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14x07 - The Fabulous Ewing Boys

Posted: 12/01/21 09:50
by bunniefuu
Last on Dallas:

I gave you the first one.
You don't get another.

Get the hell out of my office.

Don't underestimate me, J.R.

It's not gonna be
okay. Not for a while.

Not until the people who
k*lled April have been punished.

Mr. Ewing, you have the
right to contest the will.

No way.

Congratulations. Like April
said, you finally got what you want.

I won't be contesting the will.

Oh, my God.

- You son of a...
- I just want you to plant a bug...

in your husband's office.

He's your father, James.

- Are you sure you wanna do this to him?
- Yeah.

Johnny, Johnny, don't!

I said, get out.

I'm going to enjoy this, Mac.

You're never gonna
get rid of me, Liz.

I'm in your blood. LIZ: Maybe.

- Cliff? CONTROL:
It's me. Open the door.

- What are you doing here?
- How could you do it, Liz?

How could you screw
up 10 years' work?

- What are you talking about?
- Don't play with me.

Now, what the hell could he have done
to make you do something that stupid?

Look, either tell me what you're
talking about or get out of here.

Last night, Johnny
Dancer was shot to death...

up close and personal, and
I know damn well it was you.

Johnny's dead?


You blew it.

We had a perfect chance to finally
get Dancer and his whole rotten group...

and you couldn't wait.

I didn't k*ll him.

Oh, right. Right.

As far as I'm concerned,
you're finished.

I hope the cops get you for
this and put you away forever.

- I wanted Johnny nailed more than you did.
- You wanted him dead.

I wanted him in jail. My
whole career was riding on that.

Oh, well, I can kiss
that goodbye now.

Just like you can
kiss our help goodbye.

I'll see you on visiting day.

Well, you finally made it home. I'm
surprised you remember where you live.

What are you talking
about? I was at home all night.

We had a delightful dinner and
then listened to music for a while.

What is this, Mac? I went to
bed at 11 and you weren't there.

And believe me,
you're hard to miss.

Then you must have forgotten.

We've been together from 7:30 last
night until I left for work this morning.

And for the sake of your
continued well-being...

if anybody asks, that had
better be what you tell them.

I don't understand.

It's not necessary
for you to understand.

It's only necessary for you
to do what I'm telling you to.

Any questions?

Yeah. Why?

Because I told you to.

I'll see you tonight. Maybe
we'll go out for dinner.

Oh, my God.

- Good morning, Bobby.
- Kendall.

- Morning, Bobby.
- Hi.

Phyllis, is Breslin
in my office?

No, I'm sorry. He must
have missed you at the ranch.

He called to cancel the meeting.

He said something had come up and
he was flying out of town to follow up.

- Did he say what it was?
- No, just that he'd call back later.

- All right, he can get me at the ranch.
- Okay.

Can we talk for a minute, Bobby?

I heard all I wanted to out of
you at the reading of April's will.

I know, and I'm sorry. Truly.

I came here to apologize.

All right, you've apologized.

You really hate me, don't you?

Michelle, I don't feel one
way or the other about you.

You apologized, I accepted.
Now, what else do you want?

Maybe about five minutes
of your time. Please?

There are some things
I really wanna say.

All right, come on in.

I'm listening.

I don't blame you.

But you're not making this easy.

I know you don't think
much of me, Bobby.

I wasn't the sister
that April deserved.

But I loved her.

You have to believe that.

When I found out
that she was dead...

I guess I just
went a little crazy.

All I could think was
that it was your fault.

You married her,
you took her to Paris.

I wanted to get back at
you for what you'd done.

I was so blinded by
wanting revenge...

I never even thought about
how much you were hurting.

And then at the reading of the will
when you said to me what you did...

well, I realized
how wrong I was.

I understood that
you weren't to blame.


I want you to forgive me
for the things that I've said.

And maybe for April's
sake, we could befriends.

If it really matters to
you, then I forgive you.

I don't know why that should make
you feel any better, but if it does, fine.

Thank you.

There's one more thing.

I know about Sheila Foley.

I know that you're not just
gonna let her go, and I wanna help.

It's a very personal score I
have to settle with Sheila Foley.

Goodbye, Michelle.


No, Sly, it's J.R.
Would you let me in?


Thank you.

What do you want?

Well, I just wanna tell you...

that I don't blame you
for being upset at me.

I made a terrible mistake
firing you the way I did.


Well, look at the years
we've been together.

