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01x19 - Bring it On

Posted: 07/28/21 08:04
by bunniefuu
- (buzzer sounds)
- ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen,

it's time for the hottest halftime show

in New York City.

Where's your fiancé?

Give it up for the Bronx City Dancers!

♪ ♪

(applause, cheering)

Formation, formation!


Go, Lauren!

(applause, cheering)

(buzzer sounds)

(cheering, whooping)

Lauren, you okay?

(whistle blows)

(excited crowd chatter)

I'm so sorry, Kelvin.

- I totally blanked.
- No, you're doing an amazing job.

It's okay, it happens.

Okay? Come on, shake it off, okay?

Shake it off. You got it, you're okay.

All right.

LAUREN: Baby, it's me again.

I'm on my way home;
hopefully, you'll be there.

Call me back.

I know you're angry, but please,
just let me explain.

(thunder crashing)




♪ It's good to love,
it's good to love, ♪

♪ It's good to love ♪

♪ I've got a right to give ♪

♪ So good to love, so good to love ♪

♪ But when you give yourself away ♪

♪ It always hurts too much ♪

♪ So you pray to get it back ♪

♪ Only God can give you that ♪

♪ Make my body come alive ♪


♪ It's good to love, it's good to love ♪

♪ It's good to love. ♪

TV REPORTER: In a shocking development,

controversial celebrity defense
attorney Jules Caffrey

has been arrested for the m*rder
of his fiancée, Lauren Wilson.

Of course, Caffrey first
garnered national attention

years ago,

when he won the landmark
Abel Alcindor case.

In the years since, Caffrey has defended

a number of infamous criminal clients,

including a long list of celebrities.

Jules Caffrey is a successful
black man in America.

Of course they're going after him.

There's only one JC I'd pray to
if I got in trouble:

Jules Caffrey. The guy's a legend.

He's scum. He deserves to go to prison

just like any other k*ller.

I think it's pretty clear
we have a rock solid case

against Jules Caffrey.

Fingerprints, DNA evidence,

and a key eyewitness
that all link Mr. Caffrey

to the m*rder of his fiancée.

JC cannot talk his way out of this one.

He is going to prison.

(horns honking)

BENNY: Whoa, Bull.

Bull, look. Ooh, purple t*nk, : .

She's checking you out, my friend.

You gotta see this, Bull. Look closer.

Purple t*nk has a wedding ring.

Although, that was a valiant attempt

at trying to distract me.



you bet me twice in a row,
I had to try something.

Next drink's on you.


Look what I found.

A cupcake for my cupcake. Oh...


Computer nerd humor. Nice.

GAYLE KING (on TV): ...and now,
he's fighting to clear his own name.

Please welcome Jules Caffrey.

CHUNK: Jules Caffrey on Gayle King?

Now this should be entertaining.

KING: What do you have
to say about that?

The charges are a complete
fabrication, Gayle.

Lauren and I were in love.

These vindictive att*cks by the
NYPD and the DA's office

is an insult to me, to Lauren

and to the entire justice system.

Confident body language,

expressive, emotional.

Knows how to play to an audience.

- Not to me.
- MARISSA: Says the former prosecutor

who lost to him how many times?

- CHUNK: Wow.
- (Bull chuckles)

KING: So how do you intend
to prove your innocence?

Well, when the entire system
is trying to bring you down,

then you hire the best.

That's why I've brought on
the world-renowned

trial consultant Dr. Jason Bull.

What the hell is he talking about?

KING: Dr. Jason Bull is
a highly regarded psychologist,

widely considered a pioneer
in the field of trial science.

But let's talk about the facts
of this particular case.

Why didn't you tell us
we took on Jules Caffrey?

Because we didn't.

(reporters clamoring)

(Jules chuckling)

The great Dr. Jason Bull, everybody.

My partner.

BULL: Jules Caffrey.

You've got a lot of fans.

I'm not exactly one of them.

You don't get my help by
lying about hiring me.

(laughing): It got you here, didn't it?

(laughing): Yeah. Well, so
would a text with a smiley face emoji.

You pull that crap again
and I'll be on Gayle King

saying how you did hire me,

but I quit, 'cause I couldn't believe

- how guilty I found you.
- (laughs)

Wait, wait. I'm not guilty.

Just hear me out.

Thank you, guys.

Thank you so much.

I see.

Well, renovations can cause

a lot of tension in a relationship.

