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01x19 - For Harry with Love and Squalor

Posted: 01/27/21 20:16
by bunniefuu
What'll it be, stranger?


No risk in that, is there?

The usual.

I happen to like the usual.

Not that what I'm drinking has anything to do with you.

I'm just saying you might surprise yourself if you take a chance on something new.


And what exactly would you have in mind?

Just an observation.

Well, thanks for the tip.

Here you go.


In the end, it's the only way we know we're really alive.

Taking a risk.

I'm not gonna get you to shut up, am I?

But you...

When it comes to risk, real risk, you're probably not the type.


You are a regular Sigmund Freud.

I know a few things about people, that's all.

Good for you.

Just like I know you'll be back here tomorrow night, at the same time, same seat.


...the usual.

Except tomorrow, it won't be the beer that brings you back.

All right, I'll bite.

What will it be?


You know that guy?



I saw you two talking.

Figured he knew you.


He doesn't know me.

Don't even think about it.



I'm sorry.

I just, I...


I have to get this.


Lily, yeah.

Yeah, it's a bad time.

It's : in the morning.

I was just about to...

Have sex.

Something wrong?

Well, can't you call Jordan?

She doesn't have a life.

His name's Harry, why?

From Florida.

What's going on?

I'll be right there.

Well, that better be an emergency, 'cause I'm about to start without you.

It's my father, he's dead.

I didn't even know he was in Boston.

Haven't you guys kept in touch?

The last I heard, he was in prison for forging checks.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the abdomen.

Any suspects?

Uh, no.

Cops need us to figure out how long he was in the water first.

Look at this.

Promised my mother he'd never take it off.

Only promise he ever kept.

Obviously, I can't perform the autopsy.

Assign it to Dr. Sanders.

Uh, you have a : with Milt Fessler.

Should I cancel?


Just let me grab a shave.

Oh, and a Carl LaFong called for you this morning.

He said it was important, but he didn't leave a number.

Lily, let's sign him in as a John Doe for now.

I don't want anyone here to know he's my father.

Oh, okay.


'Cause I'm not sure how I feel about it.


Oh, come on, Jordan.

Don't make me beg.

Look, I told you last week.

I am not contradicting the findings of my former boss.

It's not your responsibility to cover for Yakura's mistakes.

Hey, no one's happier than me to see her name dragged through the mud, but she wasn't the only one screwing up.

The D.A.

Went along for the ride.

And you know how those guys get when we make 'em look bad.

Tony Castinato didn't k*ll his wife.

That's what they all say.

Oh, he had an overworked hack P.D.

Who's got him sitting in prison for months.

His folks finally raise enough money to hire a real lawyer, and I'm telling you, I think the guy's telling the truth.

All I'm asking you to do is to look at the evidence.


All right.

Okay, but I'm not promising anything.

I'll make it up to you.

Here, you first.

"Your luck's about to change. " In bed.

I wish.

Uh, mine's dumb.


"To have true love, "you must be willing to take risks. " You should tack that one to your headboard.

Meaning what?

Well, you got to admit, it's pretty accurate.

What are you talking about?

Jordan, I've known you years.

When was the last time you got your heart broken?

b*llet did a lot of damage.

If that hadn't gotten him, he probably would have choked to death anyway.


I found this.

It was lodged in his trachea.

It's got a number on it.

It's from a safe deposit box.

He must have tried to swallow it before he d*ed.

Keep me posted on this one, will you?

Sure thing.

Come on in.



They told me upstairs they didn't know where you were.

So I knew I'd find you here.


I've been sitting here trying to remember him.

Wish I could help.

My only memory is him getting drunk at our wedding and rifling through my mother's purse.

He loved baseball, I remember that.

He liked to bet the horses.

He was a hell of a trumpet player.

Give it some time, Garret.

When my dad d*ed, it took six months before I could even begin to process it.

When I was a kid, I was a comic book nut.

I was a big collector.

And on my ninth birthday, my dad bought me a copy of Batman # from . It was the Holy Grail.

Worth about bucks back then.

That was a lot of money in my house.

I think that was the happiest I'd ever been in my life.

And then one day, I came home from school, and the book was gone.

My old man had a tough day at the track and he needed some quick cash, so...

How come you never told me that before?

I don't know.

I guess it's still too painful to think about.

Ah, like clockwork.

How do you know I'm not here 'cause my dad owns the bar?

I know exactly why you're here.

So do you.

