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04x04 - A Common Enemy

Posted: 09/14/21 07:37
by bunniefuu

I'm listening.

Well, in its prime,
Fairview was a big church.

Upwards of 1500 on Sunday.

Now they're down to,
uh, maybe 270.

And that building
eats money like a goat.

What does this have to do
with Calvary?

Well, I thought since
they're relatively close by,

maybe you could sit down
with Cal, the head pastor,

and see if there's a fit.

I'd be happy to talk with him.

Yeah, I figured you would be.

Oh, and, uh,
not that it matters,

but you should know
the congregation is white.




♪ Amen ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Well ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Amen ♪
♪ Oh ♪


♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

Hey, Bob.

Hey, how'd it go with Grace?

Oh, great.
She's gonna meet with Cal.

But she knows
it's a white church?

Yeah. She seems totally onboard.

Hey, do you want me
in that meeting?

No, I think they'll be fine,
uh, but, listen...

that last version you sent me
of the July 4th sermon...

Still not working for you?

Uh, just doesn't
sound like me yet.

I'll take another pass.



What do you think of this?

Can I be honest?

Always be honest.

Who's gonna come visit me

when no one's
supposed to know I exist?


That's not really my style.


So, what you got going on here
that smells so good, huh?

Waffles. Waffles?

What's that? Gizzards?

Chicken livers.

You learn to cook
like that in, uh...



[CHUCKLING] What's so funny?

All you people love to think

that prison's
good for something,

like it's some
kinda trade school.

"You people." Heh.

Where'd you learn to cook?

One of my foster families...

the Hurleys.

The dad was a chef.

You know,
Sophia's dad is a chef.

I know.

You know?

Did a little research.


So that's the site plan.

I gotta say, Fernando,
I was not planning to sell,

but I'm feeling better.

[CHUCKLES] I told you.

And that yoga studio
is going to k*ll.

This makes me very happy.

May I have my secretary
arrange for a closing?


I guess I don't see why not.


Thank you. Thank you.

Oh, what beautiful cuff links.
Oh, these?

I've had them forever.

Well, those are kinda
your style, aren't they?

Uh, yeah, a good look, yeah.

So if I can find
some champagne...

It's the middle of the day.

Oh, I think we would love some.

Just a splash.

Thank you for doing this.

Well... it's your land too.

Let's not forget that...

ever. [CHUCKLES]

This is going to be good for us.

I pray you're right.

So my secretary says
we can close Sunday afternoon.

Here you go.

Y'all do business
on the Sabbath?

We'll make an exception.


Cheers to that.



Uh-huh. Well,
it sounds like a plan, Desi.


Hey, uh, Desi
sends her regards.

Who? Desiree Boudreaux.

Oh, how is she faring? Oh, good.

I can't turn a page without
seeing something about Atlanta,

seems like it's become
the new home of everything.

Well, the church is thriving.
Ned's away on a mission trip

and their guest speaker
next month canceled.

And you said you'd fill in? Mm.

I said I'd get back to her.


Doesn't seem very wise.

Well, who would you
have them get?

I mean unwise for us, James.

Mae, it will just be one Sunday.

James, our whole project
right now is to impress upon

the people of this church,
the church that we lost,

that ours are the hearts
that should be b*ating

at the center of things.

Do you miss the spotlight
that much?

It's not about the spotlight.

It's about molding
in the shadows.

Can't a man preach?
I mean, we don't have sex.

[GASPS] James... GRACE: Ahem.

Bad time?

You just saved me
an hour of prayer

to ask God to forgive me.

Speak. Well...

I just had a very interesting
conversation with Bob Whitmore.

Is he back in town so soon?

Mm-hmm, he's got Judee with him.

You know, for a family
that's got 1000 churches,

he sure stops by a lot.
Yet I don't feel favored.

Well, he would like us
to consider

folding a small white church
into Calvary.

JAMES: Get out.

Do the deacons know about this?

Uh, well, he didn't say.

MAE: I assume they don't.

Even Connie wouldn't like
that idea and she'd let

a Komodo dragon in the church
if he had a checkbook.

Is that right? [PIANO PLAYING]

♪ Welcome to The family of God ♪

Oh, my God, this song.


What did I do now?

You've gotta get me
something on Grace.

Something big and soon.
Why? What's going on?

