05x02 - Can't Feel My Face

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Station 19". Aired: March 2018 to present.*
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An action-drama that is centered around the Seattle Firehouse. This is the second spin-off from Grey's Anatomy.
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05x02 - Can't Feel My Face

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Oooh ♪


[SIGHS] That was four.

I think we win.

- Mmm...

- We can do better.



Wait, they're going for five?

We're keeping score?

Yes, and we can't let them win.

♪ Violet ♪


♪ You got me picking daisies ♪


Stop it.

He just...


- Still?

Every night for the last months,

I have fantasized about
putting my wedding dress back on

and storming McCallister's office again.

Yeah, and get yourself
demoted to probie?


I mean, although, if you got fired,

then maybe we could finally start

talking about babies...

♪ Let me know ♪

♪ I'm knocking at your door ♪

♪ If you want me, tell me so ♪



♪ Let me know ♪



♪ Violet ♪

- _

- ♪ It's time you come around ♪
- _

♪ Time you come around ♪

♪ I been waiting on your call ♪

♪ You been watching from your wall ♪

- ♪ I keep trying to break it down ♪
- _

♪ Trying to break it down ♪

♪ Say what you like ♪

- ♪ Are you staying with me? ♪
- _

♪ Like we're speaking in code ♪

- ♪ You can say what you mean ♪
- _

♪ It's never too late,
I'm begging, baby, please ♪


- ♪ Let me know ♪
- _

♪ I'm knocking at your door ♪

♪ If you want me, tell me so ♪



♪ Let me know ♪

Good morning.

Oh, morning, Mom.

Thank you for coming.

I'd come every day if you'd let me.

Yeah, I know.

It's just today is a big day.

We start our initiative today.

It's too soon. You need more training.

Your sister could help.
She knows all the right people.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mom.

It's not a lack of confidence in you

to suggest you need help.

It's an important initiative.

Yeah, that's why
we're starting it today.

Still stubborn.

I was hoping fatherhood
would have changed that.

PRU: Hi, Daddy.

[LAUGHING] Hey, baby girl.

How's my baby girl? How's my baby girl?

Mm-hmm, you're good?


Well, she disrespected me
in my own station.

[LAUGHS] Oh. This is interesting.

You see her telling her truth
as disrespect.

Well, it is when she
literally uses the words

"I don't respect you."

Robert, why are you caught up
in the words she used

and where she used them?

Because she didn't
speak to me in months,

and then when I get a conversation,

she's like, "I want a divorce."

What kind of person does that?

What kind of person...

H-How can she do this to me?

I got sober. I-I-I stayed sober.

And what did I tell you about that?

You don't get sober because of her.

- Because the minute you break up,

you'll have an excuse to use.

You don't owe her sobriety, okay?

And she doesn't owe it
to you to stay with you

just because you're sober.

It's because I'm a grunt.

- She won't admit it,

but that's it. And I'm a grunt

because of the dr*gs.

Therefore, it all
comes back to my addiction.

Some stuff...

you just can't blame on booze.

I don't have a problem with booze.

Just dr*gs.

Now, you know what
I'm gonna say about that.

Yeah, I know. I know.

If I drank, I might
forget not to use dr*gs.

Trust me. I've seen it many times.

You know, I just keep thinking
this can't be it.

She's gonna wake up
and realize she's wrong.




Okay, we have a rule...

Do not use sex to stop a fight.

Well, I have a rule not to start a fight

in the middle of sex.

Good morning, Bishop-DeLucas.

Or... Or is it DeLuca-Bishops?

I still don't know.

- We haven't decided.
- It's DeLuca-Bishop.


- DeLuca-Bishop.
- Yeah.

I-I'm gonna go change.


Can we talk about this later?

I am about to start a -hour.

Okay. Maya?

Every time I try to bring this up,

you come up with some excuse

of why it's not the
right time to discuss it.

Well, I'm sorry,
but when we got engaged,

I told you I wasn't sure.

Which is why we should discuss it.

I just... I need time.

