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05x19 - To Catch a Jedi

Posted: 11/18/21 10:26
by bunniefuu
Ahsoka Tano on the run!

After an attack on the Jedi Temple,

Anakin Skywalker's young Padawan
found herself accused

of murdering the person
responsible for the bombings.

With no choice but to run,
she was chased by her master,

who begged her to turn herself in.

Knowing there is little hope
of being cleared of the crimes,

Ahsoka decided to find out the truth

and prove her innocence on her own.

After further investigation,
there can be little doubt

that the clone officers
m*rder*d in the escape

were k*lled by none other
than Ahsoka Tano herself.

She used a Jedi mind trick

to convince the clone to open the door

and then proceeded to cut him down

along with five other clones
along the way.

I do not believe that Ahsoka
could have fallen so far.

The beliefs of
the Jedi Council are irrelevant.

We deal strictly in facts and evidence,

and the evidence points
to Padawan Tano being guilty

of the attack on the temple

and the m*rder of the Republic officers.

This is sedition.

Skywalker, was there no way
to stop your Padawan

before she escaped?

No, Master Mundi.

The Council believes that Ahsoka

may be guilty of the crime,

still believe they are wrong,
do you, hmm?

I believe she didn't k*ll
the clone troopers

or the woman
who used the nano-droids

to blow up the temple.

That's why she's running.

To prove her innocence.

Now she's in the lower depths.

With her skills,
she will be hard to find.

Two teams we will send.

Master Skywalker and Master Plo Koon,

with clones you will go.

I think it would be best
if Skywalker stayed here.

Having you involved
may actually make things worse.

Master Windu, with all due respect,

she is my Padawan.

The reason for you not to go.

I think we're being foolish

if we take Anakin off this mission.

Who knows her better?

He's emotionally tied to her.

Probably too emotional
to do what needs to be done.

I'd rather capture Ahsoka
and find out the truth

then let her run because of a lie.

You must prove to us
that you will stay focused.

Can you?

I've already alerted security
on the lower levels

to be on the lookout for Ahsoka.

Go swiftly then, Skywalker,
and bring back this lost child

before it is too late.

Yes, Master.

This one just came in.

Looks like the Jedi
are after one of their own.

She's armed and dangerous.

Alert all units.

You heard him.

Barriss, it's Ahsoka.

Ahsoka, I'm so glad you're safe.

- Safe but on the run.
- Where?

I can't tell you,

but someone is definitely trying
to frame me.

It's not safe for you to call me

using the Jedi communicator.

Find another way to contact me.

I will.

In the meantime, I'll do some digging

and see if I can find anything out

to help you on my end.

Thank you, Barriss.

Be safe.

Hey, buddy, are you hungry?


Let's make a trade.

What do you want?

Your cloak.

Passes, please.

Passes, please.

Passes, please.

That's her. The rogue Jedi.

All units respond.

We have located the rogue Jedi.

- Uh.
- Whoa.

- Ah!
- Oh.

Get out of the way. Look out!

Stop her!

I've got her.



- Look out.
- Ah.

- Whoa.
- Ah!

Dupa-la zuga lu!

Sir, look!


Not good.

Don't worry, little guy,
I'll get us out of this.

I'll... I'll think of something.

Maybe I can cut a hole in the roof.

Ya kumay na. Ya kumay na.

Almost there. Kumay na.

Almost got it. Kumay na.

Kumay na.

Kumay na.


I, uh, guess I'm not exactly
on my game these days.

Thanks, kid. I owe you one.

The lower level police claim
to have spotted Commander Tano

heading to level 1312.

All right, let's bring her home.


Well, well, I didn't believe it

when I first heard it,

but I guess it's true,

the Senate has put a bounty
on your horned little head.

And I'm going to be the one
who collects.

Ventress, it was you, wasn't it?

You were behind all of this,
and you framed me!

I don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, you do!

So what are you now, a bounty hunter?

Yes, and someone who knows
how to make easy money.

You think
you're just gonna hand me over?

And then what?
Get a pat on the shoulder?

