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02x02 - Bombs Away

Posted: 07/19/21 06:15
by bunniefuu
Cops found a woman out
by Highway Thirteen.

I'm assigning you and Elaine.

I'm not real big on partners.

Well, you're on probation, which means
you work cases with a supervisor.

Uh, Elaine is my supervisor?

For the time being, yeah.

Look, I know I screwed up, but I'm
still the best damn M.E. you've got

and I don't need any grandstanding,
brownnosing office-stealing...

- 'Morning.
- Hi...

I understand we have
a decedent in Brockton?

Yeah. Yeah, are you ready to roll?

Sure, just let me uh,
run to my stolen office,

sign a few autographs,
kiss a few asses and I'll be good to go.

You're a real people pleaser.


Hey, Woody.

What we got?

Uh, African-American female,

Let me know what you get, Elaine.

Got it.

You check rigor,
I'll do body temp.

Uh, well, uh, no ID.

There's an abrasion to her temple.

So how long have you known Woody?

You guys seem pretty chummy.

He's a good detective.
Cute, too.

Based on body temp and rigor, I'd say
she's dead twelve to twenty-four hours.

There's some bruising
on her chest, too.

Yeah, knees are pretty banged up.

Possible impact injury.

Oh, this can't be good.

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Positive on the ID.

The deceased' name is
Wendy Marsh.

Her husband Lester owns a cabin
just up the road.

What's that got to do with the A*F?

Mr. Marsh has been the subject
of an ongoing A*F investigation.

- For what?
- He's an extremely dangerous individual.

Any more is strictly need-to-know.

Well, being that I'm gonna
be the investigating officer,

I'm probably gonna need to know.

Have your C.O. call the Bureau.

I'll observe the autopsy personally.

Says who?

Doctor Cavanaugh means we'll be happy
to cooperate in any way we can.

That's not even close to
what I mean.

Let me know when you get the C.O.D.

Well, I'm sure
Elaine'll give you a call.

Well, looks like you're the only one
around here I can talk to.

So uh, what's this stuff for?

Uh, healing oils,
Chinese spirit beads.

I'm integrating Eastern mourning rituals
into my grief counseling.

Huh. We, uh, really missed you
around here, Lily.

Oh, I missed you guys, too.

I mean, I really needed
to away and clear my head, but...

still I... I just couldn't get
this place out of my mind.

Like a bad dream.

So when my mom said that
she'd be okay...

Oh, damn!

No, Bug.
Really, she'll be fine.

Tomorrow's my mother's birthday.
I have to call her.

Why does talking to your mom
stress you out so much?

If I cure cancer, my mother's
only question would be,

"Mahesh, when are you
going to get married?"

Well, tell her it'll happen as soon as
you find the right girl.

Uh, Lily, I was wondering if you...

Madame Grief Counselor,

office warming gift.

- Oh.
- It's uh, fruits and nuts.


It's a little bit of psychiatric humor.

- Hilarious.
- Ooh, macadamias.

For you, only the best.

- Oh, tha...
- Welcome back.

Thank you.

And there's little jams
and a couple cherries...

Oh, Marionberry.

Chest trauma indicates
a restraint injury.

Marsh tied her up before he k*lled her.

Sorry to blow your theory,

but this is a seatbelt bruise.

She was in a high impact car accident.

So the question still remains,

what does her death
have to do with the A*F?

Her husband, Lester Marsh,

likes to make bombs in his spare time.

I need to get inside that cabin.

So get a warrant and go in.

We've gone to three different judges
for a warrant.

We've been turned down three times.

He only buys materials
sold over the counter.

He's highly intelligent
and highly dangerous.

He knows his legal rights
like a law professor.

This is a game to him.

Well, you know what they say.

Uh, it's good to have a hobby.

Look, any indication that
he was involved in her death

will give us the angle
we need for a search warrant.

I'd love to help you, but

so far all the evidence indicates

that she d*ed from massive injuries
sustained in a car crash.

Well, somebody dumped her body
and I think it was him.

