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02x01 - The Book of Consequences: Chapter One: Rise of the Green Light Babies

Posted: 02/13/21 16:44
by bunniefuu
[Jefferson] Last season on Black Lightning...

Now, the purpose of Black Lightning was to k*ll Tobias, who k*lled my father.


I got that Green Light.

Oh, I got your Green Light.

[Gambi] Thirty years ago, I came to Freeland as an agent for a government organization called the ASA.

They were conducting an experiment in Freeland.

Their vaccine inadvertently created metahumans.

People with special powers.

Yeah, I don't wanna have powers. I don't wanna save the world.

[Lynn] I've been doing some analysis.

It turns out that the vaccine's related to Green Light.

[Thunder] Dad.

I need you to find Black Lightning.

I finished the project you were working on before you got hurt.

[Tobias] Painkiller.



You're a monster.

That's funny coming from you.

You're right.

[Thunder] Okay, how do we get them out of the pods?

I... I need the briefcase.

[Syonide] From our man in the coroner's office...

Proctor's thumbs.


You're looking at the king of Freeland.

Long live the king.

[officer 1] Stop resisting! [woman] Stop it!

- You're hurting him! [officer 2] Get down on the ground!

Do it now!

[man] Stop it, man! [officers shout indistinctly]

[woman] You're hurting him!

Stop it! Stop it!

[siren wailing in distance]

[crying] Stop... Stop it.

That is a child!

You don't have to do that to him!

That is a child!

[Reverend Holt] Lord have mercy! [congregation cheering]

Come on, somebody!

Come on, somebody!

[man 1] Amen!

[woman 1] It's okay. It's all right. It's okay.

[woman 2] Take your time now. [woman 3] Take your time.

The k*lling of Issa Williams is proof that this drug, Green Light...

[woman 4] Lord knows! Lord knows!

...has left our community in grave danger.

There are people infected with this drug who are running around with dormant powers.

[woman 5] Yes. [man 2] That's right.

And the police are using that as an excuse to continue to hunt down young black men and young black women with a "sh**t first, ask questions later" mentality!

[cheering and applause]

But I'm here to tell you...

[woman 6] That's right. [woman 7] All right.

The police have been k*lling and sh**ting and brutalizing and terrorizing... [woman] Yeah! Yes, Reverend! people long before the drug Green Light hit the streets of Freeland!

[all cheering] Yes!

[Rose] Three months ago, the One Hundred invaded Garfield, resulting in a faculty member and a student being kidnapped, your daughters.

A week ago, three suspects invaded the school, one who shot students with poisoned darts, another holding kids hostage in a classroom with a g*n.

I'm aware of what happened at the school.

Of course you are. But after the fact, Principal Pierce, because you were not on campus.

Again, I was on a mini vacation with my family...

In a remote area where there was very limited means of communication.

Yeah, we get it. But even days after the attack, you chose not to show up to work?

This was just a matter of... Unfortunate timing.

Very unfortunate, Principal Pierce.

I'm sure you understand that something must be done.

The school will remain closed. Excuse me, the school...

Will remain closed until we find psychological responders for the students, the school is repaired and the board is finished deliberating and has come to a conclusion concerning disciplinary action with regard to you.

[Agent Odell sighs]

[Agent Odell] Honestly, lady, that dog don't hunt, so I'm gonna ask you to try again.

How did you, of all people, get access to these pods?

I already told you, I don't know who it was.

It was an anonymous phone call.

So out of the blue, someone called you and asked you to come on down and claim the pod people?

I've been studying Green Light for some time and...

I'm not really interested in what you've been studying now.

I prefer you answer my question.

Excuse me, I would like to finish my answer.

I've been studying Green Light for some time now.

And I understand its components and neurological effects better than anyone.

What happened to the other scientist that was managing the pods?

When we arrived, no one was there.

Just the children in those pods.

So, I guess he went to the same place as, um, the surveillance footage and Agent Proctor.


This is useless. I'm done here.

You are not allowed to leave town or talk to anybody about this until the investigation is over.

