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02x08 - Opportunity Cost

Posted: 11/13/21 14:57
by bunniefuu
Early this morning
we broke 300,000 users.

All because of you, Wes.

You put on a clinic
at BuzzTech.

Are we on a first date?

I didn't know that.

I'm wearing my date dress.

I need to know,
can you protect my investment?

-What is this about?
-We're just out here chillin'.

It's like all of my friends.

Come back then
with some of my friends.

You ever have these?

Missing out.

These aren't all for me,
by the way.

I promised my kids.

Okay, so ArakNet.

There's no guarantee
this cuts through.

I gotta be clear about
that right up front.

Everybody's hip
to this sorta thing.

Different times, you know?

-Isaak says you're the best.
-I am.

When can you
have it out there?

I got a couple guys
I can put on it right away.

This one girl actually did
a piece on Hillary last year...

You promised you'd be writing
this yourself, Steve.

But if you really I'm a little
need it that quick... now.

You liked that?

Stells, come here.

You don't have to do that.

So, last week
was a good week.

But we're nowhere close.

We managed to undercut some
of Guizer's user base, but...

I mean, they, they just got
too much exposure already.

We need Beyonc.

That music streamin'
outfit, Tidal.

Little company.

Hard to compete
with Apple and Spotify.

Those are big dogs.

And then they go and sign an
exclusive deal with Beyonc.

Now if you're a Beyonc fan,

you've got to have
Tidal to hear her new sh*t.

Well that's a hundred million
users right there.

-So, what are you saying?

You want us to call Beyonc?

What are you getting at?


sh*t, yeah,
I read about this.

380 million users.

Fifth largest social media
platform in the world.

And it just came out,

they selling their user data
to the highest bidder.

Something they said
they would never do.

They on the ropes.

They need to restore trust.

They need to reinvent

We would inherit
all their users.

Yeah, all the one's that stay.

-SchoolYard's our Bey.
-That's what's up.

My friend, Kyle, knows one
of their program managers.

So, I could probably swing
setting us a meeting.


-Where are they at?
-San Francisco.

All right.
Let's set it up

for tomorrow,
whatever it takes.

Three of us... take my jet.


Sorry, man.

Everybody knows
it was your idea.

I get it, bro.

I'm a grownup.

You all right, though?



I mean, there's a lot at stake,
and I... it's not my business.

I just wanna
make sure you're...

You're okay.

I'm good, bruh.


Well, see you
when I get back.


Keep your voice down.

SchoolYard are young,
they're idealists.

Yeah, that's exactly
where I think

we should appeal
to them, ya know?

Show them ArakNet
has the same intentions.

Operating outside the system.

No, no, no, no, no.

-No, man.

We're there to be
their white knight.

Look, if we coddle them,
if we placate 'em,

it's gonna seem like
we're desperate.

No, we go in there
and we let 'em know,

hey, you sh*t the bed.

You're hypocrite pricks.

Your company's on life support

and we're here to give you
a second chance.

I mean, maybe I'm wrong,
who knows? Who knows?

I get the suite.

Sure do.

Thank you.

I'm gonna go decimate
the mini-bar.

Good night.

I could use a proper drink,
how about you?

Yeah, yeah.

So, look...

Your dad, he's...

He's got a lot of money.

But, he has been out
of the game for over a decade.

So I, I don't feel like...

He's the most in-touch person.

And the thing about tech is,
it's very touchy.

Well, you're right,
I think you're right, but...

But I also think you're
kind of missing the point.

Enlighten me.

It's a facade.

What's a facade?
Your dad being out of touch?

No, no, tech people being

You know, at the end of the day,
people are just people.

-And Paige Clarkson...

The woman who runs SchoolYard
is not a good person.


My friend Kyle
who set this up, he...

You know, gave me

the scoop on her.

And she just
talks a big game but...

All the Kumbaya bullshit and
the company retreats to Mammoth.

They do this thing called
Activity Day

Arts and crafts.any work
and th-No... t do, like...

My God, your face...

I'm just saying...

Behind closed doors, Paige is

a very different person.


Bit of a C word.


Sorry, I know, was that...

No, you can say it.

We're in mixed company.

-In mixed company.
-Yeah, yeah.