Oh, that's right, I forgot.

You know everything about me.

Not everything.

But in my line of work, it helps if you can sum up people quickly.

And what line of work is that?

Does it matter?

Well, I like to know who's trying to pick me up, that's all.

The more you know, the safer you feel.

Something like that.

Safety is overrated.

What do you want from me?

You came back tonight.

What do you want from me?

Hey, sweetie.

What'll it be?

I'll, uh...

I'll have what he's having.

The Lexington.

: tomorrow.

Room .

Trey, did you find anything else on that John Doe case?

It was pretty straightforward.

b*llet entered through the abdomen, sliced through the liver, bounced off the lower left rib and lodged next to his appendix.

Wait, wait, wait, hold it.

His appendix?

Yeah, why?

Lily, that man who called a few times today, what was his name again?

Uh, LaFong?

Carl LaFong.

Carl LaFong.

You remembered who he was?

Capital L, small A, capital F, small O, small N, small G.



It's from an old W.C. Fields movie.

Did he leave a message?

Did he say anything?

Uh, he just wanted me to remind you that it's Tuesday.

If it's Tuesday, it must be Yang Chow.

Not as good as I remembered.

Not enough foo in the egg foo yung.

Is this some kind of sick joke?

Still constipated, I see.

You faked your own death.

Just seized a moment of opportunity, that's all.

And you figured I'd help you out by signing the death certificate.

Not many people have a coroner for a son.

Give me one good reason why I'd risk my career to help you.

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe because I'm your father.

Go to hell.

Does that mean we're not going Dutch on the check?


What the hell are you doing here?


Very neat office.

I thought I'd wait till this morning to call the police on you.

Whoa, whoa.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Your wallet was found on the body of a man floating face down in the Charles River.

I got a hunch they might want to ask you some questions.

All right, look, it's a long story.

But I can explain.

I'll bet.

My partner Murray and I, we got in a little trouble with these Cuban fellas down in Miami.

To work off the debt, we agreed to run some money for them to Boston, to launder it.

I was supposed to meet him two days ago.

He's got the grand with him.

I get here, he's dead, m*rder*d, and the money's gone.

I realized those guys are gonna think I'm the one who's got it.

That's how I came up with this.

Switch identities.

Better they're looking for Murray than me.

You never change, do you?

You see?

That's just it.

I'm getting too old for this.

I look back on my life and I got nothing but regrets.

I know it's late, but whatever years I got left, I'd like to spend them being a father to you, being a grandfather to that kid of yours.


Macy, there are two men here to see you about your father.

Oh, hello.

Hi, sweetheart.

Are they detectives?

No, they said they're old friends of his, from Miami.

Tell 'em to give me a minute.

What'll they do to you?

You mean before or after they k*ll me?

If I help you find the money, we're giving it back to these guys and we're calling the police, straighten this whole thing out.

Is that understood?

You'd do that for me?

I think Murray hid the money in a safe deposit box.

I found a key.

I have a phone call for either of you.

Please come this way.



Anybody there?

Hi, I got your call.

What have you got?

Well, we've got some really tasty maggots and we've got this.

It's the closest thing we're gonna get to a smoking g*n.

It's the videotape footage of the crime scene the day his wife's body was found.

Take a look at that patch of Poa compressa. Patch of what? Poa compressa.

Better known as Canadian bluegrass.

It's found all over Boston.

All right, what am I supposed to say?

Look at the grass directly under where her body was lying.

What color does that look like to you?

It's brown.

And the rest of the grass around her?


That is our smoking g*n.

It takes four days for this species of grass to lose its chlorophyll and turn brown, when covered and obscured from light.

And she was only supposed to have been dead for two days before they found her.

So you're saying...

She was really dead for four days.

Castinato was miles away that day.

There is no way he could have done it.

You know, it takes an ID and two keys to get into a safe deposit box, one belonging to the bank.

How are we gonna pull this off?

I'll think of something.

Just promise me you won't do anything illegal.

May I help you?

Yes, I am Alexi Carpethian and this is my associate, Emile.

We are here on business from Romania, and require safekeeping for our documents.

May I see some ID, please?

Oh, yes.


Will you be putting your name on the account as well, sir?

No, he does not speak English.


It won't be necessary.

We have three sizes of deposit boxes to choose from.

Do you have a preference?

I am more particular about the number on the box.

There are certain very bad luck numbers in my country.

May I see a list of the numbers available?

Sure, I guess.