And you've been about as
loyal as anyone could expect.

Well, I've always tried.

What I'm trying to say is I want
you to come back to work for me.

It's just not the same
without you, Sly.

So would you come back?

Of course, J.R. I'd love
to work for you again.

Good. Be good having
somebody I can trust again.

What's the matter?


when you fired
me, I was really hurt.

And, um...

James convinced me to give
him some information about you.

What kind of information?

Nothing you'd
like. I'm sorry, J.R.

You know what he did with it?

- I know he went to Cliff.
- Oh, my God.

But Cliff wouldn't use it. He
thought it would hurt Bobby.

Well, this day is full of
surprises, that's for sure.

Listen, Sly, I need to know where
James is and I think you can tell me.

The boy's mama's in
town. She wants to see him.

It's real important.

He's working and living in a
motorcycle shop on Hillcrest.

You are kidding.

Well, I'm sure his mama
will be delighted to hear that.

All right. See you at
work tomorrow morning.

Oh, and one more thing.

If you have any more of that
information left, burn it, huh?


Yeah. Yeah.

Liz, what are you doing here?

They told me at the
house you'd be here.

I want you to know how
very sorry I am about April.

You didn't come all the way
out here just to tell me that.

No. Bobby, do you
know where Cliff is?

- No idea. Why?
- You're his closest friend.

He's taken off somewhere
and I have to find him.

Liz, I'm sorry if you and
Cliff had a falling out.

It's more than that.

I'm afraid Cliff might have
done something terrible.

Well, it's very complicated...

but I got Cliff involved in
something that's way over his head.

I think he might have m*rder*d
someone and skipped town.

Liz, I have no idea
where Cliff is, but I'll

tell you one thing,
he's not a m*rder*r.

If he's out of town, he's got a
good reason, and m*rder's not it.

Well, I think you
might be wrong.

Anyway, I have to find
him. Will you help me?

I have other things
on my mind. I'm sorry.

Hyah. Hyah. Hyah.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Oh, you look magnificent.

I've been thinking
about us all day.

About you and about James.

Heh, heh. And you
opened the door anyway?

- Mm. And even ordered dinner for us.
- Oh, wonderful, wonderful.

I'm sure things can't
be as bad as I imagined.

Once I've had a chance to talk
to James, we'll straighten it all out.

Well, I found out
where James is.

And I know you have to talk
to him, but before you do...

- well, there's a few things I wanna say.
- All right.

I don't know what James
is gonna tell you about me.

I have a feeling it's
not gonna be very good.

But don't let him
turn you against me.

He's young and, God love
him, he's strong and tough.

He doesn't need you anymore.


You frighten me, J.R. How
far has this gene between you?

I don't know what he expected of
me, but whatever it was I let him down.

Maybe it's because we
came together too late...

or maybe I just couldn't
take his disapproval anymore.

And what is it that he
disapproves of so much?

Well, I'm sure he'll be able
to tell you better than I could.

But when you talk to
him, remember this...

I loved you more than any
other woman in the world.

I do know that.

But no matter how
you see James...

I still see him as a vulnerable
little boy that I have to protect.

I love you both so much.

I hope the time doesn't come
when I have to choose between you.

Thanks, Charlie, I owe you
one. Call me when you know.


Miss Adams? This is Detective
Bussey of the Dallas Police Department.

Would you open the door, please?

Thank you, ma'am. May I come in?

Of course, but would you mind
telling me what this is about?

I believe you were involved
in a business transaction...

with a man named John Danzig.


I'm sure you know by now
Mr. Danzig's been k*lled.

I read about it.

What does that
have to do with me?

Well, apparently, Mr. Danzig
was rather new to Dallas...

and we wondered if you could shed
some light on what might've happened.

Our relationship
was strictly business.

I've been trying to sell
my brother's company...

and Mr. Danzig made
an offer which I accepted.

Yes, ma'am, that's what
Mr. Danzig's lawyers told us.

Did you see him often?

Two or three times.

But as I said, it was to
discuss the sale of my company.

Are you aware of any other friends or
acquaintances he might've had here?

I really knew very little
about him. I'm sorry.

That's all right. Just
take a minute and think.

Is there anyone he
might have mentioned?

Any other names that
sounded familiar to you?

I'd really like to help you,
but as I said, I know very little.

Well, just in case anything comes
to mind, you can reach me here.

Of course.

Thank you, ma'am.

Hello, James.

Hello, Mother. Fancy
seeing you here.

