08x06 - Equal Justice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago P.D.". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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Activities of the Chicago District 21 police, whose intelligence unit combats major offenses. A spin-off from "Chicago Fire".
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08x06 - Equal Justice

Post by bunniefuu »

- [grunts]

- [laughs]

Oh, I can't believe you eat that crap.

- I'm hungry.

It's not like there's a lot of options around.

- You know you got a little...

- Do not.

- Jay, it's legit been six hours now.

How reliable is this CI of yours?

- Very.

If he said this is gonna happen, it's gonna happen.

- All right.

If you say so.

- Look--I know this sucks, but we've had 34 heroin ODs in the past week on the South Side.

I'm guessing 30 of those can be tied to Dante's crew.

- There.

[suspenseful music]

- Got a dark Impala.

And we got Texas plates.

- All right.

We got eyes.

- All right.

This must be it.

My CI said one of Dante's guys is gonna park a car on Calumet and 87th.

He's gonna walk away.

Then another associate is gonna pick up the car.

He's gonna drive off.

♪ - Uh...

- Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

- Yeah, we got a guy out here videotaping the driver.

[tense music]

♪ [engine turns over]

- Is this our guy?

- It's gotta be.

Let's go.

All right.

Move out.

[dramatic music]

♪ [dog barking distantly]

- All right.

Let's take him.

Burgess, you hold down the front.

The rest of us will go around back.

It's open.

- Go.

[tense music]

♪ Chicago PD.

Do not move.

Turn back around.

Turn back around.

- Hey, hey, hey.

- Put your hands where I can see 'em.

- Relax--look-- I know what it looks like.

- Anybody else inside?

- No, it's only me.

But I'm trying to tell you it's not what you think.

- I'd say it's exactly what we think.

It's heroin.

- You're not getting it.

I'm working a case.

It's a m*rder case.

Victim's name is Sean Wade.

Check with Area Four Homicide.

- Are you saying you're a cop?

- No.

I'm saying I'm Sean's father.

I'm just trying to find out who k*lled my son.

[dramatic music]

♪ My son was shot and k*lled at the corner of 85th and Wabash on July 5th.

He was 17.

And nothing's been done about it.

- That's a rough neighborhood.

Do you live over there?

- No.

We live in Calumet Heights.

And I know what you're thinking.

My son wasn't in any g*ng.

He was a good kid.

- Okay.

Is that what the police think too?

- The police?

The police don't think anything.

They never did a damn thing about it.

- Okay, I doubt that.

Come on.

- No, no, no.

Don't tell me.

Black kid lying dead in the street.

Step over him.

Move on.

All the same to them.

- I understand that's how you feel.

But right now, I'm having a hard time connecting your son being k*lled to you running dope for Dante Rashard who's the biggest heroin dealer on the South Side.

- Man, that's what I'm trying to tell you.

I'm just playing along with these gangbangers so I can find out who m*rder*d Sean.

- How do you even know that someone in that g*ng k*lled your son?

- Because I did what the police didn't.

I investigated.

I looked into the m*rder myself.

And everyone I talked to in that neighborhood said the Prophets were responsible.

- You need more than that.

That's not a lot to go on.

- Two people saw a silver car racing down Wabash right after Sean got shot.

So that's what I'm looking for.

A silver car.

Now if I get in deep enough with these Prophets, I'ma find out who drives that car, and when I do, I'ma know that's the son of a b*tch who k*lled Sean.

- How did you even start working with these guys?

- I heard about this young brother named K-Mac.

Found out he rolls with the Prophets, moves a lot of dope.

So I found out how to meet him.

Told him I knew how to drive gas tanks, build traps...

a week later, he calls, asks for my help.

- So you're really doing all this just to find your son's k*ller?

- He was my son, my flesh and blood.

And some punk shot him and left him to die in the street like an animal.

So yeah.

I'ma do whatever I have to do to find the k*ller.

[somber music]

My son still talks to me every night.

Shows up at my bedside.

Just stands there, all soaking wet like the day he died.

Says, "Don't let me die in vain, Pop.

Don't let me die in vain." ♪ And I won't.

- You buy this?

- Sounds credible to me.

- Okay.

So let's dig into his story.

If it's legit, we use him to take down Dante.

♪ Hm.

- Look who's slumming.

- [laughs]

- How you doing, buddy?

Hailey Upton--Gil Durham.

