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02x05 - Power Play

Posted: 10/31/21 07:03
by bunniefuu
Previously, on

Solar mirror
successfully attached.

With Lukrum Industries'
commitment to our terraforming efforts,

we are making Mars habitable.

Hey, nice
work on that elevator.

Why don't you come work with us,
put your skills to real use?

I appreciate the offer,
but I'm needed in my colony.

Robert. We can't.

I am scared.

The baby's
going to be fine.

Our camp's been hit
by some kind of contagion.

Made a bunch of my guys sick.

He's gone.

I can't put one
more person in the ground!

still mourning Joon.

Secretary General, Commander Seung
is suffering from depression relating to

the death of her sister.

It's my opinion that this
colony requires new leadership.

♪ We're coming in too fast and ♪

♪ Everyone is burning bright ♪

♪ 182 seconds, baby ♪

♪ And heaven is
a trick of the light ♪

♪ Cold hell, my love ♪

♪ Cold hell, my love ♪

We've reviewed your
correspondences over the past few months,

and while we
appreciate your insights.

We see no need to address the
mission's leadership at this time.

IMSF has full confidence
in Commander Seung,

as do I,
having worked alongside her

there and here in my current
capacity as secretary general.

I've come to trust her judgment and
understanding of the complexities of the

current situation.

Thank you for your
ongoing services, lieutenant.

And for sharing your concerns.

Please consider
this matter closed.

Transmission ended.

Play one of the best new FPS sh**t,
search Steam for PROJECT WARLOCK

Zoom in. Sector 12,
near the Candor Chasma.

Right there, what does
that look like to you?

Is that, water?

Liquid water.

At least we think it is.

Satellite picked
it up this morning.


Thermal readouts are inconclusive, but
if it is, it's the first real proof that

our terraforming
efforts are working.

I meant your smile.

It's nice to see again.

Anyway, at this point,

I will take any sign of
progress I can get.

Me too.

And once IMSF see this, maybe they
finally let me start building again.

Has the board even looked
at my expansion proposal?

They have.

Your plans were rejected.

For now.

It's just with what's happened in the
last few months, it isn't the right time.

Sure. I, I understand.

Come with me, to
check out the water.

It might do us some good to get
out, see if this thing is real.

In an unprecedented
move, Russia has brokered an independent

mineral rights deal with the billionaire
Roland St. Johns of Lukrum Industries,

allowing for exclusive ownership
on materials on Mars.

The resources found there
will be extracted by the

company's mining colony,
which is expected to...

Can you believe this?

Actually, I can.

The agreement
challenges most interpretations of the

international space treaty, and may open
the flood gates to other companies and

countries staking their
own claims on the planet.

It concerns me
that the exploration of

space has gone from an
international effort

on the part of governments, to an
effort on the part of corporations.

zero, zero, niner, eight.

When we landed on the moon, we
claimed to come for all mankind.

That's one small step for
man, one giant leap for mankind.

But that spirit is difficult to
feel in the context of corporations,

because their
priorities are elsewhere.

Yes, of course the first people will be
scientists, and you'll feel this incredible

rush of global patriotism.

We're all one species, and
look what we were able to do.

But very quickly, as we start populating
Mars, the big multinational conglomerates

are going to show up, and they're
going to largely do what they want.

It's very similar to a small resource-rich
country, where a handful of companies

dominate all of
the decision-making.

And dominate the path
that that country follows.

And we've seen that play out again and
again and again, across the world.

Look at Exxon's
operations, Equatorial Guinea, Chad,

Venezuela, Indonesia.

This deal gives
UK's Royal Dutch Shell access to BP's

multibillion-dollar projects in East Africa,
Australia, Brazil, and other markets.

You have oil companies that, in
order to extract resources in places like

Africa and elsewhere, they have to cut a
deal with whomever is in charge of the

government, in order to
have access to that resource.

Corporations have become
immensely powerful in our society.

We have a lot of private companies that
are bigger than national governments,

and whole economies.