Okay? You're so sure
that you want to have kids,

and I am not,

and I need you to be okay with that.

And I have been okay with that.

But, okay, we're not
getting any younger.



Okay. Okay.

We'll talk about this later.



- I love you.
- I love you, too.



Um, it was five.

It was four.

I think I'd know how to count that.


- It was definitely five.
- Unh-unh.

- Five what?
- Orgasms.

That Hughes experienced last night.

- Mm-hmm!
- Isn't that fun?

Oh, um... [LAUGHS]

I mean, what about
you and, you know, Katie?

- Uh, Kallie?
- Oooh!

Kelly, man. Her name's Kelly.

[MUFFLED] Who's Kelly?

We're not talking about
orgasms at breakfast.

- Can we not?
- Whatever.

My first year here, you and Gibson

had a competition to see
who could collect

the most panties, okay?

So I think me talking
about the number of times

my monogamous sexual partner
pleasured me last night

is pretty tame in comparison.

So much fun. I'm having a blast.

TRAVIS: I still say we won.

A-are you guys really
eating noodles for breakfast?

- Yes.
- My mom dropped them off.

Honestly, I don't blame Paul
for not coming out to Nari.

If I was getting this food on the reg,

I wouldn't come out
of the closet either.

That is still going on, man. Still?


Mm, wait. When are we getting

our cool new Crisis One vehicle?

DEAN: We're not. We have the aid car.

Civilians will meet us at the scene.

Seriously? Even Warren
got the Knife Mobile.

Which is now
a very expensive storage unit

in the back of the barn.

So, are we getting uniforms, at least?


We are wearing them now.

- Are you serious?
- Emmett got a polo shirt.

- What?!
- He was up all night

studying his "Trained Civilian" binder.

Well, I don't think that's

what he was up all night doing.

- Whoa!


Sullivan, you want to sit down or...?

No, I'm good.

- Mmm!

Sullivan, you got company.

- Robert Sullivan?
- Yeah.

You've been served.


- So, uh...
- Yeah.

B-Bailey's been working a lot,

so we haven't had that many...



Herrera. Your boy Miller's
got us doing PD's job now, huh?

ANDY: Well, one could argue
that mental health calls

and wellness checks
never should have been PD's job.

- Huh.
- So...

And plus, we're not doing any of that

until we get training.

Are we gonna get overtime?

No, you work the same hours

we all do, Maddox.

What about my puzzle time?

You know I love my puzzles.


No way!

Don't tell me Maddox
is one of these guys.

You didn't hear this from me,

but dude cooks it.

- What?! No!
- Yeah.

I saw him do it last year.
At a car fire.

He stuck his helmet under the hood

while he thought no one was looking.


My dad would hate guys who did that.

- Yeah.
- He would call them glory hounds.

[SIGHS] Well, if Maddox
is so desperate

to look like he's seen action,

maybe he should do less puzzles.





You got Andy Herrera, but I'm not here.

- Leave a message.
- [ BEEP]



At his station?

[LAUGHS] That is cold, Herrera.

I mean, I'm sure she didn't know

it was gonna happen here.

While he's on duty?

I mean, like he hasn't
been through enough?

[SIGHING] Oh, man.

I can't even deal with it.
It's so crazy.


He must have gotten... I can't.

Shut up, shut up, shut up. Shut up.

Shut up. Just got off the phone

with Dixon over at PD.

He says they're loving
this new initiative.

Yeah, Dixon makes sarcasm

into an extreme sport.

He wasn't being sarcastic.


He says the boys in blue
are actually relieved

they don't have to respond
to mental health crap anymore.

I bet.

Hoping you get a call today.

- Are you?
- Yeah, so I can eat my lunch in peace.

DISPATCH: Crisis One requested

for a wellness check at
the Chatham Building

on Greene Street.

Is that us? That's us?

Like, Crisis One us? This is happening!

This is happening! It's happening!




Uh, what are you...
What are you gonna have?

- A turkey club.
- That sounds...

That sounds good.



Glad this thing's only temporary.

