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04x09 - Blindsided

Posted: 04/20/21 16:33
by bunniefuu
(siren wailing in distance)

- Ooh.

- I'm awake, I'm awake.


I'm awake.

I'm awake.

Is it time?


♪ ♪ So tired

Tired of waiting

Tired of waiting for you...


You just chugged a quart of hot and sour soup.

Let's bring on this labor.

- Ooh.

- Is it time?


To pee, again.

Tired of waiting

For you

I was a lonely soul...

- MADDIE: Hey, Chim, get in here.

- I'm coming!

Is it time?



- Did the yoga work?

- I'm stuck.

Can you help me up, please?

Whoever said that good things come to those who wait was a liar, or at least, maybe more patient than I am right now.

So far, we've tried pineapple, raspberry tea, spicy foods and now exercise.

What's next?



Please don't keep a-me waiting...

Oh, why didn't we start with that one?

Don't keep a-me waiting...

'Cause I'm so tired...

(engine revving)

Albert, will you please go faster?

I am obeying the posted speed regulations.

Damn it, I wish I had my ambulance.

I deliver food to people in a compact car.

I do not think I'm ready for that.

How are you doing?

Honestly, I don't want to jinx it, but I sort of thought it would hurt more.

These contractions aren't even that painful.

Well, maybe you're just that much tougher

- than the average mama bear.

- (chuckles)


Have an electrolyte popsicle.

Another one?

You can't put a price on good hydration.

Don't keep a-me waiting

'Cause I'm so tired

Tired of waiting...

We have arrived at your destination.

Ready for this?

Today is the day.

Today is the day.


For you...

Today is not the day.

(babbling softly)

CARLY: Oh, my goodness.

Nia, you look so beautiful today.

KAREN: What do we say, Nia?

- Thank you.

- CARLY: You're welcome.

- (door opens)

- DEIDRA: Hello, everyone.

Sorry I'm late.

Are we ready to see Mommy?

- CARLY: Are you ready for your visit?

- NIA: No.

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.

KAREN: It's okay, baby.

It'll just be a little while and we'll be here waiting

- for you when you're done.

- (crying)

DEIDRA: I'm sorry.

But we should talk about scheduling some overnight visits for Nia and her mother.

HEN: Yes.

We need to talk.

We want to meet her.

We want to meet Nia's birth mother.


Wilson, you know we can't do that.

Why not?

We need to make sure Nia's safe, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- That's the job you gave us...

- Mm-hmm.

- foster parents.

I-I want to do my job.

It's the state's job, and this is about reunification.

These last few visits were about rebuilding a bond and a trust between Nia and her biological mother.

Well, isn't there anything you can tell us about her?

Nothing beyond the fact that she's demonstrated her ability to give Nia a safe and stable home.

Demonstrate how?

We-we don't even know what she did wrong in the first place.

What-what, was it, was it dr*gs?

Was she abusive?



Look, it is not uncommon for foster parents to feel this way.

I mean, Nia has been with you a long time.

Longer than we expected.

And the pandemic made it longer.

What are our options?

- For?

- For protecting Nia.

HEN: Our legal options.

Can we adopt her?

DEIDRA: Let me just stop you right here.

You've done a-an amazing job with Nia.

I wish I had a dozen more foster families like you.

But the reunification of a child and their birth parent is our main goal.

What if that birth parent is still unfit?

DEIDRA: You have to trust us.

We wouldn't have started this process if we thought her mother wasn't ready.

And even after she regains physical custody, we don't just walk away.

There'll be follow-up visits, check-ins.

We will make sure she's safe.

Come back inside when you're ready.

And Carly will bring Nia out after her visit.

And today, she goes home with you.


You need to calm down.

T-They're tearing our family apart, Karen.

H-How can I stay calm?

How can you be calm?

Because this is the job.

It's what we signed up for.

- We knew, we...

- I didn't know it would, it would feel like this.

We were supposed to foster her for-for a few months.

It's been almost a year, Karen.

She's our daughter now.

I know.

- I know this is hard...

- No, it's not hard.

It's wrong.

(phone chimes)

What the hell?