The problem with that is a lot of
these companies work in such secrecy.

And so we don't really
know what they're doing.

Right now
there are plaintiffs who have

sued Shell for what
happened to them.

Being sh*t by soldiers in the
Nigerian army, abducted and tortured.

According to
Ecuador's ordered the oil giant,

Chevron, to pay $8 billion
in damages for pollution.

That oil flow out of the ground in
Chad, which has been so good for Exxon,

it has led to Chad's dictator spending
at least $4 billion on weapons.

There's something
called the resource curse.

Countries that are rich in resources are
often the least economically developed,

the most prone towards w*r.

There's no regulatory regime,
there's no legal structure.

And the companies are leading.

Whether we're talking about Earth,
or whether we're talking about Mars,

we need to be very, very careful about
granting powers to corporations.

Particularly when
they're working

in new environments,
because the focus of a company

is always going to be on the shareholders,
not on the people that live there.

Nothing is a clean slate.

We impose ourselves
on everything.

And so the big
corporations will

see Mars as an unfettered
regulatory environment.

And that will probably
set some precedents

and some rules that'll
make the Wild West

seem quaint.

No word on how this
affects Russia's involvement in the IMSF

coalition, but
withdrawal appears likely.

Hey! I get it,
you're frustrated.

I am too.

Feels like watching Lukrum dismantle
us right before our eyes.

Yes, and making us look
foolish and weak in the process.

But we are, aren't we?


Not you and me, but the
leadership, on both planets.

They've put us in this situation, and we're
going to lose everything we've worked

for if we don't do
something about it.

I'm in no
position taking a stance.

Not anymore.

I disagree.

We owe it to ourselves and
the mission to demand change.

And there are others
here who feel the same.

What are
you suggesting?

I'm just saying, Lukrum's declared
w*r, and I don't know if we can trust

those in charge
to fight for us.

I really
think this is the one.

Well, I hope so.

'Cause we ought to be knee-deep in
water and neck-deep in cash by now.

There's still a lot we don't
know about this planet's make-up.

Every time we poke,
it's a best guess.

You try explaining
that to the suits back home.


What happened?

Drill's bored
down to a layer of basalt.

Not again.

It's thicker
than the last one.

It's going to take a lot
more power to penetrate.

We're already pulling extra
juice from the camp's reserves,

so how much do we need?

Judging by the density of
this rock, everything we got.

Alright, do it.

Whatever it takes to keep
that drill bit spinning.

We'll find extra power for
base camp somewhere else.

Kurt's requested
around 400 kilowatts.

It'll put a
strain on our grid.

We'll have to make reductions in
operations output, ration elsewhere.

- But it's doable.
- Yes.

Though I'm surprised you agreed,
considering what Lukrum's up to.

Between them saving Marta's life,
and us infecting half their camp,

I couldn't exactly
say no, could I?

I don't like it either.

This Russia deal's
got IMSF panicking.

But until they can figure it out on Earth,
there's nothing we can do about it here.

The crew is
pretty worried about it.

It might be good for them to
hear from their commander.

Where do you
think I'm headed?

After the news of
Russia's mineral rights deal with Lukrum

Industries, stock markets across
the world reacted positively.

Could you
turn that off, please?

Can I have
everyone's attention?

I know you're all concerned
about the Lukrum Russia

agreement and how it
might affect us.

I don't have all the answers.

What I do know is that our
presence here is important.

And even if this new deal requires
some adjustments on our part,

the work we do
here is still vital.

What kind
of adjustments?


If Russia pulls out of IMSF, we may
see scale-backs across the board.

More so in
low-priority departments.


Nobody's work
is being abandoned.

Our mission remains the same.

I can't speak for deals
being struck on Earth.

But their colony is helping
ours produce solar mirrors,

and they
appear to be working.

This morning,
we captured a satellite image

of what could be a water
trace on the floor

of Candor Chasma.

This could be the
liquid proof that

our terraforming efforts are
making a difference here.

Senior engineer Foucault and I
are driving out to investigate,

and in my absence, Lieutenant
Glenn will be in charge.

