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03x07 - Wish I Could Believe You

Posted: 11/05/21 08:53
by bunniefuu
You're saying Sarah is
alive as a computer program?

I know she wants to see you.

You're building yourself
a whole world here, aren't you?

I want this to feel
like it's your home, too.

The independent
colonies have organized

much faster than we anticipated.

It now appears they're
getting outside help.

We're not leaving you behind.

Then think of it as
leaving me to move forward.

It's time to use agent zero.

Those are bodies.

Oh my god, six.

Someone's alive. Over here.

He's gone into cardiac arrest.

Come on, six. Come on!

We're losing him.

How are you feeling?



Ohh... sore?

Sorry about that.

What happened?

We lost communication
with you a couple days ago.

When you didn't respond
to comm attempts,

we investigated, and...

Our readings
indicate the colony was hit

by a chemical att*ck.

What about the others?

You were the only survivor.


That's what we're
trying to figure out.

What do you remember?

People... lying
on the ground... dead.

And before that?

I-I... i do-i don't know;
It's all a blur.


A likely consequence
of your exposure

to the neurotoxic residue.

Initial scans suggest
your nervous system

has been compromised.

We found a ship parked in
a clearing near the facility.

It's possible that you were
off world and arrived

sometime after
the initial att*ck.

With the toxins
partially dissipated,

the effects were muted.

It's the only reason
you're still alive.

It was traugott. They did this.

The att*ck
k*lled everyone on the colony

but left the facility undamaged.

Eliminate the troublemakers

but keep their assets intact.

We need to warn the leaders

of the independent colonies...

Let them know
they're all in danger.

How would do we do that?

They're scattered
across three sectors.

No, they're not.

All the leaders have
gathered for a secret meeting

trying to figure out
how to form a new government.

I have the transmission codes.

We can warn them... save them.


You okay? It's all right.

You're with me.
It was just another dream.

Were you back on
the space station?

I was on a ship.

People d*ed.

You've have to stop
blaming yourself.

What happened on hyadum-12
was not your fault.


Where am I?

You're home.

You have been back for weeks.

I was thinking,
m-maybe the doctor's right.

Maybe we should get away,

and then when we get back,
you can try again.

Find something that suits you.

I heard they're looking for
someone to head security

at blackstone.

But I'm a cop.

Not anymore.
Kal, we discussed this.




I just remembered something.

...I have a wife and son.

We tried the subspace
channel you gave us.

There was no response.

Are you sure those were
the right transmit codes?

I'm positive.

It's possible they've already

come under att*ck.

No, that location is top secret.

Only a few people from each
colony know those coordinates.

What about you?
You know the location?

Yes, but...

How long to
get there, maximum ftl?

...We can't do that.
...Why not?

The meeting's under
strict no-access protocol.

No one in or out.

They'll assume any ship
approaching's hostile

and open fire.

Our shields can take it.

We just need to get close
enough to send a message.

There could be
corporate ships in the vicinity

right now monitoring us.

It's probably just
what they're hoping for,

that we'll panic and lead them
straight to the summit.

They could take out the entire
rebel leadership in one sh*t.

...- Six, that's...
- ...We can't risk it.

Keep trying them on subspace.

It's the only way.

Hey, look who's
back up and at 'em.

Are you sure you
should be walking around?

Just a few minutes ago,

I remembered something
about my life

before I went into stasis.

How is that possible?

The android said our
memories weren't wiped.

They were just suppressed,

What if the neurotoxin
somehow unlocked

that part of my brain?

What did you remember?

I'm married...

...and I'm a father.

Are you sure?
I mean, it's possible

the neurotoxin is
playing with your head.

I-it wasn't a hallucination.

It was a memory.

It was real.

What else do you remember?

Not much beyond my wife's face.

But maybe this is the
beginning of me getting

all my old memories back.

Hey, I know what
you're thinking,

but you shouldn't worry.

I'm not like ryo.

Neither was four.

That was different.

I'm not gonna change.

Are you sure?

What's that supposed to mean?

All this time you've been
talking about how you wanna

help people, convince us
to do the right thing,

and now that we do wanna help,
you won't let us.

...The colonists are in danger,

and you won't do
anything to help them

because of some... protocol?

Two filled us in.

I-I won't take the chance
of compromising

the location of the summit.

...- Oh, come on.
- ...What are the chances

that there's a corporate ship
just hiding out there

waiting to track us?

They're small,
but I won't risk it.

What about the risk
of not warning them?

After the no-access
protocol's lifted, then...

You're not making sense!

And... I'm beginning to worry
that it's the neurotoxin

affecting you.