Oh, that would be very nice.

That is so nice of you.

Oh, oh.


This is a good number.


This is crazy.

Now what are we supposed to do?

Here, hold this for me.



Emile, fire!

Oh, my God!

Take off your coat!

Just let the guard know when you're done.

Thank you.

And thank you.

I can't believe you did that to me.

Potassium chlorate and sulfur in an envelope, oldest trick in the book.

Let's just get this over with and get out of here.



A package came for you, Dr. Macy.

They said they needed your signature.

If you sign here, they can leave it tomorrow.

Thanks, Emmy.

I got an ID on that old man, the John Doe.

Prints finally came back from NCIC.

Name was Jack Wilcox.


Not Murray?

He's got a bunch of aliases listed.

Jack Clemente, Jack Frost, Jack Mack, Jack the Kn*fe.

Don't see a Murray.

Turns out he was a local money launderer with mob connections.

You gonna ask me my name?


Look, I'm sorry.

I'm not trying to be mysterious, but you came here for a reason.

This can be anything you want it to be.

I think this was a mistake.

That's too bad.

I thought it was wonderful.

I wasn't talking about the sex.

I was talking about...

I understand.

But I'll be here tomorrow, same time.

If you change your mind.

I have testified in plenty of cases.

This new A.D.A.

They got will tear you a new one, Jordan.

I'm just warning you.

Just be careful.

Look, I'll be fine.

Look, I just need my coffee and I'm getting back to work.

Uh, one latte, please.

Do you want something?

Are you okay?

You've been weird the last few days.

I'm fine.

Wait a minute.

Are you seeing someone?


I knew it.

Who is he?

I don't know.

We haven't told each other our names yet.

You're going out with him and...

We haven't really ventured out, per se.

So you're already...



Where did you meet him?

At my dad's bar.

You met a man in a bar, and you haven't asked his name and now you're sleeping with him?

You're the one who told me that I never take a risk.

That is not the kind of risk I was talking about.

Sleeping with some guy you met in a bar?

I mean, I meant losing your heart to somebody, opening up enough to get hurt.

What you're doing is exactly the opposite.

You know, I shouldn't have told you anything.

Look, I got to get back to work, okay?

I'll see you tomorrow.




Doesn't anybody knock around here?

Sorry, I was looking for my dad.

You're Abby.

Yeah, I came to see if he was okay.

His father d*ed yesterday.

My mom said he was pretty shook up.

Well, I'm sorry for your loss.

It's okay.

I never met him anyway.

Although, I wish I had.

I never had a grandfather.

His loss, I'm sure.

I see you two have met.

Where the hell is Murray?

Because he sure isn't the guy lying in my crypt.

Dad, what's going on here?

That's what I'd like to know.

Maybe you should ask your grandfather.

My grandfather?

He's my grandfather?

I was just about to get around to that part.

Oh, wait, I don't understand it.

You're supposed to be dead.

I can explain.

This ought to be good.

Uh, all right.

There is no Murray.

I brought the money to the launderer myself.

His name is Jack Frost.

The next day, we were supposed to meet at the foot of Ellsworth Bridge for the clean cash.

I get there, he's dead.

The cash is gone.

Everything else is the truth.

Get out of here.

Go on, get out!

You saw those guys.

They'll find me and k*ll me if they don't get their money back.

It's not my problem.

Somebody's trying to k*ll you?

I'm afraid so.

Abby, stay out of it...

Stay out?

He's my grandfather.

I can't believe you're treating your own father like this.

Listen, if you need money, I have some in my college fund that...

You are not giving him your money.

No, sweetheart.

Your father is right.

I can't take your money.

I've done a lot of lousy things in my time, but I've never stooped that low.

Goodbye, son.


He's family.

Doesn't that mean anything to you?

I don't owe him anything and neither do you.

That man was never there for me.

Oh, so what?

He forgot your ninth grade graduation, too?

Listen, just because you hate him doesn't mean I have to.

I've never had a grandfather and I'm probably not gonna get another chance.

Dad, please.

Go help him.

She's a nice kid, Garret.

At least you did one thing right.

Are you and her mother still together?

What's her name?


Oh, yeah, that's it.

Hot little number.

We're back together, sort of.

It's complicated.

Let me just get this straight.

Murray, who doesn't exist, is actually Jack Frost, a money launderer who took your grand, put it in a safe deposit box, and swallowed the key before getting sh*t in the gut?

