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02x09 - Clouds

Posted: 10/30/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Ice...

Take me home.


Who the f*ck are you working for?

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

If you do it, you'll never find out

what you really wanna know.

It seems your f*ck-up nephew's

recently cut a diamond

that's worth hundreds
of millions of dollars.

[TESSA]: You son of a bitch.
You bugged me?

You wanna steal their f*ckin' diamond.

If I can't get it back legally,

then I'm gonna need you
to get it back your way.

I need you to put a crew together.

I know Rah m*rder*d Malcolm.
She's also in Cape Town.

Good luck in South Africa!

How do you know about that?

Your Anastasia's all over the news.

Dad, this is Braxton.

Get behind me.


[WILLOW]: I'm so sorry for all of this.

I believed everything he said.

[JAKE]: You used
my dad's diamond to buy...

- ...All of this sh*t!
- How could you?

[REPORTER]: Hollywood's own Emily Duran

wore a necklace
that has since been verified...

We did it.

We did it.

-...To contain blood diamonds.


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

[♪] _

[REARDON]: Diamonds are not forever.

That's bullshit.

Copy for television ads, a trite phrase.

There's more than one way
to destroy a diamond,

and probably easier than you think.

Good news...

You have $ . million in pending sales.

Bad news...

you're on the hook for that amount

should the sales fall through.

They won't...

fall through.

You're over-leveraged, Ms. Green.

You sound concerned

for someone who just told me

that I'm two million in the black.

Diamonds are like stocks.

They're only worth

as much as the public's
trust in the seller.

Without trust,

they're just rocks.

Grains of sand.

So you're saying
my diamonds are worthless?


I'm saying you are.

Your reputation, anyway.

I'd like to speak to Natalya.

If Ms. Brekov wanted to speak with you...

...she wouldn't have sent me.

What's this?

Termination of your relationship

with Kocoma Syndicate.


But it wasn't even
a Kocoma diamond that s...

Ms. Brekov vouched for you.

Took a chance on you,

and you repaid her by
hawking blood diamonds.

Excuse me. I was not
"hawking blood diamonds."

It was a singular incident,

and it was a mistake.

A mistake the Kocoma Syndicate

cannot afford to be associated with.

As per the document,

you are hereby enjoined
from using our name

in any of your advertising,

sales tools, or presentations.

And we will check.

Sell your diamonds for what you can get.

Clear your books.



And if you're still standing
by the end of the month,

find yourself a new supplier.




[LADY RAH]: ...Here today, in Cape Town,

the soul of South Africa,

we, the diamond industry,

are creating a clean slate.

And the internationally-renowned
diamond company Westhuizen

has volunteered
to fund this historic task.

This is a visage

of the new recertification process.

And, from this moment forward,

any diamond certificate
that does not bear this stamp

will not be recognized as conflict-free.


The world's largest diamond dealers

have brought the most valuable
diamonds in the world


to inaugurate this process.

Is that safe?

[RAH]: The diamonds,

and the dealers,

are protected by

some of the strongest security protocol

ever put in place.


have spared no expense

and take full accountability

and responsibility

for every single recertified diamond

here today.


Okay, the driver should
be here in two minutes.

- Good. I'm starving.

I lost my appetite after that meeting.

- That bad, huh?
- Just a minute, hon.

Cori. Hi.


But we spent weeks
picking out the setting.

You love that bracelet. I know you do.


Okay, but... Just slow down for a minute.

Okay? What if I give it to you
at a discount?


Okay, , , for the whole thing.

That's... That's the money
you put down as a deposit.

Cori, I...

Yes. Of course.

I'll cancel the order
and I will wire your money.

Right away.

Okay. Yes. Talk to you later.

You okay, Mom?

I just lost $ , .

[WOMAN]:...As quickly
as possible, have them sent...

Isn't that...


Why? Why are you doing this?


No. You're ruining my reputation.

And what do you get out of it?

