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01x02 - Let's Get Some Air!

Posted: 09/25/21 16:00
by bunniefuu
Mech-X ...

This guy built a robot
specifically for a technopath.

-To protect Bay City.

You cannot imagine
the horrors coming your way.

Monsters as big
as a robot, if not bigger.

-You fascinate me!

I just want to know
more about you.

You have to keep
your identity a secret.
If they know you're in there,

these people
will strike directly at you
and everyone you know.

I can destroy Mech-X

and tear that robot apart!

So, so gross!



Come on, Ryan.
Keep your hands up.

-You're getting k*lled here.
-I'm trying!

Keep moving. Come on!

Where are your hands?
Where are your hands?
Cover it.

-It's over.

-Say your prayers.


Hey, can you make my robot
do a victory dance?

You know,
something like this?

Do you know
what a sore winner is?

It means I'm a winner.


You know, you could have won
if you'd tried a rope-a-dope.

you put yourself
out there,

make me think
you're defenseless,

draw me in and boom!
Drop a hammer on me.

Dude, you were exercising
my power.

I gotta train you
how to fight.

You're the one
throwing the punches
out there.

Uh, Harris, I really think
you forgot something.


I walked here from home.

That would explain
the pointing...

and this cutie's digits!



What's up
with the strappy socks?

They're called sock garters.

(demonic echoing)
They're the footwear
of gentlemen, nimwit.

What did you just call me,


That's my arm!

What the heck!

-(demonic grunting)


-Harris! Hey!


(demonic echoing)
help me.

(theme music playing)

(seagulls squawking)

(machine scanning)

Hey, how you feeling?

A little bit better.

So can you tell me exactly
what happened--

-(Spyder screaming)

What was that?

What? Your text
said "get here ASAP,"
which I did,

after I looked up "ASAP."

Come on.

This better not be
the microthruster I just fixed.

I was testing it.
And guess what?

It thrusted!

And now it's busted.

Um, hey, congrats!

So you guys thought twice
about bringing me on the team,

but you chose this trainwreck
right away.

-I am standing right here.
-Yeah, don't remind us.

I can fix it, okay?

Just like I fixed
my broken leg. Didn't I?

-You remember that?
-I remember you

trying to fix your leg
in shop class and you fainted

and you had to be rushed
to the hospital.

Yeah, your surgery
was crowd-funded.

I still have the T-shirt.

-You okay?


I accidentally ate
some of that stuff
the monster was made of.

Did it taste disgusting
like cat food

or awesome like dog food?

But the monster ooze--
it's turning me into something
not human.

It does look like
if I had a sample
of that substance,

I could reverse engineer
an antidote.

Great! So we can cure you.

We can get you some more ooze.

-We just--

Um, we'll draw
a new monster out
by using Mech-X as bait.

You know, or we could just
find that glowy orby thing

-from the first fight.
-Yeah, we can-- Wait, what?

And then at the end,
the robot just liquefied
that thing.

And I saw it first.
If you share this,
you must credit Cassie Park.

Okay, so the whole monster
turned to ooze,

except for that object?

It kind of looks like
the monster's heart.

I watched this video
and didn't notice that orb.

How did you?

Well, I mean,
after the hundredth viewing,

you start to spot stuff.

Like she has tiny wrinkles
when she smiles.

-One for every month
of the year.

So you saw
this weird thing

and you didn't think
to mention it?

Well, no,
I did mention it...

just now.
That counts, right?

No! Not at all.
Why would it?

Hold on, guys.

So from the direction
and apparent speed,

I'd say it landed
somewhere in the woods
near Colton Ridge.

Ryan: There still
might be some ooze on it
we can use to cure Harris.

(hawk squawking)

(monitor beeping quickly)

(beeping speed increases)

(beeping stops)

Mud, dirt, twigs.

But the residual goop
is all dried out.


Hey, don't worry about it.
We'll find more.