I'm not sure.

Just get me something on Grace
or neither one of us

are gonna preach at this church.



Thank you.



Now, just playing
devil's advocate,

are we sure it's a bad idea?

Gigi, black church is black.

It's one of the few places
we can freely be ourselves.

Let me stop the both of you.

This isn't about race.

This is about Harmony and Hope
and Bob Whitmore.

Well, what does Bob
have to gain?

First, he gets to cash in
on a piece of property

that hasn't generated a dime
for him for quite a while.

Let-let-let's make no mistake,
that's his main aim.

The man's first language
is cash.

And as for the church
being white, well...

Maybe he really does think
that's a good idea.

Racial reconciliation.

Oh, Gigi, please. What? What?

Gigi, there's never been

a truly multiracial megachurch
with a black pastor.

Now, there are these black folks
who are willing to listen

to a white person, but...
But let's be honest,

usually a woman in
a Dior pantsuit preach the word.

Oh, so it's a problem
it's a woman?

The problem is it never works
the other way around.

So if Bob Whitmore's planning
on turning Calvary

into some beacon of
Harmony and Hope,

you can bet it won't be anyone

in this room
preaching every Sunday.

All right.

I'll go and talk with this guy
from Fairview.

I'll let you know how it goes.

So... you still think
it's a good idea

to holiday in Atlanta, Bishop?

Mae... it's just one Sunday.


No way.


Pastor Greenleaf's office.

Oh, Karine, it's me.

I didn't do anything wrong.


Who is managing Whitmore's
schedule this weekend?

KARINE: Mm, that would be me.








Baby, what are you doing here?

Honey? I came to see my brother.

You two were in contact?

How else would
I know he was here?

Does anyone else know
you're here?

No, I'm sneaking in,
and I'm sneaking out.

I do not want the hassle.

The hassle of what?

Lying for you.

Where are you going?

Zora's. I'm staying there.
Can you sit for a second?

Don't worry, he told me about
your deal and how he's supposed

to stay in the dark
like some secret until

you say to come out.
I get it. I won't tell.

Let's sit and talk
about this, all right?

No. And I'm just saying,
what do you think

Harmony and Hope is gonna do
when they find out

that you gave up a baby?
I mean, it's the 21st century.


I wanna wait until the church
is back in the family.

You know what... Hey.

Sit down.

I don't think you're
protecting the family at all.

I think... you're just ashamed.

You sh*t your mouth off
for 40 years and...

now you have to admit
to yourself

that you're just as bad
as everyone else.

Just get it over with.





Whoa, careful.
Oh, oh, oh, sorry. Hi.

What are you printing?
Nothing important.

The, um, transcription
of the sermon I did

for the last Day with Lady Mae.
Oh, and what a sermon it was.


Oh, just some articles
on Excellence.

I'm meeting with
Phil DeMars tomorrow.

What about?

Well, I guess he heard
about the school.

Wants to hear a little more.

Bishop told me that
you and Jacob are putting

that land across the street
up for sale, is that true?

Yes, we actually
accepted an offer.

Oh. So whatever advice
Bishop gave Jacob

failed to compel on the matter.

We're free to sell what is ours.

Eve was free to eat
that apple...

and look where that got her.

All of us.



This ink is on its last leg.

So I'll have Maricel
run to the store

because we all know
you don't like to wait.



Hey, why did you leave
like that the other day?

Like, after saying
that you'll stay?

Because I'm not gonna lie...

you kinda had me at my feelings.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry. I just...

had a stupid fight with my mom.
I'll make it up to you, though.



Here's a starter.

You can help me tonight with
my sermon for Little Saints.

I'm two days out,
and I've got nothing.

I have plans with Roberto.

Oh, so, you're back
with Burrito?

No, we just...


It's complicated.

I'll help you tomorrow? Okay.

See you. Bye.




You selling cookies?


I see you inherited
our mother's sense of humor.

[LAUGHS] My condolences.


Yeah, so I graduate
literally the day

before I turned 18
and my foster parents are like:

"Okay, get to steppin',"
and I'm like:

"Uh, where?


So they just threw you out?

Yeah, you know,
there's a lotta people,

they think once a kid turns 18,
they're on their own.

Even about their own kids.

And I was just...

like, a check. You know, so...

And that's when you found Mom?

Grace? Yeah.

