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04x04 - Part IV

Posted: 11/07/21 11:09
by bunniefuu

One was definitely calling Muldoon.

I saw him run away.

The Lam kid f*cking cut our traps.

The gall of that g*dd*mn family.

Percy was really scared that
somebody was after her...

some guy.

There had been a fight, and
the room was all smashed up.

She called on me,

- and I went with Colin to pick her up.
- You went, too?

- Let it go.
- If you're investigating anyone,

- it should be him.
- I think this case is bringing out

a really ugly side of you.




- Yeah. Steady.
- All right.

There we go.

- Yeah.
- Okay. Right.

Yeah, watch that end.

Okay, got it.

There it goes.

I watched her grow up.

They're here.

Meg, we already ID'd her.
I really don't think...

She was in the water for almost a week.

You don't want to see her like this.


Here they come.

I'm so sorry it came to this, Meg.


let me...

Uh, Tom here is from Rockport,

and, uh, he examined the body...

uh, her body,

and he didn't find ev...
evidence of any foul play.

She d*ed from the fall.

Now, we can send her to
Portland... to the labs, but...

We don't expect to find
anything to the contrary.

But we can do whatever you want, Meg.

Keep this investigation open.

It's up to you.

We should start planning the funeral.

We need her body.

We need this to be over.

What's this?

It's a Celtic North Star.

Fishermen love their totems.

That one's a big one for the Irish.

It points you to Heaven...

and fish.

Excuse me, where was that?

In her jacket pocket.



Does that name mean anything to you?


I know there's more.

The guy in the surveillance footage...

someone was with her on the bluff.

Family, whatever that is...

name on the back of the star.

The star.

Why would you have that with you?

Does it even matter?

I mean, you saw what you saw.

I jumped.

Ah, come on.

It's not that simple.

But it was my choice.

What if I really didn't
want to live anymore?

You know that feeling.

Those times at Sonya's
when you couldn't sleep...

Or when you were on
the ferry coming here,

you were looking down into the water,

thinking about sinking.

How much longer you can keep this up?

How did it go?

Ah, it's over with.

Well, at least they can stop wondering.

At least they have an answer.

But there's still a lot of questions.

And, uh, they're closing the case.

No one wants to keep looking.

I can understand that.

It's less painful that way.

Maybe they don't want something exposed.

We should go, leave.

Oh, we could drive down the coast.

Won't feel like much of a
vacation after all this.


This is where you wanted to paint.

I mean, it has the light that you
were looking forward to and...

Well, there's light other places.

[SIGHS] And... is Greta...

I mean, you've hardly seen her at all.

Why don't you want to go?


What is it about Percy?




You're right. We should go.

Really, I...

You're right.

Okay. Okay.

I think it's better for both of us, huh?




Excuse me.

Just trying to figure out
who this boat belongs to.

Well, it's private property.

I'm gonna need you to
get back on the docks.

It's a Muldoon boat, though, right?

I know Sean's boat,

but this Colin's boat?


Percy work on this boat?

Not recently.

She worked on Colin's crew.

Uh, not exactly.

How do you mean?

Well, they used to go out
together a lot on their own.

So it wasn't fishing trips.

Any idea what it was?

My job is to monitor the docks,

not what people do out there.

Just stay off the boats, okay?

Sure, okay.




There's nothing any of us
can say that'll change things.

I'm in this fight,

and I'm not backing down.

And I'm gonna do whatever it takes.

I see Colin has joined us tonight.

It's nice to see you back, Colin.

The floor is yours if
you... if you want it.

Thanks, Owen.


I know I haven't been the most,
uh, steady member here.

Uh, I've probably taken all of
you for granted sometimes...

most times. [SCOFFS]

I mean, you guys know...

Percy and me.


We were like the same person.

[CHUCKLING] She drove me f*cking crazy.

We, uh... had this big fight, uh...

just before she...

You know, did what she did, and, uh...

we weren't talking.

Anyway, all I know is, f*ck,
I want a drink. [CHUCKLES]

God knows I loved her.

And when I think about that last time...

And what I did,

it's, uh...


[WHISPERING] I think that's...

I'll talk to you later.

Thanks for meeting me.

I realize things didn't end so well

at dinner the other night.

I stirred the pot.

I'm not a good guest.

Percy didn't do this to herself.

Someone's to blame for this.

- You sure?
- Percy was devout.

She knew that wasn't an option.

She would have come to me first.

That book at your house
that you showed me

and the objects that were in her room...

something was turning inside her...

That's what I mean. That wasn't Percy.

Somebody had control over her.

Everyone... even my sons...
they want to give up.

Somebody did this to her.

Does the name Valerie
mean anything to you?

Valerie, who's that?

Was she one of Percy's friends?

Or could she have been somebody
that was on the payroll?

No one I know. Why?

I'm just guessing.

You don't let things go easily.

That's why I need your help.

I have to leave tomorrow.

Oh, already?


Can't you stay just for a few more days?

You've done so much already.


I can't.

I want you to know that if
you ever want to come back,

it's an open invitation.