We wouldn't have to

if we had gotten to it
when you saw it.

(demonic echoing)
You know, could you
not be you

and try helping just once?

I can help.

I am gonna go
fix this rocket.

And if you need me, I'll--

(demonic echoing)
We won't! Go!

What did I just say?

Exactly what
we were all thinking.


I didn't mean that.
That wasn't me talking.

The ooze is causing
all these outbursts.

I can't control them.

Which is why
we need to cure you.

This thing can't help us
at all?

It looks like
there's black dust here.

-Volcanic rock?

But the only volcano
around here is Mount Hartley.

Let's go check it out.

But Spyder--

Let's get you better.

Seriously, he probably
already forgot about it.

Stupid friends
don't think I can help.

I fixed this thing
with duct tape,

just like
I fixed my leg.

Hey, kid, what are you
doing here so late?

And what's in the cart?

Oh! Cassie, what up, girl?
How you livin'?

I'm living
way out of your league.

That looks like
it fell off Mech-X .

Wait! No!
It is a rocket. I built it

to, uh,
rocket this shopping cart
across the lake

and break
Danny Rotzoll's cart record.

Never heard of him.

Of course not.

I mean, the man doesn't even
want you to know who he is.

He tried
to get across the lake,

but he didn't make it.
But I will!

Does anyone else
know you're doing this?

Just you.

An exclusive.

Haven't had one of those
since the first Mech-X fight.

I'll stream your stunt.

Let's go.

-Oh. Oh, like right now?

No, I gotta get back
to my friends.

Gotta hang out,
guys' night...

Or you could do
that stupid and dangerous thing
you were planning on

and hang out with me.

Hang out with me,
hang out with me,

hang out with me.

Yeah, that second one.

(robotic whirring)

Is that the stuff
that we can make
an antidote with?


(alert beeping on phone)

It's Davage
at site alpha.

We've been compromised.

Check your feed, boss.

The volcano?
That robot again!

They found
the Primorphorous gel.

Do we have a monster ready?

We do not!

All right,
then how do I get it out?

Do I just--
do I scoop it out?

-Wait, Mark, get a shovel.

Why do I
have to get the shovel?

How we gonna get it out?

(demonic echoing)
This is taking too long!

-Whoa! Hey!


Stay down, Dingus!

Hey, hey, Harris,
calm down!


-Initiate the fail-safe.
-You're destroying the site?

And burying that robot
in the volcano.

But we need that gel
to build more monsters.

Well, I need that robot
gone more. Now do it!

Unless you want scars
on the other eye.

(explosions detonating)

-No, no, no, no, no!

That's an expl*si*n!

Get us out of here!


Mark (echoing):

Ry? You okay?
Talk to me.

(Ryan grunting)

Why do you have that
"I just went on a date
with two girls

and both of them
found out" look?

We're stuck inside
a huge pit of ooze.

It's clogging all our vents.
We're running out of air.

We have about
minutes of oxygen left.

We gotta get out
of this ooze.

Ooze? Harris,
we can cure you with--

Wait, where's Harris?

(demonic growling)

He did that?

He's getting worse?
We have to find him.

After we free ourselves.

Can you rocket-boost us
out of here?


All right,
the thrusters are working,

but we just can't smash
through the rubble.

So we blast it
with the arm cannon.

Oh no, the arm cannon
is busted.

Power cable snapped.

The only way to reattach it
is from the outside.

So we're trapped in here
with minutes--

minutes to figure out
how to get back online.

And find Harris.

Ryan, he's not the priority.

If we run out of air,
we all die, even Harris.

We have to
get out of here first.

No, we can do both!

You know what?
I'm gonna find a signal

and I'm gonna text Spyder.
He can fix the arm cannon
from the outside.

That guy to the rescue?

My thought is stop signs
are merely suggestions.

And maybe your gums
were meant to bleed
when you sneeze.

The question
was how old are you?