If Marsh is guilty, I'd like nothing
more than to help you build a case.

But I can't just invent evidence
that isn't there.

If you have any questions
about Lester Marsh,

you can ask him yourself.

He just walked in to identify his wife.

'Afternoon, Lester.

Couldn't even wait
'til the body got cold.

Tell me what happened to your wife.

You know exactly
what happened to my wife.

Where were you last night?

None of your business.

Look, I hate to break up
this little reunion here,

but I have an identification
to perform.

See you real soon.

I guess he told you about me
being some crazed menace to society.

Who you are and what you've done
doesn't really concern me right now.


that's Wendy.

You have any idea
what might have happened to her?

She went to the store
about nine o'clock.

Took the truck.

She liked to shop at night
'cause there's less people.

I turned in early.

The cops called me this morning.

I don't have an alibi.

Hawkins knows that.

He's gonna try to pin this on me.

He seems to think
you're guilty of something.

I have a constitutional right
to own those materials.

The fact that it irritates
the hell out of them

makes it that much sweeter.

But I've never hurt
another living soul.

And I did not k*ll my wife.

Mr. Marsh, there's some paperwork
you need to fill out,

but I think I should have our
grief counselor help you with that.

Is that what I think it is?

Beauty, isn't it?

Greatest bit of hardware
south of the cerebellum.

I assume you have a good reason for
turning that heart into a Popsicle.

What news of your lady fair?




You've been maudlin,
even for you,

ever since she left.

Well, she's back and it's time
for you to make your move.

Yeah, I was trying until
you and your nuts showed up.

It has to be the right time.

Well, just remember
what my dad used to say,

"You wait too long
to crank the shaft,

there may be no petrol left
in the Healey."

Hit the lights, will ya?

Neil Diamond, eat your heart out.

Check out the third branch of
the coronary artery.

Yeah. Almost totally occluded.

Looks like someone forgot their Lipitor.

Yeah, well, that's the problem
with the human heart, isn't it?

You don't tend to it,

give it the care
and attention it needs, and...

eventually it stops working altogether.


This guy you sent me, Lester Marsh?

Interesting character.

Yeah, I'd say you're being kind.

Well, at... at first
he kind of freaked me out,

but then he finally opened up.

I... I think it's a tragedy
what happened to him,

losing his job the way he did
and then his wife.

Well, I thought his only job was upholding
his constitutional right to make bombs.

No, I mean,
his job with the government.

The government?

Yeah, he... he used to be
an agent with the A*F.


Uh, find anything?

Semen present. Appears to be
from consensual sex.

Run it for DNA.

Might place Marsh with his wife
just prior to his death.

There's some damaging evidence,
a man having sex with his own wife.

Just do it.

No one appreciates a good
obsessive pursuit more than I do,

but I don't tell you
how to do your job,

so please don't tell me
how to do mine.

Alright, alright.
I ran the seatbelt bruise.

Right shoulder to left hip.

She was definitely riding shotgun.


Have we met?

It's alright, go on.

Width and pattern of the strap

match the Porter Sixty-four Thirty.

It was made in Detroit, installed mainly
in four wheel drive trucks.


Nineteen eighty-nine
to 'ninety-four.

Where you goin', Hawkins?

Get a search warrant.

Marsh's missing truck
was a nineteen ninety-four pickup.

Got enough firepower there, Butch?

Just stay behind the perimeter.

What are you doing here?

Just following my instincts.

Someone's not telling us
the whole story here.

Lester Marsh is a former A*F agent.

I heard.

I also heard that
he's a first class freak show,

one of those "second amendment,
don't tread on me" types.

He came in to ID his wife.
Granted, he's a little paranoid,

but if he really did k*ll her,

it sure was a hell of a show
he was puttin' on for me.

No offense, Jordan, but you're instincts
haven't exactly been flawless lately.

Lester Marsh!

Lester Marsh!

Do me a favor, Woody.

Let me know when you
stop being mad at me,

'cause it's really starting to wear thin.