Wish us luck.


I say we banish them, remove
them from the board completely.

Russia will be dealt with, but exiling
members will only hurt our ability to

combat Lukrum.

Not to mention, creating
significant setbacks financially.

I agree.

Funding is an
immediate concern.

However, this alliance
poses a far greater thr*at.

It not only jeopardizes
IMSF cohesion,

it opens the door to claiming
ownership of Mars.

The door we opened by partnering
with them in the first place.

True, yes, but we
are now looking at something

well beyond our shared
goals for the planet.

They're profiting by selling
something that isn't theirs to sell.

Of course
I'm with you, Leslie.

But there is no policy prohibiting
the extraction of materials.

Without a ratified amendment.

There is
no time for that.

Right now, our only course of action is
to force the termination of this deal by

applying as much
pressure as we can.

We must sanction Lukrum.

One of the problems that we might face
on mars with indusry is that money

becomes the ruling factor,
that the sake of the investors

becomes more important
than humanity.

And I think we see something like
this happening all the time on Earth.

It's not the case
that all corporations are bad.

But it makes me nervous when corporations
persuade governments to do bad things.

For example, things that are in the
short-term interests of the corporation,

but not in the long-term
interests of the world.

And one could say that the oil companies
and coal companies are perhaps the most

destructive corporations
in the world today.

The people that created the fossil
fuel industry

did not think they were
doing some evil thing.

And at the time, they, they weren't, there
was no real awareness that fossil fuels

would have a long-term
negative effect.

But then the corporations continued to
exist, and then, just like any organism,

they take actions to
defend their existence.

Exxon Mobil, which has throughout
history been one of the largest,

most powerful oil
companies in the world.

Exxon Mobil's scientists are the ones that
first really came to determine that burning

fossil fuels harms the climate,
and that will harm us.

Exxon was doing absolutely
cutting-edge research into the reality

of climate change,
dating back to the 1970s.

So they knew
better than anyone.

And then, when the world got serious
about responding to climate change,

Exxon poured money into think-tanks
that denied climate change,

that spread misinformation.

Proponents of the global warming theory
say that higher levels of greenhouse gases,

especially CO2, are causing
world temperatures to rise,

and that burning fossil
fuels is the reason.

But scientific evidence
remains inconclusive.

On the one hand, their PR
team was denying climate science,

on the other hand, they
were jacking up their

rigs in places where sea
level was going to rise.

So they had this kind of dual thing
going on with climate change,

where they were, they were actually using
the data to protect their resources.

But... in the public front,
they were funding

all this denial, to
not get any sort of

restriction on their business.

Many scientists agree there's
ample time to consider policy options,

so there's simply no reason
to take drastic action now.

One of the reasons why oil companies
have been so powerful for so long is simply

by the force of their size.

They don't have
a natural limit.

They need to push
and push and push.

But it turns out that
people like having status,

and they
like having choices.

Uh, those combined
are called wealth.

So on Mars, it strikes me
as more likely than

not, some of today's
billionaires will come

up with the idea, I think I'll just
get to be really, really rich.

He's ready for you.

Secretary General.
Come for a swim?

I'm afraid
I have more pressing matters.

Barring you from auctioning off
Mars being chief among them.

That's a shame;
the water's nice.

This deal with Russia,
it's low, even for Lukrum.

You have no right to
undermine my agency like this.

Such actions simply
won't be tolerated.

My actions are purely within
the realm of the free market,

and your little
space treaty, I believe.

Remember that tomorrow, when IMSF
and its member nations levy sanctions

on your corporation.

It's a bold move.

I didn't think
you had it in you.

I wanted to give you the opportunity
to terminate the pact voluntarily,

because IMSF being the most respected
space agency in the world,

is prepared to permanently and quite
publicly sever our partnership with Lukrum.

- Really?
- Really.

There are plenty of other companies
more in line with our values.

And none
with our technology.

The truth is, IMSF
can't do Mars without us.

