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03x05 - Marsh of Mystery

Posted: 11/08/21 06:56
by bunniefuu
♪ Opening Theme Music Playing...

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli kweli, Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli, kweli... ♪

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Tutazame, Zame, Zame ♪

♪ Na farana!
Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Tutsiyama njama ♪

♪ Sona wana mbandi
nawa ni awa simba ♪

♪ Ma Tutawa saidia ♪

♪ Wanyama, ote wanyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ Lethu wese' Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ 'gonyama, Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Na simba kulindana! ♪

Come on! I want to get
outta here before nightfall.

Did we have to go through the marsh?

Don't worry, Fuli.

I'm sure we'll be
on the other side soon.

Right, Anga?


I can see the edge
of the marsh.

The next moja kwa moja stone
is just beyond that.

Ah, c'mon, Fuli.
This place isn't so bad.

And the snails are great.

Mmm. Extra crunchy.

It's nice enough for you.
You're not in the mud.

I love mud!
Zuka Zama!


It's not so bad.

Ugh. Could it get
any worse?

Get 'em!

Of course, it can.

Ono, any idea
what that is?

I'm not sure. I won't
know until I see it.

Or until
someone sees it.

I don't wanna see it.

It sounds mean.


I can't tell.

The grass is too thick.

C'mon, Ono!

I'll get you somewhere
safe before it att*cks!

Good idea, Makini.

But we don't even
know what it is yet.

All the more
reason to go!

Wait! Makini!

Get ready, everyone.

Here it comes.

Aw, it's cute!

Uh, which it?
There's a bunch of them.

Hey! Stop!
Let's talk for a second.

No time for talkin'!
Only time for fightin'.

Need some help?

I got this one, thanks.

But here comes
one for you.

Not gonna happen.

Hey, little guy.
What's your name?

Well, I'm Beshte!

Hey! Pick on someone
your own size!

Gotta admit,
these guys got spirit!

Ooh! Maybe too much!

Don't worry, Ono!
I'll keep you safe.

Um, Makini.

- Makini?
- What?

I can't hear the Guard anymore.
Can you see them?

Oh. Oh, no!
I... I can't.

I just wanted to make
sure we were safe

from whatever scary
creature was attacking!

Makini, we don't even know
if was a scary creature.

It sure sounded scary!

But don't worry!
I'll take us back!

No! Wait!

You don't have
to carry me!


That's not what I meant!

What is that?

What's what?
Why'd we stop?

There's a blue light!

It's floating!
Out over the marsh!

And it's beautiful.

A floating blue light?

Huh. That sounds
like a marsh light.

Just wait till
you see it, Ono!

It's amazing!

I'll get you closer!


No! Stop!


Huh. That's weird.

What's weird?

The light.
It's moving away from us.

Huh. It's definitely
a marsh light.

And we definitely
shouldn't follow it!

But we're so close!

Let me...

Oh, no!
Where did it go?

Makini, listen to me.

Those lights
can be dangerous.

Oh, I see
some more over there.

I'll catch one
and show you.

No, wait. You can't
catch them.

No one can!

No, no, no.

Makini, you have to stop.

If you keep
following the lights,

we're going to get lost.

Ugh. And I am
going to get sick.

Don't worry, Ono.


I think that's where
the first one was.

That'll lead us back
to the Guard, come on.

Oh, not again!

Let me guess.

Those lights
disappeared, too?


I don't understand.

The lights
were right there.

Then they vanished.

I tried to tell you, Makini.

Sorry, Ono.
I should've listened.

They were just so pretty.

I know,
but we can't stay here.

We need to find our way
back to the Guard.

Right. I can do that.

Um, which way?


You have to be eyes
for both of us, Makini.

My vision's even worse
in this dark marsh.

Okay. Um...

How about this way?

Ugh. Great!
Now, they're throwing mud at us!

Fuli! Look out!




Easy, Kion,
we can't hurt them.

We need to find out
why they're mad.

Right. Thanks, Fuli.

Whew! Trying not to fight is
even more work than fighting!

Hey, lil' guy.
Why are you so mad?

Hey, stop!

It tickles!

Nice one, Big B.

Thanks, Lil' B.

I just hope
I didn't hurt him.

Nah! He's fine!
They're unstoppable!

This is ridiculous.

Anga lenga!




- I hope they're okay.
- They're fine.

I'm sure they'll recover
and be back for more soon.

But why were they
so mad?

Beats me.

Ono, what do you think?

- Ono?
- Makini's gone, too.

Oh, yeah!

Makini said she was
gonna keep Ono safe.

Well, it's safe now.

Ono! Makini!

Where are they?

Where are we?

