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02x01 - Multitiaxal System

Posted: 11/11/21 18:49
by bunniefuu
CHANCE: Eldon Chance is a 53-year-old
forensic neuropsychiatrist.

Of late, he is increasingly aware

of a mental state he finds
to be muddied and unstable.

CHANCE: Mrs. Blackstone?

It says here that you separated
from your husband

after he struck you in the face.

Shortly thereafter, you became
aware of a second personality...

Jackie Black.

Jackie is daring and extroverted,

JACLYN: He'll k*ll me. He said he would.

I could be putting us both in danger.

We're a predatory species.

And next time we coincide
like this, that's on you.

I will not accept

this problem cannot be solved.

This is D. D, meet Dr. Chance.

You want to get down with this cop,

you need to turn the tables on him.

And how would I do that?

You might hire it done.

What you just did
was some kind of audition?

There are no victims.

Right now Blackstone is the feeder,

you're the receiver.

You've got to turn that around.

They've been dating for five months?

I just never thought
I would find out like this.

We don't even know
for sure what this is.

It's this boy's parents telling us

that our daughter is a stalker.

I'm not having trouble.

When he's in love, he's totally in love.

And then, when it's over

and you want to try to still
be friends with him,

that means you're obsessed
and you can't let go.

Hey, Doc. Detective Hynes.

Detective Blackstone stalked and
harassed you and your friend,

and he b*at you up.

Stay away from my wife!

JACLYN: Do you really still not see

what dangerous ground this is?

Or is that what you like about it?

He's not omnipotent, Jaclyn.

There are limits.

Not until he's dead.

You're my knight.

Third move in the template.

A single, fatal blow
to the aortic arch...





We're gonna fix what's wrong with us.

The both of us.

That's what matters.

So now he's gone... Blackstone.

You were there, on the scene.

What are the odds?

A man who wanted me dead
now is dead because of me.

I can't take that lightly.

So, what happens now?

Welcome to the neighborhood.







- Morning.
- Morning.

- Good morning.
- Hey.


Roses have thorns.

I don't know if lilies do.

Well, that's how they're different.

Can you tell me how they're alike?



Same color.


Dog and a cat.

They have tails.

They go fast.

Imagine that you are
a thousand miles from home

and you only got
one dollar in your pocket.

What would you do?

- Where?
- Doesn't matter.

I might know someone who lives
in that place, though.

Imagine, for the purposes
of this question,

that you don't.

I would ask somebody.

What would you ask?

What to do.

What I want you to do now

is to draw the face of a clock, okay?

Make it big enough

so that the numbers fit
all the way around.

And set the hands to 20 past 12:00.

JIAO: Uh, past 12:00?



Now say after me,
"Let sleeping dogs lie."

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Can you repeat the three words

that I asked you to remember
at the beginning?




Hey. You Matty Willis?

Yeah. I know you?

Not at all.




Patient answered "true"
to all these statements

with the highest number
of true statements

in the areas
of self-destructive potential

and emotional dyscontrol.

Here to have a talk.


What about?

Things you've done.


What things?

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm the one who can take the sun.






CHANCE: Hey. Clara.


Is... Is our appointment today,

- or is it Friday?
- Friday.

They just... They said
you had a minute now, so...

Indeed I do.

- Take a seat.

Oh, sorry. [CHUCKLES]

That's all right.


There you go.


So, a detective from my case

called me about Matty Willis.

She said somebody att*cked him.


Did she say what happened?

Uh, they were mugging him or something.

Stabbed him in the shoulder so bad,

he won't be able to use
his right arm anymore.

It'll just hang there.

Severed the nerve, she said.


Does that mean that
they haven't caught the guy?

Maybe it wasn't a guy, even.

Maybe it was just some other
woman he r*ped before me.


When they hung up,

I just... went to sleep.

For hours.

For the first time in however long,

I wasn't laying there

trying to hear him coming in my window.

One damn arm...

I guess he won't be coming in
any more windows now.

Guess he won't.

Is it bad that I feel good?

