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01x10 - Culture Shock

Posted: 04/24/21 07:19
by bunniefuu
Our lead story today takes us again to that hot zone zone of illegal, t*rror1st activity, Our border crisis continues to worsen, with more illegals than ever coming into our country.

She keeps asking questions about them.

Maybe we could try behavior modification.

Do you think we should keep 'em in?

It doesn't stay in the system for a week.

- Is that what we want?

- Coming into our country, claiming American jobs, and committing an increasing number of violent crimes.

The migrant caravan of over 5,000 Central Americans.

Many of these children are traveling alone.

And cultural rehabilitation center.

The ringleader of last night's murderous t*rror1st as*ault...

It could be because of her hormonal circuit, measure to fit in.

Congress members are grappling today with the most urgent of questions: When will action finally be taken.

Super nice.









¡Ay, mija!










Let's go, come on!

Hey, Marisol.





Shh, shh!





- This is the United States.

- Border Patrol.

Breathe, sweetie.

You're safe now.

Keep breathing just like that.

You're doing great.

There you go.

I can see it.

Keep going.

Just one more push!

It's a beautiful baby girl!

My sweet girl.

Where am I?

Where is she?

Good morning!

The little angel is sleeping.

Come, come eat.

I made you some soup.

It's not a race, honey.

Not anymore.

You're in America now, the land of plenty.

I'm sorry, it's just that I feel like I'm still eating for two.

This is delicious.

You made this?

Someone once said you can judge a woman by the taste of her homemade soup.

Take it slow.

No need to rush.

When you're done, if you're feeling up to it, I'll take you out for a walk.

It's a beautiful day out today.

A perfect day to see your new home.

Hello friend.

- Hi.

- Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Wow, so many paisanos.

Yes, lots of Latinos here.

And people from all over the world.

Everyone's getting ready for our big celebration this weekend.

- Looks great, everybody.

- Thomas?



Marisol, this is Thomas, our town's mayor.

Marisol is new here.

Welcome, Marisol.

We're so happy to have you.

Thank you.

You have such a beautiful town.

Thank you, but it's not just mine.

Cape Joy is everyone's.

It's yours too now, okay?

And you let us know if there's anything that any of us can do to make you feel at home.

Congratulations, by the way.

Thank you.

Marisol, have you ever seen fireworks?

Yeah, I mean, not often.

Okay, well, at our Fourth of July party, they will absolutely fill the sky.

It's beautiful.

It'll be a wonderful experience for you.

- When will that be?

- Hey Thomas!

Come take a look at this.

I'm so sorry, duty calls.

We take the big day very seriously here.

It was nice to meet you, Marisol.

- Nice to meet you.

- Hope to see you soon.


And if you feel like it, come by and help with the preparations.

There's nothing like chipping in to help feel at home in the community.

Looks great, guys.

He seems nice.

He has been such a blessing for our little town.

This place is so...



We're very lucky.

I think I could call it home.

Well now, that's the spirit, darling.


Marisol, are you all right?


Marisol, wait!


I'm sorry, excuse me.


Hi there!

All right, guys, let's take these babies for a spin.

At the twilight's last gleaming?

Where is she?

Feeling any better today?

Yes, thank you.

Um, excuse me, ma'am, how did I get here?

Why is it that I just can't remember anything?

Please call me Betty.


I'm so sorry.

This must be very hard for you.

You crossed the border with your Coyote two days ago.

Feeling any better today?

Yes, thank you.

Where are my things?

I brought stuff with me, and.

We can get you all new stuff.

Don't worry about what you've lost; Think instead of...

all that you've gained.

- Let me have her.

- No, no, no.

She just ate.

You just rest.

I'm fine.

Great, fantastic.

I wish I could go out and help with the decorations.

I'm just too old now.

I can hardly hold a hammer steady.

I know.

Why don't you go out and help?

Everyone is there.

I don't know anybody.

Nonsense, you know Thomas, and you can make all new friends.

Besides, Thomas can help you get a job right away too.

You don't want everybody else snatching up all your opportunities, do you?

Gotta provide for the little one, right?