Well, you can
whisper it to me.

All right,
I'll whisper it to you.

-Yeah, right.

Second favorite
word of all time.

-It is?

What's your first?

The monster! Get him!

-Hey! Guys! Guys! Where...
-Monkeys? Where'd you go?

They're... capturing me!

Okay, okay, okay, seriously.

I need 15 minutes.

-And then we can play, okay?
-All right, guys.

Thought you were
helping me with dinner.

Go, go, go.

Thanks, lovey,
I'll be done in 20.

I had more to drink
than you, right?

Yeah, I don't...
I don't think so.

But I think...

Then why am I more
drunk than you?

-I don't think you are.
-You're a little...

You're a tiny person.

-No, I think I'm just...
-And you're...

-Is this you?
-I just slept more probably.

-Yeah, this is me.
-sh*t, okay, that's...

Well, then, hey, that's me.

Good to know.

-I'm that guy.

You gonna be all right?
You gonna...

You know, brush your teeth
and all that stuff?

All good stuff?

Yeah, I think so.

Yeah, let me know
if you need me

to hold your hair
back or anything?

Right, well... right.

Okay, good night...

Tomorrow, at breakfast.
Pow-at 8:00 in the morning.

Yeah, that.


Sleep safe.

You too, sweet dreams.

In the U.S.

Pew Research finds that
millennials have now taken over

baby boomers as the largest
living population.

Baby boomers that core group

that define our relationship
with money...



They do, though.


Say, man.

Can't leave you out here
by your lonesome, you feel me?

Simon still holdin'
that table for us.

Just like old times.

Come hit the club, dog.

Come on.

Yeah, cool.

L.A. Seven about to hit
the club tonight, boy.

Yeah, boy.

Big Ronnie and his boys.

Like old times, fam.

Like we used to do it.

I don't think this
sh*t is ringing.

That's him.

Thank you, Raul.

Thank you.

The hell you been at?

I missed the meeting
with the network team.


Look, dude, I know you're not
all about picking our asses

up every day, but this is what
we agreed to with Wes.

You okay?

Get down, get down, get down!

-Stay down.

My God, Izzy!

-Izzy! My God!
-Stay down, stay down.

Glass is bulletproof.

Ronnie! Ronnie! Ronnie!

Stells, I got you, I got you.

Y'all all right?

Damn, Ronnie!
What the hell was that?

Were they following you?

I missed it.

Yeah, yeah, you missed it.

'Cause you're all messed up.

I could smell you
from the damn boat.

Izzy, stop, please!

I'm not gonna go anywhere, okay?

-You're going home.
-No, I'm not.

You're going
back to Palo Alto.

You're gonna beg that guy
to get back with you.

And you're gonna forget that
any of this ever happened.

No, no! Izzy!
Can you just, like,

can you put all my stuff down,

and can we just talk about this
for, like, one second?

I'm not gonna go anywhere.

Ronald sent Tam away.

When sh*t got really real,

he sent his wife
and his daughter away.

And what did I do, Stella?

I called you and I asked you
to drop everything?

And I flew your ass out here.

And I put your right here!

Right in the middle
of the problem.

That's where I put you!

You shouldn't have been here.

That stuff... Is this yours?

This is Nick.

Okay, do you wanna reschedule?

What? What?

No, hang on, sorry, sorry,
sorry, slow...

Will you just say that again
what, what that...

I've never heard of this,
I'm sorry.

The "Phoenix Sentinel?"

What the f*ck
is the "Phoenix Sentinel"?



-I don't know what...


Okay, I...

-Holy sh*t.
-My God.

This is just fake news,
this is crazy.

What the hell
is the "Phoenix Sentinel?"

Doesn't matter because
everybody else has picked it up.

Holy sh*t, I mean,
look at this.

It just doesn't have anything
to do with us,

so I don't really know,
I mean...

-This sinks us.
-Yeah, this is...

Well, let me get to the bottom
of it and I'll, I'll...

I understand. Let me get
to the bottom of it.

No, I understand,
I understand.

I don't know how it...
But it doesn't really matter.

Because it's literally...

Let us clear this up and then
I'm gonna get back to you.

It doesn't matter,
I'm gonna get back to you.

