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19x14 - Rapture

Posted: 09/15/21 10:49
by bunniefuu
criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

GIRL: Mommy says
only five more minutes,

because that's
what the judge said.

The judge?

Did he say Mommy had
to move you to damn Iowa?

You swore. I have to tell Mommy.

I am so tired of playing
this game with you.

Your mother is a
thoughtless pain in the ass,

and you are a rude,
thoughtless little pig who...


Just hold on. Hold
on, this might be work.


I'm on the computer with my kid,

and I get this e-mail
from my Uncle Larry.

Listen. "Dear Kurt, the end
has come. I am with Jesus now."

With Jesus? No way that
guy's going up. He's going down.

You told the sergeant downstairs
you wanted to report a m*rder?

Yeah, right here. Look.

Uh, let's see. (MUMBLES)
"The end is come.

"It's not too late for you.
Any sinner can be saved.

"Look at me. I k*lled your
Aunt Jen, but I found God

"and He forgave me."

Aunt Jen, that that would
be Uncle Larry's wife?

She left him years ago.
That's what he told people.

He said she ran
off with a boyfriend.

Guess we need to
go talk to Uncle Larry.

I called his house.
Nobody answered.

Personally, I
don't like the guy.

But he keeps to himself, never has
nobody over, so what're you going to do?

The wife was okay.

LUPO: When was the
last time you saw him?

Been a few days.

Hello! Mr. Novak?

His nephew said he had a
cabin up in the Adirondacks.

Maybe he went up there
to stick his head in the oven.

He lives alone,
never has company.

What's he need a
freezer like that for?



LARRY: Raoul, what
are you doing in here?

Larry Novak?


You're not dead.

Who says I'm dead?

Your nephew, he
received an e-mail.

Kurt? I never sent Kurt an...

Oh, no.

Those e-mails went out?

You mind telling us about
the dead body in your freezer?

Oh, God!

Those e-mails
weren't supposed to...

You know what this means?

Yeah. It means
you're under arrest.

You're coming with us.

Lord... Lord...

Why have I been left behind?


Good news, Larry.
I checked it out.

It didn't happen.

Are you sure?

Yeah. No planes falling from of the
sky, no people vanishing into thin air.

All present and accounted for.

So the e-mails,
it was a mistake?

So, okay, what the hell
are they talking about?

The rapture.

The rapture? Yeah.

As in the last days,
the Book of Revelation?

Right, when Jesus comes back and
takes all good Christians to heaven.

I'm planning on
retiring before that.


Those e-mails were only
supposed to go out after.

After the rapture.

Are you sure it didn't happen?

I'm still here, aren't I?

You believe in Jesus?

I do.

Okay, is this a Sunday School
class or a m*rder interrogation?

He confessed in the car.
Now we're just chatting.

Didn't ask for a lawyer?

Says he doesn't need one.

He says Jesus is going
to get him out of jail

when the rapture comes. Hmm.

It's all on the website.

LUPO: It's a subscription service.
You pay five bucks a month,

and you write e-mails to
your unsaved loved ones.

The server stores them
until the rapture comes.

Then, while you're sh**ting up to
heaven, the computer sends them off.

Little, uh, farewell messages.

And how's the computer supposed
to know when the rapture happens?

"We are three Christian
men living in different states.

"We log on to the
website every day.

"But if two of us fail to log
on for two days in a row,

"the system assumes that
the rapture has occurred."

And they didn't log on because
they had been sucked up to heaven.

There's no internet up there.

Yeah, but the
rapture didn't occur.

As far as we can tell.

I'm still here.

VAN BUREN: You mentioned.

So, why didn't those
three Christian men log on?

The webmaster lives
in the city, Sam Burwell.

Well, go see how he's doing.

LUPO: So, are you
really a believer?

Or were you just
getting the guy to talk?

Well, I've been seen in a
church from time to time.

Really? So, are you going to fly up to
heaven when Jesus comes back on the clouds?


I never said I
believed in the rapture.

But you never know.

Sam Burwell.


Guy probably went on a bender
and forgot where he put his laptop.


BERNARD: Probably explains
why he hasn't logged on.

Sam Burwell.

b*llet in the head,
a couple of bruises.

Starting to get ripe,
been here a while.