- Hello there!

- It's gonna be great!

Hey, Ricky!


Come, come, children.





Hey, good to see you again.

- Hi.

- Hi.

So, what do you think of our beautiful little American town so far?

Um, it's, um...

It's confusing.

Here, come have a seat.

You weren't prepared for such a big change, right?

You'd be surprised how many people experience that sort of thing when they move to a new country.

It's perfectly normal.

We call it culture shock.

- Culture shock.

- And everybody here has felt the way that you have.

Even me.



Yeah, I traveled to India in grad school.

I haven't sweat that much since, well, ever.

And the food.

It was delicious, but I don't think there was a single day where my body wasn't in crisis.

What were you hoping for when you came here?

When you crossed?



I understand.

You know, people dream of a place like this because change is good.

We dream of having the freedom of waking up on any given morning and starting over.

The freedom to choose to be happy instead of feeling like the world makes that impossible.

It's not my place to tell you how to feel, but our little town works for people.

And you have a new life to look out for, not just your own.

If you can, try to choose to be happy.

What have you got to lose?





Okay, great.

And why don't you help me organize for the big event?


Yeah, yeah, you could do decorations.

Get to know some of us, I think you'd be a natural.

I think I can do that, yeah.

Okay, perfect.

And then I'll see you tomorrow, okay?



Come by the mess hall tonight.

We're doing pizza.

Looking forward to it.

Okay, I'll see you there.



Marisol, hey!

I'm glad you made it.

Grab a seat, I want to talk to you in a second.

- Excuse me.

- Okay.






Hurry up, you're gonna be late.

What what's happened?

She was crying and crying and you wouldn't wake up.

I'm sorry.

Give her to me No, I've got this.

You don't want to be late for your first day.

Hurry up.


Hey, Ricky.

How are you?

Hello, Miss, it's a pleasure to meet you.

It's Marisol from Mexico.

My name's Ricky, it's a pleasure to meet you.

We crossed the border together.

Remember that?

It's a pleasure to.


Okay, children, class is beginning.

In we go.

Hey, Santo.

Well, hello there, friend.

Are you okay?

I saw you last night at dinner.

Dinner was delicious.

Best pizza in town, wouldn't you say?

And the barbecue tomorrow is gonna be sodelicious.

No, no, listen to me, Santo.

Marisol, you made it.

Yeah, hi, I I was just talking to San.

Santo Cristobal at your service.

The banner looks fabulous, amigo.

Marisol, walk with me.

Gotta work on some bulletins.

Very important bulletins, come on.

Go over here, help everybody out, okay?

Hey, guys, we have a new helper.

Okay, so we just need to spread these balloons all over, well, the gazebo.

Well, hello there, friend.

Santo Cristobal, remember me?

We crossed the border together with Ricky.

Do you remember El Zorro?


Do you...



He sold us out.

He did?

I remember being connected to something.

It was hooked to my head.

Why the f*ck am I talking English?

Please, Santo, Santo, calm down.

Don't f*cking touch me, bitch.

Okay, okay.

Santo, look at me.

My tattoos!

Where are my tattoos?


Stop it!

No, no, no.

- Okay.

- Rise and shine.

The park looks absolutely gorgeous today.

Marisol, nice to see you again.

Oye, Santo.





Hey, hey, hey, don't freak out on me, man.

How did we get here?

I don't know.

We were in a desert, right?

And then I woke up here in this f*cking place.

Yeah, this f*cking place.

What about you?

What do you remember?

I I remember running...

and a truck.

f*cking narcos were chasing us.

But then nothing.

Doesn't make any sense.

That's 'cause nothing in this place makes sense.

Look at it, nobody ever leaves, there's no cars.

And then there's no sense of time.

I feel like I'm being watched.

Don't trust anybody, Santo.

We gotta get out of here.

This looks stunning, everybody.

This could be our best one yet.

No, you know what, this is definitely our best one yet.

And you, terrific work.

I mean, really, above and beyond.

Why thank you, Thomas.

I'm really happy you like it.

I really like to help, you know.

Keep up the good work.