- JOSH: Oh!

- MAY: Oh, oh, my gosh.

MAY: Oh, I'm-I'm so sorry.

I didn't,

- I didn't see you there.

- I'd say we need a traffic light there, but I'm pretty sure you'd have barreled through that, too.


Are you okay?

MAY: Um, yeah.

I guess.

I just got this friend request from someone I used to go to high school with.

Just kind of caught me by surprise.

JOSH: Ah, a whole seven months ago.

How the time flies.

MAY: She transferred out a few years back.

After bullying me and making my life a living hell.

JOSH: You want me to respond to her?

I'm sure I could think of a few choice ideas

- of where she can stick her friend request.

- Hey, it-it's okay.


I think I'm gonna ignore it.

You know, it's-it's been three years.

Doesn't really matter what she has to say anymore.


LINDA: You sure you should be working nights

- when you're that pregnant?

- Oh, I figured staying up all night would be good practice for all the hours I'm gonna be keeping when the baby's born.

Well, you make me feel like I should be calling OSHA to report a labor violation.

(strains): Ooh.

Don't say that word.

Whoa, are you having contractions?


But not real ones.

Braxton Hicks.

I've been having them all week, and every time I think something's gonna happen...

- nothing.

- Ooh.

An emotional roller coaster.

Well, that would explain the nausea.


You guys got a name yet?




- Poppy.

- Princess?

- Yuck.



That's it for the Ps.

Hey, should we s...


Now I have to pee.

That wasn't my fault!

Uh, still TBD.

LINDA: Yeah, you might want to "D" that a little faster.

When my mother went to the hospital to have my little brother, she didn't have a name picked out, either.

Then she got all caught up in the emotion, named him after the nice doctor.

And my brother has been living his entire life regretting it.

Oh, my God.

What did she name him?


Isn't your last name...?




Hey, anybody got any suggestions for baby names?

Not any of your names.

Uh, I thought you were just gonna put names in a hat.


Okay, here we go.

"I really don't want to pick our baby's name this way."

Okay, but that's never gonna fit on her driver's license.



Shannon and I didn't know what we were gonna name Christopher.

Then we saw him and we knew.


We're way ahead of our skis here.

(phone chiming)

BUCK: Uh, she didn't

- like that idea?

- I think she just called me a psycho.


Maddie still having false labor?


I know kids are supposed to test your patience, but I thought she'd at least wait until she was out of the womb.

Well, at least, you'll be well-prepared

- for her arrival.

- Oh, we are.

Baby toys, clothes, towels, blankets, supplements.

- Freeze-dried rations.

- Rations?

BOBBY: What, do you hate hospital food that much?

Hey, Wilson!

Could use a hand here.

No, in case the hospital loses power.


Didn't we just restock the ambulance?

Well, yeah, but there's no such thing as being too prepared, right?


Like there's any rhyme or reason for the crap life throws at you.

The one and only.

I'm Maddie.

- What's your name?

- Jacob.

Hi, Jacob.

Are you okay?

- My mom's acting weird.

- Weird how? I think she's lost.

I asked her but she won't talk to me.

Where are you calling from, Jacob?

- We're in the car.

- Is your mom driving?


- (horn honking)

- (tires screeching)

Can you put the phone on speaker

- so I can talk to your mom, Jacob?

- Okay.

Mom, there's a lady that wants to talk to you.

Ma'am, this is . I understand you're having some trouble.

Please pull over and we can send some help.

(crying): Mom, please.


Ma'am, can you hear me?

JACOB: She won't talk to anybody.

Mom, you got to talk to the lady.

(horn honking)

- (tires screeching)

- (horn honking)

- Jacob, what's happening?

- M-My mom just hit another car!

(horn honking)

(tires screeching)

Can you see where you are?

We're getting on the freeway.

But we're going the wrong way!

♪ (horns honking)

(dial tone sounds)


What's your emergency?

- MAN: This car is driving all over the road.

- I swear she's blind. - .

What's your emergency?

- WOMAN: I'm on the and some idiot... - .

What's your emergency?

MAN: I've got my kids...

Can you see where you are?