I mean...

You know, is that... is that wrong?

My concern is your therapy.

Your healing.

Maybe now you'll be able
to get the benefits of both.






CARL: I am quite capable
of handling my own affairs.

You capable of doing time?

'Cause that's what this looks like.




You need money, talk to me,

'cause there's ways of getting money.

Would those include work?

We're a week behind
with that consignment piece.

I'm sure you gentlemen
have things to discuss.


What was that about?

Good question.

- Museum-grade Mayan sh*t.

Not hot. I'll wear it.

Doesn't sound like Carl.

It isn't.

Something going on
he's not talking about.

I'll find out.

I was thinking the next assh*le up

should be that gay-basher.

The one who kept saying he was gonna

come to the clinic with a g*n.

Pardell? Par-Par-Pardee?

CHANCE: Pardo. Wade Pardo.

He did show up.

And he ran away when the cops came.

I don't know where he is now.

He quit his job
and dropped out of sight.

Luckily for him.

What's up with you?

We need to talk about Matty Willis.

Catastrophic blood loss.

Permanent disablement of the arm.

The man pulled a g*n.

Fastest way to neutralize the thr*at

was disrupt the brachial plexus.

I wanted him to bleed out,
he would have bled out.

Yeah. I don't doubt it.

This is the exact, same conversation

we had about Rogelio Ortiz.

Ortiz had a fish bat. Not a g*n.

I'm trying to help my patients

by removing whatever source
of ongoing trauma

is preventing them from experiencing

the benefits of therapy.

And I know that there are diverse means

of getting to that end.

I've also heard you tell a tale
about threatening people

without actually
crippling them for life.

In fact, I've seen you do it.

Yeah, well, that's not this.

This is me trying to thr*aten
people like you want,

and everybody keeps pulling out
g*ns and f*cking fish bats.

Besides, you don't think

this Matty Willis deserved what he got?

Matty Willis is a violent
home-intrusion r*pist with...

we... we don't even know
how many victims

'cause, statistically,
they probably don't even report.

He walks this world
sowing misery and destruction.

Of course he f*cking deserved it.

But... But if I have to treat
someone like Matty Willis

as a victim of violent crime, you know,

we're not really going about
this the right way.

It's the nature of the beast, Doc.

The first guy you picked, Spiegler?

- Spangler.
- The drug dealer.

- Put his mom in the ICU.
- Yeah.

I told you from the start

that is not the type of guy
who's gonna be persuaded.

Well, here's the problem.

I feel like a...

I don't know, like a drone pilot

in some desert bunker

deploying terror
from thousands of miles away.


No, that's not cool! That's exac...


I need to be there
on the ground with you...

exercising my own judgment.

'Cause, frankly,
I'm not sure I trust yours.

Sounds good.



Say someone sees you
while you're doing that...

enough to describe you.

How long do you think
it's gonna take the cops,

even using a quarter of their ass,

to figure out you and your job

are the common denominator
between these guys?

Your patients are off their meds.

They're sleeping through the night.

They're looking you in the eye, right?

That's how this sausage gets made, Doc.

Brachial plexuses.

Pardon me... plexi.

Sooner you accept that,
the better off we'll be.

LUCY: But before Dr. Chance,

I worked in
the Stanford admissions office,

and that was like a 50-person staff.

So you definitely can organize
multiple schedules, then.


How old's your daughter now?

11 months.

And your parents
are helping out with her?


That's great.

- Is that great?
- For her.

They basically had me
where they wanted me.

I couldn't afford to pay rent anymore,

but they wouldn't let us move in

until I dropped out
of my psychology grad program.

For real? Why?

My parents are old-school Koreans

who think that mental health
is a Western construct.

I think they'd honestly prefer it

if I was, like, a shaman.

So what would they think
if you came to work here?

Oh, they'd love it...
because I would tell them

I'm assistant managing
a-a sneaker store.

For him. He owns a franchise.

It's always been a dream of mine.

Shall we give her the tour?