Soon-to-be Sergeant Durham, if my intel serves me.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you very much.

- Look, we'd love to stay and stroke your ego, but we have actual jobs.

- Ouch.

Here you go.

Sean Wade.

- What can you tell us about the case?

- Not much.

Kid's been in the g*ng database since he was 14.

Took three to the chest from a 9-millimeter.

Most likely g*ng dispute that escalated.

- Is this all you got?

You got one witness statement in here?

- We were lucky to get that.

You know how it is.

We were barely on the scene, another call came in.

Had seven murders that weekend.

- Yeah.

Totally get it.

- Well, I'm not sure if the victim's father gets it.

- So he's pulled Intelligence into this now.

How'd he manage that?

- We crossed paths on a drug case.

He told us that he's dropping gas tanks for the Gangster Prophets as a way to find the guy that k*lled his kid.

- We're just trying to vet his story, see if he's credible.

He says he come to you with some evidence.

- I wouldn't exactly call it evidence.

He called me 30 times about some car.

That's what he does.

He walks the streets all night looking for a silver car.

- Yeah, man.

He seems really determined.

I can't say that I blame him.

- I feel bad for the man.

But we did what we could-- exhausted all credible leads.

- All right.

Thanks, Gil.

[phones ringing]

- How you doing, Latrell?

I'm Sergeant Voight.

I want you to know we looked into your son's case over at Homicide.

- So you believe me?

You're gonna help?

- Well, I believe your son was k*lled, and you're trying to figure out who did the m*rder.


I believe that.

Latrell, the fact is...

you committed a crime, a felony.

- Wait.

I ain't no drug dealer.

- Yeah, but we caught you unloading ten kilos of heroin.

That's class X weight.

That's 10 to 15 years.

- Good news is you don't have to do a day.

- What's he talking about?

- We want you to work with us as a cooperating defendant.

- A defendant?

- Yeah.

You help us take down Dante Rashard's heroin operation, we'll wipe your record clean.

- No.

I don't care about any of that.

I'm just trying to find the bastard who k*lled my son.

- You don't care?

That's somebody's son.

Take a look at that.

Take a look.

That's what heroin laced with fentanyl does.


And like it or not, you are part of the process because you're helping Dante flood the streets with this poison.

- I was just trying to get information.

- Latrell, you are not a cop.


You don't get to go undercover.

- Latrell, if this g*ng really is responsible for Sean's death, then you should wanna cooperate with us.

Help us put them in prison.

- You do that--you help us with this drug case-- I'm telling you there's a good chance we're gonna find out who k*lled Sean too.

[dramatic music]

♪ Look--it's your call.

But you gotta make a decision now.

♪ - Fine.

I'll help.

I'm in.

♪ - This is K-Mac.

- We got eyes.

- You guys seeing this silver Lexus?

- Yeah, we see it.

Just sit tight.

Jay, you got a silver Lexus on your six.

[suspenseful music]

♪ - What's up?

- What up, Latrell?

This here your boy?

- Yeah, his name's Jay.

He's cool.

- What's up, man?

How much you looking to score?

- One ki to start, and if it's as good as I hear, I'll do more.

- Okay.

All right.

We might be able to work something out.

- Okay.

- Who this?

- Dante.

Told him we were meeting up.

He wanted to talk with you first.

- Since when do garage men start making deals?

- I don't mean to be overstepping.

I just knew my man here was looking to up his supplies, so I figured I'd make the introduction.

- Oh, this white boy your friend?

- Yeah.

We've been friends for years.

He's a good dude.

- How you two meet?

- At his garage.

- Ain't nobody talking to you.

I was talking to him.


- At my garage about five years ago.

He got into an accident.

I fixed his car.

We became friends.

Then he asked if I could install traps--trap tanks.

- How much you shopping for?

- One brick.

But things go well, I could do, like, three--maybe even four a month.

- What you staring at, old man?

- I'm just checking out your ride.

You don't see many silver Lexus.

How long you been pushing that?

- Excuse me?

- Just curious.

- Why?

- No reason.

- I'm starting to get nervous about Latrell.

He keeps talking about a silver car.

- Let it play.

- Latrell, why are you talking about the man's car?

We're here to do a deal.

Come on.

- I know why we're here, bro.

I'm just admiring the man's whip.

So we gon' do a deal or what?

- I'm not liking your tone right here, old man.

- Don't call me old man.

