23x01 - And The Empire Strikes Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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23x01 - And The Empire Strikes Back

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Single mothers in subsidized
housing are being trafficked

in exchange for apartments.

Congressman Howard's
Chief of Staff was there.

My client has knowledge

of complicit individuals at nonprofits

and government agencies.

You've heard of a Dr. Catalina Machado?

Yeah, the founder of Proud Life.

Catalina knew.

Every single man that Ortiz named

had a direct connection to Proud Life.

What else does she have to offer?

Well, a Deputy Mayor,
three congressmen...

The old guard is coming for me.

What I see?

Failure written all over you.


Pretty good-looking couple.

She's a cop. His first partner.

You think anybody
at the wedding saw us?

Nobody saw us.

This is not a great idea.

It's the courthouse at : p.m.

It's not like the cleaning crew
is gonna bust us.


Is this even real?

It seems like it is.

And tomorrow?

All of them? I live in a studio.

Phoebe wants you and Céline
to enjoy them.

Tell Phoebe they're lovely.

That was kind of nice, right?

- The best!
- What's next?

You guys going on
a we-didn't-get-married-moon?

Not yet. Catalina's flippin'.

Captain wants all hands
on deck, all weekend.

Copy that.

- Counselor Carisi?
- Yeah, sorry I'm late.

Anya Avital, Southern District.

- Good to meet you.
- The rest of the team is waiting.

Oh. Lipstick.

- What?
- You had fun at the wedding, huh?

Got it, Chief.

CompStat first thing Tuesday morning.

I'll be there.


So Chief McGrath can bully you again?

That's not what this is, Lamai.

Catalina Machado is with the
Southern District right now.

We thought she was the ring leader,

but if she's just the middleman,

who knows how high this goes?

SVU takes the lead on this case.

Politicians, congressmen
involved in sex trafficking?

This is the break I need at NYPD.

My colleagues, U.S. Attorneys
Carstairs and Atwood.

And of course,
you know Catalina Machado.

We've met.

Where's Captain Benson?

She's en route, Counselor.

My boss already punched out;
now I've missed

the last ferry to the Jersey Shore.

Can we get started here before
I miss the entire weekend?

Let me call her again.

It was a great night.

Everything that's been
going on, it's just...

It's nice to get a break.

It really was.

Hold on a second.

I've got Carisi on the other line.

Yeah, take it. I'll be right here.

Liv, where are you?

I got half the Southern
District waiting here.

- On my way, on my way.
- Okay, see you soon.

She may be a few more minutes.

Why don't we get started?

I was supposed to be at
the DA's office an hour ago,

so I gotta go.

I know you do.

Except that I've got some idiot

with his brights on behind me.

Eh, pull over.

Hey, Liv, let him pass.

I'm trying.

Liv? Liv?

Liv! I got you.

Stay with me.


Hey, I'm here.

Hang in there, ma'am.
You're going to be okay.

We got you.

You scared the hell out of us, Liv.

Guys, I'm fine.

- Air bags.
- How about that ankle?

Well, they want me
to get an MRI, but...

Like I have time.

No, you got to see an orthopedist.

You don't mess around with an ankle.

Thank you, Doctor Carisi.

Crash investigations get anything?

Stabler and the OC are looking into it.

Going through my car,
looking at traffic cams.

But so far the working theory is

drunk driver, hit and run.

By someone who knew
just how hard to hit you

and just how fast to run.

Fin, if there's anything there,

they will find it.

How did it go with Catalina?
Was she helpful?

And then some. She's a font.

Chief McGrath will be happy.

Even when he's happy, he's not happy.

Bring me up to speed?

Here it is.

Our investigation started
with a prostitution complaint,

from a neighbor.

And we quickly ascertained

that homeless mothers

were being given subsidized housing,

and then threatened with eviction,

if they didn't provide sexual services.

And how did that get us
to Catalina Machado?

We picked up Ruben Ortiz,

who was the aide

to Congressman George Justin Howard.

He gave up Catalina.

