03x03 - Salvatore: The Musical!

Episode transcripts for the show "Legacies". Aired: October 2018 to present.*

Moderator: sberg98

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Series spin-off from the "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals" has a new generation of protectors in the infamous town of Mystic Falls.
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03x03 - Salvatore: The Musical!

Post by bunniefuu »

MAN: So... do you want to talk about it?

Talk about what?

What happened in gym class.

It was an accident.

And nothing triggered it?




Like I said, it was an accident.

Do you think maybe you were working out some anger, maybe some relationship issues?


Why don't you tell me what happened yesterday?


- Check this out.

- Klaus Mikaelson, the Great Evil.

Hey, guys, this is so creepy.

Hope's dad was, like, a mass m*rder*r or something.

Well, that makes sense.



HOPE: Yesterday, um, I had a really bad headache.

- Mm-hmm.


What is he doing here?

Well, I thought it would be good for the three of us to have a chat.

Well, you can't really have a couple's session if we're not a couple, can you?


I don't know what we are.

Well, he walked away because he thinks I can't handle him being human.

Because you can't, and I didn't walk away.

Your feet physically moved in a direction away from me.

I mean, I didn't walk away from the relationship.

Not permanently.

I just needed...



I don't know.

HOPE: Yeah, well, things are complicated, clearly.

I actually think that it's all connected.

Landon, the anger, your father.


You're wrong.

I don't have time for this, all right?

I was on the trail of a monster, so...

- A monster?

- Yes.

I saw it walk on the school grounds, and I tracked it into the building, and...

I tracked it into this room, actually.

Oh, my God.

You're the monster.


You know who I am.

I'm Dr.


I'm the guidance counselor here.

You have known me your whole life.




I can-can go, too.

No, Landon, I think you should stay.

We need to talk about your future.


MAC: This is just me leaving a message where I'm playing it cool and pretending I had some sort of business reason for calling and then maybe you can find a business reason to call me back, and then we won't have to talk about what a good time we had the other night.

Okay, bye.

GOODFELLOW: Don't do it.

You're not ready.

I'm sorry.

- Who are you?

- Ric, it's me, Robin Goodfellow, guidance counselor, one of your oldest friends?



- (CHUCKLES): Right.


(CHUCKLING): I'm sorry.

I was so confused.


Well, as someone who has been there through all of your relationships, I have to say, this feels like a risky time to start something new.

- You're probably right.

- Mm-hmm.

Until I figure out a way to defeat the Necromancer, I don't have time to worry about anything else.

I can see you got a lot on your mind.

You should take some time.

You know what?

I could run the school for a little bit.

Handle the day-to-day, take some stuff off your plate.

You have been running on empty for so long now.



I could use a break.

It's done.

(SNAPS FINGERS, LAUGHING): You say no more.

I tell you what you should do is take some time to think about what your real problem is.

And what risks you're willing to take.

Oh, um, and you know that accreditation letter that's sitting on your desk?

I have come up with a marvelous new arts program to satisfy the requirement.

_ Uh...

Salvatore: The Musical. Yeah, it's a musical about the founding of the school.

Dr. Goodfellow said now that I'm human, that I have to start thinking about colleges, and he told me I'm talented at writing music.

And apparently, the school needs a musical program for the-the accredi... accreditation board, so...

I don't sing in public.


Uh, actually, I-I wanted to...


I wanted to ask.

I know things are awkward, and we don't really know what's going on between us, but I could really use your help with all this stuff, because, I mean, you knew all these people for real.

Some of it involves your dad.

- What?

- Yeah.

He's part of the story of the school.

You both are.

We're not characters in your musical, Landon.

- Oh, no.


- My family stays out of it.


Be right back.

I'm-a go k*ll it.

I thought we were looking for Alyssa.

Dude, she chose to go, all right?

Let her go.

Besides, there's a sign-up sheet out there for the musical auditions.