First time I let it slide.

That's it.

No more.

- Who the hell you talking to, bruh?

- You.

- Whoa.

All right.


I'm just here to buy some H.

- Ain't nobody got no H.

Understand me?

- Yeah.

You know what?

You're right.

I misspoke.

So I think we're gonna get out of here.

Come on, Latrell.

- Nah, we came here to do a deal.

- Nah, we're good, man.

This is a misunderstanding.

So let's go.

- I see you again...

you a dead man.

[dramatic music]

♪ - What are you doing?

What are you doing?

You trying to get us k*lled?

Let's go.

Come on.

Let's go.

You need to calm down.

You're gonna get us k*lled.

- That man k*lled my son.

I know it.

- No, we don't know that.

There's nothing we can do about it right now.

- He k*lled my son.

He k*lled my-- - Stop!

Keep walking, Latrell.

Stop, stop, stop.

- He k*lled my son, man!

- Hey--let it go.

- Get off me.

- Let it go!

Let it go.

Let it go.


- Sarge?

- Yeah.

- I ran the plate and the VIN on the Lexus.

The car definitely belonged to Dante at the time of Sean's m*rder.

He paid for it in cash back in April.

- What are you doing, Jay?

- Look, just hear me out.

- Mm-hmm.

- g*ng intel says that Dante is a major player with the Prophets.

Before he started focusing on heroin, he was an enforcer down in Englewood.

He's a person of interest in three unsolved sh**t.

- Yeah, well, last I checked, solving old murders is Homicide's job.

- Okay.

But this guy is flooding the market with poison, and he's k*lling people every day.

So if we can't get him on the heroin, let's go after him for Sean's m*rder.

We'll get him and the heroin off the street that way.

- Why are you doing this, Jay?

- Because that guy is hurting, and he just needs answers so he can move on with his life.

And we can all relate to that.

[somber music]

- Okay.

Let's build a case.

See if we can tie Dante to Sean's m*rder.

♪ - Always loved that picture.

You know-- [scoffs]

Sean was more thinker than tinker, but he'd help me out in the shop anyway.

He wasn't very good, but I loved having him around.

- Look, Latrell, if we're gonna find out what happened, then we need to know the truth about Sean.

- I've been telling you the truth about Sean.

- CPD thinks that Sean got mixed up with Dante, and that probably led to his death.

- It's not possible.

Look--Sean was a good boy.

And I made damn sure of it.

I pushed him hard.

I wanted him to be successful.

And he was on his way.

Sean was gonna do great things.

- I hear all of that.

But he was a registered g*ng member.

He'd been in the database since he was in junior high.

- And who do you think painted him with that?


Your people did.


'Cause he was out hanging with his friends, got thrown on the damn hood?

Your people tattooed him with that.

- All right.

Let's say he was targeted my mistake like you're saying.

Then something put a target on his back.

So was he friends with someone in that g*ng?

- Not that I know of.

- Well, what was he doing in Englewood that night?

- He said he was going to the library.

- Okay.

What about money?

Did he owe somebody money?

Did he piss anyone off?

Look--we're not here to judge.

We're trying to help.

So if you know something...

[tense music]

♪ - There was some money.

I was cleaning up around his bed one night, and I found some stuffed in an envelope.

- How much is some?

- About $2,000.

- Smaller bills?

- Any idea where he got that kind of cash?

- I thought maybe he was just gambling with his friends or something.

You know, fantasy.

All that.

- Latrell, is it possible your son was dealing dr*gs, and you didn't know?

- No.

♪ - We pinged Dante's cell the night of Sean's m*rder.

And the phone went dark from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

- That's something a pro would do.

- Okay.

So what about Sean?

Do we know anything about his movements?

- Whatever he was doing there, he wasn't just passing through.

His phone puts him in Englewood for five hours before he was k*lled.

- And it wasn't the first time he camped out there.

Dumped his cell records, and the three months before his death, he was at that corner at least twice a week.

- That would explain the 2 grand in his bedroom.

- Mm-hmm.

- So with the extra cash Sean was bringing in and the cell phone evidence, it looks like he was working with Dante's crew.

- And it's either that or he's working that corner without affiliation.

- Which is a guarantee to catch three in the chest.

- Yeah, well, it's all still speculation.

We gotta know for sure.

We got any idea who's running that area for Dante now?

- Actually, you know what?

We do.

It's this cat right here.