This isn't like you.

Kid, hey.

Five, wait!

Six? Six!

Hey, six.

Can you hear me, buddy?


Hey, six.

Stick with me, buddy. Come on.



Kal, you with me?

Yeah. What?

Are you even listening
to what I'm saying?

You've gotta stop and
consider your situation here...

What you think you have to gain,

and everything
you stand to lose.

All right, tell me.

What do I have to lose?

Oh, don't do this
to yourself or your family.

They're more important
than the damn job.

Y-you're telling me
I should quit.

I'm saying don't come back.

For the sake of Lara
and Dane, let it go.

the general, the rebels,

they're not your
problem anymore.

The general made me
complicit in the m*rder

of thousands of
innocent civilians.

Don't let your
desire for revenge

destroy the two best
things in your life.

Ride out your sick leave,
then hand in your badge.

No one is gonna think
any less of you.

...What happened?
...You passed out.

Your nervous system
is shutting down.

It's the neurotoxin.

You're dying.

What can we do?

We can attempt
to minimize the damage

by removing the remaining
neurotoxin from your blood.

How can we do that?

I believe I can manufacture
a filtration system

capable of removing the
remaining toxin from your blood.

You think that'll save me?

Even if we're successful

in removing the toxin,

too much damage may
already have been done.

But it is your only chance.

All right.

Under the circumstances,
are you sure you don't want

to give us the coordinates
to the leadership summit?

We've already been over this.

But our attempts
at subspace communication

have failed. And if
they continue to fail,

and if you die without
giving us the coordinates,

we will be out of options.

They won't know what's coming
before it's too late.

Whatever happens,
we must move quickly.

What's happening?

I told you you had
to choose. Us or your job.

I-it's you.
My family comes first.

Don't lie to me.

I know you talked to
your superior at the ga.

You told them
you're going back.

No! I-i wouldn't. I won't.

...- You did.
- ...I made a mistake.

I'll tell them
I changed my mind.

I don't wanna lose you.

I'm sorry, kal.

I wish I could believe you.


You okay?

Got a wicked headache.

Yeah, I bet.

Might wanna run those
by the android,

make sure they don't make
your situation worse.

My situation
can't get any worse.


I saw another memory.

I'm guessing not a good one.

Like I told you,
I had a family...

...but I lost them.

I chose my job over them.

Doesn't sound like you.

After hyadum-12,
I was on sick leave

and I should've quit then.

But I didn't, because
I was so obsessed

with going after the general.

Maybe you're not
so different now.

I mean, you're still obsessed
with doing the right thing.

And you're pretty bad at
weighing the cost... to us... your family... the outer colonies that
declared their independence.

Time's running out for them.

Y-you think I don't know that?

I want to warn them,
but I can't.

Like hell you can't.

There's a no-go
directive in place.

Screw the directive.

Listen to yourself;
You're sitting there,

and you're bellyaching about
all the mistakes you've made,

how you wanna take 'em all back.

How 'bout just making the
right call in the first place?

This is the right call.

Is that what you thought
when you turned your back on us?

When you turned your back on
your wife and your kid?

No, man.

This neurotoxin,
it's messing with your mind.

What if it's not
just your memories?

What if five's right?

What if it's screwing
with your ability to make

a logical decision?

It's not. I would know.

No one knows when
their judgment's impaired.

That's the whole point.

Think about it.

You risked everything to bring
justice to those 10,000 people

who were k*lled on hyadum-12.
But if you don't get

the word out to your friends
in the outer colonies,

death toll's gonna be a
thousand times higher than that.

Since when did you
start givin' a damn?

Since you convinced us.

You wanna fight
for the little guy,

protect them from the corps;
This is your chance.

But that's exactly
what I'm doing.

No, six, that's
not what you're doin'.

What you're doin' is dying.

You're takin' a lot of
innocent people with you.



What're you doing down here?

I come down here
sometimes to think...

...when I'm sad.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I just don't know
what I'd do without you.

Oh, come on.
I'm not going anywhere.

That's what I thought
before you decided

to stay with those colonists.

I thought I could help them.

I was wrong.

That's not true.

Ever since you discovered
you were a cop,

you've been struggling,
trying to figure out

where you belong.

The answer's always been
right in front of you.

You belong here with us.

It's just... nothing
ever goes as planned,

and every time I think
we're turning a corner,

something bad happens.

And I'm tired of it.

Me, too.

But right now, I don't
care about any of that...

...or you old memories.

I just want you to get better.





Six, are you okay?

Six, are you okay?

Our readings indicate

the colony was hit by
a chemical att*ck.

The payload was probably
delivered via orbital strike.