You sure you're okay with that?

Mm. Mm-hmm.

[COUGHS] Yeah, I'm good.

New experiences.

I'm sorry
she didn't behave better.

Well, you have me now.

[LAUGHING] Thanks.

Why is that funny?

You and your mom are, like...

the same person.

All in. Save the day.


Hey, if you don't want
to be saved...

Nah, I don't mean
any disrespect...

Oh, no, no,
I don't mean anything, either.

It's just easy to show up
and make promises.

It's harder to keep them.
That's all I'm trying to say.

Yeah. I hear you.

I'm sorry if I made it seem like
I thought it was that simple.

Sorry if I thought that.

But I'm serious...

about being here for you
however I, you know, can.

I'm at Hampton,
but it's just, like, a...

phone call or a plane ride away.

I might take you up on that.


I'm not...

my mom.

We are not the same person.

I'm in this for the long haul.

[CHUCKLES] Forever!


I'll keep that in mind.

You know, I think...

I think...

I might just close my eyes
for a second, is that okay?

Yeah, you do you.

Slumber party. [CHUCKLES]



So, Grace, you folks...

would be interested in...
In having us join you?

Well, you know, Cal...

it would definitely
be a process.

I'm sure about that, but, um...

maybe, why?


sure wants it to happen.
Yeah, now, Cal...


I'm wondering...

do you know what
that's all about?

No, no, I just know
that I brought up,

I mean, five or six
white churches in the area

as potential partners and...

he was, like...

"Get back on the paper."

"Get back on the paper"?


Oh, like... Like a puppy.


That couldn't
have been pleasant.

No, it wasn't, but, uh,

Harmony and Hope, you know,
they're like the Army.

They feed you, clothe you,
house you, they pay you.


I am just trying to...


I'm just trying to be realistic.

What do you think
being realistic

has to do with Jesus Christ?

Not much.


Me neither.

And that's, uh...

kinda what we do.

Sounds good.
Very Harmony and Hope.

Let me show this to Bob
and get back to you.

Maybe there's a fit. Either way,

it's a pleasure. Yes.

And may I ask
kind of a kooky question?

Well, be my guest.

Where did you get
those cuff links?

Oh, these? They're from Bob.

You work for Bob five years,
cuff links.

Really? Yeah, kind of his thing.

You know what brand they are?
I was hoping to get Jacob some.

Oh, he had them made, custom.

But assuming
everything works out,

Jacob will get his soon enough.

Thanks again for coming in.

No, thank you. Mm-hmm.


Hi, Nadine, it's Kerissa.
Can you call me, please?

I have a question
about our buyer.


Karine, my sister, got a second?

Sure. What can I do for you?

I have met someone very special.

Pastor Phil?
Phil? Why would you say that?

Sorry. I thought you liked him.

Liked Phil DeMars?

No. I hate him.

I don't hate him.

I meant, I found someone
for Grace.

Not me. For Grace.


But I just wanted
to make sure, you know,

before I get his hopes up
that Grace isn't taken.

Why don't you ask her?

Is she taken or not?

I don't think she is.

So Darius, that's over with?
As far as I know.

And Noah?

I mean, he came in a few weeks
ago for a little reunion.

He flew in for something.

What... What do you mean by that?

Who is this someone special?

No, what do you mean something?

Is she seeing Noah again,
is that it?

Charity, he's married.

Well, just answer the question.

I did. He's married.

Is there something
you're not telling me?

There is, isn't there?

Yes, now leave me alone.

Now I'm "telling you".


What's all this?

My project
for the Little Saints.

I moved on without you.
So sorry.

I brought you some cheesecake.

I don't eat cheesecake anymore.

Since when?

Since you became a lying bitch.

Excuse me?

Where did you stay last night?

And don't say Roberto's.

Because, A, I called him
trying to find you,

and he didn't even know
you were back,

and B, he doesn't drink.
And you stink.

So, what were you doing?


Fine, back to our regularly
scheduled program.



Thank you.

Bob. Mae.

So good to see you.

Well, thank you for making time.

No, not at all. I'm so glad
that you reached out.

I've been meaning
to do that myself.

Yes, well, it may not be
my church anymore,

but it is still my town and
a lady does love to be gracious.

So to what do I owe
this pleasure?

