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03x12 - Shame

Posted: 07/29/21 08:25
by bunniefuu
So we wanted to thank you

for helping us get the settlement

and the startup money for Bulk Beauty.

What's our next step?

As far as we're concerned,

our next steps don't include you.

You only came back because you
found out I was dating someone new.

So if you really are back,

you are just going to have to prove it.

RUBY: Margaret Cho blew
the lid off the program.

Scott's out, and we want you back.

I'm leaving the country for six months.

I just think it's what's best for now.

The next best way to get our client off

will be to convince the jury

that this was an accident, not a m*rder.

Agents Nunn and Haverman with the FBI.

We need to make an arrest.

Kathleen Gale.

I asked Callie to represent me

for reasons that are
none of your business.

You know, whenever a parent says
they love their children all the same?

ROWAN: It's obvious
they have a favorite.

GAEL: We're getting a paternity test.

Whether this baby is mine or not,

she needs a little help.

No, I understand.

And I think it's very big of you.

You're a good guy.







PRIEST: Go ahead, son.

Sorry, it's my first time, Father.

It's okay. Let's start together then.

BOTH: In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

- PRIEST: Amen.
- Amen.

Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

Thanks for gathering
on such short notice.

I, uh, have something to share.

Um... Isabella is back.

I knew this was a terrible idea.

You gotta take me back to the motel.

Hey, hey, it's fine.

I spoke with Callie. She understands.

I don't want to ruin your relationship.

And people here, they... they hate me.

You didn't do anything wrong. Okay?

And I think if we tell people
why you're here,

they'll be understanding.

I mean...

if that's cool with you.

Is it cool with you?

Yeah, of course.

I mean, if we did tell people,

I guess I wouldn't have to explain

why I throw up every
time I brush my teeth.



It's bad.

So she's back, uh, and
she's staying in my loft.


Pregnant? What were you thinking?

How could you be so irresponsible?

What's your family going to think?

You can barely take care of yourself.

How're you gonna support a baby?

Because she's looking for a job
and needs a place to stay

until she can get back on her feet.

So... I'll be crashing with Dennis

and, uh, I'll pay the roommate
fees for the extra utilities.

Also, I'd really appreciate it

if you guys just treat her nicely

and refrain from the usual gossip.

- DAVIA: Gotcha.
- Right.

- GAEL: Okay?
- Yeah, sure.

Thank you.

This is quite the challenge
for you clatterfarts.


You know, tea spillers.

Well, good luck, guys.

Wait, did you know about this?

Uh, yeah.

And you didn't tell me?

I'm fine with it.

Well, I'm not.

Did he already tell you?

- Yes.

Isabella is clearly
taking advantage of him.

- You don't know that.
- Well, for your information,

since you've been gone,

Gael and I have gotten very close.

So I think I would know when
someone is trying to use him.

Well, I think that you
should respect his choices,

whether you approve of them or not.

DAVIA: That would be your take

as someone who does whatever
he wants, whenever he wants.

I just think if he wants
your opinion, he'll ask for it.

Well, in my opinion,

I know what it's like to carry
someone else's emotional baggage,

and it doesn't end well.


Why are Mom and Dad fighting?

♪ Pa-pa-pa pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Then we'll find our peace of mind ♪

♪ You and me, bel ami ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪


I can't believe I'm starting
over, looking for a new job.

I think it's exciting.

Says the woman who can't
get enough of starting over.

Of course, I wouldn't have to be

interviewing for a new job

if the Fight Club Girls
hadn't kicked me out,

when I was the one
who got Evan to settle

so they could get the seed money

to launch Bulk Beauty...

without me.

Uh, well, I can cover
your rent this month.

Oh, what about next month?

No, it's fine. I got this.

Who are you texting?

Uh, Gael. He wants to meet for lunch.

Are you meeting for lunch or...


I mean, I can make myself
scarce this afternoon.


Yeah, that would be nice,

since we can't exactly
go to his loft now.

How are you okay with this?

You know...

