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02x03 - Beware the Cannibals

Posted: 11/11/21 17:57
by bunniefuu
What if this is Room Six?

What if we're still
inside the house?

Why would this place
make another me?

Is that what I am?

My husband will be home soon.

I'm your husband.

This is not your home,

and that is not your dad.

He k*lled himself.

Do you know how badly I've
wanted a second chance

to talk to him?

Whatever is going on here,

we should be terrified of it.

We need to find the exit door.

Jules, let your
sister open it first.

- I've missed this.
- Pizza from Sciscilo's.


- Jules.
- Good-bye, little sis.


You okay?


Are you sure? You wanna talk?


What I wanna do is
go and get Margot.

I just can't let
anything happen to her.

You know, she's the closest
thing I have to a sister.

Morning, Margot.

Morning, Margot.


Morning, Margot.


Morning, Margot.

Good morning, Margot!

Morning, Margot.

Good morning.

Good morning, Margot.

Morning, Margot.


Morning, Margot.


What would you like
for breakfast?

I don't know, you are
full of surprises.

No, not really.

Where's, um...

Jules, she left.


No, not Jules.

It's just you and me.

Hey, my head kinda hurts. Are
you having breakfast, too?

I ate.

Why didn't you wait for me?

Oh, you are full of questions.

Can you blame me?


Wish I had more answers.

But somehow I think
I was put here

because that's what you wanted.

Or needed.

And I'm not gonna look a
miracle in the mouth.

Look at that, look at that.

Aren't you beautiful, Lacey?

Aren't you beautiful?
That's you and me.


Look at that, baby.
That's our life.

You remember that?

Can't you see how much
we love each other?


Do you remember that?

Can you see how happy we were?

Who's that? That...

Is that someone you imagined?

Does he really exist or
is that just pictures?

He exists.

I married him.

No, no, you married me.

You married me.


Hey, look who I found.


Did you know that it
takes 40 gallons of sap

to make one gallon of syrup?

Yeah, I think you
told me that once.

I guess that's why
it's so expensive.


Why'd you do it?

Do what?

Leave us.

I was, uh, hoping we could
work our way up to this.

So we can't talk about this?

If certain thoughts
are gonna hurt you,

it might be best
not to think them.

Well, how am I
supposed to do that?

You died.

Fair point.

Everything I've
thought since then,

it brings me back to that.

I found you.

You didn't look like you.
Your face...

You know, death used
to be this thing

that was... it was out of sight,

it was in hospitals
and on the news.

You know, it's abstract
until it's right there

in your living room.

And then it's heavy.

And it's cold.

And it smells bitter.

And, you know, it wasn't
just why you did it

that I couldn't stop
thinking about it.

It was... it was what it
must have felt like for you.

You know, to have your
throat closing up

and your eyes swelling.

Being suffocated
by your own face.

I became obsessed with it.

I just wanted to
see what you saw

and feel what you felt.

Just anything that would make
me feel closer to you again.

It happened fast.

And the, uh...

the reaction just squeezed

all the thoughts out of my head,

like toothpaste.

Like toothpaste.

The I passed out.

There wasn't much pain.



I love you, Margot.

And I am here for you.



More syrup?



Okay, let's go for a run.

I'm gonna go for a walk.

What? Wait, wait.

Let go.

- Stay here, hon.
- No, I wanna go for a walk.

- Why?
- I need some air.

Well, I'll join you.

Um, you know, I just actually
need some time to think.

I'm gonna go to my room.


You okay?

Can I just have a minute?

You can have all the
time in the world.

Okay, so what's the plan?

How are we gonna, you
know, get out of here?

If there even is a
way out of here?

We came in through a door.

If there's a way in, there's
got to be a way out.


She's right. We'll find it.

We'll keep looking until we do.

After we get Margot.


Are you ready to talk?


I know you saw what
was in the trash.

I'm still trying to figure
this out for myself,

but I think that's what I eat,

and I think I wanted
you to see it

because I think that I'm
gonna get hungry again soon,

and I think it's
gonna get worse,

and I think I might
lose control, so...

Unless you could maybe,
you know, feed me.

Okay, honey.


You know how much I love you.

And I know that you
love me, so...


Could you help me, please?

Look, I think that, uh...

Can you just come back in a bit?

Uh... okay.

You know, I think you're
starting to scare me,

so could you open
this door, please?

Okay, look, I love you,

and please just open the door.

Just open the door.

Open the door!

Let me in!

- You gotta help me, please.
- Watch the flowers.

Someone's trying to hurt me.
Can you help me, please?

You think it's gonna rain?


All right, there she is. Margot!




- Which way did she go?
- Watch the flowers.

- Which way?
- Hey, I said watch the flowers.

- Margot!
- I said watch the flowers.