Eh, it's Lauren's idea.

She wants everything to be Tiffany blue.

She says it'll calm me down.

She “says” that?

I, uh, I meant, uh, “she said that”"

Jules Caffrey is a jealous,

controlling man who could not
stand to be disobeyed.

The people of New York owe it
to Lauren, and to all the women

who live in fear of their
abusers, to stand up

and say enough is enough.

She's everywhere.

This whole thing is a witch hunt.

I even set up a tip line

to help them look for the real k*ller.

BULL: Any leads?

None that the police will follow-up on.

They just want me.

Vindictive bastards.

So tell me, Jules.

What's your theory?

I'm sure you have one.

It's possible that
Lauren had a fling with someone.

A fling?


That's not the ideal fiancée.

It was recent.

A week before all of this,

she was hiding something. I...

Phone calls she didn't want me to hear.

I came to surprise her at the
rehearsal, she wasn't there.

Never showed up.

Well, she was .

And years younger than I am.

She gets a lot of attention.

And I wasn't always around, so I...

I don't know.

Looking at your wall here,

one of these plaques kind of stands out.

The New York Foundation for
Mankind Humanitarian Award,

Jules Caffrey, .

Where'd that guy go?

He has three expensive exes.


Now I got a question for you,
Mr. Trial Consultant.

Do you believe in justice?

Because you're looking
at an innocent man.

BENNY: Why would you take the case?

'Cause he didn't do it.

BENNY: And you can tell that

just by meeting him once.

Jules speaks about Lauren
in the present tense.

The m*rder was three months ago.

It's as if he can't believe she's dead,

and K*llers aren't in denial.
CHUNK: I'm with Bull.

I mean, look, the guy's theatrical.

He's a showman in every way,

but he's also done a lot of good.

I don't believe he did it.

The evidence, the witness,
this voice mail.

LAUREN (on voice mail):
I know you're angry, but please,

just let me explain.

Hear that? She's scared.

The prosecution is honing in
on their narrative.

Jules was Lauren's sugar daddy.

Rich, powerful, controlling.

k*lled her in a jealous rage.

It's true. The mock jurors
hated the Jules and Lauren

May-December romance.

Well, if he was a saint
it would be easy.

- He doesn't even have an attorney.
- BULL: Yeah.

I was thinking about that.

No. No, no, no, no.

Look. Jules' only defense

is that the police want payback.

Come on, Bull. I-I can't sell that.

And I'd never expect you to.

- (Jules chuckling)
- And that was the day that I realized

I loved Alfredo sauce.

(both chuckling)

Hello, trial consultants.

Ready to get to work?

BULL: Team.

Meet our client, Jules Caffrey.

And the man who's gonna represent him...

Jules Caffrey.

You want me to defend myself?

Seems to me you're the only one who can.

CABLE: I cross-referenced
the last six months

of Lauren's texts,
phone calls and e-mails.

All her top pings are basketball people.

Any family, exes or whatnot?

None. She's a foster kid
that bounced around a lot.

Who were her top two contacts?

Dance squad leader, Kelvin Li,
and power forward, Grant Combs.

Hmm. Looks like Kelvin held a lot

of private dance sessions
with Lauren. And Grant,

just look at him.

I know the squad's wardrobe
person from my days at Vogue.

I'm sure she's got some intel.

Let's see what it is.

SHELLEY: Okay, so I want
to offer you a gift,

because you're my friend,

and because I want to see
The Jules Show canceled,

and this master of media
manipulation behind bars.


man one, years.

Parole in .

We're going to trial, Shelley.

Wait a minute. Are you defending him?

Am I going up against you in court?


He's going pro se.

(laughing): Oh, my God.

You know, “He who represents himself

has a fool for a client”"

You know who said that, right?

Uh, yeah. Abe Lincoln, you,

pretty much everyone who studies law.

You know what?

I don't even want to offer you a deal.

Everyone knows that Jules
is a traveling circus,

and he's gonna make Bull his clown.

Well, then we'll make sure to keep

the coulrophobics off the jury.

People with an
irrational fear of clowns.

I know what it means.

I am one and it's not irrational.

Unlike having Jules
defend himself in court.

Hey. Don't get too confident, okay?

Bull's tactics tend to pay off.

I can't wait.


Statistically, black jurors
are more sympathetic

to black defendants,
especially in celebrity cases.