BERNARD: Found a shell casing.

Oh. Looks like a nine.

Signs of struggle,
but no forced entry.

Computer's here,
Unraptured Central.

Answering machine is full,
probably irate customers.

Cell phone, too.
Eleven missed calls,

all from the same
guy, Jason Altobell.

MACHINE: Sam? Where are you, man?

I can't get a hold
of Keith either.

Why didn't you sign in?

The e-mails went out!

I was scared at first.

I thought I'd been left behind.

But I looked out my window,
and everything looked normal.

There was nothing on the news...

What about the third guy? Keith?

He was at his parents'
cabin in Colorado.

His internet went
down in a storm.

He figured Sam
and I would cover.

Only two of us had
to log on at a time.

Poor Sam.

Do you know what
happened? Not yet.

When was the last
time that you saw Sam?

Two months ago
at a church retreat.

But I just talked to him
Friday, and everything was fine.

This whole thing has
to be bad for business,

those e-mails going out.

It's not about business.

I mean, Sam was trying
to make a living from it,

but it barely paid.
He was broke.

He wanted to perform a service.

He saw the signs, you know?

Jews returning to the Holy
Land, the European Union,

the financial crisis.

Yeah. Signs of the end times.

Jesus is coming. We wanted to let
people know they could still be saved,

even after the rapture.

Anyone take offense to that?

It's probably nothing.

Sam didn't even mention
it, but I heard he got

into a fight with
somebody at Rapture-Con.


ALLEN: It's an end
times convention,

like Comic-Con, but
for prophecy nuts.

We're in the last days.

That's what we've been hearing.

Oh, no, I meant the convention.

It ends tomorrow.


That guy you asked
about, Burwell?

He had a booth here.

Did you track down that
altercation we asked you about?


That's Burwell.

ALLEN: These people can get pretty
in your face about what they believe.

Hey, stop it right there.

Can you blow
that up and print it?


Yeah, I mean, I'm a Christian,

but these guys
are kind of extreme.

It's like they can't wait for Jesus to
come back and blow up the planet.

I'm pretty sure He wants to
make things better, not worse.

All right, let's see if
somebody knows this guy.

How about we start
with the Good Samaritan.

I knew Sam.

but I've never seen
the other man before.

He had a visitor's nametag.

It just had a last
name, Corliss.

LUPO: Corliss?

Did you hear what
they were fighting about?

By the time I got in there,
it was mostly just cursing.

Him, not Sam.

Sam said the guy was giving
him a hard time about us.

About Sacred Exodus?

Sam's a... Was a supporter.

He was thinking of
joining us on a trip.

He'd just made a donation.

What exactly do
you do, Mr. Reeves?

Actually, it's Reverend.

We help Jews from the former
Soviet Union return to Israel.

The Bible says,
in the last days,

Gentiles will gather
God's chosen people

back from the
lands of the north.

It's a precondition
for the Lord's return.

You send Jews home to die
in the battle of Armageddon.

Is that what people object to?

The people we aid live in
poverty, endure anti-Semitism,

so if Sam's death had anything to
do with our work, I would feel terrible.

But God is doing
powerful things,

and Sam's donation,
it will be his legacy.

How much did he give you?

A hundred thousand dollars.

LUPO: All right.
Thanks for your help.

His partner says
Burwell was broke.

Suddenly, he has a hundred
grand to blow on a God project?

Yeah, the same day that
Mr. Corliss shows up to pick a fight.

I'm guessing that's
not a coincidence.

TECH: Okay, I'm into Sam
Burwell's subscriber list.

There's a Steve Corliss.


Just an e-mail address.

There might be more
in the paper files.

Uh, here we go, Steve Corliss.

He subscribed to the service.

Got an address in Nassau County.

And showed up to Rapture-Con
the other day to hassle Burwell?

Not unless he was
raised from the dead.

Bank notice. Steve Corliss's
monthly payment to the website

was terminated owing
to death of cardholder.

Burwell got this
notice last Tuesday.

Tuesday? Looks like Burwell
deleted Corliss's e-mails that day.

The ones that were supposed
to go out after the rapture,

they're in the junk folder.

The guy d*ed, so Burwell
canceled his subscription.