And your access to the pods is finished.

What? Did you not hear what I said?

I understand Green Light and these children better than anyone.

You're a liar.

You've been sitting here lying to me for about an hour and a half.

You know you're lying. You're not going to admit it.

And I don't like liars.

Not because they lie, because we all lie, but because they make my job harder, and I have enough cow manure to deal with than to have you make my life more difficult.

Thank you for your cooperation...

Dr. Stewart.

[Jennifer] What you doing?

What? Why're you looking at me like that?

[Anissa sighing]

[Anissa] Here.

[Jennifer] What...

So, now I'm floating?

Anissa, please don't tell Mom and Dad or I'll never leave the house again.

I already did. [sighs]

[car engine humming]

[car alarm beeps]

Tobias Whale wants to talk to you about that briefcase.

Not interested. It's not a request.

♪♪ You better think, think ♪♪

♪♪ It was the time When we haven't met ♪♪

♪♪ That's the thing I never will forget ♪♪

♪♪ Now, baby I got a lot to give ♪♪

♪♪ And a whole lotta loving ♪♪

♪♪ That a woman could give Yeah ♪♪

♪♪ But before I give it up I gotta think, think ♪♪

[g*n clicking]

It takes two To make a thing go right

[both grunting]

♪♪ It takes two To make it outta sight ♪♪

♪♪ All right, yeah ♪♪

♪♪ Don't say it's easy ♪♪

♪♪ Just plain living ♪♪

♪♪ Sometimes it's kinda tough ♪♪

[Syonide panting]


♪♪ Don't make no decision ♪♪


You should've accepted my invitation.


[strained whimper]



♪♪ So I'm laying The cards on the table ♪♪

♪♪ When it comes to taking care Of me, I know I'm able ♪♪

♪♪ You may not call it true ♪♪

♪♪ But I won't do nothing That you won't do ♪♪ Bitch, you got my hair wet.

♪♪ Last night, I saw a superhero He was black ♪♪

♪♪ He said, "This is for the street, Black Lightning's back" ♪♪

We saw her control her powers at the safe house and with Proctor.

Maybe she's kind of like a baby learning to walk.

You know, at times, able to balance, take controlled steps.

Other times, just stumbling and falling.

But I know that I can train her.

Jefferson, this is clearly not about training her.

This is about her state of mind, her mental health.

Yes, you can train her to control her powers, but if her mind is in turmoil, then what good would that do?

Yeah. She needs help.

She needs a therapist to talk to.

What? [scoffs] A therapist?

Come on, Lynn.

Jennifer's life is a lot more complicated than the average teenager.

Really? What, you think I don't know that?

So, is she supposed to talk to her "therapist" about her powers?

I don't know, Jefferson.

But what I do know is our baby girl is in there floating and glowing in her damn sleep.

What's happening to this family, it's not normal.

Yeah, I know... No, I know it's normal for you.

The suit, the powers, the insanity of the vigilante lifestyle.

But this is new for Jen and Anissa.

There's gonna be consequences.

Yeah, I know about consequences.

You know that I know about consequences.

Tobias brought the consequence...

Jeff, this is not about Tobias.

It's not even about your father. It's about our children.


How did it go with the school board?

Did they believe you about the vacation?

Uh... No. [scoffs]

But it went just like it always does.

They thr*aten me in some shape, form or fashion, slap me around until they feel satisfied.

And then, when they think I've heard them, we come to some sort of compromise.

Well, we'll figure it out. Yeah. What about you?

How did things go with the ASA?


Well, Agent Odell could tell that I was not being honest.

He told me to stay away from the pods.

Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

What? Why would you say that to me?

You know how much time I've put into this.

Lynn, your work is in a lab.

Hey, you don't get to say where my work is, Jefferson.

You know what? Never mind. [scoffs]

We're not seeing eye-to-eye on anything right now.


[door opens] [bell jingles]

Can I help you?

You put a lot of children into the program.

[chuckles nervously] I'm sorry?

I know you were the spotter for the ASA original Freeland operation.