Kind of looks like it should
have cartoon kids on it,

traveling through time.

You know...

We don't do the banter thing. Got it.


Hey, Sullivan, just wanted to say,

as someone who's also
had their heart broken

by Andy... Listen, Gibson.

This isn't kind of, uh,
puppy love heartbreak, okay?

Andy's my wife.


DISPATCH: Engine and Ladder

requested to Overland Avenue,

structure fire in progress.







- Hey. Hey, guys.
- What's up, dude?

Uh, so the landlord
called in a wellness check.

Uh, dispatch said
they've received calls

in the last hours
from the resident in question.

They just call and hang up.

VIC: It took calls
before they sent us out?

Yeah, well, this is what's known as

a drug-dense area.

PD gets so many calls

that they think
if there's no obvious crisis,

then there's no immediate need
to intervene, so...

Wait, why'd they send firefighters?

We're both trained paramedics.

I actually am, too, um, but I'm also

trained in conflict resolution.

- Yeah.
- See, it's a specialized program...

Yeah, okay, whatever.



This thing smell weird to you?

Like someone left a cup of soup
in here too long?

And I don't even want to think
about how many butts

have sat in these seats.

How did you know you wanted to be a dad?

Uh, [CHUCKLES] well, I... I didn't.

I-I fell in love with a woman
who had a son,

so I was a dad.


And Joey?

I fell in love with a woman
who had such a big heart

that she brought home another
son without asking me first.

Okay, for .

Yeah. Yeah.


Uh, uh, I'm the one who called.

- Uh-huh.
- Hi. I was, uh,

making lunch for my kids,
I heard a boom,

and I-I looked out and saw smoke.

Is there anyone home?

Uh, I don't think so.

I-I don't even know who lives there.

They've been remodeling for months.

Thank you, ma'am.


Beckett, our access to the
basement is the only flow path.

We need ventilation.

BECKETT: Is that how
firefighting works, Bishop?

You're gonna have to give me
your TED talk one of these days.

Okay, Warren, Bishop, make
access to the first floor.

You're gonna need to cut a heat hole

down through the flooring.

Gibson, Montgomery, Sullivan,
you're on fire attack.

Get in the basement and knock it down.

Mother and grown daughter live here.

No one's been in or out of
the apartment in days.

VIC: Okay.



Ms. Debbie!


Hey, Alisha, Ms. Debbie, this is
the Seattle Fire Department!

We're not the police!




Hey, Alisha, Ms. Debbie,
can you hear us?

I'll be downstairs if you need me.

Got it.




Alisha, Ms. Debbie!

Are you hurt?


- Did they just lock themselves in?
- Yep, yep, yep.

This is the Seattle Fire Department!

Is anybody home?

DEBBIE: Yes! Yeah, I'm in here!

We're in here!

Uh, thank God! W-We need your help!

Okay, uh, uh, can you open the door

so we can... We can help you?

No, I can't. I can't get out of bed.

Well, are you hurt?

I have M.S..

Okay, um...

Uh, well, how about Alisha?

Can she open the door for us?

Baby, listen, listen, open the door

and let the firefighters help us.

- Alisha.

Hey, Alisha.

Ms. Debbie, what's Alisha doing
right now?

DEBBIE: She's tying
the bedsheets together.

Uh, for what?

She's making a sail.

She wants us to sail out of the window.


Seattle Fire! Anyone here?


Doesn't look like anyone's doing
any renovations.


Hey, let's punch through by that window.

Copy that.




BECKETT: Get those people back
until PD arrives.

You know, truth be told...


...if Miranda had asked me first,

you know, about taking Joey in


...probably would have said no.

You know? But then, uh [CHUCKLES]...


...I'd have missed out on everything.

"Everything" like what?

You know, all the, uh... All the magic.

You know, the... the stuff that
you don't plan for,

the teaching moments...
You know, hard stuff...

Which... which
actually turns out to be...



- Here?
- Yeah.

- Alright, ready?
- Yeah.



What's that smell?

My mouth is tingling.

Masks up, boys.

Masks up.