Now is not the time.

You gave me that necklace!

You need to fix this.

You had a choice, Ava.

You could've said no.

No one forced you into doing anything.

You said there aren't enough
women in this business.

You said that,

and now you are
deliberately sabotaging me.

I don't get it.

This isn't about you.

This isn't even about me.
It's bigger than that.

I'll take care of it.


Don't worry about her, Mom.

Let's go get some lunch.

Wow. I really wish you hadn't heard that.

You gave her that necklace?


You caused all this?

I'm sorry.


[LAUGHS] That's not nearly enough.


Ah! Ah! Oh!



I'm sorry that you won't around

to see how it ends.



[REARDON]: Burning a diamond isn't easy,

but place it in something like
burning liquid oxygen,

and poof... no more diamond.

Reverts to plain old carbon dioxide.

But even that's not the best way

to destroy a diamond.



Nothing like topping off
hours of travel

with a f*cking strip-search.

Yeah, well, you do look like

you're coming off a bit of a bender.

I am coming off a bit of a bender.

Doesn't make me a security thr*at.

Yeah, well, last time,

you were puking up diamonds.

It's a bit of an upgrade.

Well, at least this time we're legit.

Eh. Just about.

All right. Cab is here.

Wait. What do you mean "just about"?



What'll it be, handsome?


You got anything
that passes for, uh, top-shelf

in this sh*thole?

One shelf, one kind of whiskey.

Bring it.


Welcome to the Rainbow Nation

of South Africa, right?


Desmond Tutu called it that.

Firstly, uh...

I been coming to Cape Town

since before you was pulling your belly.


what the f*ck do you know

about Desmond Tutu?

I read a lot.

Okay. I, uh, saw it on a poster
in the can.

What are you, on f*ckin' vacation?

I hope you're putting in
the same time to solve this

as you are at learning

the cultural history
of this f*cking town.

Boss, no one's biting.

What do you mean, no one's biting?

I can't find a single
f*ckin' guy to do a job.


The way I hear it,

something big's going down.

Even the two-bit pieces-of-sh*t
are booked,

forget any of the quality baddies.

It's f*ckin' Rah. f*ckin' Rah!

I f*ckin' know it.

You know, she's behind this.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.

That don't matter.

What about the other thing?

Landing in an hour.



Who needs actually needs
bulletproof glass this thick?

It can withstand a small nuclear blast.

You are adorable,
but I don't believe you.

Ah. I see the man is unconvinced.

- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.

Let me give you a demonstration.

Demonstr... What,
you have a nuke back there?

[JAKE]: Freddy, let's go.

It's the very same glass

that surrounds security rooms
in this building.

I don't actually care.


Bye, Freddy.

The body's been taken care of.

You know, the sharks have gotten fatter

since you arrived.


Well, let's hope

this is the only surprise
that we have today.

I'm ready.


Are you sure you want to do this?


I am Rahwia, and they call me "Lady Rah".

I want to talk about
some of the things I have done.

Second time...

I'm still awestruck.

The reserve is set at $ million.

I can't...

I still can't believe that's the floor.

Are you sure
that's not too high, to start?

When they see it,

trust me, it will far surpass that.

[FREDDY]: I trust you.

All right. Let's get this party started.

Is there a place we can change?

Ah, not so fast.

There's still a few
paperwork items to complete.

Yeah, I know.

Oh, okay.

"I"s to dot, "T"s to cross.

Now, tell me

which one of you did Isaac
leave this beautiful lady to?

[JAKE]: Neither of us.

In the will, which one of you was named?

Neither of us.


the owner must be present
to sign the paperwork

in order for it to be auctioned.

Yeah. And I'll go get her.



It was one piece, Michelle.

It was a mistake.

My diamonds are spectacularly clean.

No, no, no, no, no. They're Russian.

No, they're not even from...



Okay, okay.



I feel like I'm falling

and my parachute won't open.