No kiss hello?

Oh, yeah, well,
I'm kind of greasy.

So, what do you think?

Not exactly what you had in mind
for me when you left here, is it?

Well, I don't know. As long as it
makes you happy, it's all right with me.

Well, I like it a lot better
than what I was doing.

And you?

Everything okay?

We're being very polite
and formal, aren't we?

I thought we'd warm up a little bit
before we started throwing the hard stuff.

Such as?

Well, obviously,
you've seen J.R.

How else would you
know where I was?

I thought when I saw J.R.
that I'd see you as well.

I had no idea you were
no longer at Ewing Oil.

Came as a shock, didn't it?

Well, on top of everything
else, I'm flat broke.

Bet you figured Daddy and I
would be running Texas by now.

Well, that would've been nice.

Well, life doesn't
always work out nice.

I mean, unless, of
course, you're J.R. Ewing.

I mean, look at it.
Cally dumps him...

and who walks back into his
life but his great long-lost love.

Was it an accident
or did he send for you?

No one sends for me, James.

I think I deserve a little
more respect than that.

Yeah, I guess you do.
But the timing is perfect.

What happened with you and J.R.?

What'd he tell you?

Well, he...

He took some of the blame.

But he didn't have much
good to say about you.

Yeah, I bet he didn't. Heh.

I'd like to hear your version.

It was probably a lot like his. I mean,
I wanted a father, he wanted a son.

- Neither of us get what we wanted.
- Why not?

We don't have anything
in common but you.

I think you see J.R. through
some kind of romantic haze.

You see the man you
fell in love with years ago.

I don't know what
he was like then...

but now he's a lying, cheating,
whoring, no-good bastard.

How sad.

Shall I tell you
something amusing?

Sure. Could use a good laugh.

When J.R. told me that he
and Cally had separated...

and before I knew
about the two of you...

I had this charming
vision of the three of us...

living together
happily ever after.

There isn't gonna be any happily
ever after. Not with him and me.

Are you going to make me
choose between the two of you?

Hell, no. Live with
him if you want.

Just don't marry him. I mean,
you'll find out what he's really like.

And then you'll run away from him,
just like Cally and his first wife did.

And if I decide to marry him?

Don't invite me to the wedding.

I get paid by the
hour around here.


- Goodbye, Mother.
- Goodbye, James.



Miss Adams.

Come on in.

What are you doing here?

You know the real
disadvantage to police work?

We have to do
everything by the book.

Criminals, they can do anything they
want. They don't have to worry about rules.

Burglars, for instance, don't get
search warrants, but we do, see?


Well, when our number-one
suspect is gone without a trace...

we think it's a good idea to check
and see if he left any clues behind.

That's ridiculous. Cliff
wouldn't k*ll anyone.


You know, there's two
schools of thought on that.

There's yours...
and there's ours.

Make yourself comfortable.
We need to have another talk.

You wanna check the bedrooms?
- Yes, sir.

If you need a drink,
just help yourself.

Why would I need a drink?

Because now I know a lot
more about Mr. Johnny Danzig...

also known as "Dancer,"
than I did last night.

It's not nice to lie to the police when
we're conducting an investigation.

- It's called an obstruction of justice.
- I didn't lie.

You also didn't tell the truth.

Like, for instance, you and Mr. Danzig
used to be quite an item in the old days.

Yes, ma'am.

Now you get yourself
a new boyfriend.

Maybe you were just
trying to protect him.

I don't have to protect
Cliff. He didn't do anything.

Nothing we can prove just yet...

but he got the living daylights kicked out
of him at the Oil Barons over some girl.

And then he threatened
to k*ll John Danzig.

Threatened to k*ll him.

And I'll just bet that
that girl was you.

Lots of people make threats
they don't intend to carry out.

Yes, ma'am. And on the
other hand, lots of them do.

I believe it's called
a crime of passion.

New boyfriend knocks off the old
boyfriend for the love of a woman.

Or maybe the two of you
worked out something together.

At any rate, we
sure have motive.

And until we find Mr. Barnes...

he's not in the clear and
you're not in the clear either.

So don't even think
about leaving town.

Larry, Judy.

Let's call it a day.

Miss Adams.


They told me at the
desk you were up here.

You know, I was gonna have my
florist fill this suite full of flowers.

Then I thought it might make me look guilty
of something, so I just brought you this.

How'd it go with James?

Not well.

He really has turned
his back on you.

Now I'm in the very
position I didn't want.