She in turn named co-conspirators,

including a former HUD secretary,

and two former assemblymen,

- and...
- I'm hearing a lot of formers.

So who is your highest-raking
public servant

who still has a job?

Congressman Howard.

Nothing sadder than white people

congratulating themselves.

That bulldog is Howard's handler?

That's Myron Gold.

That's Howard's lawyer
turned political consultant.

Word is Gold is gonna
make Howard the next president.

That happens,

Céline and I are moving to France.

Justin Howard was born in Westchester.

He is the only son

of a prominent New York family.

Can we cut to the chase?

You've got Catalina and Ortiz

- wearing wires?
- Yes.

And neither of them
knows the other is wired.

Even better.

- Victims?
- Yeah.

Phone records?

When do we pick him up?

- There is a fundraiser this weekend.
- Well...

To be fair,

we're still building the case.

We're going over NDAs;

we're following online payments.

I don't want this investigation

to stall out like the
Feds with that-that...

Ken doll, Gaetz.

You reel this guy in,

that's a win for us.

And for you, Chief Garland...

Everything will be forgiven.

I saw you on the news this morning,

ringing the bell, good for you!

- Big things are happening.
- Absolutely.

And wherever I go,

there's a place for you, Catalina.

Aw, God bless you, Congressman.

Whatever I can do.

Oh, since you mentioned it,

I went by Holt Tower
to visit my mother,

and I couldn't find my friend Paulie,

the maintenance guy.

He had a family emergency.

But I miss my sweet Rosa.

Rosa's been a little difficult.

She's worried about
what her son might know.

So we need another NDA.

I'm already on it, boss.

The problem is these young mothers,

always worried about their little kids.

Aren't there deserving
homeless families, with uh...

Teenage daughters?

I'm sure we can find some.

Thank you, Catalina.

What a piece of crap.

- I do love to, uh, mentor.
- Mm.

So maybe you can let me know
by Saturday?

Chief McGrath.

Don't get up. You stay off of that leg.

It's not a big deal.

We're all lucky that it wasn't worse.

Especially Chief Garland.

I am well aware,

that this is more your case than his.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

I've been working closely
with him on this.

That's good to hear.


Between us,
I have a very good UC who I trust.

Howard is going to a fundraiser,

and I have two CIs
in the room with him.

Mm, even so,

can't hurt to bolster their testimony.

So who can, uh, who can middle that?

Uh, maybe Dr. Machado.

I'll let Garland know.

Eh, eh, eh, don't.

Department's a little worried

about Garland's prior relationship

to Catalina Machado.

I can assure you,

that Garland's loyalty,

is to the Department.


There's still the matter
of his judgement.

I'm trusting you not to mention

this UC to him, okay?

Or anyone else on your squad,
for that matter.

Chief, this could be
dangerous for your guy.

So make sure it isn't.

So the Holt Tower trafficking case

is now focused on

Congressman Howard's involvement.

Rosa, Lulu, and Denise

have all disclosed that

Howard paid them multiple visits.

So, are they all solid?

Guys, is there a problem?

Lulu's not talking until
she gets her daughter back.

And I don't blame her, she's
already been burned twice.

I'm working with protective
services on that, Fin.

And Denise is out.

Not worth another run?

No, I mean out. Out of the city.

Can't find her.

Okay, that leaves Rosa.

We promised to leave her alone,

so she and her son
could have a fresh start.

We did...

But, you two have a good rapport,

so ask her about Howard
and see where it leads.


I told you that you can't be here.

- I was on a school field trip.
- I know.

Pequeño, mijo.
And bring me back my change.

Look, things are
moving quickly, all right?

We're looking to make a case
against Mr. Howard.


Your own captain told me,

after I helped with Catalina

that I could keep the apartment.

- She said it was over.
- And it is over...

For you.

But he's hurting other women.

Raping girls.

I believe it.

The man's a pig, the worst of them all.

We need your help to put him away.

By testifying?

Against Howard?

Are you crazy?

- You know who he is.
- I do.

But we can protect you.

Ma! You want some?