- CHANCE: Sure.
- I'm gonna leave this.

Yeah. I'm gonna go tell Lydia
what we're doing.

All right.


So, how's the, uh...?

- Baby? Yeah, good.
- Mm-hmm.

Um, she's nice... boss lady.

Dr. Clayton? Yeah, she's very nice.

If you weren't already hitting that,

I'd tell you to.

I am not "hitting" anyone.


No, seriously. I'm not.

- Gotcha.
- We ready to go?

- Sure.
- Yep.

KIRSTEN: We're a level-one
trauma center now,

open to all San Francisco residents

who have been who have been
a victim of violent crimes

in the last three years.

We have three psychologists,
including me,

three psychiatrists,

and one... excuse me...

and one neuropsychiatrist.

Be me.

Plus med students, peer counselors...

- ...nurse practitioners.

- I'm so sorry.

[SIGHS] Intern orientation.

And we have interns, too.

Uh, that's okay. It's great to meet you.

You, too. And, seriously,
I hope you take the job.

Because you'd be terrific.

And we need deep background on Eldon.

I'm not.

Deep background?


So, what about the job?

Oh, I don't know.

You don't know?

Uh, well, if getting you

out of your mother's house
for 40 hours a week

and eventually back into Stanford

isn't enough incentive,

I don't know what else
we can offer, so...

Oh, God.

You really think you have me
with that, don't you?

Do I?


Welcome aboard.

I guess I thought this
was gonna be something else.

I don't know.

Victims of Violent Crime Unit...

I'm not a victim of violent crime.

The referral originated,

uh, with Susan Lipton
at the U. S. Attorney's Office.

She thought it would be helpful
if you talked to someone.

She could have done her job.

That would have helped.

And she could have won

your father's case against Dawson Pitt.

No, not just Dad's... the whole thing,

the umbrella case
of like 50 of the victims.

But, yeah, sure.

If she'd gotten Pitt to give
people their money back.

But she didn't.


So how long was it after that

that your father k*lled himself?

49 days.

And you were the one who found him.




I needed to use the bathroom.

I-I thought the door was stuck.


Well, a shock like that...

That's... That's
its own kind of v*olence.

It's every bit as debilitating
as physical trauma,

and the effects last as long,
if not longer.


The numbness and the distress,

the pain, the fear, the rage.

That's what this is about?


According to Ms. Lipton,

you said that you wanted
to k*ll Dawson Pitt...

You said it more than once.

I didn't mean it.

I'm sure you didn't.

It... It didn't mean anything.

But it did.



- No, I-I...
- You were f*cking texting?

No, I wasn't texting.

I was minding...
I just turned the corner.

I don't know,
you just came out of nowhere.

I came out of nowhere?

- I was parked. You ran into me.
- Hey.

I was waiting, like, forever
for the bus. Sorry.

- Hey. You all right?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- Yeah?

Do we have to get tickets still?

- What am I looking at? That!
- I don't even...

- I don't...
- Okay, fine.

No, it's, uh... It's a preview.

- We can just walk in.
- Okay.

SMALLER MAN: Do I look like
I have that kind of time?

NICOLE: I think it's there... 2408.

BEEFY GUY: Look, I know a guy

who can pop that dent for a buck fifty.

$150 for that?!

I just tapped you! That's ridiculous!

Right. And left a dent.

No! No! It...

His bumper's too low.

The dent in your bumper's

too high for him to make contact.

He didn't do it.


Who are you, Joe f*cking Allstate?

He dinged my truck,
and now he's making it right.

Why don't you mind
your own f*cking business?

He didn't do it.

So now I'm a liar?


I don't think this is your first time.

Every instinct I have

says to grind you into a f*cking pulp.

No, that's not instinct.

Instinct is behavior
based on prior experience.

I think you've had plenty of experience,

through an abusive father

or maybe you weren't
listened to or valued,

so you compensate for
that lack of value in private

by acting out in public

and taking it out on guys like that.

Or, here's another theory.

There's plenty of evidence for it.

You're just a f*cking prick.