You want to see
them, Corliss' e-mails?


This one's to his brother.

"Dear Evan. If you're reading
this, I am in a better place.

"Even though you're a sinner,
Jesus loves you, and so do I.

"To help you
through the end times,

"I have left you
something I no longer need,

"two hundred gold
coins in my desk drawer."

There's your hundred grand.

"The gold is for you, brother.
You're the only one who knows."

Unless Sam Burwell
saw that e-mail.

The house is in probate
now. I'm handling the estate.

Has anyone been
out here recently?

MAXWELL: Well, his brother
stayed here over the weekend.

Did his brother
have to break in?

MAXWELL: No. He had a key.

I gave it to him.

Here's the desk.

This drawer's
got a false bottom.

If there was anything
in there, it's gone now.

Burwell sees the e-mail, and decides
he can put the gold to better use

than Steve Corliss'
sinner brother.

Figures no one
will ever find out.

But somebody did.
That must be Steve.

That's got to be
his brother, Evan.


The fight at Rapture-Con
wasn't about Sacred Exodus.

Burwell found out that one of his
subscribers had hidden gold coins,

and he stole them.

So, the dead guy's brother somehow
figured out what Burwell had done,

and somehow tracked him down.

It'd be nice if your theory
had a few less somehows in it.

That's Corliss' brother.

Did two years on felony
as*ault back in '98.

Criminal possession of a
controlled substance, larceny.

Yeah, he lives up in Syracuse.

The local police went to the
house, and he's not home.

We know he stayed at his
brother's house last weekend.

Phone records from that house

have somebody calling the
Gold Exchange on Saturday,

the day after the
fight at Rapture-Con.

The place that buys gold coins.

So Corliss' brother got some
of the coins back from Burwell?



SINGH: For the badge, $11.

I'm not selling it, I wear it.

This man bring you some gold?

Twelve Krugerrands, $10,000.

Only 12?

He said he might come
back with more, but he hasn't.


If the price of gold goes
up, you'll pay the difference?

Builds customer loyalty.

You have his home
address or phone number?

Cell phone.

Call him, and tell him
he's in luck. Gold is up.



It's not from Tiffany's, man.

It just doesn't seem right.

Mmm-hmm. What, do
you want it to be solid gold?

Hey, here he is. Let's go.

Hey, Evan!

Oh, come on, man.

You should have read
the business page.

The price of gold
went down this week.

I didn't k*ll him.

But you saw this, right?
The e-mail about the gold?


My brother knew he was dying.

He was going to heaven
the old-fashioned way.

So yeah, he sent me a print-out.

And you went to
his house... Sit down.

And surprise, no gold.

BERNARD: And you figured the website
guy might have peeked at the e-mail.

So you caught up with
him at Rapture-Con.

We only talked.

He said he didn't know
anything about gold, so I left.

But you didn't go straight
home, did you, Evan?

Because you ended
up with 12 coins.

(LAUGHS) Okay.

All right. Yeah, yeah.
I followed him home,

and I got in Burwell's face
outside of his apartment,

and I persuaded
him a little bit harder.

And you knocked him around.

Because he stole from me.

I told him I was
going to call the cops,

and then he suddenly remembers
taking the gold and gives me 12 coins.

Said he sold the rest and
had given it to some charity,

something about
flying Jews to Israel.

So I said, "Get
it back, or else."

Or else you'd k*ll him.


Right, which is
why I didn't k*ll him.

He was so scared.
Scared to death.

He was going to get my money.

So when we find this
guy who runs the charity,

he'll tell us that Burwell
wanted his donation back?

Damn straight.

And tell him I
still want it back.

I never saw Sam after
that day at Rapture-Con.

Thing is, the building log downstairs
showed that he signed in on Sunday.

The convention took the day off.

I was at church. I
think George was here.

My colleague, George Darvey.

You work for Sacred Exodus,
but you don't go to church?

I'm more in the operations
than the theology end.

George handles the logistics,
chartered flights, travel documents,

actually getting our
Jewish friends to Israel.

He's familiar with
that part of the world.

He's just in the
US for a few days.

You were in the service?

I worked for the government.

Did you see Sam
Burwell on Sunday?

Yeah. I was catching
up on some paperwork.