Alright, stay low, and make your way

to the seat of the fire.


SULLIVAN: Alright, Montgomery,
come with me to the left.


- Ow!

Whoa! Montgomery, you okay?

Yeah, I'm good, I'm good.


Captain, we have some aerosol
cans popping off.

- Hey! Stay low!

Hey, Bishop, we need air!
How close are we to venting?

MAYA: Almost there, Gibson.



Damn it!

Hey, Gibson, this look like
a lab to you?




We should get the tools.

The W-Tool could get me in the door.

Wait, wait. And...
And bust in there violently?

Yeah, if we're just gonna do that,

we might as well just call PD.

Hey, could you turn the TV down,
maybe, so we could hear you?

DEBBIE: She says
it drowns out the voices.

She thinks someone is coming to
hurt her.

ALISHA: I told you,
I'm trying to keep you safe!

OK, Alisha, you know, that's...
That's our job.

That's kind of our whole deal.

Don't come in here!
Please just leave us alone!

Okay, so, she's clearly
having some kind of

- psychotic break, yes?
- Yeah.

Well, maybe for the first time.

It doesn't seem like
her mom has seen her

like this before, so...

Right, okay, well, in training,

they told us that we need to
validate her fears and concerns.

DEAN: Right, so, telling her
someone's not coming to hurt her

is not going to help?

- No.
- Okay.

If... Just hold on.

Hey, Alisha?

Alisha, I...
I can't imagine how exhausting

and... and scary this must be
for you, especially...

Especially if you think that
there are people after you.

Okay, that sounds... that sounds
really terrifying.

ALISHA: I don't want your help.

How do I know you're not one of them?

Validate. Validate.

That's a really reasonable question.

How do you know that we're not
one of them?


Look, she could... she could be
hurting herself.

I should get... I can... Let me...

You... Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Hey, Alisha, um, can you tell us
about these people?

Who are they?

Uh, just so we know what to look for.

They're trying to hurt me and my mom!

I have to get us out of here!

- Okay.
- DEBBIE: Baby, nobody

is trying to hurt us.

I don't know where she got this idea.

Alisha, please, put it down, please.

Okay, what do we do if
she has a w*apon, huh?

I mean, at what point
do we call the cops?

That would defeat the entire
point of this program, yes?

- Yeah.
- So, we should, um...

We should call a ladder truck.

That's automatically going to
trigger a call to PD.

Even if we tell them not to?

It's a pilot program.

Well, that's kind of a flaw in
the design, isn't it?

Yeah, I'll take the note.

Thank you, Dixon.




Hey, Captain, this smoke is...

Gibson? Gibson!




- Two firefighters down!


[GARBLED] I repeat...
Two firefighters down!

You know, I get it. I've heard all...

You know, all the arguments...

Having a kid
will crack my heart wide open.

I'll know love like
I've never known love before.

But I just know
I never really wanted that.

How do I know I won't decide to

have a baby, hoping that it
cracks my heart open,

and it just doesn't?

You don't.

Seriously, that's your advice?

[LAUGHS] You didn't say
you were looking for advice.

BECKETT: Sullivan, repeat?

SULLIVAN: Two firefighters down!


MAYA: Captain, we have ventilation!


BECKETT: Copy, Sullivan.
Can you get a location

on Gibson and Montgomery?





So my mom's secret move is to
soak the beans overnight.

That's not a secret move, bro.

That's just how you make beans.

Oh, you gonna tell me everyone
puts adobo in their rice, too?

- Ooh!

You two are getting friendly!

Yes, in that we are friends.

Hey, you're single now, Herrera.

- You must be lookin' to get some.
- Excuse me?

Uh, Maddox, I'm gonna need you to leave.

Touchy, touchy.

Yeah, you two are definitely
sleeping together.



- He's right.
- Uh, no.

I haven't had sex in almost a year.

- Damn!
- I feel like,

if someone touched me,
I'd... I'd evaporate.

- I'm sure you have

a phone full of numbers you could call.

Oh, just a couple.

- Both exes.