You're gonna be lucky
if you live long enough

to dance with her
at her wedding, you f*ck.

- Dad, what are you doing?!
- What the f*ck are you looking at?

- Get in your car!
- Stop.



Thank you.

WOMAN: It's different.

- Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Hmm.

It's, um...


Well, now, that is something
I could look at every day.

What do you think?

Yeah, I'm gonna need
more information than that.

It's 8 grand. You don't have 8 grand.

It's an investment.

I'll leave it to you when I die.

Do you have something
you want to say to me?

You're gonna die pretty soon

if you don't stop picking fights
with random assholes

like that dummy with the truck.

I just wanted him to shut up.

Don't you feel like that sometimes?

Pepper's mom said this thing
to her the other day.

Oh, really?

Does it got anything to do

with why she named her daughter Emily

and yet calls her "Pepper"?

- 'Cause I really don't get that.
- It's a nickname.

She said, if Pepper was
thinking about doing something,

she should try to imagine
the worst possible outcome.

And if she could live with it,
then she should go ahead.

But if she couldn't imagine it,
or live with it...

Yeah, but she's talking about
dr*gs, probably, or drinking.

What if that guy had gotten a tire iron?

Is it cool for me to act
like that, or only you?


Are you thinking of doing something

that has an outcome you can't live with?


I'm sorry. I...

You should buy it.

You think so?



Here you go.

Thank you.


So, I left you alone with the deck.


Don't be afraid.

Ah, you got one too many cards.

- What?!
- Don't.

How is that... You just randomly take...

I randomly took from mine, too.



This hand is a house full of strangers.

You are so hostile.

I love how you think I can
control the cards you get.

But I am glad they suck.

Oh, I am well acquainted

with the limits of what you can do.

- Hmm.
- I don't want the discard.

Me, neither.



Like all good men aspire to do,

I've given you what you want.

Not on purpose.

My decency and generosity
know no bounds.

I just can't help but do right.

My God, you're like a f*cking sea gull.

Swooping in to eat abandoned
hot dogs on the beach.

I found this in the bathroom.

Would you rather play chess instead?

No, I-I don't play chess anymore.

I used to. I don't.

Well, that's a shame.

I kind of like chess.


Really? Uh-huh.

You're a hell beast.


This is horrible.

It seems like maybe you're
gonna need a minute, so...

Yeah, yeah.

I am going to grab a shower.

All right.




D: Pinto, eyes up.

Gather round.

The key word is stealth.

We're not looking to wrestle.

We're looking to be f*cking invisible.

First, I need a leveraging move.

Here's one... Forearms
to your target's back.

Both hands sh**t over his traps,

- catch the chin, and snap the head back.

Now you sh**t the arm,
lock up the choke.

Grab my arm.

That's the instinctual move right there,

which is good for me... Why?

- He's not going for a w*apon.
- Right on.

I can feel his hands, I'm good to go.

Lock in the choke.

Can't be broken without a w*apon.

Drop your hands.

I can't feel his hands,
I need to deal with that.


All right. Pair up.

Let's run through it. Time your chokes.

4 to 5 seconds, he's out for 20.

Hold it for 20, he's out for 40.

- Hold it for 40, he's dead.

MAN: All right, do it again.

I want to see two beats...

leverage move, choke, then lights out.

5 seconds tops, unless you
really don't like the guy.


Sorry, Mac.

Snap the head, sh**t the arm.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

I've been choked out before, Doc.

I'm sure you have.

I just... Why don't you do it to me?

- You don't want to go?
- No, it's okay.

You're not crushing the guy's windpipe,
for Christ's sake.

It's about blood flow.

It's about oxygen deprivation.

Starvation. Death of cells.

Actually, it's about vasodilation

and dropping the blood pressure.


Say good night, Doc.


- ♪ I always thank heaven ♪

♪ For sending me you ♪


♪ When heaven made you, darling... ♪


His blood pressure's actually fine.

Bizarrely fine.

Table salt plays a critical role

in helping your digestive system
absorb nutrients.