I think you'll find that the
same is true for Lukrum Industries.

I've never seen
the crew so tense before.

A lot of
dissatisfaction going around.

I guess it's to be expected after
being here so long without any results.

At least I had one
friendly face in the crowd.

Hey. I'm sorry about your plans.

I know how much they meant to
you, and how proud you were.

It's not about pride.
It's about purpose.

When I was young, I would build
sand castles on the beach.

Big, detailed.
I loved it.

But my father would say, don't
waste time with sand, Robbie.

Build it to last.

That's why I came here.

And that's why I'm leaving.


I still believe in the
mission, but I'm a builder, Hana.

I need to be somewhere where
I can fulfill my purpose.

We both know that
place is Lukrum.


Watch that
coolant flow, alright.

I don't want you cooking
another heat exchange.

Problem, we're on it.

- How's it looking?
- We're making a dent.

The extra amperage should give us enough
power to keep it going for a while.


What's that saying,
drill baby drill?

Operations update.

What's the colony running
at under rationed power?

Minus 10%
across the board.

Had to reduce the greenhouse by
15 and resource recycling by 30.

Pull up
the energy meters.

They are approaching
the 400-killowatt limit, sir.

And now
they've exceeded it.

Comms, Hydro Room.


I need you to sever the energy
transfer to Lukrum Colony, please.

Cut them off?
Are you sure?

They've exceeded the agreed-upon
limit, and we've been more than generous.

Did Hana
authorize this?

Hana's not here, so
as the acting commander,

I'm ordering you to end the transfer,
and I expect you to comply.

You are the boss.

Power drawing down.

If they want our help again,
they'll need to play by our rules.

Shut off complete.
Lukrum Colony disengaged.

You sure we're
in the right place?

These are the coordinates.

Looks like it's
just some basalt.

Compressed CO2 must have caused
it to erupt onto the surface.

There's no water here.
Just more sand and rock.

Why is there never anything?

Why is there never any proof?


Why is there nothing we've done or been
through that makes any of this worth it?

We have nothing
to show for it.

Not water, not
Joon, not my crew.

And now I'm losing you, too.

I'm sorry.

Let's just go.

What are you
doing on your feet?

You still have two
months to go, stop.

Isn't your pregnancy
stressful enough?

I'm fine.
I'm just large.

What can I do for you?

Well, you could
make my migraine go away.

This Lukrum/Russia
deal is giving you a headache?

Among other things.

Our colony's tense.

IMSF has practically shut down my lab,
which hasn't really been the same since...

Hey, I know.

I can't help but feel like
our mission is doomed to fail.

And maybe I'm
partly to blame for it.

No, it can't fail.

We have a future here.

And we have to believe that.

hope you're right.

Of course I'm right.
Doctors always are.

For you.

Thank you.
A glass of water,

- doctor?
- Yeah, sure.

I can't open this.


I think I
just had a contraction.

Jen, hey, how
are you holding up, kid?

Actually, sir,
we have a problem.

- What's wrong?
- Olympus Town pulled the cord on us,

and I didn't catch it at first,

but by the time I did,
it started going quickly,

and now we're
running low on power.

- How low?
- We're browning out.

Okay, k*ll all non-essential
functions and switch to back-up power.

Re-route what you can to keep
the O2 generators working.

I already did.

Our back-up

- has been shut down.
- Jen, Jen.

k*ll the drills.
k*ll them!

That's the
second one in 10 minutes.

No, no,
I-I can't go into labor.

It's not time.

We have to stop
the contractions.

Under normal circumstances,
I'd agree with you.

But this is a particularly complicated

and given
your level of atrophy,

I'm worried that it's going
to cause problems later on.

It's time to deliver.

No, it's too
early for me to deliver.

I'll go get
Javier, he should be here.

Don't, because I'm not
having this child right now.

Give me 0.25 tepitalin now.


contact Commander Seung.

Commander Seung denied.


Comms, locate Commander
Seung and Robert Foucault.

Subjects offline.

Unable to locate.

Request could
not be completed.