Which way did she go?
Which way did she go?

- Watch the flowers!
- Let me go! Let me go!

Watch the flowers! I
said watch the flowers!




No, no!

No! No!

No! God!

No! No!







- Hey, hey.
- Hey.

Shh, shh.






All right, come on.

You know when you lose a tooth,

and you like push your
tongue in the spot

where it used to be?

There's this mother-shaped
hole in my brain.

I mean, I know I have a mother,

but I can't remember
anything about her.

It's like he took
the memory and...

ate it.


Can you check something out
with me a couple streets over?

Lacey, I'm home.


Turn around.

Come here.

Yeah, okay, that's it. Back up.
Back up I...

He wasn't real, baby.

What'd you see in Room Five?


What families?

The ones I grew up with,

in the foster homes.

They were all just in
that room waiting for me.

What were they like?

The families that you, like,
actually grew up with?

I don't remember.

You're not that old.

How old are you?

I'm... I'm in my 20s, okay?


That's not why I don't
remember, all right?

I don't remember because...

because I don't
want to remember.

That easy, huh?

You can decide to forget things.

The only thing I remember
is the next family,

because the next family was
gonna be the good family.

Whoa, look.

What the hell is that?

I think it's the
edge of the world.

I went into one of those
unfinished spaces before.

I just came out of another one.

But I don't know that I
want to go into that.

Hey, but if this
place has borders

and we can see where they are,

then at least we know what
we're dealing with, right?




God, you scared me.

You all right?

You don't look too good.

Yeah, I, uh, think this
place is making me sick.

I really need to
get out of here.

You got an idea where to
find the emergency exit?

No, but you and me
could go look for it.

I mean, it doesn't
do us much good

just to wait here
till they get back.

Where are Margot and Seth?

They went... I don't know.
They went out.

What? Why?

I don't know.

Small world.

Yeah, it only goes one way.

It's really something, isn't it?

Are you kidding?

Nothing wrong with
enjoying the moment.

Hey, is that it?

It might be.

Well, obviously it doesn't
want to be found.

I mean, it's worth
checking it out, right?








Where did you go?

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Come on, come on.

- Let's go!
- Right now! Right now!

- Jules!
- Wait, is that him?

- Go! Let's go!
- Oh, God.

Come on, come on, come on.
Jules, come on.

- We gotta keep moving.
- Wait, wait, wait.

We gotta hide. He's coming.

Quick, over here.
Come on, come on.


Margot, wait, please.

You asked me why I did it.

After I took the pills, I
knew it was a mistake.

But it was too late.

I was in such pain.

It was like a storm

that you kept waiting for
it to pass, you know,

but it... it never did.

I was afraid that the
pain was contagious,

that you would be
better off without me.

But-but you were what
I had lived for.

You were what I had
fought so long for.

I'm so sorry.

- I love you so much.
- Stop.

It's like you just pulled the
words right out of my head.

You can't tell me anything I
don't already know, can you?

'Cause you're not really him.

You're just made up of what I...

what I already know or...

what I hoped was true.

Honey, you...

What's up?

We have guests.

Glad I found you guys.

I thought maybe I was the only
one who made it this far.

Yeah, we should have listened
to you when you warned us.

The house has a way of
splitting people up.

It gets in your head,
finds your weaknesses,

and it makes these
things out of them.

Like memories that
eat other memories.


"Beware the cannibals."

What happens to these cannibals

when they run out
of memories to eat?

Who gives a shit?

So you saw your dad. What
about the rest of you?

Well, maybe you don't want
to give it up just yet.

Maybe you're not ready to leave.

These people you see
standing around,

talking nonsense, they've
been here too long.

Is that what happened to her?


Yeah, there's not much left.

But if I could just get
her back to reality,

I think it'll come back to her.

Where do we go? How
do we do that?

We went back. The house is gone.

So that's not an option.

Maybe we just have to
find some other way.

It's not gone. It's hiding.

It just keeps itself out
of sight long enough

that we get so hollow we
forget to look for it.

Well, I think we know
where it's hiding.

Yeah, she's right.

Then let's go.

No, let's head out
in the morning.



I couldn't sleep, so...
Really? Why?

You wanna come keep me company?

Yeah, that's kind of
why I'm here, I guess.

Where's Jules?

Oh, she's asleep.

Thanks for coming with me today.

Yeah, no, of course.

It must have been really hard.

You just don't always know
what people are thinking,

you know?

Yeah, well, that's
all life is, right?

It's just one leap of
faith after another,

and end up just being a
bunch of disappointments,

and then you die.

Oh, my God.


That's a great outlook on life.
That's great.

I know you like it 'cause
you're actually a misanthrope.

No, I'm not.

It's... Jules.



You falling apart already?

I, uh, think I'm
allergic to something.