I'm not mad at you.
I'm not mad.

It just seems that you've lost the ability
to see anyone else's point of view.

I hate to break it to you, but uh,
I never had that ability.

Federal officers!

We have a warrant to search
the premises.

Exit with your hands in the air.

First team, move in.

This is your last warning!

Come out or we enter by force!

So much for the...
old Cavanaugh instinct.

Thank you very much.
If you think of anything else,

please don't hesitate to call me
at the precinct.

Anybody know anything?

Not yet.

Hi, how are you?

Detective Woody Hoyt, Boston P.D.

Did you happen to know...

I got nothing to say.

Okay. Do you happen to know
Lester Marsh?

He was a crazy bastard.
Finally got what he deserved.

Nice attitude.


Hi, can we run the plates
on the green sedan,

Caucasian male, mid-thirties.
Thank you.

Hi, how are you?

I'm Detective Woody Hoyt,
Boston P.D.

This is Doctor Jordan Cavanaugh
of the Medical Examiner's Office.

You mind if we ask
you a few questions?

Stan Benedict.
I live up the road.

Lester always said he'd be ready
if they came for him.

You know him well?

Nobody around here did.

It's like folks always say on the news,

he was quiet, kept to himself.

Was his wife the same way?

Wendy was always kinda sad to me.

We've got a fatality!

Looks like Lester finally got his wish.

Nobody's gonna bother him now.

Hey, Lily. I uh,

got your note.

I see that.

It's very well-written.

Thanks. I...
I put a lot of thought into it.

Yeah, obviously.

The thing is, Doctor Macy, I...

I thought that we should set
some ground rules,

you know, so that there's no...


- Exactly.
- Yeah.

Because whatever there was
between us in the past is...

Well, it's...
it's in the past, right?



I came back here strictly
for professional reasons.

Your letter made that very clear.

Good. I...

- I think it's best...
- Listen, I called you here

to tell you that I agree with you
a hundred percent.


You've taken on a real tough assignment,
you know that, right?

I know.

You're in the deep end now.
You're gonna have to learn to swim...



See, I'm on some
pretty thin ice around here.

Yeah, I heard some stuff.

Well, it's true.

From now on, Lily,
you're on your own.

You finalize the ID?

This is gonna take some time, okay?

This guy's seriously fried.

What's the matter?

In a rush to get back to D.C.
and fill in the attorney general?

That's weird.

Check out this guy's bone density.

Advanced osteoporosis.

Lester Marsh seemed to be
in pretty good shape when I saw him.

You want to tell me what the hell
you two are talkin' about?

Sorry to break it to you, Hawkins,
but your case is still open.

I don't know who this is, but
it sure as hell isn't Lester Marsh.


Oh, hey.

Uh, dental records
on your charred remains.

They definitely belong to Mr. Marsh.

That's impossible.

Mr. James Marsh, Lester's father.

The tests showed he's been
dead for at least a year.


Lester Marsh won a court order
preventing an autopsy on his dad.

Big fourth amendment fan.

Apparently, he buried him
in the backyard.

Like a hamster.

Boy, this is turning into
a real heartwarming family drama.

Yeah. Yeah, it gets better.

I called my guy at the FBI
who knows a gal at the CIA

whose boyfriend works at the A*F.

Lester Marsh not only
worked for the A*F,

he was in a unit
led by our new friend...


Mm-hm. ,
Beavertown, Pennsylvania.

Hawkins leads a raid that kills
seven suspected weapons smugglers.


Hawkins' incident report
claims the suspects fired first,

but a second report says
that he jumped the g*n.

Guess who testified against him
in court?

Lester Marsh.

Hawkins was reprimanded,

which didn't do much for his career,

but uh, Lester got the worst of it.

He was labeled a snitch,

driven from the Bureau completely.

Stroll down memory lane?

Just pickin' up a few things
so Emmy can make this place her own.

Ah, onward and upward, huh?

Something wrong?