I'm two seconds away from running
through the screen and knocking you out.

Listen to me.

Me and Hana had an agreement.

Which you abused,
in predictable fashion.

Why am I
even talking to you?

Where is your commander?

You're looking at him.

Block all further communication
with the miners as well.

Do we have a problem?

No, no problem.

call from Lukrum Colony,

Commander Hurrelle.

how can I help you?

What the hell is
going on over there?

What do you mean?

I got a crew that's about to
suffocate because your lunatic number two

decided to cut
power to my camp.

I'll get it handled.

I'm headed back to
Olympus Town now.

You get back to
me as soon as you can.

won't go through.

We've been cut off.

What the hell is he doing?

He's taking control.

Okay, listen up.

I, I need you to divert all
power to the Med Bay, okay?

That's water, heating, anything
that isn't oxygen, shut it off.

What percentage are we on now?

10% and dropping.

Something is wrong.

Blood pressure's 180 over 90,
you're experiencing hypertension.

No, it's too
soon, she's only 30 weeks.

We've slowed down the

but the fetus is at risk of
going into distress.

We have to perform a
caesarian immediately.

No, we don't
have the equipment.

It's best for the child,
it's best for the baby.

No, I'm not ready.

Not for this,
not here.

We have no way of knowing
what her life will be like,

and I don't
want that for my baby.

I don't want that for my baby!

This is every mother's
worries, no matter where they are.

Everything's going to go
fine, I promise, okay.

We have to do this, we
have to do this, yeah, okay?


You have to do this, yes?



Let's prepare
an oxidation drip.

Okay, I'm going to go
and get Javier for you, okay?

remaining power at 3%.

Okay, everybody
get your suits on.

We're losing
the system, Jen.

It's not working. Okay, make sure

all the oxygen
is going to the Med Bay.

Oxygen levels low.

Redirecting oxygen to Med Bay.

We're losing it.

Accessing power grid.

Warning, reserves depleted.

Oxygen system failure.

Okay, all crew
members to the Med Bay now.

All crew members to
the Med Bay now, come on,

come on guys,
to the Med Bay, come on.


Ah! Dios.

Incoming call
from Lukrum Colony, Commander Hurrelle.

How close are you?

4 kilometers.

I'm pushing our
battery pack as hard as I can.

almost to the flats.

We're just 10
minutes away now.

Yeah, my guys
don't have that long.

- Come on.
- Okay, shut the doors.

- Wait, what about Marvin?
- What, he's not here?


Come on,
quickly, quickly.

Marvin? Marvin.

Can this
thing go any faster?

I'm trying,
but if we top off.

- Anything?
- No.


Oxygen levels critical.

System failure is imminent.


Oh, Marvin.
Thank God.

1% oxygen remaining.

Life support system
failure imminent.

Warning, system
shutting down, system shutting down,

system shutting down.

Almost there,
okay, okay.

Lukrum Colony is back online.

Oh boy, here.

Hey, Jen? Jen, you got us?
Come in, Jen.

We're here, commander.
We're okay. We're okay.

- Sir?
- What is it?

The miners are
receiving power again.

Somebody must have
reinitiated the transfer.

Shut it down.

I can't.

What do you mean?

Why not?

Because I
overrode the system.

I locked the mainframe so
nobody else can touch it.

If you want to cut power to
Lukrum, you'll have to rig the

wires out of the
ground yourself.

I think it's in all of our best
interests for you to cut the connection.

- Now.
- I take orders from my commander,

which I will gladly do
once she returns to base.

Javier. Javier!

It's Amelie.
She's having the baby.

Ladies and gentlemen of the board,
the time for discipline has arrived.

What began as a temporary partnership based
around the mutual goal of colonizing

Mars, has been soured by
opportunism and greed.

A single corporation is making moves that
thr*aten the unity of this governing body.

So together, we must
wrest control

from those who would seek to
compromise our mission.

Without order, it will be the end
of everything we have worked for.