- Okay.

- Travis Laroc, 18, in and out of the system.

Documented and self-admitted member of the Prophets.

He's been in Dante's crew for about three years now.

- All right.

Go talk to him.

See what he knows.

- Thanks.

- Mm-hmm.

[indistinct chatter]

- Did you lose something?

- Stop.

Turn around.

- Come on, man.

Y'all love harassing somebody, bro.

Come on, man.

- Just chill out.

Chill out.

We just wanna talk to you.

- [sighs]

- Put your arms out.

What's that?

- Ooh.

That's a lot of cash to be carrying around.

Don't you know this is a dangerous neighborhood?

- All right, put your arms down; tell you what.

We're gonna ignore the dope you got over there.

We're even gonna give you that money back.

You just gotta answer a few questions.

Did Sean Wade work this corner before you?

- I don't work no corner.

And I don't know no Sean Wade.

- Okay.

In two seconds, I'm going under the stairs, and I'm getting the dope you've been working, you hear me?

- And your prints are gonna be all over it.

- I'm telling y'all.

I don't know nobody named Sean Wade.

- All right, look.

That's Sean.

You're telling me you've never seen this kid before?

- This is Sean?

I've seen him around.

But he don't work with us.

He ain't no banger.

That's the market boy.

- He worked here for a few months.

Part-time, you know, because he was in school.

Nice boy.


Wanted to go to DePaul.

- Do you guys get paid in cash sometimes under the table?

- Yeah.

We get cash.

Every two weeks.

Sean told me he was saving up to surprise his daddy with an air conditioner.

Said he worked in the hot garage all day, wanted him to have a cool house to come home to after work.

- Is there anything else you remember from that night that could help us?

- All I remember is Sean running after Erika so she didn't get rained on.

- Who's Erika?

- Erika Moore.

She works here sometimes.

- Do you have her contact info?

- I can get it for you.

- So Sean went outside to make sure Erika didn't get wet?

- Yeah.

It was coming down real heavy that night.

I told the kids I'd lock up.

Sean hurried to catch Erika so he could cover her with an umbrella.

I think he had a crush on her.

But she was dating somebody else from the neighborhood.

- You know his name?

- No.


he was in a g*ng, that's for sure.

Always had lots of cash, lots of jewelry.

I stay away from all that.

Mind my own damn business.

I told the police all this months ago.

- You did?

When was this?

- Night of the m*rder.

Patrol officer wrote down my name and said a detective from Homicide would call me.

- Did someone ever call?

- No.

[dramatic music]


- Twice in one week.

- Can I show you something?

You see that?

- Yeah.

It's an umbrella.


- Yeah, it's 20 feet from Sean's dead body.

He gave it to a girl named Erika Moore the night that he was k*lled which means she was with him when it happened.

Which means that she's a witness to it, and you never chased it.

- Hey, hey.

Slow down.

Just tell me what the hell you're talking about.

- Sean worked at a market a block from the scene.

Woman there says that Sean was worried about Erika getting wet.

And so he ran outside to bring her an umbrella.

- Mm-hmm, the woman's name is right here in the file, Gil.

It's Florence Clay.

Patrol passed it on.

You sat on it.

- Oh, come on, Jay.

- You never followed up.

- Hey.

Back off.

I'm busting my ass out there every day.

I've got a file cabinet full of cases just like that one.

Every one of them a g*ng sh**ting.

And every one of them has a grieving mother or father hounding me for answers.

- Talking about one phone call, Gil.

That's it.

- I should have called!

I get it.

But these g*ng cases get low priority.

After a week or so, we move on.

We don't chase rainbows.

We chase cases we can actually solve.

What the bosses want.

Just the way it is.

- He was a good kid.

No priors, no affiliations.

It's not just another g*ng sh**ting.

[dramatic music]

♪ [indistinct chatter]

Here we go.

Quad A.

- Can I help you?

- Chicago PD.

We're looking for Erika Moore.

- About what?

- Are you her mother?

- Yeah.

- Okay, we just wanna ask her a few questions.

- She's not here.

- Do you know where she is?

- Did that just happen?

Did someone hurt you?

- No.

I'm okay.

- Ma'am, can we come in?

- Please.

I don't want any trouble.

No--guys, no one's here.

- Going up.

- No one is here.

Why aren't you listening to me?

- Clear.

- Yeah.

It's clear down here too.