You know Gael. He's a nice guy.

Helping a friend.

Yeah, well, I don't trust Isabella,

and that's not gonna change.

Enjoy your lunch.

They don't even care.


Are you okay?

You're literally walking in circles.

I'm not sure I want to come back.

I mean, it was a really
toxic environment.

I know.

But Scott is out

and... and we're changing all of that.

We need you,



need you.

And my job is on the line

if I can't fix this PR stunt.

And I know... I know
I should have pushed

to get rid of Scott a long time ago,

but he's been with
the program forever and...

and it took someone with courage

and someone like you to shake things up.

To be honest, my biggest reason

for not wanting to go back

is the other comedians.

They were supposed to be my friends,

but no one stood up with me,

and no one's even checked in
to see how I am.

I get that, but...
this isn't about them.

This is about you.

Because of you,
great changes are happening

and you should benefit
from those changes too.

You have every right
to walk back in there

with your head held high.

- I guess you're right.
- I'm just saying.

Wait. How are you doing?

I'm fine.

I will be fine.



Do you think Isaac would be willing

to share you with another man?

I don't know.

Well, is it worth the risk
of losing him to find out?


Listen, can you not tell
anyone about me and Isaac?

I'm just not ready for people to know.

Sure, of course.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- ALICE: Morning.



Oh. So, Dennis, where
you been hiding that musk?

I was on a retreat.

You know, funny thing
about the word "retreat".

As a noun, it means sanctuary.

And as a verb, it means to run away.

Webster's dictionary. Hot.

So whichever kind
of retreat you were on,

why're you back?

I missed people.

KELLY: I wish I could say I was happy,

but the truth is
I've been eyeing your loft.

Are you thinking of letting it go?

- Nope. I'm back for good.
- Oh.

DAVIA: Well, don't lose hope.

He can be very unpredictable.
Here today. Gone tomorrow.

Welcome back.

♪ ♪

CALLIE: You know, someone
could have told me

we were meeting the accident
specialist at the crime scene.


We thought Kathleen would have
told you, seeing how you're besties.

Okay. Dr. Mickelson, this way.

Great. So, Dr. Mickelson,
we are planning to argue

that this was a tragic accident.

Tony, come stand in
for the victim, right here.

All right. Here we go.

And just pretend you are standing

facing the drop-off, relieving yourself.

Okay. So he then turns around

and he's zipping his fly, let's say,

but he's drunk and he
suddenly loses his equilibrium

and he tumbles backwards off the edge.

All right. You don't have
to do that part. (CHUCKLES)

So he's toppling over backwards.

He hits his head hard on the rock

that's jutting out of the hillside,

perhaps dislodging it,

which would explain

why it then rolled down the hill

and landed near the body.

What's the prosecution's theory?

Well, they are arguing
that this was a homicide

and that our client...
So turn back around.

That he came up behind him
while he was peeing,

hit him on the head with the rock.

And then he turns around...
Turn around. Spin around.

To see his assailant,
who then pushes him...

Don't worry. I got you. I got you.

And then rolls the rock
down the hill after him.


To fit your theory,

he would have had
to hit the rock just so.

And then for it to roll that
far after seems unlikely.

But possible?

Anything is possible.

Great. That's all we need.

Are you ready, TP?

Teacher's pet. See, I changed
your nickname from Impulse Buy.

Yeah. No, I got it. You ready?

See that rock over there.

The idea is to get the dummy

to hit his head there
and dislodge the rock.




TONY: Oh, sorry about that.

ROWAN: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Yeah, sorry.

We pride ourselves on having a diverse

and inclusive work environment...

... at Speckulate to nurture a
diverse and inclusive workplace.

We want this to be a comfortable
place for everyone to grow.

... where everyone has equal opportunity

to participate and rise

in a safe and supportive environment.

No toxicity, no double
standards, no glass ceilings.

So for real, you're an engineer?


We'd like you to be in the photo

for our new career page,
highlighting our engineers.

MARIANA: Most of our engineering
staff are white guys.