Someone's alive.

I don't wanna lose you.

How are you feeling?

Are you even listening
to what I'm saying?



...Then hand in your badge.

No one is gonna think
any less of you.

What the hell is
happening to me?

I'm reading some
atypical brain activity here.

This could be a problem.

This is a mess;
I'm getting high beta spikes

all over the map.

What's causing it?

Well, I'm not entirely sure,
but it looks like

the procedure is triggering
a store of suppressed memories

and it's interfering
with the scenario.

Okay, we just
need to be patient.

But we've been
at this for hours,

and we're still
no closer to getting

him to give up that location.

It's not as simple as plucking
information from his brain.

He needs to believe that what
he's experiencing is real,

that the thr*at to the
other colonies is real.

He does. But so far,

that's still not enough
to convince him.

We may need to try
a different approach.

...'Kay, let me have a go.
...No. I'm more experienced.

You said I could have a turn.

Have a turn? This isn't a game.

Let me go back in one
more time, then you can try.

No, you told
commander nieman that this

wouldn't be a problem.

You assured him
that we could do this.

And we will.
We just need more time.

My initial reading suggests
some sort of chemical att*ck,

but we'd need to head down
to the planet's surface

to confirm specifics.

Are you kiddin' me?

We're not walkin' into a
cloud of whatever-it-is


I mean, we're not even sure six

was there when
it happened, right?

Let's not jump to conclusions.

Most of the
biological agent has dispersed.

Danger should be minimal.

I'll go.

No, you won't go.

We have to go down
there, make sure.

We can't leave here
without finding out

if he's alive or dead.

Two, you're not invincible.

Fine, well, put on a
space suit or somethin'.

Yes, okay.

Receiving subspace transmission.

Who is it?

Lieutenant Anders of the
galactic authority.

On screen.

...There was a chemical att*ck

on one of the outer colonies.

Yes, we know.
We're in planetary orbit

above it right now.

Do you know who was responsible?

Ferrous corp.

Word is they're looking to
target all the independent

colonies, wipe the slate
clean so that they can

take over when the w*r ends.

What the hell's the
ga gonna do about it?

What they can.

We've set up patrols
to monitor the situation,

but... this corporate w*r
has stretched us mighty thin.

...Can't be everywhere at once.

I know why you're
there, and I got news for you.

Somehow, kal survived
the att*ck on that planet.

He's alive? Are you sure?

I've been monitoring
inter-corporate communications

for any mention of you
and your crew.

Today the system flagged a
transmission mentioning kal.

Where is he?

On a ferrous corp. Ship
sent to assess

the efficiency of the att*ck.

I'm still working to
pinpoint its location.

Hopefully, I can
find 'em in time,

for kal's sake.

I think I'm losing my mind.

What're you talkin' about?

I keep seeing things.

You mean your memories.

No, th-these are
different... convoluted flashes.

I keep seeing people
in Hazmat gear.

...- Hallucinations.
- ...No, there's more to it.

Things have been happening to
me that don't make any sense.

One second, I'm one place,
the next, I'm somewhere else.

The label on the pills,
the data on the med monitor,

it's all nonsense.

It's the effects of
the neurotoxins.

It's messing with your head.

No. I'm telling you...

Yeah, whoa, whoa.
Where are you going?

Look. Look at the...
Look at the monitor.

Tell me what it says.

You're asking
the wrong guy, man.

Believe it or not,
I never finished med school.

Pick a pill bottle,
any pill bottle.

Read me the list
of active ingredients.


You're gonna be okay, buddy.

I promise.

I'll see you on the other side.

Maybe you're right.


It's poisoned my mind.

Hey, if it doesn't work
and I don't wake up...

You're gonna wake up.

If I don't, I need you
to do something for me.


Find my wife.

Tell her I never
stopped loving her.

You tell Lara yourself
when you see her again.

Wait a sec.


How'd you know her name?

You told us.

No, I didn't.

Yeah, you did.


...You're losing him.
...I can get him back.

...He knows.
...Shut up and let me work!

Torrent downloaded from RARBG

Come on.

The android has
disabled the marauder.

Look, you need to calm down.

This is the neurotoxin
affecting you.

You are not thinking straight.

Yeah, I'm aware of that.

This is all in my head.

You're all in my head.

Six, you're scaring me.

You all tried a little
too hard to convince me

to give up that location.

We're just trying
to help those people.

You? Trying to help
people out of the goodness

of your own heart?

That alone should have
set off the alarm bells.

The neurotoxin
has compromised your judgment.

Yeah, that's what
I thought at first,

but then little things
weren't making sense.

