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06x16 - Skippy and the Knowledge Hole

Posted: 10/25/21 06:51
by bunniefuu
- What is this?
- New menu.

New menu?
No one asked us.

You put raisins
in my Sunshine Salad?

Where's my turkey burger?

The chicken fingers
only come with three now?

It doesn't even open.

How can I
whisper about Marjorie

if I have nothing
to hide behind?

I knew
you weren't ready for this.

Well, that was stressful.

Hey, anybody want to come
with me to the bonsai exhibit

at the Civic Center tomorrow?

Tiny trees make me sad.

That's why I don't eat broccoli.

I can't.
I'm getting something done.

- Bonnie?
- I wish I could, but I have plans.

She's helping me study
for the GED.

Oh, that's right, I
really do have plans.

Unlike Miss Getting
Something Done.

I didn't know you were
taking the GEDs. Good for you.

Yeah, it's the first step towards
getting my contractor's license.

The second step is
learning how not to show up

when I say I will.

It's so cute.
These two have had

a lot of late-night study
sessions at my house.

I make them celery
stuffed with peanut butter.

We feed it
to the cats to shut them up.

You ever hear a cat try to meow
with a mouth full of Skippy?

Oh, here comes the smoker.

Bonnie, come sit by me

so she doesn't stink up
my cashmere.

Would you like to look at
the new menu,

or is it gonna freak you out?

Oh, God,
there's a new menu?

Sorry I'm late.

There was a big accident
on the freeway.

Oh, please.
You were smoking.

Both could be true.

They're not, but they could be.

Well, I'm glad you're here.

I brought something
for you.

That's sweet.

How come she gets a gift
and we don't?

And by "we," I mean


They're beautiful.

Never mind. Whatever that is,
I don't want one.

They're lungs.

We use them at the
hospital to scare teenagers.

Healthy lung,
smoker's lung.

It only takes six months
to go from that to that.

So what you're saying is
I don't have to quit till June.


Season 06 Episode 16
Title: "Skippy and the Knowledge Hole "

Come on, Tammy.

The square of the hypotenuse

of a right triangle is
equal to what?




I'm not looking for a number.

X. Lot of times it's X.

I'm gonna jump in here.
It's the sum of the squares

of the two adjacent sides.

Which is probably 26.

How come you know this stuff
so much better than I do?

Because we've been going through
it relentlessly for six weeks.

God, I'm never gonna pass.

You'll be fine.
You were the "A" student

when we were teenagers.

That was many
brain cells ago.

You know, before the drinking,
the dr*gs

and my Roller Derby concussions.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey. Tammy, I specifically
put the lungs away

so I wouldn't have to see that.

Wendy told me to keep
it in your face. Catch.

How many times have I told you kids

to not play lung in the house?

Wendy is driving me crazy.

She keeps sending me pictures
of smokers with mouth cancer

and holes in their throats.

Can you forward me one?

It can be your treat when
we complete your math review.

The carrot on the stick.
Well played.

Why is my Visa bill so high?

Don't look at me.
I haven't used your Visa card

since Starbucks started
asking for I.D.

I mean, even in a hat,
they won't believe I'm you.

I spent over $200 on
cigarettes last month?

That's it.
I'm quitting.

Wait a minute, so pictures of
cancer mouth didn't get to you,

but the Visa bill did?

We're all gonna die of something.

Until then, I need money.

I can't believe you
just threw out those cigarettes.

You know, in prison, that's two
massages and a cornbread muffin.

I am so proud of you.

I hate that nasty habit.

Awfully judgy for a woman

who used to snort coke
with a tampon applicator.

Even high, I was an innovator.

This is gonna be good.

This is the right decision.
I just saved my own life.

What have you done today?

Oh, Bonnie's been helping
me study for the GED.

She knows this stuff
better than I do.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Hey, Bonnie. You know what?

You should take
the GED with me.

Why the hell would I do that?

Well, you could get
a high school diploma.

Don't you want one? Come on,
Christy, what do you think?

Should I have had
one final cigarette

before I threw them all away?

You know, if I wanted a diploma,
I could just print one out

on my computer like I did
with my pilot's license.