I want to shut that down right now.

I don't want the perception
to be that I got off

because of a black jury.

- This is about me being innocent.
- BULL: Good.

Because we actually found in your case

race isn't the primary factor.

Your best jurors tend to be those

with low NPI scores.

That's Narcissistic Personality

So doormats.

People with no ego. Why?

What's my score?

On a scale from one to ...

a . Our ideal juror
would be under ten.

(chuckles) Call me whatever you want.

But the people know

when Jules Caffrey speaks,

it's the truth. It's also illeism.

You really like referring to yourself

in the third person, don't you, Jules?

- A lot of people do that.
- The only ones

who do it more than you
are Donald Tr*mp and Elmo.

Okay, which is why our focus will be

on people who don't like high-drama.

Pageants. Spectacles of any kind.

- Canadians, essentially.
- (chuckles)

No, no, no. You guys
are eliminating my fan base.

This is wrong.

We need the opposite.

We need people who can be
swept away by emotion

and people who know

that I am the thorn of justice

in this system's underbelly.

That works for Jules Caffrey,
the defense attorney,

not Jules Caffrey, the defendant.

Prosecutor's narrative is

that you are a jealous,
jilted and vengeful lover.

But this jury is gonna
buy into reasonable doubt

because Shelley doesn't have
the facts to convince them.


Trust our process.

♪ Ooh... ♪

COACH: Come on, defense. Defense.

Move your feet.

♪ We can dance all... ♪

Drive, drive.

(whistle blows)

All right, good practice, guys.

Hit the showers.

Kelvin Li?

We're full up, sweetheart.

You're gonna have to audition
next summer like everybody else.

Right. Well, I'm an investigator

with the Trial Analysis Corporation.

I have a few questions to ask you

about Lauren Wilson's m*rder.

Don't worry. I'm not
here to try out, either.

I'm looking for an old friend.

Rita in wardrobe?

Um, yeah, she's upstairs.


♪ You drive me crazy... ♪

So, what was Lauren like?

What was Lauren like?

- She was warm.
- CHUNK: So, Rita,

what was Lauren like?

She was cold.

Everyone loved her.

The other girls hated her.

She had raw talent.

She had two left feet.

Maybe three.

We were devastated by her loss.

Angela practically
did cartwheels on her grave.

CHUNK: But if she wasn't a good dancer,

how did she even make the squad,

let alone team captain?


DANNY: Now, you and Lauren were
spending a lot of time together.

Were you having an affair?

Uh, no.

Well, yes.

Do I have to answer that?

Was Lauren sleeping with someone?

How do you think she got on the squad?

Lovers have disagreements,
sometimes they get heated,

turn violent.

Any of that happen
between you and Lauren?

I'm not gonna comment
on my personal life.

I'm sleeping with a colleague,

which is against the rules.

Lauren knew and was our go-between
so I wouldn't get fired.

Jules Caffrey
is a part owner of the team.

He wanted his girlfriend hired,

she got a uniform.

DANNY: So you needed her

to cover for you and Tiffany?





- (gasps)
- (chuckles)

WOMAN: And up.

♪ ♪

- Get any good dirt?
- Oh, yeah. You?

- Oh, yeah.
- (cell phone beeps)

DANNY (over phone): Hey, Bull.

So, Lauren wasn't having an affair.

She was helping Kelvin and Grant
hide their relationship.

That's what friends are for.

CHUNK: Well, the only problem
was Lauren's dancing.

Jules is part owner of the team.
He demanded

that Lauren get a spot on the squad.

All right. Look into the dancers.

It's totally wasted on you, Chunk.

- I got to go.
- (phone beeps)

(crowd chatter, people chanting)

- Okay, you ready?
- I'm always ready.

Give 'em a crumb, let 'em want more.

(reporters shouting questions)

(camera shutters clicking,
reporters shouting)

All right, all right.

All right, all right, all right.

This trial is about showing

that the American judicial system works.

(reporters shouting questions)

How many of you think that Jules Caffrey

is inauthentic and over-the-top?

And who thinks

that a person

can be charming in public

and abusive at home?

- Sir, why do you dislike the defendant?
- Objection.

Ms. Giordano is trying to poison
the jury pool.

Settle down, Mr. Caffrey.

You have plenty of time
to do that on your own.

MARISSA: So much for an impartial judge.

Just remind Jules:

low NPI scores.

