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02x02 - Good Mom

Posted: 10/13/21 11:42
by bunniefuu
KATE: What's the trick
to makin' all this work?

It all seems a little impossible? [LAUGHS]

Most of the women who become mothers,

don't raise their hands as much.

- Not this girl. Hi.

Hard to break it up.

- They're gonna fire you, Kate.
- All right, cool.

Ah, f*ck that feels good!

Anne, you're pregnant.

Can you just check again
because I had a baby

months ago. She's barely alive yet.

- Was it margarita night?
- I'm so sorry, I don't know.

- This is amazing.
- What?

This is how I grow.

FRANKIE: I just had a baby,

and I got kinda depressed.

Think I must just have the teensiest little

drop of postpartum.


- It could be worse, right.
- No, you know what,

- it could be better.
- KATE: It could be better.

- Yeah.
- Look, it could be better.

You got the job. Montreal is yours.

And Nathan, does he know what's happening?

Because secrets in a marriage
are like fleas in a bed.

How are we supposed to have another kid

- when you're hundreds of miles away?
- We're not, okay?

We barely have time for
the kids we have now.

No time. We got no time.

Hi. I'd like an abortion.

Can't just walk in here and order one.

But this is Canada.

Giselle, I know there's
something wrong with me.

I found this program and I'm gonna go

for as long as it takes.

- Kate.
- Wow.

- You sure about this?
- Yeah, I'm so sure.

I just found out my son is in the hospital.

Are you out of your damn mind?

Going to the hospital
might ease your guilt,

but think about what you lose.

What exactly would I lose?


So again, they just make a
teeny, tiny slice right there.

Like with the scalpel. It's very small.

And they can just get up and walk out,

and never have to worry
about spreading their seed,

ever again.

minutes. Takes f*cking minutes.

Do you know how long I was in labour for?

Uh, about hours a pop.

That was like two Hobbit movies.

But less painful.

They should do it to all
newborn baby boys, right.

And then if they develop
into decent human men,

and they wanna have babies,
they can have it reversed.

- That is genius.
- Yeah.

Ladies, a vasectomy is a serious,

painful procedure for men.

Yeah, Franklin offered to get
one, but I declined of course.

Of course?

Yeah, I didn't want to emasculate him.

Like a dog.

He used the old dog analogy on you.

You know, Kate, I really thought

that you would be more supportive,

given your current situation.

Sorry, uh what does that mean?

Because you're both in similar boats.

You're both
stay-at-home mothers.

I'm a forced hiatus,
I didn't have a choice.

And not that there's anything wrong

with being a stay-at-home
mother, I just,

- it's just not who I am.
- Okay.

I just thought you might be
enjoying your time at home.

Right, sorry, Alicia.

Being at home has given
me some perspective.

Uh, I don't that I'm such a good mom.

Like I don't think I'm a bad mom,

you don't have to call
child services or anything,

but I don't think anyone
watching me would be like,

oh, she knows what she's doin'.

Let's dare to go there, girlfriends.

What is a good mom?

Well, not dumping your
issues on them to start,

or dumping them in the trash, the babies.

Not shaking them.

Keeping them out of pools,
and fountains, and lakes.

Okay, well I'm very happy
that you've all managed

to keep your children alive.
And please, do keep doing that.

But outside of keeping them breathing...

Which is so important.

Critical, really.

Is knowing them.

Jade, as a single mother of twins,

do you find it's a challenge
to stay present with both boys?

I find it a challenge to stay
present in this conversation.

Look, I thought this group
was gonna give me good tips

and stuff, but listening to you
guys complain about parenting,

with partners, and full-time help,

makes me wanna throw a
desk through a window.

Guys, you wanna go like
grab a coffee and hang?

Or get a walk? Drink? Nachos?

Can't, I gotta get Jayme down for a nap

before she ruins another session.

I think I'm gonna have to rent an office.

- Enjoy the sunshine!
- Cool.

No, yeah, I get it.

But maybe tomorrow we can go

Hey look, we'll hang out when
you have time. I'm not needy.

- Never thought you were.
- Good, 'cause I'm not.

It's just to hang out.

Can I just say you've been lookin'
a little worse for wear lately.

- Rude.
- Sorry,

just feels like you might
be a little stir-crazy?

- Look, the day I met you,

you got our professor to let you skip class

in order to do independent research,

which I'm pretty sure you spent
jerking off in our dorm room.



Look, the Kate I know sets
her own course. I love you.

- Yes, yes, yes!

Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.

- Onesie, twosie.

Oh yes, yes, yes! We got one done!

We got one done! One more! One more!

- Oh god, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.



Gotta put this on this.

There you draw. It's good for you.


Charlie, no!

Wh-! Now you wanna draw?

Hi! It's okay, bub-bub, one more second.


- Ah.

g*dd*mn it!

- Why do I even buy a case?



g*dd*mn it!



It's okay. It's all right.

- Surprise! I brought lunch!


- Are you drinking at noon?
- N-no?

Alone? With the baby?

Uh, he's fine.