We're doomed.

No, he'll come through
for us...

I hope.
Can you just find Harris?

What? What is it?

Is it-- is it--

is it Mark Walker?
Is he scared?

Of Harris?

Pfft! What?

Me? No way. No chance.

(deep growling)

But I'm rigging
some sort of protection,

-just in case.

Come on, Spyder.


-Come on, Spyder.

(deep growling)

Are you going to talk
about your stunt, or--

Enough small talk.
Here, come sit down with me
right here.

Come on.

Do you think
this is a date?

No! No, no, no.

Now it is.

No, it is not!

The lake! Now!


I just did
a thermographic scan.

I'm uploading it
to your feed.

You'll want
to see this.

There are people in it?

It's not automated?
It has pilots?

Who are you?


Here, mathlete, mathlete.

(watch whirs)

Only eight minutes
of air left.

(deep growling)


(deep rumbling)




No signal.
Come on!


-Yes, finally!

Okay, come on, Spyder.


We have the ooze. Let me up.

-(g*n charging up)

Found him!
Now run!


Mark (voice echoing):
You know, you could have won
if you'd tried a rope-a-dope.

-Rope-a-dope, rope-a-dope...

Hey! Hey, over here.

-Okay, um...

Draw him in,
make him think
you're defenseless...

drop a hammer on him.

Sorry, dude,
but it was for your own good.

-Good move.
-Good advice!

Man, I really hope
my text got through.

All right,
the light is perfect.

The wind is perfect.

-Let's do this.
-(phone beeping)

Flag on the play. I gotta go!


Oh, no,
you're not going anywhere.

I've been listening to you
ramble for hours.

It's been, like, minutes.

Well, it's felt
like hours.

Now are you going
to jump the lake or not?

He's so heavy!

How could someone this small
be that heavy?

He's like a calzone
full of bricks.

All right,
it's time for you
to get us out of here.

Come on.

And in case
this doesn't work,

I just want you
to know that--

-I know, I know.
-I'm too popular to die.

Don't mess this up

because people
will miss me.

-More than they would you.

You're using up oxygen
for this?

Friends come first.
So hasta la later!


Eh, Spyder! Spyder!

I do not get ditched
by freshmen!

She knows my name!

One minute, buddy.
Get us out of here.

Wait. Wait, I can feel
the cannon arm.

It's coming back online.

(motor sputtering)

Broke my dream girl's heart
for this.

You better appreciate it!

Okay, Spyder's clear.
Mark, are you ready?


Hey, Mark?

I'm so tired.

No, no, no!
Mark Walker doesn't get tired.

We need a comeback victory!

Come on!
This is where you live!

I'm on it, Mom!

Close enough.



I'm gonna get everybody
out of here.

(air hissing)

I did it!
I'm gonna live!


Not the time. Not the time.


Uh, antidote? Now?

Antidote now.

That is the weirdest
antidote ever.

There's turkey grease,
broccoli and monster ooze.

Oh, gross, man-- broccoli.

Listen, Spyder,
what I said back there--

Man, it's already forgotten.

Thanks, dude.
That's really cool of you.

We shouldn't have come down
on you as hard as we did.

Yeah, me too.

You deserve
to be on the team.

You really came through
for us, Spicer--
uh, Spyner--

something with an S?

I'll take it.

Help me.

What the-- No.

Do you really
not know his name?

-That's gross.

-Tastes good, though.
-(all gagging)

You lost a huge amount
of my Primorphorous gel-X

and the robot survived.

Give me a reason
why I shouldn't just
have you eliminated.

Because I learned
something valuable.

The robot has pilots--
human pilots.

And humans will be
a lot easier to destroy.

You're human.

Keep that in mind
before you fail me again.

Thank you, sir.
Thank you.

So your little robot
has people inside it.

Who are they?

No clue.

All I know
is they're crushing
your monsters.

Aren't they?

Tell me!