You're Separatist w*r criminal
and a Sith.

They'll have us both in prison
before you said your name.

I don't have to hand you
over to the Jedi.

I can hand you over to the bondsman

and still get paid.

I'm gonna get my money
whether you're dead or alive.

Heh, good luck.

Despite what you hear, I'm still a Jedi.

I'm afraid the other Jedi
no longer see it that way.

I hate to admit it, but you're right.

That's why I'm going to need your help.

In what star system do you
think I would ever help you?

A traitorous Jedi tried
to blow up the Jedi Temple

and has framed me for that
and other killings.

Mmm, so the Jedi
aren't that holy after all.

I know Dooku tried to have you k*lled.

I know he betrayed you.

What if this is his new apprentice?

I've fallen from my path

just as you've fallen from yours.

We have a lot more in common
than you think.

What can you offer me
that's better than money?

If you help me,
I'll speak to the Council

and the Senate on your behalf.

I'll get you a full pardon
for your crimes.

You have my attention.

But I'm going to go
where the tide flows.

If the tide is flowing against you,

don't think I'll forget about
the bounty on your head.

Fair enough.

I suggest we find
somewhere else to discuss this.

Shine the light over there.

Stay where you are!


Send out the probes.

I want them found now!

Nice place you have here.

Not everyone on Coruscant

lives in a luxurious temple
on the surface.

I guess I'll have to get used to that.

Just make the call.

Adding another criminal act
to your record?

I don't want them
to be able to trace it.

Barriss, it's me.

It's so good to see you, Ahsoka.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay,

if you consider Anakin
and a hundred clones on my tail

a good space to be in.

You were almost captured?

Once or twice, yeah.

Where are you?

I can't say, Barriss.

I believe I've found a clue.

A clue?

How? From where?

We don't have much time, Ahsoka.

Fine, I'm on level 1312.

A holo-booth
at the corner of 12th and G.

Got it.

Three levels up there seems
to be an abandoned warehouse

where they used to build munitions

that Letta visited during
the time she was getting access

to the nano-droids.

How did you find this out?

I told you I would do some checking.

Ah, thank you, Barriss.

Be careful, Ahsoka.


I think I have a lead.

It doesn't seem like you need my help.

That's not true.

We need to find
an abandoned munitions warehouse

on level 1315.

We should be able to find
some information there.

You know the place
I'm talking about, don't you?


I can get you there.

Listen to me.

I don't want to fight.

I do.

We're taking you in now, Commander.

That's not gonna happen, trust me.

Now I'm not going to hurt
any of you...

we're not going to hurt
any of you...

but you're not taking me in.

Commander, we are taking you in.

Let's play.

Take 'em out. Ah!

Take her out. Take her out.

Ventress, don't.

Look out! Ugh!

They'll cut us down!


Watch it!

Take a shot.

Too fast.


Ah, oh.


Didn't k*ll one.

It's the new me.

General Plo Koon, we had Commander Tano,

but she escaped
with the help of Asajj Ventress.

There it is.

That's where you're supposed
to find this clue.

I've done my part of the bargain,

which means you're on your own
from here.

But don't forget,

you have to speak on my behalf now.

That was the deal.


Thanks for getting this far, at least.

I have to admit,

I never saw us
doing anything together. Ever.

These are strange times.

I thought we decided
we were going to part ways.

Ugh, ah!


How am I supposed to find a clue

when I don't even know
what I'm looking for?



I see you've had a change of heart.

Why bring me here?

Answer me, Ventress.



Calling all units.

Suspicious activity on level 1315.



No, Wolffe, let me explain.


These are the same types
of nano-droids

that were used to blow up
the Jedi Temple.

I can't believe it.

Captured she has been?

Yes, Master Yoda.

Without incident?

No, she was subdued by the clones

and found in possession
of expl*sive nano-droids.

It still doesn't explain
Ventress's involvement.

We saw her with Ahsoka.

I think there's more going on
than we know.

By Ahsoka or against her?

That remains to be seen.

We're bringing her back to the temple.

Let's just hope we can keep her here.