-Thank you so much.
-This doesn't make any sense.

Well, obviously,
they cancelled...

sh*t, this has
gotta be Axis, right? Axis!

Yeah, sh*t.

We need to do
a preemptive email

'cause everyone's
gonna see it.

I'm not taking
this sh*t from Axis.

So everyone...
I mean, everyone knows.

Let's start
emailing our clients.

And let them know that there's
this bullshit out there.

Why would you bail over this?

-I'm telling you...
-But the thing is is that

it's not true so...

Please, wait, wait,
don't hang up, don't hang...

Well, look, if it isn't...

Dude, you're gonna call me
tomorrow morning

and you're gonna beg me
to forget

this conversation
ever happened.

Because it... it's bullshit.

I know everyone's
picked it up.

Trust me, you don't need
to tell me that.

What I'm asking you is,
is where it came from?

-I need... I just need...
-Smoke and mirrors, man.

-I'm telling you.


-This was really dumb.

Izzy, it wasn't dumb.

-I didn't think.
-Well, I did.

I knew the risks
when I was coming out here.

This was my choice.

Not yours.

Hey, Izz? Izz?

Sorry, guys...

Can you call Nick?
He's trying to reach you.

Bad sh*t happening.

We're gonna squash it.

It's literally everywhere.

I know, Mara's talking
to some people right now.

What about our other clients?



-They're dropping like flies.
-This is gonna k*ll us.

If people think that we're
cliqued with the Feds?

No-no-no, no-no-no, look,
we can fix it.

Sure, okay, how?

Nick, you can't fix fake news.

Once people see it...

Listen, I think the only way
to get out from under this

is if the original author
comes out publicly

and says the whole thing
was a hoax.

And that, that confession
would have to be

every bit as big
as the fake story.

-That's impossible.
-Can you find out who wrote it?

Sure, I can try and trace
his IP address, but...

Dude's probably hiding
behind major layers

of proxy's and shell corps.

Yeah, okay, but it's doable.

Anything's doable, Nick.

Well, then,
let's make it happen.

What if we find the guy?

How are you gonna get
this person to come out

publicly against
his own article?


Queen! Queen!

-Check this out.

I think you're gonna be happy.

So, I hacked into
the "Phoenix Sentinel" website

and I tracked the blog
registration down


From there, I looked at
other sites that use

that exact same handle,
and one of them was linked

to this shell corporation,
Donut Fiend, LLC.

Obviously, from there
it's easy.

I just went into original
registration address

for the shell corporation and...


Steven Brasik.

Fired from the "Herald"
four years ago.

That's your guy.

You're welcome.

This guy's a douchebag.

This is a guy who makes

a million dollars a year
ruining people's lives.

He got kids, Izzy.

He got a family.

I'm not asking you
to k*ll him.

Ronnie, I just...

Convince him.

Why don't you convince him
if that's all you need?

Just movin' the pieces.

Like you always do.

Me, Nick.

Your homegirl Stella.

You don't never think of the
consequences till it's too late.

You ever think
about that, Izzy?

Why you got all this badness
that just follows you around?

I get it.

You're going through a lot
of sh*t right now.

It's understandable.

But if you can't do
this one thing...

ArakNet is as good as dead.

No! No!


It's okay...

Do y'all know
how to count to 100?

When I leave, count to 100.

Then you help Mommy
and you help Daddy.

You got that?


It's okay.

First thing tomorrow.

Make it happen.

There was the story about
Bernie last year?

Yeah, that was...
Completely made up.

There was also,
as I'm sure you recall,

a less than savory story

about some people
at our own network here.

And I feel awful about it,
Brooke, really, I do.

So, you're going
on the record to say

that story
was also fabricated?

100 percent.

Would you be willing to go on
the record right here today

and tell us pretty much
everything you've published

through the "Phoenix Sentinel"
is entirely false?

Totally fabricated,
totally false.

Hello? This is Nick.

Hey, there, how's it going?

Yeah, yeah, we actually are
still in town.

Funny enough, had a, had a
couple of meetings still.

This afternoon?

Yeah, let me...
You know what?

Let me check real fast,
hang on.

Yeah, it's gonna work fine,...

So, we'll see you there, 4:00?