It's gonna be all right.


[JAKE]: Show her.

May I?

Are you ready? Bam.

You cut this in the basement?

Yeah, with, uh, with prehistoric tools,

and coming down off a coke binge.

You know. [CHUCKLES]

Not bad for a f*ck-up.

Yeah, well...

You're no more of a f*ck-up
than the rest of us.

Yeah, that's like
our, uh, our family motto.

We should make a commercial.

"Green and Green.

Buy your diamonds from people

you couldn't possibly
be more f*cked up than."

Anyways, look, that is gonna be

what gets everything back on track.

For you.

No. For us.

But... I need Willow.



So she can certify
that she owns the Anastasia.

I told you she wasn't gonna like this.

[JAKE]: Neither of us can say
that we own it, right?

Because, the government,
they will consider it...


...part of the assets that they seized.

So I had a lawyer friend

add this stone to Pop's will.

A codicil...

that says he left, uh,

her both diamonds.


You forged your father's will.

Well, nobody f*ckin' knows that, though.

I know it. You know it.

You... Are you okay with this?

I mean... I just cut the stone, really.

Way to stand tall, Freddy.

Thank you.

Come on, Jake.

We can't use her like that.

It's illegal

and it would completely
jeopardize her future.

- Excuse me?
- Jake.

- "Use her"?
- That's not what she...

No. It's all right.

Please, get off your high horse

and tell me where
the Holocaust diamond is.

That was legally left to her,
and I was appointed as guardian.

And then you used it

to finance your own f*cking business.

Come on, man. Let's go. It's fine.

It's fine, Freddy.

Your parachute won't open...

'cause you jumped out the f*cking plane

with your daughter's.

[FREDDY]: Okay...

What were you gonna
do with the diamond, Jake,

whenever you were looking for it?

- I'll do it.
- What...

No, you won't, Willow.

Yeah, I'll say Papa left it to me.

Willy-G... seriously.
He was gonna talk to you.

You do not have to do this.

I want to.


I got it. Don't worry.

[JAKE]: That's great!
That's great. Let's go.

I need the stone.

You need to stay here and change.

Oh. Okay. Right.

Thanks, kid.

[JAKE]: Come on.

Even going private,

that's a m*therf*cker of a flight, huh?

Nah, it's not so bad

if you stop off in London

for a day in the middle.

Oh, yeah!

Did get what you needed
out of the grieving mother?

Went as well as I expected.

Hell hath no fury, huh?

Look. You wanted to meet.

Nah. Not really.

I just didn't want you to think
I forgot about you.

Oh, so you're f*cking with me, right?

Perish the thought, Cam.

Oh, your nephews' auction's
about to start.

We'll know soon enough if this
is gonna go your way or mine.


Mousy, uh...

where did that c**t go
before he came here?

[MOUSY]: Nowhere, really.
A hotel downtown.

You want me to clip him?

No, not yet.

We got things to do.

What is this?

A service tunnel.

Pop showed Freddy and I this

when we were kids.

Not a lot of people know about it.

I can see you and Uncle Freddy

running down this hall,

Papa laughing.

Mm, more like slapping us
in the back of the head,

telling us to grow up.


Yeah, you know, he changed a lot

when you were a kid.

Look. Before we go in...

I want to...

I just want to say thank you

for doing all of this. All right?

And I promise,

when it's all over,

everything will go back to normal.

"Normal" being you and Mom use me?


Like hell it will.

When this is all over,

I want a third of
what that rock brings in.

A third?

You need me to sell that diamond

and I want to be paid.


[AVA]:...But if you just
give me a chance to explain...

Yeah. Sure.

Yeah. Bye.

I will never get used to wearing a suit.


It's that bad, huh?

I'm like a leper.


f*ckin' Lady Rah, man.

I hear that.

I was on the wrong end
of that girl's hyenas,

so I know what you're talking about.

Is that like a metaphor for something?