Having to choose.

You won't have to, I promise.
Somehow, I'll make it right between us.

It's more than that.

He suggested I live with you
to find out what you're like.

He said the real you
would surface soon enough.

- Did he tell you what the real me is?
- Nothing very good.

Including the fact that
you cheated on Cally...

which, after my experience
in Vienna, rather surprised me.

Well, it's true.

I stayed faithful to
her for a long time.

And then the time came when, for
Ewing Oil, I had to bed someone...

to keep the company
from going under, and I did.

More than once.

And Cally found out?

Yeah, she did.

But that wasn't the real
problem between us.

The point is I cheated
on my wives. Both of them.

And you know why?

Because they weren't you.

You're the only woman in the world I'd
ever stay true to for the rest of my life.

And as for James...

I'm gonna do everything in my power
to make sure we get back together again.

That I also promise.

Excuse me, could you tell
me where I'd find Bobby Ewing?

Right in there, ma'am. - Thanks.


Liz, what do you want from me?

I was at Cliff's apartment
and the police were there.

He's their number-one suspect.

No matter what they
think, he didn't k*ll anybody.

And I still don't
know where he is.

You don't give a damn, do
you? I thought he was your friend.

He is. What do
you want me to do?

You know a lot more
about Cliff than I do.

Is there some relative or friend
of his he could be hiding out with?

He doesn't have any family.

Would you help me
if I could help you?

Help me what?

Find Sheila Foley.

What do you know
about Sheila Foley?

Just that she's the
woman you're looking for.

I have government contacts. Maybe
I can find out something you can't.

Why would you have
government contacts?

There's a lot more to looking for
Cliff than just a m*rder, isn't there?

Not exactly. It's
very complicated.

Well, why don't you
simplify it for me?

All right. It all started when I was
living in New York a long time ago.

I met a man named Johnny Dancer.

I'm Detective Bussey of
the Dallas Police Department.

I wonder if I might have a
few minutes of your time?

You certainly may. Come on in.

Is it about anything
in particular?

Just a couple of questions
about John Danzig.

Uh, sit down.

No, thank you.

Danzig. Isn't he the guy
that was shot at the Quorum?

That's right. We know he was
moving into the oil industry...

and we wondered if you knew him.

I had a meeting with him. He
came to my offices at Westar.

For what purpose?

Just a general meeting about
the health of the oil industry. Why?

We're talking to everybody
who had contact with Mr. Danzig.

How did Mr. Danzig
represent himself to you?

I don't understand.

As an individual? Or perhaps
fronting a financial group?

As an individual, wasn't that
true? Hello, darling. Come on in.

This is Detective, uh...

- Bussey.
- Bussey.

- Pleased to meet you, ma'am.
- Detective, is something wrong?

No, just some routine questions.
Except for one rather peculiar thing.

We have witnesses that say they saw
you, Mr. McKay, leaving the Quorum Hotel...

shortly after the
sh**ting occurred.

That is strange. I was
nowhere near the place.

May I ask where you
were last Tuesday night?

Where I am most
nights. Tell him, darling.

Here, with me.

- All night?
- From about 7 or so.

We had some dinner and...

We listened to some music
and we went on up to bed.

I see.

Then obviously, the
witnesses were mistaken.


Thank you for your
time. Mrs. McKay.

McKAY: You're very welcome.

Have a nice day.

Thank you, sir.

What the hell is
going on here, Mac?

Were you there?
Did you k*ll that man?

I was right here with you,
darling. Just like you told the police.

It was just a case
of mistaken identity.



- Hey, Kendall, how you doing?
- Fine. How are you doing?

- Ah, never better.
- Good.

Hey, Jackie, bet you don't have
any messages for me, do you?

Nope. I think everyone knows
you don't work here anymore.

It's hard to keep a
secret in this town.

Well, looky who does
work here, though.

- J.R. had a change of heart, right?
- That's right.

Oh, and I bet he gave you that nice
bonus he promised you in the letter too.

I don't owe you
any explanations.

I'm just surprised
it took him this long.

He's get someone
in there with him.

Oh, I won't be a moment.

And don't bother calling
security. I'm not gonna hurt him.

Morning, Daddy.

My, look at all
the pretty stones.

You're being a little
premature, aren't you?

John, would you mind stepping
into the outer office, please?

I'd like to speak to my son.

- Of course.
- Thank you.

You're still a married man.

Are you that sure my
mother's gonna say yes?

