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02x05 - The Good, the Bad, and the Lovely

Posted: 10/15/21 17:26
by bunniefuu
In the nation's largest city,

the vicious and violent
members of the underworld

are hunted by the detectives

of the Organized Crime Control Bureau.

These are their stories.

Real power is in making the law.

I'm not after power,

and I am not a politician.

Not yet, but it wouldn't
take much to turn you into one.

- Give me that!
- Hey!


I think I had an episode.

Mama, you been taking your medication?

Stay with us and we'll figure it out.

♪ ♪

Did you get the Albi Briscu pictures

that I sent from the house?

Travel consent forms for
minors, Albanian passports.

There's a girl named Rita.

She's a waitress
at the diner that we go to.

One of her passports was in there.

We're looking at trafficking here?

We need to bring SVU in on this?

That's what I'm thinking.



- That's Albi Briscu.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Jon Costa.

♪ ♪

That's Reggie Bogdani.

♪ ♪


I recognize one of the girls.
It's Amelia.

She's a waitress
at the Little Albania diner.

- I don't see Rita.
- Neither do I.

♪ ♪

- Who's that?
- Flutura.

She's Albi Briscu's wife.

She handles the girls for the K-O?

Well, if she does, it's news to me.

♪ ♪

So you're saying that

she's not involved in
the sex trafficking operation?

I'm saying that she calls
herself a party planner.

What she really does,
I... I just don't know.

Stabler took photos of the receipts

when he was at her house.

I saw it and from what it looks like,

it's a legitimate business.

But if you're already working her,

then you must've suspected her
of something.

I was working her
to find anything I could

on her husband; I found the
documents and the passports.

Which all points to sex trafficking,

which obviously is why we're here.

And the intel that SVU brought to us,

the shipment of girls?

If it's part of the K-O,

I just haven't been let in on it, so.

♪ ♪


I'm in the same place as you guys.

♪ ♪

- Who are these guys?
- Senior management.

The guy right behind Costa,
that's Erlon Prifti.

Basically the CFO.

Anything having to do with
money laundering operations

or tax evasion schemes,
he's in charge of it.

And the other guy, his name is Dardan.

Who's the man sitting
on the other side of Costa?

The one in the suit?

♪ ♪

I don't recognize him.

I'm gonna say that he's the client.

- The buyer.
- Yup.

Well, he's reviewing the merchandise.

♪ ♪

And I'd say that your friend, Flutura...

is that how you say her name?

She's much more than a party planner.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Just stop and talk to me, Grandma.

Let me help you.
What are you looking for?

You know what I'm looking for.

He knows what I'm looking for. My pills.

I saw you go into my bathroom
and take them. I saw you.

Grandma, there is only one bathroom

in the entire apartment.

There were pills in here.
There are now three.

- I don't know...
- Hey, everyone!

- What's going on?
- Ah!

The prodigal son returns.
Not a moment too soon.

- That's good.
- She having an episode?

- What?

"Is she having an episode?"

She would not be having an episode

if your son didn't steal my pills.

Okay, okay. Let's calm down.

Hey, what pills are we talking about?


They gave me Valium this time.
I hate Valium.

I liked Xanax much better.

They didn't take the lithium, of course,

because there's no fun
in that, is there?


You think I stole her Valium?

I'm not accusing. I'm asking.

Didn't take her pills, Dad.

- Yeah, he's lying.
- Okay, hold on one second.

Everyone do what they need to do.

Work, school. I'm gonna stay here.

Mama... go. Mama.

Let me fix you up some tea.

- You're gonna make tea?
- Yeah.

- Oh, this is good.
- Mm, yeah.

You don't know how to make tea.

That's true.


These tomatoes you planted are
doing real good.


It's very impressive.

Thank you.

What's this stuff?

Oh, oregano, thyme, rosemary.

The basil sprouted, you know.

I'm gonna try again when
the weather's better.