Yes, something like that.

If the money's not here, I'm gonna turn myself in.


If someone told me yesterday I'd be breaking into a money launderer's lair...

Welcome to my world.

Who are you?

I'm no one.

He's a cop.

No, no, no, no, I'm not a cop.

I'm not a cop.

I'm a coroner.

I'm here on official business.

I'm investigating the death of the guy who lived here.


Your name is Macy?

That's funny, 'cause we've been looking for a guy named Macy.


You're awful quiet today.

Well, I was, uh, just thinking.

How come we never had the sex talk?

The what?

The sex talk.

The birds and the bees.

Oh, jeez, Jordan.

It's a little late for that, don't you think?

No, I'm not saying that we should have it now.

I just mean that I was too young to have it with Mom.

And then after she d*ed, you just never said anything about it, so I was kind of left alone to figure it all out.

And I don't think I've done a very good job of it.

Look, first off, I had my hands full as it was, and second, I wouldn't have even known where to start.

I mean, what if I said something wrong?

Could have scarred you for life.

That's exactly my point.

The fact that nobody did, that I didn't have a mother there to teach me these things.

Who knows?

Maybe I'm all screwed up about sex.

I'm not having this conversation.

Yeah, but what if it's all wrapped up with my intimacy issues and I've got this really preadolescent warped view of...

Jordan, you're k*lling me here.

I'm hardly an expert on the subject.

I didn't go out on a date for years after your mother d*ed, and...

We both got a raw deal, all right?

That's what life dealt us and...

I did the best I could.

Oh, I know you did, Dad.

I'm not blaming you.

I guess we're just a couple of losers, aren't we?

Oh, that's us.

Red Sox fans to the end.

You're still mad about the comic book, aren't you?


You won't let me live that down.

How do you live like this?

Look at you.

You're an old man living hand-to-mouth like a common thief.

I know I'm not perfect, but at least I've lived, taken some risks.

You've taken nothing but the safe road your whole life.

All I know is I didn't raise you...

You didn't raise me, period!

Your mother kicked me out of the house.

We had problems.

Gee, I wonder why.

I loved that woman till the day she d*ed.

Would it have been so hard to find me, and tell me when it happened?

Had to hear it from her sister, three weeks later.

I'm sorry about that.

You know, near the end she was really delusional, but she still loved you.

Long after she'd forgotten who I was, she was convinced that you'd been by there to visit her.

I wanted to believe her, but I knew it was just the dementia.


It wasn't.

This not talking is gonna get kind of awkward at some point.

Maybe if I just knew a little something about you, you know, something to go on.


When I was four years old, I thought I could turn invisible.

If I stared at my hand for a really long time, it would just vanish.

I could walk into rooms full of people, and no one would see me.

Well, that doesn't give me much to go on.

Let's see you top it.

I had this, uh, recurring dream as a kid.

I was running through this field of poppies, like in The Wizard Of Oz. Ah.

And suddenly the ground started to move beneath my feet, like an earthquake.

And then the whole world would just split open and I'd start to fall into this giant crevasse.

And just as I was about to plunge into the darkness, this hand would reach out of nowhere and grab a hold of me.

Pull me to safety.

When I was , I stopped having that dream.

I never told anyone that before.

I can't make it tomorrow.

There's some place I have to be.

Detective Carver's a friend of mine.

Maybe we'll see if she can get you into some kind of witness protection program.

Oh, great.

Spending what time I've got left living in a tract house in Phoenix.

Dr. Macy, that package came for you.

I put it on your desk.

Thanks, Emmy.

Where are you going?

Uh, little boys' room.

Hold it.

What's in the box?

This box?

I think I can explain this.


I can't believe you're actually giving them that money back.

That money's my ticket out.

Then I guess you shouldn't have sent it to me.

I was just buying time, trying to figure out how to get dead.

Besides, it gave us the chance to reconnect a little.

So let me get this straight.

You're gonna give us back the money, just like that.

That's right.

What's the catch?

No catch.

You stole our money.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't k*ll you both right now.

Because if anything happens to me or my father, there's a copy of this that's gonna go to the police.

What's that?

It's a photocryptographic negative.

A what?

The optic nerve can hold an image for up to three days after death.

We were able to pull the last image Jack Wilcox saw before he d*ed.

Let's just say he didn't capture your prettier side.

You can do that?


$ million machine at MIT developed by the m*llitary.

How come we never heard of such a machine?