He stuck his head in. He wanted
some DVDs of our missions

to show his friends.

That's it?


He didn't happen to ask
for his donation back?

Why would Sam do that?

Because he stole it.

Oh, no. Not Sam.

DARVEY: Nothing like that.

He just wanted to know where
his donation was going to be spent.

Where's that? Uzbekistan.

CONSUL: A Mr. Burwell did call.

He, uh, said he had an urgent
request about a planeload

of Jewish émigrés. It
was a little complicated.

What was the request?

He wanted to know if there was any
way we could refund the emigration tax

that had been
charged on the group.

He'd been told some charity's
money was unavailable

because it had gone
to the tax payment.

He wanted it back?

Yes. He asked if a
refund was possible.

We told him we couldn't help.

Taxes are taxes, right?


There is no such tax. We told
Mr. Burwell he'd been misinformed.

LUPO: Supposedly
the tax is $1,000 a head.

George Darvey's been charging it to
Sacred Exodus for every group he's handled.

But there is no such tax, so the
money just goes into his pocket.

Quarter of a
million dollars so far.

He's been playing Reeves and
the Sacred Exodus people for fools.

Well, believers, they're
in the habit of believing.

Well, when Burwell
asked for his donation back,

Darvey told him the same story,

but Burwell went and
checked it out for himself,

and Darvey wouldn't
have been too happy.

Who is this Darvey?

Marine Corps Force Recon,
other-than-honorable discharge.

He did some work for Blackwater.

He started his own
security firm in Beirut.

Hmm. Look it here.

When Darvey flew to the
US last week from Tashkent,

he declared an unloaded w*apon
in his checked baggage, 9mm p*stol.

I'll call Patrol and have
them keep an eye on him.

You two go to his hotel
and sit him down for a chat.

BOTH: Okay.

Rush hour traffic.

You should've taken Park...

OFFICER ON RADIO: 27 Homicide.

Your suspect just
walked out of the hotel,

got into a yellow cab,
registration D1305.

We're two blocks out.
Was he carrying luggage?

Affirmative. May be
heading to JFK. Hold on.

I think he just saw us. He just
turned north on 3rd, crossing 58th.

Stay with him. We're there.


Want to give us a hand?
Grab that guy. We're after him.

You can't go in there.

What do you mean? If
that's not his house, we can.

No, you can't.


BERNARD: The Iranian Mission.

It's an embassy,
sovereign territory.

We can't go in.

Looks like we got left behind.

That man inside is
a m*rder suspect.

So you say. He is
telling a different story.

Well, we'd love to hear it.

He says he's been
framed by New York police

in collaboration with Zionists.

Do we look like Zionists?

I am consulting with
my superiors in Iran.

Until we decide whether to grant Mr. Darvey
asylum, he will remain in our embassy,

which, as you know, may not be entered
or searched without our permission.

Pretty please.

Detective Bernard suggested that
we use Mr. Nozari as a battering ram

to break through the gate.

Mr. Nozari?

The embassy's security chief.

He's the one who explained
that we're all Zionist stooges.

Well, that sounds about right.

And we, of course,
are the Great Satan.

This is Ms. Barsett from
the State Department.

So she should know. I've
asked her to help us out.

But there does seem
to be a little problem

with the Vienna treaty
on foreign relations.

All foreign missions are
inviolable and may not

be entered or searched
without consent.

We're aware.

Very good.

That treaty also requires foreign
diplomats to respect local laws

and avoid interfering
in local affairs.

So sue them. But you
can't go in and get the guy.

That would violate a basic
principle of international law.

So a k*ller sits in there eating
caviar, while we do nothing?

We're trying to negotiate the Iranians
out of building nuclear weapons.

We don't need to get
distracted by a common criminal.

Common m*rder*r.

Darvey left his suitcase in the
trunk of the cab with the g*n inside.

Ballistics are a
near-perfect match.

I'm sorry. We have
to respect the treaty.

And if we don't, what
are they gonna do?

inv*de our embassy in
Iran and take 50 hostages?

Oh, wait, they already did that.

In 1979. We're
trying to move on.

You'd think the Iranians would be
happy to have more Jews gathered in Israel

for Armageddon, make a
juicier target for their b*mb.