JACOB: We're on the freeway. (crying): But we're going the wrong way!

Dispatch to LAPD.

We have a motorist driving against traffic in the northbound lanes of the freeway.

Intercept immediately.

Ma'am, you need to pull over immediately.

(passing horn honking)

(horns honking)

SUE: CHP, this is Metro Dispatch.

You need to shut down the north just after exit .

We have a female motorist driving south in the northbound lane.

Her son's with her in the car.

His name is Jacob.

CHP, please note, there is a child in the vehicle.



We're going the wrong way!

(horn honking)

(tires squealing, horns honking)

Can you hear me?

Pull over!






(sobbing): Please...

(Jacob screams)


(vehicles crashing, tires squealing)

(whispers): Jacob.

MADDIE: Jacob, can you hear me?


(panicked voices in distance)

(voices overlapping)

♪ (siren wailing)

DISPATCH: All units responding to incident on the .

ATHENA: Dispatch, show -L- approaching crash site from the north side of the incident.

I'll report back after I rendezvous

- with the incident commander.

- Copy that, .

(siren wailing)

(siren stops)

MAN: All right, lift on three.

One, two, three.

BOBBY: Make sure everybody stays back until the cars have been de-energized and all the airbags

- have been checked.

- What's the count, Captain?

Well, three casualties so far, at least a dozen injured.

Dispatch, send another ten R.A. units here ASAP.


All this because of one driver.

I take it this is the offending vehicle?

BOBBY: What's left of it.

We're still working

- on getting in there.

- You sure there's anyone in there left to save?

No verbal response.

Can't see past the side airbags.

But we picked up a heat signature.

Definitely a live occupant in the front.

Smaller heat signature in the back.

Dispatch says they got a call from the driver's son, Jacob.

The kid's still in the car?





One, two, three.

- (grunting)

- Buck, get in there.

(jaws of life whirring)

I got a visual on the driver.

Come on!


No, no, no.

The roof is bent too far inwards.

I-I can't pull her out.

- Let's cut the whole top off.

- Let's get the saw!

Let's go!

BOBBY: Okay, nice and easy, on three.

One, two, three.

Need more hands!

HEN: I've got eyes on the boy.

- He's still breathing.

- All right, Buck, get that Halligan.


BUCK: It's a miracle she's in one piece.

- The car's hugging her like a glove.

- Okay, Chim.


Young male victim.

Possible vertebrae break.

Eddie, get me a neck brace.

HEN: Pulse is steady.

Multiple lacerations.

Airbag burn.

(weakly): What ha-happened?

You think her slurred speech is a symptom of her injuries?

- Can't be too sure yet.

- Dispatch says she was acting odd before the crash, too.

BOBBY: Chim, how's that kid looking?

Upper vertebra seems intact, but his systolic blood pressure is skyrocketing... could be a TBI.

- Probably best to transport him in the seat.

- All right,

- make it safe and get him out.

- Copy that.

All right.

BOBBY: Dispatch, contact the Children's Hospital ER.

Have them prep for neurosurgery.

We've got a patient, Jacob, approximately seven to eight years old, coming in with a possible TBI.

RACHEL: Jacob?

Uh, Jacob is still in the back seat.

We're working on getting him out.

Ma'am, were you experiencing any pain, disorientation that may have led to your confusion?

I think I got something...

...that added to her confusion.


How many people have to die tonight because she was drunk and stupid?

(disgusted sigh)

Details to add to my report.

On three.

One, two, three.

- (grunts)

- Got him?


(siren wailing in distance)

He's not conscious but he's alive.

All right, let's move him.

HEN: Drunk driving with your only child in the car...

You good here, Hen?

Not one bit, Cap.

But I got it.

It's our job, right?


(indistinct radio chatter)

(indistinct conversations)

Please remain calm.

We're gonna get you out...



Did you disable the airbags?

- It doesn't look like you did!

- What's that, Cap?

(high-pitched ringing)

- Cap, you good?

- Get Renfrow!




The driver...

Did-did you get the driver?

We're working on it.

Let's focus on you, Renfrow.

Gonna get you some air, okay?