And I got to get a premium slot.

Apparently, you're not supposed to be in the first three or after lunch, unless you can be second to last.

There's a whole science to this stuff, bruh.


Hey, Greasley.

- What-what are you...

- I'm astral projecting.

Listen, The Necromancer's preparing for his big evil plan, so he sent a monster to distract the school.

But you won't even know he's a monster.

He can trick you into believing anything he wants.

Aren't you on the Necro's side?



I can't figure out how to not care about you.


Look, I got to go.

Don't be a hero, for once.

Get out.

Even if you figure out who the monster is, no one will believe you.


♪ Yeah...

♪ ♪ Yeah.

♪ Nice.

Uh, and which role are you reading for?


Uh, Damon.



Thanks, man.

I'll be reading for Damon.


- Damon.

- Uh-huh.

I see myself as more of a Damon.

Let me guess...


Uh, actually...

I kind of like Stefan.

Me, too.

I mean, he's like the anchor to the whole story.


Yeah, well, you got the part.

- Are-are you serious?

- Yeah.

No one else auditioned for Stefan.


Thank you.

Yeah, no, thank you.

Nice work.


I'm playing Caroline.


You have to audition.

Are you saying someone knows my mom better than I do?

Got it.

And I know who should play Elena.

- Me?

- We all know you can sing.

Well, that doesn't mean I want to be the lead in a musical.

But I thought you were step, stepping into the light.


You promised.

Look, you're just back from a great visit with Mom, you're feeling good.

This could be a great opportunity for a non-magic human to participate in the school's community.

- Can I... read the script at least?

- Uh...

- Oh, yeah, I want to...

- It's...


It's a work in...

_ progress.


I'm working on it, okay?

I think I've almost cracked it.

Milton, it's me.

I'm the monster.




(ENGLISH ACCENT): You're the monster.


But, look, Dr.

Goodfellow, uh, that's ridiculous.

I've known you my entire life, just like everyone else at this school.

Which doesn't make much sense, because how could all of us have known you our whole lives?

Oh, my God.

The monster's you.

The name's Puck.

Technically, I am a sprite, a cousin of the Faerie Folk.

And I always do two things.

The first: I break people apart.

What's the second thing?

(SINGING SCALE): ♪ Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me ♪ ♪ Me, me, me, me, me... Me, me, me, me ♪ - ♪ May, may, may, may, may... ♪

- Kaleb?

Hey, what?

Alyssa was telling the truth.

I know who the monster is.



- Who is it?

- Uh, um...


Man, you're throwing me, man.

I'm in my groove, and you just... you throw it, you know?

I just had it, I-I swear.

I think I got him.

_ It's like I can almost see it.

I can picture his face, but...


Dr. Goodfellow, there's a monster in the school!

It's me, Milton.


So, I've been able to piece together that he presents himself as male.

- Mm.

- And as a doctor of some sort.

And his name starts with a P, and he's got this, uh... this two-part plan.

I just can't figure out what the second part is.

It's a mystery.

I feel like I'm this close.

This close.



Let's take a break.


I, uh, really didn't like my speech on page , so I took a s*ab at rewriting it.

Trust me, this is way better.

- I'll add it to the pile.

- Nice.


- Hi.

- So, I don't get Elena at all.

I mean, she can't decide what she wants, and when she finally does decide, she makes a super selfish choice.

Yeah, well, I think everything around her is changing, and she wants a normal life, so she chooses herself.

Ah, see?


Oh, oh, and the ending song is all wrong.

I mean, why would she sing about undying love when she's experienced so much loss?

Because I think the show is about never giving up on love, no matter what.

You don't believe that, though, because you gave up on Hope, like, twice.

Let's run Caroline's number next.

_ Sorry.

I'm not feeling well today.

I'm fine, Jo.

Does that mean the bowl's working?


Not even close.

I can't do this.

I can't live up to our perfect mother.