Peter Esposito, the untouchable tailor.

Who are you and what do you want?

I'm a fellow spotter who's out in the cold.

I have no resources. You're the only person I can go to.

And why would I help you? I know who has the briefcase.

I'll get it. When I do, it's yours.

But I need out of the ASA and safe passage out of the life.

What's in the briefcase that makes it so valuable?


I didn't know it was a rogue operation.

Does it really matter? Now, what's in the briefcase?


[Napier] I'm gonna be honest.

I don't think you're taking this situation seriously.

Oh, I'm taking it very seriously.

Then act like it. Stop being so damn stubborn and arrogant.

Oh, so I'm arrogant now? n*gro, please.

Is that really up for debate?

The board has always thought that your inability to listen to anything about enhancing the school's security, especially after your girls were snatched out of it, was the height of "I'm the HNIC" mentality.

A mentality that left the school vulnerable to exactly what happened.

Oh, really?

Do you feel that way? Yes.

Jefferson, we have been friends since the Olympics, but on this thing, you're putting me in a position to have to explain to these white folks all things African-American, including your black ass. Oh.

So you're their, uh... Their blackspert now?

Watch yourself, brother. I don't like the way you said that.

Too damn close to calling me a house n*gg*r.

Come on, Napier, you were born in Freeland.

We come from the same place.

And you know that the board has been trying to take over Garfield simply because I will not treat these kids like criminals.

Oh, they have money, right?

They have money for metal detectors.

They have money for... for guards with g*ns, but they never seem to have money for books, though.

Teachers' raises or core computers.

When I'm sitting on that board, my only concern is the students, not you, Jefferson.

But we're blessed.

Who knows how much worse the situation would have been if Black Lightning and Thunder hadn't shown up.

Like them, I'm trying to save the school...

Not your job.


We've taken a look at the government's response to our request that they release or allow you to see your loved ones.

Their position is that this is a public health issue, and in the interest of public safety and the safety of your loved ones, there will be no access granted to your family members who are still in the pods, until further notice.

Basically, their position is they own your family members.

What the hell you mean, "own"? [woman] Really?

So we're going to have to sue the government for the return of your loved ones.

And I'll be honest with you, it's gonna be a costly legal battle, but we have to be willing to sacrifice for our children. Yes.

Reverend Holt, as Dr. King said, "We all have a role to play

"in the struggle for the liberation of our people.

Each and every one of us." [man] That's right.


God bless you, brother.

And I would personally like to thank Benjamin Crump for his service to our community.

Well, uh... We are doing everything we can here at this church to put together a plan to try to give financial assistance to anyone or everyone who needs it.

Well, how much money do we need to raise? Right.

Considering we have a lot of families to help, we need to raise well over $500,000.

Wow. [all gasp and murmur]

Like I said, we're doing everything we can.

[Anissa] The government owns them? That's crazy!

We have to help those people. We already have.

We exposed the Green Light experiments, got the pods into the hands of the authorities.

Now it's time to let the justice system run its course.

Oh, Dad, come on, now. The system?

The system is rigged. You know that better than anyone.

Okay, look. Black Lightning and Thunder will always fight for justice, but as unfair as the system is, some issues need to be resolved within the system to bring about permanent change.

Okay, so if Jennifer and I were in those pods, would you be saying that? [sighs]

Those people are never gonna have enough money to sue the government for custody.

Okay. Anissa, listen to me.

I despise the fact that those kids are in those pods.

I could easily be in one.

But Tobias, Khalil, Syonide are still out there.

The attack on Garfield was just a trap meant for me, for us.

They're gonna keep coming again and again and again.

They will not stop until they get what they want.

So we need to be focused on finding them or being ready for when they find us.

Anissa, look. We have done all that we can for those children, but our job right now is to facilitate the demise of Tobias Whale.

It's time to walk away. Okay?

I'll see you at the house.

Jen, you can't ignore this in the hope that it's gonna go away.

[remote clicks] [Jennifer clears throat]

Give me that. [remote clicks]

Look. I know this has been a lot, finding out about your dad and Anissa.