No! She really had hyenas!
You don't know about the hyenas?

Uh, no.

I'll tell you about 'em sometime.

Not fun.


All right.

You look good.

I do?


Good. I feel like...
Well, I feel like sh*t.

My heart feels like it's got...

glue running through its arteries.

[SIGHS] Guess it's gonna take a while

to get the dr*gs out of my system again.

Well, you did it once,
you can do it again.


I hope so.

Last time, I had a little help
with jail, so...

You can do it.

Yeah. I can.


Come here.


Let me fix you up here.

I f*cked up?

Yeah, you f*cked up.


You're all good.


[SIGHS] I'm glad you're here.

Yeah, me too.

I love you.

Mm. I love you, too.

No. Um...


[DIANE]: Ava says
you remind her of her brother.

A f*ckin' failure.

[FREDDY]: Did Ava really
say that about me?

Does your brother know?


That you're f*ckin' in love with her.

What are you talking about?

I don't know what's sadder...

the fact that she would never
have anything to do

with someone like you...

or that you don't seem to know it.



Nothing. When we get back home,
if it's cool,

I-I think... I... there's
something I need to say to you.


Sounds a little cryptic.

No! No, no, no. It's not.
It's not. It's not bad.

Yeah, I... It's just...

It's about me.

I've just been thinking
about myself a lot,

lately, and, you know...

thinking about why I do the sh*t I do,

and, um, I, you know, I think I don't...

I don't say what I need to say.

I think that's one of the reasons

I get f*cked up.

I get it.


and I've been thinking about Pop a lot.

In the basement, cutting stones...

there was so much sh*t
I had to say to him.

Just I was... I was too busy,

like, trying to...


[SIGHS] I was too busy.

I don't want to do that anymore.

You can... you can always talk to me.

I know.

I know.

All right. I'm gonna go. I'm late.

See you later.

Good luck.

Gotta make some money.

That should do it.

Thanks, Miss Green.

"Willow," please.


Pleased to meet you.
Isaac spoke very fondly.

He was the best.

I miss him a lot.

As do I. As do I.

Can I go now?

Straight back.

Your mom, she's, uh...

I know. She's... Mom.


this officially

puts the Anastasia up for auction.

Now, we wait.


Hey, Will.

Hey. Hey!

Man, you're focused.

Sorry. Text-walking.

Yeah, well, teenagers are a menace.

How do you know

about our little secret caves down here?

Oh, Dad showed me.

Oh, he did, huh?

Well, I guess I'm okay with that.

How'd it go?

It was easy. I just signed the paper.

It's up for sale.

Well, okay. Well, thank you for doing it.

Seriously. That was, uh...

it was the only option we could think of.

Yeah, no problem.

I mean, plus, you guys are paying me, so.

Wh... Come again?

Yeah. A lot.

[LAUGHS] You should ask Dad.


All right, kid.


That's my girl. All right.

All right. I'll see you later?

Yeah... Um... Can I ask you something?


The diamond's the one that
you cut in the basement, right?

The one you were working on?

Um, yeah. Yes.

If I say

that Papa left it to me,

then that means no one will know
that you cut it?




Because that sucks.


You know and your mom knows.

Your dad.

Everybody I care about, so.

I wish more people knew.

You're gonna make me blush.

Your dad's gonna kick my ass
if I don't go.

Yeah, yeah. Go.

- See you in a bit?
- Yeah.

All right.


[AVA]: Hang on.

Sorry, Willow.

We need to talk.

Just you.

N'Koulou, would you give us a second?

Come on in.

It is now time to own a piece of history.

Once thought lost, forgotten.

Ladies and gentlemen...

the Anastasia Diamond.

Presented by Green and Green.

Reserve price is set
at $ million, U.S.

There's a small catch.

The file will be unlocked remotely


And this fully exonerates me

from any involvement in blood diamonds?

That's just the beginning.

With this video,

you will be able to take over

the entire diamond industry.