Shelley's creating an anger index.

She's looking for amped-up jurors.

We want the opposite, right?

Low-key, no drama queens.

No, Canadians. I know.

Who here doesn't own a television?

BULL: Juror number

has a humble soul.

No glitz. Systematic.

He's perfect.

The defense excuses juror number .

MARISSA: Looks like Jules
didn't get the memo

- on Mr. Perfect.
- What are you doing?

You look at me

before you cut a potential juror.

I don't trust a guy
who doesn't watch TV.

Well, we don't need your trust.
We needed his.

I got this.

MARISSA: All right, one juror down.

We can still bounce back.

BULL: Juror number one.

Body language screams self-involved.

MARISSA: Kendall Nagel.

Communications major. And she posted

five selfies in the last two days.

Did you play competitive sports?

I did gymnastics in high school.

I was a track star.

I'm s...
Is he flirting with Miss Selfie?

Yeah, he is simultaneously

turning on juror number one (chuckles)

and turning off juror number six.

MARISSA: Juror number six,

Ellen Crayford.

She has an NPI score of nine,

but she's divorced...
her husband left her

for her kid's -year-old teacher.

Oh. (clears throat)

MARISSA: You've got
to rein Jules in, Bull.

His usual charm tactics

- aren't gonna work
- Excuse me.

When he's a defendant.

I don't know what you think
you're doing, but she is biased

by your three ex-wives

and your late cheerleader fiancée.

We need to bounce

one and six.

No. I've picked hundreds of juries.

The jury's acceptable to the prosecution.

JUDGE: Great. What does the defense say?

- You hired me. This is what I do.
- Bull.

JULES: This is my life
that's on the line, not yours.

JUDGE: Mr. Caffrey, is this jury

- acceptable to you or not?
- Do you want to win or not?

- Bull.
- It's a simple question...

yes or no?

- Yes.
- JUDGE: Excellent.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

please stand to be sworn in.

BAILIFF: Members of the jury,
please raise your right hand.

I'm gonna have to teach
you sign language.

JULES: Bull.

Hey. What are you doing?

The show is over there.

You don't want them
to hear this, trust me.

Jules, I am not window dressing.

I'm the damn window.

- You hired me, remember?
- You bet I did.

And image is everything.

- And you don't rep guilty men.
- Listen to me.

Science is everything.

And my team and I have
spent every waking hour

culling research and data

to formulate this game plan.

Look, I didn't mean
for the judge to hear me.

- I'm sorry.
- Lie to others,

not to me. It's the fastest way
to wind up in jail.

You really think juror number
one is gonna be a problem?


Oh, boy. Kendall, the fangirl?

Yeah, she's gonna be a problem.

She's going to enjoy every
minute of this trial

and every look you give her,

but she's gonna find you guilty

because Shelley's gonna convince
her that you're abusive.

That is the prosecution's game plan.

Now wake up. Start listening to me.

Yo. Talked to internal affairs.

The officers on Lauren's
m*rder are clean.

They double gloved, dotted
every “I,” crossed every “T”"

No one wanted to make a procedural error

that could cost them a conviction.

We're gonna have to find the guy

Jules thinks his fiancée
was sleeping with.

ALLIE: Special delivery.

- Ooh.
- (grunts)




(squeals) (chuckles)

It's a giant purple cat thing.

It's Rubio Shoyra

from the Tokyo Spiritchasers
shojo manga.

- It's from Wes.
- Cute.

I'm gonna not pretend
that I understood that.

Is it Japanese?

- Yeah.
- And the second gift

- from Wes this week.
- (giggles) I know.



- Nothing.
- No, really, supermodel,

- what are you trying to say?
- Well, are you mad at him?

No. Why?

Well, you know guys.
They don't give gifts

“just because.”

I actually don't know guys.
They're a complete mystery.

Trust me, Wes is no player.

You know what? You guys
are the behavior experts.

I'm sure the modeling world's

totally different. (chuckles)

So just... Maybe I'll take this.

(clears throat)

CHUNK: We have a new suspect.

Angela Miles.

Finally made it up to captain
of the squad in Bronx City

and then lost it when
Lauren came on board.

And got back on top after Lauren d*ed.

Doesn't quite seem enough to k*ll for.

Have you ever met a cheerleader?

- Have Cable do a deep dive on Angela.
- (phone buzzes)

Pay her a visit, see if you can
ruffle her pompoms.