"Nutrients." It's not kale, you know?

Also, it's essential for maintaining
normal fluid levels in cells,

contracting muscles,
sending nerve impulses.

I bet your ankles are so swollen
you can't even see the bones.

I'm fairly sure,
whether I can see them or not,

they're there.

Just... Just let him eat, will you?

Listen to the man.


It's like you both have
death wishes or something.


He's just constantly

getting into these things
with people these days.

Like, I come to meet him
on Clement Street,

and he's in some big
truck-driving guy's face

over parking or whatever.

And last week, we were on BART...

Oh, come on,
that's just a bunch of kids.

- They were...
- Scary g*ng-banging kids.

They were not.

Bluetooth speaker blasting.

He goes over and just turns it off.

- You touched their sh*t?
- Yes, I touched their...

- What did they do?
- Just stared at him.

I think they were too shocked to react.

And then this other time,
we're in the supermarket,

and Dad sees this guy grab
his son by the arm, so...

- Well...

[SIGHS] Mom.

Just take it.


The f*ck are you up to, brother?

What do you mean?


You always say yourself that...

bullies are usually cowards.

Is why you're going around

randomly trying to get sh*t
to jump off with them?

She's just blowing stuff
out of proportion.

She sounded pretty proportional to me.

Is this something you're doing
for the good of your patients,

or is it something
completely f*cking different?

I don't know.

I'm just... being present.

Being in the world.

Yeah, well, the next time
you're doing that,

I think I'd better be there
to exercise my own judgment,

'cause I don't think I trust yours.

In fact, if this is what
you're getting up to, Doc,

then it should be in service
of the mission.

Of your patients.

You're putting yourself
out there like that...

come with me.

Do it for them.

Otherwise, cut the sh*t.

You can even call the ball.

We can persuade and thr*aten
and not create a victim

out of whoever you want.

How's that?







♪ Blanca me parió mi madre ♪

♪ De vicio me has de aborrecer ♪


♪ Blanca como el algodón ♪

♪ Andando juntos,
juntitos hemos de amanecer ♪

MAN: So this is the best you got?

This is everything... your best?

- Absolutely.
- Yep. You're gonna like it.

All right, let's see.


No way! That's impossible!

You can... No way you can do that!


All right.


Dawson Pitt?

Yeah. We know each other?

Not just yet.

But I was hoping we could talk.


Outside would be better.

Where we can actually hear.

It's important.

I got a tip for you.

You're gonna want to hear this.

Trust me.





It's a little weird.

It's very, uh, cloak-and-dagger, dude.

But, uh... whatever.

Lay it on me. What do you got?

James Swanson.

I don't...

He's a former client of yours.

sh*t himself after you took
all his money.

His son wants the money back,

and you're gonna give it to him.

Oh, really?

Come on, Dawson.

You don't even think about it?

You ever think about
the damage you've done,

the pain you've caused?

There's not some little part of you

that wants to make it right?

I don't know who you are
or what you really want,

but that case was litigated and blocked.

And even if it hadn't been?

f*ck the f*ck off!

Listen to me.

Alex Swanson has got friends
you do not want to meet.

- Trust me.
- Yeah?

Tell Alex if any more
of his friends try to see me,

I will sue his broke,
fatherless ass for harassment.

Now get your hands off me!

Don't you f*cking touch me!

You are not f*cking listening to me!

- Listen!
- Get the f*ck off of me, m*therf*cker!




f*cking... f*cking sh*t!








I wouldn't say that went well.




I don't know what happened.

I do.

I used to work with guys,

back when I was collecting money...

Some of 'em, when it went too easy,

there wasn't a fight,

they used to be dangerous to be around.

They needed that adrenaline dump.

You could see it in their faces.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I know you want to be
on the ground for this sh*t.

But to be on the ground,
you got to be in control.

And you're not.

So I'm sending you
back to the bunker, Doc.

Busting you back to drone pilot.

'Cause you talk about

not wanting to create any new victims,

but you sure seemed to like doing it.