The labels, the monitors...

I couldn't read them.

I realize now that...
I-i can imagine this,

and I can imagine all of you.

I just couldn't
picture those details.

You're suffering
from extreme paranoia,

a sign that your
condition is worsening.

We need to get you to
the infirmary immediately.

I knocked you out.

How? You're an android.

That punch shouldn't've
even fazed you.

You're... not real.

No, six...

None of this is real.

Okay, we're gonna have to
take the direct route.

Give us the coordinates.

Where am I?

What were you doing to me?

We rescued you from
a very bad situation.

All we ask in return
is a little information.

Go to hell.

All our attempts
at retrieval have failed.

Either you give up
the rebel headquarters,

or... I will end you.
Right here and now.

Do it.

Please! I'm just a scientist!

I hate scientists.

What is this place?

It's a ferrous corp. Ship.

We gotta go.



I thought you d*ed
on that planet.

Welcome back, six.


You okay?

Hit me.

I'm sorry. What?

I just need to know...

Ahh... you couldn't have
waited till I finished?!

...Feel real enough to you?

You should probably
head over to the infirmary.

Have the android look you over,
check out that nose.

You asked.


Huh? Huh?

You suffered minimal exposure,

but it doesn't look
like there'll be any

lasting residual effects.

You may feel groggy
for a little while,

but it will pass.

A few hours ago,
I thought I was dying.

Groggy, I'll take.

You know, maybe there's
a chance others could've

survived the att*ck.

There's no chance.

I have to go back and check.
I need to know.

We scanned for life signs.

I'm sorry.

For what
it's worth, we contacted

the leaders of the
independent colonies

using the transmission
channels you gave us.

...They've been warned.

Now, I recommend bed rest.

...Don't make me restrain you.

Bed rest it is.

Can I at least
get something to eat?

I'll have five
bring you something.

Okay, we got him back.

This time, let's make it work.

sh*t... kumal?

...Not now.
...Incoming transmission.

I said not now.

It's commander nieman.

Gentleman, do we have
the information?

Not yet. But we're close.

You assured me it
wouldn't be a problem.

It won't be.
It's just a little...

...trickier than
we'd anticipated.

We've had to increase
the level of detail in order

to convince the
subject that he's...

The last thing I need is to be
managing a w*r on two fronts.

The initial test on
agent zero was promising,

but this campaign
against the rebellion

won't be considered a success

until they've
all been dealt with.

I'm counting on you.

We won't disappoint.

You better not...

Come in.

Thought you might be hungry,
so I made you breakfast.

It's powdered eggs and, uh,
bacon-flavored dehydrates.

...But the salt is real.

Oh, boy! Thanks.

Anyway, I should let you rest.

Whoa-whoa-whoa, hang on a sec.

You don't expect me
to eat alone, do you?

So how'd you guys find me?

Oh, we got a tip...
And I think a little lucky.

Finally things go our way
for a change, huh?

Must've been pretty scary

having them play with
your head like that.

Yeah, but something good
came out of it.

...- Yeah?
- ...Yeah.

The process of
tapping into my mind,

somehow unlocked
some of my memories.

Really? What did you remember?

I had a wife and son.

But I screwed up and...
Drove them away.

I need to find them,
make amends.

Hey. We just received a message.


It's a coded transmission
from the leadership summit,

your eyes only.

What is it?

They're under att*ck.
They need help.

Heading for the bridge.


You're awake.

You're awake.

Lara... you're back.

I never left.

You were the one that
went away on assignment.

We haven't seen you
in over two months.

John Anders came by the house.

He told me what happened
on that space station,

all of those... people.


It's okay.

I'm here. Everything
is going to be fine.

I don't wanna do this anymore.

Risking my life, being away
from you and Dane.

And you don't have to.

You can quit.

It's too late.

Of course not.

I already lost you.

No, sweetheart.

We will always be here for you.

We're a family.

...- What's the delay?
- ...I don't know.

...What's happening?!
...I don't know!


What's the matter?

I just had another flashback.

Which means...

...this isn't real either.

What are you doing?

...- I'm ending this.
- ...Six!

You're gonna k*ll us all!

What's happening?

His vitals are stable.


...- You k*lled him...
- ...I didn't mean to...

You k*lled him,

and now commander nieman's
gonna k*ll us.

It was an accident.

...It's nieman.
...Don't answer!

Gentlemen, what progress?

I'm assuming by
your lack of response,

the news isn't positive.

The test, uh, subject
is dead, sir.

He was k*lled
in an escape attempt.

That man was our only chance of

finding the rebel leadership.

It was an accident.