And discovering you have powers must be mind-blowing on so many levels.

But you can't isolate yourself and not talk about...

What do you want me to say?

That you're gonna commit to finding a way of dealing with this.

Dealing with what? The fact that I float in my sleep?

Or that Dad died... Twice?

Are you dealing with the fact that you shot someone with a shotgun, or that Gambi k*lled a man, or that I electrocuted somebody who might be dead now?

Which part do you want me to deal with first, Mom?

Watch your tone, young lady! Jen!

[Jennifer grunts]

[flesh searing] [crying in pain]

Mom, are you okay?

Are you okay? I'm sorry. [gasps, whispers]

[Lynn] Jen. Jen!

[winces, panting]



It's okay.

We'll figure it out, okay? I promise.


It's okay. I'm okay.

It's like our daughter has a disease. [inhales sharply]

Well, first it was a drug, now it's a disease.

I'm just saying that you have a suit and powers, I have years of experience as a doctor and a researcher and we're helpless.

I went to Gambi and I asked him to pull some strings at the ASA to put me in charge of the pods.

What are you doing, Lynn? I'm doing what you do.

I'm using my gifts to help Freeland, help those children.

Look, we already talked about this.

You've seen how duplicitous and dangerous those people can be.

Yes, unfortunately, I have.

I just can't believe you.

You went and talked to Gambi without coming to me first.

I don't need your permission to talk to anyone. I'm not a child.

If you were so concerned about me, why haven't you mentioned even once that I k*lled a man and how I felt about it?

But you have a problem with me going to Gambi and helping those children?

What, do I need powers, a fancy suit, a funny name for you to understand what I'm trying to do?

Seeing what just happened to Jennifer down there makes me positive I made the right choice.

This thing is tearing us apart.

I told you there would be consequences.

I'm gonna take a drive.

Are you kidding me? I don't know.

[muffled music playing] [muffled chatter]

[thud] [men groaning]

[man speaking Spanish]

[men exclaiming]

[all grunting]

[Anissa inhales deeply]

[Anissa grunting]

[man groans]

[men grunting]

[Anissa inhales deeply]


♪♪ Everybody's got A little light ♪♪

♪♪ Under the Sun Under the Sun ♪♪

♪♪ Under the Sun Under the Sun ♪♪

♪♪ Under the Sun Under the Sun ♪♪

Deputy Chief Henderson.

I asked myself, now what could possibly keep Jefferson Pierce away from Garfield High after it was att*cked?


'Cause Jefferson Pierce was already there.

United States government sending down national security orders.

[scoffs] Black Lightning rising from the dead, showing up at the Seahorse Motel only to save Jefferson Pierce's daughters.

Just say it, n*gro.

Don't make me rip that mask off your face. You say it.

You gonna sh**t me now, Deputy Chief?

I should.


[powers down]

Is Lynn Thunder?





Come on, man! I asked you a question.



After all these years, huh, man?


Okay, um... What do we do now?

[breathes heavily]


You act like this is something new.

James Marion Sims, the so-called father of modern gynecology, experimented on female slaves without anesthesia.

Well, because of Black Lightning and Thunder, people all over the world will be exposed to the same truth that people who reside in communities like Freeland know all too well.

And that is, the government has used poor communities, poor people as guinea pigs for all kinds of experimentation.

[newscaster] The problem is, government officials have always looked down on this town.

Ever since they started using these people for experiments, they don't even see them as people. Just...

You came back.

I went back to my place...

and figured there was no better place to be.

[woman on TV] He was a good kid. A good kid!

- Ain't never done nothin' to no one. [chuckles]

[indistinct talking on TV] [Jefferson] Another kid.

This one shot.

That's one of the reasons why I went to Gambi.

Stop all this madness on the streets of Freeland.

I'm going to help those children, Jefferson.

I don't need your support, but it would be nice to have it.

[Jefferson sighs]

All this negative news, on metas, Freeland is gonna start turning on folks with powers.