This is gonna sound freaky,

but I'm gonna really miss it in here.

What, the crypt?

This place, it's like
the end of people's journey.

Making sure they were treated
with dignity and respect...

Well, you always did that.

Anyway, I always felt,
I don't know, peaceful in here.

Like my life made sense.

Guess you gotta grow up
someday, hmm.

Will you go out with me, Lily?

You... you see, I've...
I've... I've had...

I've had feelings...
for you for a long time now,

but uh, I've never been able to
find the right...

Something tells me
I'm gonna be dining alone tonight.

You're one of the smartest,
kindest people that I know.

It's alright, Lily. I know...
I know the rest.

No, it's... it's not like that.

It's just...

I went through a lot this
last year, personally.

And... and I'm really gonna have
my hands full with this new job...

You... you don't...
you don't have to say anymore.

What I'm saying is

you're the best friend I have in here.

If I'm gonna make this work,
I'm gonna need you now more than ever.

I'll always be here for you, Lily.

Initial findings on the Marsh case.


Heard this one took a left turn on you.

And getting stranger by the minute.

I've been getting phone calls
from newspapers and TV stations.

It seems you've got
a real nose for high profile cases.

It's not like I knew
the federal authorities were involved.

No, j... I thought maybe a little bird
in the DA's office gave you a ring.

Haven't heard from
any little birds, but

if you'd care to take over,
be my guest.

No, just...

keep me posted.

No problem.

And Garret,

you might want to rein in the paranoia.

People are startin' to talk.

Nailed that John Doe from Brighton.

He had a root in his tummy
found only in rural Texas.

So I called the local cops.


Genius, no?

Actually, I'd place you closer
to the imbecilic twit category.

Well, you seem vexed.

Your advice about Lily
was an unmitigated disaster.

You and your moronic
illuminated heart metaphor.

So, reading between the lines here,

she turned you down, hey?

Well, I take it back.
You are a genius.

I mean, that bit about
the Austin Healey?

I'd be a lot better off if your dad had
never cranked his shaft in the first place.

Whoa, hey. Hey, now, look.
I'm sorry, okay?

But there's no reason to
get all upset at me...

Oh, just shut up for once, will you?!

I mean, I must have been insane

taking romantic advice from somebody
as sexually ambiguous and as...

- Wha'?
- ...bizarre as you.

Hey, you might want to check
the mirror there, you little w*nk*r.

You know, I... I've met serial K*llers
with better social skills than you.

Oh, yeah?

Stinging retort.

Hey, if Lily's not sweet on you,

maybe it's because beneath that
wisp-thin veneer of intellectual superiority,

you are a quivering, misanthropic,
selfloathing coward!

Hey, Nige. Um, I got the results
back on that semen sample that we...

What's the matter? You guys all look like
you work in a morgue or somethin'.

Something we can do for you,
Mr. Marsh?

You can help me get justice.

Well, I'm not really sure
I know how to do that.

Mister Marsh believes that the A*F,
along with other branches of government,

has conspired to frame him
for the death of his wife.

Yeah, I know. We had
that discussion this morning.


what exactly is it
you'd like us to do for you?

You people are going to figure out
what really happened.

You have her body.

I want you to prove
that I didn't k*ll her.

That's not how it works.

Unfortunately for you,
it's going to have to.

Okay, hold it.


I don't think the A*F or any other agency
is responsible for your wife's death.

Okay, I think the conspiracy lay
a little closer to home.

We just found out that your wife
had sex shortly before she d*ed,

and the semen sample that we took
did not match your DNA.

- Oh, whoa, come on... Whoa, hey...
- Alright, hey-hey-hey-hey-hey...

Okay, okay.

So... so clearly, someone else
was responsible for Wendy's death.

So why don't we just put down the g*n

and we'll call the police.

Change of plans.

You are going to find him,

the man who was sleeping
with my wife.

- How am I supposed...
- Shut up.

You're going to find him

and you're gonna bring him
here to me.

I want to look into his eyes and

talk to him.