What is it, Danny?

- Turn on the TV.
- (crowd cheering)

This ought to be interesting.

JULES: I want to thank you
all for gathering here.

Not for me, but for Lauren.

I followed him to Washington Square

after the court let out.

The NYPD and the district attorney

want to bring Jules Caffrey down.

They want to harm Jules Caffrey,

and they want to bury Jules Caffrey.

(scoffs) I hate the third person thing.

This is gonna polarize our jury.

Yeah. It's time
for Bull to shut this down.

CROWD (chanting): Jules! Jules!
Jules! Jules! Jules!

(horns blaring)

JULES: Why haven't the NYPD
looked into my tip line?

Why aren't they looking

for the real m*rder*r?

We need answers.

We need accountability.

We need justice.

Giordano's gonna hammer us with this.

- Justice for Lauren.
- What is Jules thinking?

- Justice for Jules.
- CROWD (chanting): Justice for Jules.

He's trying his case in the
court of public opinion.

Justice for Lauren

and justice for Jules.

(chanting): Justice for Jules.

Justice for Jules.

BULL: Marissa, are the mirror
jurors watching this?

Like it's the fourth quarter
of the Super Bowl.

And they were specifically instructed

not to follow any news about Jules,

just like the real jurors.

This is Jules taking the stand.

Right there, my friends, right there

is a tireless defender

for just causes.

Dr. Jason Bull.

(cheering, applause)

Come up.

Bull, you are not
going to believe this...

Jules' stunt isn't hurting him,
it's helping him.

Big time.

Look, I know this is not
what you wanted.

Well, it's not normal,

but then again, you're not normal.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I am here today

because Jules Caffrey

is an innocent man.

(cheering, whooping)

Yeah, we're not in Canada anymore.

CROWD (chanting): Justice for Jules!
Justice for Jules!

You made a genuine emotional
connection with the jury.

- The crowd.
- (chuckles)

I told you your strategy was wrong.

Even your low-drama jurors got swept up

in the moral authority of my cause.

Okay, first of all,
you're a case, not a cause.

And my way would have worked, too.

So “wrong” is the wrong word.

Okay. Let's focus

on Shelley's next move, shall we?

You know she's bringing out your exes

to show that you're possessive,
temperamental and jealous.

Someone who'd go into a violent rage

if they found out their fiancée
was cheating on them.

Here's how you proceed.

SHELLEY: Please state your name
and your relationship to the defendant.

Ginny Caffrey.

I was Jules' first wife.

We were married for five years.

Leslie Caffrey.

I'm the second wife.

Lasted four years.

Claudine Caffrey. I was three and three:

third wife, three years.

Notice how Jules gets older

and his wives always stay the same age?

Once a sugar daddy,
always a sugar daddy.

BULL: Why do you think

your marriages ended?

I was an attentive husband,

but I was often preoccupied
with my clients.

I can get stressed.

Miss some birthdays,
weddings, anniversaries.

Was Jules ever violent around you?

He could be, sometimes.

He'd get short with me, he'd get angry.

SHELLEY: Anything else?

He'd yell, throw dishes, kick doors.

I called them his adult temper tantrums.

But it was frightening.

Can you describe your ex-husband

in one word?

He was a monster.

- A monster.
- He was a monster.

(computer beeping)

The mirror jurors' biometrics
are through the roof.

They're upset, Bull.

Don't worry yet.

If he wins back the exes,

he wins back the jury.

You're gonna have the rarest
of opportunities:

you're gonna get to
cross-examine your ex-wives

under penalty of perjury.

JULES: Ginny,

were you upset about my ego

or were you upset about my job?


JULES: I was trying to build a practice,

so I worked late.

- You resented that?
- (chuckles)

I resented you sleeping with Leslie.

JULES: But, Ginny, you

kicked me out of our bed a year earlier.

So is it fair to say that I started

seeing other women
when you stopped seeing me?


JULES: And I always said it
wouldn't be fair raising a kid

with my hectic life.

And you agreed, correct?

- I thought you'd change.
- JULES: The red carpets,

the galas, the VIP suites.

I provided a lifestyle.

And you knew
what you were signing up for.

At first.

But then I didn't want that life.

JULES: So it really was you

who changed, not me.

- Yes.
- JULES: And in

all of our time together, did I ever,


lay a finger on you?