Thank you.

Beautiful day, right?

sh*t, he's getting away.

Marisol, did you follow?

- Shh!

- Thomas?

Yes, sir?

How's everyone faring?

How's the little guy?

Any better?


He hasn't made it a day, I don't think it's realistic to think that he'll make it through a full week.

Kids, they always insist on dying.

Their immune systems can't handle the tranquilizers the ways an adult can.

If we could take 'em out and get a control test to safe dosage.

We don't have time for a control test, Tom.

It's not gonna work in the big picture of every single guest needs a bespoke experience.

We need to know they'll be safe at least for the entire duration of the week sequence on a standard entry dose without fail.

Now, that's how the numbers add up.

You understand that, right?

- Yes.

- Good.

Now speaking of stability, how's our VIP doing here?


Still not settling with degree of predictability that we'd like.

We have the midwife on vigilant surveillance, yes?

Yes, sir, I recoded the firewall bot myself yesterday.




are the most precious guests we've got in here.

I know, sir, but I'm not sure how the meds are affecting the baby.

Could be a stillbirth or birth defects.

How likely is that?

This will literally be the first time that a birth happens under these conditions, ever.

I can't project, but it's likely.

Trauma and dr*gs usually aren't a great thing for a pregnant woman.

All right, when's she due?

Any day now.

It's amazing what the human body can accomplish given no other choice.

Shh, you're having a bad dream.

Give her to me.

You poor thing.

No, f*cking give her to me now.

Give her to me, give her to me.

Your attitude is not healthy for the baby to be around.

Wait, where are you going?




Get me out of here.

Get me out of here, get me out of here.

Get me out of here!

Get me out of here!

She bounced from the system.

How is that even possible?

She must have found the gate.

Come on, can't you make this thing better so they don't find their way out.

I flagged her as a flight risk, so if she goes through the gate again she'll end up in this escape loop.

And you've never noticed this type of behavior from her before?

No, sir.

First time.

All right, well, put her back in that loop of yours for an hour.

She'll tire herself out.

Then merge her and the baby back in the system.


You know what I did before I did this, Tom?

I served on a board of a private corrections company.

Private prisons, in layman's terms.

A lot of people don't know that private prisons work.

People willing to work at these facilities make a profit and the taxpayers make a savings.

We solved an urgent nationwide problem in a safe, humane, and discreet way.

You know what that taught me, Tom?

It taught me you gotta focus on the big picture, the bottom line.

I know this is all difficult to bear, it's upsetting, but you must not let it distract you from the big picture.

There has got to be a better version of the big picture than this.

Nobody gives a f*ck about these people, Tom.

Look, this way they're not crowding up the prisons, they're not being separated from their kids, they're not being physically mistreated.

Tax money is saved to be used longterm for good.

Now that is a small cost to pay for all this, isn't it?



'Cause if the Pentagon finds out about security breaches like this, they're gonna buy somebody else's solution.

Sir, we didn't win this contract because we could build a virtual holding cell.

We won it because we promised these people a humane, happy transition.

I'm not paying you to give them the American Dream, Tom.

We're paid to keep them out of it.


It's okay, Marisol.

It's me, Thomas.

I know you must be very confused right now.

Do you remember where you woke up earlier, before you woke up here?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, you were there, and there was there was this other man.

His name is George Atwood.

He's the man who built this place.

What is this place?

Why are you keeping me here?

What is this place?

I wanted to be a part of something that would change the world.

Offer people like you some respite, a taste of what you came here for but might never find.

Marisol, I'm sorry, I don't have time to explain this to you right now.

No, no, I have a child inside of me.

Please, please, please.

Look, listen to me, because you found the gateway, I had to mark you as a potential deserter.

That means if you go through the gateway again, you'll get tossed back into the lab, it's a closed repetitious loop.

Do you hear that?

The dogs.

When the dogs bark like that, it means the system is down for maintenance.

You did that.

Something about you, about your condition is fighting the assimilation protocol.

You are a strong one, Marisol, and I need you to stay like that for all three of our sakes.

And I need you to get me out of here.

