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04x05 - It's A Mad, Mad, Madeline World

Posted: 07/29/21 18:06
by bunniefuu
♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

-♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Somebody who
knows quite sure ♪

♪ Baby ♪

-♪ By with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, I'm gonna
keep on trying ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm gonna keep on
trying now, baby ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-You start out life
with a clean slate,

Then you begin
to make your mark.

You face decisions,
make choices.

You keep moving forward.

But sooner or later,
there comes a time

When you look back
over where you've been...

And wonder who you really are.


-You like it?

-I love it!


-Winnie cooper and
I knew who we were.

A couple... Together, forever.

-Look on the back.

- "Love, winnie."

In a world full of
twists and turns,

We'd found our way.

-Happy anniversary!

-Oh, thanks.

What anniversary?

-It is a year ago tonight
that you wanted to ask me out,

But you didn't.

You don't remember?


Of course, we had our
occasional misunderstandings.


Uh, sure I do!

It's just...

I thought that was,
uh, tomorrow night.

-No, tomorrow night
is the anniversary

When you told paul
you really liked me.

-Oh, right. I always
get those two mixed up.

Somehow, we always
managed to work things out.

Tell you what... We
should celebrate.

How 'bout the movies,
tomorrow night?


-Yep, we were solid,

And nothing could
come between us...

Not time, not distance...

Not even raw temptation.

[School bell rings]

Madeline adams.

On the first day of
school, she kissed me...

Unexpectedly and
without provocation...

Full on the lips.

Not that it
bothered me, exactly.

Still, I'd made a point
to keep my distance.

In fact, I hadn't said
a word to her since.

-Hi, kevin.



At least, not an
intelligible word.

[School bell rings]

-Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plaît!

Bonjour, la classe!

-Bonjour, madame!

-Class, today, we're going to
be starting a new unit in french...

La cuisine.

Cooking! [Class grumbling]

Now, for your homework,

You and a partner will prepare

An authentic
french dish at home,

Then you'll bring it in here
and tell us how you made it...

En français!

Huh? C'est bien?

-Say this for the
teachers at r.f.k...

They never ran out of bad ideas.

-Now, to keep it fair,

I've put all your names
into this mixing bowl, huh?

We will be choosing our
partners simplement au hasard.


-Great. Homework
wasn't bad enough.

-Harold gartner.

-Cooking wasn't bad enough.

On top of it all,

We were being forced
to put ourselves

Entirely in the hands of...

-Kevin arnold!

Imminent disaster.

-You dog!

She picked your name?

I don't believe it.

He gets all the luck.

-Come on. It's just a
homework assignment.

What's the big deal?

-Are you kidding?

He's gonna be in her
house, after dark?

Anything can happen.

-Which, as it happened,

Was exactly what
I was afraid of.

Knock it off, will ya?

-Look, mitchell, for
your information,

Kevin has a girlfriend.

He's practically married.

-Yeah, right.

I want a full report,
including details.

-[Scoffs] some guys!

What an imagination!

-I know what you mean.

-I mean, just because
she is attractive,

And she has a nice
figure, and she...


-I just don't see
what the big deal is.

-Of course, paul was right.

It wasn't a big deal at all.

Certainly no reason
to be concerned.

Except, for some reason...


- I was.

-You mind if I sit down?




-I thought maybe we should talk.


Well, maybe this would
clear some things up,

Like about what
happened that first day,

About why she'd kissed me.

- About what to cook.


-I was thinking
chocolate mousse,

If that's all right with you.

-Uh, yeah.

Y-yeah, sure.

Except, you see...

Okay, since she wasn't
gonna bring it up, I'd have to.

It's just...

-That's a lovely i.d.


-Was it a gift?

-Oh. Yeah. Kind of.

From my girlfriend,
winnie cooper.

For our anniversary.

-It's lovely.

She must be very special.


Yeah, she is, kind of.

-So... You were saying?

-Oh. That.


But suddenly, I felt foolish.

Here she was,
complimenting my girlfriend,

And I was suspicious?

Shame on me!

Nothing. It's nothing.

-Well, then, shall we
meet tonight at my place,

Say 7:30?

-Uh, sure.

Sure. That'd be fine.

-31 Vernon drive.

I'll see you then.

-And that was that.

We'd had a good conversation,
straightened things out,

Cleared the air.

No problem.