JULES: And when we were together...

with no interruptions...

was it good?


It was great.

The best.

JULES: No further questions, Your Honor.

Wow, he actually did it.

BULL: Even Kendall was moved.

♪ ♪

I was devastated when Lauren d*ed.

That's why I took her torch

and led the squad through their grief.

It's what Lauren would have wanted.

You know, it's funny
you should say that.

Your junior year in college,

you pushed another student
off the stage.

That girl

fell, broke her ankle

and had to step down as the lead
in the dance recital.

That's not my fault she couldn't

stick her landing on her grand-jeté.

The school agreed it was an accident.

Good thing you took up her torch, too.

Somebody had to.

Other people's tragedies
seem to work out

really, really well for you.

What you want me to say?

Lauren was a talentless fraud.

I was a nationally- ranked cheerleader.

The closest she ever came
to professional dancing

was a run of The Nutcracker

at a community theater in Indiana.

- Resented her much?
- Yeah.

She slept her way to the top.

I had to work my whole life for this.

Wait. Come on,

you're trying to say that I k*lled her?

- No, I'm sure you have an alibi.
- Every Sunday,

including the night that she d*ed,

I party at Output. It's a club.

Check it out.

(elevator bell dings)


(clears throat)

That was...

(chuckles) Intense?


Hopefully cathartic.

My exes have never
been that open with me.

Felt like we came to an understanding.

It's funny how honesty can do that.

Well, you did good in there.


Let's not do that again.

(crowd shouting angrily)

WOMAN: Stop the abuse!

(angry shouting)

Justice for Lauren!

CROWD (chanting): Not okay!
Justice for Lauren!

What the hell is going on?

(chanting): Not okay!

BULL: That's your jury.

Right on time.

For what?

She wanted to make sure the last thing

these jurors saw before going home

was people protesting your
behavior towards women.

She stole your thunder, Jules.

You're not the only one who's got game.

Good night, gentlemen.

(chanting): Not okay! Not okay!

- Not okay!
- (sighs)

Bull, Shelley's stunt on
the courthouse steps yesterday

turned two more jurors against us.

And this next witness isn't gonna help.

All the mock juries
believed his testimony.

BULL Derek the contractor.

(whispering): That's why
we're gonna leave Derek alone.

Do not cross.

SHELLEY: Mr. Miller,

you were at the defendant's house

the morning Lauren Wilson was m*rder*d.

Can you tell us what happened?

I arrived early

to deliver the material
for the kitchen work.

Ms. Wilson came down the stairs, crying,

and Mr. Caffrey
ran after her, screaming.

SHELLEY: Could you hear
what he was saying?

DEREK: Yes, ma'am. He said he wanted

to know where she was the night before,

who she was with. She said “Nobody,”

and he called her a liar.

MARISSA: Oh, boy, Bull,

the engagement levels are spiking.

This guy's honest, polite.

He's catnip for the jury.

That's why we're gonna leave him alone.

SHELLEY: And then what happened?


I stepped in, for her sake.
I got Mr. Caffrey

to let go of her arm.

She left the house crying.

SHELLEY: Did the defendant do

or say anything to you after that?

No, ma'am.

But he did punch a wall.

No further questions.

JUDGE: Mr. Caffrey,

any cross?

Uh, no questions, Your Honor.

I need to hear it

from Mr. Caffrey.


Well... you know what I want you to do,

but you think you know better

so light yourself on fire,
and I'll watch the show.


you said you stepped in

for Lauren's sake.

Did she ask for help?

DEREK: No, sir.


Were you attracted to her?

DEREK: No. No, sir.

Heart rates are up. Jules is coming off

as an angry jilted lover.
Bull, you need to stop him.

I am not gonna get in front
of that runaway train.

So there's no reason for you
to get involved, correct?

Well, I saw that look in your eye.

I'd seen it before.

I thought you were gonna hurt her.

Admit it: you just wanted to be a hero.

DEREK: If I was a real hero,

I would've stopped you from k*lling her.

(gallery gasps, mutters)

BULL (whispers): And...



- BENNY: Hey.
- Hey.

- Question.
- Yeah?

Jules identified Lauren's body
after she d*ed, right?

- Right.
- Under NYPD protocols,

that means they don't
need to verify the victim's ID

through her prints.

(chuckles) You're right. Lauren's prints

aren't in the case file.
I'll call the M.E.