I have to go.

Hey, at least think it over?

Let me be with my son.

Are you nuts?

Bad enough I had to rat out Catalina.

But Howard?

That guy's gonna be president someday.

Got a machine behind him.

Think they're gonna let a
mamaluke like me blow that up?

We can drive you.
Say it's a medical issue.

No one here has to know.

Grand jury.

I told you already.

I took Howard to Lulu's apartment,

Denise's apartment,

and Rosa's apartment.


now we need you to testify to that.

How are we doing on the
afterparty for the fundraiser?

I haven't heard back from Catalina.

- She's working on it.
- Not fast enough.

It's been a busy week,
and we need to unwind.

What about those girls
who interned last summer?

They were still in high school, boss.

Just make sure they have IDs.

Ooh, the petite blonde.

She was like a colt.

Colt's the male horse.

Filly's the female.

You getting confused, partner?

Well, she was flat and sleek.

That's all I know.
None of that mama fat.

- Oh, Jenna.
- That's her.

That's my little pony.

- And her cute friend.
- Hayden.

So Ortiz needed a law degree
to become a pimp.

Jenna, how old is she?

Ortiz said she's a sophomore.

So high school. What, ?

Yeah, or maybe even .

I've got three girls at Sacred Heart.

God, this makes me sick.

Make sure Ortiz gets
this Jenna to the fundraiser

and catch Howard in the
act and arrest him on-site,

- okay?
- Um, again, Chief,

the thinking here is that maybe

we let this play out a bit more.

- Why?
- Well, some of our

witnesses are a bit reluctant.

And we're thinking
if we give them more time...

Tell your witnesses to grow a pair.

I want this guy to go down now.

- You understand me?
- With all due respect,

we're only gonna get one shot
at Congressman Howard.

And the Eighth Floor agrees.

Yeah, well, they got no balls, either.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Counselor,

but as soon as Howard announces

his exploratory committee

for presidency,

then any arrest is gonna
be perceived as political.

- Am I right?
- Agreed.

But that's still a ways off.

What's not...

Is a new mayor.

And after the year that we've just had,

Howard is the perfect target.

You mean white?

And privileged, yeah.

And that,

is just the kind of
headline that makes us...

Captain, are you with us?

I'm sorry.

Something's come up.

I have a situation and I need to leave.

Excuse me.

Where's the captain?

Don't know.

Still haven't heard from her.

That did not feel right,
pressuring Rosa today.

I feel like we're rushing this,
you know?

Maybe she'll talk to McGrath about it.

Good luck.

I know the job is not
supposed to be easy, but...

Today is the first day
where it just felt wrong.

You know?

That's part of the job, too.

You gotta get past that.

Morales was,

a cop gone bad, he was distressed.

Couldn't handle it.

So what happened next?

He put a g*n to his head.

Sergeant Bell was trying
to talk him down.

No. You do not go out this way.


I need you right now.

- I'm here.
- I need you.

I'm here.

Morales finally lowers his w*apon, and,

we all took a breath.

You have your... No!

Everything happened so quickly.

He aimed his g*n at us,

and Sergeant Bell
used force, to fire first.

It was a good sh**ting.


su1c1de by cop.

Anything else you want to add?


Why were you at the hospital,
Captain Benson?

I received a text from
Detective Stabler.

But I know now that he didn't send it.

- How?
- He told me.

And you have no reason to doubt him?

He was my partner for...

For years.

Then who was it from?

Richard Wheatley.

It's all part of his vendetta,

against Detective Stabler.

Any woman who's close to him,

is a target.

Wheatley wanted to k*ll you?

I was run off the road,

a week before.

That may have been a warning shot.

I'm aware. But at the hospital,

it was my understanding

he sent Morales to k*ll his ex-wife,

- Angela Wheatley.
- Or...

Both of us.


Captain Olivia Benson.


Elliot, now I completely understand.

She's a knock out.

Poor Angela, though, huh?

Such a pleasure to meet you, Liv.

Get him out of here.

- How'd it go at IAB?
- It went.