You and Hughes are so lucky.

Yeah, I'm not gonna argue with that.

So, you file yet?


When's he getting the papers?

I don't know.

The lawyer said he'd call me
once they're processed.


DISPATCH: Engine and Ladder

requested to Overland Avenue.

Structure fire in progress. on scene.


Hey, is your mouth tingling?


What is that?


BECKETT: Bishop, give me your !

Entering the basement.

Heading in to the seat of the fire.

Hey, Captain, we have
three firefighters down.

Opening their bypass valves.

Getting them some air.

Copy. Sending in help.

Hey! Hey, come on!

Wake up.


Captain, send in Hazmat.

Anyone near this smoke needs their SCBA.

What's down there, drug lab?

Unclear at this time,
but we're both lightheaded

even with our SCBA.

Okay, I'm guessing that we're
all gonna be on the floor

in a minute.

Come on, we got to get out of here. Ugh!

Come on.


Oh. Okay.

- I'm going down.
- Oh!

Bishop! Warren!

Warren's down, and I'm...


Captain, this is Sullivan.

I got four firefighters down.


If we bust down that door, it's
only gonna agitate her further

and confirm her fears that
somebody's coming to hurt her.

Yeah, but she's not just gonna
open the door for us.


- Hey, guys?
- Yeah?

L-Let me just try one more thing, okay?



Hey, Ms. Debbie, we found

some of your medication out here.

Don't you need Alisha to open the door

so you can take them?

DEBBIE: Yes. Baby, I-I-I-I need my meds.

- I have to take them.
- Okay, well, I-I have them here.

So, if you can just open the door,

I can pass them to you.

ALISHA: No way, no!
They're coming to hurt us.

No, baby, I... Please, I need
them, I need them.

Hey, Alisha, I know it's scary.

But we're... we're just coming
to help, okay?

ALISHA: Okay, I'm gonna open
the door inches.

I want you to toss me the meds.

And if you come in here,
I'm going out the window,

and so is my mom.

Okay, you open the door,
I'll restrain her.

Are we sure this is better
than calling a ladder?

So PD can pull up and see a Black girl

climbing out a window?

- Okay.
- No, thank you.

- You talk to Grey-Sloan?
- Yeah.

We can sedate her.


If we need to. Ready?

Okay, Alisha, I have the meds.

Okay, I'm gonna open it.



[SCREAMING] Oh, no, no!

Please don't hurt my mother!

- Please!
- No, no, no.

No one's gonna hurt your mother.

- Let me go!
- Nobody's hurting your mother.


Let's call for another ambulance, yeah?

- It's okay.

Hey, hey, Alisha.
Hey, you're not in any trouble.

Okay? We're just trying to help.

Tell them not to arrest me!

Mommy, they're trying to arrest me!

ALL: No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

No one's going to arrest you, okay?

Those restraints... it's...
It's just for your safety, okay?

Baby, Alisha, Alisha, please,
let them help you.

Alisha. Let them help you.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

We can give you a sedative instead.

Yes, do that, do that.

Alisha, listen, please.

See, they just want to give you
some medicine, okay?

Is that okay?

Is that okay, baby?

- Yeah, yeah?
- [SOBS]

- It's gonna help you.
- Okay.

It's gonna... Okay, okay, slowly.

We're gonna move slowly, okay?


We'll move you to
the chair real slow, okay?

Baby, it's okay.

Let them give it to you.

We're not here to hurt you.

Can I look at your shoulder here?

It's okay. It's okay.

It's gonna be a little cold.

♪ All this love that I'm trapped
in, holding me c*ptive ♪

♪ You're still in my blood ♪

♪ All this love, you just left it ♪

♪ Why'd you go wreck it,
lie like it never was? ♪

♪ All this love ♪


♪ All this love ♪

♪ All this love ♪

[SOBBING] It's okay. It's okay.

Pinch a little bit, okay?

DEBBIE: [SOBBING] Oh, yeah, she's...

♪ Break the curse
'cause I don't wanna burn ♪

It's okay.