It doesn't expire.

Well, then maybe you can keep
your eyes and ears open for me.

- Harry...
- It's just not sitting right.

How do you mean?

We don't know who was
on that bluff with her.

The objects that she had...

they were so specific.

And the star...

she brought that star out there.

It's like she was trying
to tell us something.

Harry, enjoy your retirement.

- I got it from here.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.

- Hi, Stephanie, how are you?
- Hey.

Uh, you know...

Uh, is it true about Percy?


No words for losing a child.

So what'll you have, Harry?
Uh, sky's the limit...

Actually, uh, we're having
a, uh... a kitchen issue.

Chowder okay? It's all we can serve.

- Sounds good to me.
- Okay, thank you.

Ah Maah would be so
disgusted with you right now.


At least she doesn't let
people walk all over her.


Look, I don't care if
I made things worse.

It's about having a pair of balls.




- And I f*cking loved it, okay?
- CJ.




It's okay. It's just a
broken refrigerator.


It's quite a mess in there.

What happened?

Someone broke into our
kitchen last night...

f*cked the coolant coils
in our storage fridges.

Both those units need to be replaced.

We'll be bleeding money for weeks.

Payback for the lobster traps?

Look, I'm not pursuing this.

I'm out of here in a few days.

It's just something that I heard.

You know, the Muldoons...

they get away with whatever they want.

And my dad just takes it over and over.

At least I did something.

The Muldoons keep this going with you.

Why is that?

It's Colin.

He's looking for someone to blame

because he's the guilty one.

Too much from you today.

Enough of this sh*t, Dad.

Okay? You know it's true.

Tell him what you saw. He's listening.

Mike, what did you see?

They took his boat out a lot,

just the two of them.

Where are you going?


Okay? Okay?


There's something wrong
with him and her.


- Thanks.
- Mm.

Thanks, CJ.




That's a nice idea,
but we cannot do that.

Why not?

- People open restaurants every day.

People with money.

You think they pay us enough to do that?

Come on, Mom.

Think big. Just start with a name.

The Lam Seafood Restaurant.

- That's so boring.
- So boring?

Okay, how about, um...

how about The Golden Fish?



Yeah, you know, like koi fish.

Doesn't that stand for
prosperity or something?

Oh, very good.

'Cause you see, when white
people see "The Golden Fish,"

they just think of fried food, right?

- Golden fried fish.

See? This one is the marketing expert.

I got scallops for our last supper

and a pound of shrimp,
so I hope you're hungry.

I think I overbought.


Is that, uh, all you saw, was the...

red raincoat?

That's all I needed to see.

Was there any markings on it
or any stains or anything?

No, I did... I just edged
to the door and ran out.

When you were outside,

did you see any movement
around the doors?

No... I just... I wasn't about
to wait around and say hello.

Yeah, sure.

I'm just gonna do a quick survey,

see what they touched.

Where were you?

I went long with Lou, and then
I was talking to the Lams.

About Percy?

This... this brings up a lot for me.

A-a-an intruder in the house? A lot.


What can I do?

I want to be on the
first ferry out of here

tomorrow morning.



Can you just give me a couple days?

I'll wrap things up, and
then I'll come find you.

I can't walk away from this. I can't.

Yeah, you can. It's just a-a choice.

Not for me.

Yeah, for you, too.

There's a version of you that
gets on the ferry right now.

This thing that makes you so persistent,

it's... it's beautiful.

I-it's also what makes you obsessive.

I know. I know.

But you... you still can't
get on the boat with me?

I wouldn't be able to live with that...

With myself.

Just a few more days, that's... right?

I don't think that I can
keep going on like this.

'Cause you... you are forever
trying to make up for something.

I know. I...


Okay, okay.


I'll be fine.


There's still time.

You can get on that boat
and leave right now.




I thought you'd be on the
first ferry out of here.

I decided to stay a few extra days.

Oh, that's good. You and Sonya
can enjoy the island a bit.

Actually, it's just me.



Is Sean okay?

Oh, gosh, poor guy.

Had a moment at the podium.

Started blaming himself
and everyone for Percy.

Colin had to bring him down.




She was a natural on the boats.

So you two were friends, huh?

No, just, um, came to pay my respects.

The Muldoons would notice if I didn't.



Hey, Sean.

Thought you left.

Didn't make sense not to be here.

Now that you are, you
might as well eat up.

Everyone else is.

Yeah, this can be hard times.

Why do you think that is?

I mean, what exactly... makes it hard?

You tell me.

All day long, they've been
coming up, saying sorry.

Look all surprised like...

some kind of accident took her,
like they didn't see it coming.

You think they did?

As far as Percy's concerned...

You're the only innocent
person in this house.

What are you saying?

You think they did something to her?

Sometimes all you got to do to be guilty

is look the other way.

No one wants to hear that from me.


You out of here already?

Got to prep the boat for tomorrow.

Bring it in.

All right, I'll see you later, yeah?



You stayed.

Uh, yeah, for a few days.



Well, you look like
you could use a drink.


See this groove in the floor here?