- Ma'am, tell us what's going on.

- Someone came over here looking for Erika.

I said she was gone, and he...

he got upset.

- Do you know this person's name?

- No.

Never seen him before.

- Ma'am, please just give us his name.

- I said I've never seen him before.

- Okay.

What about Erika?

When was the last time you saw her?

- Last night.

She said she was gonna be staying with a friend for a few days.

- Okay.

Who's this friend?

Where is she staying?

- Don't know.

- Last question.

Is this the guy who was just here?

- I told you I don't want any trouble.


[somber music]

♪ [indistinct chatter]

[car door thuds]

- [whispers indistinctly]

- Get your hands out of your pockets.

- All right.


We're just here to talk...

to Dante.

- All right.

- Psh.

- What's this about?

- Young lady named Erika Moore.

- I don't know nobody by that name.

- Really?

- Hm.

- What the hell this all about, bro?

- Kid named Sean Wade.

- Never heard of him.

- You know, you k*ll someone, you should have the courtesy to know their name.

- k*ll somebody?

I ain't k*lled nobody.

- Kay.

Let me refresh your memory.

Seven months ago, July 5th, rainy night, on your corner, 85th and Wabash, you walked out of your Lexus and put three b*ll*ts in his chest.

- July 5th, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

- I was in Milwaukee that week.

With my cousin.

- Mm-hmm.

- Celebrating our independence.

How's that?

Good enough?

[phone vibrates]

- Guess we'll have to wait and see, huh?

Now there's some good news.

Our people just found Erika Moore.

They're bringing her in right now.

Why don't you start checking into his Milwaukee story?

[indistinct chatter]

[door thuds]

- Hi, Erika.

Doing okay?

Can we get you anything?

- I'm fine.

- Okay.

So tell us what's been going on.

Why are you hiding out at your cousin's house?

- Just needed to get away for a few days.

- Does it have anything to do with Sean Wade?

- Come on, Erika.

We know you guys worked together and that you were friends, maybe even a little more than that.

- No.

We never-- we just worked at the same grocery store.

That's all.

- But you liked him, right?

- Yeah.

He was cool.

- Okay, good.

So tell us what you saw the night that Sean got shot.

Help us find the person that k*lled him.

Come on.

It was raining.

Sean ran out.

He gave you an umbrella.

- I heard g*nshots, but I didn't see anything.

- You didn't see a silver Lexus pull up?

- You didn't see Dante Rashard hop out, walk up to Sean, and sh**t him?

- No, I didn't.

- Erika, we can protect you.

- It's not just about that.

I'm on probation.

And if the judge hears that I was running around with gangbangers, then he'll throw me back in jail.

And my mom will get kicked out of Mercy public housing.

- We're aware of that, and we can help with that too.

We'll make sure the judge knows.

- No.

I ain't talking.

I'm done.

- You're done, really?

Erika, Sean Wade died right in front of you.

You gotta help us.

You owe it to Sean's father, and you owe it to Sean.

- He was a good person.

But he's gone.

So I'm not about to ruin my life or my mom's life just to make the police happy.

So like I said before, I'm done.

- She's scared.

She's on probation.

She doesn't wanna get jammed up.

- Or get her mom evicted.

- I got that.

So now what?

- Hey.

We ran Dante's alibi.

Turns out he really was in Milwaukee all week.

- Okay.

Well that doesn't mean-- - It does.

We found video of him at a restaurant the time of the m*rder, ten minutes after the time of the sh**ting.

- He didn't k*ll Sean Wade.

- Hm.

[dramatic music]


- Okay, so Dante was out of town in Milwaukee.

Means he didn't pull the trigger.

So who did and why?

- All right.

OCD Tech Lab just finished dumping Erika's phone.

I think we got something.

Found three interesting texts received the night that Sean was k*lled.

Starting at 6:41, "I love you, baby.

More than ever." At 7:55, "Why you playing me, b*tch?" At 8:13, "Your boy is a dead man." - It's like a five-year relationship played out in three short texts.

- Yeah.

All of these were sent from a phone registered to one Kayvon MacLaine.

- K-Mac.

- Yeah.

One of Dante's runners.

- So K-Mac's dating Erika, not Dante.

- And he's jealous of Sean.

- So Dante goes to Milwaukee for the weekend.

K-Mac borrows his Lexus, rolls up on Sean, and sh**t him.