♪ There are monsters
in my head, in my bed ♪

♪ Little girl, will you ever learn?


♪ I reach for your hand, but
I keep sinking in your sand ♪

♪ What do I do with all this love? ♪

♪ All this love that I'm trapped
in, holding me c*ptive ♪

♪ You're still in my blood ♪

♪ All this love, you just left it ♪

♪ Why'd you go wreck it,
lie like it never was? ♪

♪ All this love ♪



♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ All this love that I'm trapped
in, holding me c*ptive ♪

♪ You're still in my blood ♪

♪ All this love ♪

♪ All this love ♪


♪ All this love ♪

What the hell are you doing, huh?

These are firefighters, okay?

They're people.

What? They woke up. What's the big deal?

What's the big deal?! Let me tell you

what the big deal is.

Aw, dude, you broke my screen.

Well, good. Maybe that'll teach you

not to treat people's tragedies
like content.

Get the hell out of here.

Hey! Stop! Get that thing out of

my team's face
or I'll shove it up your ass!

I feel like I'm high.

Am I high? Are you high?

- Well...
- Are we all just high?

Are you high?



DEBBIE: I tried to get her help.

[GROANS] But without insurance...


And then the neighbors, they
kept calling the cops on us.

But all the cops do when they
get here is ask

a whole bunch of questions
about dr*gs and search her.

My daughter is not a drug addict.

I'm so sorry, Ms. Debbie.

If you're a firefighter, why do
you have on those clothes?

Oh, I'm... I'm not
a firefighter, actually.

I'm a civilian trained to help
civilians just like you.

[SIGHS] She's never done
anything like this.

She takes care of me.

She gives me my meds,
she cooks the food,

cleans the apartment.

She started displaying symptoms when?

Oh, she's been struggling for
a couple of months,

but nothing like the last few days.

It got so bad so fast.

Right, and she was...
She was never diagnosed?

This was the first time having
an episode like this?

What's gonna happen to her now?

Uh, well, she'll be admitted to

on a -hour hold.

She'll get a... A psych eval,

and then they'll hopefully find a place

- for her to get help.
- We can't afford that.

Well, the county can help. Really.

Psychiatric care is available
to people who can't pay.

And there are services for you, too.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

For treating us like human beings.

It's not always the case.



This is now an exterior attack.

I don't want anyone going
back into that building

until we've identified the chemicals.

Let PD handle that.

Our job is to suppress that fire
and get any neighbors

who are downwind of the smoke
out of there.

All water needs to be removed
from this scene.

This is a surround and drown.

I want a ladder pipe into the
basement vent on the "B" side,

and give me a cellar nozzle down
through the ventilation hole.

Okay? Give it all you got.

TRAVIS: Aw, we're missing
a surround and drown.

You know you guys are taking
a trip to Grey-Sloan

after this, right?

Oh-ho-ho-ho, no, we're not.

I'm not going anywhere near my wife

until we've been cleared, alright?

She worries enough, Captain.

Okay, then, Seattle Pres.

But I don't want anyone home

until you've been checked out.



- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, Captain.

You think it's some kind of meth lab?

We have put out a dozen meth-lab fires.

That is not meth.

Could be K ... Synthetic marijuana.

You know, Miranda has been
telling me about these kids

that have been coming in
to the E.R., look like zombies.

Synthetic marijuana, zombie teenagers?

Who wants to bring a kid
into this world?

Who's bringing a kid into the world?

- No one.
- Yeah, yeah, it's...

It's terrifying, but,
hey, look, terrifying

is not a reason not to do something.

That's debatable.

They're using the cellar nozzle?!

[SCOFFS] Come on!






We have to account for the need
for the ladder.

It won't be the last time
somebody tries to jump

out a window... Not by a stretch.

Well, maybe... I don't know,
maybe the next step

is to ask dispatch not
to automatically send the cops

with the ladder.

Yeah, and maybe Crisis One calls
always bring the bag?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah,

but... But then there's the issue...

Hey, Miller, Miller.