I don't remember you having
a green thumb.

Oh, are you kidding me?

I had a vegetable garden
for you when you were a kid.

You used to eat the peas
right off the vine.

I don't remember that.
Are you sure it was me?

[SCOFFS] Yeah.

The blackbirds here are
a problem, I'll tell you.

- They want to eat all the herbs.
- Mm.

You're gonna have
to get yourself a scarecrow.

Yeah, or you could just move back home.

Ha, ha.

Elliot, I'm worried about Eli.


♪ ♪

You let me worry about him.

He's a good kid, Mama.

How would you know? You're never here.

I check in every day.

- Oh.
- Almost every day.

And as soon as we wrap up the
investigation, I'll be home.

You know how it is.

Yeah. I know how it is, unfortunately.

And I remember it very well.

♪ ♪

I've gotta get back to work.

Kathleen is gonna come by
with your new prescription.

She's gonna drop it off

and I'm gonna try
to be here this weekend.

Do me a favor. Don't try. Just be here.

♪ ♪

I love you more than banana cream pie.


Just something I heard.

♪ ♪


CPD has verified
that the visas are valid.

These girls came to the U.S.

under the pretext of legitimate
jobs waiting for them.

Has Europol tracked down their families?

They're working on it.

And we spoke with the mothers
of Dorin, Bardhi,

and Ali Dervishi.

Both have pretty much the same story.

Scout approached them from a company

called Kesmet Model Management.

Offered to cover the cost

of their daughter's travel to the U.S.

Those poor people thought they were

giving their daughters a chance
at a better life.

Why would they believe that?

It's not like it's a well-kept secret.

It is in their home country.

A lot of these traffickers know
the girl's family.

Maybe wishful thinking,

but they thought they could trust them.

Well, we know the Albanians
have massage parlors

and strip clubs.

Some of the girls are working
at those places,

but not any of the ones from last night.

The unknown person from the gathering

at the restaurant last night

we've identified as Edmund Ross,

hedge fund billionaire
and CEO of Ushas Capital.

What's his story?

Well, he's not a flashy guy, apparently.

Even though he handles the accounts

of some very high rollers.

Apolitical, but very big
in the nonprofit world,

especially women's rights organizations.

He donates to NOW,
the Feminist Majority,

Planned Parenthood.

- Just a regular ally.
- Mm.

Does he have a record?

There's been one
sexual misconduct charge

brought against him by a former employee

- and settled out-of-court.

Otherwise, he's clean as a whistle.

How did whistles ever get
a reputation for being clean?

♪ ♪


Amelia, what's good today?

- Everything good.
- Everything good, yeah.

So you're gonna tell me
the Albanian matzo ball soup's good?

Everything good.

All right, well,

don't we just start
with a coffee as usual, then?

♪ ♪

What happened to you?

♪ ♪

Amelia, look at me. Look at me.

Who did this to you?

It was my fault.

I didn't have a happy smile
and friendly attitude.

Can I get you anything else?
My shift is finished.

No. It's good. Go ahead.

♪ ♪



Amelia, I'm Sergeant Bell.
I'm a police officer.

- Can I talk to you for...
- I can't. I have to go.

Look, we don't have a lot
of time. Just hear me out.

The people who are hurting you,
I can take you away from them,

but I need your cooperation.

[SOFTLY] I can't.

Are you afraid

they'll do something bad
to your family back home?

I can protect them, too.

But you have to come with me.

Right now.

Right now.

♪ ♪

I knew she wouldn't go for it.

I mean, Amelia has no reason
to trust anyone at this point.

There's at least
five other girls in that van.

Look, I know the driver, Armend.

You just cut him off, I can take him.

Are you sure we want to do that?

I... [SIGHS]

Captain Benson said

this kind of thing
is a little difficult for you.

I did it for over years. [SIGHS]

It's hard to let it go sometimes.

I get it.

But if we save those girls and
we don't take down the K-O...