This must be a cavern
below the marsh.

Now, we're really lost.

Oh, Ono,
I am so, so sorry.

I was supposed to be
eyes for both of us.

And now we're stuck
in a hole.

But don't worry.
I'll get us out of here

and find the Guard.

And everything
will be okay.




If I can't climb out...

I know!

Ono, you can fly out
and go get help.

No, I can't.

Why not?
Are you hurt?

No! I can't see.

So even if I flew
out of here,

I wouldn't know
where to go next.

Right, of course.
Don't worry.

I'll think
of something else.

I'll get us
out of here, Ono.

Yeah. Maybe we can both
think of something.

It's no use.

I can't see
through the trees.

Okay. Then we'll have
to track them another way.

Already on it.

Got it! This way!


What? Food helps me think!

And I have a great view
from up here.

I might even spot Makini
and Ono before you do!

You think so?

I know so! First one
to spot 'em gets a snail!

Okay. But remember,
I am the keenest of sight.

Oh, yeah? Well, I'm the...
keenest of snails!

Ugh! Not again.

Lemme at 'em!

don't hurt 'em, Lil' B.

So what am I supposed
to do with 'em?

Tag. You're it.


Hmm. We don't have
time for this.

I've got you now.

We need to find
Makini and Ono,

so we can get out
of this marsh

and find the next
moja kwa moja stone!

Let's make
a break for it.


This way!


Everyone, follow Fuli!

We'll get you yet!
This isn't over!

nawaza, nawa... Za.

Makini! I can't think

with all of that noise!

Got it!

Now I can use this root
to climb out of here, and...


Oh, no!

Now, we really

need to find
a way out of here.

Sorry, Ono.

Makini, listen.

I need you to sit here
and don't touch anything.

Okay. Sitting and listening.
Not touching.


What did you do now?

Nothing! Really!
I was just sitting here,

like you said,
and then...

There's a tunnel!

That's our way out!

Are you sure?

It's awfully dark
and creepy down there.

Well, it's about to be
really wet in here.

So, unless you have
another plan?

On second thought,
that tunnel does look nice and dry.



Okay. Here we go.

Do you hear that?

Hear what? I don't hear anything.
What did it sound like?

Shh. Listen.

I definitely hear something.

Ooh! I... I hear it, too!
What do you think it is?

I don't know,
but it sounds familiar.

Hmm. Oh, no!

Look out, Makini!


Shwari, Ono!
They're just bats!

Bats. Why did it
have to be bats?

I think that
they were kind of cute!

They are not cute!

Sorry. I really
don't like bats!

It's okay, Ono.
They're gone now.

Wait a tick.
They could be our way out.

We can follow the bats.

We just need to keep
following this tunnel.

Which tunnel, Ono?

There's two of them.

I didn't see that.

Of course.

I didn't see which tunnel
the bats took either.

It's really hard
to see down here.

It's so dark, I wonder
how the bats do it.

That's it!

We can try to see
the same way as the bats.

Bats can see in the dark?

It isn't exactly seeing.

It's called echolocation.

Echo-lo... What again?


The bats make a sound,
then listen for the echo.

Depending on how loud it is,

the bats know
which tunnel to take.

If it's a loud echo,
it's a dead end.

But if the echo fades away,

then there's an opening and
that's the right tunnel. Got it?

Got it! We should do it!
How do we do it?

I will do it.

And I'll need
complete silence.

No problem! I'm the best
at being quiet. You'll see.

You'll be so glad
you're stuck down here

with me and not
anyone else.

You'll be able
to hear everything!

And you'll be able to
decide which way to go

and we'll be out
of here in no time!

This is going
to be tougher than I thought.




It's really hard to focus
with Bunga's yelling.

But I think
we're getting close.

Their scent
is really strong here.

Good work, Fuli.

Anga, can you get
a better view here?


I see...

Makini's tracks!

That's right! I win!

Told ya I could see great up here!
Where's my prize?

Right down there.

Oh, yeah!

Victory tastes so good.

These tracks only lead
to more tracks.

It looks like Makini
was running in circles.

Their scent
goes in circles, too.

They were
definitely here.

And over here.

And over here.

They were all over
this clearing.

That doesn't make any sense.

Why would Makini
run in circles?

Have you met Makini?

Did you do it yet?
Was that echolocation?

Which tunnel
leads us out?

I need you

to be completely silent
and listen. Remember?

Oh, right! Yes!
I remember!

I'll be quiet this time.

Listening, not talking.

Starting... now!

I don't hear anything.

It's no use.
It's not working.

What? It's not? Why?
Let's try again.

The bats make clicking
noises like I was doing,

but they're louder
and higher-pitched,

so they create clear echoes.