♪ Holler at ya girl ♪

♪ Holler at ya girl ♪


I'm finding it very challenging to open up

- on your deck.
- I'm sorry about that.

Indoors has just become a bit
challenging, at the moment.

You know what? Why
don't we try an exercise?

- [SHOUTS] What?

Why don't we try an exercise?

I would like you to close

your eyes, and go inward.

Honestly, I'd really rather go back inside.

Sure. Not a problem.

- Jesus.

- How do you work like this?
- Not well.

NATHAN: Hopefully I can get the
whole family into the country.

I mean you should see the way
these little boys look at me.

Like they're bored?

I'm not tryin' to show off,

I'm just I'm really
into this case right now.

You should be. It's wonderful
what you're doing, seriously.

- Like I'm excited to go to work.
- Mhmm.

- I'm not tryin' to rub it in.
- I get it.

- In fact...
- What is it?

Does it have somethin' to
do with this outfit here?

- Yeah.
- Uh huh?

I wanna talk to Richard today,

about gettin' my job back. I
mean, enough is enough already.

This was only supposed to
be temporary until you know,

Charlie was up and running again.

Look, I support you. I do.

And, for the record,

I support you if you wanna
stay at home longer, too.

I mean, you're only human.

If you have time today,

could you call somebody
to fix the doorbell?

Uh, oh yeah, I mean, if I'm back,

which I probs won't be, then, sure.

Later, gator.

I got a date with destiny.

'Cause you're a motherfuckin' hustler,

and you don't even know... Hi.

You're a g*dd*mn panther in a skirt suit.

- Kate! Talkin' to yourself?
- Hey, Rosie.

Hey, look, I'm just wondering
if maybe you lost your mind?

Do you talk to yourself
at home to pass the time?

What? No, Rosie, I'm
just late for a meeting.

ROSIE: Lucy Crushner. She's kinda amazing.

Why is she here?

Oh, Richard's been after her for weeks.

Oh, morning, ladies.

♪ Da da da da da da ♪

Um, Kate Foster, I want
you to meet Lucy Crushner,

the newest member of our team.

- Oh wow, hired. Just like that.
- Hi, nice to meet you, Kay.

It's Kate, actually.

And this is Rosie, your new assistant.

- Rosie?
- Yeah.

Wake up, damn it.

I want you to get Lucy all the
pitch materials for tomorrow.

Okay? Show her around?

Oh, hey, Richard, sorry Richard,

are you ready for our meeting?

Oh, you know me, Kate,
always ready for anything.

Have a seat. I gotta go to
the ladies' I'll be right back.




Hmm, no.

♪ After a long winter ♪

♪ Will you think I've changed ♪

♪ Summer suits me better ♪

♪ And I hope you're the same ♪

♪ And I'm afraid ♪

FRANKIE: It feels good not
to hide behind fear anymore.

♪ And in the long winter ♪

understood being scared

more than what was actually
going on around me.

It's kinda like being hearing impaired.

I'd hear people speaking to me,

but it was like I had
all these subtitles going,

and they were all in
caps, just screaming at me.

I dunno, I still have
the subtitles going,

but they're like all in lower case,

or Dutch, or something.

I don't focus on 'em as much.

THERAPIST: Beautiful share, Frankie.

Let's take a moment and
appreciate each other's journeys.

Look around. Acknowledge each other.




Oh, that was... you.


I feel so feminine with you.

Is that weird to say?

And like, petite.


I know we're just having fun,

but you should know that I'm not gay.

That's cool.


I've been on hiatus for months.

Hey, you know that this
hiatus was not my choice.

No, of course, but I believe
that I've really shown my loy...

You left a very serious
taste in Stromager's mouth,

and that is a hard thing to do.

That woman has eaten her fair
share of sh*t over the years.

Ugh, well, I don't know
what that means, but...

- She wanted you fired.
- Right.

I had to convince her that a
suspension was punishment enough.

And come on, bonus, you
got to spend time at home

with your baby when she had meningitis.

Well, Charlie's a boy,
and he had the measles.

Oh, oh I'm sorry, that sounds terrible.

He's fine, and so am I. I'm
ready to come back full -time.

Now how long is this
hiatus supposed to last?

Uh, Kate.

You've always been like a daughter to me.

How 'bout this? How 'bout
I give you hours a week?

- Oh, um...
- Yeah, as a consultant.

It'll be great. It is
not gonna last forever,

it's months, a year, tops.

Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay.

All right, see you
tomorrow, bright and early.

- All right.
- Well, not too early,

you know you spread out
those couple hours a day

- anyway you see fit.
- Yup, yup, yup.

- Yeah?
- Hmm.

When's your next client?

I actually I have the rest of the day off.


Are we about to have hotel sex?


- Congratulations.

Lionel, I told you not to say that.

Okay, okay.

Okay, your turn.


- You ready?
- Mm-hmm.



- You good?
- Yeah.



- Hey, so I have an idea.
- Mhmm, idea.

- Yeah.
- How can this day get any better?

With uh, a vasectomy.