If it weren't for us,
if it weren't for this program,

you know what could have happened today.

You're changing the world.
Just let that be true,

just for a minute.

It was just simpler on paper, you know?

There's just so much to... To work out.

- It's a pilot program.


You have a natural talent
for it, you know?

De-escalating, talking to people.

I did all the training,
and it just doesn't come easy to me.

Well, neither did fighting fires

until you did it a bunch of times.

- Yeah, see? Practice.
- Yeah.

You're changing the world, Miller.


We are.

We're changing the world.


Whew, Herrera, I saw your ex

slap that phone out of that kid's hand.

Hope he doesn't sue.

Yeah, he can't afford to get
knocked down any lower.

What would that make him,
a volunteer now?



Say what you want about Sullivan,

but at least he doesn't cook his lid.

I mean, don't you think
that's pretty stupid?

Knowing what we know about
cancer and residue?

Hmm, y-you a doctor now,
like your buddy Warren?

No, I'm the orphan left by
Pruitt Herrera.

Your old man died a hero
on the line of duty,

not from cancer.

Tell me more about
how my dad died, please.

Do you think dying from cancer
after years on the job

isn't dying a hero?

Do you think the best part of
the job is the glory?

No... I promise you, Maddox,

Robert Sullivan is a better firefighter

than you will ever be
because he doesn't do it

for the glory or the stories,

and he sure as hell would never
cook his helmet

to look like a tough guy.

I don't know what the hell
you're talking about.



You want to clean off his helmet
while he sleeps tonight?



Hey, Joe's opened back up.

Maybe we could do some
day-drinking tomorrow.

I'm not in charge.

I think we both know that's not true.


I think he could use some friends.

Beds were made. It's not my fault.

I'm not saying it is. I'm not saying

that you even need to
forgive him, but...

I haven't not forgiven him.

He pulled you out of there today.


And whether she meant to or not,
what Andy did was rough.

I think he deserves
a little cheering up.

You know, then you should invite him.

I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

Hey, shows up.

What up, boys?

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Heyyyy, hey.

- Are you good?
- Yes.

Hey, Robert.


You good?

Uh, you, uh, got a tattoo, hmm?

- When did that happen?

While I was on duty? Really?




While I was on duty, you had me served

with divorce papers
in front of my whole team.

Oh, my God, I didn't know.

I didn't mean to. I... I...




Okay, so, yesterday you couldn't talk

because you were about to start a shift,

and today, you can't talk
because you're about to go

to a bar at : in the morning?

Hey, it's tradition, and we haven't gone

in a year and a half.

- Why do I suddenly feel like

I'm walking on egg skins with you?



I don't think I can do it.

Have kids. I mean, it's terrifying.

It's like ripping your heart out and...

And watching it walk around the world.


It is like ripping your heart out

and watching it walk around the world.


Okay, Maya, I love you.

And if being married to you
means not having any children,

I will learn to accept that

because I don't want to
force you to do anything

you don't want to do,
especially not something

as big as bringing another life
into this world.

But I know you.

You aren't afraid of anything.

So when you tell me that you
don't want to have kids

because you're too terrified of
it, I don't believe you.

Okay, Maya... what is it?

Can you look at me?
What... What... What is it?

Look, I got demoted

and replaced by a douche
who calls me pretty.

And my boss is another douche
who thinks that

having a handlebar mustache
makes you a firefighter,

and I know I made decisions
that got me here,

but I was on a track.

I was projected to make
battalion chief by .

I mean, maybe even chief of SFD.


And you can still do all of that.

You don't get it.

You don't understand, Carina.

You're a doctor... an O.B.,
for God's sakes.

You can still do your job
and be pregnant.

When a firefighter gets pregnant,

they have to report themselves
by day one.

Day one!

I wouldn't see the inside of
a fire truck for months.

Do you know what happened to me
on duty yesterday?

- What?
- I got high on K and passed out.

- What?
- You know,

there are no pumping brakes
in the middle of a call.

There are no breast-milk fridges
at a fire house.