But who do they cherry pick
to put on the jobs page?

A handful of women and people of color.

You'll be taken more seriously
if you don't dress like that.

That's exactly what
I've been looking for,

a supportive environment

where the quality of
my work speaks for itself.

You seem like a perfect fit.

I'm happy to offer you the position.

And I'm happy to accept. Thank you.




You are a badass.

DEREK: I'm sorry
I didn't have your back.

I was too scared to step up.

And I've been trying to get
my big break for so long,

I didn't want to do
anything to harm that,

and I know that
it's absolutely no excuse.

I should have texted you after
to check on you,

but I didn't know what to say.

I really wanted to come with you,

but I choked,

and then it was too late.

I... was never really on board,

but... you've got guts, Kwan.

Welcome back, Alice and Sean.

We are so happy you decided to return.

We are committed to making the program

a safe and culturally sensitive space,

and we want the comedy to come from you.

You'll be collaborating
with the writers down the line,

but for today...

it's all you.


So let's get to work.

- Yeah, yes.
- RUBY: Yeah? All right.

I wish I never told Isaac about Dyonte.

I should have listened
to my girls and just...

I don't know...

Suppressed your feelings?

You were honest,

and you asked for what you needed.

I asked for too much.

I hurt him and I destroyed
our relationship.

This is what I always do.
I ruin everything.

What have you ruined in the past?

I don't know.

I'd like you to hear something, Malika.

Isaac could have chosen to stay

and work things out,

but he chose to leave.

It's still my fault.

Can you describe what
you're feeling right now?





Shame is judgment turned in on ourselves

for things we often
have no control over.

It's usually rooted in childhood

when we felt humiliated

by a parent or a teacher or a peer,

and we carry these painful
wounds around inside us,

these feelings that we're bad...

or we ruin everything.

For our next session,

I would like for you to think

about some moments, growing up,

that may have had a negative
impact on your sense of self.


Thank you.



- _

I didn't sleep with Raj.

I know. Um...

That doesn't mean that I trust you.

I know. I... I got closer to him
than I should have,

and I got in between you guys.
Mariana, I was wrong.

I'm so sorry.


if I'm the reason you two broke up,

then I understand
if you can't forgive me.

You weren't.

you're not the first friend

that I've betrayed.

But I'm doing my best
to make sure you're the last.

I'm... I'm really trying
to be a better person.

I appreciate the apology.

I recently...

lost a few friends who felt
like I betrayed them too.

And I guess I did.

I'm sorry for assuming
that you did anything wrong.

How about a peace offering?


So I didn't realize that
you were so close to Gael.

He said that you're here
because of money problems.

Um, yeah, that's part of it.

Mm, what's the other part?


Is it bad or something?

Oh, no, no, no. I, um...

I'm just not really drinking right now.



Is that part of the other part?

Oh, my God.

Are you pregnant?

TONY: Ohh!


I think maybe he needs to slide down.

If he slides, he'll be on his front.

TONY: Well, then maybe if you held
him up a little more on your side?

- ROWAN: I have. Every time.
- _

TONY: I know what I'm doing.




TONY: We got it!

Did you see that? Finally!

- Did you get it?
- No, I didn't get it.

You didn't say ready.

The camera wasn't recording.

So how's work?

What's going on with your campaign?


It's great.

We raised over $ ,

to help women
in the system with child care.

Okay. That's what I'm talking about.

I'm so proud of you.

Well... So work is good.

Everything okay with Isaac?



What happened?

We're taking a break.

It's fine.

I don't want to talk about it.


Thank you.

Do you ever feel, like...


Of course.

You don't spend years in prison

and not feel some sort of shame,


Even if you did nothing wrong.


Do you feel ashamed?

I do.

I'm the reason Dom
and I were in foster care.

Now, wait a minute.
No, that wasn't because of you.

I called CPS on Mom.

Because you had no choice.

Your mom wasn't in a good place.

And we were the parents.

If anyone failed here, it was me.

I should have been there for you all.