A highly-qualified doctor
makes a teeny, tiny incision,

right there, and
minutes later, you get up,

you walk outta the
office. Not scary, at all.

Yeah it's not, it's not...

it's, I mean it's not that
it's scary, it's just...

- The recovery?
- Yeah, recovery, recovery.

Yeah, no, no, no, it's
like to days, tops.

You can finally binge-watch "Scandal"

and shut the hell up about it already.

I love "Scandal". You
know I love "Scandal",

- it's just, I mean...
- The wait time?

- Mhmm.
- No, that's the best part.

One of my patients, Dr. Unger,

really great guy with minor rage issues,

he performs the surgeries all the time,

and he said that he could take you, today.

Isn't that great?

So whadda ya say?

You had a secret vasectomy.
You know how f*cked up that is?

- Okay, yeah, you know what?
- I admit,

it was a little bit sneaky, but
you ended up wanting one too,

so, shouldn't we be more like yay, Lionel,

way to predict your wife's wants.

I wanted one that I agreed to.

I thought that we were
finally on the same page?

I feel like really soon,
we're gonna laugh about this.

Like tomorrow, soon.

Or like to days from now, soon.

But soon.

That's not the half of it.

I heard her husband left
her for an older woman.

No, older, could you imagine?

Poor Mrs. Anus. Think
she'll keep the last name?

You guys uh callin' Mrs. Reinus, Mrs. Anus,

'cause that is genius,
and I am in. [LAUGHS]

- Oh, hey.

There's my little guy, I missed you today.

- Mama.
- Oh yes, yes, yes, you.

- Charlie had a great day.
- Oh, good.

He made this lovely piece of art for you.

Did you make this?

Well, I gave him a little help, of course.

Yeah, yeah.

We encourage parents to
hang the art up in the home.

It really helps with their confidence.


I did wanna mention to you
that he's not walking yet.

We are workin' on it.

It's just that he's the only
boy that's not walking yet.

That's the word on the street.

In my experience, they really
do mirror their environment.

Do you walk at home?

Uh walk, yeah. I find it
helpful for gettin' around.

All right, I'll see ya around, Mrs. Anus.

Ex-excuse me?

Let's go.

MARIA: I'd like to offer
you more responsibility.

We have a guide training session coming up.

I think you'd be a good fit.

Whoa, you mean, like work here?

- Wait, would I live here?
- Indeed!

All our staff have access to
one of our hacienda apartments.

Oh, no sh*t, the ones with the hammocks?

There are, of course, rules
that come with the position,

the most important being,

no fraternizing with the clientele.


Frankie, I know you've
been sleeping with patients.

If you take the job, you're
gonna have to cut it out.

Ah, right.

Uh, well, I really do love it here.

Yeah, but I don't know
what my next step is.

Decisions are not my forte.

Take the day. Walk the
land, breathe the air.

You'll know what to do.

LIONEL: All right you carry the ,

and then you should get .

Wait, no, what the hell?

What did you get?

Forget it, just get your calculator out.

But I thought you said that we were...

Yeah, I know what I
said. This is impossible,

let's get your calculator out.








♪ It's gonna take a bit of work ♪


♪ Oh, oh, work ♪


♪ Now that you're here ♪

♪ Whoa, work ♪

♪ 'Cause people come and go ♪

Why they wouldn't have you back
on full -time, is beyond me.

It's obviously their loss.

Yeah, I guess.

- Thanks for makin' this.
- Hmm.

It's nice coming home to you and dinner.


Yeah. Mm hmm.

- You look beautiful.
- Okay.

You know, Charlie's sleeping,
maybe we could even uh...

- What's up?
- Nothing, I...

I'm sorry. I just feel
like I've seen you at home

for the last few months, maybe it's time...

I think we're ready for more.



Hey, Mom.

[PANICKED] Oh my god, Kate. Kate!

I don't know what just happened!

What is it, Mom? Calm down.

I can't. I can't, oh god, I can't do this.

- Sorry, doctor.
- What's going on?


Kate? It's Sarah.

Sarah, what's going... is Mom okay?

She's fine, Mom's fine. It's um...

What, what is it?


- SARAH: Dad's dead.



And there he was, just lying in the street.

Like a fish.

With a lozenge lodged in this throat.

That's how they found him.

NATHAN: I'm so sorry, Eleanor.

SARAH: Oh Mom, it's gonna be okay.


It's gonna... it's gonna be okay.

Hey, didn't he call you today?

Uh, yeah, yeah he did, but I ignored him.


I didn't know he was gonna die.

Did he leave a message?

I dunno. I...

Yeah, yeah he did.

- Play it.
- Play it!

- Yeah.
- ELEANOR: Wait!

Those would be his last words.

Okay, I'm ready.

DAD: Katie, it's Dad. You there?

- I thought you'd picked up.

Uh yeah, your mother
and I were wondering

about dinner next weekend.
Anyway, give her a ring.


- Love you, kid. Keep at it.

sh*t, I just stepped in sh*t.

[VOICE] End of message.