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02x16 - Miserably Ungrateful Men

Posted: 07/24/21 07:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dynasty...

You'll recall agreeing to do an article

for Contemporary Metropolitan Post.

I think I have everything I need.

Keep an eye out for the
article. It's gonna be a doozy.

The pre-site approval request denied.

- I can't build my stadium.
- Let me handle it.

I tried to buy his land for our stadium.

I sold the land to DiFiore Exports.

We're very alike, you and me.

We really are siblings. Two of a kind.

Steven told me that he saw
Hank's positive DNA results,

which couldn't have been real.

Not only were Hank's results
not matched,

but they were signed for by you.

Burn it. It'll be our little secret.



Satellite pharmacy to .

- Satellite pharmacy...
- Oh, you're awake.


Now, you're in a delicate state, Mother.

So just relax and listen.

Now, I am sorry about
what happened last night.

I lost my temper.

You have to understand
how hurtful it was

to know that you were
gonna turn away your own son

just to protect yourself.


You're supposed to put
your children first.

- That's why I'm here.

To teach you how to be a better mother.

Can you imagine what the
rest of the family would think

if they found out you were the one

that switched Hank's DNA results?

Don't worry, I'll keep your
secret if you keep mine.

FALLON: Oh, my God.

Is she okay?

How did this happen?

Well, from what I can gather,

she had a few too many
to drink last night

and tripped into the fireplace.

- Oh, well...
- Oh.

I'm just glad I found her when I did.

Mrs. Carrington was
actually quite lucky.

She does have some minor
throat and lung tissue damage

from the heat and smoke inhalation,

but I'm confident we can fix the
facial trauma with skin grafts,

thanks to Adam's expert
first aid response.

Well, we are so lucky we
have a doctor in the family.

Uh, I think the word you're
looking for is "veterinarian,"

but yeah, sure, good job.

You know, I can't help
but feel responsible.

I-I know my arrival here hasn't
been easy on anyone, and

if that was the reason
she was drinking...

Oh, no, you can't blame yourself.

No. If anyone, we
should blame the person

who rebuilt the loft with a fireplace.

I mean, have you learned nothing?

Hi, Mommy.


Yeah, we should let her get some rest.

It'll be her instinct
to talk, but to heal,

it's important that Mom
remain as silent as possible.

Well, I guess every
fire has a silver lining.


Oh, come on, lighten up.

She's laughing with me. You're laughing.

Hey, I thought maybe we
could stick around today,

you know, take shifts looking after her.

I'm sure she'll be
thrilled to have you on call

to massage her feet, or whatever,

but Daddy and I have the
Georgia Founders' Luncheon.

I'm giving a speech.

I would invite you to
come, but our table is full.

I'm sorry, Adam,

it's just business.

- Len Miller...
- The CEO of Nectacom.

He's at our table, and I am

this close to signing a very lucrative

naming rights deal for
the new Atlantix stadium.

Maybe after your conference we
could spend some time together.

You know, I'll tell you what.

Tomorrow, let's have a
welcome-home party for you.

We're gonna make up for our
lost time, son. Count on it.

Hmm. Well, that was cute.

Maybe Daddy will teach you how
to shave before the big party.

- I'm out of here.
- Are you?


That smarmy little...

Blake, good to see you.

Hello, Fallon and Blake Carrington.

You will be at table .

Yeah, no, I think there's
been some kind of mistake.

I'm pretty sure table
is in the bathroom.

We should be at table
one, like we always are.

Oh, well, it's probably just a typo.

I'm sorry, this is awkward.

Someone should have e-mailed.

But, unfortunately,
we no longer have time

for Ms. Carrington's speech today.

What, is it a joke?

- She's delivering the opening statement.
- Oh.

No, you know our names,

but obviously you are
clueless as to who we are.

Uh, Daddy, um...

... do you remember that
day-in-the-life story

I did for Contemporary Metro?

Well, the article dropped today,

and it was not exactly kind.

How "not kind" was it?

- Um...
- Len. Hi.

Uh, we'll meet you inside.

I'm just dealing with a
little seating mix-up here.

Seating should be the least
of your problems right now.

Excuse me?

You're asking Nectacom to
make an extremely expensive

-year commitment.

But your daughter's recent publicity

doesn't exactly instill confidence.