Are we all set up
for Howard's fundraiser?

Everything's in motion.

Fin, help me understand.

What is it with these men?

Wheatley, Howard...

Too much money. Too much power.

They think they can do
whatever they want.


You okay?

I just...

I tweaked my ankle again.

- I'm fine.
- No, you're not.

I'm taking you to the doctor.

Looks like a full house.

Just make sure Howard

gets to the suite with the girls.

We'll do the rest.

Will he know I set him up?

We'll burn that bridge
when we get to it.

Meanwhile, just keep
rocking him to sleep.

You don't understand.

Howard gave me my first job
out of law school.

He's been my friend since college.

I-I can't do this.

You want to continue
that friendship in jail?

If the roles were reversed,

he wouldn't think twice about you.

Showtime. Let me walk you out.

Ortiz gonna keep it together?

Don't worry, Counselor.

You ready? A lot riding on this.

Yep. And if it all goes well,

my bosses will take all the glory.

If it doesn't?

Maybe we open up our own agency

Actually, I like the sound of that.

What a waste of a good hotel room.

Mm. Oh, hold that thought.

It's on.

Good evening.

Welcome, everybody.

I'm Catalina Machado.

Whenever Proud Life has needed help,

Congressman Howard has

always answered the call.

And so when he called me to ask me

to introduce him tonight,

I was honored.


Thank you, my dear friend.

Amiga mío.

Our partnership with Proud Life

proves that we have bipartisan support

to end homelessness.

And who better to lead that charge,

than Catalina Machado?

Alliances like ours prove that,


are more important than petty politics.

They're what real Americans want.

Mm, he's got his rap down.

Give him that much.

The divisions in this country
break my heart.

We need to stop the blaming,

the demonization of corporate America,

the overregulation.

Congressman is aware of the
obstacles facing your company.

When he becomes president,

pharma will have a friend
in the White House.

I don't know about all that, but, uh...

I do hope you consider me an ally.

All this tax talk
must be boring for you two.

No, not at all, Congressman.

You had me at lowering
capital gains rate.

Justin, take it easy tonight.

Tomorrow's an early day.


Congressman Howard,

meet Danny Quiñones, AKA "Q."

I told you about him.

Oh, yes! Of course.

I'm glad you decided to make it.

Catalina tells me
you're a major influencer.

He is. He reps a clothing line,

a vape brand, um,

a photo-sharing app?

For what it's worth,

I got about million Insta followers.

There's a lot of teenagers

that'll be vote eligible in ' .

Know this guy?

Well, it looks like he's got
a net worth of $ million,

he guest DJs at Triller,

and he's followed by Dua Lipa,

Lizzo, Billie Eilish...

Oh, Olivia Rodrigo.


Treat Q right,

he'll lead us to the Promised Land.

I'm all about the youth,
you know what I'm saying?

And I don't see a lot of it here.

I have some young activists

in our hospitality suite.

Care to "caucus"?

If that means party,

hell freaking yes.

Amazing how these guys find each other.

Players always do.

- It's on.
- It's about time.

Welcome to politics,

where the men are fours

and the women are tens.

Wow, those girls look like...


Bother you?


I peaked in high school.

Well, they're just peaking, today.

They'll do anything you want,

and anything you haven't
even thought of.

May I present

Jenna and Hayden.

- It's good to see you again.
- Hi.

And this is Q.

You might recognize him
from the interwebs.

I want to be on that

"Teens Run the World" platform.

Those interviews are cool.

Maybe you two can be next.

Take my info.

Where are you guys coming from?

Jersey. Not too far.

Transporting a minor across state lines

for immoral purposes.

- That's a felony.
- Absolutely.

You know, you two
play your cards right,

and you could be
the next Fiddle and Faddle.

Who's that?

Interns JFK used to frolic with

at the White House pool during lunch.

Those are code names.

The White House?

I'll drink to that.

You feeling okay?

If you need to lay down...

Ooh, got you.

I feel funny.

What was in my drink?

That's just bubbles.