- Yeah, well, now all we gotta do is prove it.

- Think about it like this.

We know a casing was two feet away from the body which means at least one of the sh*ts was fired up close.

It's a long shot, but maybe blood got on K-Mac's shoes.

He gets in the car.

I don't care how many times you wash it.

You're gonna find traces.

- Ah, it's worth a shot.

Seize and impound the vehicle.

- Hey, Jay.

Your new best friend is downstairs, wants to talk to you.

- Latrell?

- Yeah, I can tell him you're on vacation.

- No, it's okay.

- Look--I know you're trying to help and all, but, uh...

- But what?

- We're not paid to be psychologists.

- Latrell?

What are you doing?

I told you you can't come over here, all right?

We'd let you know.

- I went by his house.

- What?


- Dante.

He was just hanging out with his boys, laughing with his friends, not a care in the world.

- It's not Dante.

- He doesn't deserve to be laughing.

You guys need to arrest him.

- It's not Dante.

He didn't k*ll Sean.

- You saw the silver car.

You saw the Lexus.

- He didn't k*ll him.

He's got an alibi for the night and the time of the m*rder.

- Then who did it?

Tell me.

- No, I can't do that.

- But you know who did it.

- Yeah.

We do.

- Can you at least tell me why they k*lled him?

- Sit down.


We think that Sean was k*lled because of a girl, someone he was working with.

- Working with?

What the hell are you talking about?

Sean didn't have no job.

I told him to focus on his studies.

- He was working part-time at a market in Englewood.

He was getting paid in cash.

That's why you found 2 grand in his desk.

The store manager said he was saving up to buy you an air conditioning unit.

I know how difficult this is.

But we're close to solving it.

So you just gotta be patient.

Let us do our job.

- If you know who did it, why the hell can't you just arrest this son of a b*tch now?

- Because we need more evidence.

But we are going to get there.

Promise you.


[melancholy music]

- Hey.


Throughout this whole process, you've been the only cop that treated me with any kind of respect and dignity.

And I appreciate that.

♪ - Hell no.

Y'all can't just take my car, G.

- Tell it to the judge.

- No, I know my rights.

You need cause.

- It says right there.

- Ready to go.

- We believe your car was used in the commission of a m*rder.

- Nah, this is harassment.

I told y'all I was in Milwaukee, bro.

- Copy, Milwaukee.

But your car was here in Chicago, sir.

- Come on, G.


[door thuds]

- I just talked to Forensics.

They found traces of blood on the driver's side carpet.

They're checking it now.

- Okay, good.

Anything else?

- Yeah, about 20 texts between K-Mac and Erika.

Exactly what you'd expect.

Lots of love, lots of anger, lots of threats mostly directed toward Sean Wade.

- Sounds like motive to me.

Find his address.

Let's arrest his ass.

[dramatic music]

♪ [g*nshots]

- 5021 emergency.

We got sh*ts fired at 7630 South Princeton.

- Yeah, you're good.

You're good.


- 5021.

Squad, be advised.

We got a man down.

Roll an ambo.

- Copy that.

- Clear.

- It's K-Mac.

♪ - I got a runner!

- Move.

- Stop!


[dramatic music]



♪ [tires squealing]

- He's gone.

- 5021 squad.

Cancel the ambo.

Roll the crime lab.

- Copy, 5021.

♪ .

[indistinct radio chatter]

- You get anything?

- I gave patrol a description of the car, told 'em to put out a flash.

- You get a partial?

- No, it was too far away.

He was average height, medium build.

I mean, that's all I could make out.

- What are we thinking?


- Well, here we are.

Our suspect is now a DOA.

- All right, three g*nshots, close range.

He's got powder burns on the back of his shirt.

Probably didn't see it coming.

You're thinking revolver.

- There's no shell casings around so it's that or he policed his own brass.

- Okay.

For now, we're gonna assume Dante is behind it.

He got nervous K-Mac might flip, and he took him out.

We just gotta tie him to it.

So check traffic cams, surveillance video, anything you can find.

And start tracking Dante's inner circle too.

Good chance one of them could've done the hit as well.

[indistinct radio chatter]

- Mm-hmm.

Jay, come here.

Check this out.

So this is the hot dog spot on 77th.

Street side cam is messed up, but here's what we pulled from the parking lot.

It's definitely the main target talking to the victim.

- Can you see the dark blue car anywhere?