We're not gonna go around telling the bad guys about it.

Now, I'm gonna hold onto this, keep it safe until my father here dies of natural causes, then I'm gonna burn it.

That's my offer.

Take it or leave it.

You got lucky this time.

I can't believe you did this for me.

You of all people, letting a m*rder*r go free.

I have no idea whether they k*lled anyone or not.

What about the photogenic...

The negative?

You're kidding, right?

You conned them?

I guess I learned something from you after all.


I just found out the D.A.'s not gonna call a witness to respond to our evidence, so don't give him an opening.

Just keep your cool.

That's him, by the way.

The new A.D.A.

He's a real hatchet man.

He's kind of cute, though.

All right, I got to get in there.

You're gonna be great, so don't worry.

So what you're telling the jury is that Mrs. Castinato's body had to have been lying in that very spot for at least four days?

Is that correct?


Thank you, Dr. Cavanaugh.

I have no further questions, Your Honor.

Dr. Cavanaugh, according to your testimony, Mr. Castinato's wife d*ed two days prior to when the police have reported.

I believe that to be true, yes.

You believe it to be true?

Based on the forensic evidence, yes.

So it's your opinion.


And why exactly should this jury believe your opinion?

Objection, Your Honor.

I'm simply giving the witness a chance to explain herself before I ask the jury to get to know her credentials a little bit better.

After all, knowing someone before entering into any relationship is probably prudent.

Are you going somewhere with this, Counsel?

Dr. Cavanaugh, how many jobs have you held as a medical examiner?

I'm not sure.

Five cities in over a four-and-a-half-year period?

How'd you come to have so many jobs?

I moved around a lot.

Isn't it true you were fired from all of them?


So is it safe to say that incompetence played a role in your employment issues?

I don't know.

You'd have to ask my employers.

Well, actually, I took the liberty of doing just that, and I found out a lot about you.

As a matter of fact, I feel like I know you quite well.

I was especially interested in the testimony of a Dr. Yakura.

Would it be fair to characterize your relationship with Dr. Yakura as tense?

I don't know.

You don't know a lot of things, do you?

And yet that doesn't keep you from jumping in feet first, doing something reckless, irresponsible.

Like directly contradicting the findings of a former employer whom you outwardly despised.

Isn't that right?

Did you really think no one would bring up the suggestion of impropriety over this?

The blatant attempt to discredit her?

That's quite a risk you've taken, isn't it, Dr. Cavanaugh?

I believed that there was something real there.

Now, maybe I don't know myself as well as you do, but I can assure you I would take that risk again.

No further questions, Your Honor.

I, uh, I didn't know it was you.

Jordan Cavanaugh was a name in a file, that's all.

I was just doing my job.

It was nothing personal.

No, of course it wasn't.

I never am gonna find out what really happened, am I?

Truth is, I've told so many lies in my life, I'm not sure myself anymore.

I appreciate the honesty for once.

So I take it you're not going back to Florida any time soon.

Oh, I was serious, Garret.

About wanting to be a father to you and a grandfather to Abby.

Thought I'd stick around a little.

That'd be nice.

How about I take you to dinner tonight, you, me and Abby?

Yang Chow's, like old days?

All right, we'll meet you, what, : ?

Oh, reminds me.

I could use a little cash to clean myself up, maybe buy a little something for Abby.

Well, how much do you need?

$ ?

Well, I don't have that kind of cash on me.

I'll take a check.

You think you know me.

You don't.

I don't want to feel without feeling.

I can't be intimate without being intimate.

I deserve more.

And if that's not what you want, then...

I'm not willing to take that risk.

I think I hate you right now.

I don't know if I'm ever gonna see you again, but just in case, I don't believe that we've been properly introduced.

My name is Jordan Cavanaugh.

I was born and raised in South Boston.

My favorite color is purple.

This tooth got chipped in second grade.

When I was , my mom was m*rder*d.

Tony Madalina was my first kiss.

I was .

I laughed and he never spoke to me again.

When I was , I read Catcher In The Rye. It changed my life.

Long day, huh?


I'm sorry about your dad.

I think I forgot to say that to you.

He isn't dead.

They die, but they don't.

I know how it is.

They leave all their issues behind.

That isn't exactly what I meant, but I guess you're right.

A lady from your bank called.

She wanted to know if you authorized a check for $ , today.

$ , ?


Yeah, I did.


Goodnight, Dr. Macy.

Goodnight, Lily.