My mother used to pace back and forth

in front of that window

whenever my father was on a long haul.

I used to sit and watch her
from this couch right here.

I swore to myself I'd never
be a pacing woman,

but after today...

here I am.

Know that feeling.

Last night somebody broke into
the house where I'm staying.

I'm sorting that out.

- Did you see them?
- No, I wasn't there.

But they looked through my stuff.

I bet they were trying
to see what I found out.

That means there really
is somebody out there.

Do you have any idea who it could be?

Did Colin him visit Percy
when she lived in Portland?

Why do you keep going back to this?

So you're sure that they didn't
have any contact at that point?

No, Colin would have told me.

Seems like they were very close.


Colin and Percy have always been close.

She took to him from the start.

He was a better father to her
than her own dad ever was.

What are you implying?

Colin would never.


You realize whoever it is,

there's a good chance it'll
be someone you know...


Or close to someone you know.

Whatever you find,

I'd appreciate you coming to me first.

He said he couldn't get a lead on it.

Well, I thought this guy was
an expert or something.

Isn't that what Seth said?

Yeah, but the guy says
none of it looks familiar.

He couldn't link it to
anyone besides Percy.

There's got to be someone
else involved in all this.

I don't know what to tell you.

Anyway, I-I didn't want
to leave it at her place,

so I put it on your boat

- in the hold.
- What?

Well, I wasn't about to
bring all that stuff here.

Did anyone see you?


[SIGHS] All right.

I'll go over after this winds
down and pick it up.

Damn it.









So you're searching my boat now?

Trying to get the whole picture.

Why'd you ask my mom about Valerie?

- So you know who she is?
- I'll ask the questions.

Who told you that name?

You probably noticed

the star that was there...
she had it with her

when she d*ed.

That name... she carved it on the back,

so must've been pretty important to her.

- Why was that?
- How the f*ck should I know?

That's all you got after all this time?

I do know that Percy looked up to you.

I was told she wouldn't say no
to anything that you wanted.

But then after you brought
her back from Portland,

something turned.

You have no idea what the
f*ck you're talking about.

After you brought her back,

people saw you go out
on your boat a lot.

And what do you think I did to her?

I think you loved Percy...

Maybe a little too much.

People were worried about
her in your company.

And your mother, too.

She said, "No, nothing went on,"

but I could see in her eyes,
something happened.

She was scared.


You can't possibly imagine
because you don't know God.

Someone like you...

You don't believe in anything.

I was helping her.

Do you not tremble before me?

I placed the sand as the
boundary for the sea...

a perpetual barrier that it cannot pass.

Though the waves toss,
they cannot prevail.

Though they roar,
they cannot pass over it.

Come on, one more time.

I'm tired.

You used to take this seriously.

I don't get the point.
I don't feel anything.

It's not about feeling.

It's about repetition, prayer.

I-I-it can... it can break
you down, I get it,

but it builds you back up...

helps you unlock your will.

All the power you need...

right here.

It seems hypocritical,
like it's only about you.

It's about your relationship with Him,

and that's what's broken in you.

Hey, hey, hey. Come on,
come on, come on, come on.

I thought we were a team, you and me.

We are.

Okay, well, then...

Don't let us down.



BOTH: I placed the sand as
the boundary for the sea...

A perpetual barrier that it cannot pass.

I thought I could reach her,

but someone else had gotten there first.

You scared the sh*t out of me.

What's going on?

Are you okay?

Can I stay here tonight?

Why are you soaking wet, huh?

I just need a place to sleep.


Okay, um, let's get you a hot shower.


Don't tell Grams.

I didn't realize it then,
but she was already gone.


You too good to pick up your phone now?

You think you can just blow
me off? I waited on the boat

- for, like, an hour.
- I don't want to do it anymore...

it doesn't work.

What, are you f*cking drawing now?

You kidding me?

What the f*ck is going on with you?

You know you're making
Grams sick, right?

She's a f*cking basket case

- because of you.
- That's her fault, not mine.

What did you just say? Her fault?

You hear yourself right now?

You realize all the bullshit we
went through because of you?

Well, fine! Don't come
crawling back to me

- next time you need help!
- I won't!

You're an ungrateful f*cking
bitch. You realize that?

I raised you.

No one asked you to.

You're not my f*cking dad.

I could have gone easier on her.

Percy didn't want to be saved anymore.

She made her choice.

Choice about what?

Oh, you want to see?

Fine, I'll show you.

This sh*t.

Look at this. Look at it.

There's a ton of it.

I mean, what is that?

What is this sh*t?

Huh? What is that?

Look me in the eye

and tell me someone didn't
poison her mind with that sh*t.

It wasn't me.

What it was is you filled her
head with what you wanted,

and you couldn't stand to share
her with somebody else.

No. No!

[SHOUTS] Gosh.

God damn it!



- f*ck.

Oh, God.



Z, E...


Are you sure you even
remember what you saw?

It was an A here.

I remember.






The Bazegw legend tells
the story of De Paor,

an Irish settler on Hanover Island.




Bazegw Point.