But you couldn't be.

I could have when I got out.

I should have come to you.

And I didn't because I was ashamed.

I keep this photo of you and
Dom with me at all times.

As a daily reminder
to be all I aspire to be.

A better father.

A better man.


Look at that beautiful,
innocent, little girl there, huh?

Now what in the world would
she ever have to be ashamed of?

Then or now. Hmm?

Thank you.

Poor, sweet darling. Hmm.


I don't even tell the barista
my name's Sanjana anymore.

I'm just, like, Jill...

- or Chloe.

I mean, it doesn't even matter.

Like, I'm Derek.

Literally, the WASP-iest name out there.

And still, it happens.

Da-reek. Nice.

Um, no. Just, uh... Just Derek.

Oh! Where are you from?

Like, originally.


Sir, you don't have to water
down your culture for me.

Oh, and then, Lindsay, you have
to write the name on the cup.

- Oh, I keep writing it.
- Yes, yes, yes.

- Over and over again.
- In Sharpie.

- D-A...
- It's, uh, D-E.

- R-R...
- Just, uh, just one R.

- D-A-R-R... Two Rs.

Roll that, rrrr, I like that.

E-E-E-Q, right?

"Q", like porque, I understand.

Colon, semicolon, ampersand,

period, period,

exclamation point.

I'm back.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



Uh, so how are things going
with Andre and the petition?

Still trying to get signatures.

Cool. Cool.

I, uh, got some canvases
donated for the art program.


All right, what's up?
Is this about Isabella?


Oh, come on, I know you have
something to say about it.

I think it's pretty clear you
don't care what I have to say,

now that your bestie is back.

What, Dennis? Seriously?

Come on, you know that that's not true.

You're my girl. Ain't no man
gonna come between us.

It just feels like
you've been avoiding me.

You know, I tell you everything

and you move a whole woman
into your loft

and don't even mention it.

I wanted to tell you, but...

Can we go into your loft?



Yes, she says it's mine.

Yes, we got a paternity test.

And, yeah, I know that I can't
raise a baby in the Coterie.

And I have no idea how the hell
I'm going to tell my parents

or how I could've been
this stupid and irresponsible.

- Hey, you're not stupid.
- I don't even have a real job.

Diapers cost money.

I don't know how I'm gonna afford that.

And I realize that I just got
a second chance with Callie,

and I'm sure I'm gonna
screw that one up too, now.

- But...
- And, Davia, if you judge me,

I swear to God...

I was going to ask, "Are you okay?"

No. No, I'm not okay.

Maybe if you stop judging yourself...

Oh. Yeah, is that the advice from
the woman who judges everyone,

especially Dennis?


- You know...
- Look, you know what,

I... I can't do this right now.

First of all, I owe you an apology.

It turns out I have bias. (CHUCKLES)

I mean, we all do, actually.

Um, it's kind of like HPV. (LAUGHS)

I'm just kidding
but, uh, seriously, um...

So I took, uh, some sensitivity
training yesterday

and... wow, my eyes are open.

Uh, racism, it's everywhere.
It's not just in the south.

I mean, did you know
that, until recently,

they only made Band-Aids
for white people?

I mean, when I heard that, I
was like... (MIMICS expl*si*n)

Nobody wants to admit that
they're part of the problem.

No one wants to admit that
they are r*cist or sexist or phobic.


I'm so thankful

that you've given me a second chance.

Um, uh, so tomorrow
we'll do the sketches

and, uh, yeah, we'll take a look at them

and we'll adjust from there.

Yeah, we've actually been
working on them already, so...

Oh. Great. Well, I look forward to
your point of view as a BIPOC person.

And Lindsay, of course.


Shall we?

ROWAN: Who's gonna tell Kathleen?

TONY: How about the person
who didn't hit record?

How about the people
who didn't say ready?

MARIANA: Okay, I will let
her know that you called.

Uh, what are you doing?


I brought your shoes.

No, I mean, why are you taking messages?




Um, Kathleen Gale's office.