Are you so sure she's not?

Now, I don't have
your vast experience...

but I do know that women
can be mighty changeable.

Anyway, I just came over here to
congratulate you on your thoroughness.

And on hiring Sly back.

No wonder you knew
I had that information...

and had to get your hands on it.

I could hardly have you walking around town
with a loaded g*n pointed at me, could I?

It didn't matter much. Nobody
in Dallas wanted it anyway.

I'll just have to think
of something else.


Hasn't this gene on long enough?

I mean, no matter how I feel
about you or you feel about me...

we both love your mother.

Isn't that reason enough
to bury the hatchet?

Is it? I know I love
her, but somehow I get

the feeling that the
only person you love...

is the one you see in the
mirror when you shave.

So be it. You're still a smug brat walking
around with your head in the clouds.

I'm gonna marry your mama no
matter what the hell you think, boy.

I wouldn't buy that ring
just yet. You never know.

All right, go back to
your motorcycle shop...

and your dirty fingernails
and your cat in the back room.

I hope you'll be happy.

Well, thanks very much, Daddy.
Your blessing's what I came for.

And I'd like to wish you all
the happiness you wish me.

But not with my mother.

Oh, Cally.

Thank you so much for coming.
I really needed to talk to you.

- I suppose you did.
- Sit down.

I want you to know that I'm truly
sorry that you and J.R. didn't work out.

And that I had no idea there
was trouble when I came here.

I believe that.

Is it James you wanna
talk about or J.R.?

I'm not sure.

I've stepped into the
middle of a maelstrom.

There are so many
conflicting stories.

So many different
reasons for what happened.


What went wrong
with you and J.R.?

Are you sure you
really wanna know?

Well, I suppose it was bound to
happen from the day we got married.

I mean, we never did
have anything in common.

But I did everything I
could to try to make it work.

I truly loved him
with all my heart...

but after a while, I just
couldn't live with how he was.

And I knew that he
was cheating on me.

It's funny, Sue Ellen,
J.R.'s first wife...

warned me what was gonna happen,
but I just wouldn't believe her then.

I guess J.R. just never
really did love me enough.

I'll be divorcing him soon.

Has he asked you to marry him?

No. Not yet.

What are you gonna
do when he does?

I don't know.

I want to, but...

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid it might destroy us.

Maybe not. Maybe you're the one
that could make it work with him.

I think you're the woman that he
measured all the rest of us against...

and we all fell short.

You're the one that
has what he wants.

Well, I'm not so
sure about that...

but I do have his child.

Yeah, but so do I...

You're pregnant?

And J.R. doesn't know?

No, and you better
dare not tell him.

But, Cally, don't you think
he has a right to know?

Did you think he had a
right to know about James?

Look, you better hope for both
our sakes that he never finds out...

because if he does,
he'll come after my child...

and nothing, and I mean nothing on
God's green earth will be able to stop him.

Not even you.

Yeah? BOBBY: It's Bobby Ewing.

Come on in.

Michelle, I...

I know that you can love
somebody without really showing it.

I guess maybe you and April
had a relationship like J.R. and I.

And I realize that losing
her must have hurt you too.

It did.

But thanks for saying that.

I don't want us to
be enemies, Bobby.

I haven't been able to find
Sheila Foley yet, but I will.

- But when I do, I may need your help.
- I'll be here, I promise.

Does that mean you're
staying here in Dallas?

Maybe. I don't know.

I mean, just being here
at April's seems to help.

And I talk to Mama every day.
I'm sending her these things.

It's hard, isn't it?

Talking about her things.

Makes me wanna cry.

I'm sure they're very
important to your mama.

April has a few
things out at Southfork.

Maybe your mama would
like to have those too.

I'm sure she would.

Anytime you'd like to stop
by and pick them up, it's okay.

Thank you, Bobby. If it's
okay, I'll stop by tonight.

Fine. I'll be there.

McKAY : Get out
of my office, Dancer.

Or “Danzig,” or whatever your
name happens to be this week.

Not bad.

I haven't even made my first
move, you're already sweating.

McKAY: 1 said, get out.

JOHNNY“. 1 will for now.

The first thing that
gets changed...

is this office.

I thought you had
better taste, Mac.

McKAY: You make one move
to take over my company...

you're a dead man.


I wonder what McKay would
give to get a hold of this.

How sweet it is.

- Here you go, Clayton.
- Thank you.

- Here's to a safe trip.
- Mm.