Or maybe they can just
hear better than I can.

Maybe you just
need to make

a louder,
higher-pitched noise.

Let's think.
Loud and high-pitched.

Loud and high-pitched.

What sort of noise
should it be?

I know the perfect

loud and high-pitched noise!

You do?
What is it?

Your voice!

Really? You think
I'm high-pitched?

You sure are!

And loud enough
to echo?

Oh, yes! I need
you to shout.

Then we'll both listen
back for the echo!

Oh, yes.
That sounds amazing.

What do I shout?




Hmm. That echo
was pretty loud.

That means the tunnel

ends not very far from here.

Try this one.


Oh, that one
sounds different.

It seems further away
each time it echoed.

Exactly. Which means,
there's an opening at the end.

And that means,
it's our way out.

Come on.

♪ Just 'cause we're stuck
don't mean we're out of luck ♪

♪ Between you and me
we got brains and eyes to see ♪

♪ We'll be okay ♪

♪ 'Cause we're on our way ♪

♪ We just got to shout ♪

♪ To help us find a way out ♪

♪ Anything ♪
♪ Anything ♪

♪ That's what we can do ♪

♪ Anything ♪
♪ Anything ♪ ♪ Anything... ♪

♪ Now, we know it's true ♪

♪ Anything ♪
♪ Anything ♪ ♪ Anything... ♪

♪ I know that
we'll pull through ♪

- ♪ Anything ♪
- ♪ Anything ♪

♪ Together me and you ♪

♪ We're on the move ♪

♪ Now, I think
we found our groove ♪

♪ Working as a team ♪

♪ Not as hard as it might seem ♪

♪ We'll be okay ♪

♪ 'Cause we're on our way ♪

♪ You just
gotta shout ♪

♪ To help us find a way out ♪

♪ Anything ♪
♪ Anything ♪ ♪ Anything... ♪

♪ That's what we can do ♪

♪ Anything ♪
♪ Anything ♪ ♪ Anything... ♪

♪ Now, we know it's true ♪

♪ Anything ♪
♪ Anything ♪ ♪ Anything... ♪

♪ I know that
we'll pull through ♪

- ♪ Anything ♪
- ♪ Anything ♪

- ♪ Together me and you ♪
- ♪ Together me and you ♪

♪ No need to argue ♪

♪ 'Cause now we're in sync ♪

♪ As long as we slow down ♪

♪ Listen and think ♪

♪ Listen and think ♪
♪ Think ♪ ♪ Think ♪ ♪ Think... ♪

♪ Anything ♪

♪ That's what we can do ♪

♪ Anything ♪

♪ Now, we know it's true ♪

♪ Anything ♪
♪ Anything ♪ ♪ Anything... ♪

♪ I know that
we'll pull through ♪

- ♪ Anything ♪
- ♪ Anything ♪

- ♪ Together me and you ♪
- ♪ Together me and you ♪

- ♪ Anything ♪
- ♪ Anything ♪

- ♪ Together me and you ♪
- ♪ Together me and you ♪

Hey! We make
a pretty good team.

Yeah, I guess we do.

Hey, the tunnel
is sloping up.

We must be getting
close to the surface.

Look, I see light.

Not another marsh light.

Nope. Regular old light
from the sky.

Good. Lead the way.

Look around
for clues.

Makini and Ono
have to be close.

Whoa! Phew!
Close one.

Hmm. I wonder if...

Nah, there probably aren't
any snails down there.

But I bet there are
some under there.




That's enough.

Why do you keep
attacking us?

Isn't it obvious?

You're eating our snails!


You mean
these snails?


Listen, I am really sorry.

We had no idea
the snails belonged to you.

We don't want
an apology.

We want
our snails back!

And we want you
out of our marsh.

We're not leaving

until we find our friends.


Hey, Kion.

Oh, hello.
Who are you?

Makini, where's Ono?

I'm here.

I got you, Ono.

Come on!



Don't even think about it.

Hi, everyone.

Oh! Mongooses!

They sure
love snails.

Common knowledge,

Wish you were here
earlier, Ono.

Yeah. What happened
to you, guys?

It's a long story.

It sure is.

First I followed
some lights,

then we fell in a hole...

I almost fell in a hole, too.

What's important is that

Makini kept me safe.

And we worked together

to find all of you.

Yeah. Turns out,
we make a great team.

This way.

The next moja kwa moja
stone's straight ahead.

Hey! What's that?

Look at that light.
Let's check it out.

No, no, no. Wait.

That's how
we got lost.


Whoa! You really can see
better from up here.

Are those snails?

Hey, come on,
let me go.


I'll share them.