Okay, excellent, see you then.


You son of a bitch.

-How are you?

-Hi, guys.
-Hey, Paige.

-Very nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-Nick, hi.

-Nice to meet you, Becca.
-You as well.

Thank you guys for coming in.

Our pleasure,
thanks for having us.

So, sorry for
bailing the other day.

Hey, that's...
It's totally understandable.

Woulda... Woulda probably
done the same thing.

Yeah, we get it.

Thank God
it got debunked, though.

Tell me about it, I mean, that
Steve Brasik guy's a creep.

Yeah, unfortunately
there's still, like,

a million other guys
just like him out there.


Know what's not fake news?

You guys seem to be
in a lot of trouble.

like, a P.R. problem.

I mean, what happened?

You were, you were
challenging the big dogs.

Facebook, Snapchat.

We, we still
have a healthy share...

You're not even part
of the conversation anymore.

I wouldn't say that.

Your stock is bleeding like
a 13-year-old girl.

And your users, I mean,
they think you're stealing

all their information
and selling it

-to the big conglomerates.
-Because you are.

Which, I mean, whatever, but...

Don't get caught, right?

Well, especially when you're
touting yourself as the...

The new digital Robin Hood.

You're not wrong.

Our CFO,
he went a little rogue.

Trying to
position us for our IPO.


But, we're in a place...

Look, did you guys
come here to pitch us

or just sh*t all over us?

You know, 'cause I got
a pretty full day.

-So, if you don't have...


Screw this, right?
I mean, what are they

gonna offer us that Guizer
already hasn't?


You guys are
talking to Alex Bell?

So, I take it that this is more
of a, a leverage meeting?

-No, no.
-No, look.

I really like
what you guys are doing.

It's friggin' rad.

Nothing is set in stone.
So, we're gonna...

Well, that's good, Paige,
that's really good.

Because I gotta tell ya,
people's opinions are not gonna

change of you just because
you team with Guizer.

Especially not when they find
out that you've been

stealing from your own

I'm sorry you lost your mom.
I lost mine the same way.

But I didn't feel the need to
set up a cancer foundation

to supplement some income.

What are you doing?

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

No? Okay,
maybe I got it wrong.

It's possible I misread.

Let me see.

No, no, there it is.

It's right there.

Where did you get this?

Same place I found your emails

detailing your affair
with Suhil.

-Hold on a second.
-I have a question for you.

Does she know you were
taking those pictures?

Because I definitely don't think
she knew you were sending them

to your buddy
Josh on the network team.

-You guys...
-Anyway, the point is

there's a lot of fun stuff
on there.

Which we can get into
or not.

-This is blackmail.
-No, no, it isn't blackmail.

I'm just telling you this in the
interest of full transparency.

And if in turn my truthfulness
caused you to go

with ArakNet instead
of Guizer, well...

It's just a boon to everyone.

I just got an email that
says they're gonna migrate...

-Let's see.
-Their users to our network

-within the week.

I'm gonna...

I'm gonna put Rance's team
in touch with Suhil.

If he's still working for 'em.

Yeah, if he's still alive

We should also,
put together

a little press release?

Yeah, yeah, I'm,
I'm already on it.

You slayed it, brotha.

Hey, thank you.

It was mostly Izzy,
but I'll take it.

-Take it.
-It wasn't mostly Izzy.

All right, you're right,
I slayed 'em.

Thank you, thank you.

I did it.

I gotta make a quick call.

Feeling good?

Yeah, super.


You were really something.



What time is it there?

Well, actually, I'm on
the West Coast tonight, so...

It's even earlier.

I miss you.

When are you gonna be

I don't know.

I'll come see you.

-I need you to get behind me.

How is my Mara?

She's amazing.


-Pull my hair.

Pull my hair. Yeah.

No, pull my hair harder.

Harder, yeah. Like that.

-You can do it harder.

She's so beautiful.

She reminds me of you,
when we first met.


No, pull my hair harder.

Pull it harder, please.


Hurt me! Yeah!

-Like this?
-Like that, yeah.

Yeah, don't... stop...

Yeah, like that.
Yeah, like that.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.


Are you okay?

I love you.

Get some sleep.

I'll talk with you soon.