Anything you boys want
me to tell your grandma?

Tell her we love her.

And we miss her, and
to come on back home.

Hey, we're having too
much fun just to rush back.

You boys will do all right on
your own for a while, right, Bobby?

I think they'll survive.
What time's your flight?

Ten in the morning.

Hi. I hope I'm not
disturbing anything.

This is Clayton Farlow,
my son, Christopher...

Christopher, stand
up... and John Ross.

- This is April's sister, Michelle.
- Hi.

- I'm real sorry about your sister.
- Me too.

Thank you. I guess it's
been bad for all of us.

Are you going to stay
and have dinner with us?

I'd love to, but I just came by
to pick up some of April's things.

Oh, yeah.

They're upstairs.
Excuse me, boys.

- They're upstairs. I'll show you.
- Okay.

- I was worried about you.
- I'm sorry.

Oh, as long as you're
here. The table's ready.

Would you mind if we sat at
the bar, J.R.? I'm not very hungry.

Of course not.

I'll have another one of these
and a glass of white wine, please.

I tried to call you.
Were you out shopping?

No, I had lunch with Cally.


About anything in particular?

I needed to know, J.R...

what happened between your
honeymoon in Vienna and now.

I told you what
happened, Vanessa.

I know, and Cally said
many of the same things.

But there were other things.

She'd hardly be
unbiased towards me.

She was a lot kinder towards
you then I might have been.

I wonder if we still love each
other after all these years...

because we've never
been together. We've...

We've always had this
bittersweet romance.

Parting before we got
to know one another.

I don't buy that, Vanessa.

I loved you from the day I met
you. Nothing could change that.

Unless you feel differently.

It's so complicated, J.R.

There's so many
things to consider.

I know how important
children are to you, and if we...

If we do marry, we could never
have another child together.

We may not even have
our own son with us.

I know that, and
children are important...

but nothing's more
important to me than you are.

I was sitting here thinking
of all the wasted years.

If I'd known you were pregnant,
I would never have let you go.

I'd have followed you
to the ends of the earth.

And we could have
had those years together.

- Could we make it an early night?
- Are you all right?

- No, I don't feel at all well.
- I'll take you home.

No, no, it's all
right. I have my car.

Vanessa, don't go like this.

I have a lot to think about.

Don't worry, we'll talk soon.

I think this is all of it.

I still feel strange about this.

There's no need to.

Hello. Yeah, speaking.

You did?

I'll be down there first
thing in the morning.

They know where Sheila Foley is.

- Where?
- In Odessa.

- She went back there for some reason.
- Take me with you.

Bobby, please.

I'll try and book a flight. Otherwise,
we'll drive down right away.

- Hi, Dad.
- Hi, son, how you doing?

Okay. Clayton's leaving
to see Grandma tomorrow.

Oh, wonderful.

Any message you
want me to give her?

Yeah, tell her I wish
she was still single.

- J.R., don't start with me.
- You were a lot of trouble...

when you moved in.
I'll be glad you're gone.

I don't know what's bugging
you, but don't take it out on me.

What's bugging me is you
are in business with McKay.

I'm not. I decided not to
go into partnership with him.

Oh, yeah? Well, that's the first
good news I've heard tonight.

It's not all good news. I gave
him control of my voting rights.

You what? You just gave him the
right of way to destroy Ewing Oil.

He's not going to
touch Ewing Oil.

- How do you know that?
- We have an agreement.

You have an agreement? Boy,
you are as dumb as you are big.

- J.R., not in front of the boys.
- They're entitled to know...

what kind of a traitor
their grandmother married.

I'm gonna take you apart right now.
- No!

Clayton, J.R., knock
it off. New stop it!

It's another fight about the business.
- stay out of this.

- This man's helping destroy Ewing Oil.
- He'll save me the trouble.

- We're talking about Daddy's company.
- J.R., I just buried my wife...

because of the oil business.
It's time I buried Daddy too.

- You don't know what you're talking about.
- I'm driving to Odessa tonight.

When I get back,
I'm selling Ewing Oil.



Next on Dallas:

You might wanna tell me what
you're planning to do with Sheila.

If you don't have the
guts to take her down, I do.

- Talk to Bobby, convince him he's wrong.
- I'm here to open the books for buyers.

Please, call me LeeAnn.

After all, this is our
get-to-know-you meeting.

Oh, God, no.

That's her, in the wheelchair.

Ewing Oil's perfect. No
stockholders, no proxy fights.