Lots and lots of little bubbles.

He roofied her drink.

as*ault in the second degree.

Felony number two.

- No, wait!
- It's all right, hey.

Now we're looking at attempted r*pe.

- That's all I need.
- We gotta go.

- We gotta stop this.
- Go

I don't want to do this. No, I...


NYPD, hands up.

Hands up.

Party's over, Congressman.

She's of age. I did nothing wrong.

Up against the wall.

- Face the wall!
- Easy, easy.

Don't do something you'll regret later.


- Jenna.
- What's going on?

You're okay. He's in trouble.

You'll be fine.

- Ah, ah.
- You good?

The hell is this? You set me up?

Not a word, Q. Lawyer up.

They can't prove a thing.

It was just a dance, I swear to God.

- You can ask her.
- Yeah, just keep talking.

I was invited! He set me up.

- Get him out of here.
- He set me up!


All right, guys.
Take off these bracelets.

And make sure you bag those flutes.

The champagne was probably laced.

Oh, sorry, Joe Velasco.

- I'm on the job.
- Nice try.

We didn't know anything about a UC.

Hey, hey, hey, it was a "need to know."

Call Tommy.

Chief McGrath?

Yes, Chief,

we're maintaining your UC's cover.

He's in holding
with Congressman Howard.

I will let them know.

You're welcome.

Chief McGrath sends his thanks
to the entire team.

Would have been nice to know
who the entire team was.

There's a UC on the job,

McGrath, Garland, don't let us know?

Close the door.

Garland didn't know.

McGrath told me not to tip anyone off.

The UC's name is Joe Velasco.

McGrath's apparently his rabbi.

McGrath doesn't even trust Garland?

That's not good.

How long are we keeping "Q" in holding?

Until Congressman Howard's
lawyer gets here.

I mean, maybe he'll get him talking.

Would that be admissible?

Let's let the lawyers sort it out.



Rollins is on her way to meet you.

They gave Jenna fluids and a sedative.

She's lucid.

All right, we need to make
sure that they run her urine.

- Is her family there?
- The mother's on her way from Jersey.

Talk to Jenna before she gets there.

I'll have Carisi get
a warrant for her phone.


- Yes.
- Howard's lawyer is here.

He says he'll only talk to you.

Put him in Interrogation.


what'd the doctor say about your ankle?

It's fractured.

He had to reset it, and that was...


It's too swollen for them
to do surgery on it.

And that's why you should go home.

- I can handle this.
- I know you can, Fin.

But I can't tell McGrath

that I have a sitting
Congressman in holding

and I need a sick day.


Hey! What's the big deal?

- We were just partying.
- I'll ask again.

You need me to get you a lawyer?

I got one.

And this won't stick.

If the girls brought the dr*gs.

Two phone calls from you,

- we're out of here!
- Compadre, listen.

These guys are looking to take me out.

Don't say anything.

There's nothing to say.


your lawyer's here.

Hey. Hey!

- I still need to make a call.
- I'll be back.

Ahh, Sarge, Sarge, Sarge.

Can't you put me somewhere else?


You called my parents
without asking me?

You're , Jenna.

I wasn't doing anything.

You had Rohypnol, alcohol,
pot, and MDMA in your system.

I don't do Ecstasy.

All I take is Addy.

I bought it online. I have ADHD.

So how do you know Congressman Howard?

I met him on a class trip to D.C.

He took photos with all of us.

He asked for my number,

to text me the pictures.

He follows me on Insta.

Did you live in his district?

No, I'm from Bayonne.

I told him I was
interested in politics,

solving climate change.

He said he could get me an internship.

How often did you see him?

Mostly in the summer.

He'd send a car service.

Parties at his house.

He had a Fourth of July party
on a yacht.

Did he ever get physical with you?

What do you mean?

You know what we mean.


you are not in any trouble.

Okay, whatever happened, that's on him.

Nothing happened.

He drugged you.

He took you back to his bedroom.

Have you two ever had sex?

Not "sex" sex.

I give him massages.

That's not illegal.