If you can figure out what
Ahmadinejad is really thinking,

we'd love to hear about it.

Meanwhile, you can't
go into that embassy.

CHAPELL: It's outrageous.

Our elected officials should
be bringing every pressure

to make the Iranians
respect our laws.

Now, if I'm elected
District Attorney,

I won't take no for an
answer in a case like this.

If he's elected
District Attorney,

I'm resigning and burning
down my office on the way out.

I like the part about not
taking no for an answer.

A few years ago, the FBI
caught some embassy guards

surveilling bridges and subways,
looked like they were spying,

scouting for t*rrorists.

Yeah, they couldn't arrest them, but
they were declared persona non grata.

They had to leave the country.

Iranians squawked, but there
was nothing they could do.


It's worth a try.

Excuse me. Would
you take our picture?

Of course.


GIRL: How does this look?

Very nice.

Oh, would you mind taking
some more, just to be safe?

LUPO: You mind telling
us what you guys are doing?

We're going for lunch.

Can I see your camera?

It's not my camera.
It belongs to her.

I've never seen
that before in my life.

Ah. So that's how it is.

Thank you, officers.

So why are you taking
pictures around here?

What have you got? Look
at that. Empire State Building,

Penn Station.

Are these snaps for
your friends in al-Qaeda?

This is about Darvey.

You want him back.

Why don't you call your
people. See what they think.

Hey, how long?

Just wait.

LUPO: Hey.

He called his embassy,
and they called her.

I thought we had
an understanding.

They were
photographing landmarks.

Take their names.
Report it to the FBI.

Let them go.


And don't do anything else
without telling me. Please.

LUPO: Sure.

I want to do something else.

really don't miss it?

LUPO: What, intelligence work?

Try and get a decent corned
beef sandwich in Pakistan.

(LAUGHS) This guy
was great in the field.

He's got to be bored
to death in Manhattan.

Well, I manage to stay awake.

So you heard about
this guy, Darvey?

He ran into the Iranian embassy.

Yeah. Maybe.

I didn't know you
were bringing a date.

It's her case, too, Tom.

Okay. Darvey, he runs into the Iranian
embassy because you're on his tail.

He sells them a
story and they buy it.

They're shipping him out
tomorrow morning to Iran.

Embassy car to embassy plane.

How do you know that?

Come on.

I got two minutes.
We're on the move.

The Iranians have
listening gear, right?

They monitor our
communications, other embassies,

the Israelis?

Yeah. Sure.

And maybe you know what
frequency the Israelis broadcast on,

their secure stuff.


And maybe you can help us out.

Detective Lupo simply arranged
for a little radio transmission.

By NYPD Intelligence,
pretending to be Israelis

on an Israeli channel we
know the Iranians monitor?

Something like that.

And what have we arranged to
be broadcast? Their favorite song?

I Left My Heart in Tel Aviv?

A message that an Israeli
agent named Loudmouth

has penetrated his target.


Code name.

Is there such an Israeli agent?

Has he penetrated a target?

No. We made it up.

But, uh, don't tell anyone.

In your experience, does
this kind of thing tend to work?

In my experience,


They're moving
Darvey out at 6:00 a.m.

What do you say?

God help us.



Please remove your cars.

This is a diplomatic vehicle. It
is as inviolable as the embassy.

You must let us proceed.

No problem. We just thought
since you're taking Mr. Darvey to Iran

that you'd like to
be fully informed.

We are aware of your
charges against him.

No, that's not what
I'm talking about.

I'm talking about his
friends, the Israelis.

This is crap. It's
some kind of trick.

Since when do you inform
to Iran about the Israelis?

When one of their
Mossad thugs goes rogue

and commits m*rder in our city.

You're saying Mr. Darvey
works for Mossad?

What do you say, Darvey?

You want to get out of the
car and try our justice system,

or go to Iran and try theirs?

You still hang spies, right?
Or do you behead them?

This is ridiculous.

Here, some
reading for the plane.

His date of recruitment, scope of
operations, code name "Loudmouth,"

it's all here.

May I see that?

You're not believing this?

We'll talk on the plane.

I'm getting out.

You will move your
cars now, please.


Guys, clear the way.

Hey, wait a minute. You
can't let them just take me.