That is the future, Lynn, for Jen and Anissa.

Eventually, they will be hunted.

If not by the police, then by the ASA...

Hey. We're gonna get through this, with our family intact.

Oh, breaking news...

Henderson knows.


Oh, my God. How?

He's a smart man. Too many clues.



I mean, I could have denied it all and come up with a bunch of reasons why it wasn't true, but honestly, I was just too tired to lie to him anymore.

He's a good man and a good friend.

Might be someone good to talk to.

I don't know if he'd ever want to talk to me again.

Anyone who knows who Black Lightning is winds up getting hurt.

Physically, emotionally.

[chuckles] Now I have him to worry about.

Yeah, I know we talked about Jennifer seeing a therapist.

But maybe you should see one, too.

You think I'm crazy?

Well, I know you're crazy.

[chuckles] I just... I think you've been through a lot of stuff.

Not just in the last few months, but over the years.

Fighting for Freeland, and Garfield and...

You're a man of a certain age.

[chuckles] And a lot of guys lose their ability to get an erection when they're stressed, so...

Maybe it wasn't the suit that caused your powers to short-circuit.

Maybe it was Black Lightning's version of erectile dysfunction.

Gah. Woman, ain't nothin' dysfunctional about me. [laughing]

Really? Oh, really, yeah.

You know, um... [clears throat]

[remote clicks]

I am cool testing out your theory.

I bet you are.

Dr. Lynn Stewart. [chuckling]

See, I have an idea about how you can help me with my stress.

Aw! [laughing] Yeah.

[sighs deeply]


What? It's Kara.

She was Proctor's spotter.

I knew I recognized the face, but I couldn't figure out from where.

She came to see me, offered up Proctor's briefcase in return for me cleansing her from the ASA.

This is completely...

I mean...



[breathes deeply]

Does she know who has it? What's in the briefcase?

Probably. She's not saying.

But whatever it is, it's probably worse than we think.

You think she can get it?

We'll see.

[sighs] Yeah. Any word on Tobias? Still off the grid.

I'm keeping tabs on Khalil's mom's place. I think he's the wild card.

[Kiesha laughing] No, girl, I'm serious. I'm serious. [Jennifer chuckles]

He got me all up in my feelings.

I don't even really like him like that.

Honestly, it's just... It's the thought of him thinking he gonna break up with me, you know?

I already told you you too good for him.

I've been telling you that. I know.

[Kiesha chuckles] [cell phone chimes]

Dudes have no kind of shame.

Ain't he got better things to do with the police looking for him?

Yeah. Yeah, you would think.

Girl, listen.

[Khalil] You were right, J. That stuff at Garfield, that wasn't me.

Look, if you could please just give me a chance to explain...

[Kiesha] Oh, um, boy, bye.

I mean, did you tell the police that he's harassing you?

No. I already have enough drama in my life with my parents.

I don't need more.

Yeah, I feel that.

The police gonna catch his ass eventually.

I just keep his messages to remind myself not to talk to him again.

Well, all these Green Light babies walking around with powers and whatnot...

I mean, it's like the end of days.

All of them, they gonna end up like that boy that the police choked out.

And Neema's still missing, and all those other kids from back in the day that were experimented on, they're all freaks.

End of days, girl. I'm telling you.

Yeah. Put your head back.

So we, um, talking here about consequences.

Everything that you do has a consequence.

So we're here in Romans chapter three, verse 21 and 22, and let's see what God has to say.

"But now the righteousness of God, without the law is manifested, being..." [door opens]

[g*ns cocking] [all gasp]

Whoa, you won't be needing that.

God willing, we won't.

[all gasp]

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

[Issa's mother sobbing] Jesus! You see this?

Jesus, do you see this?

They won't even let me bury my baby right.

[muffled grunting] [man] What the...


[all gasping]

Oh, my God.




Issa? Wait.

[women whimpering]

Stay... Stay away! Stay away!

This can't be real. Jesus, this can't be real.

Jesus, what is this? Show me the way.