I don't know if it's
in our best interest

to be associated with
the Carrington name.

Len, I can assure you our
brand has never been stronger.

This team is my top priority.

We'll clear this up at Monday's meeting.

We'll see about that.

Daddy, I can explain, it...

It is one thing for you to
damage your own reputation,

but now you're bringing
everyone else down with you.

Make this right.



Thank you for coming. Now, I know

this is a little unorthodox
for a first-time author,

but you won't regret
the trek from downtown.

Now, you've seen the tabloids,
you've read the hit pieces.

You think you know Fallon Carrington.

(CHUCKLES) But trust me, you don't.

I'd like to introduce you
to your new bestseller.

The story of my life.

It's part self-help, part memoir.

A strategy bible for
young women to live by.

It's an erotic thriller.

I mean, empowerment in
the workplace is sexy.

I'd like to introduce you

to Fallon's three virtues to victory.

Number one, confidence. Number two...

We don't really need another lean-in.

Sorry, but it's a pass.

Despite having a father
with borderline alcoholism,

and a mother with
borderline everything else,

I still think it's quite impressive

that I was able to rise above it and...

We've sort of met our quota for
women in the workplace books.

But good luck.

FALLON: Okay...

that concludes my pitch.

Someone from the staff
will show you out.

And the goody bags are
for potential buyers only,

so don't even think about it.

I'm excited about this, Fallon.

About what?

Oh, I mean, yeah.
Yeah, of course you are.

This is exactly the kind of book

that Elcott Publishing needs.

You're in the zeitgeist right now,

and we would love to capitalize on that.

Now, let's turn this book
around in a month or so,

like Stormy Daniels or Omarosa did.

I don't love the comparisons,

but I like where your head is at.

You know, time is of the essence.

Precisely. Now, we would love
to pair you with a ghostwriter

that best realizes your vision,

and I have the perfect guy for the job.

He is a pro

at writing memoirs in record speed.


Can he be here by : ?

Because I'd like to have this
on the bestseller list by : .


There you are. I'm off. Been a busy day.

- Oh, who's this?
- This is Beto.

Um, he's Sam's cousin.

Uh, he and I we're
just getting acquainted.

He says he's gonna be
in town for a few days,

so I told him he's welcome
to stay in our guest bedroom.

Uh, Sam...

Blake, my love, I'll
meet you at the office.

I need to talk to Michael
about some player acquisitions.

It's wonderful that you're
taking an interest in our team.

Enjoy your stay. Um, mucho gusto.


GLENNON: I've done baseline

neuro-cognitive risk
assessments on all the players.

SECRETARY: The Martinez results.

It's a good thing, Blake.
Everybody's in playing shape.

Mr. Carrington, your
son is here to see you.

Hope I'm not interrupting.
I can come back later.

No, no. Adam, I'd like you
to meet Dr. Arthur Glennon.

He's the Atlantix team doctor

and a close friend of the family.

It's a pleasure to
meet you, Dr. Glennon.

Join us.

Those the players?

Just their heads, but yes.

Have you started using VR to detect

previous head injuries and trauma?

I-I took a seminar on how
the technology can be applied

to sports medicine.

You work in medicine?

Adam's a doctor.

I was a resident in family medicine,

but being a team doctor,
that was my endgame.

I was just a few months away
from an orthopedics fellowship,


Adam was dealt a-a bad hand.

God, I do miss all this.

DALE: So I've prepared some questions.

- Mm-hmm.
- We'll go through those.

The shape's gonna start
to shake out organically,

and then I'm gonna build on that.

Building a shape. I love it. Hit me.

- Okay.

How long does it take for you
to get ready in the morning?

Ew. No. Pass.

What is your ideal leisure activity?

Reading quarterly earnings reports?

As a prominent business heiress,

can you talk a little
bit about the dating pool?

I can, but I won't.

Really, I mean, are all
your questions this vapid?

I mean, you do realize that I was
the CEO of a Fortune company.

- Ah.
- I mean, you can't just ask me...

For two months, right?

Yes, for two months,

but two months as a CEO is, like,

ten years in normal job time.

Okay, look,

I am a professional,
and I have worked

very, very hard to earn
a name for myself.

So Ibiza or the Hamptons?


The Hamptons in spring, Ibiza in summer.


Do you have a moment?

Of course.