- Hey.
- Adam's home.

- Calm down.
- What's going on?

I quit smoking.
And it's a nightmare.

I'm trying to convince Bonnie
to take the GED with me.

- That sounds like a great idea...
- Now, don't you start.

- Why?
- You always say you hate

being a building manager.
Maybe this will open up some doors.

Oh, I see,
you're ashamed of me.

Sorry, I'm out.

Okay, guys, I'm just
gonna take out the trash.

Oh, wait, honey.

Before you go...

I will dance on your grave.

What are we thinking?

Are we feeling brave?

It's just, we're not
good with change.

Okay, but you're missing
out on the new salad.

New salad?

No. Not ready.

Where's Tammy?

She's home studying.
The GED's tomorrow.

That's a sh*t at me, right?

What are you talking about?

Because I won't take the test

and everyone's harassing me
about it.

Oh, my God.
Shut up already.

Take it, don't take it,
who cares?

So, Christy quit smoking.


I can wear silk again.

And your health, and your health.

Good for you, sweetie.

And just so you know,

the next few days
could be a little rocky.

Will they, oh wise one?

Why don't you just
shut the knowledge hole?

Okay. Back to you,

Why wouldn't you
want to take the GED?

Because I'm not good
at tests. I always fail.

I'm not book-smart.
I'm street-smart.

Which is better anyway.

You know what never
saved my life? Geometry.

You know what did?

Being able to
tell if a drug dealer was a cop.

White socks.

I don't think you're giving
yourself enough credit.

I mean, sure, maybe you
didn't do well in school,

but you were drinking
and using back then.

Wendy, what's new with you?

Don't try to
change the subject

by pretending to care about Wendy.


Bonnie, you can't let
fear get in your way.

You're a strong,
sober woman now,

and that means you're
capable of handling things

that you couldn't handle


that's beautiful.

Beatrice, give me that new menu.

Nope, nope. I spoke too soon.

Do you realize
it's been 40 years

since we sat together in a classroom?

Longer than that, isn't it?

Well, it was 1975.

How many years is that?

I'm starting to lose confidence
about the math section.

All right, everybody,
turn off your phones.

The test will begin in two minutes.

I'm so glad we studied together.

I feel so prepared.

How you doing? Good, good, good, good.

Hey, will you switch with me?

- Why?
- There's a squirrel out here.

It looks like he's wearing pants.

- It's distracting.
- Yeah. Okay.

This chair has a wobbly back.

Hey. My
friend thinks you're cute.

Would you mind swapping seats?

- You okay?
- Perfect.

Except Big Ben is ticking in my ear.

Hey. Would you switch with me?

Uh, that guy thinks you're cute.

Hey, Bonnie!

- So glad we're doing this together.
- Me, too.

And begin.

Which one of you is wearing perfume?

Look at those lucky bastards,

puffing away without
a care in the world.

And all I've got is this
stupid cinnamon toothpick.

Yeah, but you're going to
live longer than they are.

Step away.

Quitting smoking still hard?

Yes, Jill. Yes, it is.

Why don't you try that nicotine gum?

It's supposed to take the edge off.

Hmm. Do you know how much
that nicotine gum costs?

Do you know how much
anything costs, you princess?

I know that if you keep
talking to me like that,

this princess is gonna pop you
right in that cute button nose.

Aw, go ahead.

And I'll give you a
refreshing cinnamon blast

right in the eye.

You know what? I'm
gonna go scrub the sink.

Come on, Wendy, show me how.

Don't we usually have
more cookies left over?

Christy ate, like, 30 of them.

Do not ask her about it.

Oh, my God, you guys. I
got my score. I passed!

Oh, fantastic.

Mom, did you get yours?

I failed.

What? No.

No, it's okay. I'm good.

- You sure?
- Yeah. I'm fine.

This one would like to stay out.

Mom, you okay?

Want a cookie?


Split a pack of cigarettes?

I don't need you to feel sorry for me.

And stop eating these.

I talked you into
this. It's all my fault.

No, it's not. I failed a test.

I've done it a million times.

You knew this stuff. What happened?

What always happens... I couldn't focus.

I forgot everything.
I didn't even finish.

