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02x07 - Warlock

Posted: 11/11/21 07:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on
The Shannara Chronicles...

She wants me
on the throne in Arborlon.

You're marrying Ander?

The Warlock Lord
took measures to ensure

his death was not final.

His followers hid his heart,
his head, his blade.

At least tell me you hid
that head in a place
where Bandon can't find it.

This thing
is what brought you here.

So you could help us
find something very important.

Take care
of yourself, Wil.
You too, Dad.

The Warlock Lord k*lled
my husband and gave me
the throne.

When the Warlock Lord returns,
he'll expect you to honor
your bargain.

He's coming for the Well.

Tamlin sent me
to k*ll Riga, and now I think

he's planning
some sort of payback.

We have to warn them.

Shall we begin?


We have to move!


Fall back to
the Throne Room, now!

We only have a minute
before Riga breaks
that door down.

You need to protect
this stone, no matter what.

It's the key to Heaven's Well.

And only you can open it.

I don't understand.

I made a deal long ago
to save our people.

At the time,
I didn't think I had a choice.

I hope one day
you can forgive me.

You're not
making any sense.

Find Cogline,
he'll explain everything.

I'll always love you.

And I always have.

You two need to move. Now!

-Use the tunnels out
of the palace.

Follow me, Princess.

No, what about you?

It's time I pay for my sins.

Now go!

Let's go.

Come on! We have to go.

Surrender or die!

The choice is yours.

Search the palace
for the princess.

She can't have gone far.

Leah belongs to the Crimson now.

Once I take Arborlon,
no other race will dare
challenge me.

My people will never
recognize you.

They will do as they're told.

As will you.

Bow to me.


Or I'll have my men start
executing your subjects

one by one until you do.



* And I feel it
Running through my veins

* And I need that fire just
To know that I'm awake *

WIL: We need a stretcher!

He's barely breathing.

People need help.

Get him inside, now.

Easy, take it easy.

His pulse is fading.

That's no ordinary wound.

What happened?

He was cut by the Warlock blade.

I assume you've tried using
the Elfstones to heal him?

They only make it worse.

Is he gonna die?

I've never dealt with
anything like this before.

So I honestly don't know.

We'll be safe down here,

at least for a while.

I can't believe
I abandoned my mother.

She wanted you to live.

-If you'd stayed there,
you'd be de--

Maybe the world would
be better off if I d*ed
and Ander lived.

Don't say that.

Ander d*ed protecting you.

I can't do this, okay?

My mother always had
an answer and a plan.

And now all you want
is to have her standing here.

Lyria, I felt the same
when Cephelo d*ed.

He was a lying, thieving Rover,

but he sacrificed himself
so that I could live.

So, what do I do?

No more running.

We find Cogline.

Your mother said
he would explain everything.


we're gonna fight to win
your kingdom back.

The more we drain,
the worse it seems to get.

He slipped into a coma.


No, there's gotta be a way
we can wake him up.

I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.

We aren't just giving up?

He was just starting
to accept me.

-No. I trusted you, Wil.

Bandon has the skull now,
and my father is dying.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

Come on.

You have to fight.

You need to fight.

You have to.

I can't do this without you.



WIL: How is he?

The same.

Look, about what I said I...

Don't apologize. You were right.

Allanon saw it clear as day.
Bandon played me for a fool.

You're a good person, Wil.

You care about people.
That's not a weakness.

It does not change the fact
that I am the reason

Allanon is in a coma
and that Flick is dead.

Every time I try to do
the right thing,

it all goes wrong.


You want to wallow in self-pity?

Okay, that's fine.

But it's not gonna
help us save Allanon,

or defeat the Warlock Lord.

We've tried magic and medicine.

I'm not sure
what else we can do.


Allanon and I
have a complicated relationship.

-But he means a lot to me.

Just don't tell him
I said that, okay?

I'm pretty sure
he already knows that.

We're gonna figure out a way
to save your father.

There hasn't been any change.

When Allanon came here last year
to ask me to train you,

he left this is my care.

I thought it might
be of some help now.

WIL: The codex of Paranor.



The darkness is almost here.

Wil is in Storlock.
Bring him to the Ellcrys.

He is the last hope.

Show yourself!

It's only me.

I've been dodging
Crimson soldiers for hours.

Thank goodness you're both safe.

I heard what happened
to King Ander.

I hoped I'd find you here.

Eretria, what is it?


She appeared to me again.

The answer must be
in here somewhere.