Congratulations are in order.

We're just a few days away from
breaking ground on the new stadium.

Well, we both did our part.

- What's this?
- Carlos Aguirre.

He's a legend in Mexico.

He is looking to make
the transition to an American league.

We're locked tight on
midfielders and to be honest,

he is a little old.

We don't need to use him,
we just need to hire him.

Eh, seems like an expensive paperweight.

You care to tell me
what's really going on?

Carlos is a family friend.

He used to play for my parents' team.

I know we don't need him,

but my family did us a huge favor

by helping us secure the stadium land.

In return, they just want to make sure

he finds a good team to call
home at the end of his career.

I'll see what I can do.

Thank you.

Alexis, I am so sorry.

I came as soon as I heard.

Is the pain just awful?


I'm here for you, okay?
Anything you need.

Moni and I owe you.
You looked out for us

when no one else would.

You should come stay with me.

I'll make sure my house is
fully equipped with

everything you need, all the best care.

Can I help you?

I doubt it.

I'm Adam.

Blake and Alexis's son.

The Adam?

Wow, uh, Jeff Colby.

I guess we're cousins.

Pleasure to meet you, Jeff.

Hey, I'm gonna have
Alexis moved out of here.

Of course, you're more
than welcome to visit

while she recovers at my estate.

(QUIETLY): Right.

Is your estate a verified burn center?

I mean, no offense, I
just think she'll receive

the best care here, under
the Carrington watch.

Look, it's her decision to
make and she already said yes.

Oh. I see.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Adam.

I will be back

to help you move soon.


I look forward to
getting to know you, Jeff.

(QUIETLY): All right.


I want to circle back

to the fight in the
pool with your mother.

I won. The end.

(SIGHS) Listen, Dale,

I don't think we're seeing eye to eye.

- Why don't I give Stuart a call?
- Okay,

but this is what Stuart asked
for: the fights, the scandals.

- All of it.
- Mm, no.

No way.

- That's not what I sold him on.
- Well, I'm sorry.

I'm sure it's all just
a big miscommunication.

You want to talk business?
Sure, let's talk business.

Thank you.

On the subject of Morell Green
Energy Corp and Jeff Colby,

what was it like to find out you
were sleeping with your cousin?

Interesting question.

What was it like for you to find
out that you'd just been fired?

Wow, really? I'm not good enough
to work for you? That's rich.

- Excuse me?
- I accepted this job

for the absurd paycheck
that came with it.

But only on the condition that
my real name wouldn't appear

anywhere near this ridiculous book.

Well, good thing you're just a hack.

Now, get your sorry ass
out of my house, now.

You have nothing to show for yourself

but a string of failures

and scandals.

Now you want a memoir
celebrating your success.


I'm the hack, you're an
entitled little rich bitch.

Get out!

Good luck finding anybody to
read your little vanity piece.

Or write it.

I'll send you the bill for this.

BLAKE: Adam.

Hold on a sec.

- Where you off to in such a hurry?
- Everything all right?

Well, you tell me.

I was just on the phone with
the Georgia Medical Association.

And they have approved
your application

for a medical license
effective immediately.

Congratulations, you
are now Dr. Carrington.

This is incredible. I thought
I was gonna have to wait years

and go through miles of red tape
before I could practice again.

You're a Carrington now.

We don't do red tape.

- Congratulations.
- Oh.

You deserve it.

Uh, well, I-I, I don't know
how to thank you for this.

You can thank me by coming to work

for the family business at the
Atlantix alongside Dr. Glennon.

Starting today. If you're still
interested in sports medicine, that is.

Of course I'm interested.
That would be incredible.

You're gonna love
working for Dr. Glennon.

Uh, he and his wife seem
to work very well together.

Uh, Susan.

From the office, that's his wife, right?

(CHUCKLES): Uh, no, no.
Um, he's married, and happily,

I might add, but no, Susan...

- Susan's his assistant.
- Oh, my bad.

Forget I said anything.
Must have misread something.

Yeah, you must have.

Can't wait to get started.

Has anyone seen Blake?

ANDERS: The last time I checked,

Mr. Carrington was with Adam.

Ugh, great. Dad is playing
catch with his adult son,

Sam is off doing God knows what

and I am left here, seeking
counsel from the majordomo.

No offense, Anders.