Well, Grace told me about
our little visitor

that's coming on Sunday.
Cal Weaver, from Fairview.

Yes, and I just wanted to get
a sense of your long-term goals.

Since merging Calvary
with an all-white church,

even one as small and sickly
as Fairview,

could quench the spirits
of both congregations in ways

that would be so problematic

that the whole notion
might be properly labeled as...

spiritual sabotage.

Boy, you do cut to the chase.


It's a gift.

Is it okay if we order first?

By all means. Ah, perfect.




Hi, this is Noah
and Isabel.

Leave a message,
we'll get back to you.

Hey, Noah, it's me. Uh, Charity.


What were you thinking
coming by Calvary

and not saying hello?

Shame on you.

Have a blessed day.


Bob, starting as far back
as sl*very.

So we're talking
centuries and centuries,

the black church has always been

a source of hope and strength
and inspiration for my people.

In a world that was fraught
with danger...

our church
was our one safe haven.

As it should be, always.

Then surely you can understand
why folding a white church

into Calvary
could be problematic.

I do. Most certainly, I do.

You're not getting
any argument from me.

Then why did you propose this?

The world is changing.

People are mixing
as they never have before.

Races, cultures.

How can the church not reflect
that when the church is founded

on the command to
"love thy neighbor".

Well, I suppose I'm just fearful
of what will be lost

in the process. Mm.

And where someone
even as palatable as Grace

will fit in. Well...

God called Paul to be a voice
to the Gentiles.

And if God has called Grace...

to be a voice to white folks,

Grace will be that voice.

If not, God will find
someone else.

I know this much after
reading that sermon

you messengered over.

You read it? I did.

And I had Karine
show me the video.


Grace did not get her gifts
from her daddy.

She's all you.

That sermon was something.

Well, it was an honor
to be used by God that way.

Hmm. I do still feel, however,

that this invitation...
Mae. Mae, let's not...


Let's not get ahead
of ourselves.

Let's let Grace and Cal meet
and see what shakes out.

I mean, we're obviously
not going to force anyone

to do something
they don't want to do.




[CHUCKLES] Oh, Sophia.

Sophia, what are you doing here?


Well, I didn't even know
you were coming home,

is everything all right?

Yeah, everything is fine,
I've just...

I've gotta catch my ride
back to the airport.

Back to the airport?

No, no, I don't understand.

I was here for a hot minute,
and now I'm going back.

But I never knew you were here.

I have so many
questions for you,

I don't even know
where to begin.

I'm sorry,
you don't understand.

Then help me understand.


Mom knows.

Ask her.

What is going on
between the two of you

that has you coming and going
like this?

I will not stand for it.

Your daughter is leaving,

and I never even knew
she was here.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry, Grandma, I love you.

Oh, darling. I love you.


I'm not coming back here
until everybody knows.

I will not tell your secret...

but I will not lie for you.


What is she so angry about?
Hurt about?

It's between Sophia and me.



Mama, I don't wanna talk
about it.

I had lunch
with Bob Whitmore today.


Tomorrow morning,
when you preach...

Why would you do that
without telling me?

I thought you were here to he...

Please don't make
any accommodation for our guest

in the name of decency
or any liberal ideal.

Mama, I met with
that pastor today.

They don't want to merge either.
This is just Bob's big idea.

I know, and it is
your job to k*ll it.

You have this habit of
seeing things from every angle.

Just see this from ours
for once, please.

Ours or yours?

Well, forgive me for thinking
we could possibly agree.

How about I pray and ask
God what he wants me to say,

would that be all right
with you?

We are losing the church!

Thank you for your vote
of confidence.

Grace, it's not your...




♪ Welcome to the family ♪

♪ Of God ♪

♪ Where everyone is loved ♪

♪ As they are ♪

♪ Where love and peace abide ♪

♪ And all arms are open wide ♪

♪ Welcome to the family ♪

♪ Of God ♪


♪ Come and meet the shepherd ♪

♪ Of soul ♪
♪ Shepherd of soul ♪

♪ He comforts with his staff ♪

♪ And his rod ♪

♪ In Harmony and Hope let ♪

♪ Our voices rise ♪
♪ Let our voices rise ♪

♪ Welcome to the family ♪

♪ Of God ♪
♪ Of God, mmm ♪

JUDEE: ♪ Welcome to the family ♪
CHARITY: ♪ To the family ♪

BOTH: ♪ Of God ♪


Now, the thing to remember

about the 12 tribes of Israel
is that they were 12 tribes.