- I got him, I got him!

- Buck, get him out of there.

- That driver alive?

- I'm checking his pulse.

He's got a pulse, but his skin is like paper.

- I-I need a burn blanket.

- Get the burn blanket!


- You got him?

- Through the window, yeah.

You got his head?

Turn him.

CHIMNEY: Captain, we're moving Renfrow now.

Burn unit's been advised.

Good, good.



How are you guys doing up there?

MAN (over phone): We haven't moved in, like, minutes.

- Was there an accident?

- Yes, there was an accident on the freeway, and it seems...


...seems like you're stuck behind it.

I'm type diabetic, I've been stuck in traffic forever and my blood sugar's getting super low... feels like

- I might pass out in my car.

- Okay, let me contact LAFD.

Maybe they can...

bring you a glucagon rescue kit.

What is the make and...

(pained groan)

...plate of your vehicle?

Black Ford F- .

- (groans)

- ...License plate: B -F .

Attention LAFD.

There is a car...


...mile behind the pileup that needs glucagon.

Black F- .


License plate...


- (pained grunt)

- I'm sorry, Dispatch,
can you repeat that plate number?

- (weakly): Yeah, just a second.

- Hard to read you.

Plate reads: Bravo- - -Frank- .

- Black F- pickup.

- Copy that.

Sending an R.A. unit now.

Exactly how long have you been in labor?

- Hard to tell.

- (laughs)

Weren't you a nurse?

(panting): I've got an hour left.

I got this.

I appreciate your dedication, but I'm gonna have to override you on this one.

(groaning quietly)

Which hospital is she going to?

- First Presbyterian on Altamont.

- All right.

I'll follow behind.

Make sure the hospital knows she's gonna need her BAC as soon as she lands.

- Athena...

- Already got the warrant, Eddie.

It'll meet me at the hospital.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm doing fine.

SUE (over radio): Captain Nash, can you spare a paramedic for a woman in labor at Dispatch Metro?

Pretty sure there are some paramedics a lot closer to your location

- than we are.

- Yes, but none of them are the baby's father.

(laughs softly)

We've got it from here, Chim.

Go meet your daughter.

You sure?

I'm following that ambulance.

You can ride with me.

Okay... that one was less than five minutes.

Yeah, you still think you got another hour in you?

- Eh.

- Okay, here are your things.

My car's downstairs and you are getting in it.

- Okay, what about Chim?

- Well, he's got a police escort.

He'll meet you there.

It just feels like it's going so fast.

You're nine and a half months pregnant.

It's not that fast.

- Oh...!


- Oh, God.

(elevator bell dings)

Okay, wish me luck.

ATHENA: Good luck.

Word of advice?

If she tells you to shut up, shut up.

- Copy that.

- (chuckles)

WYATT: No, no, no, no.

I-I don't understand.

What do you mean I can't see her?

- She's here, right?

- Yes, your wife is here, but as I explained already, her room is currently listed

- as secured.

- Secured?

- What does that even mean?

- Everything okay here?

Uh, this gentleman is here to see Rachel Hawkerson.

She's my wife.

I got a call that she and my son were in some kind of accident, but nobody will tell me anything, except that my son is at a different hospital and I can't see my wife.

Sir, they were part of the collision on the freeway.

The-the big pileup?


Can we go somewhere quiet where we can talk?

- I want to see my wife.

- I'm afraid you can't do that right now.

Your wife's room is secure because she's in our custody while we investigate the cause of tonight's accident.

The cau...



On the news, they said it was a drunk driver.




She wouldn't do that.

Not with Jacob in the car.

She promised me.

Sometimes, we break our promises.



Uh, thank you.

How's your son?

He's still in surgery.

I, uh...

I need to get over there.

I can have an officer take you.

Did she say anything?


At the scene?

She wasn't really coherent.

You didn't know she was drinking?

I thought all this was behind us.

She tried so many times to stay sober.

It almost broke our marriage.

But then...

then Jacob.

And I thought...

I thought, "Finally, she'll have a reason not to drink."

I don't know what I'm gonna tell him.

Is there...

Is there any way you're wrong about this?