None taken, 'cause I have neither
the time nor the desire to assist.

As you can see, we are

preparing for Adam's party this evening.

I mean, what is there to do?
The guy is from Montana.

Can't you just toss up some streamers

and a tray of Vienna sausages
and call it a day?

I have real problems to address,

and I am all out of
people to complain to.

Well, there is one person
with room in her schedule.

FALLON: Naturally,

I came to you first,
because if anyone knows

how to weasel their way out of
a tricky situation, it's you.

Oh, and I came to, you know,
check on you, obviously.

So, I get why Stuart wants
to cancel my book deal,

but I mean, that idiot Dale left
me no choice but to fire him.

(GASPS) Oh. "Fire."

I'm sorry. Poor choice of words.

Anyway, people are
expecting a book from me,

and I can't self-publish.

I mean, everybody knows
that self-publishing

is for weirdos whose fan fiction

isn't good enough to leave the Internet.

Oh, did I tell you
that I also screwed up

Daddy's new stadium deal?

- Oh, yeah. Still working on a solve for that one.
- _

Oh... try to keep up, Mom.


I admit, I would normally go to
Daddy for professional advice,

but he's too busy planning parties

for his long-lost loser son.



Which I could use to my advantage.

I will invite both Stuart
and Len to this dumb party

and after I force the publishers
to get on board with my book,

I can convince Len that the
Carrington bubble hasn't burst.

Yes. I just have to do one thing first.

Oh, thank you, Mommy.

You have never been more helpful.

♪ Money's start trickling, trickling ♪

♪ Fill up my cup, pour
some liquor in... ♪

SAM: Nothing like a strip
club in the middle of the day.

You, uh, know I'm gay, right?

Hey, can you still
enjoy the view, though.

Uh, bring me your
finest bottle of mezcal.

You got it, honey. Ooh!


I'm... I'm sorry.

What the hell?

Oh, relax.


Hey, baby. You want a dance?

Hey, Mami. Listen, um, my
friend here wants a dance

but he's a little... shy.

MAN: You go, baby!

- Oh. Hey...
- What you looking for today?

- (CHUCKLES): Whoa. Hey.
- Uh-huh.

- Um, I'm actually good.
- Aww.

B-But thank you.

You look really hot. Beautiful.

I mean, look at that booty.

I can't tell who's more spoiled

and ungrateful, you or my sister.

It's like you ladies deserve each other.

♪ Fill up my cup, pour
some liquor in... ♪


All right. Listen.

Maybe it's cool

to be a h*m* sexist
in your family, okay?

But I'm not gonna sit
here and let you bash me

and trash-talk your sister, all right?


Cristal has been through a lot lately.

And it's not like you or your
family have been there for her.

Don't talk about things
you don't understand, Sam.

Cristal's lucky she's blood.

Because in my family, traitors disappear

- for much less that what she's done.
- What's she done?

Maybe you should ask your
friend why I'm really here.

Now, who do I have bang to get
a drink around this place, huh?




Can we get a landline?
I don't know, somehow it feels

less dramatic with a cell.

Can you make that happen, please?



Okay. I thought you
were writing a memoir,

not modeling pantsuits.

Well, I need a photo for
the cover. What do you think?

I think you may have forgotten the part

where you actually write the book first?

Have I?

Philip is nearly through with
chapter six, my college years.

He's a New York Times
best-selling memoirist.

And Audrey over, one
of Oprah's top picks,

is outlining my takeover of C.A.

You see, we're multitasking, which is

covered in detail in chapter four.

Fallon, I know you like a challenge,

- but this is insane.
- No, it's proof of concept.

I realized the only way to
make Stuart see my vision

for this book is to let him see my book,

physically, in his hands,
and Len has to see

that the Carringtons
are just a few weeks away

from being back on top.

Well, this is exciting.

What do you want?

Sorry. I'm just proud of you,

proud of your book.

I just wanted to congratulate you

before I headed off to my
first day at the office.

- Off to give a Pomeranian a prostate exam?

No. Actually, I'm gonna be working

with the team doctor at the Atlantix.

Dad got my license reinstated.

I'm a doctor again.

He did that in one day?


"Carringtons don't do red tape."

I'm looking forward to
working with you, obviously,

but the chance to work
alongside my father

and make decisions for the team,

that's-that's like a dream come true.