Sorry. Inviolable.

Welcome home.

Put your hands behind your back.

Oh, and, uh, he was
right. It's some kind of trick.

Have a nice flight.

Now the Iranians
are telling the world

that Israeli thugs are murdering
innocent people in New York,

and the source of that slander is
the office of the District Attorney.

Thanks a lot.

He's leaving out the
part that it was a trick.

Yes, he is. Do you know how many
Jewish voters there are in Manhattan?

Jack, with all due
respect, is this a

prosecutor's office or a
campaign headquarters?

Don't give me that. I'm the
one who gave you the go-ahead.

And now you're saying
you shouldn't have?

Just convict the son of a bitch.

CUTTER: What exactly
did you say to Mr. Burwell?

EVAN: I told Burwell to get
me my money back, or else.

Or else what?

Well, I left that part
up to his imagination.

But I did manage to put
a good scare into him.

He said he was going
to go back to that charity

and get them to
give it back to me.

That charity being Sacred
Exodus, where Mr. Darvey worked?

EVAN: Yes. And he
was highly motivated?

Very highly.

Thank you.

He was motivated because you

threatened to k*ll
him, isn't that right?

It was a bluff. I
wasn't going to k*ll him.

But you did b*at him up.

A little, to make my point.

And your point was, you'd do something
worse to him if he didn't get the money,

and he didn't get the money.

I didn't know that.

Tell me again, why should
we believe anything you say?

I didn't speak to
Sam Burwell that day.

To your knowledge,
did anyone else

in your organization
speak to him?

Mr. Darvey said that he did.

Did Mr. Darvey tell
you that Mr. Burwell

asked for his donation
to be refunded?

No. He didn't say
anything like that.

What did he say?

That Sam came by to pick up
some information about our work,

how we bring Jews from
the former Soviet Union

back to their Biblical homeland.

And you do this work with
Mr. Darvey's help in Central Asia?

That's right.

And he presents accountings
of his expenditures there,

and Sacred Exodus
pays those bills?

We believe we're
doing God's work.

We are happy to
pay whatever it costs.

I refer you to People's Four,
Mr. Darvey's accountings,

which include $95,000
for Uzbekistan exit taxes

for Jewish emigrants.

Did you pay that? We did.

Have you since learned that
Uzbekistan has no such tax,

that Mr. Darvey made it up and
put the money in his own pocket?

Well, that's what they say.

That what who says?

Officials of that government.

It's a corrupt part of the
world. Bribes are often paid.

Mr. Darvey billed you
for taxes, not bribes.

We believe we are destined
for heaven, Mr. Cutter,

but we're not naive.

Who in his right mind
would put bribes in writing?

What government official
wouldn't deny that they exist?

He's cutting the legs
out from under our case.

No swindle, no motive.

It's a cover-up. He's lying.

Mr. Reeves?



You are aware that Mr. Darvey is accused
of sh**ting your friend, Sam Burwell,

in the head because
he was on the trail

of exposing
Mr. Darvey as a crook.

Objection! That's what
they're trying to prove here,

which they seem to be not
even to be close to doing.


Are you now saying that the
hundreds of thousands of dollars

in nonexistent taxes that
Mr. Darvey billed you for

were actually disguised
bribes that you knew about?

I know that part of
the world is corrupt.

You already said that. Is it now
your testimony that that money

was actually spent, legally or
otherwise, on behalf of your project?

Mr. Darvey says it
was. I believe him.

How is Sacred Exodus funded?

REEVES: By donations.

And how have donations been running
since Mr. Darvey was arrested for m*rder?

They're down, of course.

Do you think they'd go
back up if he's acquitted?

I suppose they might.

But if he's convicted,
and donations stay down,

what would be the
consequences for Sacred Exodus?

Our work would be delayed.

We could bring
fewer Jews to Israel.

And what would be the
consequence of that?

I'm not sure I know
what you mean.

And I'm sure you do.

In bringing Jews to Israel, aren't
you fulfilling Biblical prophecy?

Yes. What prophecy?

When the Jews return, the
stage will be set for the end times.

And for the second
coming of Jesus Christ?


Are you looking forward
to the second coming?

Of course.

To hasten its
coming, would you lie?