You should have played her.

You two are more alike.

No, we're not.

You're both mature and...

and thoughtful.

I'm just a wild mess.

I've made so much progress this year, but no matter how far I come, I can feel my own mind plotting against me, like it's trying to make me lose everything that I've worked for.

Mom became a vampire, and everything was just... clear.

Like she had this one moment that set her whole life on course.

What if...

I never get that?

_ I don't know how I'm gonna do this.

There's just... there's just too much going on.

There's travelers and sirens, and Bonnie just disappears for long periods of time, and don't even get me started on Elena and the Sleeping Beauty spell.

I'm gonna have to change the whole ending.

I'm sure you'll make the right editorial decisions.

Apparently, Dr.

Saltzman used to be this badass, hard-boiled vampire hunter.

And I think Caroline was one of his students.

That's kind of weird.


Josie's right.

I have no idea what I really want this play to be about.

I have no idea what I'm really trying to say.


Maybe there's a missing piece that will unlock the whole thing.

What if...

there was a way for you to tell the story you want and get Hope back?



I just need to say something.

Uh, this whole time I've been working on the show, it's felt like I was missing something, and I was.


I was talking to Dr. Goodfellow about what your family used to say...

always and forever...

and the last song suddenly clicked, and...

I want you to read it.

Because you were right about our separation, or whatever this is.

I was an absolute idiot.

I want to be with you, and I can face anything if you're by my side.

You used the letter that my dad wrote me, that I let you read, as lyrics?

Is that bad?

Okay, it's bad, but they're beautiful and poetic, and it shows your dad in such a great light.

I asked you not to use my family.

And I tried, but he's literally the original vampire in Mystic Falls.

He's one of the biggest parts of the whole story.

Look, I figured out what I want to say.

What I believe about love and death and all of it.

- It's this.

- Congratulations.

You cleared up your musical problem.

Uh, one sec.


Sorry, sorry.

- Uh, here you go... jackets, scarf.

- Oh, there it is, damn.

Oh, hey, yeah, this line right here...

I'm not saying that.

Okay, well, it's, uh...

Can you come up with something else for me to say here?

- Thanks.

- Uh, uh, okay, I'll, uh...

Thank you, thank you, I think, um...

Do you need me to change something?

No, no, no, no.

You are doing wonderfully.

Yeah, well, you were wrong about Hope.

She hated the changes.

I'm pretty sure she hates me now, too.

The cost of following your muse.

Uh, speaking of, I have further bad news for you, I'm afraid.

Uh, that one.


Thank you.

It would seem that your Klaus has been struck down with a terrible stomachache.

Yes, I know.


But there is some good news.

There is another performer who is ready to step in.

He already knows all the music.

Possesses a certain gravitas.

(LAUGHING): If I may say.


Put me in, coach.

ANNOUNCER (OVER P.A.): And now it's time for... Salvatore: The Musical. (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE)

♪ ♪ ♪ If you decide one day to come visit our town ♪ ♪ There's a sign you'll see as you drive on down ♪ ♪ It says "Welcome ♪ ♪ To Mystic Falls" ♪ ♪ It's a quiet little town with long, dark nights ♪ ♪ If the residents see a peculiar sight ♪ ♪ They'll say, hey, that's just ♪ ♪ Mystic Falls ♪ ♪ Animal att*cks might be on the rise ♪ ♪ But don't ask questions, it'll be all right ♪ ♪ We're fine in Mystic Falls ♪ ♪ Nothing changes here, it's always the same ♪ ♪ Year after year it's just Founders' Day ♪ ♪ Remembrance Day, Decade Dance ♪ ♪ Tree-Lighting Day, Miss Mystic Falls ♪ ♪ Commonwealth Day, Historical Society Founders' Display ♪ - ♪ And prom ♪



♪ Then there's the day you never forget ♪ ♪ Your parents pick you up from the party you've left ♪ ♪ But they don't make it home ♪ ♪ You're hollowed out until nothing remains ♪ ♪ And you're stuck in a town where everything's the same ♪ ♪ And you just want to scream ♪ ♪ That everything has changed ♪ ♪ But they don't notice at all ♪ ♪ Downside of a town this small ♪ ♪ They won't see that you've changed ♪ ♪ Guess that's just Mystic Falls ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Welcome to Mystic, welcome to Mystic ♪ ♪ Welcome to Mystic... ♪

- Sorry.