She had a BAC of .

when she arrived.

Four times the legal limit.

Probably higher at the time of the crash.

That would account for her disorientation from your son's call.

(voice breaking): Jacob's the one who called ?


My poor boy.


You didn't know.

I should have.

I'm here!

I'm here.

I didn't

- miss it, did I?

- HELLER: Any longer, you might have.

You're fully effaced and at ten centimeters.

We're ready to rock.

We're gonna grab a few things, and we'll get started.

(Maddie breathing heavily, whimpering)

- Are you okay?

Can I do anything for you?

- (groans)

- I can shut up.

I mean, I can try.

- (groans)

No, no, you're fine.

You know what I need is my breathing beads.

They're in the baby bag.

Where is that?

They're not here.

I left them in Albert's car.

- Ugh!

- You know what?

I can call him real fast.

Maybe he can run it back over here.

Come on, come on, come on.

(line rings)

ALBERT: Hello.

This is Albert Han.

Please do not leave a message.

That's what texts are for.

CHIMNEY: Straight to voice mail.

He's probably sleeping.

I'm so sorry.

- You okay?

- Hi.

- Hi.


- (laughing)

- (groans)

- (door opens)

CHIMNEY (whispers): You're okay.

HELLER: Extend your arms, please.

- All set.

- Thank you.

HELLER: Okay, guys.

It's go time.

(Maddie and Chimney chuckle)

First responders are on scene and working.

You should be able to see them.

ALBERT: I don't see anyone.

MAY: Are you injured?

Yeah, I think I'm bleeding.

A lot.

("Revolution" by Almost September playing)

The revolution

It will not be televised


(horn honking)


What's your emergency?

Uh, there's a car on the freeway.

It's going the wrong...


SUE: Dispatch to .

Come in.

This is Sue.

- BOBBY: Go for Captain Nash.

- Captain Nash, we received a call from a driver who says he was in the pileup claiming he's still trapped in his car.

I believe we already extricated everybody involved.

Are they sure they were in this crash?

The line went dead before we could get too many details.

We'll try to reconnect with him now.

Why don't you call again?

(line rings)

ALBERT: Hello.

This is Albert Han.
Please do not leave a message.

That's what texts are for.

Bobby, the call came from an Albert Han.

Isn't that Chimney's brother?

BOBBY: Are you sure?

I thought

- that call was dropped.

- MAY: I called the number back, and it gave me his voice mail.


What did the message say?

He said his name and to not leave a message because, um...

- 'Cause that's what texts are for.

- Yeah. All right, let's go!

Every vehicle.

Every vehicle.

- Albert!

- Albert!

HEN: Albert!

Can you hear us?

All right, Maddie.

With your next contraction, I want you to push.

This is it.

This is really it.

Today's the day.

- Best day ever.

- Shut up.

Copy that.


- (grunting)

- MAN: Albert! Albert!

- Albert!

- BUCK: Cap!

We've been up and down this road twice.

He's-he's not here.

Dispatch, this is Captain Nash.

That very first caller who reported seeing the vehicle.

Which exit were they calling from?

MAY: It says exit exit ramp.

He wasn't in the pileup.

He was in front of it.

Everybody on me!

Come on, we're on the move!

- (groans)

- HELLER: Great job, Maddie.

Okay, let's hold for a second.

I'm gonna change this towel.

- Okay?

- Don't go.

I wouldn't dream of it.

- Okay.

When you're ready.

- (exhales)


(horn honks)

BOBBY: This is it.

Stop here.

BUCK: Albert!

Hey, hey, tire tracks!

Right here!

Let's go!

Let's go!


HELLER: I can see the head.

You're doing great.

Keep going.


HELLER: Keep going.

I see him!

For you

For me...

Looks like he's lost a lot of blood.

His pulse is racing.

BUCK: Stay with us, Albert.

You can do this.

HELLER: One more big push.

- Okay.

- You can do this.

You can do it.


For you...

BUCK: We're right here.

We got you.

Three, two, one.

To leave and turn...

(Maddie grunting)

CHIMNEY: Five, six, seven,

- eight, nine, ten.