He told me so.

He went to law school.

You guys had your fun.

Keeping my client,
a United States congressman,

in a holding cell overnight?

He's under arrest, Mr. Gold.

On what probable cause?

Well, the girl that he
drugged and put in his bed,

she was years old.

First of all, anything she took

must have been hers.

And her vaccination card
said she was .

Come on, as a lawyer,

you gotta know that that's no excuse.

Nothing happened.

She must have taken something.
She seemed dizzy.

I helped her lie down,
administered CPR...

- With your pants unzipped.
- Let's just stop right here.

Do you always party with teenage girls

after a fundraiser?

My client is single.

He has a spotless record.

We all know this is
a political witch hunt.

All right, let's move on
from the girl, then.

You're a regular visitor
at the Holt Tower apartments

in Manhattan.

Yes, I am. My mother has a pied-à terre

- overlooking the park.
- Okay.

So which one of these

is your mother?

I don't know any of these women.

Really? Because they know you.

And we have security footage
of you on their floor.

So can you explain that to me, please?

Due diligence.

Inspecting their apartments.

Part of my duty as a member of

- the housing sub-committee.
- Enough, Justin,

this is a g*dd*mn fishing expedition.

I understand it's every ADA's wet dream

to take down a presidential contender,

- but we're done.
- Hey, actually, one more question.

Who put you up to this?

My party or theirs?

Oh, nobody us up to this.

You see, we're SVU.

You're a sexual predator.

So guess what happens next?

Congressman Howard.

On the charges of
sex trafficking, r*pe ,

facilitating a sex offense
with a controlled substance,

and attempted r*pe,

- how do you plead?
- Not guilty, Your Honor.

As I've said repeatedly,

this is a political move by
the NYPD and the DA's office.

Not the time nor the place, Counselor.

- People on bail?
- We ask for remand.


For a sitting congressman?

He has an obligation
to his constituents.

He's looking at years in prison.

If it will help you sleep
better, Counselor Carisi,

I'll ask the congressman

to surrender his passport.

Uh, ten seconds, folks.

Chief. Garland's not here yet.

Well, maybe that's for the best.

We don't need any questions

about his relationship
with Catalina Machado.

Okay, Chief.

Good afternoon.

I'm joined by Captain Benson of SVU,

ADA Carisi,
and attorneys from the SDNY.

After an exhaustive investigation,

today we announce the arrests

of Proud Life director
Dr. Catalina Machado,

congressional aide Ruben Ortiz,

and New York state congressman

George Justin Howard,

who, along with other

unnamed co-defendants, will be charged

with sexual as*ault

and sex trafficking.

- Celia?
- We know that there are

more victims out there

who were given subsidized housing...

Why isn't this on my schedule?

We are asking you to come forward.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

No one notified you?


Are you...

Are you sure you didn't miss an email?

- We are convening...
- I'll check.

Maybe it went to spam.

Should I call McGrath's office?


Thank you, Celia.

To uphold the public trust. Thank you.

Okay, um, we can take
some questions, if you like.



Good morning. How are you feeling?

I'll live.


About the press conference.

I never would have gone

if I knew that you weren't coming.

All good. I spoke to McGrath.

You did?

He was surprised I wasn't there, too.

He apologized.

Must have been a communication
error from his office.

Things are moving pretty fast.

He said that's probably why
he didn't tell me

we had a UC at the fundraiser.

He said that?

That's, uh, not exactly what happened.

Water under the bridge.

We play this right,

plenty of attaboys for everybody.

How close are we to an indictment?

Well, we're prepping
Catalina and Ortiz today

for the grand jury tomorrow.

We trust Catalina?

She's looking at to life

if she doesn't cooperate.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around

somebody who's done so much good,

yet she got caught up in this.


she didn't get "caught up."

She orchestrated it.

I know, I know.

I was having a conversation
with my wife last night,

talking about my own blind spots.

Well, we all have them.

If I haven't made it clear,

I appreciate you pointing
them out for me.

And for having my back?