- CHANCE: Just making a plan...

for if there ever comes a moment

where you feel like you could leave.

Or if you feel like you have to.

Just so you know exactly where
you'd be going if you left.

All right?

We don't... We don't
have to do anything.

We're just... We're just talking.


You don't have to do anything,
but you'll know you could.

All right?


So where do you think you might go?

My sister, maybe.

Although I feel like...

if he asked her where I was,
she would tell him.

She says she doesn't, but she likes him.

All right.

Not your sister.

Um, is there anywhere else?

My last birthday, we had a cake at work.

And after, my boss said
if I ever needed anything,

she would help me, no matter what.

Just, like, out of nowhere.

So maybe her.

I could ask.


Now, before we go,

if we have to call you for any reason,

are we still the gynecologist?

Yeah, uh, but Dr. Simms left,

so they moved me over to Dr. Diamond.

Diamond. All right.

You must get tired, huh?


How do you mean?

Talking about this so much,

but then nothing happens.

Nothing changes.

You know, when we first started,

you wouldn't talk about any of this.

You couldn't.

Now, with every week that's gone by,

I've seen a change in you.

You got off the Lexapro,

and you're holding yourself straighter.

You're valuing yourself.

You'll... You'll do this
when you're ready.

What if I...?

What if I don't, though?

Then you won't.

But you will.







Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

I just had to take a load off.

What are you doing here?

Long time no see, Doc.

We need to talk.

Here you go.

Confusion to our enemies.



You mind?


So, what is this?

You ever have one of those cases
that keep you awake at night

and make you wonder
if you can fix things,

or what's the f*cking point of anything?

I'm sure you've had one
of those, right, Doc?

Well, this one's mine.

I had an informant
from an Ohio... Travis.

He's a good kid.

He liked jewelry and dr*gs.

One night, he was breaking
into a high-end car

down on Toland Street,

and just before he got the trunk open,

someone sh*t him in the head.

He didn't die, though. You believe it?

Small caliber, oblique angle...

skated around his skull

until it landed behind his eye socket.

So, eventually, he was able
to give me a make of the car

and a partial plate number.

The fact that it was even there

was interesting in light of the fact

that I was called to this scene
the next day,

a block away.

It'd be stupid to think
they weren't related.

A block away, same night.

Woman found with her throat cut,

kid sh*t in the head breaking into a car

that shouldn't even have been there.

It registered to a Ryan Winter.

Now, you don't seem like you're
too up on the tech world,

but the man's made a ton of money in it.

He's given away enough to earn a halo.

Read an article once

that he said he wants to die
with his pockets empty.

People think he's charming.

Well, people think all
rich people are charming.

But I've looked into him more than most,

and I've never once seen him smile.

What about this... this
informant... Travis?

You had what he told you...

Wasn't that circumstantial evidence?

Could've been.

But, um, once Travis left the hospital,

he disappeared.

Everybody said he went back to Ohio,

but I didn't believe that.

But I couldn't find him anyway,

and without him,
I don't have probable cause.

Without him, I don't have sh*t.


So what's this got to do with me?

Well, you get in people's heads
for a living, right, Doc?

I've tried everything I could do.

So I'm gonna need you to get

into Ryan Winter's head for me.

So... take a look at all this.

And when you're done...

we'll get started.

What happens if I say no?

What happens?

You think you know things. And you do.

You know that Blackstone threatened me.

You know that he b*at me.

That I got scared, came to you for help.

You know that I saw his wife...
more than just once.

But there's not one thing you know

that can prove that my story
about how I fell isn't true.

Well, you being unaware
of recent developments...

I can see why you'd say that.

You remember the car crash
down at the beach that night?

Couple of Romanians in a Mercedes?

Well, I forgot about them, too,

until the Sacramento PD

picked them up on an old g*n warrant.

And remembering them
made me remember you.

Now, they're a couple of hard cases.

Not big talkers.

But what do you think they'd say

if I went down there and told them

I could get them some traction
if they were to tell me

why they were really
at the beach that night.