They'll just bring
another shipment of girls.

- Bell.

Justin Howard.

The would-be president that you busted

who's also a pedophile?

So we have a warrant to collect his mail

and he's been invited
to a party tomorrow night

at Edmund Ross's house.

What kind of party are we talking about?

Well, it claims to be a charity auction.

And we need to get inside.

And we're working all of our connections

to get a hold of that guest list.

Captain, he's on the move.

More soon, guys. Gotta go.

♪ ♪

Keep going.

- You been here before?
- Never.

♪ ♪

Rita's not with them.

♪ ♪

But look who is.

Well, I take it this isn't her house.

The Briscus live out
in Bedminster, New Jersey

in a mansion.

We need a way inside that house

so we can find out
what goes on in there.

Nice hairdo.




Hey, I'm sorry. I followed you here.

I just can't stop thinking about you.

- Followed me from where?
- Beauty parlor.

Between your hair and that car of yours,

you're kind of hard to miss.
I need to talk to you.

Oh, I parked around the corner
so your husband didn't see.

- Can we...
- Get inside.

You smell good.

Not now. What are you doing?

I swear nobody saw me come in here.

But look, I got a favor to ask of you.

- Go on.

I'm short on cash.

And I heard that you were
throwing a party...


From Reggie?

That idiot has no filters.


I'm just thinking
that I could do security.

I am very careful about

who I hire to do security
for my parties.

I'm careful. You know you can trust me.

I've done it before.

So what, you owe someone money?

Yeah, something like that.

- I can lend you money.
- No, no, no. I don't do that.

- No.

- They work for me.
- Yeah, I figured.

I know some of their parents.

We help bring them from Albania,
we help them get jobs.

Some of them work my parties.

And they all live in the house?

Oh, until they get settled
and find their own homes.

Oh, that's nice.
Kind of like a safe house?

We're Albanians.
We take care of our own.

That's even nicer.

- I'll tell Reggie.
- Yeah, no, no, no.

Don't do that. No.

I mean, my financial situation,

that's a little embarrassing. No, no.

I don't want him thinking
that I'm running around

- begging for...
- I'll tell him it was my idea.

[CHUCKLING] You have got nerve
following me around.

- Hell, yeah.
- Yeah, you do.

- Now out.
- Hey...

can I use your bathroom?

[SIGHS] Upstairs.

First door on the right.

Need help with that, too?

No. I can manage.




Let's practice our English.
Let's work on our song.


TOGETHER: ♪ You are my sunshine ♪

♪ My only sunshine ♪

♪ You make me happy ♪

- Come on, Stabler.

Hey, what's up?

Just sent you a file.
It's the guest list.


Mm, lot of bigwigs. Very exclusive list.


♪ ♪

Congressman Kilbride?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

TOGETHER: ♪ You are my sunshine ♪

♪ My only sunshine ♪

♪ You make me happy ♪

♪ When skies are gray ♪

♪ You'll never know, dear ♪

♪ How much I love you ♪


♪ ♪

♪ You are my sunshine ♪

♪ My only sunshine ♪

♪ You make happy ♪

No, no, no, no! No! No, no, no!

Okay, let's sing again.


♪ ♪

♪ You are my sunshine ♪

♪ My only sunshine ♪

♪ You make me happy ♪

♪ When skies are gray ♪



♪ ♪

"Take care of my cries are not heard".

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Sergeant.
- Congressman.

To what do I owe the pleasure?

Edmund Ross. You know him?

- My reputation, mostly.
- Oh.

You were invited to a party
at his house tomorrow night.

Charity auction.

I get invited to a lot
of parties, Sergeant.

This one didn't make it
onto my schedule.

That's too bad.

Rich, influential.

I'd think he'd be the exact person

a politician like yourself
would want to know.

You're aware Congressman
Howard was charged

with raping a -year-old?

- Awful.
- He's taken a plea deal.