-One problem.

-I thought we were going
to the movies tonight.

-Oh, my gosh.

Well, we are.

I-i mean, we were.

I mean... We are.

It's just this thing
came up in french, and...

-What kind of thing?

-Well, it's cooking.

You know, I'll just cancel it.

-Don't be silly. I
won't hear of it.

We had the same kind of
assignment like last week.

And I know a bunch of
people are counting on you.

-The thing is, she was being
so sweet about it, so innocent.

-Don't think you can
fool me, kevin arnold.

-I beg your pardon?

-You'd do anything to get
out of doing your homework.

But I think this is important.

-You do?

-Schoolwork comes first.

We'll just go another night.

I'm sure if I were in
the same situation,

You'd say the same thing.

Wouldn't you?

-Maybe so, maybe not.

What could I say,
except, of course...

Okay. You win.

[Crickets chirping]

Winnie was right.

Love was love,

But school was school.

Kind of like the separation
of church and state.

It was time to put
social interests aside

And concentrate on academics.

It was time to study french.

-Bonjour, kevin.

-In our underwear.


-Oh, this. [Chuckles]

I am sorry I'm such a mess,

But I really didn't have
a chance to get fixed up.

-Oh. Oh.

-And since it is a school
night and we will be cooking,

I just figured, why
worry about clothes?

Oh. Well, sure.

Sure. That explained it.

Why worry about clothes?


You just stir and leave
everything else to me, okay?

-And even though
a little voice inside

Was telling me
to watch my step...


- I guess little voices
don't speak french.

-Le lait.

-Le lait.

-Le sucre.

-Le sucre.

Besides, once we got started,

It was pretty clear
what was gonna happen.

-La mousse.

C'est bon?

-We were gonna cook.

[Intro to "hey,
good lookin'" plays]

-♪ Say hey, good-lookin' ♪

♪ Whatcha got cookin'? ♪

♪ How's about cookin'
something up with me-e-e-e-e? ♪

♪ Hey, sweet baby ♪

♪ Don't ya think maybe ♪

♪ We could find us a
brand-new recipe-e-e-e ♪

♪ I got a hot-rod ford ♪

-Yep, we were really
getting to work here...

Rolling up our sleeves,
mopping our brows,

Removing our bracelets.

Who would have thought
that homework could be so fun?

-♪ Hey, good-lookin' ♪

♪ Whatcha got cooking? ♪

-And by the time
the smoke cleared,

We were acting like old friends.

-Well, it looks like this
all turned out pretty well.


-Yeah, not bad.

The fact is, I was a
little ashamed of myself

For having thought that...

Well, you know.

It's kind of funny, isn't it?

-What's funny?

-Oh, well, you know, that
you and me were paired up.

It's kind of a...
Coincidence, you know?

And then it happened.

-What makes you think
it was a coincidence?

-Well, I mean, you
picked my name and...


I think I better go.

-Oh, come on. We haven't
even tasted it yet.

-No, really.




-Go ahead.

[Echoing] taste it!


I got to go.

[Dog barking]

Everything was a blur.

My mind was racing.

I wasn't quite sure
what had happened.

All I knew was I'd gotten
out of there just in time,

With nothing lost.




But everything.

There's nothing like an
early morning bike ride

To clear your head.

I knew I was out that day
looking for something.

It could have been
my i.d. Bracelet,

Except I already
knew where that was.

So, maybe I was looking
for something else.



-Kevin, what are you doing here?

-I-i was just riding my bike.

Guess I got a little lost.

Which was true in
more ways than one.

Uh, i-i was thinking about you.

Which was true, too.

-Well, that's nice.

-And it was nice.

It made me feel sure again,

Made me feel brave.

-So, how'd it go last night?

-[Echoing] taste it.

-Made me feel like throwing up.

Uh, i-it went okay.

Just a lot of
cooking, more or less.

-What did you make?

-Uh, nothing special.

Just, you know,
chocolate mousse.

-Oh, that sounds delicious!

Probably. But
i-i didn't taste it!

-Kevin, where is your bracelet?

-And right about
then, I had a choice.

I could be a man and
tell her everything...

-Uh, I never wear
it when I'm riding.

- Or I could be a worm
and tell her nothing.

-I-i wouldn't want
anything to happen to it.

-But you'll wear
it tonight, right?


-Our movie night.