[gasping] No, you... I don't want anything to do with you.

What are you talking about? Nothing.

No. You can't be my baby. My baby is dead.

No, I was relieved when you died. I was happy to bury you.

I was happy not to be worried about you on these streets doing Green Light.

No, I was happy.



[faint crackling]

I'm sorry. [stammers] I was confused.

I didn't mean to say these words.

Get on the ground. [Issa's mother] No, wait.

Run. Issa, run!

No, wait. No! [man] Stop!

[Issa's mother] No! [g*nshots]

[Jennifer laughs] It's so funny.

[chuckles] Wait. Look at her.

She's so crazy, I'm dying. [laughing]

She is crazy. I love it, though.

Oh, my God.

This one's funny, too.

Oh, hell, no.

What? Look!

So now they jumping out of body bags and coming back from the dead?

Oh, my God.

I'm telling you, girl, end of days.

Look. Look at him. All these Green Light babies are freaks.

That is ridiculous. You...


J, what's up? [gasping]

Jennifer, what is it? What's wrong?

Hey, come on, Jennifer, you're scaring me. Open the door.

Come on, Jennifer, open the door. You're scaring me.

Kiesha, go home, okay?

[doorknob rattling] Jen, what's up? Talk to me. Jennifer!

Kiesha, go home!

[faint crackling]

I don't give a rat's ass who pulled strings for you, but I guaran-damn-tee you I will find out.

Cut those strings and you are gonna fall hard, lady.

It's Dr. Stewart.

Oh. Supposed to impress me?

Like you said, I don't give a rat's ass if it does or it doesn't.

Like crack, this community will have to deal with the consequences of the government experimenting on them for generations to come.

I just want to give them the answers and the tools to do that.


I'm gonna find out what's really going on with you, Doctor.

I will.

[exhales shakily]

Where is she? She's in the bathroom.

Jeff, I've never seen anything like this before.

Okay. Okay. Okay.


[faint humming and crackling]

Baby, are you in pain?


I just can't stop it.

[exhales deeply]

Okay, I need you to get out of the tub.

No, I... I got you.

[Jefferson grunts]

[both grunt]


[Jefferson breathing heavily]

[door opens]

[Napier] Jefferson, did you hear me?

I said they voted to close Garfield permanently.

Yeah, I heard you.

I'll step down as principal.

[Napier sighs]

[stutters] It'll give the board a win.

They can hire whoever they feel comfortable with to run Garfield and it'll look like they've taken decisive action.

And, uh, the media...

[chuckles dryly]

The media will eat it... and me up.

You sure you want me to take that back to them?

You said it best, Napier.

Like Black Lightning and Thunder...

I'm trying to save Garfield...

Not my job.

[thunder rumbling]

♪♪ Rockets, moon sh*ts ♪♪

♪♪ Spend it on the have-nots ♪♪

♪♪ Money, we make it ♪♪

♪♪ Before we see it You take it ♪♪

♪♪ Oh, make me Want to holler ♪♪

♪♪ The way they do my life Yeah ♪♪

♪♪ Make me want to holler ♪♪

♪♪ The way they do my life ♪♪

- ♪♪ This ain't living ♪♪ ♪♪ This ain't living ♪♪

♪♪ No, no, baby This ain't living ♪♪

♪♪ No, no, no, no ♪♪

♪♪ Inflation, no chance ♪♪

♪♪ To increase finance ♪♪

♪♪ Bills pile up sky high ♪♪

♪♪ Send that boy off to die ♪♪

♪♪ Oh, make me Want to holler ♪♪

♪♪ The way they do my life Yeah ♪♪

♪♪ Yeah, make me Want to holler ♪♪

♪♪ The way they do my life... ♪♪ Syonide was the only thing left in this world that I gave a damn about.

Then you should have taken better care of her. Mmm.

I need the briefcase.

No more words.

Time to die.

If you must.



I'm gonna peel your skin off with a butter knife, you bitch.


[screaming] [grunting]


[grunts, screams]

[grunting angrily]

[closing theme music playing]