Now, I don't know
y'all's family,

but we can barely get two people

to agree on something,
let alone 12!


She is not wrong about that.

But somehow, Moses
got all the tribes of Egypt

to agree to do
this strange, bloody thing.

To slaughter
their first-born lamb

and to paint the doorways
with its blood.

And, lo and behold, it worked.


They walked out of Egypt
with their heads held high.


The sea itself parted
out of respect

for their unity of purpose!

Amen! That's right.

How did Moses do all of that?

How did he do that?
I've never heard Moses

used as a uniter in that way.
GRACE: Or was it Moses?

Very on-brand.

It was God who did it.

WOMAN: Yeah, it was.

It was God who did it.

Amen. Hallelujah.

Catch this through Pharaoh.

Every time Pharaoh
gave an order,

every time he moved
God's people this way and that

against their will, he united
them against a common enemy.

That's good.
And when they finally rose up,

it cost Pharaoh his own son.

MAN: All right. AUDIENCE: Yeah.

Now, I want you
to hear me right now.

I want you to catch this part.

Anyone out there in the world...

who thinks
that they can get away

with pushing
God's people around,

I have got news for you.

God is using you...

to unite us! [AUDIENCE CHEERING]


And woe to you when we rise...

woe to you when we rise.
Rise up, church!

Rise up, church! Rise up!

Rise up in the face
of your sorrow!

Rise up in the face
of your trouble!

Rise up, tell the mountain
to move. Rise up!

Rise up!

Woe to you when we rise,

'cause it is gonna cost you



JAMES: Gigi.

It's good to see you.


You gave that old devil
what for.

Yeah. And I don't mean Lucifer.

I mean that old...
She knows who you mean, James.

Resist the urge to make a scene.

Well done. Thank you, Mama.



Well, look who's here.


Bob would like to see you
in my office

when you get a second.

Your office? Yes.

And I'd take that second now.


I'll see you back at the house.

Bishop. Mae.

Always a pleasure.



All right.

Oh, it's Nadine, go ahead. Okay.

Hi. Did you get my message?
Yeah, I did. You wanted to know

who's the money behind
City on a Hill, right?

Who funds them?
Were you able to find out?

I was. It's Harmony and Hope.

Is that gonna be a problem?

NADINE: Kerissa? Um...


I... I don't know.

Well, I've scheduled the closing
for this afternoon,

if that's not gonna work...

Oh, hey. What's the matter?

Yeah, we'll...
We'll see you there.

Okay, bye.

I wanted to talk in here
because I thought

it might remind you
in the most simplistic way

that in a very real sense,
this is not your church.

You are an employee
of Harmony and Hope.

Your paycheck is
processed by H&H accounting.

Your office, desk,
even your robes, Pastor,

which may seem to be yours,
are on loan.

Guess I hit a nerve.

Cal Weaver just told me that
he's thinking of staying put.

"Giving it one last go."
He's inspired.

Is that such a bad thing?

It's gonna make something
that should take two months

take two years.
If it happens at all.

He doesn't wanna come over here.

I don't blame him.

Because you don't want him here!

We just became Harmony and Hope.

Why does this have
to happen right now?

I'm trying to make the world
a better place.

What are you doing?

Indulging your own sense
of righteousness at the expense

of all the people
you value the most?

What's that supposed to mean?

One more move like that,
and you're out. All of you.

Your sister,

your brother, they're both
hanging by a thread right now...

and it's all because of you.


All because of you.

Goodbye, land.

Hello, dream house.



Come on, babe.

My favorite kind of deal.

Buyers, sellers,
everyone's happy.





Noah, hey, what's up?

Isabel just threw me out.

Why? Charity called the house

and left a message, like:

"Why didn't you come by
after you were at the church?"

Seriously? NOAH: Yeah.

Izzy put two and two together

and figured
we'd seen each other.

So she asked.


And you told her? I had to.

I thought it would be better
than what she thought.

I was wrong.

The fact that
you and I have a kid,

and she and I can't...


She just said she's done.

So, what are you gonna do?

For starters?

I'm moving back to Memphis
to get to know my son.

I just thought
you'd want to know.