It would help if I could
actually read any of it.

Wait, wait, wait. Let me try.

-Wait, can you--
-Read Druid?

-Since when?

My mom taught me.

I thought she didn't want you
to have anything to do
with magic or Allanon.

She kept letters.

Ones that he had written her.

She'd read them to me,

said that they were
in a secret language.

That was
when I was younger,

before I knew the truth.

Love letters from Allanon.

Can't even imagine.

He may be a Druid
but he still has feelings.



I think I found a way
to wake him up.


It says I need to enter
his "dream state."

Once I'm there,
I can bring him back.

WIL: Just like that?

There is a catch.

If Allanon dies
while I'm in there,

I die, too.

No. No way.

-That's too risky.
-Magic always has a price.


I'm willing to make
the sacrifice.

-He's my father, Wil.

I can't just sit back
and watch him die.

You would do it.

COGLINE: If the Ellcrys
called to you,

then we have to assume that
the Warlock Lord will
be woken from his slumber.

You need to find Wil.

Get him to the Ellcrys.

What about Lyria?

She will be under my protection.

With your mother captured,
you are the key
to Heaven's Well.

I need to get you
as far away as possible.

I don't understand.
What's Heaven's Well?

You've heard the story
of the Silver River?

Of course.
Every kid in Leah has.

Long ago, a mystical king,
poured magic sand
into the river,

turning it silver,

giving life to the Four Lands.

Like every myth,

it contains a grain of truth.

The river is magic.

You are a descendant of
that magical king's bloodline.

The source of the magic,

is Heaven's Well.

If the Warlock Lord returns,

he will be coming for the Well.

And you.

Where are you taking her?

Back to the enclave.

She'll be safe in the Wilderun.

It's what your mother
would want.

Go, get ready.

We need to leave before sunrise.

If the Warlock Lord is back,

the more susceptible you will be

to the darkness
that sleeps inside you.

You must find Wil at all costs.

He's the only one that can stop
the Warlock Lord.

And help save me from myself.

He's fading fast.

If you're going to risk doing
this, then we must act now.

We need to cut
this rune into his skin,

just above his heart.

Then the mirror image
of the symbol has to be carved
into my palm.

Once the runes are joined,

I'll recite this incantation
and be transported
into his dreamscape.

From which you might
never return.

I can't let you do this.
Let me go.

He's my father, Wil.

You, of all people,
should understand.

All right.

Just know,
that I will not leave your side

until you're both back here
safe and sound.

I'm in your hands.

Seize him!

I claim this Fortress
in the name of the Warlock Lord.

Almost done.

You are doing great.

There's that bedside manner
I remember.

Good luck.


Maybe I read it wrong.



Today we join the kingdoms
of Leah and Arborlon

and cleanse the world of magic
and all its defenders.

Bring out Ander's body.

Show such disrespect
to the dead.

You have been
accused of treason,

crimes against the state.

Punishment is death.

You plotted my assassination,

protected and defended magic
users throughout the Four Lands.

Admit your crimes.
Repent, pledge your loyalty
to the Crimson

and I will grant you mercy.

I refuse to recognize you
or the authority of this court.

And you can save your mercy.

You can shove it
up your ass.

So be it.

Go door to door.

I want every man, woman and
child gathered in the streets
to witness Crimson justice.

The sentence will be
carried out at sunset.

What are you doing here?

I'm trying to save you.

I do not need saving.

You know,
a "thank you" might be nice.

That thing almost gutted me.

The very reason you should
be in Storlock and not here.

MARETH: I'm not
leaving here without you.

I am not ready to return
to the land of the living.

It is not time yet.

I've spent my whole life
wondering about you.
What you were like,

what you would think of me.

And now that I've found you,
I'm not about to let you
disappear again.

ALLANON: There is a lot
more at play here than
just your feelings.

You're my father,

it doesn't get more
important than that.

Even if you don't care
about me, I know you care
about protecting magic.

Don't you wanna
pass on that knowledge?

Did I say I wasn't coming back?

I said it was not time yet.

There is someone I must find.
Who I can only commune with
in this world.

Well then, let's go find him.

You can do this, Mareth.


What are you doing here?

Amberle came to me again.

She said the darkness is
almost here and that you're
our last hope.

This is Hadeshorn.

The sacred lake of the Druids.


It's beautiful.

Do not let
your eyes deceive you.

This water is lethal for those
who have not been called.

Meaning me.

Stay here.