I'm aware.

He's getting off easy,
but it's not gonna stop there.

He's gonna give up names, too...

I know how a plea deal works, Sergeant.

I have nothing to be concerned about.

I'm not threatening you, Congressman.

You told me that I could call on you

if I needed help with anything.

I need to get into that party.


So why didn't you just say that?

Will you help me?

♪ ♪

Thank you.

♪ ♪

I'm told Ross keeps a little black book

of everyone who attends his parties.

I don't want to wind up in that book.

♪ ♪

Take me to the party as your date

and I'll make sure
your name stays out of it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



What's good, man?

- How's your batty, old grandma?
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah, don't hate.

Hey, if it weren't for her,
we wouldn't have these.


We're gonna have people
lining up to buy.

Justin and Kim already fronted for six.

Cool. Hey, but this is it for now.

Dude, she tried to narc on me
the other day.

So what? She's nuts.

Nobody will believe a word she says.

She's not nuts, man. She's bipolar.


It's not whatever.
It's a medical condition.

- Bipolar disorder.
- Okay, dude.

I apologize.

♪ ♪

All right, let's take these
for a test drive.

Thought we were just selling.

- What's fun about that?
- I... I don't know.

These are for old ladies.
No offense to old ladies.

Let's just take the edge off.

You gotta relax, man. You could use it.

♪ ♪


- Listen.
- Yeah.

My mother's sick, all right?

I don't think I'm gonna do
the job tonight.


My mother needs me.
What am I gonna do, leave her?

No, no, no. I didn't mean it that way.

Yeah, no, I get it. So... yeah.

Flutura said just attitude.

Fall in with you, do what you say.

But I feel pretty confident
I can do it on my own.

What? It's okay, Ma.

Look, I'm gonna stay here with you.

- Eddie's gonna do the job.
- No, no. [COUGHS]

Calm down.

- I'm fine. Go to work.
- Uh-huh.


♪ ♪

All right.


I got my phone with me.

Text me if you need anything, all right?

I love you more than banana cream pie.


♪ ♪

[SOFTLY] Let's go.

♪ ♪

I thought I told you
to stay away from her.

- Stay away from who?
- "Who".



Look, Reg.
Things have been tight for me.

I just need some cash, that's all.

Eddie, if you need cash, you come to me.

- You're supposed to work for me.
- I do work for you.

♪ ♪

Well, I didn't hire you for this job.

Right. Why didn't you hire me?

Why didn't you hire me? I'm your guy.

Yeah? Well, my guy
don't go behind my back.

It ain't like that, man.

Do you know how this makes me look

to Albi, to Costa,

if I don't have control over you?

♪ ♪

- I mean no disrespect, Reg.
- Mm.

And I would never do nothing
to cause you any trouble.

I put my ass on the line for you, Eddie.

I vouched for you.


Don't make me regret it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Take it easy. They're not for you.

That it? There any more?

Well, that's everyone here.

There's a couple over there already.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Looks like some repeat offenders.

All the money in the world's

not gonna be able to buy them a deal.

♪ ♪

Congressman Leon Kilbride
and Ayanna Bell.

Holy crap.

Is that Bell?

♪ ♪

Is this your first time
realizing how beautiful she is?

I got bad news for you, man.
She's married.


♪ ♪

And here she is. Madame Defarge herself.

Who's Madame Defarge?

Charles Dickens, "Tale of Two Cities"?

She's one of the main villains.

Good evening, Mrs. Briscu.

You clean up nice.

♪ ♪


Congressman Leon Kilbride
and Ayanna Bell, please.

♪ ♪

- For the auction.
- Thank you.

Thank you.


♪ ♪

I count at least ten girls
working this room tonight.

♪ ♪

The tablets are numbered.

There's a specific one for each guest.

What do you think that's about?

A system for track of who buys what.

Hey, Bell,

see if you can get a look at
what's on those other tablets.