Yes, not just you, everybody.

But I need time to do it right.

Do you trust me, Marisol?

No, no, I don't trust you.

Why the f*ck should I?

Because you don't have a choice.

I get why you don't, I understand that.

I thought that I could make things better, but I trusted the wrong people.

I need you to blend in, Marisol.

Your life might depend on it.


What do you mean blend in?

What do you mean blend in?

What do you mean?

Answer me!

Did you have another bad dream.

- Agh!

- Poor girl.

I think you should get some rest.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

f*ck you!

Okay, everybody, I just want to thank you all for your hard work.

Tonight's gonna be fabulous.

Now, who's hungry?

All right, let's eat.

Oye, Santo.


I need you to listen to me very careful.


Ready for dessert?

Ice cream or apple pie, Miss?

No thanks.

Cape Joy makes the best homemade apple pie.

Would you like ice cream with that?

No, I want nothing.

I'm sorry, ma'am, we're out of that.

Would you like MARISOL: Out of what?

I'm sorry, ma'am, we're out of that.

What do you mean?

You don't get it.

Ma'am, if you don't want any dessert..

Is there a problem with your dessert?

Yes, there's a f*cking problem.

I don't want apple pie, I don't want f*cking ice cream.

I want arroz con leche, do you have that?

What about pan dulce, do you have that?

Que tal un pinche flan, do you have that?

Of course you don't.

Pinche robot.

Ladies and gentlemen, my friends, the moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived.

As your governor, I am honored to officially declare this year's Fourth of July celebrations have, wait for it, begun!

Join me outside for a very special fireworks display.

Thank you.

How are you?

Good, good, good, good, good, good.

That was quite a stunt you played the other night.

No one ever found the end of Main Street before.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Governor.

I'm Marisol.

George, George Atwood.

It's a pleasure, Marisol.

How's your baby?

Look at this.

- Oof.

- What's the matter?

Okay, get up.

What are you doing?

Marisol, get up.

What the f*ck is going on?

Santo, hurry up.

sh*t, Marisol.

What the f*ck is going on?

Stop it, stop it, stop it!

Get the f*ck off!

No, no.

No, no.

Santo, Santo, Santo.

Okay, okay.

Gracias, gracias, gracias, gracias.

How the f*ck did this happen, Tom?

She disappeared right in front of my f*ckin' eyes.

I think she went into labor.

I'm seeing a massive spike in her adrenaline that must have caused the system to short.

God dammit.

1045, all security units, we have a critical breach on the physical facility.

Do not let anyone out alive.

I repeat, nobody gets out alive.

Yes, f*cking fire.

Choke 'em out, bash their f*cking skulls in.

I don't care, nobody gets out.

I'll have us extracted at the emergency exit in two minutes.

Now shut this thing down.

Counting on you to do the right thing.

I'm thinking about the bigger picture, George.

You're f*cking dead.



Please return to your designated...

your own seat.

Please return to your designated room.

There has been a security breach.

This is for your own safety.

Please return to your designated room.

There has been a security breach.

This is for your own safely.




We're continuing our coverage today of the recent and tragic situation lmmigration and Cultural Rehabilitation Center.

- Greg, over to you.

- Thank you, Christine.

We're here about 30 miles south of our border at what the illegal immigrant community crossing into America calls a stash house.

It's believed that the ringleader of last night's t*rror1st murderous as*ault stayed here.

It's open, it's open.

Come in, come in.

Hi, come in here come in here, get this, get this, get this.

Can you confirm Marisol Ramirez.

Sí, sí, sí.

Innocent Americans just trying to help the migrants while solving our border crisis.

We're sending our thoughts and prayers.

- Back to you, Christine.

- This just in.

The President's 25th tweet of today once again reiterates his firm wish for the wall.

Quote, "Need funding for the Wall NOW." 'Dear illegals, remember as you sew, so shall you reep.

Moving on, the pyrotechnics of last night's July 4th literally blew us away, pun intended.

Across the country, our beloved celebration was bigger and brighter than ever.

Jeremy will be here with the best videos of the night sent in by viewers right after the break.