- and get those ASAP.
- Well, they may also have them

in the Indiana registry.
That's where she's from.

I'll see what I find.

So, um, listen, about the other day...

we weren't saying
anything bad about Wes.

I did a profile on him.

A deep dive. I checked everything.

- Because of what Allie said?
- He's not

the type that gives gifts.

Well, maybe you... you changed him.

Maybe? Danny James,

are you becoming a romantic?

- No.
- (chuckles)

I just know that any guy
with half a brain

would not cheat on you.

- Okay?
- Okay.


Chunk. I assume you would have called

if you found us a new suspect.

You know me. Tell by your
tone, guess we need a new one?

What did our dance captain, Angela, say?

- Would it help to put her on the stand?
- She has an alibi.

Angela was at a club
at the time of the m*rder.

Cable verified her Lyft receipt.
And she is no fan of Jules.

All right. We've got one card
left to play.

Don't go home yet. I've got
a witness for you to prep.

- Any idea who this last witness is?
- Nope.

But on this case,
nothing would surprise me.

Your Honor,

I call myself as my next witness.

(scattered laughter)
Your Honor, sidebar.

Approach the bench.

This is just another act
in his circus show,

in which Mr. Caffrey attempts to ask

and answer questions of himself.

I have a constitutional right
to testify on my own behalf.

What's your plan, Mr. Caffrey?

Dr. Bull is gonna be asking me

Your Honor, Dr. Bull is not an attorney.

BULL: New York State law allows

that any member of the pro se
defense team may ask

the defendant questions.

That will be me.


BULL: Mr. Caffrey,

people call you a trophy wife hunter,

a sugar daddy,

a player.

What do you say to them?

It's true.

I've fallen in love more than once.

But I've never bought
anyone's affection. I mean,

you've met my exes.

BULL: What about Lauren?

There was a -year age difference.

(chuckles) Believe me,
I couldn't buy Lauren.

She was the one who wanted
to sign a prenup, not me.

And I wouldn't have
proposed a fourth time

unless I believed we had something real.

But you thought she was cheating on you?

Lauren was being evasive
the week of her death.

I confronted her and jumped

to a jealous conclusion.

But the truth is, as I later found out,

she was discreetly helping a friend

avoid being unfairly judged

for his sexual orientation.

Which makes me love her
and miss her even more.

(door opens)

BULL: Your Honor, I would like

to introduce the following
photos into evidence.

Objection. This wasn't in discovery.

BULL: Um, some leeway here,

Your Honor. Uh, we only just
discovered this information.

Tread carefully, Dr. Bull.

Hey, this isn't what we prepped.

- Are we allowed to do this?
- Bull, you are

already three feet off the ledge.

If you ambush Jules,
I have no idea what he might do.

BULL: Thank you, Chunk.

(quietly): And calm down, Marissa.

You recognize this woman?


That's Lauren.

BULL: And would you please
read the name that's printed?

Robin Cleary.

BULL: And what about these photographs?

Are these also Lauren Wilson?

Yes. Why?

Bonnie Henson, Austin, Texas.

Nicole Markey in Chicago,
Mandy Mitchell in New Orleans

and Robin Cleary from Indianapolis.

Mr. Caffrey, did you know
the woman you were engaged to

had five different identities
in five different cities?

There's been no offer of proof.

No prior discovery.

Hold on, Ms. Giordano.

- Well?
- We obtained

Lauren's fingerprints
from the medical examiner.

We ran it through the FBI

identification database.

And this afternoon we got a match.


Lauren Wilson, your fiancée,

wasn't Lauren Wilson, your fiancée.

She was Regina Preszler,

and she was a grifter.

Prosecution's trying to paint you

as some kind of player.

How does it feel to know that
you were the one who got played?


BULL: So, Mr. Caffrey, did you
have any idea that Lauren Wilson

was actually Regina Preszler?

- No.
- Did you know

Regina Preszler was a grifter
in the middle of running a con

on you at the time of her m*rder?

- No.
- And given that she was a con artist,

would it make sense

that she had a lot
of shady characters in her life?

Objection. Relevance.


It's a hypothetical.

I am merely asking

Mr. Caffrey,

who maintains he did not m*rder
his beloved fiancée,

if it's possible that someone
from this lady's sordid past

could possibly have k*lled her.

Because thieves make enemies.

JUDGE: Answer the question, Mr. Caffrey.