You think they'd tell me
stuff I already know?

Or, maybe, do you think they'd tell me

if they seen who really
k*lled Blackstone?

Or they're gonna tell me
that your story's true?

You know, there's something
different about you, Doc,

from the guy I met last year,

something in your... your eyes.

Or maybe that guy was the put-on,

and this is the real you.

But... [SIGHS]

...I guess it doesn't matter

'cause we're in this together now.

Whoever you are.





D: So somebody k*lled somebody.

f*cking awesome.

How is it my problem?

Because this f*cking cop Hynes says so?

Well, uh, yeah, that's a place to start.

He's a cop.

So was Blackstone.

I haven't met one worth two shits.

You do this... We do this... What then?

We're done?

He's got us by the balls is what.

You want to be
this f*cking guy's lackey?

That is not happening.

Set a meet. I'll s*ab him in the eye.

Now, how did I know that
that was gonna be your fix?

For all we know, this guy Hynes,

he's more like us
than he's like Blackstone.

Could be tired, he's frustrated,
he's hamstrung,

he's tired of all the bullshit
he's got to go through

to do the right thing.

And this Winter guy... He's for real.

He's worse than any of the predators

we've had to deal with.

He's worth directing
our energies towards.

Any cop that would resort to blackmail's

got something to hide.

And I want to know what.

He's got a hammer over us?
I want one over him.

I want a hammer to hold over
this fucker's f*cking head

for thinking he f*cking owns us.

Yeah, but he does own me, D.

That's the truth of it.

He puts the San Francisco Police on me,

I'm not gonna make it.

If it's between holding out or prison,

eventually, I'm gonna tell them...

tell them whatever they want to know.

About what I did. About Carl.

About you.

I can't leave my daughter.

I wont.

We do have a choice.

You sit tight. I check out Hynes.

Go home.

Take a shower. Cool your blood.



- HYNES: Oh, okay.
- TRAVIS: He saw me.

You can't touch that.


I didn't see anything.

Sure. That's okay.

He saw me.

It's okay. Nobody's gonna...

What if he knows I didn't die?

You're safe now. Get some rest.

HYNES: I did a search by method
and functional characteristics.

I found three more women...

one in Hayward, one in Oakland,
one in San Jose.

All in the same 10-year age range.

All with their throats cut.

And I can place Ryan Winter

in the vicinity of all three
of these murders.






♪ It's like a movement from the
small place to a bigger city ♪

♪ Or it's a bigger bag to strap
the ego of a little baby ♪

♪ It's like a discipline
without the discipline ♪

♪ Of all of the discipline ♪

♪ It's like a culture ♪

♪ Without the effort
of all of the culture ♪

♪ Oh, but I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're pillaging, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're yesterday, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're fast and easy, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're pillaging, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ For best results, well, I'm tapped ♪

♪ Here comes the report ♪

♪ Nothing to report see,
it's all the same ♪

♪ It seems the punk rock
as an experiment ♪

♪ Well, it pulled up lame ♪

♪ You got the fat guy in the
T-shirt doing all the singing ♪

♪ Straight to the drunk t*nk ♪

♪ Doing all the research
and doing all the blame ♪

♪ You're history, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're fast asleep, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're pillaging, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ For best results, well, I'm tapped ♪



What's your emergency?

Someone's hurt.

Uh... Uh, I don't know.
Mugging, or... Yeah.

There's, uh... There's blood.

I think he hit his head on the pavement.

Can you hurry, please?

♪ It's like the culture ♪

♪ Without the effort
or all of the luggage ♪

♪ It's like a discipline
without the discipline ♪

♪ Of all of the discipline ♪

♪ It's like a movement ♪

♪ Without the bother
of all of the meaning ♪

♪ It's like a culture ♪

♪ Without the culture
of all of the culture ♪

♪ You're history, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're fast and easy, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ You're pillaging, and I'm tapped ♪

♪ And you're finicky, and I'm tapped ♪



♪ Here's a change ♪