Well, uh, just to be clear,

coordinating with Blake
on the health of the team

and dealing with
injuries to star players,

that's, uh, that's mostly my job.


But there'll be plenty
of important work for you to do.

I hope you're not disappointed.

Course not.

- I'm-I'm just happy to be here.
- Good.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

got to meet Blake at the
training facility, but

Susan will set you up
with everything you need.

Thank you so much, Dr. Glennon.
Uh, I'll walk out with you.

Oh, forgot my bag. I got it.
I'll catch you later.


How do I look?



For you.

Uh, excuse me, could you
give us a minute, please?

- Of course, sir. Yes.
- And, uh, take these things.

Thank you very much.

It looks great. It's really,
really incredible. Thank you.

You know, there is one thing
I wanted to talk to you about:

Jeff Colby.

Something about him rubs me wrong.

I'm not sure he's got your
best interests at heart.

I think it's best if you stay here,
under my care, as you heal. Mm?

I mean, we are a team now, aren't we?


You looked a lot like Fallon
when you were younger.

Well, I should get going.

I'm sorry you can't join,
but I have a party to attend.


Oh! Stuart.

So glad you could make it.
Thank you for coming.

Of course. It's a nice party, Fallon,

but the setting doesn't change
the fact you fired our writer.

You should have talked to us first.

I know, but I've always been one

for doing rather than talking.

Thank you.

- What's this?
- This is my memoir.

Hot off the presses.

You've written an entire
book in less than hours?

Well, admittedly, it's only
the first eight chapters,

but, you know, uh...

consider it exhibit "A" of my commitment

to making this book a success,
because when Fallon Carrington

sets her mind to something,

there is no stopping her,
which you can read all about

in chapter seven, "Perseverance."

(CHUCKLES) What can I say?
I'm blown away.

I'm not quite sure how
you pulled this off,

but you're obviously onto something
with this whole "lady boss" angle.

Okay, you know what?

I'm confident we can find you

another ghostwriter
to fulfill your vision.

Let's fulfill the hell out of it.

- (CHUCKLES) Cheers.
- Cheers.

Can't believe Dad would
do all this just for me.

Oh, calm down.

Last year, we threw a party
for the dog, and it was better.

Look, I know you don't
like sharing the spotlight,

but Dad's just...

he's going a little bit
overboard right now

trying to make up for lost time.

I don't care.

And you do know you can
just call him Blake, right?

Oh, but you should definitely
kiss him on the mouth.

He'd love that.

Hey, Susan. Dr. Glennon
was looking for you.

He said something about
next week's schedule?

- I think he's over by the piano.
- Oh, sure, thanks.




Oh, my goodness.

Blake, there's something
you need to see.

Oh, what am I looking at?

JENNINGS: These files were just uploaded

to the Atlantix shared
folder by Arthur Glennon.

These are mostly women from the office.

I think it was a mistake,
but it gets worse.

Oh, my God.

Adam was right about him.


Yeah, it's Blake.

Yeah. I just saw it.


There you are.

Please tell me there weren't any
problems signing Carlos Aguirre.

About that... I can't do it.

I don't understand.

See, I know what's
going on here, Cristal.

Your story didn't
quite sit right with me.

Turns out the Flores family

has hired a couple of players
nearing retirement in the past

and those players were prone
to "errors" during games

where there were an
unusual amount of bets.

Okay, fine.

My father is trying to use Carlos

to throw games and turn a profit,

but he won't get that far, I promise.

- Michael, please.
- No.

I went down that road with Ada

and nearly lost everything.
I won't do it again.

I'll see you inside.

You seriously need to spill.

Look, I don't know what your

hot, evil brother's holding over you,

but if I'm gonna babysit any longer,

we need to discuss my fee.

It doesn't matter now.

I owe him and I failed.

And now I don't know what to do.

You guys are family. I'm sure
you'll figure something out.

No, we won't, Sam.

My family is not gonna just let this go.

They tried to destroy my life
once, and they will do it again.

Oh, wow. You know how to
wear a suit, don't you?

One leg at a time, last I
checked. Not so bad yourself.

Oh, hey, it's not my first party.

Mm, hey, so, um, how's that

Kick the Habit thing going? Still good?

(CHUCKLES) It's great. Actually,
I could use a little help,

if you're up for it.