This b*mb...

is powerful enough
to bring this building down.

You've got three hours to bring me
the man who k*lled my wife.

And, Jordan,

if I hear so much as
a siren while you're gone,

I'll blow this building and
everything in it straight to hell.

I know where Lester Marsh is.

Can I call you back?

That's great.

That's great.
Let me call it in.

No, uh, he said no cops.

Are you joking?

Are you kidding me?
This guy's on the FBI's short list.

He's a fugitive.

He's also holding the entire morgue
hostage with a b*mb.

He gave me three hours
to find the man who k*lled is wife.

Oh, sorry, uh...

Two hours and forty-three minutes.

This goes wrong...

and it comes out
I knew what was going on,

I lose my badge.

Call it in, our friends die.

I should have never left Wisconsin.

Alright, where to?

We've got to find the car
Wendy Marsh d*ed in.

Okay, folks.

Cell phones, pagers,
beepers, let's have 'em.

All of 'em.

Come on, let's go.


Any other way into this place?

Just the morgue elevator,
but you're in luck.

It broke down this morning.

You in charge here?

Yeah, I'm also responsible for
these people's lives.

Play straight with me,
keep your folk in line,

you'll get out of this okay.

So what do I call you?

Lester's fine.

Okay, I'm Garret.
I'm gonna ask you favor.

These people haven't done
anything to you.


why don't you let 'em walk outa here.

I'll stay. Uh,
how many hostages do you need?

Sorry, Garret. Can't do it.

Feds lose a building, no sweat.
Folks die...

they got a PR problem.

No one'll bother us now.

The log says they found pickup trucks
without tags in the past hours.

The last one was... three hours ago.

Pretty clear why
Wendy Marsh didn't walk away.

Well, that explains it.
'Ninety-four pickup,

no passenger side air bags.

If Wendy was a passenger,
wouldn't those be her prints?

Well, whoever moved her had to
unbuckle her to get her out.

Alright, well, this is all fine and dandy,

but we got less than two hours here.

What? You're saying
you just want to give up?

No, I want to call in the cavalry.

There are people trained to
handle this stuff.

Here, just hold this like this.

I'm gonna send these photos
to the morgue, see if we get lucky.

I think we're gonna need
a lot more than luck this time.

Get it.
But don't be a smart ass.

M.E.'s office, Macy.

Okay, it's Jordan.
She just e-mailed a set of fingerprints.

Could be the guy you're looking for.

Who does fingerprints around here?

That would be me.

Do your thing.

Go with him.
And no messing around.

Mister Marsh,

I know this is a very stressful moment.

Anyway, w... when we talked before,

you said that you and your wife
had drifted apart.

And though it may feel as though the two of
you didn't love each other anymore,

this, what... what you're doing today,

I think you loved your wife very deeply

and you're in pain.

And pain can make you
do really destructive things.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

Look, I'm... I'm new at this job,

and maybe I'm out of line,
but even grieving has its limits.

I didn't know your wife,

but something tells me this is not
the way she'd want to be remembered.

How you guys holdin' up?

Oh, I've had better days.

Listen, Jordan,
if I don't make it out of this...

Oh, don't say that.

I want you to tell Abby there are two separate
college funds, both in her name, alright?

Garret, you can tell her that yourself.

Jordan, just do it.

Fine. But you're gonna be okay.

Listen, one other thing. Uh,

I know I haven't been
acting like it lately, but...

Hang on.

M.E.'s office.

Yeah, he's right here.

It's for you.

Sir, we've patched the call through
and we think he's on the line waiting.

This is Agent Hawkins.

The building is surrounded.

Release the hostages
and you won't be hurt.

You shouldn't have done that, Jordan.

I told you not to call anybody.

I thought we understood each other.

I didn't call anyone. Look, there were
a lot of people in that building.

How long did you expect
to keep this quiet?

You've got forty-eight minutes
to bring Wendy's k*ller to me.

But if Hawkins makes a move,

this building goes up.

What are you doin'?