♪ ♪

That's Jennifer Berlanski
Ross, the host's wife.

Daughter of the real estate developer.

Supposedly, Daddy helped Ross
get into business.


Would you like to meet Edmund Ross?


it's an honor to have you here.

It's an honor to be invited.

Edmund, this is my friend, Ayanna Bell.

Sergeant Ayanna Bell.

Thank you so much for having me.

My wife and I are major supporters

of the Police Foundation.

Leon, are you bidding
on any art tonight?

There's a Jacob Lawrence,
Kerry James Marshall...

No, no, no. It's a little dear for me.

I'm just a humble public servant.


Is the auction benefiting
any particular organizations?

Uh, one of the girls should have a list.


Come here.

Can you help Ms. Bell?

Excuse me.

I'm afraid I need
to steal Liza for a moment.

This way.

Girls are being taken somewhere.

Flutura's with one of them now... Liza.

They're headed up the back stairs.


♪ ♪

Eyes on them.

♪ ♪

There are auction items I'm not getting.

♪ ♪

The men seem to have different lots.

What items?

- Jewelry.
- Copy.

They're taking Liza across
the study on the fourth floor.



Miss Liza.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I am going to make my exit now.

- Are you going to be okay?
- Yeah.

Thanks. I owe you for this.

♪ ♪

I'm gonna be bidding
on the little, green number.

I'd appreciate it
if you'd sit that one out.

How high are you authorized to go?

Three mil.

The sheikh wants it delivered

to his yacht in Sag Harbor tonight.

Right this way, gentlemen.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

They're bidding on the girls.

The jewelry is an ID, like a ticket.

♪ ♪

Liza just got sold to some dirtbag.

And it looks like she's been drugged.


They don't want her
fighting off her buyer.

He has salt-and-pepper hair,
beard, glasses.

They're heading down the back staircase.

Copy. Human trafficking.
Elliot, we're moving in.

Get out of there now.

All right, Rita.

Just remember, keep your eyes
down and don't forget to smile.

♪ ♪


Oh, crap. Listen, stay here.

Somebody will come for you.


Ma, hold on. I gotta go someplace quiet.

♪ ♪

Rita, Rita. Rita, hi. Hey.

- Mr. Monte Christo.
- Yeah, yeah.

- What... what's the matter?
- What are you doing here?

I'm here for you,
but I'm here to get you out.

No, no.

Rita. Rita, Rita, look at me.
You can trust me.

Hey, what are you doing?

Help! This man is trying to take me!

- Help!
- No, it's not true...

♪ ♪


Sergeant, Ross's security
guys just grabbed Stabler.

Let's go.

♪ ♪

Everyone, if I could get your attention,

there's no need for alarm.

I'm Captain Benson with the NYPD.

We have an active investigation
right now.

I'm gonna ask everybody to stay calm.

We just need to get your information

and you'll be on your way.

Why are you here?

Where's the girl?

♪ ♪

Why are you here?

♪ ♪

Police. Don't move. Put the g*n down.

Everybody on the ground.
Hands on your head. Now.

♪ ♪

Who are you?

Just security for the party planner.

I was talking to a girl.
These guys jumped me.

Do not move.

Don't arrest Reggie Bogdani.

- I need him.
- Get out of here.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Let him go.

♪ ♪

- Where's Stabler?
- He's good.


Hey, sweetheart. It's okay.

You didn't do anything wrong.

We're just gonna take you
to someplace that's safe, okay?


♪ ♪

Eddie! Help us!
The police are everywhere!

- What happened?
- I'll explain later.

All right, we gotta get out of here.

- Put your arms around my neck.
- What?

Put your arms around my neck now.



♪ ♪

All right, go. Run.

- What about you?
- It's better if we separate.

I'm gonna go this way. Go.


♪ ♪

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!



♪ ♪

It's Stabler! I'm with Rita!

I'm at th-Terrace Drive,
but I need a bus immediately.