Well, I'm up for anything.

So, if you need me, you
know where to find me, boss.

Beto, it's time for us to have a talk.


Beto, enough of this nonsense.


Why wasn't I made meaner?


- Beto...

ROBERTO: I told you
to lock the damn door!

Get the hell out! Now! Both of you!

I'm sorry. Get out.


FALLON: The Carrington name
is only going up in value

and slapping Nectacom on our stadium

would increase your
brand awareness by %,

so trust me,

once the stadium is built,

nobody will care about
that dumb article.

Tell your father we'll see him on
Monday to continue negotiations.

- I'll do that. You enjoy the party.
- Thanks.

MAN: You think her dad's
gonna make another toast?

Oh, yeah, I'm sure he
will. From what I hear,

Blake always makes some kind
of speech at these parties.


I gave him my card.
He seemed very interested.

I mean, can you imagine the presales?

It's just a shame we had to spend
so much time humoring the daughter.

Please, just do me a favor,

find me a ghostwriter
who knows how to nod

and smile, okay?

I want to get this over with so
we can move on to signing Blake.

They pulled him over
in-in Africa for speeding.

Really, Arthur, huh?

My own daughter? You're disgusting.

What are you talking about?
I think there's been a mistake.

I'm sure there was, huh? I'm sure
you didn't mean to send this out

far and wide to the
entire Atlantix company.

But then again, it's probably
hard to type with one hand.

You can cheat on your wife all you want,

- but you stay the hell away from my daughter.
- GLENNON: Your daughter?

Look, I don't know what
you're talking about.

I would never cheat on my wife.

Oh, I've noticed that she's not here.

Because she's at home, sick.

Huh. Does she know
about your spank bank?


Blake, those are not my pictures.

Save it for court.

I've talked to the board
already, you're fired.

Just throwing out trash.




I brought a peace offering.


You can have both of them if you want.

Look, you don't have to talk
to me if you don't want to,

but I remember how lonely it
was before I came out, so...


I'm not gay, you know.

Hey, who said anything about labels?

It's and sexuality
is a social construct.

I was talking about me.

You know, I never came out to my father.

I always felt this pressure to put on

an overly manly charade
at family gatherings.

It wasn't me.

Just like that act at
the strip club isn't you.

Y-You have no idea who I am.

Mm, but I think I do.


Because I was you.

And I know you need an ally.

For me, it was my Aunt Celia.

And when she fled Venezuela,

I resented her so much for so long.


I understand why it's so easy for you to

pin all of your anger on Cristal.


If you can't learn to
forgive your sister,

you might lose her
when you need her most.

- Cookie?

So did your -hour memoir do the trick?

Not exactly. Turns out,

the boys' club publishers

were only interested in using me

to get to my father,
whose naming rights deal

I've been trying to save all night.
But does Blake notice?

No. Because he's all Adam all the time.

I'm sorry, Fallon. That's really unfair.

Do you know what the real tragedy is?

This stupid cake is
delicious. (CHUCKLES)


Thank you.

Thank you. Look, I know

that I have been known to give
a long-winded toast or two...

- ... but tonight, I...

I am, well, I'm speechless.

What do you say...

to the son you've been waiting

years to see again?

And I knew right away it was you.

I knew because you
have your mother's eyes.

And my passion for work.

My determination, my unending desire

for the truth.

So, I want to thank you, son,

for giving me back the hope

that I lost all those years ago.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Adam Carrington.


I have, uh, one final announcement.

As you know, I have
always wanted to work

side-by-side with one of my children.


Well, Adam just started working

at the Atlantix today.

And in true Carrington fashion,

he has already knocked
it out of the park.

And because of that,


my son will be returning
with a promotion.

You are our team's new head doctor.




Excuse me. Oh.


Let me call you back.


Wow, great speech.

So, let me get this straight:
you're writing a book?

You can relax. I took a man's
business card, if that's what you mean.

That book was my
opportunity to tell my story.

The story about a young
girl who always dreamed

of growing up to be powerful

and respected, just like her father.

But as it turns out,
I have always lacked

the requisite hardware,
because nobody cares

what a woman has to say
as long as there's a man

willing to give his two cents.

I can see that you are emotional.

- But this isn't about your being a woman.



Every day I spent with you at C.A.

helping you build that company,

and all of a sudden, Adam shows up.