It didn't help that the
room was, like, 1,000 degrees

and there were sirens and
dogs and a mouth breather

who sounded like Darth Vader.

Seriously, try to concentrate
with this going on behind you.

Bonnie, when can you
take the test again?

Never. Now, come on, let's go celebrate

the one person in this
room who actually is smart.

I don't know how many times
I have to remind you people

I have a master's degree
in art history, but okay.

I'll meet you guys outside.
I got to go to the bathroom.

- So do you.
- Oh, so do I.

What's up?

I just feel bad celebrating
in front of Bonnie.

Oh, that's understandable.

But, honey, this is a big deal.

And it's okay for you
to be proud of yourself.

Good, 'cause I'm really,
really proud of myself.

I passed, I passed, I passed.

- Come on, Marge, dance with me.
- Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Okay, okay. I passed, I passed.

My hip. My back. My leg.

Uh-uh, Christy, we're
waiting over here for them.

I'm coming.

Hey, Bonnie, have you ever
thought you might have A.D.D.?

Now, why would she
have an alarm company?

She barely has any furniture.

Attention deficit disorder.

Oh, that you definitely have.

Really, Jill? Is that
your master's degree

in finger painting talking?

You know, it would explain a lot.

Why don't you go back
to whatever crab boat

you're the captain of?

I know a doctor who can test you.

- Ugh.
- Wouldn't k*ll you to check it out.

Actually, I think it
would, because if I find out

I have one more thing wrong
with me, I'm gonna go home

and put my head in the oven.

It's electric, but you can try.

All right, let's go.

It's okay, blow right in my face.


Love you guys. Smell you tomorrow.

Oh. What are you doing up?

Nothing. What are you doing up?


What are you looking for?

I thought I might have
some ice cream is all.

Oh, good, 'cause I threw out
the cigarettes you hid in there.

Damn it.

So, why are you really up?

I'm reading about A.D.D.

I found this online test
that helps you figure out

- if you might have it.
- Did you take it?

About half, and then I
found your credit card

and bought a pair of yoga
pants, just for old time's sake.

Well, first, give me my card.

It's already back in your wallet.

What is this, amateur hour?

All right, let me see this test.

Do you have trouble finishing
projects and activities?

That's when I saw the
ad for the yoga pants,

so what do you think, sometimes?


Have you ever experienced
problems with dr*gs and alcohol?

Do you ever have
difficulty staying focused

during boring or repetitive tasks?

What's going on?

Things were heating up in there,

and then you just wandered off.

- Sometimes.
- Sometimes.

There it is.


Thought you quit.

I did.

Twice this morning, and
again ten minutes ago.

I don't get it.

Why was I able to quit
drinking, dr*gs and gambling,

but I can't b*at this?

Well, 'cause you had a lot of support

with those other things.

You ever considered Nicotine Anonymous?

Do you get a kickback for
every group you get me into?

- No more programs.
- Okay.

Maybe you're not ready to stop.

But I hate it. My friends hate it.

It makes me smell bad.

It's wreaking havoc on my skin.

My teeth are turning yellow.

I'm hacking up stuff that
should not come from a human.

Excuse me, can you take this inside?

This is my last one,
and then I'm quitting.

Yeah, this is my last one, too.

Hi. I'm Bonnie, and I'm an alcoholic.

Hi, Bonnie.

So, I just came from the doctor,

and he says I have
attention deficit disorder.

And it kind of explains my whole life.

My trouble at school, jobs,


Good news is he says
I can take the GED again

and ask for extra time.

I can even take it in a room by myself

if I want to, where
there are no distractions.

You know, a do-over.

I kind of wish I could get a do-over

for the other stuff I've
messed up in my life.


How did no one notice this?

I mean, if one foster parent

or teacher or anybody had said,

"Hey, this kid isn't dumb,
she just needs a little help,"

everything could have been different.

I mean, I've spent my entire
freaking life struggling,

and now I find out it
didn't have to be that way?

Who knows what I could have done?

That's all I got.

Oh, one more thing.

If you've ever been mad
at me for falling asleep

or texting while you're
sharing, you can't be.

I have A.D.D.