Just trying to get this air bag loose.

Maybe we can get some fibers from it.

Don't even bother.
Even if we got DNA off it,

we only have forty-eight minutes left.

You're probably right.

At this point, we're gonna need
a mug sh*t and an address.

I thought you only used force
as a last resort.

That's the protocol, but with an entrenched
and well-armed suspect, we...

We have got to
get those people out of there.

If you were inhaling,
I'd have to arrest you.

Come on, Jordan,
we're running out of time here.

The human face exudes oil which
adheres to surfaces like glass and fabric.

Now, the iodine vapor adheres to the oil.

Get that.

Detective Hoyt. Sorry, Bug.

Jordan's a little busy right now
saving your ass.

They got a positive match on the prints
we got from the seatbelt.

Who is it?

Who? Stan Benedict.

Isn't that the guy
we met at Marsh's cabin?

This is him. Let's go.

Wow, you are good.

No matches.
Nothing in the greater Boston area.

Nor on the eastern seaboard
from Maine to Delaware.

I've got a few more databases
I can try.

Listen, mate.

- About what I said before...
- Forget it.


You forgive me?


But if I'm about to get blown to bits,

I don't want the last words
I hear to be

a hollow apology from
a preposterous sod like you.

Let's hope this guy didn't study
home security with Lester Marsh.

Mister Benedict,

I'm Detective Woody Hoyt,
Boston P.D.

I never meant to hurt her.

I'd had a few drinks.

Wendy wanted to drive,
but I wouldn't let her.

Should have been me who d*ed.

Mister Benedict, you have
the right to remain silent.

I suggest you use it.

No, see, that was the problem.

I was always too damn scared
to say anything.

Scared of what?

Lester would have k*lled me
if he ever found out.

So when she d*ed in that accident,

you panicked and dumped her body.

He would have k*lled me.

Truth is, I really do deserve to die.


I'm sorry I got you into this, Lily.

It's not your fault.

Well, uh,
I created this position for you.

I.. I knew you wanted it
and I wanted you back here, so...

Well, I wanted to come back.

And whether you realize it or not,

my job is crucial to this place.

I know, I know. I just feel...


And therefore, everything that's negative in
the universe is somehow your responsibility.

Well, I've got a news flash
for you, Garret.

The sun is gonna come up tomorrow
whether we live through this or not,

so now would be an excellent time
to get over yourself.

Uh, uh, I... I was wondering
if I could use the phone.

What for?

It's my mother's birthday.

I call her every year.

Give this man an outside line.

Yeah, um, area code eight seven nine,

five-five-five zero-one-seven-five.

It's Heshy.

Yeah, happy birthday.

How you feelin'?


How am I doin'? Oh...

I'm fine.

No, no, I'm just tired.

How's Dad?

Well, tell him...
tell him I miss him, okay?



No, Mom, I'm... I'm still lookin'.

Look, I gotta go now, okay?


I love you, Mom.


Blueprint, sir.

You're going in?

I have no choice.

Have you tried talking to this guy?

He won't return our calls.

Then find somebody he will talk to.

We have the situation under control.

Give me the phone.

With Doctor Macy inside,
I am acting chief M.E.,

which means those are
my people in there.

Now, give me the damn phone.

I told you people I'm not...

This is not the A*F, Mr. Marsh.

My name is Elaine. I work with the folks
that you're... you're holding in there.

What do you want?

I want to know what I can
do for you, Mister Marsh.

What do you need?

I want arrangements made
so my wife's sister can get her body.

I don't want those bastards
touching her.

You have my word, Mr. Marsh.

Thank you.

Now, what are you gonna do for me?

One of you can go.

He's sending one out.

You go, Lily.

Yeah, Lily.

Not her. One of you three.

Either one of you.

No, you... you have a daughter,
Doctor M. You...

He's right.

This is not for discussion.

I want one of you
out of here right now.

Come on, guys.
Don't make me choose.

Alright, then.

No. No, I couldn't.

You're my best mate.

Go on, go.