And the prodigal son returns.

And what does Adam have to do with this?

I have fought my entire life

for the respect and the privilege

that you have given
him in just hours.

Maybe because he wasn't given everything

you've been given your whole life.

I have handed you every opportunity.

Uh-uh, wrong. I had to take it.

And the only way I got to run C.A.

was because I stole
it out from under you.

Because you didn't deserve it.

You were never qualified to run C.A.

"Never qualified." And yet,
when the Carrington name

is dragged through the
mud, or there's a scandal,

all of a sudden, I am qualified.

- And you know what? I am done.
- There you are.

The guys from the Atlantix
wanted to get a picture.

He's all yours.

Enjoy being the Carrington
flavor of the month, bro.


ROBERTO: Thank you.


- Cristi...



Okay, so that should bring
us up to speed on projects

in development. Now
I'd like to focus on...

Sorry I'm late.

So unlike me to miss a company meeting.

Oh, Fallon.

- To what do we owe the pleasure?
- Oh.

No need to be so formal.
We don't work together anymore.

Which means you don't
need to go out of your way

just to humor the daughter.

You know, I learned a few things

in the last couple of days. I would, uh,

give you credit for
that, but I don't know.

Attributing a woman's enlightenment

to a man's treachery is so s.

- Right, Kirby?
- Mm, so archaic.

Fallon. What's going on?

Well, first, you tried to
ignore my vision for this book

and then, you just flat-out lied to me

to preserve a potential
relationship with my father.

- The great irony being...
- Hmm.

... I was doing this book
mostly to help him out.

Well, guess what?

I am sick and tired of being used

by miserably ungrateful men.

Okay, you know what?
I've had enough of your little

girly games here.
I'm gonna call security.


I had a feeling that
you weren't gonna leave

without kicking and screaming.

You see, I got tired of
playing ball in a man's world.

So, I went ahead and
bought NTNR Enterprises.

- The company that owns your... Oh, well, no,

my publishing house.

Femperial Publishing,
as it will now be known,

will focus on books
for, by and about women.

Women like Kirby,

who are smart, independent
and who have been

mostly ignored until now.

And I'll admit, I've been
guilty of that, as well.

But not anymore, because Kirby,

you are now my Millennial
Content Consultant.

I am?

- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, I am.

Pack your bags, boys.

Your reign has ended.

with me, gentlemen.

This is a joke, right?

Mike, Terry, don't listen to her.

- SECURITY OFFICER: Time to go, sir.
- Don't touch me.


What is all this?

Well, you got me thinking, Jeff.

And you were right.

This really wasn't a
comfortable environment,

so I changed it.

And now Alexis has
everything she loves...

right here.

Caviar? We have extra.
Her appetite ebbs and flows.

My nurses are waiting in the hall
to help take her to my place.

That's very kind of you
to go through all that,

but Alexis is gonna recover here

in the Carrington Wing.

Well, last I checked, it's her signature

the hospital needs on
the discharge papers,

- not yours.
- You know, maybe I'm misreading the situation,

but I think it's you making
decisions on her behalf, not me.

What's he talking about?

Well, I'll be back to
check on you tomorrow.

And every day after that.

Be seeing you real soon, cousin.

Hey, cousin?

Could you bring us a crossword

when you visit tomorrow?

We love them.


- What's this?
- Generic white guy books

already in development.

You get to decide what
stays and what goes.

Well, I guess I can find the compassion

to give them a fair trial
before sentencing them

to eternal damnation.


Hi, Miss Carrington, there's an author

here to see you; he got wind

of the change in ownership
and would like to meet.

Aw. He must want to plead his case.

I have never felt more like
Khaleesi than right now.

What's his name?

Uh, John Southside?

Ooh, terrible pseudonym.
Okay, I have five minutes.

Send him in.


LIAM: Fallon?

What the hell is going on?


We have the very best
surgeons on her team,

but as you're aware, her
injuries were quite extreme.


In these cases of such
extensive tissue reconstruction

and repair, we like to
make sure the patient

has the opportunity to
make any cosmetic requests.

Well, Mother and I were talking

and if it's possible,

(WHISPERING): she'd love
to shave off a few years.

Okay, well, we can go over the options.

Well, actually, if we could use this

as a point of reference,

that would be wonderful.