No, she's not available at the moment.

- Uh, DA's office at : , yes.

- Can you spell your last name?

Monday the th?

I'll let her know you called.

Oh! Are you Kathleen Gale?


Dr. Mickelsen called.

He needs a day to process
the crime scene data.

And Pat Horton from
the DA's office wants

to reschedule a hearing
for the Jackson case.

Your dry cleaning is ready.

And if you're wondering,
I'm Callie's sister.

I just came by to drop off some shoes,

but your phones were ringing.

You don't happen to need
a job, by any chance?

Oh, I work here now.

What happened with
the job interview today?

Okay, I got it.

But I don't want it.

Oh, but you want to answer
phones at a law office?

I can't be Old Mariana anymore.

The thought of putting on a hoodie

and pretending to care about Doctor Who

while smiling through
the sexism? I... I can't.

And, look, I know that I'm to blame

for the Fight Club girls kicking me out.

I know that I need to change.

And I wanna be New Mariana.

I need a new job

and I need a break from the tech world.

Plus, how fun could it be
to work together?

♪ ♪

So, Rowan, Tony, this
is my sister, Mariana.

She's our new receptionist.

Nice to meet you.

So you do the hiring now too?

Oh, well, TP is head of HR.

Okay, you know what?

I'm sick of all the
passive-aggressive remarks.

Okay, I didn't ask
to be Kathleen's lawyer.

She asked me.

Maybe the reason she
didn't ask either of you

is 'cause you're more about
kissing her ass

with lattes and scones
than you are about the work.

Well, okay, first of all,

I'd like to say that I thought

our remarks are aggressive-aggressive,

and second, fair enough.

But don't act like you don't
enjoy being teacher's pet.

Admit it, you like being
the center of attention.

Oh, she does. (SCOFFS)

She was always the center
of attention growing up and...

KATHLEEN: So the plot thickens.

As you may recall, in Tommy's statement,

he claimed that he never set
foot near the drop-off point.

However, we have a new
discovery from the prosecution.

Beer bottle near the drop point
with Tommy's prints on it.

And they just found this?

They claimed it was mistakenly
left off the evidence list.

This is not good.

Just another thing
we'll have to take care of.

Callie, a word?

This is so cool. It's like Serial.

I knew nothing about this.

How is that possible?

Because they knew I'd throw a fit.

Apparently, they have
to give him a chance

to change his behavior
before they fire him.

He has a contract and blah, blah, blah.

We thought Scott was gone.

Things were going great.

I know.

But I have to smooth things
over and make it work.

I need your help with this. Please.

So? What'd she say?

Apparently, Scott has a contract

and they have to give him
a second chance.

Oh, my God.

What should we do? Do we walk out?

Oh, uh...

I mean, Scott said sorry,
and he did the training.

People don't just change
after a three-hour seminar.

Just say the word and
we're... We're out of here.

Like, for real this time.

Look, Scott's being watched now,

and he'll be on his best behavior.

And why should we sacrifice
our opportunity

to get agents and maybe jobs, you know,

to maybe get our big break,
because of him?

I say we give him another chance.


- All right.
- Okay.

- Oh, my goodness!
- All right.

I thought you were working late.

We ended up wrapping early.


Okay. Something's different.

You're effervescent and glowy.

You got one of those jade
eggs stashed up there?

I keep warm rocks on the altar.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

But, um, yeah, I do have news to share.

Oh, my God. Is that real?

Of course it's real.

You think she'd come up in here

acting all brand new over a stick-on?

I had henna that had me feeling myself.

Anyway, what I'm trying
to say is that it's gorgeous.

Did it hurt?

Uh, in a good way.

It's a yantra created
by this artist Svietliy.

I wanted it to represent the intentions
I'm manifesting in my life,

like self-love and acceptance and...

getting rid of judgment.

I wanted something
I could look at every day

that reminds me to be my best self.

It is so beautiful.

So what prompted this?

A breakup.

I came out to Isaac as poly

and told him I had feelings for Dyonte.