- (Siren wailing)

EDDIE: BP's / .

He's hypotensive with tachycardia.

He must be bleeding internally.

We're probably looking at a ruptured spleen.

- He's hemorrhaging right now inside.

- EDDIE: I'll alert the hospital to have a massive transfusion

- standing by.

- (monitor flatlines)

He's coding!

- (grunting)

- HEN: Starting compressions.

- Push epinephrine.

- (Maddie grunting)

Here we go.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, - nine...

- ♪ For me


HEN: Come on, Albert.

Don't do this.

- You can do it.

- (grunting)

Come on!

You have a niece to meet.

Come on.

For me...

Come on!

- (grunts)

- (baby crying)

And now...

That's her.

That's her!

You did it.

- I did?

- You did it!

- Yeah.

- HELLER: Sounds like a healthy set of lungs.

(Maddie laughs)

Oh, my God.

You did it.

HEN: Come on.

Come on!

Come on, come on.

Come on!

- EDDIE: He's got a pulse!

- (monitor beeping steadily)

(baby crying) Oh.

Oh, hi.

(Chimney sniffles)

She's so tiny.

And perfect.

Everything's perfect.

I love you.

I love us. Six pounds, one ounce.

(cheering and laughing)

And it wasn't born here.

JAMAL: I'll drink to that.

Actually, who wants drinks?

It's : in the morning, Jamal.

- (phone buzzing)

- JOSH: There is that place on Ninth.

- Bottomless mimosas.

- LINDA: Yes.

- I'm in.

- JAMAL: Uh, what about you, May?

Oh, sorry, guys.

Uh, even if they did serve me, I'd just fall asleep in my breakfast.

(all chuckle)

May, thought you would like to know.

Just got word from the hospital.

Albert Han arrived alive, and his condition is stable.

Oh, thank God.

I mean, could you imagine?

Today of all days.

Well, luckily, we don't have to.

Go get some rest.

Thanks, Sue.

Good night.



(quietly): Hey, Buck.

It's good to see you.

The hospital has a strict no visitor policy right now.

I-I know.

Hey, Chimney...

CHIMNEY: The girls are both doing great.

Maddie was a warrior in there.

Oh, hey, where'd you get that?

Is Albert here?

Oh, hey.

Good morning.

The kids are still brushing their teeth, but pancakes should be done in five.

HEN: You packed her bag?


Overnight visit, remember?

Social worker will be by this afternoon.

No, no, not tonight.


I need to sleep tonight and-and know that she's safe.



we can't stop this.

How could you just stand there?

- What?

- Nia.


damn near crying her eyes out, and you just write it off like it happens every day.

And the social worker tells us there's nothing we could do, and you just stand there.

Why don't you want to fight this, Karen?

You think I don't want to?

It doesn't seem like it.

It seems like you've already accepted it.

Y-You're making pancakes, you're packing bags.

Wh-What are you doing?

Don't you dare.

Tell me why you don't want to fight this!

Because there is no fight.

She has a mother.

She's not ours, even if we love her like she is.

You want to know what I'm doing?

I'm holding on.

That is all I am doing, holding on.

Please don't make me do it alone.


- NIA: Come on.

- (footsteps approaching)


Guess who's here!


NIA: Mama Hen!

(monitor beeping steadily)


I mean, I've been at a lot of deliveries before, but...

(chuckles softly)

...this one really did seem kind of miraculous.


I guess all dads feel that way.

I am a dad.


How crazy is that?

I can't wait for you to meet her.

Still doesn't have a name though.

I don't suppose you have any suggestions?

Yeah, I'm kind of stumped, too.

What about Alberta?



I thought for sure I'd get a response on that one.


(inhales shakily)

I know you're tired and you've had a really crappy day, but...


...I kind of need you to wake up here and tell me you're okay, 'cause your doctors are giving me some real serious looks and expressing their concerns.

But they don't know us Hans.


We are excellent healers.

So you're gonna be all right, 'cause you're my brother.


And I don't know when that went from being a biological fact to an emotional reality for me, but...

there's no turning back now.

You know, I finally have everything I ever wanted.