And what do I have to do?

Just... stay quiet.

For hours.




Whether you wear it,

show it,

or use it as an investment,

you will not come across this stone... rare as this one

in a very...

Where the f*ck have you been?

Give me a break.

Every private room in here

looks exactly the same.

I've been in nine of them.
How are we doing?

[JAKE]: Not good. Barely hit the reserve.

I think we f*ckin' started too high.

No. No. Are you f*cking kidding?

I just saw a dude
shell out a small fortune

for a stone that had more clouds in it

than a rainy, f*cking day,

just to get laid.

Okay? This... This is history.

What the f*ck is wrong with these people?

Saul acts like everyone
already knows the history.

[SIGHS] Well, they should.

I don't think they do.

Okay. Look. You need to tell them.

I...? No. What?

Yeah, the story of the Anastasia.

Salesmanship is more your thing.

No, no, no. You know its history

better than anyone.

Right? Come on, Freddy.

Ecron Mashgabee.


Ecron Mashgabee?


[SAUL]: ...And for that reason,
looks beautiful set with...


Um... Ecron Mashgabee.

[WOMAN]: What?

You know? The greatest diamond cutter

in the history of diamond cutters,

the man who cut the Anastasia.
You don't know him?

Oh... 'kay.

I'm jealous

you guys get to hear his story
for the first time.

So, of course, you know

the legend of the Anastasia Diamond?

The kidnapping, the heroics,
the magic... etcetera.

But the real story...

the real story is Ecron.

Okay, let me set the scene.

It's .

The Siege of Vienna fails, w*r is raging,

Suleiman the Magnificent
desperately wants peace,

so, as an act of goodwill,

he sends a gift to the king of Spain,

King Charles...

a -carat flawless rough,

which he names, uh, "The Constellation."

And, along with the stone,

he sends his own personal cutter,

Ecron, who will cut the diamond,

which will be a gift for the Queen.

Now, Ecron is a fiercely loyal man,

and he has been with Suleiman for years,

so he is absolutely...

He's so like Isaac now.

- ...Devastated to be used...
- I know.

...As a pawn in Suleiman's
political aspirations,

so he refuses to cut the stone.

Suleiman doubles down.

He detains Ecron's daughter,
whose name is... wait for it...


and sends her to King Charles.

The King gives Ecron one last month

to cut the diamond, or his daughter dies.

Now, the only thing more fierce
than Ecron's sense of loyalty,

is his love for his daughter.

So what did he do?

Well, obviously, he cut the stone.

Yeah, he cut the sh*t out of it, too.

You know, when he was
almost finished, he-he-he...

he wrote a letter to Suleiman.

He said it was

the most difficult diamond
he had ever cut.

He wrote...

"Each and every facet was polished

with the endless tears
of betrayal and sacrifice."

Anyway, the month ended,
and he wasn't quite finished,

so he asked the King for an extra day,

the King agreed.

"Give me the stone in hours,

and I will release Anastasia to you."

So, he worked all night,

he was polishing the final facet
as dawn broke.

In fact, he only missed
the -hour deadline

by a matter of minutes.

The King was overjoyed.

Ecron renamed the diamond
"The Anastasia,"

delivered it to the King,

who was so taken by its beauty,

that he hardly noticed

Ecron's gut-wrenching screams

as Anastasia was brought forth
in a casket.

See, the King kept both promises.

He k*lled Anastasia at the deadline

and delivered her body

when Ecron finished.

Well, he was broken.

Ecron had nothing left to live for.

He grabbed his masterpiece...

and slit his own throat.

Pretty f*ckin' dramatic, huh?

Given how it came into existence,

it's no wonder it has defined
every family that's owned it

for the last years.

To be a part of that history... priceless.

Jake, are you absolutely certain
we have to sell this stone?

[QUIETLY]: Yeah.





[WOMAN]: Yes, hello? The bid is . ...