I'm on my way.
Send me your coordinates.

If I have to ask the crew,

I will be in an even
worse mood when I arrive.

Sending coordinates.

See you soon, gentlemen.

He's going to k*ll us.

I-I didn't sh**t anyone.

I'm a dead man.

Okay, I've got the coordinates.

Now I just need to arrange
a little pickup.


Hey, I'm ready to come home now.

So? What's the prognosis?

You've suffered
no lasting effects

from your exposure
to the neurotoxin.

...- Perfect.
- ...Not quite.

You're dehydrated,
and your blood pressure

is slightly elevated.

Almost dying will do
that to you, I guess.

How did turn the tables
on your captors?

Well, the one
with the information

was unwilling to cooperate,
and the one willing to cooperate

had no information,
so I had to improvise.

Apparently, there is
a fate worse than death,

and it's commander nieman
of ferrous corp.

Sources within novina claim

the corporation lost all contact

with the colony
following the att*ck.

Meanwhile, in the alcor sector,
ferrous corp. Forces launched

coordinated assaults
against traugott assets.

Targets included
planetary facilities

and orbital platforms.

The death toll is estimated to
be in the tens of thousands.

Amid the chaos,

representatives for the league
of autonomous worlds

have called for the immediate
cessation of hostilities.

This is ridiculous...

It's chaos out there.

It's gonna be chaos in here.

We're outta cream.

You know, when we first
remembered our pasts,

I thought we were
beyond redemption.

But I'm starting to realize
it's the rest of the universe

that's screwed up.

Took you long enough.

I envy you and
your ability to not...


I was going to say
"let it get to you."


How's Sarah?

When I'm with her, she seems
really happy, you know?

Maybe a little too happy.

[Three} I know,
that's terrible, isn't it?

No, of course not.

It's not easy being someone's
entire world, you know.

Why didn't you
tell me when we were

back on hyperion-8?

What was I supposed to say?

You used to have
a happy family life,

but you threw it away?

I'm sorry.

Look, I-i guess I would've
told you eventually,

but at the time, I figured
you had enough on your plate.

Were you able
to get the address?

Yeah, but you really
need to think about this, kal.

You really wanna do this?

Do you really wanna
do this to them?

I'm... I'm a different man
now, a better man.

For my own peace
of mind... I need to know.


You ready?


Time to go home.

The independent colonies
are safe for now.

The galactic authority
has sent more ships

to patrol the area, but that
just opens up potential

targets elsewhere.

When this w*r started,
I was all for

letting the corporations
destroy each other.

But now I thinks it's time
we need to choose a side.

Does that mean
you're sticking around?

Unless you've already
given my room away.


Lucky for you,
it's still available.

We still don't have
a functioning blink drive.

That definitely would
have made things easier.

...We need to get creative.

Ally ourself with
ferrous corp's enemies,

starting with mikkei.

They've maintained
a neutral position

in the ongoing conflict.

Yeah, so far,
they've stayed out of it,

but truffault has to know that

once ferrous corp. Runs
the table on its enemies,

they're gonna come
gunning for mikkei.

We can't let this galaxy
fall for the likes

of ferrous corp.

We've sacrificed too much
to let that happen.

I feel badly for him.

Knowing what he had and lost.

Sometimes better not to know.

Yeah... I wonder.

Do you know that when four
downloaded his old memories,

he started avoiding me,

almost like he knew
something about my past

and didn't want to put
himself in a position

so he'd have to tell me.

Almost like he was
trying to protect me.

Or maybe you're reading
too much into things.

I'm not reading
too much into it.

I just can't but wonder what the
hell I did that was so terrible.

It doesn't matter.

...Mm-mm, not anymore.



Welcome back.

I'm sorry this visit
is a long time in coming.

No need to apologize.

No, of course there is.

You are a guest on my ship.

I should've come sooner.

I have no excuse
except to say that, um...

Mm, it's been a rough month.

For you and me both.

So three tells me
you experience time

a little differently in here.

It's weird.

Minutes can turn into hours,
and I won't even notice,

but if I stop to think about it,
it's like starting the clock,

and I am aware of every second.


Well, you've certainly
found a beautiful way

to pass the time.

Thanks. It's... it's amazing.

I can turn my environment
into anything I want.

Create a world limited
only by my imagination.

But it's still not enough.

You're lonely.

Well, if five could find
a way to do this for you,

there must be a way
for you to reach out

when you're having
moments like these...

When you need
somebody to talk to.

I don't just need to talk.

I need something
I don't have anymore.

Closeness, a sense of community,
casual interaction,

just the basic
ability to connect.

It's something you should
never take for granted.
