUGHING] That's good to know.


Maybe we could put
your pottery studio out back.

You'd want me to come with you?


I think it could be really good.

You know, for both of us.

I just want you to be happy, Rach.

I am, Dad.

Yeah, I really am.


I'm falling asleep. I got to shut down.

Good night, sweetheart.

I love you, Rachel.

I love you, too.