But by censuring Lukrum
and halting its extrajudicial actions,

IMSF can maintain its vision of
science, exploration, and humanity.

I believe that the future of life
on Mars greatly depends on it.

For Mars to sustain human society,
we will need powerful people from all over

the world, coming together
to rein in the companies.

You will have countries who
don't always agree with each other,

working together
for a bigger cause.

It's part of that question of, can
we get along, can we be sustainable,

how does that reflect
back to how societies

work together back
here on this planet.

What the Arctic nations
are facing right now

with climate change
is a good analogy to

how we're going to have to
learn how to deal with Mars.

This pristine area

that's being transformed, tof course,
by climate change in a big way,

has some of the most exciting
undiscovered massive reserves in the world,

suddenly changed the nature
of the global energy market.

But there's no
government there.

So a bunch of existing governments
have to find ways to work together,

despite the fact that
it's a free-for-all.

And the Arctic Council
serves that purpose.

The annual meeting of
the Arctic Council is underway in Alaska.

Ministers from eight different nations that
border the Arctic are discussing

economic development, oil
drilling, and climate change.

The Arctic Council takes
a keen interest in climate change and some

members have been
worried about a possible

U.S. withdrawal from
the Paris Agreement.

Secretary of State Rex
Tillerson got an earful when he met with

members of the Arctic Council
in Fairbanks, Alaska yesterday.

The Paris Climate Agreement is the
cornerstone for mitigating climate change,

and we should act
with determination.

If our shared values
are put at risk,

the policies need to change,
not the values.

If we want a sustainable
future, we need a stable Arctic.

The tragedy of our moment is that
that deadline to act in the climate battle

hits us at the triumph of a very
extreme form of capitalism.

Represented, one might
say, by the Tr*mp presidency.

We have five former Goldman Sachs
executives in Donald Tr*mp's cabinet.

We have the former CEO of Exxon
was the secretary of state.

And their worldview is really
at w*r with life on Earth.

- What do we want?
- Climate justice.

- When do we want it?
- Now.

Outside the meetings,
protests were largely directed at the US,

which has chaired the Arctic
Council for the past two years.

We have known for decades
that oil harms public health,

causes wars,
destroys the climate.

And yet governments and companies
certainly don't intend to change.

This is how they have made their
money, this is what they do,

and this is what they
intend to continue to do.

Because it is what
gives them power.

In the United States, we are currently
reviewing several important policies,

including how the Tr*mp Administration
will approach the issue of climate change.

We're going to work to make the right
decision for the United States.

The United States will withdraw
from the Paris Climate Accord.

A little-known provision
within the Republican tax bill

would open the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge.

Tr*mp has signed
an executive order

aimed at reducing restrictions

on oil drilling in the Arctic.

They're basically saying
climate change doesn't matter.

And as, as a result, what we do
in the Arctic doesn't matter.

We need aggressive
climate policy. We must do more.

For many people, there
is a desperation,

that if the government isn't going

to do it, and society isn't going
to do it, I'm going to do it.

And that's the empowerment
that comes with

being someone who's
taking an action,

and doing something about it.

Adrian, Matt, follow me.

There's got to be
a way to override this.

Stand down, Mike.

No, Hana.
It's time you stand down.

Lukrum's taken more than
they agreed to,

not just today, but since
they arrived here.

They've taken advantage of us
at every turn,

- and you've let it happen.
- That's enough.

You've been incapable of leading
this mission since your sister's death,

and I won't sit by and
watch it all fall apart.

So you thought
you'd take over, is that it?

Because while you're making your move,
Lukrum was on the verge of collapse.

Oh, that's
a load of crap.

That power was supplying
the entire camp,

and cutting them off
compromised their grid.

We nearly lost their
colony and everyone in it.

I... I didn't know.

It wasn't
your job to know.

Your job was to follow orders, and
because you didn't, people almost d*ed.

Look, if I'd
been made aware.

Confine him
to his quarters.

Put hands off me.
Put hands off me.

Control's been restored
and we are back to normal.

You guys good?