- No, but that look like a friendly conversation to you?

- Yeah.

I see someone.

- That's you and your boy, K-Mac, 20 minutes before he got gunned down point blank range.

- Like you said, he was my boy.

Why would I k*ll him?

- Well, I don't know.

Maybe 'cause you heard we were onto him for the m*rder of Sean Wade.

- Sean who?

Why would I care about that?

- We figured once K-Mac got pinched for the m*rder of Sean Wade, he'll roll on you for the heroin.

- You had to know we were getting close when we swabbed that Lexus.

- I hooked up with K-Mac for some food.

Ain't no law against that.

- Mm-hmm.

So where'd you go between the time you two ate and the time K-Mac got k*lled?

- I was at my girl, Lena's house.

- Hm.

- We got a son together.

We was reading books.

- Mm.

- Playing games.

- That's very convenient.

- I didn't k*ll K-Mac.

- [scoffs]

Check his clothes for GSR.

Dante, you should probably make yourself comfortable.

You're gonna be here a while.

Talk to me.

- Okay.

So Jay saw the car head down Princeton then turn on 76th.

Now there's nothing right there.

But we were able to get something off a POD on Shields near the park.

- Jay?

- Yeah.

That's definitely the car.

- I tried pulling up the plate, but it's all grain.

- Ran the model through our system.

It's a 2001 to 2004 Camaro.

There's at least 200 in the city, maybe more.

- We got any other angles?

We know what direction he's headed?

- Okay, so I was able to pull one off a stadium, but look--it's almost directly overhead.

And while it's a clear shot, it's even less of a chance of seeing the driver or the plates.

And after this, we lose him completely.

- All right.

So we do it the old-fashioned way.

Track down every single one of those models one by one until you get a hit.

We gotta connect Dante to that car.

[tense music]

♪ [dog barking]

[dramatic music]

♪ - Find the car?

What's going on?

- Latrell k*lled K-Mac.

- What makes you say that?

- Saw something in the surveillance video.

The dark blue car had an estimate on it, like the way mechanics put it in the dash, and that got me thinking.

- Well, you got any actual proof?

- It's sitting in his parking lot.

Sarge, the Camaro.

I saw it.

- Hm.

How did Latrell know we were onto K-Mac?

That wasn't public information, Jay.

- I'm not sure.

- You're not sure.

- I told Latrell that Sean was k*lled over a girl, someone that he was working with at a grocery store in Englewood.

So Latrell must have gone down there and found out about Erika, and then connected her back to K-Mac.

- Okay.

Tell me this.

Why are you really here?

- Latrell shouldn't even be in this position.

If Homicide did their job-- if they found the k*ller-- - It's not a perfect system, Jay.

- I know it's not.

But Latrell is a good guy.

- Mm-hmm.

- He loved his kid.

More than anything.

He just couldn't let it go.

He couldn't find closure.

So he just went and he did what he thought he had to do.

Which is something that I might do.

Something that I'm thinking you might do too.

[suspenseful music]

- Jay, you're the only one who saw that estimate on the dash, so...

It's gotta be your call.

♪ - What would you do?

- Doesn't matter what I'd do.

We're different people, Jay.

You gotta do what makes sense for you.

♪ But whatever that choice is, just make sure it's something that you can live with for the rest of your life.

[dramatic music]

♪ - Hey, man.

- Hey.

Look who it is.

- You got a '69 Coupé de Ville out there.

That is some car.

- 18 1/2 feet from tip to tail.

You know your cars?

- Little bit.

My dad, he would do some tinkering in the garage.

When I was a kid, you know, I'd help out, but I didn't know what the hell I was doing.

And he'd say, "You're a mechanical genius." - Well, he sounds like a good man.

- It's more complicated than that.

But you remind me of him.

- Is that a fact?

- Yeah.

He wasn't much for praise or compliments but man, he loved his sons.

And he wanted us to succeed more than anything.

- Well, fathers and sons-- it's a tricky dance.

[tense music]

- What'd you do with the g*n, Latrell?

♪ - g*n?

I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

- I know what happened, and I know what you did.

♪ - I tossed it in the river.

♪ - Okay.

♪ Good.

All we got is the Camaro fleeing the scene.

So you keep your mouth shut, and you ask for a lawyer.

[dramatic music]

♪ [rain pattering]

[thunder cracking]

[solemn music]

♪ ♪ [wolf howls]
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