- Excuse me.

- Uh, Stefan.

- Elena.

♪ Falls. ♪ _


Hello, brother.


What are you doing here?

I just missed you.

That's all.

♪ You know me better than anyone ♪ ♪ You know my thoughts before they've begun ♪ ♪ You know my darkest desires ♪ ♪ What lays me low, what inspires ♪ ♪ And you hold it over me ♪ ♪ We've shared more than a lifetime together ♪ ♪ Fought more battles than I can remember ♪ ♪ And when we're under attack ♪ ♪ You stick the knife in my back ♪ ♪ And you'll never let me go ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Hello, brother ♪ ♪ There are things in my heart ♪ ♪ Only you can see ♪ ♪ There's no other ♪ ♪ Person on Earth who knows you like me ♪ ♪ I want to be free of you ♪ ♪ But I need you ♪ ♪ A fate that I hate but I have to accept ♪ ♪ Hello, brother ♪ ♪ What do we do next? ♪


♪ So I see you've made a new lady friend ♪ ♪ A face I thought I'd never see again ♪ ♪ There's a calmness when she's near ♪ ♪ I could live life in peace here ♪ BOTH: ♪ Unless I get in the way ♪ ♪ So I'll say ♪ ♪ Hello, brother ♪ ♪ There are things in my heart ♪ ♪ Only you can see ♪ ♪ There's no other ♪ - ♪ Soul on Earth who knows you like me ♪


♪ I want to be free of you ♪ ♪ But I need you ♪ ♪ A fate that I hate but I have to accept ♪


♪ And so, brother ♪ ♪ Guess what I'll do next ♪ ♪ Watch what I'll do next... ♪ Damon, don't do this.

♪ Watch what I'll do next ♪


♪ Guess what I'll do next ♪ ♪ Watch what I'll do next. ♪







♪ Why is it never me? ♪ ♪ Never the one who gets found ♪ ♪ The boys I like ♪ ♪ Never seem to like me ♪ ♪ Can you blame them ♪ ♪ When she's around ♪ ♪ Elena's calm ♪ ♪ She has a grace ♪ ♪ Me, I'm just nervous energy ♪ ♪ All out of place ♪ ♪ Elena's smart ♪ ♪ Knows what to say ♪ ♪ I'm just fumbling as my words get in the way ♪ ♪ She has those eyes ♪ ♪ That smile, that perfect face ♪ ♪ And then there's me ♪ ♪ I'm just... okay ♪ ♪ But maybe someone out there's looking for okay ♪ ♪ Just hurry up and find me ♪ ♪ Okay? ♪



♪ Doppelgänger, doppelgänger ♪

♪ Doppelgänger, doppelgänger. ♪



Okay, Elena, here's the deal.

♪ You can think about Stefan ♪ ♪ 'Cause he's your boyfriend ♪ ♪ You can think about Bonnie ♪ ♪ She's such a great friend ♪ ♪ You can think about Jeremy or Caroline ♪ ♪ Keep school and family front of mind ♪ ♪ You can think of anything you want ♪ ♪ Just don't think about what you want ♪ (INHALES DEEPLY)

♪ 'Cause then you'll think about Damon ♪ ♪ Just don't think about Damon. ♪


You were fabulous.

Thank you.

I feel like I finally get Elena.

At first I thought that she was selfish, but she was just being honest about how she's changed.


I'm so glad you found that.