-Oh, yeah! Of course!


So, I'll see you then.

You're the best.

-But I didn't feel
like the best.

I felt more like...

-Mousse au chocolat.



-And the worst thing was I
was getting applause for it.

-Très bien!

You two obviously
work very well together.

-If only she knew.

[School bell rings]
- merci, à bientôt!

-Okay, then. No use dawdling.

Make this short and sweet.


I think I left my i.d. At
your house last night.

-Yes, I know.

-It's just... I need it.

I have a date.

With winnie.

At the movies.

Tonight. In town.

With winnie.

Did I say, "with winnie"?

-Of course you can have it back.

-There. A done
deal. Over and out.

-Only I'm afraid I
didn't bring it with me.


-So, I guess we
have a problem here.

Don't we?

-What do you mean?

-Well, you'll have to come
over to my house tonight

And pick it up.

What time shall I expect you?

-Behold the hunted,
struggling against hope.

Behold the hunter,

Mandibles dripping.

A sad and macabre
dance of death.

Whatever can miss
spider be thinking?

-I wasn't sure, but I
had a pretty good idea.


You all right?

-Sure. Fine.

But I wasn't.

I needed help, guidance.

I lost my i.d. Bracelet.

The one winnie gave me.

I'm seeing her tonight.

-You lost it?!

-Well, I left it somewhere.


-Just... Somewhere.

Heck, no need to
delve into details

For a little crummy advice.


So, what do you
think I should do?

-There's only one thing to do!

-As if I didn't know what
his answer would be...

Be truthful, be honest!

-Get another one.


-Consider the alternatives!

-Death, dismemberment.

Total extinction.

-Excuse me, sir?

I need an i.d. Bracelet.

Do you have any?

-Yes. Over here, please.

-Now this was the ticket.

Why hadn't I thought
of this before?

-Solid sterling, hollow,
or chrome plated?

Beveled, rounded, or squared?

-How much are those?


-That's the one.

-Anything else?

-Yeah, I need it
engraved. Cheap.

Hey, it was only
for one night, right?

-Write down the name you want.

And finally, things
were back to normal.

Sure, I made a few missteps.

But now everything
was gonna be fine.

I'd acted in the nick of
time, covered my tracks,

Reclaimed the good name of...

Kevin amold?!

A fungus in the
petri dish of life.

Oh, my gosh!

I'd fallen victim to
a fatal combination...

Poor penmanship, haste,
and a nearsighted jeweler.

Oh, my gosh!

-Kevin amold?





Kevin amold! [Laughs]

-And that's when I knew.

There was only one thing to
do and only one way to do it.

The moment had come.

I was gonna ask,

And, if necessary, demand

That she give my bracelet back!

This was what I should
have done all along.

Heck, I was no mold.
I was kevin arnold.

I knew what I wanted.

I knew exactly
what I was gonna say.

And I was gonna say it...

Right to her front door.

-No, but I'm out of runways.

-Think of what this baby costs!

-I'm thinking of that
plane load of people.

This runway's the
only hope they've got.

-There's nothing that
compares to a good movie...

The plot, the music,

The total darkness.

So far that night,

I'd kept winnie from noticing
the bracelet I wasn't wearing.

But I knew sooner or later...


I was gonna have to come clean.

Want another licorice whip?

Or delay as long as I could.

-No, thanks.

-How about some milk duds?

-I'm fine. Really.

-Okay, so I was chicken.

I needed time...

Time to think,

Time to plan.

Time to bid life goodbye.

-Excuse me.

Sorry. Excuse me.

-[Breathing heavily]

-Kevin, are you all right?


-You're all sweaty.
Are you sick?

-Well, i...


-Maybe we should leave.

-But at that moment,

I knew leaving wouldn't
solve the problem.

There was no escape from
this. I had reached a dead end.

-Listen, winnie,
we have to talk...

About my bracelet.

You see, i-i kind of...

-Excuse me.

I think you dropped this.

-Thank you!

-It's very nice.

-I gave it to him.

-Well, must be nice to have
someone you love like that.

-That was so nice
of her, wasn't it?

-Life is a series of
twists and turns.

Things don't always turn
out the way you expected.

Still, that night, I
knew I turned a corner.

As for the future,

Well, I wasn't worried.

I had my girl, had
my good name back,

And I was gonna
keep it locked on.