A family of my own.


The baby.

And you.


Today could be the best day of my life.

'Cause I have my beautiful baby girl...


...and my brother didn't die.


In fact, he woke up and he told me he was gonna be okay.


So you just open your eyes, Albert.





♪ (weakly): It hurts.



It's okay.


(chuckles softly)

We got plenty of time, little brother.

♪ (dog barking in distance)

ATHENA: Heard about Albert.

Is he okay?

He's alive.

What about that boy from the crash?


Surgery was a success.

He's stable and recovering with his father.

- That's good.

- Mother got lucky.

Minor scrapes and bruises.

Husband says he had no idea that she had started drinking again.

Not sure if I believe him.

Well, could be true.

Could be he just needed to believe it was true.


I'm sorry about what I said at the wreck.

"Drunk and stupid" thing.

You weren't wrong.

People d*ed last night because of her.

I don't know her, but I know what it's like

- to inflict that kind of damage.

- Bobby, you are nothing like that woman.

I am exactly like that woman.

The day I forget that, that will be a very dangerous day.

(inhales deeply)

I got to go out for a while.

I love you.

Love you, too.

BOBBY: I am standing here in this room for the same reason as a lot of you.

Because I am selfish as hell.

Also, I'm an alcoholic.

And, for a long time, I thought that I was strong enough to balance those two things.

To live life on my terms.

But I've got news for you.

Life doesn't care how strong you think you are.

("Without You" by For King & Country playing)

- Hey.

- (groans softly)

Wh-Where's Mom?

BOBBY: It will find a way to break you, to pull you down until you hit bottom.

What do you do

But while you're down there, if you open your eyes, you might finally be able to gain the clarity you need to find your way back up.

To hold her


- ♪ Give me just enough strength

- (exhales)

BOBBY: Because life doesn't have any dead ends when you refuse to quit moving.

- What's that for?

- (grunts)


Just because.

BOBBY: When you trade rock bottom for your rock.

Is walking me out to the ledgeFor what really matters in life.

Stands there beside me ♪ ♪ Shivering out on the edge

Though you may find your new road to still be rough...

Bye, Mamas.

See you later.

...just remember that nothing worth doing is easy.

Just a moment of peace

And that, with the help of your loved ones... can find the strength to continue on.

♪ And, yeah, last night was a hard night.

But I'm here.

And I didn't have a drink.

So maybe today can be a good day.

And if today can be a good day, maybe tomorrow can be, too.

BUCK (chuckles): Oh, man.

I just want to hold her, you know?


Dr. Heller just wants us to wait a few more weeks.

Then you get to meet your Uncle Buck.

- (chuckles)

- Man.

I can't believe Chimney just missed the first "Uncle Buck."

It's, uh... it's okay.

Knowing him,
I'm sure we're in or about , more of those.



I am clean and ready to hold my girl.

Uncle Buck!

Was I the first one?

I was the first one, right?

- Uh-huh.

Yeah, yeah.


- MADDIE: Absolutely.

- Yeah.

- 'Kay, I'll, uh, leave you guys to it.

Okay, bye.

Buck loves you,
- Buck loves you.


- Okay.


What was that about?

- (chuckles)

- (inhales deeply)

Hello, Baby Girl Han.

You were right.

We should have picked a name sooner.

I can't believe they discharged you without something for the birth certificate.

I picked a name.

I'm sorry.

Don't be mad.

I had to give them something.

I'm not sure if I'm mad or relieved.

Pressure's off.

It's not something I'm gonna hate, is it?

(chuckles softly)

It's Jee-Yun.

That's my mother's name.

I called Mrs.

Lee to tell her about the baby and Albert.

And she just kept saying, "I wish his mother was here to see her."

- (chuckles softly)

- And that's when I knew what her name was.

- (cooing)

- (chuckles)

Jee-Yun Buckley Han.

It's pretty good, right?

It's beautiful.


I'm really glad that Albert's okay.

Yeah, me, too.

God, talk about bad luck.



I'm starting to think we're just the luckiest people ever.

(chuckles softly)


Hi, Jee-Yun.