We're operational.
Almost at capacity.

Appreciate you letting us replenish our
reserves till we're fully up and running.

Don't mention it.

I must say, I prefer seeing you in
that chair, over that lieutenant of yours.

Anyway, thanks.

You're welcome.

I'm scared.

Hey, no, no,
it's going to be okay, I promise.

We have to do this now.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Didn't really get a
chance to finish talking earlier.

What's left to say?
I assume you're still leaving.

I am.

Which means that I no longer work here,
which means you're no longer my commander.

You know how I feel, Hana.

You always have.

And I believe
you feel the same.

Maybe me going means there's
finally a chance for this.

For us.

There is no us, Robert.
There's just a mission.

And I don't know why you could be a part of
something that flies in the face of that.

But I won't stop you.

Goodbye, Hana.

Secretary General.
It's time.

With six votes yes and four
votes no, Mr. Kim of South Korea,

do you support sanctions
against Lukrum Industries?


With seven votes yes and four
votes no, Ms. Wilson of Australia,

do you support sanctions
against Lukrum Industries?


With seven votes yes and five votes
no, Mr. Davis of the European Union,

do you support sanctions
against Lukrum Industries?


- With seven votes yes and six votes no...
- I had agreements with both of them.

People are
scared, Leslie.

Lukrum has a presence in
every corner of the world.

What are you saying?


I can't
believe this is happening.

You have to understand, they are a
huge economic force, and a political one.

To move against them would be
disastrous for many communities.

If we don't stop them,
they'll control Mars too.

Mr. Valkov of Russia, do you support
sanctions against Lukrum Industries?

No. I do not.

You're right, Lukrum should
be stopped, but they can't be.

Mrs. Chandra of India, do you support
sanctions against Lukrum Industries?


By a majority, the resolution to
impose sanctions against Lukrum Industries

has not passed.

The session is adjourned.

I'm sorry,
Lukrum is just too powerful.

Whenever the wealth and the size and
the influence of companies is greater than

the government,
you see over and over and

over again, that the
decisions of the

government follow the
will of the companies.

The power and wealth of the pharmaceutical
industry and their 1,300 lobbyists,

and unlimited sums of money, have
bought the United States Congress.

- Mr. Danes, no, Mr. Maran...
- Because of the earlier

Citizens United Supreme Court decision,

big corporations have almost no real limits
on how much they can spend to influence

political issues.

The lobbying power
of corporate America expanded greatly

since the 1970s.

It is everywhere, in
administrative agencies and elections and

influencing our courts.

The merger of the corporate and
political worlds has accelerated,

or maybe you could just say
the mask has been taken off.

Any notion of there being
something called the public good,

other than whatever is most profitable
for a corporation, is gone.

The ayes have it at
46, the nays are at 52.

The amendment is
not agreed to.

For me, the overarching goal of
humankind is to learn how to value

water, air, the things we need
to live, more than money.

We need to be thinking in much longer
timescales than a balance sheet.

Here we are, at this
amazing branch point,

where our science
and technology have

taken the greatest of leaps.

And yet, I can't help but be
haunted by the fact that

we are still very deeply mired in
our technological adolescence.

We don't think about what our short-term
actions are doing to our long-term future,

and that of our
children and grandchildren.

And so I'm not really ready to say that we
should unleash ourselves on another world.

Blood pressure
is rising, 190 over 100.

Incising the fascia.


you're doing great.

the uterus now.


It's okay.
Just breathe.

Pick ups.

You're gonna feel a
little more pressure now.

Reaching in.
Here we go.

They are
taking care of her.

Check the hands.

Let's get some
suction right away.

What's happening?
Is she okay?

Scissors. Massaging.
Towels please, hurry.

Why isn't she crying?

Hey, it's
okay, just breathe.

What's happening?
What's wrong with her?

We don't know yet.

Is she breathing?
Where are you taking her?

It's okay,
just breathe.

- I want to see her.
- They are taking care of her.

What's going on?
What's wrong with my baby?

What's happening?
What's wrong?