It's been too long.

When last we spoke,

you foretold that another
Druid had emerged.

I trained Bandon,
believing he was the one.

I pushed him to
control his powers.

But now he has walked
the path of darkness.

I said another had emerged.

But Bandon was not
the one I spoke of.

I was referring to another,

one that possesses innate magic.

How can it be so?

She is my daughter.

Yes, and soon her powers
shall outshine even yours.

But she will need your help
to harness her gifts.

I only hope you have enough
time to train her before
your mortal journey ends.

Amberle was very clear.

We need to go to the Ellcrys.

That's harder than it sounds.

I spent weeks in the sanctuary,

laying my hand on the tree,
begging Amberle to reveal
herself to me.

But she never did.

But there's gotta be a way.

Why else would she appear to me?

Wil! They're walking up.


One of your runes just vanished.


MARETH: You're okay.

You all right?

I don't know. It hurts.

What's happening?

Everything is about to change.

You are the next Druid.

The Druidic runes on the back
of my neck are the physical
manifestation of my magic.

And they have begun to vanish.

And your magic along with them?

But another has emerged.

You have been summoned to
carry the torch of the Druids.

-Yeah, that's one
way to put it.

What happens once all
your runes have disappeared?

We have more serious
concerns at hand.

She has called to you again.

She came to me in a vision.

Really looking forward to
learning this whole Druid
mind-reading thing.

What are we talking about?

Amberle appeared to me again.

She said she
needs to speak to Wil.

That he's your last hope.

But I don't know how
to get into the tree.
I need your help.

You don't need help.

The Ellcrys has
the answers you seek.

Allanon, you don't understand.
I've been to the tree so many
times and I've never--

This is different.

This time
you have been summoned.

You must get to
Arborlon at once.

Doing okay, Your Highness?

I'm feeling reflective.

I suppose that is
to be expected.

Hard to see life for what
it is when you're living it.

My father used to say,
no matter how long
one walks this earth,

the end always comes
sooner than you expected.

Sounds like a cynical guy.

Oh, he was
nothing if not practical.

All I wanted was to

safeguard my kingdom.

Protect my daughter and

provide for
her children's children.

I had only
the best of intentions.


I think we all
start out that way.

Then reality kicks us
in the head.

And now the end has come,

and it's too late
to right any wrongs.

I beg you.
Find Lyria, protect her.

Protect Heaven's Well.
At all costs.

It's time.

I'm ready.

I'm sorry I have
to leave like this.

No, of course, you need to go.

I'm glad you made
it back in one piece.

As a Druid to boot.

So, what do you think
Amberle wants?

Oh, I'm not sure.

Hoping she can

tell me what I need to know
to defeat the Warlock Lord.

I'm sure it's more than that.

I know what she meant to you.

Yeah, I've wanted
to see her for a year
and now I get the chance.

Hmm. You're scared.

Well, along with
a thousand other emotions.

Sure you're okay?

Other than the weight
of a thousand-year-old
order on my shoulders,

I'm good.

All right.

I know Allanon hasn't been
the world's greatest dad,

but I'll bet he's
a hell of a teacher.

Wil, we should go
before we lose more daylight.

Good luck.

You, too.

Don't b*at yourself up.

You're not the first girl
to fall for Wil Ohmsford.

I'm that obvious, huh?

Let's just say, I've been there.

I'd know that look anywhere.

Is it weird that
I'm jealous of a tree?

WIL: You haven't said
three words since
we left Storlock. What's up?

Nothing. I'm fine.

Your ears are turning red.

You stole my line.

There is something
I need to tell you.


Ander's dead. Riga k*lled him.

He was a good man.

But now that he's gone,
what will become of
the Elvin people?

I mean, he was the last
in the royal line.

Except he's wasn't.

-Ander wasn't the last.

His father, his brothers.
Even Amberele.

King Eventine's sister
had a child.

A girl.


Mareth is the next in line
for the throne of Arborlon.

A Druid sword?

Of my own?

It is time.

How does it work?

You must focus.

Try to clear your mind
of distractions.

Very good.

Now you must learn how
to use this to fight.

* Are we running out of time?

* I feel the instinct
To survive

* Today is not the day we die

* You'll never take me
You'll never take me

* You'll never take me alive

* You'll never take me
You'll never take me

* You'll never take me
You'll never take me alive

* You'll never take me alive

* I feel the instinct
To survive

* Today is not the day we die

* You'll never take me alive *