And I am sorry about this part.




It feels like it's broken.

Jo, what happened?

I don't know.

I think I tripped.

Hey, she's almost on.

What are we gonna do?

We put Elena in a sleep spell.

Lizzie, in your next scene, you take all of her lines.

JED: What about Elena's final song?

It's the end of the whole show.

Yeah, we'll get there when we get there.

Okay, well, I'll definitely need to change some of those lines...

You say the lines as written.

All of you.

(WHISPERS): Every single word.

- Okay.

- I liked what you wrote.


- I'm into it.

It's probably my fault anyway..

JADE: Uh, you need to reset the bone.

JOSIE: Jade?


I heard the discussion backstage.

Let me help.



PUCK: Hope.

Never forget...

...you're special.

Your very existence is a miracle.

One day you'll grow into an extraordinary woman and continue the legacy of the Mikaelson name.


You'll carry us all with you.

Carry us well.

I believe this will be sufficient to fund your new school.



LIZZIE: Oh, hey. Welcome to hell.

Uh, this came for you.

Do you want to ask me something?

That sounded exactly like how my father would have said it.

Right, well, I did meet him once before.

He was an exceptional conversationalist.

Very entertaining.

Terrible painter.

Can I ask you something, and you can answer it, I guess, how you think he would have said it?


Am I doing enough?

Am I the person that he would have wanted me to be?

Oh, my dear girl, you are entirely too hard on yourself.

You think that feeling pain and heartbreak means you've done something wrong.

But we lose everyone we love eventually.

But feeling that loss, well, that means you have done something right.

You opened up your heart despite the risks.

And that is the legacy that you will carry on.


And now I think you're ready.

Time for the grand finale.

_ KALEB: I am not letting you sacrifice yourself like this.

JED: I already did.

I died, Damon.

But I just wanted to say goodbye.

I don't have long.

How could you be so stupid?

I was just trying to be more like you... brother.


Caroline will be here any minute.

I'm here.

I'm sorry.

There was no other way.

It's okay.

I understand why you did it.

And I love you, Stefan.

I will always love you.


♪ You can rest ♪ ♪ And be at peace ♪ ♪ You don't have to worry ♪ What becomes of me ♪ ♪ Because of you ♪ ♪ I'm who I am today ♪ ♪ Don't worry, love ♪ ♪ I'll be okay ♪ ♪ You don't have to fear ♪ ♪ I'm going to be okay. ♪



Um, i-if only Elena were here.

HOPE: I am.



Let's go!


You came back.

A-And the-the sleeping spell made you look completely different.

- Ah.


I couldn't let you go without saying goodbye.




HOPE: Stefan, if I didn't...

JED: It's all right.

It's going rather well, wouldn't you say?

I figured it out.

- You're the monster, aren't you?


We'll talk about that after the show.

You'll only forget the second you walk away.

I know.

So you're coming with me.

Oh, look at that.

- Very good.


- Mm-hmm.

I need to stay here, though, mate.




You see, Milton, I told you, I always do two things.

The first is that I break people apart.

And the second is what is about to happen.


I bring them back together.

♪ They promised always ♪ ♪ They said forever ♪ ♪ But in the end I'm left alone ♪ ♪ I've tried running ♪ ♪ But time always finds me ♪ ♪ And it will take and take, and what you love is never safe ♪ ♪ And everyone you need one day will go ♪ ♪ So when you said forever ♪ ♪ Any wonder that I ran ♪ ♪ But I think I'd rather lose you ♪ ♪ Than have never held your hand ♪ ♪ So if forever is just tomorrow ♪ ♪ I want to face it with you by my side ♪ ♪ And if our always is just one more day ♪ ♪ That's one day more you've changed my life ♪ ♪ And I don't want to love you afraid ♪ ♪ Of the day that my heart's bound to break ♪ ♪ So if forever ♪ ♪ Is just tomorrow ♪ ♪ Then tomorrow I'll love you always. ♪


JADE: Okay, this should be good as new by tomorrow.