Rita, Rita, Rita, Rita!

Come here, come here, come here!

I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you.

You're fine. You're okay.

Why do you do this?
This is bad! Don't you know?

No, it's okay. It's going to be okay.

It's not okay. They'll k*ll my son!

No, Gabriel is safe.


How do you know his name?

Rita, I'm a police officer.

- No, no...
- Yes.

No, Eddie Wagner works for Mr. Costa.

I had Gabriel picked up by Interpol.

International Police. Now watch.


They're waiting for you in London, okay?

- Okay?

He's in London.
He's in London and he's safe.

And you're gonna be with him soon.

With two British passports,
one for each of you.


- Is it real?
- Yes, I promise you it's real.

It's very... okay.

- You're safe now.

You're safe.

Gabriel is safe and I have gotta go.

The police will take care
of you. Don't be afraid.

Officer Monte Christo.

- [SOFTLY] That's right.

♪ ♪


Drop the w*apon, Ross.

Wanna step closer?
I'll pull the trigger.

Put the g*n down and let's talk.

- Talk about what?
- Jon Costa.

We are way more interested
in him than we are in you.

Don't... don't touch that!

- Stop! I'll do it!
- Listen to me.

- Think about your family.

The cops got the girls,
boss is in custody.

There's no way he doesn't talk.

♪ ♪

How did this happen?

♪ ♪

How did this happen?

♪ ♪

I know how.

♪ ♪

There's a rat in this organization.

♪ ♪

Someone betrayed us!

- Mama?
- Hi, honey.

- Hey, you're still awake.
- Yeah.

- What do you got on your forehead?
- Nothing.

It's not nothing. You're cut.

What have you been up to?

I cut myself shaving.

Oh, yeah.

Well, your partner came to check on you.

- Hey, partner.
- Howdy.

- This place looks amazing.
- Thank you.

Yeah, he had nothing to do with it.

- I had nothing to do with it.
- Right.

- Everything all right?
- Yeah.

- Where's Ross?
- He's at the three-six for processing.

Ayanna wants to move him
over to your place for a chat.

You know, that cut looks bad.

Yeah. You have any hydrogen peroxide?

I don't need hydrogen peroxide.

It's in the bathroom under the sink.

Does this mean you can come home now?

No, not quite yet, not quite yet.

Just give me a little more time.


What's all that for?

You working for the phone company?

Ha, ha. I stole them.

- Ha, ha.
- Ha, ha.

- Hold on.

- Oh, sorry.

- Eli, hey.
- Hey.


♪ ♪

Hey, where did Eli go?

He... I think the was going
to a movie with a friend.

Yeah, Elliot, can I talk
to you for a second?


♪ ♪

So the door was locked

and Eli was in the bathroom and
then I heard something spill.

I, uh... I found these.

♪ ♪

Eli? Eli!

♪ ♪

- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.

Yeah, he took my pills, didn't he?

What movie did he go to?

I don't know. He's not
talking to me these days.

Do you track his phone?

No, but that's about to change.

Elliot, is there anything
that I can do to help you?

No, everything is fine.

I'm gonna stay the night

and I'll talk to him when he gets home.

- Okay.
- I'll walk ya out.


- Take care, Bernie.
- Yeah, thanks.

Hey, Liv. Hey. This way. It's shorter.

♪ ♪

I'll be right back.

♪ ♪

I agree with Bernie, Elliot.
I want you to come home.

- I intend to.
- Before it's too late.

Liv, I'm being careful.

I mean...

before Eddie Wagner takes over

and Elliot Stabler
is nowhere to be found.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry I doubted you, Mama.

You were right.

You don't have to reassure me, honey.

I know I'm right.

♪ ♪


You know, this is normal.

I mean, Eli's a teenager,
he's lost his mother,

he's mad at his father.

He's acting out.
You know what this is called.

♪ ♪

No, what?


♪ ♪