Congressman Howard invited
me to his suite to party.

He said, some men like melons,
some men like mangoes.

He told me he likes cherries.

Hey, I'm sorry.
That's the way he talks.

So you get to his suite,
and who's there?

He asked me to make sure
that two former interns,

Jenna Evans and Hayden Smith,

were in the suite.

Do you remember what you told him?

I reminded him that
they were still in high school.

He told me,
just make sure they have IDs.

Did Congressman Howard ever express

any interest in high
school girls before?

That's when Congressman
Howard told me he was tired

of the young mothers.

He asked me to find apartments

for mothers with teenage daughters.

And you took that to mean...

That I was to find homeless women

whose daughters would have sex with him

in exchange for subsidized apartments.

And that was a clear quid pro quo?

Ortiz said he was bringing his boss,

Congressman Howard, to Holt Tower.

He expected the VIP treatment.

What did he mean by that?

Look, I'm not gonna say
he did anything.

That's okay, Jenna.

We'll just ask you to tell
the grand jury your age.

I'm almost .

And you went to
the hotel bedroom with Howard

after he gave you a drink.

I had to let him
do whatever he wanted to me.

On my knees.

Forcing me.

And then he turned me over.

It hurt.

But I couldn't scream,

because my son was in the next room.

How often

did he come to your apartment,

in Holt Towers, Rosa?

Two or three times a week.

He told me his mother
lived in the building,

and he could come over
whenever he wanted to.

And if I didn't submit to him,

that he would tell Catalina

to send me back to the shelter.

Thank you, Rosa.

I'm days away from launching
my political action committee.

No one's gonna believe these "victims."

A grand jury will.

They'll believe these homeless women,

who get to keep their free apartments

- if they testify?
- Or Catalina?

She's lying to save her own ass.

She's been robbing Proud Life
blind for years.

So you knew that,

and yet you still asked her

to introduce you at your fundraiser.

Let's not litigate who knew what when.

My client is willing to testify

that Catalina offered
to bribe him with sexual favors

in exchange for supporting Proud Life.

Not sexual favors.

They're called r*pes.

Or these women are grifters.

The only reason the congressman
went to Holt Tower

was to visit his mother.

And she'll make a better witness

than your r*pist handyman
or Dr. Machado.

Look, you asked for this meeting.

So, you know, any deal offered

means he goes on the registry,

and he does prison time.

I'm not going to prison.

I'm gonna be president.

You know, I've seen
a lot of powerful men

in this position,

and they all thought
that they could commit

crimes with impunity.

I'm going to be president,

and I will not let
a politically-motivated ADA

and a bitter woman cop,

who's spent her life
getting back at men,

- take me down.
- Justin...

No, don't Justin me, Myron.

Tell them.

Tell them, tell them
who they're dealing with.

We're well aware
who you are, Mr. Howard.

Are you?

Then you know this man
right here makes two calls,

and you're gone, like that,
from the ADA's office.

And you,

you're on traffic duty in Staten Island

- with your old boss.
- Excuse me?

I need a moment with my client.

Good luck.

You should have kept your pants zipped.

Now you need to keep your mouth shut.

I'm not going down for this, Myron.

- Not another word.
- You need to make this go away.

Shut up, you idiot.

Should we break this up?

It's a private conversation.

We didn't see or hear any of this.

I know you're gonna say no,

but we're in good shape.

Can you take a break?

You know what?

You're right.

Let me, uh...

Let me take you to dinner.


You? The night before your grand jury?

Well, I got a UC, I got

two informants, wires, cameras...

Congressman Howard doesn't know it yet,

but he's a dead man walking.

Let's go.


- Rollins.
- Carisi.

Guys. Please, come on!

You don't have to do this, please.

I'm begging you. Please,
no! No, no, no...



Stop calling me.

Stop calling me.

Mijo. Mijo, wake up!

- Wake up, come on.
- Ma...

We gotta go. Get out of bed.

We're checking security cam footage,

passersby claim that
they saw Catalina jump.

Find Rosa and find Jenna now.
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