Those healing spells are really impressive.

You were great, by the way, in the show.

Really charming.


I was fighting it at first.

I didn't want to think that Elena and I were actually going through the same thing.

♪ In the clouds... ♪

I've changed, but nothing around me really has.

So, maybe it's not the place for you anymore.

♪ Why can't I... ♪

I mean, not permanently.


maybe you should see what else is out there.

You know?

That's what I'm doing.

You're leaving?


This place is too tied up in the person I used to be.

♪ Why'd you leave me with the good stuff, babe? ♪ Also, um...

sorry if this is awkward, but I hate ambiguity.


we shouldn't be a thing, right?

Uh, I mean, like, I'm way older than you.

And I used to, like, babysit you, so...

- Yeah, it's a little weird.




um, if you are actually leaving, um...

♪ In my mind... ♪

I think I would kick myself if I didn't get to kiss you, for real.


Just because last time I was hopped up on black magic, and just so there's no ambiguity.

♪ So after everything... ♪


♪ Why'd you leave me with the good stuff, babe? ♪

♪ And forget about the mess we made? ♪

♪ It's a million times harder when I don't hate you. ♪




Please don't be drunk.

This is not a life-or-death situation, and you are free to respond to me any way that you want.

Uh, I should have specified: please don't be high either.

Uh, look, uh...

I just came here t-to say that, um, for a long time I told myself that I couldn't risk having a normal life.

Because people like me don't get to fall in love and settle down and grow old with somebody.

But a friend of mine asked me recently to think about what I am willing to risk.

And falling for somebody will always feel terrifying to me.



I'm here to say that I-I really think that you are worth the risk.



Get in here.

CAROLINE: Dear Lizzie, hopefully this can give you some perspective on who I used to be.

When I was your age, I remember feeling like I was a total mess.

Like I was waiting to become a better version of me so my real life could start.

But it wasn't becoming a vampire that changed everything.

Change is a series of small moments that build on each other like steps up the side of a mountain.

Your life isn't on hold until you figure everything out.

It's already happening.

You're already changing, moment by moment.

And, Elizabeth, there is nothing wrong with you.

Your brain chemistry creates unique challenges for you, but you are not broken.

You are growing and changing every day.

And it is beautiful to watch.

LANDON: You want to go first, or should I?

HOPE: How about at the same time?

BOTH: I'm sorry.


♪ You're my secret appetite, served up... ♪

Thank you for saving the show.

♪ You're the taste to satisfy... ♪

I figured out why I was so obsessed with it.

The story's about learning how to say goodbye.

♪ So many nights to find the one... ♪

I think Rafael leaving is hitting me harder than I thought.

♪ Right when I thought...

I know.

♪ You showed the sun to me... ♪

You were right.

About my dad being in the play.

♪ In and out of love... ♪

You made everyone see him the way that I did.

Thank you.


Hope Mikaelson.

♪ Trying hard to say... ♪


♪ Seen your face ♪

♪ I'd be waiting for you ♪

♪ And always be in and out ♪

♪ And in, if it wasn't for you... ♪

MG: So...

that was your plan all along?


I sort of make it up as I go, to be honest.



You know, the chap with the terrible acne scars ant and the, uh, pit of goo, he wanted me to cause chaos and distract you all, but, uh, couldn't really help myself.



You're not much of a monster, are you?


Given the show tonight, it seems to me that even monsters can be redeemed.

Especially the ones that everyone else here has given up on, for instance.

I'll see you around, mate.



NECROMANCER: The soul exchange is consecrated.


For every life we take, we can draw a monster from the dark.

All we need now is the final piece of the triad spell.

I assume you've secured a vampire?

MG: Alyssa, take my hand, I'll vamp us out of here.

Ad Somnum. Oh.

Sure did.
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