I suppose...

it's possible.

I just know it wasn't me.

BULL: No further questions.

Do you need a moment,
Mr. Caffrey? A tissue?

An Oscar?

No, thank you.

I have one line of questioning.

Are you sure you didn't know
Lauren was conning you

before she was m*rder*d?

I had no idea until right now.

SHELLEY: Because that
would make one hell

of a motive, that kind of betrayal.

- Objection.
- Yeah, I'm sure

you object.

Let me reframe.

Person like you,
a wealthy public figure,

neglected to do
a simple background check

on your fourth wife?

I thought...

(voice breaking): what we had was real.

- (scoffs)
- (taps foot twice)

(elevator bell dings)


(g*nf*re sound effects)

You're gaming again.

I knew it.

Oh, uh, hey.

Um, uh, it's-it's not what
it looks like.

It looks like you're binging
on Titanfall and Ray's Pizza.

I'm sorry, Cable. I'm really sorry.

Yeah. You should be.

You ever lose to a girl before?

Because you're going down.

Next time, don't buy me
so many presents.

You look like a Rodin sculpture.


You got hustled, Jules. It happens.

I know it happens. Just not to me.

I didn't run a background check

because I didn't want
to find any deal breakers.

Love is blind.

You will mourn.

You will heal.

And you will live to love again.

I will never...

forget her laugh,

how she cried every time
she watched Casablanca,

even, uh, how she tugged at her brow

when she got tense. Man, I just...

What did she do?

Um, she tugged at her brow
when she got all tense.

You don't have a picture
of her doing that, do you?


Yeah, a video. (chuckling)

- Even better.
- Yeah. Oh, Bull.

This was when sh-she was trying
out for my cheerleaders.

(chuckles) She was so mad I recorded it.

Ah, there it is. God, I love her.


(phone buzzes)


Okay. Thanks.

(phone beeps)

Jury's back.

It's decision time.

BAILIFF: Will the defendant
please rise for the verdict.

JUDGE: Madam Foreperson,
do you have a verdict?


We, the jury, find
the defendant, Jules Caffrey,

not guilty.

- (exhales)
- (murmuring)


Oh, man.

You're gonna be okay.

(sighs) Thank you.

So, Shelley...

Look, I'm not gonna pretend, Bull.

It makes me sick when
a k*ller beats the rap.

Then let's go find a k*ller.

Hey! Check the bearing partition
on the second floor, huh?!

MAN: You got it!


BULL: Jared Preszler.

Name's Derek.

SHELLEY: Derek, Matthew,

Ben, Jared.

You're all under arrest.

For what?

The m*rder of your
sister, Regina Preszler,

aka Lauren Wilson.

BULL: Your tell is
called trichotillomania.

It's a physical tic where
you tug at your eyebrow.

- Your sister Lauren did it, too.
- (siren whoops)

SHELLEY: Turns out it's
often a shared trait

among siblings.

Just like your DNA, which
was found at the crime scene.

BULL: They missed it
the first time, since...

- (Sirens)
- it's so much like Regina's.

It's a good thing you testified.

Jared Preszler!

On the ground!

On the ground!

On your knees.

Thank you.

Well, The Jules Show deserved
a satisfying ending.

You hungry?

I am.

- ♪ When the lights go dim ♪
- OFFICER: On your feet.

♪ I drift off to sleep... ♪

- Check me out.
- (chuckling)

BULL: Well, Jules, there is an upside.

Now you know Lauren loved you back.


You started out as this guy who... well,

you got arrested for fighting injustice.

And that's what you did.

And that's how you earned
that humanitarian award.

Well, I thought

by becoming the player,

or aggressor, defender,

I would never become

a victim myself.

I think you're ready to
reboot The Jules Show.

Second act. . .


So says the man
with his own three-ring circus.

Those clowns?


No, you have your own show.

You just put it on behind the scenes.


Maybe you should try taking
the spotlight more often.

You know, a very wise
man once said to me

that you can get anything
you want out of people

as long as you're not hung up

on taking the credit.

Nobody needs to know my name.

Excuse me.

Can I take a picture with you?

You mean with Jules?

Yeah. Who are you?

Nobody important.

All right, let's play some darts.

I think Benny's the only one
that owes me money.

Mm-hmm. So, it's a simple game.

You just go like this.

Oh, what? What?

No one say it, please.

MARISSA: Bull's-eye.