Okay. Lucky for you, there are two wombs

- in this relationship.
- Okay, even if you were

the one to carry,
I would still be a new mom.

And, yes, they would technically
give me parental leave.

But do you really think
that they would promote me

back up after that?

Where the hell are my shoes?

Right there.

You know, Warren and Miller...


...they can become dads
at the drop of a hat.

- Okay.
- And they can enjoy...

[CRYING] the magic and the spontaneity.

And the department can... Ugh...

The department just congratulates them

and gives them a cigar,
because the system

is built for them, but it's not for me.

Let's not talk about this right now.

You know, I tried... Carina, I tried.

I tried, okay, to wrap
my brain around it for you,

because you got married for me.

I did not get married for you.

Okay, I know you didn't.



I love you.

But I can't do it.







BEN: Now, I know you're still
working out the details,

but I'm just saying that
if you folded in

a medical response,
then it could be like, you know,

Super Crisis One.

Super Crisis One!

Super Crisis One!

Hey, you're pitching me like
it's my decision, man.

- Wait.
- The department shut down the PRT.

Not me!!

I know, I know, but look,

it's just that if it were part of

a new successful program, then...

Ben, we... We've only had one call,

that we muddled our way through.

- What, muddled?
- BEN: No.

We did. We're not a success yet.

We need time, man.
You prevented potential

police v*olence today.

BEN: That's real. That's a success.

- Yeah.
- That's real, man.

Hey, did I miss the cheers?

- Nope, you did not.
- No? Okay.

Right on time.

- Mwah.
- Hi.

That is for you, and that is yours.

Thank you, sir.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What's that?




Want to... Want to talk?

No, I want to have a drink with my team.

BEN: Anybody talk to Sullivan
last night?

No, he came back after everybody
cleared out,

and he hit the bag for,
like, hours, and...

- Whoa.
- Hey, hi, hi!

- Sullivan, what's going on?
- Hey!

Are you good?

Yeah. Hey, um,

anybody want anything from the bar?

- No.
- No, I'm good.

- Thank you.
- No, I'm good. I'm full.

- Alright.
- VIC: Thank you.


Is he off the wagon?

I don't know.

ANDY: Tell him he should call
his sponsor.


Hey, Sullivan.

Hey, look, all...
All I was gonna say yesterday

was, um [CLEARS THROAT] she does this.

Andy does this.

She loves you one minute,
and then, um, she's done.

She says it's 'cause she's a Scorpio.

Are you still high, Gibson?

Yeah... No.

I mean, uh...

I just thought I could help
because, uh, you know,

it's not just... Just you. It's her.

Thank you.

And, uh...

she says call your sponsor
'cause of... the dr*gs.

- Appreciate it.


I'm leaving.







They toss you out, Herrera?

I told them not to let in there.

He gets me kicked out of my station,

gets my best friend demoted, and now,

because I don't want to be married
to someone who would do that,

I can't even enjoy a few beers
with my team... my family.

I don't think anyone blames you.

They feel bad for you.

Ugh, that's worse.

- But not me.

- No?
- Mnh-mnh.

I don't feel a damn thing for you.

- Okay.

Uh, Scotch, rocks.


Whoo! Sullivan must hate you.

I think he'd hate anyone in my seat.

No, but you... You're [SCOFFS]...

You're especially smug,
and you walk around

like your penis doesn't fit
in your pants.

Yeah, it really doesn't.



Hey, you're that guy.


Yeah, they're calling you Fire Zaddy.


You married? Girlfriend?


- How's it feel?
- It has its moments.

Yeah, you're going viral, Fire Zaddy.

SULLIVAN: These are firefighters.

They're people.

ANDY: So, you feel nothing for me?

You don't have a wife,
and doesn't seem like

you give a crap about
what anyone else thinks.

Not most of the time.

Get that thing out of my team's face

or I'll shove it up your ass!





♪ I can't lose again,
I can't lose again ♪

♪ Just leave it all behind ♪


♪ Just leave it all behind ♪


♪ Just leave it all behind ♪

♪ Just leave it all behind ♪


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