I was hoping he'd be open
to exploring my love-style,

but... he couldn't handle it.

And, I mean, I get it.
That's a huge change for him.

So, you know, I told him
we could stay monogamous,

forget the whole thing, but...

he couldn't.

He told me he needed space,

and now he's taking a job
out of the country

for, like, six months, so, yeah.

Guess he needed a lot of space.

- Hmm.
- Mm.

I am so proud of you.

- Really?
- Yes.

Standing up for your needs
like the queen you are.

KENDY: Seriously. I mean, Isaac is fine,

- but you're a whole catch and a half, okay?
- Thank you.

And I am sorry, but leaving
the country is so dramatic.

Like he is Julia Roberts off on his
white lady odyssey or something.

Thank you!

But, wa... wa... wait,
this calls for sh*ts.

- Yes, absolutely.
- Yes!

I'm sorry for being so bitchy
and judgmental towards you.

Can I just get this out?

I really want to have compassion for you

without losing myself,

but I'm not really sure how to do that.

I know you're hurting,
but I'm hurting too.

It hurt so much
when you just up and left,

and I... I couldn't talk to anyone

who didn't know about Jacob.

And people kept asking me, you know,
"Where's Dennis? Why did he leave?"

And I just didn't...
I didn't know what to say.

Hold on. I'm... I'm not done yet.

(SIGHS) Anyway...

We both live here,

and I don't want to be
mad at you anymore.


I forgive you... for leaving.

And just because I don't trust you
know yourself enough right now,

not enough to be with me at least,

that doesn't mean that I
don't still care about you.

Because I do.

And that's it.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

You may speak now.

Thank you. For all of that.

I haven't been... that nice either.

So I'm sorry too.

And I know that it's gonna
take some time for you

to trust me again.

But I'm gonna prove that
I'm ready to be with you.

I don't want you to feel like

you have something to prove to me.

You know, when you're ready
to be with anyone,

there won't be anything to prove.


Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

You're eight years old.
How could you have sinned?

I hit my friend, Joah.

He deserved it.

He tried to take your lunch.

Listen. All this stuff
they're teaching you,

it's just to make you
feel bad about yourself.

We all make mistakes.

It doesn't mean we're sinners.

Especially if you own up,

take responsibility, and make it right.

You're a good boy.

Try to love yourself.

'Cause God made you perfect
just the way you are.

Okay. You too.



So I didn't tell you all the whole story

about why Isabella's here.

She's pregnant.

Baby's mine, and she's
going to stay here until...

Well, as long as she needs to.


- We're here for you.
- Completely.

Yeah. %.

Isabella, you are so welcome here.

We're here for you both.

Absolutely. We having a Coterie baby!


Thank you, guys.

Thank you, guys, so much.

That means so much to me.

If you ever need a babysitter,

you may remember I took
care of two raccoons recently.

Neither died.

They escaped and
ran loose in the Coterie.

- Just one, though.
- No, it was both.

No, I don't think that's true.

- I do. In the pool.
- It was.

By the way, I knew.

And I knew that you knew,

but I didn't say anything
because I'm New Mariana now.


Hey, I'm sorry about earlier.

It's okay.

Since we're all sharing, um, I
have something I want to add.

I had a son.

His name was Jacob and he
died when he was six years old.

A few of you already know this.

I've mostly kept it to myself

because I couldn't deal
with talking about it

or, you know, people
feeling sorry for me.

But I know now that I need
to move through all this. Yeah.

♪ It's hard to imagine ♪

And y'all are like my family.

I can't hide anymore.

GAEL: We got you, buddy.

We got you.

♪ We made it out ♪

♪ Through the ashes ♪

I'm sorry for what I said
about your loft.


It's okay. It's fine.


♪ I built these walls ♪

- Oh.
- Aw.

MALIKA: She never does that!

♪ It's hard to explain it ♪

♪ But you saved me somehow ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ I can feel it now ♪

♪ The storm is passing ♪

♪ Everything's changing ♪