You take care of Wendy for me.

Alright, easy.
Let's go.

I gotta get inside
and talk to Lester.

Not happening.

But he sent me to find the man
who k*lled his wife.

So, where is he?

He's dead.

So, what do you think Marsh
is gonna do when he finds out?

Put down his b*mb and surrender?

He gave me his word.

I know Marsh's M.O. a hell of
a lot better than you.

We have people trained to
disable expl*sives.

We're goin' in.

Move in on my command.

Look, you storm this place,
everyone's gonna die.

You want to play out
your own personal vendetta,

do it on your own time.

You don't know anything about it.

Screw you, Hawkins.
My friends are in there.

You are not going in.

I'll go with her.

We're just about out of time, folks.

Lester Marsh!
It's Jordan Cavanaugh.

I brought you the man
that you wanted to see.

Over there.


How old are you?

I'm twenty-eight.

Ah. And where
did you meet my wife?

We met... we met at a supermarket.

We uh, we...
we both like to shop late.

And then what?
You'd go out to a bar?

S... sometimes, yeah.

Listen, uh,
why don't you let these people go.

This has got nothin' to do with them.

It's just between me and you.

Worry about yourself...


Okay, stop.

You're right.

This is Detective Hoyt.

He helped me find the man
who k*lled Wendy.

Stan Benedict.

He and Wendy were having an affair.

He accidentally wrecked
your pickup truck.

Wendy was k*lled.

He panicked and dumped her body.

He sh*t himself about an hour ago.

You all can go.

Go on, get outa here!

You're not coming, Mister Marsh?

You know what you said
about Wendy?

You were right.

She didn't deserve this.

Come on, come on, Lily.


I'll catch up.

Damn it, Jordan.
Don't screw around.

Garret, I will be okay.

You should have gone with 'em.

What's blowing up this place
gonna prove?

Those bastards k*lled Wendy.

They kept coming after me
'til all I could think about was them.

Wendy wanted a normal life,
but they wouldn't let us be.

But that's a load of crap.

What the hell
do you know about it?

Being a self-destructive jerk,

I can give you a run for your money.

Get outa here.


You want to blow yourself up,

hey, head for the woods,
let'er rip.

Hey, you wanna die right here,
stick that g*n in your mouth,

I will drag you to the crypt,
we'll call it a day.

You don't understand.
They hunted me day and night.

And you baited them
every chance you could,

and you chose to
destroy your own life.

That's not the government's
fault, Lester, that's yours.

I wanted to be left alone.

Well, you got your wish.

No wife, no home.

And I'm sorry,
but this is where I work.

This is my life.

That means a lot to me.

Hawkins wants to k*ll me so bad
he can taste it.

But I'll take this damn building down
before I give him the satisfaction.

If you destroy this place
just to prove a point,

you're just as bad as he is.

Time's up.

We're movin' in.

Remember, you have hostages
in there.

Hold it.
Someone's comin' out.

Hold your fire!

Hold your fire!

Come on with me.
Stay down. You're safe.

Come on.
This way, this way.

Daddy, I was so scared.

It's okay, baby.

It's alright.

We're comin' out!

He's unarmed.

Drop your weapons.

Tell them to drop the weapons!

Stand down!

Stand down!

Stand down!

Maybe there's hope
for folks like us yet, huh?

Quite a first day, huh?

Yeah. I tried to get through to him,
but I mis...

You were great, Lily.

Well, Doctor Cavanaugh
was the one who... Hey,

you were great.

I oughta wring your neck
for taking a chance like that.

Thanks for saving my ass.

Couldn't let a sweet piece like
this go to waste, could I?

We solved the situation
without v*olence or...

We're goin' home.


Interesting night.

Ah, if you're not
a master of understatement.

Look, Jordan,

I've been acting
like kind of a jerk lately.

You know what? Forget it.

After everything I've put you through,
I probably had it coming.

No, I... I still feel like
I owe you an apology.

Oh, I don't want an apology.

What do you want?