Isn't that what any
good Christian would do?

What any good
Christian should do?

Everything I've said
here today is the truth,

so help me God.

proud to sponsor this debate

between the candidates
for District Attorney.

You know, Jack, I really ought to put
your man Cutter on my campaign staff.

First he pisses off the Jews, then he
att*cks devout Christians as perjurers.

What's he going to do
next, indict Muhammad?

He's prosecuting a m*rder*r, which,
as a candidate for District Attorney,

you should understand, instead of
distorting it to inflame religious passions

for political gain.

The governor told me you were too
high-minded to run a decent campaign.

But really, I had no idea.

MODERATOR: Please join me
in welcoming the candidates...

How'd it go?

He didn't accuse me personally
of being the Antichrist, but not well.

We have to go after him harder.


Mmm-mmm. Reverend
Reeves, our lying witness.

His testimony destroys our case.

I thought you had Darvey's g*n.

Well, ballistics are a probable
match, but they're not airtight.

Without a motive...

We've got to make
Reeves tell the truth.

What do you
suggest, an inquisition?

We shut down
his charity entirely.

By his own testimony, it
was paying illegal bribes.

We lock it up and
seize its assets.

Shutting down a
Christian charity?

Maybe I can still
get the Buddhist vote.

This isn't about religion.

We keep telling ourselves.

Before you actually do anything,
see if the thr*at alone suffices.

CUTTER: We need to talk.

You lied on the stand.

We're prepared to take action
against your organization,

to shut it down entirely.

Why are you here?

I just told you.

No. Why are you here, on Earth?

What is the
purpose of your life?

I'm not sure that's
relevant right now.

It's the only thing
that is relevant.

You get up every morning.
You take a train to work.

You put people in jail,

people who break man's laws.

"Thou shalt not
k*ll." Not just man's.

These are extraordinary times.

The signs are so clear.

The rise of the European
Union, of Russia,

the financial collapse,

Iran's nuclear b*mb.
Armageddon is so close.

"The Lord himself will
come down from heaven,

"and the dead
in Christ will rise."

I am blessed to
know why I'm here,

to play a small
role in this majesty,

to bring the Jews back to the
Holy Land. This is a precondition.

And this trial, this
prosecution, is an impediment.

You don't know that.

You can't know that.

"At that time, the sign of the
Son of Man will appear in the sky,

"with power and great
glory. His second coming.

"But no one knows
about that day or hour,

"not even the angels in heaven,
nor the Son, but only the Father."

And not me, and not even you.

Matthew, Chapter 24.

God will do what God
will do, on His schedule.

Meanwhile, we should
do what we should do.

CUTTER: George Darvey
m*rder*d your friend.

Now it's our duty
to punish that.

You didn't know
Sam. He believed.

Nothing was more important
to him than our work.

"Render unto Caesar the
things which are Caesar's."

This is Caesar's
department, Reverend.

This is so difficult.

You know something, don't you?

Something you haven't told?

What do you do when
things get difficult?

REEVES: Sam called me that day,
after he had been to see Mr. Darvey.

He said that he
needed his money back,

but that Mr. Darvey
said it was impossible,

it was already spent,

given to the Uzbek
government for some sort of tax.

Sam said he was desperate,

and that he was going to call the
Uzbek embassy and try to get it refunded.

And what did you do after that
conversation with Mr. Burwell?

I assumed Mr. Darvey
had told Sam the truth.

We had, after all, been
paying that tax all along.

So, I called Darvey and told
him what Sam was going to do.

How did Mr. Darvey react?

He seemed concerned.

He said we couldn't
let that happen.

CUTTER: Did he say
what he meant by that?


I didn't ask.

I should have asked.

Especially after...

After what?

After Sam was m*rder*d.

I believe I inadvertently
caused Sam's death.

I only hope God can forgive me.

Guilty. Jury took
less than a day.

Because God told Reverend
Reeves to tell the truth?

God and Connie. Matthew,
Chapter 24. You study the Bible?

I prepare for court. I
prepared for church.

Uh-huh, good.

Maybe you can prepare for me.

The Interfaith Council invited me
and Joe Chapell to a panel discussion,

"Religion and the Law."

Sounds fascinating.

I think I feel the
flu coming on.