And here I thought I was the salesman.

Oh, they just needed
a little kick in the ass.

No, they just needed you.

Is any of that story real?

How dare you?

[LAUGHS] All right.

Here's this. I'm gonna go get my suit on.


Big day, huh, Jake?

I know you?

Jeff Reardon.

Until recently,

I've been looking after
your brother, Freddy.

The sober coach?

You didn't help me much
with that, did you?

What the f*ck are you doing here?

How's the sale of the U.S.
government's diamond

going in there?


As soon as it sells, I'm gonna seize it.

You work for them.

Sort of. They're gonna

pay me well after this, anyway.

Does Freddy know?

What Freddy doesn't know
could fill this entire place.

You should watch what you say
about my brother.

Yeah. Like you give a f*ck about him.

Try me.

You seem pretty cocksure

for a guy who's about
to lose everything...


Well, maybe what you don't know

is pretty substantial as well.

You see, that diamond
is actually property

left to my daughter by my father...

before the seizure.

Check that out.

That's not possible.


And yet...

I've been up and down this will.

This was never here!

This is a forgery.

Yeah, well, good luck
trying to prove that.

I got a really good f*ckin' lawyer.

I know you do.

[MAN]: Hey...

[WOMAN]: This is going so much better

than I ever imagined it would.

Have you seen our stocks?

Every dip we took has disappeared.

Doubled, even.

[MAN]: Charles should be here.

- Yeah.
- Ah, you know him.

Fashionably late to take all the credit.

Yeah, well, the credit
belongs to all of us,

lady and gentlemen.

I have to say,

from the onset, I didn't have much faith,

but you have pulled off a bloody miracle.

Well, I dare say, by the end of the day,

you will be shocked what I'm capable of.


You know, your daughter's
an extortionist. Right?

Wonder where she got that from.

Is she not back yet?

Uh, no. She, um...

she had to go to the gift shop.

Oh. I'm surprised that
she didn't rush back

to tell you about our deal.

What deal?

She made me promise

to give her a third

of the selling price
of the Anastasia diamond.

Oh. Impressive.


That girl could've gotten half from you.

Mm. Don't push it.

Go, Willow.

Yeah. You mind if I go change?

Go ahead.





I take it your way didn't quite work out?

Your nephew f*cked me.

So I should feel sorry for you?

He has a codicil to his father's will,

leaving the diamond to his kid.

Yeah, well, it wasn't there before.

No sh*t.

He had Tessa put it in.

It's a forgery, but if I know Tessa,

it's an air-tight one.

Well, you should've
let me f*cking k*ll her

when I had the chance.

She's being dealt with.






Sir! In here!



She's in the wind.


Hi. You've reached Tessa Pryor.

I'm unavailable at the moment.

Please leave a message

and I'll call you back
at my earliest convenience.

It's Jake.

So, look.

I know that you said
what you said and all, but...

I don't take rejection very well.

Look. I just wanted to say thank you.

You know, none of this would be possible

if it weren't for you, and...

"this" is going really well.


So, thank you.




I was also hoping maybe, you know,

we could talk

when I got back...

talk about us, maybe?

Let me call you back...

- Jesus, call me back.


f*cking Rah.


[MACHINE g*ns f*ring]


What the hell is going on down there?

I have no idea,

but that was definitely g*nf*re.



Holy sh*t.



This is the one that instantly
charges your phone, right?

Absolutely. Just plug it in,

and, bang, it's fully charged.


Cool. Have a good day.




Willow, where the hell have you been?

I told you, I had to get a charger.

Why? What's up?

I just... I want you back here now.

'Kay, fine.

Okay, right away.


[REARDON]: The irradiation process

happens at an imperceptible rate

in normal environmental conditions,

but over billions of years...

So if you really want
to destroy a diamond...

Blow it the f*ck up.

I can't wait either, baby-doll.

Because diamonds are only forever

if you believe the bullshit.